2010-09-13 Steering Committee Minutes

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South Philly Food Co-op

Steering Committee Meeting

Monday, September 13, 2010

Present: Alison, Marsha, Rose, Julia, Rebecca F, Tina J, Maria, Cassie, John

1. Tina Johnson, Keystone Development Center

a. are we moving too fast? Make sure we are thinking small
b. they have a coffee shop In the co-op that’s open to public to make money
to support the co-op
c. 200 people at first community meetings. Had monthly community
d. people joined w/out a building even existing
e. 100 members to start and over 200 members now
f. people will shop in co-op because they are members even there are other
g. what is our niche? What do we want from this?
h. 2 hrs 45min every 4 weeks per household (36 hrs/yr). No paid staff. Will
be moving into store w/paid employees this year
i. Not open every day. Open 2 days a week based on how many hours
members can work.
j. $20,000/wk is goal for new store
k. did their own feasibility plan (20 page) Called on expertise of members.
Wrote own business plan. No bank money.
l. started with produce only in a farmers market style—organic and
m. building relationships is very important
n. CBDG grant (Community Block Development Grant) --money given to
groups that are organizing to do feasibility study and other things.
o. Food Coop 500 have grant (they did the webinars)
p. Howard Bowers Foundation (http://www.cgin.coop/public/food-coop-
info/howard-bowers-fund) Ellen Quinn
q. Grants pay for things like printing, ink, startup costs
r. once we figure out structure, seek out those resources that are
helpful/understand your situation
s. 2 separate accounts—market account just for food
t. membership runs board meeting, not vice versa --when board ran
meetings, membership didn’t have buy in
u. finances run through Quickbooks, statements are compiled on a regular
v. food is not taxed---so if we decided to sell among ourselves and not make
a profit would be safe from city

2. Website ($2.50) for Mary Beth

a. (Alison, Marsha, Maria, Rose, John, David, Cassie, Rebecca paid)

3. Subcommittee update (10)

a. Outreach
i. Monday, 6:30 Outreach meeting at Rebbeca F’s house
ii. LoMo Fall Fair on the 25th of September
iii. Website is pretty much done
iv. Presos to Civics---Julie H, Rebecca F, David W will meet on Wed to
get a presentation rehearsed and ready—9 volunteers will be giving
v. Some surveys have been collected
vi. co-business assessment – checklist of what food options are
available in the 1.5 mile radius from fountain
b. Finance
i. issues opening bank account
ii. want to incorporate sooner
iii. Open personal business account with 2 people on the account for
accountability. No need to incorporate sooner before we have
membership structure (thanks Tina!)

4. Membership Structure Discussion (40)

a. working vs. non-working-- working members don’t necessarily have to
put in hours, but can put in work in a way that fits their schedule (teaching
classes, fixing things, consulting)
b. working membership builds community
c. working co-ops keep prices down
d. most co-ops are not made to make money
e. if we have a working model----needs to be equitable. If some members
work & some don’t, not equitable
f. Park Slope closed a few times before they got their membership structure
g. discounts to working members are considered payment---you need to pay
taxes on discounts
h. if people off the street get same prices as working members---is it fair to
i. be flexible. If something’s not working, change it.
j. Think small.
k. Patronage----do we want to give it back to members or reinvest
l. Quasi for profit, not for profit --co-ops are
m. processing fee AND investment paid when members join
n. if co-op can’t return investment, must be in bylaws that it will be repaid
when it can be w/out hurting co-op

5. Timeline Presentation (20) --due to the membership structure dialogue, this

was not touched on at all

6. Reminder: Door-to-door surveys

a. Target date for door-to-door surveys in: OCT 9

7. Next meeting: 9/27: All Committee Party

a. RSVP update/reminder sent out to invitees not yet replied
8. Other:
a. idea thrown out there: have people visit to talk about their membership
structure or do a tour of different co-ops to research membership

9. Set date and time for 10/11 meeting ----due to the late ending of the meeting,
this was not discussed

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