Ben Lieberman - Environmental Source Air Gas

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The Clean Air Act and

High Gasoline Prices

Ben Lieberman

The high price of gasoline has emerged as a as well. The EPA has broad authority to revisit
major issue in recent years. The increased cost of these regulations and to tighten them, which it
crude oil is the main contributor to the pain con- has done on several occasions.
sumers feel at the pump, but federal environmen- More fuel-related rules are constantly being
tal regulations under the Clean Air Act (CAA) added to the existing burden. For example, the
also are taking a substantial toll. This regulatory EPA currently is phasing in tough new standards
burden likely will increase in the years ahead. for sulfur in gasoline and diesel fuel, and new
Under the 1990 Amendments to the CAA, mobile source air toxics rules also are pending.
the EPA has regulated the composition of gaso- Several rules are specific to certain states or
line heavily. This effort includes the reformu- localities, resulting in the balkanization of the
lated gasoline (RFG) program, which applies nation’s fuel supply.2 As these so-called bou-
to nearly one-third of the nation’s fuel supply, tique fuel requirements were taking effect in the
as well as other requirements. These specialized
fuel formulations cost more than conventional (Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, 2005),
gasoline.1 Conventional gasoline is regulated 56–58.
2. EPA, “Study of Unique Fuel Blends (‘Boutique Fu-
els’), Effects on Fuel Supply and Distribution, and Poten-
1. Federal Trade Commission, Gasoline Price Changes: tial Improvements,” Staff White Paper, EPA, Washington,
The Dynamic of Supply, Demand, and Competition, DC, October 24, 2001, pp. 9–11.

202-331-1010 • • Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Environmental Source

1990s, the U.S. Energy Information Adminis- inadequate to the task of providing the quan-
tration warned that “the proliferation of clean tity and variety of fuels now required; yet the
fuel requirements over the last decade has com- last American refinery was built in the 1970s,
plicated petroleum logistics” and presciently and expansions of existing facilities struggle to
predicted that “additional clean fuels programs keep pace. The Bush administration’s efforts
could make the system more vulnerable to local to streamline the NSR program will help but
shortages and price spikes.”3 are being delayed by legal challenges. The NSR
Although high gasoline prices were a major and other CAA regulations have added tens of
impetus behind the massive Energy Policy Act billions of dollars to refining costs without in-
of 2005, the act’s provisions were a mixed bag creasing output. That situation leaves the refin-
at best. It did amend the CAA by repealing one ing sector with considerably fewer resources to
of the provisions that made the RFG program invest in expanding capacity and makes those
more costly than necessary, but it also added an expansions considerably more expensive.4
ethanol mandate, which required that 4.0 bil- Air quality has improved dramatically over
lion gallons of this corn-derived fuel additive be the past 30 years, in large part as a result of
blended into the nation’s fuel supply in 2006, in- reductions in motor vehicle emissions.5 But
creasing to 7.5 billion gallons in 2012. Ethanol most of the credit goes to improvements in the
costs considerably more than gasoline, so the vehicles themselves, not to recent federal micro-
mandate benefits Midwestern corn farmers and management of the makeup of fuels.6 Indeed,
the ethanol industry at the expense of the driv- costly fuel regulations like the RFG program
ing public. In addition, the logistical difficulties have proved to be environmentally unjustified
of incorporating ethanol into the nation’s fuel and even counterproductive.7
supply also have added to costs. In effect, the To protect the driving public from further
ethanol mandate is yet one more costly federal unnecessary costs, Congress must take a more
fuel requirement piled on to an overly complex aggressive role regarding new EPA regulations
regulatory scheme and has proved to be a step affecting gasoline and must reconsider existing
in the wrong direction. rulemaking authority that is doing more eco-
The most recent energy bill increases the nomic harm than environmental good.
ethanol mandate five-fold, from 7.5 billion gal-
lons to 36 billion by 2022.
Other CAA rules have affected the price of 4. National Petroleum Council, Observations on Petro-
leum Product Supply, (Washington, DC: National Petro-
gasoline in less direct ways. For example, the leum Council, 2004), 16–18.
EPA’s aggressive implementation of the New 5. Joseph Bast and Jay Lehr, “The Increasing Sustain-
Source Review (NSR) program, along with ability of Cars, Trucks, and the Internal Combustion
other regulations, has made it very difficult to Engine,” Policy Study 95 Heartland Institute, Chicago,
build new refineries or even to upgrade exist- June 22, 2000.
ing ones. Currently, refinery capacity is proving 6. Joel Schwartz, No Way Back: Why Air Pollution Will
Continue to Decline (Washington, DC: American Enter-
3. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information prise Institute, 2003).
Administration, Demand and Price Outlook for Phase 7. National Research Council. Ozone-Forming Poten-
2 Reformulated Gasoline, 2000 (Washington, DC: U.S. tial of Reformulated Gasoline (Washington, DC: Na-
Department of Energy, 1999), 8. tional Academies Press, 1999).

Competitive Enterprise Institute • • 202-331-1010

Clean Air Act

Key Expert Demand, and Competition. Washington, DC:

Federal Trade Commission.
Ben Lieberman, Senior Political Analyst, National Petroleum Council. 2004. Observa- tions on Petroleum Product Supply. Wash-
ington, DC: National Petroleum Council.
Recommended Readings National Research Council. 1999. Ozone-
Forming Potential of Reformulated Gaso-
Bast, Joseph, and Jay Lehr. 2000. “The Increas- line. Washington, DC: National Academies
ing Sustainability of Cars, Trucks, and the In- Press.
ternal Combustion Engine.” Policy Study 95. Schwartz, Joel. 2003. No Way Back: Why Air
Heartland Institute, Chicago, June 22, 2000. Pollution Will Continue to Decline. Wash-
EPA. 2001. “Study of Unique Gasoline Fuel ington, DC: American Enterprise Institute.
Blends (‘Boutique Fuels’), Effects on Fuel U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information
Supply and Distribution, and Potential Im- Administration (EIA). 2000. Demand and
provements.” Staff White Paper, EPA, Wash- Price Outlook for Phase 2 Reformulated
ington, DC, October 24. Gasoline. Washington, DC: U.S. Depart-
Federal Trade Commission. 2005. Gasoline ment of Energy.
Price Changes: The Dynamic of Supply, emeu/steo/pub/special/rfg4.html.

Updated 2008.

202-331-1010 • • Competitive Enterprise Institute

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