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 WFG   Financial  Needs  Analysis10  

Cash Flow
A  financial  needs  analysis  provided  by  a  licensed  W FG    
associate  can  help  you  answer  these  ques>ons  and       more:  
How   do  I    create  a  workable  savings  plan  that  I    can  s>ck     to?   Debt Management
What  goals  should  I  set,  and  h ow   much  do  I  need  to  save  to  reach  these    

How   much  insurance  do  I    need?  What  types  of  insurance  should  I        consider?   Emergency Fund
If  w e   can  help  you  by  using  the  principles  of  our  financial  needs  analysis  and    
offer  suitable  solu>ons  for  you  and  your  family,  would  you  be  willing  to  do    
business  with   us?  
Proper Protection

If  you  are  pleased  with  your  experience  with  us,  let  us    know.  

Would  you  be  willing  to  refer  friends  or  family  to  us  so  w e   can  share  this     Build Wealth
informa>on  with   them?  

Preserve Wealth

10  The  WFG  Financial  Needs  Analysis,  developed  by  World  Financial  Group,  is  based  on  the  accuracy  and  completeness  of  the  data  provided  by   When  inves>ng,  there  are  certain  risks,  fees  and  
the  client.    The  analysis  uses  sources  that  are  believed  to  be  reliable  and  accurate,  although  they  are  not  guaranteed.  Discuss  any  legal,  tax  or   charges,    and  limita>ons  that  one    must    take  into    
financial  maMer    with  the  appropriate  professional.  Neither  the  informa>on  presented  nor  any  opinion  expressed  cons>tutes  a  solicita>on   considera>on.  
for  the  purchase  or  sale  of    any  specific  security  or  financial    service.  

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