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This is one of a series of researchers’ CVs created by Vitae illustrating different presentation styles.

Although fictional, they are modelled on real successful examples of CVs.

For more advice on creating effective CVs as a researcher go to

Dr Susan Weaver (BSc, MA, MSc, PhD)

Research Associate (Personal details supplied here)

Current employment
Research Associate, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham University, January 2012 to present:
 Postdoctoral researcher on interdisciplinary project, “Gender equality and public services in Europe”
 Responsibility for research into gender equality in public healthcare in three European countries
 As part of inter-disciplinary team (Political Science, Sociology, Public Policy), contributing to research
meetings; developing an analytical framework; comparing results and drawing comparative conclusions
 Linguistic assistance and editing support for project publications
 Organisational and administrative support for functioning of the School’s Europe Centre.

Research interests
 Women’s rights and gender equality
 European Union politics and policy-making
 Gender and healthcare in Europe
 Policy analysis, particularly interpretative analysis of policy texts.

Academic history
2007-11: Ph.D. Politics, University of Manchester, UK
Thesis: “Gender and healthcare in the European Union” PhD project:

 Investigating gender equality in the area of health, using text based analysis triangulated with semi-
structured interviews
 Comprehensive review of the literature on gender equality policy in the EU, with particular reference to
issues related to women’s health. This review also explored existing empirical research and assessed the
various methodological approaches adopted
 Comprehensive review of the selected policy area (health), including identification of key policy texts and
key policy actors
 Developing an analytical framework with which to assess the inclusion of a gender perspective in the
selected policy area (using data from documentary analysis and interviews)
 Analysing key policy texts from a gender perspective and completion of semi-structured interviews with
European officials working in the area of health
 Assessing findings from documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews, leading to the development of
overall project conclusions
 Disseminating research findings and conclusions to the research and policy communities
 Passed unconditionally at viva
 Key words: EU politics; gender equality; healthcare; policy-making process
 Funded by UK’s Economic and Social Research Council 1+3 Award.

2006-7: M.Sc. Social Science Research Methods, University of Manchester, Department of Politics, UK
 Dissertation (distinction): “Equality and diversity in theory and practice”
 Formal training in qualitative and quantitative research methods (including SPSS), specialising in text-based
content analysis (particularly critical discourse analysis as used for M.Sc. dissertation).

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Version 1.0 2014. For conditions of use please refer to
This is one of a series of researchers’ CVs created by Vitae illustrating different presentation styles.
Although fictional, they are modelled on real successful examples of CVs.
For more advice on creating effective CVs as a researcher go to

2004-5: M.A. European Studies, University of Leeds European Research Institute, UK

 Dissertation: “Women’s rights and gender equality in the European Union”.

2000-4: B.Sc.(Hons) Maths, University of Leeds, UK

 Including one year at Louvain University Belgium, as part of ERASMUS Programme.

Additional professional experience

September to November 2011: Updated online resources for the Politics of Brussels
 Initially created in Summer 2008 (please see below)

July to October 2011: Editorial Assistant, European Studies Journal (ESJ)

 Contributing to the continued successful running of the ESJ Editorial Office
 Performing comprehensive article checks as per journal requirements
 Liaising with the Editors-in-Chief, guest editors, authors and publishers
 Maintaining online and electronic databases; updating system information as required
 Providing feedback on processes to maximise the efficiency of existing system.

April to July 2011: Festival Administrator (intern), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Manchester,
 Working closely with Academic Lead to organise the inaugural Faculty Festival (>25 events over five days;
events for academics, policy-makers, schools and general public, in Manchester and London)
 Liaising with both internal and external stakeholders
 Administrative and organisational support; costing and forecasting spend.

March 2010-March 2011: Vice-Chancellor’s Researcher (intern), University of Manchester, UK

 Informing University strategy through results-driven higher education (HE) research
 Providing reports with recommendations, communicated in writing and verbally
 Liaising with internal networks, including the Senior Management Team
 Project design and management; individual and team working; research in English French and Spanish.

2008-09: Intern at the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium
 Undertaking wide-ranging public policy focused work to achieve the EWL’s strategic objectives
 Preparing policy-focused briefs for the Secretariat
 Preparing and editing articles for external publication (in English and French),including translating, proof
reading and editing of articles
 Own-initiative and directed work, individually and as part of a team.

Summer 2008: Wrote online resources for The Politics of Brussels textbook,
 Creating online student and lecturer resources for internationally distributed, HE textbook
 Resources include: Powerpoint slides for each chapter; seminar questions and activities; essay questions with
bullet point responses; quizzes; biographies of key figures.

2006: Executive Assistant for the Business Development Programme, Liverpool City Council
 European Regional Development Fund project providing high-level support to ensure the success of new
businesses in the north west with high growth potential (anticipated turnover > £1million within three years)
Susan Weaver academic CV, Vitae, © 2014 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited 2
To ensure that this is the latest version of this document, please go to
Version 1.0 2014. For conditions of use please refer to
This is one of a series of researchers’ CVs created by Vitae illustrating different presentation styles.
Although fictional, they are modelled on real successful examples of CVs.
For more advice on creating effective CVs as a researcher go to

 Disseminating information to, and liaising with, public and private sector stakeholders
 Completing regular project update reports for the Regional European Funding Office
 Participating in and evaluating client-focused events and workshops.

Recent academic conferences/seminars

 2 October 2013: “Gendering public services in Europe: Preliminary project findings”, regional conference on
 20 June 2013: Panel member, “Gender and healthcare”, 7th European Conference on Healthcare, Paris
 23 March 2013: “Gender and the European Union: the case of healthcare”, Biennial Conference on Primary
Care Services
 5 February 2013: “Gender and the European Union: the case of healthcare”, University seminar.

Public Engagement activity

 Initiating and establishing “Gender Forum”: Discussion group for academics and policy actors, to run during
2014. Preliminary meeting on 5 December 2013
 22 October 2013: Participating in an expert meeting to discuss findings from research into gender sensitive
policy evaluation
 14 March 2013: Designing and delivering seminar for civil servants, “Gender equality and Healthcare”
 14 February 2013: Designing and delivering seminar for civil servants: “The European Union: An introduction”
 May-June 2009: Designing and delivering a five-session (10 hour) course in European Union Politics for a civil
servant prior to her two-week secondment in Brussels.

Relevant teaching
 19 November 2013: Delivering a guest lecture, “The European Union: An Introduction for Teachers”, for PGCE
students, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham University
 18 and 21 November 2011: Designing and delivering a two-hour seminar on European Union politics for sixth
form students from the Manchester area as part of the University of Manchester’s Widening Participation
 15 March 2009: Designing and leading a short seminar on the EU for the Manchester Grammar School’s Politics
 Autumn Term 2007-8: Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Politics module, “Political Concepts”, Department
of Politics, University of Manchester.

 English (first language)
 French: (fluent with English/French translation experience)
 Spanish (basic)
 German (basic).

Memberships/Additional responsibilities
 Member of Nottingham Law School’s Equality, Diversity and Dignity Committee (from November 2013)
 Trustee, Local Healthcare Action Group (from July 2012).

Susan Weaver academic CV, Vitae, © 2014 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited 3
To ensure that this is the latest version of this document, please go to
Version 1.0 2014. For conditions of use please refer to
This is one of a series of researchers’ CVs created by Vitae illustrating different presentation styles.
Although fictional, they are modelled on real successful examples of CVs.
For more advice on creating effective CVs as a researcher go to

Skills and expertise

Research and analytical skills
 Formal training (M.Sc., distinction) in quantitative and qualitative research methods (including SPSS)
 Particular experience of undertaking public policy research using text-based content analysis (discursive
frame analysis and critical discourse analysis)
 Experience of undertaking key stakeholder interviews during internships
 Experience of manipulating data sets electronically (UG level [Maths B.Sc.] and SPSS [M.Sc.]).

Communication and building networks

 Preparing and presenting written and verbal communications for use in with a range of audiences
 academic (including inter-disciplinary audiences); policy-makers; senior management
 students of mixed level and ability (University and High School)
 Building and maintaining internal and external networks, nationally and internationally.

 Working on a common project in a highly collaborative team (e.g. EWL and Vice-Chancellor’s Researcher)
 Sharing research in an inter-disciplinary environment
 Building and developing a team in the voluntary sector .

Project management
 Designing and managing both academic and commercial research projects
 Working effectively on multiple and diverse projects, adjusting priorities as required
 Working flexibly within dynamic time and resource restrictions, meeting tight deadlines.

Conference and event organisation

 Initiating and hosting gender discussion group for academics and policy-makers
 Helping to co-ordinate the Faculty of Social Sciences inaugural Festival.

Activities and interests

Voluntary work
 Guide Association (1995-2010) including three years as a volunteer youth leader, helping with and
organizing activities for girls aged 9-14 at residential camps, holidays and meetings every week
 Sangam World Guide Centre, Pura, India – summer 2007 Volunteer Youth Worker, 3 week programme
running classes for children aged 4-11 in teamwork, communication skills and English
 Working with homeless people in Nottingham, Manchester and Leeds.

 Accomplished pianist, performing at numerous recitals and part of the Nottingham University Orchestra.


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To ensure that this is the latest version of this document, please go to
Version 1.0 2014. For conditions of use please refer to

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