Financial Accounting Valix Summary 1 7

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Financial Accounting chapter 1 Subject matter of accounting – Economic activity or the Summarizing – the preparation of FINANCIAL

measurement of economic resources and economic STATEMENTS.

Accounting standards council obligations
Financial statements – the documents that report
Accounting is a service activity. Its function to
Transactions - economic activities of an entity. financial information about an entity to decision makers.
provide quantitative information, primarily financial in
nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be External Transactions – Economic events involving one OBJECTIVE of accounting
useful in making economic decisions. entity and another.
To provide quantitative financial information
AICPA Internal Transactions – Economic events involving the about a business that is useful to statement users
entity only. particularly owners and creditors, in making economic
Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and
summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of Production – the process by which resources are
money, transactions and events which are in part at least transformed into products. Accountant’s objective
of a financial character and interpreting the results
Casualty – is any sudden or unanticipated events termed To supply financial information so that the
as Acts of God. statement users could make informed judgment and
American Accounting Association better decisions.
Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring REPUBLIC ACT 9298 or PHILIPPINE ACCOUNTANCY ACT OF
Is the assigning of peso amounts to the
and communicating economic decisions to permit 2004 is the law regulating the practice of accountancy in
informed judgment and decision by users of the accountable economic transactions and events. the Philippines.
information. C. COMMUNICATING BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY is the body authorized by law
3 important points Is the process of preparing and distributing to promulgate rules and regulations affecting the practice
accounting reports to potential users of accounting of the accountancy profession in the Philippines.
2. The information is likely to be FINANCIAL IN NATURE information. Single practitioners and partnerships for the practice of
3. The information should be USEFUL IN DECISION public accountancy shall be registered CPA in the
MAKING. Recording/Journalizing - the process of systematically
maintaining a record of all economic business transactions Philippines
after they have been identified and measured. CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION – shall be issued to CPAs
Classifying - the sorting or grouping of similar and in public practice only upon showing in accordance with
Is the recognition or nonrecognition of business interrelated economic transactions into their respective rules and regulations promulgated by the BOARD OF
activities as ACCOUNTABLE events. classes. ACCOUNTANCY and approved by the PROFESSIONAL
REGULATION COMISSION that such registrant has
Accountable/quantifiable - Has an effect on A = L + OE Ledger – group of accounts. acquired a MINIMUM OF 3 YEARS of meaningful
experience in any of the areas of public practice.
Controller - Highest accounting officer. ACCOUNTING VS AUDITING


Broad Embraces One of the areas of
Composed of individual practitioners, small sense auditing. Accounting
accounting firms and large multinational organizations FOCUS: the study and administration of public specialization.
that render independent and expert financial services to funds. Limited CONSTRUCTIVE ANALYTICAL
the public. Encompasses the process of analyzing, Sense Ceases when Work starts when
classifying, summarizing and communicating ball financial the work of the
A. External Auditing / Auditing statements are accountant ends.
transaction involving the receipt and disposition of
- Primary service. prepared.
government funds and property and interpreting
Examination of financial statements by the results thereof.
independent CPAs for the purpose of expressing an AUDITOR – examines the financial statements to
opinion as to the fairness with which the financial ascertain whether they are in conformity with the
statements are prepared
Refers to the inculcation, assimilation and ACCOUNTING VS BOOKKEEPING
B. Taxation Service acquisition of knowledge, skill, proficiency, and ethical and
Includes the preparation of annual income tax moral values after the initial registration of the CPA. ACCOUNTING BOOKKEPING
returns and determination of tax consequences of certain CPD credit units shall be 60 credit units for three Concerned with reason Concerned with development
proposed business endeavors. years. or justification or any and maintenance of
action adapted. accounting record.
C. Management Advisory Services
Include advice on installation of computer system,
1. 65 years old
quality control, installation and modification of accounting ACCOUNTING VS ACCOUNTANCY
system, budgeting, forecasting, design or modification of TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS:
retirement plans and even entity mergers and takeovers. ACCOUNTANCY ACCOUNTING
1. The CPA is practicing the profession or Refers to the profession of Used in reference only to a
2. PRIVATE ACCOUNTING furthering studies abroad. accounting practice. particular field of
2. The exemption is for the duration of stay accountancy
OBJECTIVE: to assist management in planning and abroad.
controlling the entity’s operation. 3. The CPA has been out of the country for at
Includes maintaining the records, producing the least 2 years immediately prior to the date of
financial reports, preparing the budgets and controlling renewal of license and accreditation.
and allocating the resources of the entity.
STANDARS THAT WILL be generally accepted in the (June 1973)
An independent private sector body, with the
Primarily concerned with the recording of business objective o achieving uniformity in the accounting
PAS and FRSC – approved statements of the FRSC.
transactions and the eventual preparation of financial principles which are used by business and other
statements. 1 CHAIRMAN – had been or is presently a senior organizations for financial reporting around the world.
Emphasizes reporting to CREDITORS AND SEC 1
INVESTORS. BSP 1 1. To formulate and publish in the public interest
BIR 1 accounting standards to be observed in the
MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING COA 1 presentation of financial statements and to
FINEX 1 promote their worldwide acceptance and
The accumulation and preparation of financial observance.
reports for INTERNAL USERS ONLY. 2. To work generally for the improvement and
harmonization of regulations, accounting
Emphasizes developing accounting information for standards, and procedures relating to the
use WITHIN AN ENTITY. presentation of financial statements.
*3 years term renewable for another term
GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES *any member of the ASC shall not be disqualified from Replaced the IASC.
being appointed to the FRSC Intended to bring about greater TRANSPARENCY
Represent the rules, procedures, practice and and a higher degree of COMPARABILITY in financial
standards followed in the preparation and presentation of PHILIPPINE INTERPRETATIONS COMMITTEE reporting.
financial statements.
Formed by the FRSC (AUG 2006) and replaced the (INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING
PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Interpretations committee (formed by the ASC in MAY STANDARDS)
To identify proper accounting practices for the Role: to prepare interpretations of PFRS for PHILIPPINE FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS
preparation and presentation of financial statements. approval by the FRSC and in the context of the conceptual 1. IFRS=PFRS
framework, to provide timely guidance on financial 2. IAS = PAS
FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS COUNCIL reporting issues not specifically addressed in the PFRS. 3. IC = PI

The accounting standard setting body created by

recommendation of the BOA to assist the BOA in carrying
out it’s powers and functions provided under RA act 9298.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CHAPTER 2 QUANTIFIABILITY ASPECT – The assets, liabilities, equity, 5. To provide information to those interested in the work
income, and expenses should be stated in terms of a unit of the FRSC in the formulation of PFRS
notions or fundamental premises on which the accounting USERS OF FINANCIASL INFORMATION
process is based. STABILITY OF THE PESO ASSUMPTION – the purchasing
power of the pesos stable or constant and that its 1. PRIMARY USERS
The conceptual framework for financial reporting only instability is insignificant and therefore may be ignored. The parties to whom general purpose financial
mentions one assumption, GOING CONCERN. reports are primarily directed.
STABLE PESO POSTULATE – an amplification of the going
4 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS concern assumption so much so that adjustments are Include the existing and potential investors,
unnecessary to reflect any changes in purchasing power. lenders and other creditors.
ACCOUNTING FUNCTION INVESTORS – need information to help them
Means that in the absence of evidence in the To account for nominal pesos only and no for determine whether they should buy, hold, or sell.
contrary, the accounting entity is viewed as continuing in constant peso or changes in purchasing power. SHAREHOLDERS – need information to assess the
operation indefinitely. ability of the entity to pay dividends.
PAS 16 LENDERS and CREDITORS – need information to
2. ACCOUNTING ENTITY an entity shall choose either the cost model or determine whether their loan, interest thereon and
revaluation model as an accounting policy to an entire other amounts owing to them will be paid when due.
The entity is separate from the owners, managers class of ppe.
and employees who constitute the entity.
To have fair presentation of financial statements. Conceptual framework for financial reporting is 2. OTHER USERS
promulgated by the IASB Are users of financial information other than the
3. TIME PERIOD existing and potential investors, lenders and other
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK – is the summary of the terms creditors.
Requires that the indefinite life of an entity is and concepts that underlie the preparation and
subdivided into time periods or accounting periods which presentations of financial statements for external users. Include the employees, customers, government
are usually of equal length for the purpose of preparing and their agencies, and the public.
financial reports on financial position, performance and Purposes of conceptual framework
cash flows. 1. To assist the FRSC in developing accounting standards EMPLOYEE – needs information about the stability
that will represent the Philippines GAAP and profitability of the entity to assess the ability of
Calendar year - 12 month period that ends on December the entity to provide remuneration, retirement
31 2. To assist preparers of financial statements in applying benefits and employment opportunities.
Natural business year – 12 month period that ends on any accounting standards and in dealing with issues not yet
month when the business is at the lowest or experiencing covered by GAAP CUSTOMERS - need information about the
slack season. continuance of an entity especially when they have a
3. To assist the FRSC in review and adoption of IFRS long term involvement with or are dependent on the
4. MONETARY UNIT entity.
4. To assist auditors in forming an opinion as to whether GOVERNMENT AND THEIR AGENCIES – need
2 aspects – quantifiability and stability of peso. financial statements conform with Philippine GAAP information to regulate the activities of the entity,
determine taxation policies and as a basis for national QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS are the qualities or NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
income and similar statistics. attributes that make financial accounting information Provide narrative description or
PUBLIC – providing information about the trend useful to the users. disaggregation of the items presented in the
and the range of its activities. financial statements and information about items
Fundamental qualitative characteristics that do not qualify for recognition.
The provision of financial information about an The capacity of the information to influence a The information contained in the financial
entity to external users that is useful to them in making decision. statements must be free from bias.
economic decisions and for assessing the effectiveness of
the entity’s management. Financial information has PREDICTIVE VALUE if it C. FREE FROM ERROR
can be used as an input to processes employed by users to There are no errors or omissions in the description
Objective of financial reporting predict future outcome. of the phenomenon or transaction, and the process
used to produce the reported information has been
To provide financial information about the Financial information has CONFIRMATORY VALUE
selected and applied with no errors in the process.
reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential if it provides feedback about previous evaluations.
investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions SUBSTANCE OVER FORM
about providing resources to the entity. MATERIALITY or doctrine of convenience is a If information is to represent faithfully the
practical Rule in accounting which dictates that strict transactions and other events it purports to represent, it is
Financial position – information about the entity’s Adherence to GAAP is not required when the items are not necessary that transactions and events are accounted in
economic resources and the claims against the reporting significant enough to affect evaluation, decision and accordance with their substance and reality and not
entity. fairness of the financial statements. merely their legal form.

LIQUIDITY - the availability of cash in the near future to 2. Faithful representation CONSERVATISM
cover currently maturing obligations. Financial reports represent economic phenomena In case of doubt, record any loss and do not record
or transactions in words or numbers any gain.
SOLVENCY – the availability of cash over a long term to
meet financial commitments when they fall due. INGREDIENTS OF FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION CONTINGENT LOSS – recognized as a provision if
the loss is probable and the amount can be reliably
Financial performance – results of operations A. COMPLETENESS measured.
Requires that relevant information should be CONTINGENT GAIN – not recognized but disclosed
ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING presented in a way that facilitates understanding and only.
Transactions and other events are recognized avoids erroneous implications.
when they occur and not as cash is received or paid. PRUDENCE
*income recognized when earned STANDARD OF ADEQUATE DISCLOSURE The desire to exercise care and caution with
*expense recognized when incurred Disclosure of any financial facts significant dealing with the uncertainties in the measurement process
enough to influence the judgment of informed such that assets or income are not overstated and
users. liabilities or expenses are not understated.
Financial Accounting chapter 3
ENHANCING QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS DIRECT VERIFICATION – verifying an amount or EQUITY is the residual interest in the assets of the entity
other representation through direct observation. after deducting all of the liabilities.
Relate to the presentation and from of financial
statements. Intended to increase the usefulness of the RECOGNITION OF ELEMENTS
INDIRECT VERIFICATION – checking the inputs to a
financial information that is relevant and faithfully
represented. model, formula or other technique and RECOGNITION means the reporting of an asset, liability,
recalculating the inputs using the same Income or expense n the face of the financial statements
a. COMPARABILITY methodology. of an entity.
The ability to bring together for the purpose of
noting points of likeness and difference. A. ASSET RECOGNITION PRINCIPLE
COMPARABILITY WITHIN AN ENTITY or Financial information must be available or ASSET – a resource controlled by the entity as a
HORIZONTAL COMPARABILITY or INTRACOMPARABILITY communicated early enough when a decision is to result of past events and from which future
be made. economic benefits are expected to flow to the
The quality of information that allows comparisons entity.
within a single entity through time or from one accounting COST CONSTRAINT
period to the next. Cost – a pervasive constraint on the information 2 conditions that must be present for the recognition of
that can be provided by financial reporting. an asset
DIMENSIONAL COMPARABILITY or INTERCOMPARABILITY 1. It is probable that future economic benefits will flow to
The quality of information that allows comparisons 2. The cost or value of the asset can be measured reliably.
between two are more entities engaged in the same Refers to the quantitative information reported in
industry. the statement of financial position and income statement. FUTURE ECONOMIC BENEFIT
The potential to contribute directly or indirectly
CONSISTENCY The ELEMENTS directly related to the measurement of to the flow of cash and noncash equivalents to the entity.
The accounting methods and practices should be FINANCIAL POSITION in the statement of financial position
applied on a uniform basis from period to period. are : COST PRINCIPLE
Asset should be recorded initially at original
b. UNDERSTANDABILITY a. ASSET acquisition cost.
Financial information must be comprehensible or b. LIABILITY
intelligible if it is to be most useful. c. EQUITY In a CASH TRANSACTION, cost is equivalent to cash
The ELEMENTS directly related to the measurement of
c. VERIFIABILITY FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE in the income statement are : In NONCASH or an EXHANGE TRANSACTION, the cost is
Different knowledgeable and independent equal to the fair value of the asset given or fair value of
observers could reach consensus, although not a. INCOME the asset received, which is clearly evident.
necessarily complete agreement, that a particular
In the absence of fair value, the cost is equal to the
depiction is a faithful representation.
carrying amount of the asset given.
B. LIABILITY RECOGNITION PRINCIPLE GAINS – represent other items that meet the definition of A. the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.
income and do not arise in the course of the ordinary B. it is probable that economic benefits associated with
LIABILITY – a present obligation arising from past regular activities. the transaction will flow to the entity.
events the settlement of which is expected to result in C. the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of
an outflow from the entity of resources embodying reporting period can be measured reliably.
economic benefits. C. INCOME RECOGNITION PRINCIPLE D. the costs incurred for the transaction and the costs to
complete can be measured reliably.
2 conditions that must be present for the recognition Income shall be recognized when earned.
2 conditions that must be present for the recognition
1. It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will of income 1. INSTALLMENT METHOD
be required for the settlement of a present obligation. Revenue is recognized at the point of collection.
2. The amount of obligation can be measured reliably. 1. It is probable that future economic benefits will flow to AMT OF REVENUE = GROSS PROFIT RTE x AMOUNT OF
the entity as a result of an increase in an asset or a COLLECTION
Obligations may be LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE as a decrease I a liability.
consequence of a binding contract or statutory 2. The economic benefits can be measured reliably. 2. COST RECOVERY METHOD or SUNK COST METHOD
requirement. Revenue is recognized at the point of collection.
CONSTRUCTIVE OBLIGATIONS arise from normal Point of income recognition, point of delivery 3. CASH METHOD
business practice, custom and a desire to maintain Revenue is recognized when received regardless of
good business relations or act in an equitable manner. REVENUE FROM SALE OF GOODS when earned.

Ways to settle present obligations The following conditions should be present for the 4. PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION METHOD
A. payment of cash revenue from sale of goods When the outcome of a construction contract can
B. transfer of noncash assets be estimated reliably, contract revenue and contract
C. provision of services A. The entity has transferred to the buyer the significant costs associated with the construction contract shall be
D. replacement of the obligation with another obligation risks and rewards of ownership of the goods. recognized as revenue and expenses, respectively, by
E. conversion of the obligation into equity B. the entity retains neither continuing managerial reference to the stage of completion of the contract
involvement nor effective control over the goods sold. activity.
INCOME – increase in economic benefit during the C. the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.
accounting period in the form of inflow or increase in asset D. it is probable that economic benefits associated with 5. PRODUCTION METHOD
or decrease in liability that results in increase in equity, the transaction will flow to the entity. Revenue is recognized at the point of production
other than contribution from equity participants. E. the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the
transaction can be measured reliably. OTHER INCOME RECOGNITION
REVENUE – arises in the course of ordinary regular
activities and is referred to by a variety of different names REVENUE FROM RENDERING OF SERVICES INTEREST REVENUE
including sales, fees, interest, dividends, royalties and rent. Recognized on a time proportion basis that takes
The following conditions should be present for the into account the effective yield of the asset
revenue from rendering of services
ROYALTIES Conceptual framework: expenses are incurred when it is An expense is recognized immediately when:
Recognized in an accrual basis in accordance with probable that a decrease in future economic benefits
the substance of the relevant agreement. related to decrease in an asset or an increase in liability 1. When an expenditure procedure produces no
has occurred and that the decrease in economic benefits future economic benefit.
DIVIDENDS can be measured reliably.
Recognized when the shareholder’s right to 2. When cost incurred does not qualify or ceases to
receive payment is established, when dividends are MEASUREMENT OF ELEMENTS qualify for recognition as an asset.
MEASUREMENT is the process of determining the MEASUREMENT BASES
INSTALLATION FEES monetary amounts at which the elements of the financial
Recognized over the period of installation by statements are to be recognized and carried in the A. HISTORICAL COST or PAST PURCHASE EXCHANGE
reference to the stage of completion. statement of financial position and income statement. PRICE
The amount of cash or cash equivalent paid or the fair
SUBSCRIPTION REVENUE 2 conditions that must be present for the recognition value of the consideration given to acquire an asset at
Recognized on a straight line basis over the of income the time of acquisition.
subscription period.
1. It is probable that a decrease in future economic B. CURRENT COST or CURRENT PURCHASE
ADMISSION FEES benefits has occurred as a result of a decrease in an asset EXCHANGE PRICE
Recognized when the event takes place. or an increase in a liability. The amount of cash or cash equivalent that would
2. The decrease in economic benefits can be measured have to be paid if the same or equivalent asset was
TUITION FEES reliably. acquired currently.
Recognized over the period in which tuition is
Those costs and expenses incurred in earning a PRICE
EXPENSE revenue shall be reported in the same period. The amount of cash or cash equivalent that could
Decrease in economic benefit during the currently be obtained by selling the asset in an orderly
accounting period in the form of an outflow or decrease in 33 APPLICATIONS disposal.
asset or increase in liability that result in decrease in
equity, other than distribution to equity participants. 1. CAUSE AND EFFECT ASSOCIATION E. PRESENT VALUE or FUTURE EXCHANGE PRICE
Expense is recognized when revenue is recognized. The discounted value of the future net cash inflows
Expenses that arise in the course of ordinary regular that the asset is expected to generate in the normal
activities include cost of sales, wages and depreciation. 2. SYSTEMATIC AND RATIONAL ALLOCATION course of business.
Some costs are expensed by simply allocating
LOSSESS do not arise in the course of ordinary regular them over the periods benefited. FIANANCIAL ACCOUNTING CHAPTER 5
activities and include losses resulting from disasters
D. EXPENSE RECOGNITION PRINCIPLE The cost incurred is expensed outright because information accumulated and processed in financial
Expenses are recognized when incurred. uncertainty of future economic benefits or difficulty of accounting is communicated to the users.
reliably associating certain costs with future revenue.
OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS D. the entity expects to realize the asset or intends to use
To provide information about the financial or consume it within the entity’s operating cycle. E. OTHER NONCURRENT ASSETS
position, financial performance, and cash flows of an Assets that do not fit in the definition of
entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making PAS 1 paragraph 54, the line items under current assets noncurrent assets.
economic decisions. are:
A. cash and cash equivalents Present obligation of an entity arising from past
COMPONENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B. financial assets at fair value such as trading securities events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an
and other investments in quoted equity instruments. outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic
1. Statement of financial position C. trade and other receivables benefits.
Formal statement showing the three elements D. inventories
comprising financial position, namely assets, liabilities E. prepaid invent Essential characteristics of a liability
and equity.
NONCURRENT ASSETS a. The liability is the present obligation of a particular
ASSET PAS 1 paragraph 66 states that an entity shall entity.
Resource controlled by the entity as a result of classify all other assets not classified as current as b. The liability arises from past transaction or event.
past events and from which future economic benefits noncurrent. C. the settlement of the liability requires an outflow of
are expected to flow the entity. resources embodying economic benefits.
Essential characteristics of an asset CURRENT LIABILITIES
A. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT PAS 1 paragraph 69 provides that an entity should
1. The asset is controlled by the entity PAS 16 paragraph 6, tangible assets which are classify a liability as current when:
2. The asset is the result of a past transaction or event. held by an entity for use in production or supply of goods
3. The asset provides future economic benefits and services, for rental to others, or for administrative A. The entity expects the liability to settle within the
4. The cost of the asset can be measured reliably. purposes, and are expected to be used during more than entity’s normal operating cycle.
one period. B. the entity holds the liability primarily for the purpose of
Classifications of asset trading.
B. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS C. the liability is due to be settled within 12 months after
CURRENT ASSETS IASC defines investment as an asset held by an the reporting period.
PAS 1 paragraph 66 provides that an entity should entity for the accretion of wealth through capital D. the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer
classify asset as current asset when: distribution, such as interest, royalties, dividends and settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the
rentals, for capital appreciation or for other benefits to the reporting period.
a. The asset is cash or cash equivalent unless the asset is investing entity such as those obtained through trading
restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability relationships. PAS 1 paragraph 54, the line items under current liability
for at least 12 months after the reporting period. are:
b. The entity holds the asset primarily for the purpose of C. INTANGIBLE ASSETS
trading. An identifiable nonmonetary asset without a. Trade and other receivables
c. The entity expects to realize the asset within twelve physical substance. B. current provisions
months after the reporting period. c. Short term borrowing
D. DEFERRED TAX ASSETS D. current portion of long term debt
E. current tax liability NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16. Liabilities included in disposal group classified as held
for sale
NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Provide narrative description or disaggregation of 17. Noncontrolling assets
PAS 1 paragraph 69 states that an entity shall classify items presented in the financial statements and 18. Share capital and reserves
all liabilities not classified as current are classified as information about items that do not qualify for
noncurrent. recognition. 2. Statement of comprehensive income

A. noncurrent portion of a long term debt Purpose: to provide the necessary disclosures required by COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
B. finance lease liability PFRS. The change in equity during a period resulting
C. deferred tax liability from transactions and other events, other than changes
D. long term obligations to company officers FORMS OF FINANCIAL POSITION resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity
E. long term deferred revenue. as owners.
EQUITY This form sets form the three major sections in a Includes:
Residual interest in the assets of the entity after downward sequence of assets, liabilities and equity. A. components of profit or loss
deducting all of its liabilities.
B. ACCOUNT FORM Profit or loss
PAS 1 paragraph 7 The assets are shown on the left side and the liabilities and The total income less expenses, excluding the
The holders of instruments classified as equity are equity on the right side of the balance sheet. components of other comprehensive income.
PAS 1, paragraph 54, balance sheet line items B. components of other comprehensive income
Is the residual interest of owners in the net assets 1. Cash and cash equivalents OTHER COMMPREHENSIVE INCOME
of a corporation measured by the excess of assets over 2. Financial assets Comprises items of income and expenses including
liabilities. 3. Trade and other receivables reclassification adjustments that are not recognized in
4. Inventories profit or loss as required or permitted by PFRS.
PHILIPPINE TERM IAS TERM 5. Property, plant and equipment
Capital Stock Share Capital 6. Investment in associates accounted for by the equity Components:
Subscribed Capital Stock Subscribed Share Capital method
Preferred Stock Preference Share Capital 7. Intangible assets A. OCI that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or
Common Stock Ordinary Share Capital 8. Investment property loss when specific conditions are met.
Additional Paid In Capital Share Premium 9. Biological asset
Retained Earnings (deficit) Accumulated Profits 10. Total assets classified as held for sale and assets 1. Unrealized gain or loss on equity investment
(Losses) included in disposal group classified as held for sale measured at fair value through other
Retained Earnings Appropriated Reserve 11. Trade and other payables comprehensive income.
Appropriated 12. Current tax liabilities 2. unrealized gain or loss on debt investment
Revaluation Surplus Revaluation Reserve 13. Deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability measured at fair value through other
Treasury Stock Treasury Share 14. Provisions comprehensive income.
15. Financial liabilities 3. Gain or loss from translation of the financial
statements of a foreign operation.
other comprehensive income in a single PAS 1 paragraph 82, Income statement and statement of
B. OCI that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or statement. comprehensive income line items.
3. Income statement A. Revenue
4. revaluation surplus during the year. B. Gain and loss from the derecognition of financial asset
5. Unrealized gain or loss from derivative contracts A formal statement showing the financial performance of measured at amortized cost as required by PFRS 9
designated as cash flow hedge. an entity for a given period of time. C. Finance Cost
6. “remeasurements” of defined benefit plan, D. Share in income or loss of associate and joint ventures
including actuarial gain or loss. SOURCES OF INCOME accounted for using equity method
7. Change in fair value attributable to credit risk of E. Income tax expense
a financial liability designated at fair value through Sales of merchandise to customers F. A single amount comprising discontinued operations
profit or loss. Rendering of services G. Profit or loss for the Period
Use of entity resources H. Total Other Comprehensive income
Presentation of other comprehensive income Disposal of resources other than products I. Comprehensive incoe for the period being the total of
profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
PAS 1 paragraph 82A, provides that the statement of COMPONENTS OF EXPENSE
comprehensive income shall present line items for The following items shall b disclosed on the face of the
amounts of other comprehensive income during the A. Cogs or cos income statement and statement of comprehensive
period classified by nature. B. Distribution costs or selling expenses income:
C. Administrative expenses
The line items for amounts of OCI shall be grouped as D. Other expenses A. profit or loss for the period attributable to
follows. E. Income tax expense noncontrolling interest and owners of the parent

PRESENTATION OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME DISTRIBUTION COSTS constitute costs which are directly B. total comprehensive income for the period
related to selling, advertising and delivery of goods to attributable to noncontrolling interest and owners of the
1. TWO STATEMENTS customers. parent.

A. An income statement showing the ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES constitute cost of FORMS OF INCOME STATEMENT
components of profit or loss. administering the business. These ordinarily include all
B. A statement of comprehensive income operating expenses not related to selling and cost of goods PAS 1 paragraph 99. An entity shall present an analysis of
beginning with profit or loss as shown in the sold. expenses recognized in profit or loss using in classification
income statement plus or minus the based on either the function of expenses or their nature
components of other comprehensive income OTHER EXPENSES are those expenses which are not within the entity, whichever provides information that is
directly related to the selling and administrative function. more reliable and more relevant.
INCOME PAS 1 paragraph 87 2 ways to present an income statement
An entity shall not present any items of income
This is the combined statement showing the and expense as extraordinary items, either on the face of 1. FUNCTIONAL PRESENTATION/COST OF SALES
components of profit or loss and components of the income statement or the statement of comprehensive METHOD
income or in the notes.
This form classifies expenses according to their
function as part of cost of sales , distribution costs,
administrative activities and other activities.


Expenses are aggregated according to their nature
and not allocated among the various functions
within the entity.

PAS 1 paragraph 105

Because each presentation has merit for different
types of entities, management is required to select the
presentation that is reliable and more relevant.


Shows the changes affecting directly the retained

earnings of an entity and relates the income statement to
the statement of financial position.

Should be disclosed in the statement of retained earnings:

A. Profit or loss for the period

B. prior period errors
C. dividends declared and paid to shareholders
D. effect of change in accounting policy
E. appropriation of retained earnings

4. Statement of changes in equity

Shows the movements in the elements or
components of the shareholders equity

5. Statement of cash flows

Summarizes the operating, investing and financing
activities of an entity.

6. Notes, comprising a summary of significant

accounting policies and other explanatory notes

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