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Project Success 5 ● Grammar Worksheets


Grammar Worksheet
Causatives: make, have, and get

Study the chart.

Active Management makes us wear protective clothing in this room.
Gary had the staff join him in the conference room.
I got Ben to buy the cleaning supplies.
Passive They don’t have their house painted very often.
Did she get the car repaired?

Complete each sentence. Use the correct forms of the verbs.

1. A: Do you think Adam will come to the benefits meeting?
B: He has to! Don’t worry, I’ll get him to come . (get / come / him)
2. A: Why do we have to sign this form?
B: They make us sign (make / us / sign) it so if there are any problems, we can’t say we
didn’t know about them.
3. A: Do you think you can help John with the new system?
B: I can try. You can have him call me when he has some free time. (have / call / him)
4. A: I need to leave today right at 5:00.
B: No problem. We’ll get the report finished by then. (get / finish / the report)
5. A: Do you still need to go to the dentist?
B: No, I had my teeth checked yesterday. (have / check / my teeth)
6. A: Did that telemarketer get you to listen to her, too? (get / listen / you)
B: Yes. But then I told her that I wasn’t interested in the product she was selling, and she
hung up.
7. A: Where did you get your laptop fixed ? (get / fix / your laptop)
B: At the electronics store at the mall.
8. A: Did Matthew make you drive him to the train station? (make / drive / you)
B: No, I offered to take him.

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