Left and Ethno-Nationalism in Pakistan

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What Is Really Happening and the cultural legacy of Mughal north

India. Thus, east Pakistan seceded in 1971

in Pakistan? – still the only instance of a majority popu-

lation seceding from a minority in the
modern era – and ever since the remain-
ing underrepresented ethnic-national
Aasim Sajjad Akhtar groups have continued to challenge the
unitary state.

Throughout the cold war, he collapse of Pakistan has been Throughout the cold war, ethnic-­
the Pakistani left and prophesised countless times in the nationalists and the Pakistani left worked
62 years since the Partition of I­ndia. collectively towards what they perceived
ethno-nationalists struggled
The conspiracy theories doing the rounds to be a shared goal: to transform the uni-
together against the dominant at present are, therefore, hardly a novelty. tary state into a socialist federation. Until
military establishment backed by It is true that more serious questions the Sino-Soviet split the alliance of leftists
American imperialism. As the are being raised about Pakistan’s future and nationalists had simple choices to
in the present conjuncture than ever make about its cold war alignments. Sub-
New Great Game unfolds in the
before, but it is also true that most of the sequently, matters became more comp­
region, the need to revive this doomsday scenarios in circulation pay little licated. Even so, not until the collapse of
historic alliance is greater than attention to social forces and political the Soviet Union did things change
ever, but, in the short run, the alignments within Pakistan, and focus d­ramatically.
almost e­xclusively on the vagaries of the The left fractured (even while some
prospects of such a revival
“Great Game”. small Trotskyite factions attempted to fill
seem remote. Even if (one or many) international the void), while the once convergent inter-
powers are committed to redrawing the ests of the various ethnic-nationalists
map of the region, without the support of started to diverge. The Pashtun middle
a critical mass of political players within class became increasingly co-opted into
Pakistan no such project is tenable. the civil bureaucracy and military. Radi-
While the western corporate media ob- cal Pashtun nationalism had already been
sesses about the Islamists and Pakistan’s dealt a decisive blow by the cultivation of
nuclear weapons, the true nature and ex- jihadi militancy from 1977 onwards. Sin-
tent of Pakistan’s internal fragmentation dhi nationalism developed in an ambiva-
remains underspecified. From the outset lent direction following the rise of the
Pakistan has been a state that has refused P­akistan People’s Party (PPP) under Sindhi
to accept its inheritance of multiple and leadership and the subsequent emergence
relatively well-constituted national groups. of the Muhajir Qaumi Movement (MQM) in
The rot set in before Partition when the 1980s, which marked the culmination
Congress influentials like Sardar P­atel of the creeping demographic and political
insisted that Pakistan would sooner or changes in urban Sindh that had started
later be incorporated back into Mother with the Partition migrations. The Baloch
I­ndia. Such veiled threats provided the remained the least integrated and aliena­
perfect foil for bureaucrats and generals ted from the state but the wider objective
trained in the best colonial tradition to environment ensured that Baloch nation-
whip up frenzy after frenzy about India’s alism started to become more exclusive
hegemonic d­esigns and thereby thwart and, in some cases, openly chauvinistic.
the nation-building process even before it
had b­egun. Crisis of Identity Anew
Following the events of 11 September 2001
Nation Never Made and the direct influx of imperialist forces
And indeed a nation – Pakistan – has into Afghanistan, Pakistan’s crisis of iden-
never become. Sindhi, Baloch, Bengali and tity has erupted back into the spotlight. In
Aasim Sajjad Akhtar (amajid@comsats.net.pk) Pashtun ethnic-nationalities have never short, Baloch and Pashtun ethnic-­
is affiliated with the People’s Rights Movement acquiesced to the structure of power in nationalists of various stripes have adapt-
in Pakistan and is also with the Lahore which Punjabis and Urdu-speakers domi- ed their politics to the imperatives of the
University of Management Sciences.
nate under the guise of defending Islam “New Great Game”. At a time when the
10 march 6, 2010  vol xlv no 10  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

need for leftists and ethnic-nationalists to Pakistani security forces in a low intensity In fact these are secondary consider­
coalesce around a broad anti-establish- insurgency, and some militant leaders ations. If all of the v­arious ethnic-nation-
ment, anti-imperialist platform is perhaps openly ask for the US and other western alities within Pakistan – or at the very
greater than ever, it appears as if the trend powers to support them. While it is impos- least those who speak for them – are
is in the opposite direction. sible to prove conclusively if these requests convinced that they want to have nothing
The Awami National Party (ANP) in the have been heeded, it is far from fantastical to do with Pakistan, then i­nternational
Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) and to believe that the Pentagon is playing powers will not have the good grace to
the Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party its hand in this theatre of the “New convince them otherwise.
(­PkMAP) in Balochistan are the two e­thnic- Great Game”. It is the responsibility of the progres-
nationalist organisations operating in Those nationalists calling for the estab- sives in urban centres, and particularly in
Pash­tun majority areas. The ANP has lishment of a meaningful federal system Punjab, to convince ethnic-nationalists
made clear that it is hedging its bets on in which the rights and resources of that there is the possibility of a new social
the U­nited States (US), throwing its weight Balochistan are protected are meanwhile contract that can be forged collectively.
behind the “war on terror” in the hope finding it increasingly difficult to survive There can be no misgiving about imperial-
that the empire is committed to not just politically in a rapidly radicalising environ­ ism’s role in this regard. Indeed, to a cer-
taking on the Taliban and Al Qaida mili- ment. Reputations do not seem to matter: tain extent, Baloch and Pakhtun national-
tarily but also reversing the radicalisation even Akhtar Mengal, a one-time chief ists’ belief that the US is committed to
of Pashtun society. For its part the US minister of the province and head of emancipating them from the Pakistani
also appears to be patronising the ANP the most powerful tribal formations in state underlines the complete failure of
f­ollowing its resounding victory in the the province, is struggling to retain a progressives to offer nationalists an alter-
NWFP provincial elections of 2008, when political presence. native political vision that is built upon a
it defeated the alliance of religious parties, The moderate nationalists appear un- clear commitment to protecting the rights
Muttahida­-Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), which willing to reach out to the left in the Punjab of all nations whilst also addressing the
had itself come to power in 2002 on the and urban centres outside Balochistan, class question without ambiguity.
back of a broad wave of anti-American even though the alliance would suit both.
sentiment following the invasion and The militant Baloch nationalists as well as Turning Back on Class
o­ccupation of Afghanistan in late 2001. the ANP and PkMAP have – for varying Pakistan will not collapse tomorrow, and
The PkMAP, in contrast, has been far reasons – little interest in depicting them- it will definitely not be taken over by mad
more circumspect. It has guardedly main- selves as anti-imperialist and therefore mullahs who will wield its nuclear arsenal
tained an anti-jihadist posture whilst con- a­llying themselves with the anti-imperialist against the western countries. Pakistan,
tinuing to project itself as opposed to the left. Of course, the anti-imperialist left is is, however, ravaged by serious fragment­
dictates of the US. In practice the PkMAP is small and weak. Most “progressives” in ation along ethnic-national lines which is
deeply implicated in the war economy, Pakistan at the present time – which being exacerbated by the “Great Power”
and particularly the highly lucrative illicit means to say the upwardly mobile, edu- conflict that is unfolding across the region.
trade in guns and drugs, and therefore cated sections of society – have thrown in To some extent, the PPP government
pragmatic material concerns rather than their lot with the US in the epic battle of currently in power at the centre is pursu-
clear ideological principles are likely to civilisation and democracy versus obscu- ing a po­litical strategy that seeks to mend
determine its posture. In other words it is rantism and autocracy. Whether or not re- bridges across ethnic-national lines. But if
unlikely that the PkMAP will attempt to cent revelations made in London by the the PPP is depicting itself as the glue in an
reclaim the mantle of anti-imperialism beacons of civilisation and democracy that extremely fragile federal structure, it has
from the religious right and from which negotiations with the obscurantist and turned its back on the politics of class that
the secular ANP has almost completely autocratic Taliban (or at least the less it once championed.
distanced itself. obscurantist and autocratic amongst them) There is no reason to believe that the
are necessary will test the resolve of these class and national questions cannot be
Balochistan Scenario “progressives” is a moot point. addressed together by an alliance of leftist
In Balochistan the situation is far less and ethnic-national forces, just like there
clear, and to a certain extent therefore, US Intentions is no reason to believe that banking on the
potentially more explosive. Here too the What the “progressives” should be asking US will loosen the grip of radical Islamist
major ethnic-nationalist formations have themselves is whether the US can forge, ideologies on segments of Pakistani society.
drifted from the anti-imperialism of the or perhaps even more importantly, is The question, as ever, is whether the sub-
past. An increasingly popular brand of interested in forging a new identity for jective forces pushing for progressive
radical nationalists is calling for an inde- Pakistan. At stake here are not the tired change are clear about what needs to be
pendent Balochistan and claims to be will- questions of moderate and inclusive as done, and then whether a critical mass
ing to accept assistance from any and all opposed to radical and exclusive inter­ can be forged that can outline a clear
external forces that support this goal. A pretations of Islam or whether Islam strategy to ensure that what needs to get
number of militant groups are engaging should play any role in the public sphere. done does get done.
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   march 6, 2010  vol xlv no 10 11

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