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Electric Installation
Operation Manual
Control Board KYM0860E301
Chapter 1 Installation instruction .................................................................................................................... 2 
1  General regulations.............................................................................................................................................. 2 
2   Preparation before installation ...................................................................................................................... 2 
3   Rechecking construction dimensions. ............................................................................................................. 3 
4   Escalator lifting, transporting assembling and locating ...................................................................... 4 
5   Checking and adjusting drive system .............................................................................................................. 7 
6  Checking and adjusting step .............................................................................................................................. 9 
7   The adjustment and operation testing of pectin ...................................................................................... 11 
8  Back out of the step .......................................................................................................................................... 11 
9  Anti-sag step........................................................................................................................................................ 12 
10  Front plate ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 
11  Handrail system installation and debug .................................................................................................. 13 
12  Step illustrate and warning ........................................................................................................................ 16 
13  Escalator support ............................................................................................................................................ 17 
14  Escalator control and electrical parts .................................................................................................. 17 
15  Debug ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 
16  Test running. .................................................................................................................................................... 20 
17  Check and Inspection. .................................................................................................................................... 20 
18  Delivery and use .............................................................................................................................................. 20 
19  A u t o - e s c a l a t o r i n s t a l l a t i o n p r o c e s s t a b l e ......................................................................... 21 
20  Installation t o o l t a b l e ........................................................................................................................... 21 
21  Escalator section connection installation instruction .................................................................... 22 
Chapter 2 Maintenance Manuel .............................................................................................................................. 23 
1   G e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n a b o u t e s c a l a t o r s ....................................................................................... 23 
2   Escalator main structure .................................................................................................................................. 24 
3   Safe operation and use of escalators .......................................................................................................... 29 
4   Management of escalators .................................................................................................................................. 29 
5   S e rious effect after escalator happens serious errors ....................................................................... 29 
6   Maintenance standard of escalators .............................................................................................................. 29 
7   Key points of maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 29 
8  E scalator lubrication ....................................................................................................................................... 36 
9  Escalator maintenance spare parts should be prepared .......................................................................... 38 
10  Elimination of common malfunction ............................................................................................................ 38 
11  Maintenance notice .......................................................................................................................................... 40 
Escalator lubrication chart
Slim figure of armrset installation
Ordinary armrest installation drawing

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Chapter 1 Installation instruction
1 General regulations
1 . 1 T h e instruction manua l is applicable to installation esca l a t o r s .
1.2 Installation methods in the manual are general installation
methods at present, detailed installation requirements are
instructed in details in the manual. If the construction dimensions
a n d requirements diff er with our series escalators, please c o n t act
o u r technicians for measures in time.
1 . 3 G e neral escalator in stallation process.(Picture 1)
Retest construction and correcting positioning → upper part
calibration standard→ lower part calibration standard→ po w e r t h e
control cabinet → cl ear and lubricating the parts → ste p t r i a l
operation → traction machine driving system inspection → guide
rail system inspection → inspection of step tension → handrail
system installation → handrail trial operation → inspection of
handrail tension→ install upper and lower front plate→ install
inspection pedal security device inspection → testing(machine)
→ speed adjust of handrail and step→ match adjust of pedal and
comb→ interval adjust between step and skirts→ non-loading brake
distance adjust → testing(electricity) → switch of all safety
device are proper fired→ insulating property inspection→ clear
and lubricating again→ upper and down operation each for one hour
→ inspection during installation→ acceptance inspection→ bring
to service
1.4 The debugging after installation should be done by skilled and
e x perienced installers.
1.5 The electric system should be done and debugged before product
d e livery.
2 Preparation before installation
2 . 1 P e rsonnel arrangemen t:
Generally, installation team should be made of 4 personnel,
i n c luding one skilled tongs installer and one electrical ins t a l l e r .
2 . 2 I n stallation charger and user represent should open prod u c t b o x
a n d check all parts a nd documents and learn about paramete r s l i ke
t h e escalator width, rise height, inclination degree and w h e t h e r
t h e upper and down h orizontal points comply with the dra w i n g o r
n o t. Water is forbidden in the bottom pit, the side walls o f p i t
s h ould be vertical an d convex-concave is forbidden. If err o r s a r e
found after checking, user and related departments should be
i n formed in time and corrections should be done timely.
2 . 3 When installing escalators, scaffolding should be set up at each
s i de to make side inst allation easier. Safety hat, safety b e l t and
t o ols bag should be o n. When doing work related to electric , t h e r e
s h ould be at least 2 persons together, the power switch sh o u l d b e
t a ken care of by certa in person. If someone must go to machi n e beam
f o r a d j u s t m e n t , t h e m a i n p o w e r m u s t b e s w i t c h e d o f f , a n d t h e c er t a i n
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person should keep there to avoid accidents. Before testing,
u n related persons should be advised of leaving and there s h o u l d
b e a notice “ NO PASS, KEEP AWAY!” at the upper and lower en t r a n ce.
B e fore testing, personnel should make sure there are no r e m a i n s
o r other wastes left in the machine beam, electric could be o n after
e v erything is OK! When taking escalator into its place, pe r s o n n e l
s h ould make sure its center point and put it at its place s t e a d ily
a n d carefully to avoid distorting machine beam.
2 . 4 The lighting for installation should be provided by user with
v o ltage less than 36V and the lighting is not less than 3 u n i t s
f o r one escalator. The required lighting should be taken t o t h e
machine room and installation site to make sure normal installa tion
p r ocess.
2 . 5 I f gas cutting and electric welding is needed, it should b e d o n e
b y professionals and there should be out-fire equipment.
3 Rechecking construction dimensions.
3 . 1 Rechecking construction dimensions should be done before
i n stallation, it should be done strictly according to const r u c t ion
d r awing.
3.2 The upper and lower horizontal points should be rechecked, and
p e rsonnel should be make sure the horizontal length comp l y w i t h
c o nstruction drawing or not, and stage size, preset and hor i z o n tal
l e ngth meet requirements or not.
3 . 3 The most important testing is to test whether “ H” matches with
t h e provided drawing from manufacturer ’ s requirements H ± 5MM.
Vertical height H (travelling height) is final floor distance a fter
d e coration. The vertical height could be measured by lifti n g l e a d
b a ll. If the H can not meet requirements of the drawing, th e c i vil
engineering should take measures to solve it immediately.
( Drawing2)

Final grade inclucling

decoration surface
Escalator width/2
Upper center

Final grade inclucling decoration surface

Support innerside
Down center

Pit innerside

Drawing 2 retest construction

3 . 4 F i n d the escalator installation center 0.0′ at the upper an d l o w er

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undertaking beam and mark it and also mark A′ B′ at undertaking
b e a m c e n t e r , a n d m e a s u r e h o r i z o n t a l l e n g t h L a t t h e 3 p o i n t s w hi c h
should meet the drawing requirements and the beam stage width
1 7 00mm should meet layout drawing requirements to ensure t h e s a m e
h o rizontal distance at width, and the allowable error sh o u l d b e
l e ss than shown in the drawing. ( See drawing 2)
3 . 5 U p per and lower undertaking beam is near escalator inner, it s h ould
b e vertical and horiz ontal within 1200mm, the wall should n o t b e
u n even. ( See drawing 2)
3 . 6 E s calator constructi on with pit should meet requirements o f 3 . 3 、
3 . 4、 3.5, and pit dimensions should comply with the length , w i d t h
a n d depth of pit in the drawing during rechecking. The pit c e n t e r
line should be parallel with undertaking beam center line. Pit
c o uld not be skew or u neven obviously and there should be no w a ter.
3 . 7 D u ring retesting, personnel should check whether there is p r o v i ded
s t e e l a t p e d e s t a l s i t a s i n t h e d r a w i n g , t h e f i n a l t e r r a c e b e t we e n
provided steel surface and floor s u r f a c e i s 135±5mm, provided
s t eel should be horizontal and its edge should be at the sam e l evel
w i th pit and undertaking beam, and can not be out of unde r t a k i n g
b e am and should not be skew.
4 Escalator lifting, transporting assembling and locating
4 . 1 E s c alator lifting and locating should be down by profession a l t eam
and transporter should also meet escalator transportation
r e quirements. Generally, escalator would be transported as w h o l e,
but taking height and length into consideration, the truss would
b e too long to be taken into site, escalator could be disco n n e c t e d
t o be transported wh ich must be confirmed by customer.
4 . 2 A s et of special rope for lifting is equipped with escalator b e f o r e
delivery, located at the four corners of truss. Lifting positio n
i s certain and could not be changed casually.( See drawi n g 3 )

Drawing 3-1 proper lifting method Drawing 3-2 wrong lifting method

4 . 3 I f making truss disco nnection, connected truss should be us e d . And

lifting points are still at hand-lifting position; the other end
s h ould be lifted at tr uss connection to avoid distortion of t r u ss.
4 . 4 When transporting disconnected escalator, escalator would
generally be disconnected into upper, middle and lower parts. We
only make upper and middle parts when the truss too long to be
t r ansported. If the middle part is very long, the discon n e c t i o n
is allowed. However, disconnection would be decided when user
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p l acing the order. (See drawing 4)

Drawing 4-1 Drawing 4-2

4 . 5 When escalator is disconnected and transported together,
u n dertaking beam shou ld be set up, and it is allowed at ea c h s i de
of escalator truss, but there should be horizontal connecting c hain
a t upper end of the un dertaking beam to undertake the total w e i g h t
o f disconnected truss and should be fixed. Wooden material s h o u l d
b e used between truss and undertaking beam to avoid movement d u ring
t r ansportation. (See drawing 4-2)
4 . 6 A s sembling
1 ) T he parted truss should be connected as a whole at insta l l a t i o n
site, please refer to drawing 5, the locating beam should
connect another locating hole and please note the truss could
not impact each o ther to avoid damage. Finally fix th e s c r e w
bolts to connect them.

Drawing 5 combination and piece together mounting

2 ) During assembling, the vertical and horizontal degree o f t r u s s

connection should be checked and could be adjusted by adjusting
pad. The truss con nection should be very close; the gap s h o u l d
be less than 0.05 mm, the vertical gap also less than 0 . 0 5 m m .
3 ) After installing st ep guide rail, step traction chain sh o u l d b e
connected and tension should be adjusted at the first stage.
4 . 7 W h en moving the escal ator horizontally, there should be s l e e p e r ,
rolling drum or stick under it and the movement should be
s l ow.(Drawing6、 7、 8 )

Drawing 6 horizontal moving method

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Drawing 7 proper moving method

Drawing 8 wrong moving method

4 . 8 P u tting escalator in its place:

1 ) Move escalator to its place( see drawing 9), It is escalator
drawing with pit .

Drawing 9 escalator positioning

2) The upper end sho uld be lifted before the whole escalat o r b e i n g
taken to the undertaking beam, storm rail must be used. During
lifting upper side, the lower part should be loosened slowly,
the upper rise slowly and the lower part decrease s l o w l y .
( Drawing 10)

Drawing 10 upper part lifting

3) The escalator must be higher than the upper and lower
undertaking beam and at the same line and then put it slowly
on the undertaki ng beams, and the escalator center sh o u l d b e
same with center of construction drawing( Drawing 11) . The
distance between escalators in parallel should be even. The
gaps between escalator upper and lower part and undertaking
beam upper and lower part should be same, installation filling
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panel should be put when putting escalator. After installing
adjustable bolt, rubber panel should be under steel p a n e l .
( Drawing 12)

Drawing 11 height of escalator before positioning

Filling block

Filling block

Drawing 12 highest positioning place for escalator

4 . 9 E s calator horizontal adjustment:
1 ) Escalator step surface should be a little higher than floor
surface to avoid water flowing into machine beam. Height
adjusting could be achieved by putting steel pad and steel pads
should be welded with provided steel for undertaking b e a m .
2 ) After adjusting esc alator floor distance, horizontal meas u r e m e n t
should be made between trusses 200X200 steel angles. The
horizontal degree of upper, middle and lower steps c o u l d a l s o
b e m e a s u r e d . F o r b e a m m e a s u r e a t e a c h s i d e , p e r s o n n e l c o u l d a l so
test vertical degree of upper, middle and lower steps. The
allowable error for escalator horizontal degree is less than
3 ) After adjusting escalator horizontal and vertical degree,
screwing bolts should be fixed and recheck other parts for
5 Checking and adjusting drive system
5 . 1 The whole escalator would be debugged and inspected before deli very.
B e cause of transportation, handrail would be taken off to t h e s ite;
o t her parts should be operated after total inspection at s i t e .
5 . 2 T r action machine See drawing 13.
M a c h ine is located at the upper part in the machine room. Ge n e r ator
1 would function junction box 2 which would function speed gove rnor
3. Speed governor 3 would function main driving axis by functio n i n g
c h ain wheel 4 and drive chain 5 to function steps. There is b r a king
a t t he generator upper end, the gap between braking wheel and b r a k i n g
declutch should be less than 0.7mm and braking switch should wo rk,
and generator can not be used if the braking is not released . B r a k i n g
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for drive system should have enough brake torque and braking
distance should be adjusted to 0.20-1.00mm according to empty load,
l o a d running.
5 . 3 T h ere should be appropriate tension for tension device, an d t h e r e
s h o uld also be protect ion device for step chain broken. The t e n sion
a d j ustment should be done according to practical situation o f s tep
r u n ning.(see drawing 14)
1. motor
2. coupling
3. reducer 1
4. chain wheel
5. driving chain 2

Drawing 13

Distance on Tension spring

h o r i zontal moving H≤ 6000mm length after
steps compression X
H≤ 4000mm 145mm
800mm 4000< H< 6000mm 140mm
H:6000mm 135mm
Distance on Tension spring
h o r i zontal moving H4000~ 10000mm length after
steps compression X
H< 4000mm 145mm
4000< H< 6000mm 140mm
1200mm H:6000mm 135mm
6000< H<
Drawing 14
5 . 4 D r i ving system
1 ) S y s t em includes traction machine, control box, handrail d r i v i n g ,
step chain and so on. Upper and lower landing plate should be re m o v e d
and control box could be taken out for the convenience of mainte n a n c e .
( D r a wing 15)

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1. Control box
2. Driving axle

Drawing 15 driving system

2 ) C h e c king each chain tension and machine output axis duplex c h a i n,

machine foundation bolt could be released first and adjusting b o l t
would push machine out in order to adjust the tension of duplex c h a i n .
Duplex chain tension should be appropriate; the drooping of duple x
chain should be less than 15mm and main-drive broken pro t e c t i o n
switch should be adjusted to function. As for chain tension of
h a n d rail rotating axis, adjusting bolts on side panel of h a n d r a il
axis should be adjusted, and the chain drooping should be less than
10mm, at this moment, 3 steps and chain cover should be removed. W h e n
adjusting the chain tension, the parallel of chain and chain wheel
s h o u ld be checked at the same time.
6 Checking and adjusting step
(drawing 16)
S teps are connected b y 2 specialized wheel chain, the whee l o u t e r
is made of polyurethane, the inside is sliding ball axis so tha t the
n o i s e between sliding ball and chain wheel could be avoided . T h e r e
i s p r o j e c t i n g p i n r o l l a t t h e t h i r d c h a i n l i n k , a n d t h e p i n r o ll i s
u s e d t o connect step axi s. Steps are fixed on the step axis by n y l o n ,
s i d e faxing is by gripper.

A、step body

B、step wheel

C、guide block

Drawing 16 step

6 . 1 S t eps are running in loop and nylon block is installed at ea c h side.

I f the nylon direction block is damaged, then steps will bu m p s t e p
guide rail and step could also friction skirting panel. So the
s i tuation of nylon d irection block should be checked reg u l a r l y ,
p e rsonnel should take 3 of them for testing. The block th i c k n e s s
s h ould be 7-0.2mm. Please refer to 17, the block must be c h a n g e d
i f the damage is up to 1.2mm and other step direction block s h o uld
b e checked irregularl y in the lower machine room. At each s i d e o f
step, the one-side gap between skirting panel and step direction
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b l ock should not be more than 0.4mm, if necessary, skirtin g p a n el
o r steps could be adjusted.

Drawing 17 step guide block

6 . 2 C h e cking and adjusti ng steps matching combs .( drawing 1 8 )

1. Guide board
2. Comb plate safety contact
3. Comb
4. pedal

Drawing 18 steps matching combs

1) Combs are located at the entrance of escalator; the front combs

a r e fixed by screw m atching all step grooves.
2 ) There are direction panel at each side of combs and comb safety
s w itch at end (comb w astes protection). When there is wast e a t the
c o n n e c t i o n o f s t e p a n d c o m b g r o o v e s , t h e c o m b s w o u l d m o v e b a c k w ard
to make the comb switch off and then the escalator would stop
r u nning.
3) Checking and adjusting the matching situation between comb ends
and direction panel: the gaps at comb sides should be less than
0.4mm; the comb could move backward smoothly; there should be
e n o u g h l u b r i c a t i o n i n t h e d i r e c t i o n p a n e l g r o o v e a f t e r a d j u s t i ng
b o lts at each direct ion panel.
4 ) C h e c k i n g w h e t h e r t h e s t e p s m a t c h w i t h t h e c o m b s ( d r a w i n g 1 9 ) , th e
tooth matching depth should be more than 6mm. When step and com b
grooves are matching, the vertical distance from step surface to
c o mb groove bottom s hould be less than 4mm.

1. Skirt
2. Comb grooves
3. Step

Drawing 19 inspection of matching between step and comb and guide wheel

5 ) T h ere is breaking poi nt when designing and manufacturing c o m b s t o

avoid damaging steps. Combs should be changed immediately when
f i nding mistakes.
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6 ) I n stallers should che ck whether step matches with the combs d u r ing
escalator running. If there is no side thrust, the reason may be
t h e step guide block has been damaged or the step guide whee l n eeds
t o be adjusted.
7 The adjustment and operation testing of pectin
(see drawing 20)

1. comb plate

2. comb
3. foreign body protective switch of comb

Drawing 20 adjust of comb and protective switch

7 . 1 T h e upper and lower l anding plate should be removed when c h e c k i ng
c o mbs. When there is 100kg force at the same level, the com b w a ste
s w itch should work and escalator stops running.
7.2 Sometimes there is no spring testing device to the adjusted
o p eration force of co mb. Since the free movement of combs s h o u l d
b e kept checking, the following checking should be done:
A . Remove 2 pieces co mbs;
B . Put a screw betwee n left and right step in front of co m b s ;
C . R otate flywheel on t he motor (release braking hand-turning g e a r ) ;
D . Combs should move and can operate switch;
E . When hand-wheel mo ve backward, the combs should return t o i t s
n o rmal position and t he switch will be back manually.
7 . 3 C h e cking and adjusti ng wasting protection switch of comb s .
There are two switches for each comb (upper and lower part), swi t c h
a n d adjustment thing s hould be very close to each other with o u t gap.
The switch closing distance is 2-3.5mm, any one switch is off, and
e s calator would stop running.
8 Back out of the step
(see drawing 21) 1. Step chain

2. Turning wall

3. Step

4. Comb

5. Comb plate

6. Step assistant wheel

Drawing 21 Step backing out

8 . 1 S t ep backing out shou ld process in the machine room, joggl i n g t he

move out step to the appointed position, need special operator
c o ntrol maintenance c ontrol switch, three steps should ma r k e d b y
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r e d paint.
8 . 2 U s e the marking awl mark the position of the step axe cover i n t h e
a x e, loose the clamp bolt, push the clamp and step axe c o v e r t o
t h e step chain, retre at the step, and lift the step out of t h e s t e p
guide rail from the opening of turning wall. ( see drawing 21
a r rowhead)
8 . 3 A f ter back out step, re-install only do the contrary orders. B e fore
s c rew down the bolt, put the step aim at the axe, screw dow n c l a m p
s c rew, slowly and car efulness running down steps, please ch e c k the
s t ep and comb joggling.
9 Anti-sag step
9 . 1 F o r protecting step d istort even break and damage some othe r p a rts
f r om long time running, so there is installing anti-sag de v i c e in
t h e up and down part. See Drawing 22, as soon as happened t h e s t e p
s a gging or breaking, protect switch will cut off the circuit p o wer,
l e t the escalator stop.
9 . 2 T h e hit bar vertical height is adjustable, when the step n o r m a l
r u nning, the step arch kick plate can pass 5±0.50mm over h i t b a r

1. Sagging protect switch

2. Step pedal
3. Step Arc pedal
4. Step assistant wheel
5. Counter hail of step
6. Step main wheel
7. Main rail of step
8. Step chain
9. Comb plate
Drawing 22 step sagging protect device

10 Front plate
10.1 In the up and down machine room of the escalator is covered by
p r e-mold plate. In the face of the plate there is an ant i - s l i d e
layer, the pattern can be selected by customers, for easy
installation and maintenance remove and carry, the front plate
d i vided to be two parts.
10.2 Before release the front plate, put the particular tool insert
t o the pre-set hole, lift the plate and back out (Drawin g 2 3 ) .

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1. Cover plate(small)
2. Cover plate(big)
3. Hook piece of cover plate
4. Adjustable stay-bolt

Drawing 23 front plate

11 Handrail system installation and debug

1 1 . 1 Handrail system is s upporting passenger’ s hand, and hand r a i l i s
c i rcle movement, have system parts.
1 1 . 2 Because of the limit transport, whole handrail system can’ t out
of factory (except condition permits), there have two handrail
system installation, first in factory, assembly debug, test,
r e lease the case, the second step is over in the site fina l l y , it
i s a system assembly project.
1 1 . 3 Handrail makes up of handrail driver, panel, balustrade, h a n d r a i l
e n trance protection, skirt panel, inner outside panel, up a n d d own
t u rning parts.
1 1 . 4 Handrail is supplied for passenger hand, the speed need same wit h
s t ep running, the han drail running speed should ahead step r u n n ing
s p eed 0-2.0% is achieved by adjust handrail driver.
1 1 . 5 Handrail drive syst em (check drawing 24) is drive handra i l m o v e
c i rcle.

1. screw
2. compression spring
3. belt chain
4. friction wheel
5. handrail
6. bolt
7. tension rod
8. locknut
Drawing 24 Handrail drive system
9. nut

1 ) Handrail is driven by friction wheel 4 which have rubber wheel h o o p ,

handrail tightness is depend on nut 8 on the tension bar 7, and also
let the press belt chain 3 impact the handrail 5. Pinch tension i s
a d j u s t ed by tension screw 1.
2 ) Handrail and pinch chain tension should suitable, then the frict i o n
wheel will take the handrail running normal, at the same time, only
put quite big human force will let the handrail stop, pinch tension
is depend on spring2, when operate the tension bar 7, need relea s e
i n c l i n e c o v e r a n d i n n e r c o v e r , l o o s e t h e s c r e w 6 , a n d n u t 8 , a nd u s e
n u t 9 to adjust tension bar, after adjustment, don’ t forget to t i g h t e n
nut 8.
3 ) There is installed handrail break protection switch at every do wn part
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s e e d r awing25, when the handrail over stretch or break off, to u ch the
hit bar of the protection switch, protect switch active, stop t he
escalator. As soon as cut any one of the two protection switches i n
t h e b o th sides, the powe r will be cut off.
4 ) A t t h e entrance of the ha ndrail, installed finger protection s w itches
(see drawing 26), when some objects or kid fingers put into the e n t r a n c e
o f t h e handrail, will touc h the protection switch and let the e s c a l a t o r
s t o p , when objects stock from the R direction, handrail directi on part
rubber will press switch4, cut off the escalator. In this case, it will
nip the hand, avoid the incident. After exclude the fault, handrail
direction part will back to the former position in the operation of
t h e s p ring 3.

1. Switch
2. B u c k i n g b a r
3. h a n d r a i l

Drawing 25handrail broke protection switch

1. Bottom plate
2. Handrail guide part
3. spring
4. Switch

Drawing 26

1 1 . 6 Handrail device (see drawing 27)

1 ) Handrail protection panel is supported by safety glass, glass i s fixed
i n t h e clamp, handrail gu iderail and other bracket is installe d in the
g l a s s upside.
2 ) H a n d r a il equipment instal l in the truss at factory, there have t w o k i n d s
of with or not with illustration according to customer, g l a s s
protection panel also can replaced by other strong enough material.
3 ) Safety glass is main support of the whole balustrade device, installed
in the glass clamp, and fill up with liner, the installation of g l a s s
should from bottom the escalator, should install the first stand a r d
glass(1800mm).After fixing, then install up and down R sect par t. In
turns, install all the left straight sect glass, there should f ulfill
with liner between glasses, let the gap not beyond 4mm.There are
compensation part glasses both in two sides of escalator, befor e
i n s t a l l it, should check the vertical degree of the glass, the permit
d i f f e r ence is in 3mm, and also should the center distance first ly then
c a n k e ep the balustrade center distance.
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4) After both sides glass installation then install handrail turning
c h a i n wheel, and every wheel should effective, can’ t block r u n n i n g ,
l e s t i mpact handrail run ning and friction heat etc. Handrai l w h eel
i n s t a l l in the handrail bracket groove.
5 ) Handrail bracket is installed up of the glass, and fulfill with U type
p a n e l s trip, the joint of the bracket should smooth, not allow p r o t r u d e ,
and also not allow bruise and impacted surface, when install sl im
escalator, should twin adhesive to stick to the glass, then bef ore
install the stainless steel, put some talcum powder in the face of twin
a d h e s i ve then install bracket.
With light Without light
( slim-type)
( common type) ( common type)

Drawing 27 Handrail equipment

1 . h a n d r a i l ;2 . h a n d r a i l g u i d e r a i l ;3 . h a n d r a i l b r a c k e t ;4 a . l i g h t c o v e r ;
5 . h a r d e n e d g l a s s ;6 a . i n n e r c o v e r p l a t e ;6 b . o u t e r c o v e r p l a t e ;6 c . c l a m p
bar; 7.skrit; 8c.section part; 9.step; 10.outer decoration plate;
11.truss upper chord; 12.shock pad; 13. construction floor

6 ) H a n d r a il guiderail is the direction part of handrail running, i n s t a l l e d

in the handrail bracket, should check the straight degree, join t smooth
d e g r e e and bevel. Let the handrail not bruise itself.
7 ) C h e c k t he movement parts t ogether with the handrail, all must b e a g i l i t y
r u n n i n g and right position reliable, then can put the handrail in the
guiderail and the assort parts, and adjust the handrail degree of
t i g h t n ess follow drawing 11.5, adjust the handrail speed follo w 11.4.
1 1 . 7 S kirting
1 ) T h e r e i nstalled skirting panel in the escalator handrail botto m part,
n o r m a l ly use stainless s teel or paint SS400,the gap betwee n e v e r y
single side to step should not beyond 4mm, the total gap between s k i r t
t o s t e p should not beyon d 7mm.
2 ) F o r p r event other stuff s tock between the skirting panel then i mpact
t h e n o r mal running, espec ially the passengers wearing rubber ov e r s h o e s
put his foot in the gap between step to skirt, should install sk i r t
safety switch (drawing 28), as soon the skirt panel distorted, the
j i g g l e switch3 will act let the escalator stop.

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1. Skirting
2. Step
3. Inching switch

Drawing 28

1 1 . 8 Inner and outside panels

1) A f t e r installation debug until escalator normal running, then c an put
o n t h e cover panel, and should fix the inner panel first, then f i x t h e
o u t s i d e panel.
2) Inner panel and outside panel installation and remove, please check
drawing 29, move the inner panel to the up machine room about 300mm,
t h e n c a n move the inner pa nel, reinstallation just do the rever se way.

Drawing 29 installation of inner and outer cover plate

6A.inner cover; 6b.outer cover; 6c.clamb bar; 7.skirting;

8c.C type part; 9.step; 10.outer decoration plate; 11.truss
upper chord; 12.shock pat; floor

12 Step illustrate and warning

(see drawing 30 )
1 2 . 1 Concerning about the passenger safety, to prevent passenger
e n tering the step gap, there installed green fluorescenc e u n d e r
t h e s t e p , l e t t h e p a s s e n g e r t o c h e c k t h e m o v e m e n t o f t h e e s c a l a tor.
1 2 . 2 S tep have yellow decorate frame, indicate passenger o n l y c a n
s t and in the area 1 wh ich showed in drawing 30-2, should no t s t and
in the yellow decoration 2,as soon as yellow step line broken,
s h ould change it immediately.

1. People standing scope

2. yellow decorate frame

Green light

Drawing 30-1 Step illustrate Drawing 30-2 Step warning

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13 Escalator support
13.1 All the parts are installed in the escalator supporting truss,
truss is made up of steel welding, and divided to be total and partly
t w o kinds, if the he ight is not too high can supply inte g e r , i f
the height is too high, and use partly structure, use bolts connect.
13.2 To keep the normal running of the escalator, truss structure
should have enough intensity and stiffness, public escalator
deflection should be 1/10000 of it span, normal one deflection
should be 1/750 of it span, escalator up and down parts are
supported by up and down floor concrete face, fix after adjust the
l e vel. (see drawing 31)

1. puddle
2. tread lock
3. backing board
4. rubber pad

Drawing 31 escalator support

Drawing 32 middle support

13.3 When the travelling height over 6m, the deflection and span
i n crease accordingly, in this time, should set spring in th e m i ddle
supporting, so they support the elastic support effective, and also
c a n adjust with truss expand and shrink.
1 3 . 4 Escalator is connecting with construction supporting, when
e s calator expand or s hrink, nylon plate sliding and also f i l l u p
with rubber plate to reduce the transfer of the vibrant, use rubber
m u d t o f u l f i l l t h e g a p o f t h e e s c a l a t o r a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n s , a t le a s t ,
e s calator will use one of this move support.
14 Escalator control and electrical parts
1 4 . 1 All the control parts all installed in the one control b o x , i n
t h e up machine room, loose the bolt can take the electri c a l b o x
out of the machine room, easy for operation.(see drawing 33).
O p e r a t i o n h a n d l e 1 i s c o n n e c t i n g w i t h m a i n s w i t c h , i t i s s a f e , when
check and inspection the escalator, only turn the operation han dle,
c u t off the main power, then can open the control box, insp e c t the
c o ntrol parts. No.2 i s six core inspection socket which is s e t t ing
f o r inspection.

1. Operation handle
2. Six socket
3. Two pin socket
4. Lighting switch

D r a w i n g 3 3 control box
17 / 40
14.2 The confirmation ru nning direction of escalator is achi e v e d b y
turning power key. On the skirting panel of up and down part
balustrade device, there installed direction power key, can be
opened and one red emergency stop button (STOP see drawing34),
e m ergency switch install at mark and easy operation place, a s s oon
a s emergency, press t he emergency button, the escalator wi l l s t o p
i m mediately.

Button location

Drawing 34 running direction and emergency stop button

14.3 Because there are a lot of safety device, distributing in every
p a rt, once happened f ault, should inspection immediately, l e t t he
e s calator run normall y. According to customers asks, insta l l f a ult
d i splay on the face o f skirting panel or electrical contr o l b o x ,
w h ich can save time to exclude error, there have two nix i e t u b e
and one fault code instruction panel on the display, when the nixie
t u be showing number as same as instruction panel, it mean s t h e r e
h a ppened some fault, can be deal with it quickly, after e x c l u d e d
f a ult, nixie tube wi ll show d0, this means the escalator c a n b e
r u nning normally.
15 Debug
1 5 . 1 Mechanical part debug.
1) After installation finish, clean the site, outside and inside of
escalator, when all safety protect parts in normal working condi t i o n s ,
when every part of movement, rotation such as traction machine, driver,
t r a n s m ission, step guider ail, chain etc. has enough lubricatio n , t h e n
can let the escalator to run. Run whole circle of steps, then check
whether have abnormity, then can running. When the escalator co n t i n u u m
running, adjust the running capability, starting acceleration,
d e c e l e rate brake and run ning stability.
2) A l l t h e step can pass comb, gap requirements should according t o 6.4.2
3) All steps should not touch skirting panel, gap should not beyon d the
v a l u e 11.7.1 asked.
4) A d j a c e nt steps should not touch each other in the whole meshing p r o c e s s .
5) I n t h e rated frequency and voltage, the biggest warp between sp e e d w h e n
e m p t y l oad steps along wit h the running direction to rated spee d s h o u l d
b e ± 5 %, running speed c alculated by formula:
I n s i d e the formula: v-up or down running speed, m/s
s-the distance which is measured, m
18 / 40
t-the up and down running time correspond with this
6 ) H a n d r a i l r u n n i n g s p e e d , p e r m i t d i f f e r e n c e o f r e l a t i v e l y s t e p s pe e d
s h o u l d be in 0~ +2%, use the same way in 15.1.5, measure the s p e e d o f
handrail and step when empty load at same time, measure both whe n u p
and down running. Use the formula to calculate the difference s peed
b e t w e e n handrail to step when up or down:
δ V ( VI-V) /V * 100%
I n t h e f ormula: δ V- the difference speed between handrail to step when
up or down , m/s
V1-handrai l running speed when up or down, m/ s ;
V-step run ning speed when up or down, m/s
7 ) E s c a l a tor brake distance, brake distance when down running emp t y load
s h o u l d keep in the area of followed:
rated speed brake distance
0 . 45m/s 0.2-1.00m
0 . 5m/s 0.2-1.00m
0 . 65 m/s 0.3-1.30m
0.75 m/s 0.35-1.50m
8 ) All escalator parts should be normal, no bruise and abnormal no ise,
when empty load, the running noise should not exceed 65dB at 1.0m higher
f r o m t he step and front plate.
1 5 . 2 Electrical part de bug.
1) A t l e a s t t h e r e s h o u l d b e o n e p e o p l e c a n r e a d w h o l e d o c u m e n t s w it h
e s c a l a tor.
2) D e b u g p eople should master escalator structure principle and op e r a t i o n
m a n u a l s.
3) D e b u g p eople should master escalator electrical control princip l e s a n d
e v e r y safety switch movement.
4) H a v e t he ability to familiar with fault judgment analysis and e xclude.
5) Clear the debug site (up and down machine room, outside and insi d e
e s c a l a tor).
6) A f t e r connect installation, should check, especially every s w i t ch
s a f e t y circuit connection.
7) E s c a l a tor mechanical and electrical device installation r o t a t i o n
c o n d i t ions.
8) Every part of electrical and mechanical has been necessary checked,
t e s t a nd adjustment.
9) T h e r e is no stock or touch happen in whole circle running.
10) Debug people should be earnestly take charge, painstaking, rigid t o
d o t h e safety job.
11) T h e i n strument and measure in normal debug:
A. Multi meter
B. rotate speed met er
C. Mega meter
D. Forcipate electi city meter
E. Decibel meter
F. Second meter
19 / 40
G . Tape ruler, straig ht ruler, vernier caliper, depth ver n i e r
caliper, droop line, feeler, angle board etc.
12) P r o tect the grounding .
13) Good insulation, the insulated resistance between conductors al so
between conductors to earth should more than 1000Ω /V, and it value
s h o u l d not less than.
A. Power circuit and electrical safety device circuit: 0. 5 M Ω
B. O t h e r c i r c u i t ( c o n t r o l , i l l u m i n a t e , s i g n a l e t c . ) : 0 . 2 5 M Ω . B r e a k
t h e power off before measure.
14) Key switch direction should be same with running direction,
e m e r g e n cy stop button sw itch movement is reliable..
15) A u t o escalator safety protection switch is much, should de b u g o n e
b y o n e , and sure every s afety switch is reliable and effect.
A u t o - e scalator safety dev ice:
A.P ower off, fault phase protection device;
B. m otor short circuit and over load device;
C. D rive chain protection device;
D.S tep break or over stretch protection;
E. D rive chain protection;
F. extra-brake (H over 6m);
G.over-speed device;
H.Non-operation anti- protection device;
I. handrail break prot ection device;
J. Handrail entrance p rotection device;
K.Comb protection;
L. Step sagging protec tion;
M. E mergency stop button.
16) After up mentioned debug, should do full check, whether all fol low
r e q u i r ements, realize o f function please check according w o r k i n g
principles, if do every step after up mentioned, then still hav e
a b n o r m a l p r o b l e m s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t w i t h o u r c o m p a n y , f o r b i d d e n re l e a s e
t h e P L C and change the PLC program by yourself, lest unnecessar y loss.
16 Test running.
1 6 . 1 After mechanical a nd electrical part debug, before t h e t e s t
r u nning, please do the clean job again, let every part has e n o u g h
l u b rication.
1 6 . 2 Check all parts in the normal situation, begin the test running ,
empty up and down running once, escalator should normal running ,
p l a cidity and no noi se.
17 Check and Inspection.
A f t e r test running, please check it by self, after passed the c h e c k ,
f i l e the test report and attachment documents and report to th e l o c a l
m a n a g ement department.
18 Delivery and use
E s c a l a t o r d e l i v e r y a n d u s e s h o u l d a f t e r p a s s e d b y l o c a l m a n a g e me n t
d e p a r tment, at the same t ime, at the same time, should do the h and over
p r o c e dure with clients, escalator installed project.

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19 A u t o - e s c a l a t o r i n s t a l l a ti o n p r o c e s s t a b l e
Date Reality working days
Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 preparing for installation
2 retest construction
3 correcting positioning
upper and lower part calibration
5 power positioning
6 clear and lubricating
7 Pedal debug
8 inspecting adjust
9 handrail system installation
10 testing
11 commissioning
inspecting and commodity
1 、T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n t i m e b a s e d o n t h e w o r k i n g d a y s t o f i n i s h o n e e s c a l a t o r
notice below 6m rise height
2、 Progress is returned will make according to actual condition adjust
20 Installation t o o l t a b l e
number Tool name norms number Tool name norms
1 wrench 24 Crew cut screwdriver 4”6”8”10”
2 Monkey wrench 8” 10” 12” 25 Cross screwdriver
3 hammer 1.51b 21b 26 Electrician’ s knife
4 Rubber hammer 21b 27 Proboscis pliers
5 Hack-saw 28 diagonal pliers
6 vice 2” 29 wire stripper
7 file 8” 10” 30 buzzle
8 Level file 31 Test pen
9 C die 2” 4”6” 32 iron
10 Ring collet 6” 33 vertical collimator
Hexagon hole
11 34 gradienter
12 Level chisel 8mm 10mm 12mm 35 protractor
height vernier
13 Grease syringe 36
14 oil syringe 37 slide caliper
Die chaser Progress index
15 M3-M16 38
support instrument
16 Die chaser M3-M16 39 Steel rule
17 Drill machine φ2.5-φ14 40 Steel belt
18 separate M3-M16 41 decibel meter
19 Polishing device φ120 42 chronograph
Clamp ampere current
20 Manual drill φ1.5-φ6 43
21 drills φ3-φ13 44 tramegger
21 / 40
22 flashlight 45 tachometer
23 Hand-held lamp ~36V 46 multimeter
21 Escalator section connection installation instruction
2 1 . 1 S ection escalator connected installation requirements:
1) The structure will be prepared for joint should strictly flat
connection, there is no crake in the place of joint, joint face i s
d r y n ess, remove the dust, grease, paint or rot spot etc. A n d k e e p
t h e size is same.
2 ) Paint little of molybdenum disulfide grease to the bolt worm pa rt,
a n d also check use GB/T1228-91 stated high strength bolt. Th e r ated
m o m e nt and test moment as same with below table.
3 ) W h e n fix the bolt, should equally screw down the nut, unti l w h o l e
f a c e flat joint without crack.
4 ) A l l high strength bolts should use moment spanner screw do w n .
5 ) A f t e r fixed, all high strength bolt should use pre-load te s t .
6 ) After test, should paint anti-rot to the bolt and joint face, t o raise
a n t i -water.
2 1 . 2 High strength bolt pre-tension load test.
A f t e r tighten the blot, check the Pre-tightening force. It m u s t b e
check all of blot for safety. The inspector should use the torqu e
wrenches to check. Firstly the inspector should to endure the
f r i c tion. If only increase the torque, it can not tighten th e b lot,
s o t he inspector can confirm that it reach the min force
2 1 . 3 After joint, please flange welding by next drawing:

Rated moment Test moment

M16 bolt 280 Nm 310 Nm
M20 bolt 490 Nm 540 Nm
M22 bolt 730 Nm 800 Nm

40 40

20 20

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Chapter 2 Maintenance Manuel
1 G e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n ab o u t e s c a l a t o r s
E s c a lator is a kind of i nclined circulating running and elect r i cally
d r i v en device which transmits passengers up and down.
Its main features:
a) strong transmitting capacity, uniform passenger transmit flow ;
b) up or down running ;
c) When power off or malfunction, it can be used as normal pass way, not
affecting the transportation between floors ;
d) Widely used in all kinds of public place like commercial supermarkets,
stations, port, airport, or shopping center, etc ;
1.1 There are five types of layout of escalators, see pic 1

a. Single arrangement;
b. Single continuous;
c. Single overlap;
Drawing 1 escalator layout d. Parallel arrangement;
e. Cross layout
1) A is single layout as transmit between two floors;
2) B is s i n g l e c o n t i n u o u s type: this layout only is used in single direction transmit,
as transmit between three floors. After passengers enter the first escalator, then
directly enter the second escalator and the escalator will continuously run;
3) C is single overlap. After passengers enter the first escalator, they can’t enter
the second escalator and the escalator continuously run;
4) D is p a r a l l e l a r r a n g e m e n t . It is used in the heavy passenger flow. Two escalators
can run in the same direction or opposite direction, or several units run
5) E is cross layout type. It is used in two direction running to reduce operation
6) According to status of passenger flow, it can be multi layout type to apply for
using requirements and prompt transportation efficiency.
1.2 Variety of escalators.
1) Two kinds of escalators: commercial type KLP, KLM and slim line type. It is
specially designed for indoor, commercial supermarkets, airport, office building
to transmit passengers between two floors. Usually, it has advantages of heavy
passenger flow, compact structure, beautiful line, etc.
2) KLT public transportation escalator, is mainly used in occasion like subway
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station, station, port, airport, supermarket, etc. Its operation time is over 140
hours a week in heavy passenger flow occasion.
3) KLT outdoor escalator with anti-water function, can run normally under the
temperature from -20°— 40°C, used in occasion of subway station entrance and
exit and sky bridge, etc.
1 . 3 Escalator basic parameter see chart 1
Commercial type Commercial type Commercial type
Slim line type Slim line type Slim line type
Public type Public type Public type
data 600 800 1000
Outdoor type Outdoor type Outdoor type
Rated speed(m/s) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Incline (a) 30 or 35 30 or 35 30 or 35
Step width mm 600 800 1000
4500 6753 9000
Rise (mm) Power supply(KW) Power supply(KW) Power supply(KW)
---4500 8 8 8
5000 8 8 11
5500 8 8 11
6000 8 11 11
7000 11 11 15
8000 11 15 2-8
9000-10000 2-8 2-11 2-11
(1) Special parameter or specification does not refer to this form.
(2) Handrail balustrade usually is tempered glass.
2 Escalator main structure
Refer to escalator installation manual meanwhile.
1. Control box
2. Driving body machine
3. Driving chain
4. Main spindle
5. Handrail driving chain
6. Handrail strop clamping
7. Handrail strop
8. Step chain
9. Step
Drawing 2 escalator upper structure
10. Step chain wheel

2.1 Escalator up and down structure (drive system), see chart 2, also called up machine
Up part is the main structure of the escalator. Controller 1 is installed in the
up part with soft wire connection. In maintenance, it can be taken out easily. Drive
structure 2 runs through drive chain3 driving axel 4. The main axis is equipped with
handrail drive chain 5 and step chain roller 10, 6 is handrail supporting device to
make handrail 7 have enough pressure on the friction roller 11 to easily drive. The
24 / 40
step roller 8 has step 9 and drive by step chain roller 10.
2.2 Escalator down part structure, see pic 3
1) Escalator down part structure is also called down machine room. Its function is
guiding direction and step chain tension. 1 is handrail `180 directive guide rail
to reduce friction resistance. The directive guide rail is made of one directive
chain. The chain roller is a plastic roller with bearings. 2 is inspection switch
and its buttons can easily complete all operation actions of escalators. In the
plug contact place has interlock device. Once it is plugged in, other controlling
device will act to assure the passengers safety when installation and inspection.
4 is step chain tension cart, and can be adjusted in installation and inspection.
The tension of chain can be assured by spring 3 and adjusted by nut.
2 ) Step chain 8 is connected with main axis step chain roller and drive the step.
The step chain is tensioned by pressing spring 3. When step chain is overlong or
over short due to friction, forward or backward move switch plate and the escalator
will stop running after contacting switches.
1. Handrail strop
bending rail
2. Servicing switch
3. Spring
4. Step chain
tensioning car

Drawing 3 escalator lower structure

2.3 Drive structure, see pic 4.

1) The drive structure is mainly made up of motor, reducer and brake. After electricity
on, start the braking motor 1, drive the scallop gear by gear 2, compress spring
and open brake belt 3, the motor 4 starts operation, then pass the drive force
to the step chain roller on axel through scroll wheel in reducer 5 and chain roller
6 and drive chain 7. The whole structure is very compact and the whole escalator
can be installed in the machine room and the maintenance is very convenient.
2) Squirrel-cage type motor 6 in drive structure, it has features of stable operation
and low noise and long operation. Reducer is a delicate scroll wheel reducer
produced in Germany famous reducer factory FLENDER Company. It can adopt special
Niemann gear form and advanced processing craft. It has features of compact
structure and heavy load and stable operation and low noise. Reducer and motor
separating type, motor axis-connect with reducer through spring plug and make the
processing assembly and maintenance convenient.
1. braking motors
2. pinions
3. braking zone
4. motor
5. reducer
6. sprocket
7. Transmission chain

Drawing 4 8. Adjust block

25 / 40
3) Escalator is usually installed indoors, and has high requirements about noise.
The maximum level of noise should be less than 65DB (A). The drive structure is
main source of noise and must strictly control to assure the manufacturing delicacy
and take out all noise facts to assure the no noise during operation
4) One thermal resistor is installed in the motor winding to avoid burnout motor due
to over current flow. Once the motor wire is overheated, it will stop immediately.
5) It is very dangerous when escalator is over speed or lower speed, so one speed
controlling device is installed in the escalator drive part, see pic 5. Fly wheel
is installed on the braking wheel 2 and both of them are installed on the motor
axis. Under the fly wheel, there are two magnet block 3, the impulse receiver 4
is installed on the base frame and connect with switch. When fly wheel runs the
magnet produces impulse to control speed. When the escalator over-speed or lower
than rated speed, it will stop immediately.
1 2 3 6 4 5
1. the flywheel
1. Biting claw
2. brake wheel
2. spring
3. magnets
3. switch
4. pulses receiver
4. pull rod
5. electromagnet
6. curved piece

Drawing 5 Drawing 6

6) When its rise is over 6m, the auxiliary brake should be added apart from the normally
installed brake, see Pic 6, Pic 7 is absolutely necessary. Pic 6 is added only
when rise is over 6m.
a) When the auxiliary is in not active status, the claw 1 is closed under the spring
force. When the speed is over some figure, the monitoring device will send
signals and then the electrical magnet will act. Then through the action of
electric magnet 5, the claw will open and meanwhile, the bending part 6 on the
stick will drive switch 3 act to stop escalators. So it will be assure the safety
of passengers, especially when full load status, its function will be more
b) When escalators are in transportation or long time no used, one mechanical lock
device(see pic 7) is set to assure the safety. The fix hole on the fly wheel
1, when no use, the lock stick 3 will insert into the fly wheel hole while insert
into the fix board 4 under working condition.

Drawing 7
Drawing 8
1. bracket
1. flywheel 2. angle
2. Locking devices 3. switch
3. lock pole 4. touch
4. fixed plate 5. chains
26 / 40
7) The escalators all adopt double drive chain. It will be very dangerous when it
breaks, so it is important to set drive chain broken protection device, see pic
8. When the chain works normally, the contact 4 on the bearer 1 will always connect
with drive chain 5. When the chain is broken, contact will fall down, then the
angle part 2 will contact switch 3, the escalator will stop.
2.4 Step pallet, see pic 9.
The step has two kinds: die-cast aluminum step and stainless steel step. Step surface
and front board have delicate gullet to anti-slide and direct the front and back steps.
Side directive board 3 is made of plastic and connects with skirting panel to make
the step justify the center line. When the side directive board wearing reaches 1.2mm,
it needs changing.

1. cascade
2. cascade
3. orientation block

Drawing 9 step

2.5 Step chain.

1) Step chain is a main drive part of escalators. Its quality affects the safety and
noise level. Depending on different occasion, it structure, material and
processing will also be different.
2) Pic 10 is the step chain. Its structural features: The step roller embeds in the
chain, as not only rolling parts of the guide rail, but also the meshing part of
the step drive gear tooth. The step roller 2 is made of casting wear-resisting
polyurethane. In the middle, it is the high quality bearings. This special
polyurethane roller can satisfy the hardness requirements and lower the noise when
running. The step axis fastening device 4 is connected by bolts for easy
1. chain plate
2. cascade
3. cascade axis
4. cascade shaft clamping device

Drawing 10 cascade chain

3) The step chain transports the step and its upward loads while the step moves
parallel with the skirting panel, so there are high requirements not only on the
hardness of two step chains, but also length allowance. So, apart from adopting
high-precision processing, selective methods are also adopted to fasten and adjust
27 / 40
in using. When the pitch lengthens 3% after using, it needs changing to prevent
chain roller from broken.
2.6 The meshing and protection of comb board and step.
1) In order to prevent goods stuck between the active parts and inactive parts, one
comb board is set in the front of the comb with screw fastened on the board. The
comb board is made of plastic or aluminum and its replacement is very easy. The
teeth pat connects with the groove in the step surface. Even passenger feet or
goods stay stable on the step, they will smoothly move onto the comb board.
2) When the step passes the comb and meshes with the comb board, the meshing depth
of the comb board and step surface should be over 6mm. When step comb grooves
mesh with the comb, the gap between the step surface and comb root should less
than 4mm.
3) When the step runs, operators should check that every step needs meshing with
the comb while passes through. The comb should be in the middle of the step groove
to prevent from friction.
4) In order to prevent step from destroying caused by strange goods stuck in the
comb, comb strange good protection contact is also set. When the passengers’
umbrella spire or shoes high-heel or other goods struck into the step and mesh
with the comb, the comb board will be pushed by the step and move accordingly
to contact the safety switch to stop escalator.
5) The step is moving parting for transporting passengers. When it is broken, it
will be very dangerous. So the step sagging contact is set in the up and down
part of escalators. When the step breaks and sags, the switch will be contacted
and makes the escalator stop.
2.7 Handrail device.
1) Handrail device is set in the both sides of the escalator to protect and decorate
the balustrade. The balustrade is usually made of tempered glass, also can be made
of other material.
2) Handrail is made of rubber, nylon and steel. Nylon connects with handrail guide
rail to guide. The steel inside the handrail bears force. The handrail color is
selective, but the standard color is black.
3) Handrail guide rail adopts roll steel material with galvanized process on its
surface. If special requirements (slime line type), it can be made of stainless
4) Handrail supporting parts adopts aluminum oxygenated processing or use stainless
5) Inner, outside decking, skirting panel back side use stainless steel material or
use SS400 board painted surface process. In order to prevent goods stuck between
the skirting panel that affects the escalator running, one micro-push switch is
set behind the skirting panel. Once the skirting panel deforms, the micro contact
will active and stop the escalator.
6) Some occasions require handrail lighting, then only needs to change the handrail
supporting parts forms. The light is installed in the inside and covered by
transparent plastic.
7) Handrail is driven by the friction wheel of the handrail drive system. The tightness
is achieved by adjusting parts and pressure.
8) Handrail entrance contacts are set in both sides of the handrail to prevent
children’s finger or foreign matter stuck in it.
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9) When the handrail runs normally, its speed should synchronize with the step running
speed, the deviation allowed is 0—+2%. Handrail broken contact is set under the
handrail down part. If handrail beaks, the micro-pushed switch will be contacted
to stop escalator.
3 Safe operation and use of escalators
3.1 Before using escalators, make sure that all parts works normally.
3.2 Handrail should be operated by trained workers and the starting should be in no-load
3.3 When landing on the escalator, passengers should face the running direction and stand
in the yellow frame and hold the handrail..
3.4 When children land on the escalator, adults should hold them.
3.5 When passengers with pet land on the escalator, they should put the pet in their arms.
3.6 Bare-footed passengers or with heavy goods are not allowed to land on the escalator.
3.7 After operators start the escalator by power switch, if the escalator can’t run,
operators should notice the maintainers in time to check whether the power switch,
the main switch on the controller and maintenance control switch is on or not.
3.8 If the escalator still can not start, then operators should check whether the four
handrail entrance contact or other safety contacts are off or not.
3.9 If needs to change the escalator operation direction, the operator can change the
direction only after the escalator stops completely and no passengers land on it.
3.10 If in urgent occasion, people can push the emergency stop button to stop the
4 Management of escalators
4.1 Only licensed maintainers can enter the up and down part of the escalator.
4.2 Make sure the up and down part of the escalator dry.
4.3 Cut off the power switch if long time no use escalator.
4.4 There are some requirements about operating the escalator: First, the escalator can
be operated only after checked and accepted by relative authority; Second,
operation license is provided; The escalator is maintained by maintenance unit
with license.
5 S e rious effect after escalator happens serious errors
5.1 After earthquake, light earthquake will not have much effect on escalators, but it
can make escalator horizontal move or incline in the horizontal level, or some
wire broken, etc. If starts the escalator at this time, it may cause accidents,
so it can be only used after repair.
5.2 When fire happens, the power should be cut off immediately, stop the escalator and
lead passengers to safe place.
5 . 3 When flood happens or machine room sunk with water after the above four situation,
the escalator can only be used after strictly checked and repaired by relative
6 Maintenance standard of escalators
( S e e c hart 2)
7 Key points of maintenance
7.1 Notice items of maintenance.
Non-professional maintainers are not allowed to do maintenance work. This escalator
adopts PLC control system and while maintenance, it needs extra care.
The following rules should be implemented while maintaining the escalator:
a) Notice board with “inspection, no use” should be set in the up and down entrance
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of escalator when not allowed passenger or goods.
b) Switch in relative position should be off, only inspection control switch is
allowed to operate.
c) Cut off the main power when operating in the up and down parts of escalators.
d) The hand light used should be covered with hood and also adopts safety voltage
under 36V( low-voltage plug base used for inspection should be installed in
the up and down parts of escalators.
e) When operating, the inspection should be done together by main maintainer and
f) If driver is required to cooperate while operation, the drive should put all
his mind into it and strictly obey the maintainers order.
g) When taking off some escalator parts, if the main power is not cut off,
maintainers are not allowed to enter this area.
h) Cover the landing plate after maintenance or operation in up and down parts
is over.
i) While maintenance, the used apparatus should be taken care as following:
j) Universal meter inherent resistant should be over 200KΩ.
k) AC current measurement is AC100A.
l) AC voltage measurement is AC 450V. For the needle type, the input resistance
should be under 300KΩ.
m) High voltage mega meter should use battery type 500V while inherent resistant
should be over 200KΩ. Hand-operated mega meter is not allowed to use.
n) Revolution counter measurement is 0~5000r/min:

Periodic time
Basic time
No. Project Remarks

Every time
Implemented by professional
1 Operation comfort maintenance( 1~2
maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
abnormal noise Implemented by professional
2 maintenance( 1~2
vibration maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of fuse and air Implemented by professional
3 maintenance( 1~2
switch maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of all electrical Implemented by professional
4 maintenance( 1~2
parts in controller maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of handrail Implemented by professional
5 maintenance( 1~2
entrance contact maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of up and down Implemented by professional
6 maintenance( 1~2
combs maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of meshing of comb Implemented by professional
7 maintenance( 1~2
of step maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
30 / 40
Every time
Clean check of step Implemented by professional
8 maintenance( 1~2
groove maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Synchronize check of Implemented by professional
9 maintenance( 1~2
handrail and step maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check of drive motor Implemented by professional
10 maintenance( 1~2
auxiliary maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Lubrication check of Implemented by professional
11 maintenance( 1~2
drive chain, step chain maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Clean work of Implemented by professional
12 maintenance( 1~2
controller, drive motor maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Every time
Check between step and Implemented by professional
13 maintenance( 1~2
skirting panel maintainers. User feedback
times every month)
Clean work of Every time
Implemented by professional
14 out-looking of maintenance( 1~2
maintainers. User feedback
escalator times every month)
Implemented by professional
15 All power voltage check 2
maintainers. User feedback
Check of auxiliary Implemented by professional
16 4
brake stop distance maintainers. User feedback
check of drive chain and Implemented by professional
17 6
step chain maintainers. User feedback
check of impulse Implemented by professional
18 6
speed-test maintainers. User feedback
check of all safe Implemented by professional
19 12
switches action maintainers. User feedback
Check of drive motor Implemented by professional
20 12
reducer maintainers. User feedback

21 Check of drive motor 12 Implemented by professional

maintainers. User feedback
Check of drive motor
Implemented by professional
22 output axis and gear 12
maintainers. User feedback
Check of step chain Implemented by professional
23 12
tension device maintainers. User feedback
Check of position
Implemented by professional
24 fastening of step and 12
maintainers. User feedback
Check of wear extent of Implemented by professional
25 12
handrail maintainers. User feedback
7.2 Notice point of maintenance.

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Time No
Project Content
Landing on the step and feel the
1 Operation comfort
stability of step running
Check whether the step chafe with comb
board or skirting board, when in
Abnormal noise,
2 direction parts, whether it can
smoothly pass through, the main wheel
is broken or not
Whether the air switch in controller or
Check of air switch
3 fuse satisfy requirements and good
Check the electrical parts wire
Check of electrical
4 connection is loosen or not and the
parts in controller
action is reliable or not/
Four up and down handrail entrance
Check of handrail
At least 5 contact operates reliably or not, the
entrance contact
one time reposition is normal or not.
per month Check whether the up and down comb board
6 Check of comb board is destroyed or not, whether the comb
is in the center of step groove
Check whether the step can pass through
the comb board smoothly, whether the
meshing of step and
7 meshing depth is over 6MM, whether the
gap between step surface and comb board
is less than 4MM
Clean check of step Check whether rubbish or waste is stuck
groove in the step groove
Synchronize check of Check whether the synchronize speed of
handrail and step handrail and step is 0-2%
Check whether the auxiliary act
Check of drive motor
10 reliably or not, whether the brake time
gap is less than 0.7MM
11 Check of drive chain Daub some machine oil
and step chain
12 Clean work of Do cleaning work on the controller and
controller drive motor drive motor surface.
13 Check the gap between step and skirting
At least
Check of step and panel while operation is less than
one or two
skirting panel gap 4MM(single side), the gap summation is
times per
less than 7MM(two sides)
14 Do clean work on up and down front
Clean work of escalator board, comb board, every step, inner
out-looking and outside decking, handrail , glass
and etc.
15 Check of all power Check all the power voltage satisfy the
voltage requirements of electrical diagram.
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Every two 16 When escalator no-load down run, the
month brake distance 0.2-1.00M, whether
Check of brake stop there is friction phenomenon between
distance brake belt and brake wheel; Check the
reliability of brake work and whether
there is abnormal impact.
Every four 17 Check the speed of drive motor, whether
Check of impulse speed
months the step running speed is over speed or
18 Check of drive chain Check the operation drive chain and
Every six and step chain step chain running status
months 19 Chain of all safety Check all safety contacts and their
contacts reliable action
Check the clean extent and lubrication
nature of lubrication oil in the
Check of drive motor
20 reducer. If necessary, change the
lubrication oil. Check the tooth
wearing extent and bearing work status
21 Check the bearing wearing status,
Check of drive motor
change or add grease lubricant
22 Check the output axis chain wheel
twelve Check of drive motor
wearing status and whether the axis is
output axis
lose or not.
23 Adjust the tension of two step chain,
Check of step chain
whether the step operation status has
tension device
effect on tension force.
24 Check of step and axis Position for every step center, check
position fastening on bushings bush and tension device
25 Check the two handrail operation status
and wearing status , whether the
surface is destroyed or not, whether
Check of handrail wear the handrail nylon belt has part
extent wearing phenomenon. Replace if
perimeter lengthened and the
synchronized speed between handrail
and step can not adjusted.
7.3 Explanation
1) Comfort and vibration in movement.
a) Brake incompletely loose or completely loosens, but brake belt inclines, and
friction exists between brake belt and brake wheel, then it easily cause impact.
b) After step chain lengthens, deviation becomes in the pitch, then the step will
inclines and friction with the skirting panel.
c) The step roller is not round enough or bearing is destroyed.
d) The step can not passes through smoothly when in direction part, or the gap
between direction wall and wheel is overlarge.
2) Drive motor and inspection.
a) After long time using scroll wheel sub or gear wheel sub, the wearing will cause
gear size gap larges or bearing wearing will make escalator vibrate or make
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noise. Then the scroll wheel gear size gap, adjustable pad thickness in the
bearing place, bearing should be adjusted to reduce impact noise.
b) Keep the lubrication oil in controller clean and good nature, or replace it
in time and check often the oil height to keep oil level in the specified scale.
Recommended oil: No. 120industial gear oil.
c) Keep the gear cover and box closely connect to prevent oil sinking.
d) Add ZL45-2 airline lubrication grease one time every month to the rolling
bearings in the scroll wheel axis, we will call it lithium base grease.
e) On the common occasion, replace reducer lubrication grease once a year. Check
often if there is impurity in the reducer oil in the newly installed escalator
with half a year. If yes, please clean and replace immediately.
f) Under the common condition, the temperature of machinery parts and bearing
should less than 80K.
g) When the active bearing produces uneven noise or impact noise, it should be
replaced in time.
h) Replace the shock reduce pad in the linkage axis every two years. Replace the
shock rubber pad when adjust motor if necessary.
3) Brake.
a) When braking, the brake belt should connect on the surface of braking wheel.
When losing brake, the brake belt should leave braking wheel surface and its
gap is less than 0.7mm and its contact surface is smooth.
b) The action is flexible and reliable with its brake motor wire loop increasing
temperature not over than 60K.
c) Make sure that the brake motor connection base has no loose phenomenon and have
good insulation.
d) Pin roll should be very flexible and can be lubricated by machine oil ( When
adding oil, if the oil spatters on the machine wheel work surface, it should
be cleaned.).
e) Keep the cleanness of the brake belt and make sure that there is no oil or paint.
The screw of fix brake belt should be inserted into the brake belt and not
allowed its contact with brake wheel. It should be replace immediately if the
brake belt wears so much that the screw head comes out or the wornness is over
one quarter of brake belt thickness.
f) Under the condition of safety and reliability, adjust the brake spring to meet
the brake distance of escalator.
4) Motor.
a) Motor is connected by flange with reducer. Its connection should be kept
fastened to assure the coaxial tolerance of gear axis and motor.
b) The temperature of motor bearings should be lower than 80K.
c) Due to bearing wornness, the air gap between stator and rotor is not evenly
positioned which causes noise. In this situation, the bearing should be
d) The value of lithium grease added into the rolling bearing should be the 2/3
volume of bearing room. After working 2500~3000hours, new lubrication grease
should be added.
5) Drive system check (escalator up and down structure).
a) Drive axis is driven by motor through two-row drive chain. During the using,
if the axis lengthens which causes noise, then adjust jaw on the motor base
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to fasten the drive two-row chain. The fastening extent is good if the droop
of drive two-row chain is not over 15mm.
b) Every month, lithium grease should be added into the drive axis rolling
c) The chain board of escalator chain and big chain wheel should be lubricated
d) After long time use of step chain, the pitch will lengthen to produce deviation
which will cause the unstableness of escalator operation and the friction of
step two side to the skirting board. If the step chain pitch deviation is
overlarge, it should be replaced.
e) Every month, lithium grease should be added into the tension wheel main axis
rolling bearings.
6) Step guide rail.
Step guide rail is made of cold-rolled section. It has up and down curve guide
and middle straight guide rail. Two sides curve guide rail continues with the
directive panel to make step side wheel diversely pass in the directive panel.
So, every month, the guide rail surface and step roller directly friction surface
should be lubricated.
7) Step.
a) Step is a circulating part which runs along step guide rail. It will mesh with
the comb board before direction. After entering meshing period, if foreign body
is stuck, the step plastic decoration will be easily destroyed. In this
situation, please replace the plastic decoration immediately.
b) The two sides of step is installed in the nylon directive block and the side
gap to skirting panel is 0.50mm. It is allowed to directly friction with the
skirting panel, but the nylon directive block will easily worn, when the
wornness is over 1.2mm, please replace immediately.
c) When step runs along the guide rail, four rollers closely touch the guide rail
surface. After long time using, the step deforms, as long as one of the four
rollers does not touch the guide rail surface, the step surface perpetually
deforms, then the step should be replaced immediately.
8) Handrail.
a) Handrail is driven by friction wheel. There are many rollers in every section
which easily causes wornness. The retained rubber chipping will affect the
normal operation of other parts.
b) If the handrail over lengthens after long time using and it can not be adjusted
by tension device and the synchronize speed with the step can not reach in 0~2%,
in this situation, the handrail should be replaced.
9) Safety contacts should be safe, reliable and effective. Every year, all the safe
contacts should be checked. If detecting one safety contact fails its function,
then replace the contact immediately to make sure that every safety contact is
at its normal working condition.
10) Automatic lubrication device.
a) The automatic lubrication device can be added if the user indicates when placing
an order.
b) The automatic lubrication is a kind of piston pump driven by micro-motor. The
oil will be allocated by proportion to every lubrication point by measuring
device and the oil adding volume can be adjusted within the scope of 0.2~5 ml.
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c) The oil adding volume needs to be adjusted according to lubrication need. The
adjustment method, please refer to random oil pump manual and it will be
operated according to different motor lubrication pump to reach reasonable oil
adding effectiveness.
d) The clean lubrication oil should be used.
e) Every half year, clean the storing tank and clean or replace the blanketing
and filter gauze. If oil pollution is found, clean the oil pump and replace
oil immediately.
f) Routinely check the lubrication system to make sure that no oil leaking, no
breakage in oil pipe and no loose in the connection. If found any destroyed
parts, please replace immediately. When fasten the accessories, please operate
g) Routinely check the lubrication system to make sure that no oil leaking, no
breakage in oil pipe and no loose in the connection. If found any destroyed
parts, please replace immediately. When fasten the accessories, please operate
h) Keep the oil pipe unblocked and the oil brush clean. If the oil brush dried,
continuously use after cleaned by coal oil.
i) Passenger conveyors with automatic lubrication device, oil tank should be set
in the truss bottom(under two step chain) to the oil box in the down part of
passenger conveyor.
8 E scalator lubrication
8.1 Escalator lubrication parts see lubrication pic.
8.2 Escalator lubrication parts time period, volume of grease lubricant see this
following chart.
Lubrication form
No. Part Name Lubrication Time Grease Grease Grease Volume
part Code Name standard
1 Drive motor Reducer gear 12Months No. Industrial Per year
sub 120 gear oil
2 Drive motor Motor bearings 1 Month No.2 Lithium SY1508 Add per
ZL45-2 grease month,
replace per
3 Drive motor Gear sub 1 Month No.2 Lithium SY1508 Add per
bearings ZL45-2 grease month,
replace per
4 Drive motor Brake, arm axis 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
movement point oil add per time
5 Automatic Movement parts 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Replace per
lubrication oil 6 months in
device oil tank
6 Drive axis Axis terminal 1 Month No.2 Lithium SY1508 Add per
bearings ZL45-2 grease month,
replace per
36 / 40
7 Tension Axis terminal 1 Month No.2 Lithium SY1508 Add per
Axis bearings ZL45-2 grease month,
replace per
8 Handrail Axis terminal 1 Month No.2 Lithium SY1508 Add per
drive bearings ZL45-2 grease month,
replace per
9 Drive chain Chain surface 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
oil add per
time, twice
per month
10 Step Chain Chain surface 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
oil add per
time, twice
per month
11 Step guide Guide rail 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
rail surface oil add per
time, twice
per month
12 Up and down Guide rail 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
curve guide surface oil add per
rail time, twice
per month
13 Up and down Directive 1 Month No. 30 Machine SY1508 Slightly
directive panel surface oil add per
panel time, twice
per month
14 Tension Guide rail 12 No.2 Lithium SY1508 Paint per
axis guide surface Months ZL45-2 grease year,
rail replace per
15 Handrail Roller(inside) 12 No.2 Lithium SY1508 Slightly
drive Months ZL45-2 grease add per
replace per
16 Handrail Roller(inside) 12 No.2 Lithium SY1508 Slightly
supporting Months ZL45-2 grease add per
roller time,
replace per
17 Handrail Wheel belt 12 No.2 Lithium SY1508 Slightly
directive Months ZL45-2 grease add per
side time,
replace per
18 Step main Roller(inside) 12 No.2 Lithium SY1508 Slightly
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and sub Months ZL45-2 grease add per
roller time,
replace per
9 Escalator maintenance spare parts should be prepared
9.1 Easily broken parts (users can re-order and prepare the goods), check and replace
in time according to this chart.
9.2 Easily broken parts chart
Easily broken parts (accessories)
No. Parts name position Period(month) remarks
1 Comb board Up and down According to wornness and Carbonic ester
landing board broken extent or aluminum
2 Plastic step According to wornness and Carbonic ester
board in broken extent
3 Plastic step According to wornness and Carbonic ester
board(left broken extent
and right) in
4 Handrail Handrail drive According to wornness and Rubber
pinch system broken extent
5 Handrail Handrail drive According to wornness and Rubber with
system broken extent steel,
according to
rise, incline
6 Step Step guide rail According to wornness and According to
broken extent escalator width
7 Step main Step chain According to wornness and Polyurethane
roller broken extent
8 Step sub step According to wornness and Polyurethane
roller broken extent
9 Escalator step Wornness reaches 1.2mm Nylon
10 Brake belt Brake According to wornness Asbestos copper
wire rubber belt
11 LXW5-11Q1 Safety contact According to using condition
12 XR231 Safety contact According to using condition
13 TR231 Safety contact According to using condition
10 Elimination of common malfunction
NO Fault phenomena Main reasons Eliminating methods
The step does 1.Whether the power switch 1.Check power switch and let
not move after is on it on
starts the key 2.The power voltage is too 2.When power is too low, the
switch low stop the escalator and no
3.Drive power wrong phase use
or broken phase 3.Check the relay or repair
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4.Key switch breaks and 4.Adjust or repair
wire looses
1.Drive power failure 1.Recover drive power
Sudden stop 2.Safety protection switch supply
2 during breaks down 2.Check safety contact
operation 3.Someone push the 3.Re-start direction key
emergency button
1.Brake incompletely
looses brake or even
There is impact completely, the brake belt
phenomenon inclines and there is 1.Check and adjustment
3 during the friction between brake belt 2.Adjust brake loosing
escalator and brake wheel time
starts 2.Brake loosing time is too

There is 1.Step chain pitch 1.Check adjustment

obvious twitter deviation is over large 2.Check step chain
or jump 2.Step main wheel roundness roundness
4 phenomenon is not good 3.replacement
during the 3.Step axis breaks
There is 1.Step deviates from the 1.Check adjust center
friction guide rail center 2.Replace directive block
between step 2.Step directive block 3.Adjust gap between step
and skirting wears and skirting panel
panel while 3.Gap between step and
running skirting panel is too small
Synchronize Handrail drive friction Adjust handrail drive
speed of is too small device
handrail and Compact belt force is Adjust compact pressure
6 step is too slow not enough of compact belt
Handrail is over Adjust handrail
lengthen and can not be
Gap between brake belt Adjust gap 0.5-0.7MM
and brake wheel is over Adjust spring pressure
small Measure the voltage,
Brake spring is over adjust directive voltage
Brake wheel
fastening, brake Replace brake motor
fever, have
loosening force is not Replace brake belt
7 peculiar smell,
Continuous voltage
through brake is over
low, unable to make
brake loose in proper
39 / 40
Brake machine stuck
Brake motor destroyed
Brake belt serious
wears, or hand out brake
work surface
There is Turbine sub-axis gap is Adjust or replace bearings
strange noise oversize. Check fastening parts
during the Bearing is wearing Clean and replace added
motor running Fastening parts loose lubrication oil
or obvious Lubrication oil is
vibration or little in the reducer.
heats in The oil is impurity
bearing parts.
Drive motor Temperature is Keep the normal
overheat or over-high temperature
off-flavor Motor overloads for a check machine
long time malfunction
Heat-protection relay Replace heat-protection
lose effect relay
Relay action in Power supply relay Wrong Adjust drive power 3
10 controller phase phase relay
Power supply short phase inspection
11 Maintenance notice
11.1 While in maintenance, maintainers should refer to the escalator pattern and
attached files about controller way to do maintenance.
11.2 Refer to relative electrical diagram, work diagram introduction and electrical
code, wire layout.
11.3 Eliminate the faults according to different fault according to explanation in
random file and recover the escalator into normal operation.
11.4 Contact technology department if in special occasion.

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