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Bauan Technical High School 1

Cluster 2, Group No. 11

Research Proponents: Gonzalvo, Alexa Marie C.

Ilagan, Roanne R.

Manalo, Lhea Jayne B.

Research Title: Uses of Twitter Threads to the Social Behavior of Senior High
School Students in Bauan technical High School




As the world keeps on evolving, its technology makes a progress. The

continuous advancements of technology had created platforms that generate
communication. These platforms are better known as social media which may help
everyone to be connected even if they are miles apart. It offers unique and fun way on how
people will interact with one another, all on the cyber web. This has created an alternate
world for communication that grants people the ability to communicate without human
interaction. Social media gives people a place to find things of their interest while being
able to meet others. It has continued to become more and more prevalent each and every
year. Social media is a web-based technology that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information and ideas. In today generations, it has contributed a lot on how the society
unites as one. There are millions of users around the world that makes up the social media
as one of the most popular communication means and information sharing. As the years
passed by, the population of the social media users increases. At a young age, the children
are already aware on how this media platform works. Starting from news report,
environmental issues and up to large networks, social media has been part of life of every
individual with the use of gadget.
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Social media has made communication easier than before. It makes human
interaction much convenient than real life human interaction. It connects people from
different countries and keeps everyone updated about world issues. It is also a great tool in
spreading important information to people at a very fast rate. In just a second, many social
media users can be informed about a certain issue or news. In addition, it can also help
introduce young people to new things and ideas and deepen appreciation of existing
interests. Regardless of location and religion, social networks are helpful in building
relationships with other people.

Social media, however, has a negative aspect due to the fact that it affects
relationships with others, people easily get distracted, and it may cause cyber bullying.
According to AntonyJoseph social media is affecting the way kids look at friendships and
intimacy. Patricia Greenfield, a UCLA developmental psychologist says that teens’ ideas
of friendship have been influenced by their immersion in the on-line world since young
people feel socially supported by having large networks of on-line friends. This means that
many young people now depend their social life from ‘likes’ and feedback to their postings.
Social media is the most common way to distract a student as said by others. Student tends
to post or tweet something rather than doing their homework and projects. According to
AntonyJoseph (writer of effects of social media on students), social media became one of
the reasons why a student’s grades are suffering, since platforms such as Instagram,
Twitter, or Facebook are very hard to ignore because of constantly new information being
updated. Another crucial thing that social media allows to others to do are becoming
bullies. Cyber bullying allows those on the internet to post personal information, the mask
identity that the internet gives allows the bullies to insult or harass someone without getting

“The usage of social media around the world is ever-increasing. Social media
statistics from 2019 show that there are 3.2 billion social media users worldwide, and this
number is only growing. That equates to about 42% of the current population” (Emarsys,
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2019). One of the reasons for this high usage of social media is because of the technological
advancements that results to an easier way on how an individual will access the social
media. “In terms of daily usage by generation, Millennials with 90.4% continue to be the
generation with the highest use of social media and also the broadest access to smart
phones. On the other hand, Generation Z with 77.5%, are most likely to be using tablets.
Lastly, Baby Boomers with 48.2% are increasingly becoming more familiar with social
media platforms.” (Emarketer, 2019). This statistics result proves that Millennials got the
high usage of social media thus making them most likely to be affected by the internet.

Based on GlobalStats, the social media stats of the Philippines as of November

2019 shows that Facebook ranked first, followed by Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and
Instagram. These five applications allow millions of users to socialize with one another all
in one convenient place. There is Facebook where everyone can share, like and comment
to a certain post. Twitter where anyone is free to tweet and post thoughts and opinions all
in 140 characters or less. The Pinterest that allows the users to visually share and discover
new interests by posting images or videos. Youtube where everyone can watch videos of
different vloggers. And an Instagram that allows people to edit and upload photos in
different shots. These applications that have seen in the result are often used by different
or same users.

Although those platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and

Instagram gives different entertainment to the users, there are some disadvantages on using
these applications. Nowadays, it is very common for people to get cyber bullied because
people have the power to publicly humiliate others. These social media sites have the
ability to break person’s reputation and personal image. It is easy for personal information
to be leaked onto the internet. Social media is a powerful thing that can make great
difference but can also ruin peaceful lives.
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Twitter has ranked second as the most used social media application in the
Philippines. It is a widely known social media application that allows the user to express
their feelings and opinions about something via tweets. As the Twitter becomes popular,
its community expands. Twitter is a place to learn about what people in general are talking
about. As said by Matthew Arnold, “Students' long-windedness is likely an expression of
our cultural tendency toward both validating the worth of all experience, and publishing a
play-by-play of said experience on Facebook or Twitter." Twitter is also one of the
platforms where news spreads fast thus making it helpful and harmful to the users. As the
news spreads it is helpful in a way that it can help the people to be constantly updated,
however if the news is unsure, fake or wrong, it is harmful to both users and people involve
in the news. Users might judge or criticize something from false accusation and the
involved people to get cyber bullied by fake news.

Today, it is crucial to determine the impact of social media on the academic

performance of students. Technology is booming rapidly from year to year, and the
younger generations are the ones caught in this rapid change. Social media has been utilized
in so many different ways throughout the years. One of the heavy users of social media is
Egypt. It dominates 25% of the total MENA region, having almost 11 million users, even
though the penetration rate is only about 13%. In the first six months of the year 2012,
Egypt had an additional 1,608,420 users on Facebook, which is the highest number in the
MENA region. Luke Richards stated that 46% of Egyptian social media users believe that
social media has great influence in empowering them to change their country (Richards,
2012). According to Dr. Anthony Curtis, in 2014, there is about 1.28 billion Facebook users
and 255 million Twitter users, 55 million of the Facebook users and 3.7 million of the
Twitter users are from the Arab world (Curtis, 2013).

Teenagers across the world may believe that social media has a positive impact
on their lives because it makes communication with friends quick and easy, however, it
takes away meaningful relationships. Now, people prefer communicating through the touch
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of their fingertips, and not face-to-face interaction, which is less meaningful. People who
use social networking sites are prone to social isolation. Social networking can exacerbate
feelings of disconnect, and put children at higher risk for depression, and low self-esteem.

One of the most popular social media platforms is Twitter. Twitter has become
increasingly popular with academics as well as students, policymaker, politician and the
general public. Twitter allows you to easily promote your research, build relationships with
others, seek feedback about your work and give feedback to other, to express who you are
as a person via tweets, twitter also became home for those who have things that are left
unsaid. People tends to express their emotions in twitter, from random thoughts to things
you were interested at. Because of the popularity of twitter many young people are using
it, often teenagers and young adults because of its complex uses. This is why many
trendsetters are trending on various corners of twitter due to the fact that many teenagers
and young adults. These trendsetters either promotes things that are helpful to others or are
trendsetter that promotes different things, such as vapes, clothes, cars, shoes and much
more. Because those things are so trendy, users are encouraged to imitate and do the same.
As users respond to trends their social behavior can change either in a good way or worst.
According to the Cambridge University Press. 2010, “Influencing individual behavior has
the power to determine a behavior change of those people who can facilitate other
behaviors.” An article in Oxford Academy written by Catherine A. Luther says that male
and female teenagers tends to compare themselves with model advertisements, thus
concluding public self-consciousness was the primary psychological construct found to be
driving ad-inspired social comparison behavior.

The use of twitter threads can affect a user’s social behavior depending on the
environment of the used twitter threads. If the twitter thread is motivating, the users will
be motivated and if the thread is criticizing something or someone, the user will more likely
either disagree or agree to the thread. A single tweet can change someone’s life, it can
either help or destroy life. The researchers conduct this study in order to enlighten the users
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on how a single twitter thread can change someone’ social behavior that can either destroy
or create them. The researchers want to know the possible effects that can affect the social
behavior of someone by using twitter.

The study will be focused on social media application which is twitter. Precisely, the
study will deal with the uses of twitter to the Senior High School students. It will also
include the advantages and disadvantages of using twitter. Facebook, Instagram and other
social media is excluded.

Since the study uses descriptive method, the interview will be needed as it serves as
the most important tool. The respondents of the study were composed of selected Senior
High School students from Bauan Technical High School. The researcher will develop the
materials needed in conducting this study.

This study is pursued to look for the uses of Twitter threads. Therefore, the findings
of this study will provide benefits to the students and future researchers;

To the twitter users, this study will give them awareness on the uses of twitter and
how this application will change their behavior.

To the students, the study will help them to know the uses of Twitter threads and its
effect to their social behavior. The students will be able to determine their limitations using
social media application, specifically Twitter, thus making them wiser while using it.

To the future researchers, they could also use the results as a reference and guide on
knowing the uses of Twitter to the students. The study will give them awareness about how
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these threads can affect the social behavior of an individual. The results gained by this
study can be utilized to compare and confirm other studies.


The following are the objectives of the research. By studying these objectives, the
researchers will be able to know the possible effects of using twitter threads towards the
social behavior of the Senior High school students in Bauan Technical Highschool. These
objectives will be the Researcher’s guide in performing this research.

General Objectives

The general objective of this research is to determine the effects of using twitter threads
to the social behavior of senior high school students of Bauan Technical High School. The
researchers will determine whether using twitter threads is harmful or helpful, and the pros
and cons of using it to the students.

Specific Objectives

In order to accomplish the general objectives, the researchers first need to identify
the negative and positive effects of using twitter threads. By identifying its effects, the
researchers can list all the harmful and helpful effects of using twitter threads.

The second one is to determine which of the effects can affect or may have an
impact to the social behavior of the senior high students. By determining which of the
following effects have an impact to the social behavior of the senior high students, the
researchers will gain enough knowledge about the research.
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After the researchers found the effects that can affect the social behavior of the
senior high school students, the researchers then will inform the students on how the use
of twitter threads can affect their social behavior, thus giving them knowledge to be wiser
and clever in using twitter threads.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby defined conceptually for better understanding of the

Twitter Threads- Is a series of connected tweets from one person, with a thread you can
provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple tweets
together. (

Twitter- Is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members
to broadcast tweets. (

Tweets- (noun) Is a post on Twitter, it can be up to 140 characters long and can include
URLs and hashtags. (

Technology- (noun) Refer to the methods, systems, and devices which are the result of
scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes. The application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes,
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Social Media Platforms- Is a web-based technology that enables the development,

deployment and management of social media solutions and services. It provides the ability
to create social media websites and services with complete social media network
functionality. (

Social media- (noun) Refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people
to share content quickly and efficiently. (

Prevalent- (adj.) Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.


Social Behavior- Refers to human motivations, activities, psychological processes and

interactions (small groups, families, communities, and whole societies). Any behavior
caused by or affecting another individual, usually of the same species.

Behavior- (noun) Way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Internet- (noun) A global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols. (
Bauan Technical High School 1

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