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Article · January 2016


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Prem Baboo
Dangote Fertilizer Projects


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Sr. Manager (Prod)
National Fe rtilize rs Ltd. India
Mob. +919425735974
Sr. Advisor & Expert,
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
This paper intended to the damage of cooling tower of our pla nt a detail case study of the i nci dent. East
side of Urea Cooling Tower of Line-II suddenly collapsed at 7.30 PM on 18.06.2007As per an eye witness
mi ddle porti on of the tower collapsed first and within seconds the entire extended portion of the tower
along wi th the return header collapsed. All the five fans were running after the collapse and were stopped
manually. So me of the pictures of Urea Cooling Tower taken after the failure as shown in the main front page
and figure No.6.The one side of cooling water collapse with totally return header of urea cooling tower of urea-
II , resulted in huge production and financial loss.”What was the reason of failure behind i t?” National
Fertilizers Limited has reviewed the practices fo llo wed in operation and maintenance to avoid any catastrophe in
future. Some possible causes behind this collapse, like heavy vibration of return header, water hammering,
failure of wooden colu mn, failure o f wood due to biological attack, failure of structure due to non-conformity
standard, shifting of support column fro m RCC support, etc. Previously the return header was placed on
deck. “ Later it has been modified & down to ground fl oor.” To avoi d vi bration & addi tional l oad on

The cooling tower of Urea line-II plant was collapsed and plant stopped due to cooling water return header and
one side of cooling tower were badly damaged. After that within week the interconnection after making
preparations for Inter-connection of A mmonia Cooling Tower -II & Urea cooling Tower-II headers and for
bringing down the return header, the plant was started within the week at low load operation. A ll the possible
causes of damaged were well studied and remedies of these causes. Some modifications were also carried
out.Main aspects to be addressed to increase the life and to avoid catastrophe. Cooling To wers used for reject ing
the process heat to atmosphere. Cooling Towers in Nat ional Fertilizers Ltd. Vijaipur un its are field erected,
heavy duty, splash filled, cross flow and wooden construction designed to serve cooling water system. M/S
Paharpur cooling tower on inception of the projects erected all these Towers of Marley Model 6000. Normally
in fertilizer industry maintenance time available is very limited. The Cooling Towers are last to stop and first to
1. Wooden components like colu mns, Girt, Diagonals, Pipe supports Etc.
2. Fasteners and anchors, connectors, Louvers, Stud assemblies,
3. FRP Fan Cylinder, Fan Blade assembly including Gearbo x, Motor, Torque Tube and supporting
4. Concrete Su mp, Concrete Pillars etc.
5. Cooling water return header
Wood continues to be used in construction of cooling towers. Species selection, strength properties and
preservation aspects are important criteria fo r selection of cooling tower timber. The standard specifies the
strength of particular specie and preservation treatment to be followed on timber fo r cooling water towers. The
standard also specifies the permissible defects for particular grade of t imber; Wood is composed of 40-50%
cellu lose, 20-35% hemi cellulose, and 25-35% lignin and 5-30% natural ext ractives. Long fibers of cellulose
give wood its strength whereas lignin acts as cementing agent or binder for cellulose. The extract ives are not
part of structure but contribute properties such as color, odor, resistance to decay and density. These extractives
contain chemicals like tannin, poly phenolics, oils, fats, waxes and resins. The maintenance of wooden column
may be done as figure No.-1.

Cooling tower wood experiences chemical, bio logical and physical deterioration. Usually all three attack
simu ltaneously.
Fungal Attack(soft Rot) /Chemical attack on wood normally results in delignification. Chemical attack on wood
caused by oxidizing agent and alkaline substances present in water and its treatment. Chlorine reacts with most
of the organics dissolving the lignin binder. Reactivity of various chemicals used in cooling water treat ment
with lign in is as given below: -
O3 >Cl 2 .>Br2 >ClO2

Delignification is severe when high chlorine (more than 1pp m) and high alkanity concentrations(PH more than
8). So chlorine and alkanity deteriorates the wood affecting life of cooling tower. The fungal attack normally
occurs in water distribution section.


Bacterial Attack or Interior Attack (white rot)- So me organisms use cellulose as their source of carbon for
growth and development. These organisms degrade cellulose part of wood and leaves wood rich in lignin. The
wood loses its strength. Biological attacked wood becomes soft. Biological attack timber in non-flooded section
i.e. Plenum area. The three types of fungi responsible for decay are:
Imperfect Fungi : Soft Rot or Surface Attack
Ascomycetes : So ft Rot or Surface Attack
Basidio mycetes : Deep Rot or Internal attack
Algae such as Photosynthesis, Uni/Multicellular, Diverse Forms, Filamentous, Colonial, Plantlike
Diatoms such as A Group of Algae, Organic walls impregnated with silica.

Blue Green Algae, Photosynthetic bacteria, Fungi Aerobic growth above the waterline, do not contain
chlorophyll, Protozoa, Diverse group of unicellular Microorganisms.

Bacteria such as Unicellular, Cells may grow attached to each other in clusters , chains , rods or
filaments Require carbon source for growth Different shapes, Rods- Bacillus, Spherical-
Coccus,Spiral- Spirill.

Iron bacteria also called brown rot. This phenomenon occurs at locations, the fasteners like nut and bolts are
used for tightening the wooden members. The nut and bolts corroded and appears brown due to brown rot. The
life expectancy of a cooling tower can be materially increased through a good program of tower maintenance.
Early detection of both biological and chemical attack is mandatory for effective control. The presence of
biological decay both soft and deep rot can be detected by microscopic examination that can reveal the degree of
erosion, surface structure, and depth of surface attack. To prevent chemical and biological attack on wood free
residual chlorine shall be less than 1 ppm, preferab ly to a range of 0.3-0.7 ppm. Chlorine should be
supplemented by non-oxidizing antimicrobials to control biological attack.


Fasteners used shall be compatible with the cooling water treatment. Nor mally galvanized fasteners are being
used. Once the zinc layer damage in any part of fastener become weak due to galvanic corrosion. Hence it is
preferable to use SS 304 / 316 fasteners to achieve better life. The fasteners shall be tightened regularly to
prevent vibrations. The stud should be push fit in the wooden hole. If need arises higher shank dia stud with
proper size washer shall be used. It is preferable to use bigger size washer to increase the load area on wood.
This shall reduce the end split in wood.


Fan vibration shall be monitored fortn ightly. The increase in vib ration due gearbox, FRP b lades, shall be
attended on priority. Fan supporting structure shall be checked for any corrosion. The mounting structure of Fan
shall be galvanized to prevent atmospheric corrosion. Stain less steel 304 structure should not be used for
temperature more than 50 degrees, as the air contains chlorine also that is being dosed to remove algae. The
studs can fail due to stress corrosion cracking in presence of chlorine. However SS -316 material can be used if
needed to increase the life. The cost of SS-316 will be very high as compared to Galvanized / SS-304 studs. Fan
blade angle should be changed keeping in view the quantity of droplets escaping to atmosphere. The Fan angle
can be adjusted for lesser flo w in winter to save energy.


Concrete colu mns supporting wooden columns shall be checked. The concrete colu mns should b e healthy and
wooden columns should be in centre. Sump shall be checked for deterioration of concrete and exposure of
reinforcement. Necessary repair shall be done if needed. In order to increase the life of concrete structure epoxy
coating can be done.

Vents shall be provided on cooling water return header. This will help to vent the entrapped gases or air that
enters due to exchanger leakages. NRV installed in cooling tower pump shall be healthy. Looseness of flapper
on spindle leads to water hammering in system. Hammering in the return water header can lead to shifting of
supports from header. “The major modification have been carried out the B oth side return Header shifted
from top(deck) to ground floor now no vi bration observed on deck and this was the additional load on
header with filled of water.” AS S HOWN IN THE FIG.-2



Natural water is an excellent heat removal medium. Natural water contains impurities in form of
dissolved gases, dissolved solids and suspended solids. Natural water is either corrosive or scale
forming. Untreated water in cooling water systems results in corrosion, deposit formation, and
fouling. All the three problems are interred- related. This results in reduced operating efficiency of
cooling tower and heat exchangers, reduced production capacity, increased maintenance cost and
sometimes-significant downtime loss. Cooling water is treated to reduce above problems of corrosion
of metals, the formation of deposits, and the growth harmful microorganism. Cooling water is treated
to reduce water related problems and maintain efficient system. The desired cooling water parameters
are monitored precisely. The parameters maintained are as follows table No.1: -
Parameter Unit Normal Maxi mum
PH -- 6.8 - 7.5 8.0
Turbidity NTU 5.0 20
Total Hardness as CaCO3 PPM 700-800 1000
Calciu m Hardness as CaCO3 PPM 520 --
Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3 PPM 280
Total Dissolved Solids PPM 2200Max 3000Max
Silica as SiO2 PPM <100 --
Chloride as Cl PPM 150-250 400
Total Phosphate as TPO4 PPM 4-8 4-8
Iron content as Fe PPM <1.0 1.5
Zinc as Zn PPM <1.0 <1.0
Cycle o f concentration 6-8 8
TBC Org/ ml <100000 1,00,000
SRB Org/ ml 100 200
Table No. 1

In order to maintain above parameters chemicals like acids, alkalis, o xidizing Biocides, dispersants as per
requirement are added. These chemicals in access quantity attacks the Timber used in Cooling Tower. The
attack of chemicals affects the wood as indicted.

1. Chemical surface attack o f wood caused by acids, alkalis and oxidizing biocides.
2. Acids and alkalis are avoided by selecting right type of chemistry
3. Maintaining lo w free residual and use of non-oxid izing biocides minimizes o xidizing Biocides.
4. Leaching of p reservation treatment accelerated by temperature, PH and water flow.
5. Other constituent not found to contribute to wood deterioration.
6. However precision control water chemistry is being maintained. Hence the chemicals normally do not
influence the leaching rates of wood in normal circu mstances. Extra care shall be taken in maintain ing
the critical parameters to reduce their affect on wood. In normal circu mstances where parameters are
precisely maintained, our focus shall be on wood preservation and specie. During shutdown the anti
fungus chemical shall be sprayed with help of pneu matic sprayer.
7. The Cooling Tower wood must be in wet condition so that the chemical cannot be lossed as shown in
the fig-3.
8. Suppliers’ reco mmendations on maintenance, including water treat ment maintenance and management.
9. Reco mmended cleaning methods and dismantling instructions .
10. Tower safety (for examp le ladders, rails and platforms) is crit ical to those who work on the tower. The
integrity and physical condition of all components must be reviewed and regularly monitored to
prevent breakage or other failure.


The routine Cleanliness and upkeep of Cooling Tower can help in obtaining desired performance and trouble
free service. So me of the actions desired are given below: -

 The Timber quality plays important role in life expectancy. This includes Species its strength,
preservation and permissible defects.
 Cooling tower decks shall be cleaned regularly to reduce algae growth.
 Damaged water spray nozzles should be replaced to get better efficiency of tower.
 High trees shall be avoided in adjoining area so that airflo w should not be restricted and dry air should
enter the cooling tower. Th is affects the Thermal performance of cooling tower.
 To prevent chemical and bi ological attack on wood free residual chlorine shall be less than 1 ppm
preferabl y to a range of 0.3 -0.7 ppm Chl orine shoul d be supplemented by non-oxi dizing
antimicrobials to control bi ological attack.


The inspection of cooling tower components shall be carried as per time schedule mentioned below.
The inspections shall be recorded and tabulated on attached Format.


1. Monitor vibration of fans. Fan gearbox should be overhauled and dynamically balanced whenever
2. Monitor structural vibrat ions.
3. Monitor header vibrations for headers at cooling tower deck.
4. Deck should be cleaned and remove algae. Target nozzles shall be cleaned /replaced if required.
5. Water level shall be recorded and attempts shall be made to maintain equal level in all cells.
1. All above inspections mentioned fortnightly.
2. Physical inspection of hot water deck with respect to sagging, shifting or tilt ing of return he ader
3. Wood in Plenum area shall also be inspected for any damage crack or buckling once in six months.
Necessary repair if required should be carried out.
4. Wood decay may be inspected with lens / microscope. Wood can also be inspected piercing pointed
needle. Piercing of needle should not be more than 3-5 mm.

1. All inspections indicated six monthly.

2. Thickness measurement of return header. Corroded header shall be repaired.
3. Wooden structure tightening in annual shutdown. On tightening if nut head piercing the wood bigger
size SS washer shall be provided to increase the loading area. Full threaded studs shall never be used.
Diagonals, Girt, colu mns and connectors shall be checked for cracks or breakage and shall be repaired /
4. Vertical wooden columns supports and concrete pillars shall be inspected and repaired if required.
5. Return water header painting, if need be , to reduce corrosion

Co mplete structural inspection shall be carried out after every five years cell by cell removing the fills. The
cell can be inspected and repaired isolating the cell in winter season.

 All wooden columns, girt, d iagonals, connectors, column pillars, and perimeter anchorage and drift
eliminators shall be inspected.
 Fan supporting structure should also be checked for defects.
 Fan barrel shall be checked and necessary repair may be done.
 Fan blades shall be checked for any cracks and do needful repair /rep lacement.
 The wood shall be inspected for cracks, chemical and bio logical attack.
 Cracked members shall be strengthened or replaced ,If required cell maintenance can be done as
shown in the fig.4
 All fasteners shall be tightened. .
 Return water header support shall check and repaired.
 Wooden 4”x4”colu mns verticality shall be checked. Concrete pillars supporting vertical members
shall be inspected for cracks and damage.
 Concrete pillars supporting the vertical wooden columns shall be inspected and needful repair may
be done..
 Damaged louvers should be replaced.
 Sealing mastic compound shall be applied on all jo ints to prevent cooling water leakages and loss
of water.
 Sump shall be cleaned. All debris shall be removed.


The vertical wooden columns shall be properly rested on concrete pillars. There should not be any gap
in between wooden column and pillar. In case the shifting of vertical wooden columns of is noticed
over the concrete columns. The verticality of wooden columns shall be checked. The concrete pillar
cross-section area shall be increased to avoid the slipping of the column from concrete pillar. The gap
if noticed shall be filled with wooden packing.Fig-5


The most probable cause of the failure is poor quality of wooden supports. This shall be confirmed by sending
the wood to FRI (Forest Research Institute (India) for further analysis. To avoid such types of incidents the
regular checking of cooling tower with NDT for vibration monitoring, wood health proper chlorination .Cooling
tower inspections, conducted on a regular basis, should always include collection of tower wood samples for
Chemical Attack Biological Attack, Internal Decay, examination in the laboratory. Because several types of
wood deterioration are likely to occur, various laboratory examinations should be employed . The cooling tower
basin (and the top deck of larger cooling towers) should be protected fro m sunlight, allowing sunlight to reach
the cooling tower basin and encouraging algae to form. The choice of b iocides is important. They must be
effective under local conditions in killing Legionella and other bacteria. Chemical biocides are the most
commonly used in cooling tower systems and there are two types, Oxid ising & Non -o xid ising. Oxid ising
biocides include common ly used chemicals such as chlorine, bro mine & chlorine di o xide. Non -o xid ising
biocides include chemicals such as isothiazalone, wh ich is also relatively co mmon ly used in cooling tower water


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