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Jeremiah Journey 2020

Bible Study Guide

Week #3

The Book of Jeremiah includes much figurative language. Yet, the opening lines of
chapter 3 show us that the Lord is clear to point out the violation of Israel. He speaks
openly about the betrayal of the nation as having played the whore with many lovers (v.
1). God speaks openly against Israel with a pointed accusation that paints a picture of
the tattered relationship between God and His people.

. . . You have polluted the land with your vile whoredom. - Jeremiah 3:2 (ESV)

1. This chapter of Jeremiah has God accusing Israel of betrayal likened to a whore.
How does this accusation sound coming from God?

2. Why do you think God stresses that there is a difference between “faithless Israel”
and “treacherous Judah?”

3. How do you feel about God’s charges against Israel?

4. If you had to summarize God’s message to Israel in this chapter on a single word,
what would be your word?

Consider This. . .

The choices we make daily leave us facing potential consequences. Consider the
warnings of the prophets. Take heed and recall what it really means to repent.

Is it time for God’s people to turn back to God?

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