Jesus Christ

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Messiah’s Magical Miracles?

May 21st 2BC

Jesus Christ was born in the town of Setting people free who were oppressed
Bethlehem 33 years ago. During his life so of the evil spirits?
far, Jesus has been going around to small
villages teaching people how they should Jesus arrived on the other side of the lake in
approach life and supposedly “forgiving the land of the Godarenes; two men who had
sins”. He has also been said to be healing the been possessed by demons had seen him. No
sick and curing the troubled. Many people one had dared to go near them. The 2 men
have referred to him as the “son of god” or begged “if you cast us out, send us into that
“the messiah”. A Messiah is a man that herd of pig.” “All right” said Jesus and just
performs miracles and is there to lead the then the demons came out the men and
Jews to happiness. entered the pigs. The herd plunged into the
lake and drowned. Sceptics think that maybe
Healing people? the pigs were just scared of the diseased men
and ran. Believer thinks that Jesus really did
A man with leprosy had approached Jesus,
get the demons out of the men. The people
and had knelt down before him pleading him
who believe the meaning is more important
to make him well again. Jesus leant over and
think that God forgives sins and that demons
placed his hand on the man’s shoulder “Be
are dangerous.
healed” Jesus commanded. All of a sudden
the Leprosy had disappeared. A sceptic would Showing his power over nature?
believe that the person didn’t really have
leprosy and that it had been set up. On the It was a late afternoon and Jesus had been
other hand a person who thinks the meaning teaching a crowd of 500 thousand men who
is more important would believe that if you were starving. “You feed them” Jesus
have faith in god he can make you well again. commanded his disciples. Later on, the came
Furthermore the believer simply thinks that back bearing 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
Jesus had got rid of the Leprosy. Jesus took the food and looked up to heaven.
Breaking the food up into pieces he kept
Raising the dead? giving bread and fish, they all ate until they
were full and they brought back 12 baskets of
Jesus and his disciples where heading towards
leftovers back. Sceptics believe that the
the village of Nain, when they noticed there
amount of food had been exaggerated or the
was a funeral procession taking place.
number of people had been under
Suddenly to everyone’s surprise he walked up
exaggerated. Whilst the people who think the
to the coffin and touched it. Then he yelled
meaning is most important believe the moral
“young man, get up.”The dead boy sat up as if
of it is to teach you the importance of sharing.
nothing had happened and started talking to
The believer thinks that Jesus had turned the
those around him. Sceptics believe that
five loaves of bread and 2 fish so it could feed
maybe the boy had been asleep or was in a
the 5000 men.
coma. Whereas the meaning would be that
there is life after death. A believer will think
that Jesus performed a miracle.
Messiah’s Magical Miracles?
My opinions on the miracles are that they
didn’t really happen or were exaggerated to
make it seem like it was a miracle. The most
logical explanation for the whole thing is that
Jesus maybe did heal someone and people
passed it along and as it passed down things
were added to it. I believe that there was
someone called Jesus and probably was a
good man but nothing more. Overall I do not
believe Jesus was the messiah or he
performed miracles.

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