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INTERLUDE One: Arriving in Winterhaven

Regardless of the adventure hook that brought the adven- turers should have no trouble purchasing appropriate
turers to the village, they first need to establish lodging. items for which they have sufficient coin.
The villagers point visitors to Winterhaven’s only public
house, Wrafton’s Inn. 1. Outer Gate and Walls
Because Wrafton’s is a place of gathering, the PCs can Open by day, closed and barred at night, the outer gate is
likely find any of the village’s prominent residents there policed by two guards regardless of the hour. They nod
from time to time. amiably to locals, and point travelers (whom they assume
to be traders) to Wrafton’s Inn.
Winterhaven Winterhaven’s walls have a narrow parapet extend-
Village, Population 977 ing around the inside edge. If Winterhaven comes under
The rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds attack, the Regulars and what militia can be raised from
the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the among the civilians guard the walls to stave off the threat.
southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weath-
ered stone topped by defensive palisades. 2. Wrafton’s Inn
Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each This spacious inn and tavern serves as the public house
fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms for the region. Like alehouses everywhere, Wrafton’s
to the west and south lie dark woods, and to the north, tall moun- Inn offers beer, wine, and, on occasion, spirits. Meals are
tain peaks. served for those with the coin, and beds for travelers are
available. A crowd of villagers gathers each night to drink,
Most residents of Winterhaven have never traveled beyond gossip, sing, and play games of chance.
the village vale. The majority of villagers are farmers, In addition to village residents, any travelers passing
though the walled heart of Winterhaven employs various through Winterhaven are found here.
craftspeople as well. Wagons occasionally head east down Anyone in Wrafton’s knows the general history of the
old King’s Road from Winterhaven to find trade with the village and the nearby ruined keep. Only Valthrun knows
next village, which lies five days away. Sometimes wagons that the ruined keep was built to contain a rift into the
come into Winterhaven, causing the villagers to excitedly Shadowfell.
gather in the Market Square to hear news of the outside Salvana Wrafton: Wrafton’s owner and proprietor is a
world and to buy new and exotic goods. female human named Salvana Wrafton. She employs sev-
Leadership: Ernest Padraig, the Lord of Winterhaven, eral waiters, waitresses, and cooks. Salvana is friendly and
is descended from the noble family that ruled the area open, quick with a smile and a warm welcome.
under edict of the old empire. Folks around Winterhaven Eilian the Old: This old farmer is a regular customer
were happy with Lord Padraig’s father’s authority, and they at Wrafton’s. Every night, Eilian takes a seat at a table in
have found answering to the rules of the new lord no more the corner. He has a farm down in the valley along the
arduous. On the other hand, Padraig doesn’t have absolute Old King’s Road. Eilian has an interest in Winterhaven’s
power. For instance, he has been unable to raise a force history. He is a good source for local information, and he
from among the villagers to deal with the kobold problem loves to talk.
on the road. Valthrun the Prescient: Valthrun is a sage and
Padraig commands the Winterhaven Regulars, a core scholar who lives in a tower within Winterhaven’s walls.
group of ten soldiers who perform guard and police func- On occasion he shows up in Wrafton’s to socialize. Valth-
tions in and around the walled portion of the village. The run is knowledgeable about the area, though he knows
Regulars patrol in pairs. To augment this force, Padraig nothing of death cult activity in the vicinity. He does know
can muster a group of about fifty civilians, given a day’s about the sealed rift beneath the ruins of the old keep, but
notice. However, he can only do this if the village itself is he doesn’t discuss such things with just any adventurer,
threatened—the villagers have no desire to patrol the road and he never talks about it with the villagers since he
beyond the farms. doesn’t want to cause a panic. Valthrun is a good listener,
Demographics: The population of Winterhaven is asking just enough questions to keep whomever he speaks
predominantly human, with a scattering of dwarf fami- with talking.
lies, and a handful of individuals of other common races, Lord Padraig: From time to time, the town’s lord (level
including a couple of elves. 3 human warlord) visits Wrafton’s. All those ­present doff
Economics: Winterhaven is primarily an agricultural their hats and call him Lord, after which he retreats to a
village based on barter and trade, though Lord Padraig corner table and sips beer. He is amenable to speaking
keeps a monetary system afloat with his own coin. Adven- with adventurers who approach him. He initially assumes

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