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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Technological Institute of the Philippines



The Epsom Philippines Corporation (EPC) prevents the pollution produced in

the production of Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate. The production involves emitting
airborne particles such as dust and dirt particles from crushing and milling equipment.
Method of treating airborne emissions is discussed in this chapter.

Water used in the gravity separator will be introduced in the settling tank to
separate the solid particles from the water. The water recovered will be used for the
plant utilities to reduces the volume of water used and waste water generated. Solid
wastes of the company come from the offices, cafeteria, clinic, and laboratory such as
food wastes, plastics, papers, medical wastes, etc. These solid wastes will be managed
in the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) of the plant. Solid waste produced in the
plant operation will be properly treated for disposal.

As stated in the local and international environmental laws, a proper waste

treatment and disposal must be administered effectively and efficiently in accordance
with the standards set by the local and international government and agencies. This is
to ensure the entire plant facilities are compliant with the enacted laws such as the
Republic Act No. 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004), Republic Act No. 8749
(Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999), Republic Act No. 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000) and DAO No. 2016-08 (Water Quality Guidelines and
General Effluent Standards of 2016).

Furthermore, EPSOM PHILIPPINES CORPORATION is obliged to follow all

the requirements enumerated under the Cebu South Road guidelines in pollution
control and the industrial estates or operators.
Technological Institute of the Philippines


The air quality in the manufacturing area of the EPSOM PHILIPPINES

CORPORATION can affect the health of the company’s workforce. A polluted
environment can undermine the competitiveness and destroy the company’s quality.


EPSOM PHILIPPINES CORPORATION aims and thrives to achieve the

cleanliness of the entire plant to protect the protect and preserve the health of the
workers as well as to prevent damage of the building materials and facilities in the
workplace and prevent the disruption of the air supply in blowers, pumps and fans cause
by the contaminated air.


In the production of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, airborne emission

includes dust and dirt in the operation. Dolomite particulates and Magnesium Sulfate
Heptahydrate particulates emitted from the milling and crushing respectively.

Installation of Air Filter

The installation of air filters in the manufacturing area is to assure that the plant
is free of particulates. Air filter devices are designed to eliminate the solid particulates
such as dust and dirt for the purpose of improving the air quality.

Clean air can have a huge impact on a company’s promise of overall worker
performance improvement and reducing the loss of productivity due to illnesses and
allergies. It reduces maintenance expenses, increase of equipment life expectancy and
reduce the energy costs by recirculating clean air within the plant.

The airborne emission management of the company ensures to limit the dust
and dirt particles emitted by the plant. Pollution control officers of the plant will be
held responsible for monitoring and maintaining the cleanliness of the air quality within
Technological Institute of the Philippines

the plant which will comply with the standards of the Republic Act No. 8749 or the
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 mandated by the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS).
Technological Institute of the Philippines



The goal of the company in solid waste management is to reduce and eliminate
the adverse effects of waste materials on human health and environment to support
economic development and productivity.

EPSOM PHILIPPINES CORPORATION is set to follow the Presidential

Decree No. 856 (Sanitation Code of the Philippines) and Republic Act no. 9003
(Ecological Solid Waste Management Act) that covers the handling of solid waste


The solid wastes of the company are generated from the offices, cafeteria,
clinic, dormitory and laboratory. This includes food wastes, plastics, bottles, papers,
laboratory containers, medical wastes and other solid wastes not aforementioned. Solid
waste also includes filter cakes from the plant operation, and the settled dolomite
particles from the settling tank.

Laboratory Hazardous Solid Wastes

The personnel of the Laboratory are responsible for taking the hazardous wastes
in the laboratory to the bins. The solid chemical waste containers in the laboratory
should have labels and must be kept sealed and closed at all times.

The waste chemicals containers should not be allowed to accumulate in the

laboratories and other work areas. The filled waste containers are then transferred to
the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at a regular collection or as needed prior to
Technological Institute of the Philippines


The segregation of the wastes will be mandated and highly practiced by

providing separate waste bins for papers, recyclable plastic bottles, plastics, food
wastes, compost, and laboratory wastes placed on different areas of the plant. The
residual wastes coming from the air filter and dirt from each facility also have separate
bins. The 5S and 3R’s methodology/system is strictly implemented in the company in
order to provide a cleaner and friendlier environment for the entire plant.

Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

The waste materials collected within the entire plant are unloaded and placed
on the Materials Recovery Facility of the plant where the recyclable materials
generated are sorted using manual and automatic labor and are recovered prior to
disposal. In the MRF, the materials collected have separate storage where it placed and

 Papers from the offices

 Plastic containers from the cafeteria
 Glass bottles and shards waste from the laboratory
 Metal wastes from the workshop
 Hazardous wastes from the laboratory
 Medical wastes from the clinic
 Food wastes from the cafeteria
 Residual and composts wastes

In the Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the wastes will be sorted into their
respective types. The company will sell the recyclable materials such as papers and
plastic containers to junk shops or other manufacturers wherein they reprocess the
wastes to create new products. For the food wastes, compost, residual wastes, and other
non-recyclable materials, they will be collected and thrown away into landfill or
Technological Institute of the Philippines

composts pits through their appropriate collections. While the Filter cake will be sent
to a third party for treatment.
Technological Institute of the Philippines



A wastewater treatment facility treatment facility treating industrial effluent

that complies with the environmental regulation of the Cebu South Road Authority
which monitors the quality of the water in compliance with the Republic Act No. 9275
or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 and the DAO 2016-08 or the Water Quality
Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016.


The wastewater will be generated from draining and washing of the equipment
during maintenance, and leakages from pump glands, Venturi tubes, cafeteria,
dormitory and laboratory. The EPSOM PHILIPPINES CORPORATION will be
utilizing the on-site waste treatment facility of Cebu South Road and treated it as stated
in its guidelines.

Chemical Wastes

The chemical wastes in the plant only generates in case of leakages from pumps,
Venturi tubes, and storage tanks in the manufacturing area. For the generated hazardous
waste such as sulfuric acid, cleaning reagents and other chemicals used for coatings
like paints, the EPSOM PHILIPPINES CORPORATION will be storing the said
wastes in a storage specifically designed to handle such wastes before transporting it to
a third-party player who will perform the necessary treatment.

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