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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Level: V

LOG Teacher: Area: SCIENCE
Dates and 3RD
Time: Quarter: QUARTER

A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of…
a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets
B.Performance The learners should be able …
Standards propose an unusual tool or device using electromagnet that is useful for
home school or community
C.Learning infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets;
Competencies S5FE-IIIh-8

Integration English
Write sentences showing -cause and effect

Approach: Constructivism approach

Strategies Thinking Skills
Activity Based
Direct Instruction
II.CONTENT Electromagnet
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Science Beyond Borders V tg
Science Exemplar 3rd quarter competency no.8
Science for Better Health and Environment 6 pp. 268-272
Science and Health 6 pp. 133-135
Exploring Science and Health 6 p. 179
2.Learners’s Materials Science Beyond Borders Txtbook,p.148
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials
from learning resource
(LR) portal
B.Other Learning How to make an electromagnet -
Resource v=XKUs7Dc9pKI
ppt. presentation, charts, activity sheets and rubric
iron nail 5 pcs. Paper clips
copper wire 10 cm.long dry cell
5 pcs. Pins/thumbtacks pictures
A.Reviewing previous FACT or BLUFF
lesson or presenting the 1. Magnets usually have two poles.
new lesson 2. A magnet can attract some objects like nails, pins and other objects
that are made of iron.
3. In magnetism, unlike poles repel.
4. A magnet can attract most at its magnetic poles.
5. Like poles attract.
B.Establishing a purpose Ask few pupils to name some objects that use electricity and have them
for the lesson describe how each object uses the electricity.

“Today we will find how electricity can be used differently.”

C.Presenting Examples/ Group Activity:
instances of the new a. Divide the class in four groups.
lesson b. Remind the class about the rules while performing the activity.
c. Discuss how their group will be rated based on the rubric given.
d. Activity proper
Group 1- “Tell My Part”
Group 2- “Build me Up”
Group 3- “ Watch it”
Group 4- “Make me stronger”

e.Group Presentation
D.Discussing new Lead the pupils in analyzing the group outputs.
concepts and practicing Ask:
new skills #1 What device have you made?
What are the three important parts of the electromagnet?
How does each part differ from the other?
When does the wire-wrapped nail pick the thumbtacks/paper clips up?
How can you make an electromagnet’s magnetism stronger?
What will happen if the wire will be disconnected from the dry cell? Why?
What is needed in order to make a nail with coiled wire function as a
What is an electromagnet?
What makes an electromagnet different from an ordinary magnet?
E.Discussing new In your English class you’ve learned about cause and effect. In this
concepts and practicing activity you will match the cause on the left side with its effect on the
new skills #2 right side.
Cause Effect
1. Mario added 2 batteries in his a. the electromagnet can no longer
electromagnet attract any metal or magnetic
2. The electricity stops flowing material.
through the coil to the nail b.the strength of the electromagnet
3. Pepita lessen the number of decreases.
turns/coils of wire on the nail c. the strength of the
electromagnet increased.

What could be the possible effect if a wire is disconnected from the dry
cell/ battery?

F.Developing Mastery Direction: Clap your hands once if the statement is correct and twice if it
is incorrect.
1. An electromagnet works only when there is a flow of electricity.
2. Without core or magnetic material, electromagnet cannot be
3.. Coil of wire serves as the conductor of electricity.
4.. Even without source of the electricity from the battery, electromagnet
can still be produced.
5. When the current is broken the nail is no longer a magnet.
G.Finding Practical Francis, the operator of an electromagnetic crane has to increase the
application of concepts strength of the electromagnet of his machine, what should he do?
and skills in daily living
H.Making generalization What is an electromagnet?
and abstraction about How can electricity produced magnet?
the lesson How do you increase the strength of a magnet?
I.Evaluating learning Direction: Read the situation below. Answer the question. Choose the
letter of the best answer
1. You are going to construct an electromagnet, which of the following
materials will you need.
A. dry cell C. wire
B. iron nail D. all of these
2. In an electromagnet, which of the following serves as the conductor of
A. battery B. coil of wire C. core D. both A and B
3. What happens when a part of an electromagnet is disconnected?
A. It loses its magnetism.
B. Electricity continues to flow through it.
C. The electromagnet becomes a permanent magnet.
D. There is an increase in the number of materials attracted.
4. An electromagnet is surrounded by a coil of wire through which an
electric current passes through. Which electromagnet can attract more

5. Which can increase the strength of an electromagnet?

A. increasing the number of batteries and coils around the nail
B. Increasing the number of batteries or coils around the nail
C. decreasing the number of batteries or coils around the nail
D. Decreasing the number of batteries or coils around the nail

J.additional activities for Draw an electromagnet and label its parts.

application or
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B.No.of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial work?
No.of learners who have
caught up with the
D.No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can helpme solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials did
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
Group Activity: “Tell My Parts”
Problem: Which part of the electromagnet is responsible in making it work?
Materials: illustration of a constructed electromagnet.
1. Study the given illustration.

2. Answer the given guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the source of electricity in the illustration?
2. What is wound around the long iron nail?
3. Which is the conductor of electricity?
4. Which material becomes a magnet? Why?
5. if youll draw the electromagnet near the pins what will it do?
6. If youll disconnect a wire in the battery terminal what will happen? Why does it happen?
7. what is needed in order to make a nail with coiled wire a magnet?

Group Activity: Build me up

Problem: How Electricity is Used to Produce Magnets
piece of wire (about 30cm long)
thumbtacks 10 pcs.
10 small paper clips (uncoated)
15 pcs.pins
2 dry cells
1. Get an iron nail and wind the middle third of the wire around the nail at least 20 times.
See illustration above. ( see to it that the wire should not criss-cross)
2. Connect the two ends of the wire to the terminal of the dry cell, so that the electric
current could pass freely through the wire.
3. Bring the wire-wrapped nail over the thumbtacks/paper clips.
What did you notice?(record your answer)
4. After few minutes disconnect the dry cell.
What happens to the thumbtacks/ paper clips? (record your answer)
5. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 can the nail pick up the thumbtacks/paper clips again?
Record your observation. Now what idea did get from this activity?

Answer this:
1. When does the wire-wrapped nail picks the thumbtacks/paper clips up?
2. What happened when the wire was disconnected from the dry cell?
3. Why do you think it happened?
4. What happened when the wire was reconnected to the dry cell?
5. Why do you think it happened?
Group activity: Watch it
Material: video clip How to make an electromagnet -
1. Watch the video.
2. answer the questions below

Answer these.
1. What are the materials needed in making an electromagnet?
2. Which part provides electricity in the magnet?
3. What part works as a magnet?
4. How can you increase the magnetism of an electromagnet?

Group Activity. Make it Stronger

Problem: How to increase the magnetism of an electromagnet?
piece of wire (about 30cm long)
thumbtacks 10 pcs.
10 small paper clips (uncoated)
15 pcs.pins
2 dry cells
1. Get an iron nail and wind the middle third of the wire around the nail at least 20 times.
See illustration above. ( see to it that the wire should not criss-cross)
2. Connect the two ends of the wire to the terminal of the dry cell, so that the electric
current could pass freely through the wire.
3. Bring the wire-wrapped nail over the thumbtacks/paper clips.
What did you notice?(record your answer)
4. After few minutes disconnect the dry cell.
What happens to the thumbtacks/ paper clips? (record your answer)
5. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 but use 2 dry cells this time. Record your observation.
Complete this table
Record the number of materials that attracted by the nail

materials Using 1 dry cell Using 2 dry cells

Paper clips

1. How did you increase the magnetism of the electromagnet?

2. Why do you think it happened?

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