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South Philly Co-op Meeting Minutes 5/24

Outreach thoughts

• delegate one person as liaison to Outreach committee?<--Inter-

Committee Liaisons (ICLs)?

• how do we connect information between both groups?

• need to figure out what the role/responsibilities of Outreach are

• Steering Committee serves as decision-making body  delegate

person to carry message to Outreach

Leadership Roles

• have short term leadership roles (President/VP) w/chance to have

second election later on for Board members

• provide a basic framework for board

• each steering committee member should have required time put


• if attendance is poor---you can be replaced. For example: 3

‘unexcused absences’ means you can be replaced

• have people present about items like legal/finance or what is

Kosher and other specific to teach each other about certain
aspects of running a co-op

• what will be our voting system? How will concerns be voiced?

Next step:

• provide basic descriptions of jobs/roles in the Google Group

about 48 hours before the next meetingPresident, VP,
Treasurer, Secretary, general steering committee member and
ICLs for each committee

• Mission=short-term (until the store is opened?) and Vision will

guide the Mission

• HOMEWORK: check out the Mission and Vision—revise, rewrite

and bring your drafts and ideas to a special Mission & Vision
meeting on June 2nd

• next official Steering meeting: 1234 S. Warnock St. on

the 14th

Subcommittee activities

• finance committee meeting June 1st

• collect information about incorporating & other important info

• finance committee role: have basic understanding of how to

figure out ‘where you’re at’ when looking at finance sheets

• CDSperhaps attend next year’s conference on board leadership

& finances

• finance committee doesn’t necessarily needs accountant, but

needs well prepared & educated person in finance

• most co-ops in Phila area are between $200-$400

Next Steps

• Outreach can propose roles and responsibilities for themselves to

share with steering for next Outreach meeting (send them an

• Outreach needs hierarchy within itselfchair runs meetings

Other Next steps

• bring census data about the area to next meeting to get a

neighborhood snapshot to help

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