One Sample T

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One Sample T-Test

The one Sample t-test determines whether the sample mean is statistically
different from a known or hypothesized population mean. The one sample t-test is a
parametric test.

This test is also known as:

 Single Sample t-test

The variable used in this test is known as:

 Test Variable

In a one sample t-test, the test variable is compared against a “test value”, which
is a known or hypothesized value of the mean in the population.

The null hypothesis (𝐻0 ) and (two-tailed) alternative hypothesis (𝐻1 ) of
the one sample t-test can be expressed as:
𝐻0 𝜇 = 𝑥̅ (“the sample mean is equal is equal to the [𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑] population
𝐻1 𝜇 ≠ 𝑥̅ (“ the sample mean is not equal to the [𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑] population
Where 𝜇 is a constant proposed for the population mean and 𝑥̅ is the sample mean.
𝑥̅ −𝜇
𝑡= 𝑠𝑥̅


Consider 20 first year resident female doctors drawn at random from one area,
resting systolic blood pressures measured using an electronic sphygmomanometer

128 127

118 115

144 142
133 140

132 131

111 132

149 122

139 119

136 129

126 128

From previous large studies of women drawn at random from the healthy
general public, a resting systolic blood pressure of 120 mm Hg was predicted as the
population mean for the relevant age group. To analyse these data in StatsDirect first
prepare a workbook column containing the 20 data above or open the test workbook
and select the single sample t test from the parametric methods section of the analysis
menu. Select the column marked "Systolic BP" when prompted and enter the
population mean as 120.

For this example:

Single sample t test

Sample name: Systolic BP

Sample mean = 130.05

Population mean = 120

Sample size n = 20

Sample sd = 9.960316

95% confidence interval for mean difference = 5.388429 to 14.711571

df = 19
t = 4.512404

One sided P = .0001

Two sided P = .0002

Power (for 5% significance) = 98.71%

A null hypothesis of no difference between sample and population means has

clearly been rejected. Using the 95% CI we expect the mean systolic BP for this
population of doctors to be at least 5 mm Hg greater than the age and sex matched
general public, lying somewhere between 125 and 135 mm Hg.


A research study was conducted to examine the differences between older and
younger adults on perceived life satisfaction. A pilot study was conducted to examine
this hypothesis. Ten older adults (over the age of 70) and ten younger adults
(between 20 and 30) were give a life satisfaction test (known to have high reliability
and validity). Scores on the measure range from 0 to 60 with high scores indicative of
high life satisfaction; low scores indicative of low life satisfaction. The data are
presented below. Compute the appropriate t-test.

Older Adults Younger Adults

45 34
38 22
52 15
48 27
25 37
39 41
51 24
46 19
55 26
46 36
Mean = Mean =
S= S=
S2 = S2 =

1. What is your computed answer?

2. What would be the null hypothesis in this study?
3. What would be the alternate hypothesis?
4. What probability level did you choose and why?
5. What is your tcrit?
6. Is there a significant difference between the two groups?
7. Interpret your answer.
8. If you have made an error, would it be a Type I or a Type II error? Explain your

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