Interview Question COOP

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Emerging Governance and Management of Selected Cooperatives

Interview Questions:

1. When was the founding date of MORECO? And MORECO MPC Taytay
2. Who founded MORECO? Why do you think there is a need of the
cooperative within the community?
3. Can you provide a brief history of MORECO MPC? How many members
do you currently have in Taytay Branch and the overall number of
members from the other branch? (You can also provide the estimate)

Member Campaign:

1. How do you recruit your members? Who is your target or what’s your
basis in recruiting them?
2. What is your recruitment process? What are the recruitments?
3. What are the services/goods you provide that increases the desire of
the people in the community to join the cooperative?

Member Patronage:

1. How do you keep your members or maintain their membership within

the cooperative?
2. What are the steps you do (as the General Manager) for them to
patronize the goods and services provided by the cooperative?
3. For the overall management, what are the steps they are implementing
for the continuous growth in the cooperative?

Member Capital Build Up

1. How do you increase member’s capital build-up?

2. What are the services or ways the cooperative implement to
continuously increase members shared capital?
3. What are the advantages of the members if they increase their shared

Internal Control :

1. Who’s in charge of the accounting process?

2. How do you conduct audits? Who conducts the auditing process?
3. What are the roles of each representative based on the cooperative
organizational chart?

Succession Planning, Educational Training

1. What is the training/ seminars conducted by the cooperative? How

often? What is the basis of these training or seminar?
2. How do you conduct a succession planning?
3. What’s the basis in planning the service or goods you provide to the

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