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Review Article

LIPITENSION: Interplay between dyslipidemia and

Jamshed J. Dalal, T. N. C. Padmanabhan1, Piyush Jain2, Shiva Patil3, Hardik Vasnawala3, Ashish Gulati3
Department of Cardiac Sciences, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute, Andheri, Mumbai,
Department of Cardiology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Secunderabad, 2Non-invasive Cardiology, Preventive and Rehabilitative
Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi, 3AstraZeneca India Ltd., Hebbal, Bangalore, India


The burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is increasing worldwide. The increase in the burden is a major concern in developing
countries like India. It is well-established that hypertension and dyslipidemia are the two major contributing risk factors for CVD.
Various epidemiological studies have shown the prevalence of the co-existence of hypertension and dyslipidemia, in the range of
15 to 31%. The co-existence of the two risk factors has more than an additive adverse impact on the vascular endothelium, which
results in enhanced atherosclerosis, leading to CVD. This review emphasizes on the ‘co-existence and interplay of dyslipidemia and
hypertension’. The authors have termed the co-existence as, ‘LIPITENSION’. The term LIPITENSION may help clinicians in easy
identification and aggressive management of the two conditions together, ultimately preventing future cardiovascular events.

Key words: Cardiovascular risk factors, dyslipidemia, hypertension, lipitension

Introduction of the hypertensive sibships.[3] It has been stated that

insulin resistance coexists in up to 50% of the hypertensive
Dyslipidemia and hypertension are established risk factors individuals.[4] Non-familial forms of DH are more common
of prime importance in cardiovascular diseases. They than the familial ones.
constitute the important components of the metabolic
syndrome (MS), as defined by the National Cholesterol The Framingham Heart Study data on the hypertensive
Education Program (NCEP) Guidelines (Adult Treatment population reported that more than 80% had at least
Panel III).[1] one additional cardiovascular disease risk factor and
predominantly these risk factors were atherogenic in nature.
In the broader sense, dyslipidemia includes abnormality Studies have consistently indicated that hypertension and
in LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride hypercholesterolemia frequently coexist, causing what is
levels. The term dyslipidemic hypertension (DH) was first known as dyslipidemic hypertension (DH).[2,5] The risk
used in 1988, in the context of familial DH,[2] which was of CVD associated with concomitant hypertension and
proposed as a genetic syndrome found in approximately dyslipidemia is more multiplicative than the sum of the
12% of the patients with essential hypertension and 48% individual risk factors.[6,7] This has been recognized in the
recent treatment guidelines that emphasize the need to
quantify a person’s overall CVD risk.[8,9]
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In this review, the coexistence of dyslipidemic hypertension has been termed as ‘LIPITENSION’ for the ease of active
identification, diagnosis, and management of these two risk
factors together, as global CV risk factors.The diagnosis of
10.4103/2230-8210.93742 hypertension and dyslipidemia are considered as pre JNC
7 and NECP ATP III guidelines, respectively.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Ashish Gulati, AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited, ISMO I Medical Department, P. B. No. 2483, Off Bellary Road, Hebbal,
Bangalore – 560024, India. E-mail:

240 Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Mar-Apr 2012 / Vol 16 | Issue 2
Dalal, et al.: LIPITENSION

The previous prevalence estimates for the existence of hypertension.[25] However, there is limited data demonstrating
lipitension range from 15 to 31% in the United States.[10,11] the effect of elevated blood pressure on lipid levels.
The elderly population in the US had 31% existence of
lipitension. In another study, the overall prevalence of This interplay of lipitension was observed in a large
lipitension, hypertension alone, and hypercholesterolemia epidemiological study like MRFIT (Multiple Risk Factor
alone was 30, 47, and 18%, respectively. The incidence of Intervention Trial), with 356,222 men, followed up for 12
lipitension was 20% in women versus 16% in men (p < years. The study results emphasized that even mild-to-
0.05). The incidence was variable in different age groups moderate levels of both hypertension and dyslipidemia
with only 1.9% in the 20 – 39 year age group versus an had a multiplicative adverse impact on the risk for coronary
increasing trend of 56% in the aged, > 80 years (p <,0.001). heart disease (CHD), and the risk was similar or greater
lipitension prevalence showed racial variation, with the least due to a severe elevation of either one of the risk factors.
in Hispanics (9.8%) and highest in African–Americans Furthermore, the Framingham Study results also reflected that
(22%) (p < 0.01). The prevalence increased with addition moderately elevated blood pressure and cholesterol had a
of risk factors; highest in those with CVD plus DM or similar 10-year risk of CHD, as those with highly elevated
metabolic syndrome (69%).[12] systolic BP or LDL cholesterol alone.[26]

Chennai Urban Population Study (CUPS study 5) reported This physiological interplay produces a marked increase in
the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in type 2 CVD risk.[27,28] Reduction in the prevalence of lipitension
DM south Indian patients. The highest prevalence of CAD can significantly improve the outcomes.
(21.1%) was found in patients with multiple risk factors
and these risk factors, in order, were diabetes, dyslipidemia, Lipitension and Atherosclerosis
and hypertension. However data on the coexistence of
dyslipidemia and hypertension together, in these diabetic The renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS)
patients, was not reported.[13] promotes atherogenesis. Angiotensin II, a major villain
of the RAAS pathway, promotes atherogenesis through
Chennai Urban–Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES-38) on 2300 stimulation of the angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1),
diabetic patients reported the prevalence of dyslipidemia, which increases lipid uptake in cells, vasoconstriction, and
hypertension, and other CV risk factors, however, the co- free radical production, to foster both hypertension and
existence of dyslipidemia and diabetes was not reported.[14] atherosclerosis.[29]

Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (METS) using IDF Hypertension, a major component of lipitension,
2005 guidelines, in a semi-urban south Indian was 30%. damages the endothelium through altered shear stress
Nearly 80% of these patients had systolic and 57% had and oxidative stress, resulting in increased endothelial cell
diastolic hypertension, the dyslipidemia trend was high synthesis of collagen and fibronectin, reduced nitric oxide-
TG (38.8%) and low HDL (59%). However, the data on dependent vascular relaxation, and increased permeability
the co-existence of dyslipidemia and hypertension were to lipoproteins.[30,31] Hypertension is also associated with
not reported.[15] an upregulation of lipid oxidation enzymes.[32] LDL,
especially oxidized LDL, is a major cause of endothelial
The Interplay — Lipitension dysfunction. [33] Hence, lipitension contributes to
atherosclerosis and the resultant vascular risk, through its
Dyslipidemia, one of the strong predictors of cardiovascular effects on the level of the endothelium.
disease, causes endothelial damage and loss of physiological
vasomotor activity.[16-19] The damage may manifest as Microalbuminuria has been identified in hypertensive
elevated systemic blood pressure (BP). Cross-sectional patients as a marker of glomerular dysfunction and a
studies have suggested a link between abnormal lipids predictor of coronary artery disease.[34,35] Microalbuminuria
and hypertension. [20-22] Few prospective studies have has also been associated with lipid abnormalities, including
demonstrated the relationship between plasma lipids and high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)
the future development of hypertension.[23,24] and triglycerides, low levels of HDL-C, and elevated
levels of lipoprotein (a).[36] This area will merit further
Blood pressure has a continuous and consistent relationship attention, because it suggests a possible role for circulating
with the risk of cardiovascular events; the higher the lipoproteins in the small vessel organ damage associated
BP, the higher the chance of CVD. The presence of with hypertension. It is also noted that the presence of
each additional risk factor multiplies the risk for one condition could enhance the development of the

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other; hypertension and dyslipidemia may also interact cholesterol levels fell by 38% and these results could
synergistically to enhance the atherosclerotic process. be attributed to a direct statin effect or to cholesterol
lowering.[39] Such differences in blood pressure between
Parallel Management of Comorbidity patients treated with lipid-lowering therapies and those
given a control intervention were not seen in HPS, ASCOT,
It is intuitive that simultaneous treatment of two or more ALLHAT or several other large clinical trials. Whether
risk factors should provide at least additive benefits in blood pressure–lowering drugs have any effect on the
preventing atherosclerotic vascular events. The analysis circulating lipid levels has been the subject of intense
mandates urgent steps to be implemented toward the debate for many years.
identification and treatment of undetected hypertension
and dyslipidemia, which will reduce cardiovascular Effect of Lipid-Lowering Therapy on
complications in the long run. Today, most CVD prevention Blood Pressure
efforts are focused on treating blood pressure, lowering
LDL cholesterol, increasing HDL cholesterol, encouraging There is some evidence to suggest that treating dyslipidemia
tobacco cessation and physical activity, and providing has beneficial effects on blood pressure (BP). Studies
medical nutrition therapy. There is strong evidence to by Borghi et al.,[36,40] have found that patients receiving
support risk factor reduction in these areas. However, concomitant antihypertensive and statin therapy experienced
there are still significant improvements needed to achieve a reduction in BP that could not be explained solely by
both primary and secondary prevention of CVD. Data the lipid-lowering effect of the statin or the effect of the
from the cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition antihypertensive medication. These results suggest that the
Examination Survey 2001 – 2002, estimated the proportion use of statins in combination with antihypertensive drugs
of individuals not at goal for blood pressure, lipids, and may improve BP control in patients, with uncontrolled
hemoglobin A1c (A1C). Overall, 50.2% were not at goal hypertension and high serum cholesterol levels.
for A1C, 64.6% did not achieve the LDL cholesterol goals,
52.3% did not hit the HDL cholesterol targets, and 53% The pathophysiological basis for the apparent beneficial
failed to attain target blood pressure levels.[37] effect of statin therapy on BP may be that statins have
positive effects on endothelial or vascular smooth muscle
Few recent clinical studies have made an effort to document cell functions or both. Hypercholesterolemia can also
the benefits of multiple risk factor interventions. Two influence BP by potentiating the effects on the endothelium
large studies have attempted to modify both hypertension of the vasoconstrictors endothelin-1 and Angiotensin
and dyslipidemia simultaneously. The first of these is the II.[41-43] Thus, a reduction in nitric oxide production, coupled
Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart with a heightened vasoconstrictor response, will tend to
Attack Trial (ALLHAT).[38] This trial had 40,000 patients increase BP in patients with dyslipidemia.
on various antihypertensive therapies. Out of these, 10,000
were put on pravastatin 40 mg daily dose. At the end of Clearly, further large-scale trials are needed to examine
five years, unfortunately, the LDL-C difference in the group the BP-lowering effects of the lipid-lowering therapy and
taking pravastatin versus the group taking only hypertensive to distinguish between the effects that can be directly
therapy was only 16.7%, which was clinically insignificant. attributed to reduced serum cholesterol, the pleiotropic
Furthermore, this study, understandably, did not show a effects of lipid-lowering agents or situations in which lipid-
statistically significant difference in death (the primary lowering medications potentiate the action of concomitant
endpoint), fatal or nonfatal CHD events or strokes. antihypertensive agents.

Results of the second study, the ASCOT-LLA trial Effect of Blood Pressure–Lowering
suggested that, in addition to good BP control, patients Therapy on Lipid Levels
with hypertension and additional CVD risk factors required
a more intensive lipid-lowering therapy than previously Blood pressure–lowering drugs have a certain impact on
recommended, to decrease future CV events. the lipid levels. These changes in lipid levels are important
in hypertensives, as up to 40% of the newly diagnosed
In a study of patients taking an ACE inhibitor (enalapril or hypertensives have at least one lipid abnormality.[44] Among
lisinopril), the degree of systolic blood pressure lowering the anti-hypertensive drugs, beta blockers and thiazide
was doubled, and the degree of diastolic blood pressure diuretics have shown changes in the lipid parameters.
lowering increased by 25% when a statin (either lovastatin The beta blocker effect on the lipid level depends on the
or pravastatin) was added to the regimen. The mean

242 Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / Mar-Apr 2012 / Vol 16 | Issue 2
Dalal, et al.: LIPITENSION

pharmacological properties. Selective blockers (beta-1) picture is more disappointing.[51] Data on the management
and newer beta blockers have little impact on the total of these two conditions together is lacking.
cholesterol levels. The thiazide diuretics’ effect on
cholesterol parameters becomes evident at higher doses. When we treat the metabolic syndrome the usual focus
remains more on insulin resistance and lipid levels, ignoring
However, these two classes of drugs have shown protection blood pressure.[52] Thus, there is a need for a new approach
in patients with comorbidities such as coronary artery to tackle the coexistence of hypertension and dyslipidemia.
disease, if the BP is well controlled.[45] The term lipitension may help in identifying patients with
hypertension and dyslipidemia.
Considering the effect on plasma lipid alpha-blockers, the
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) blocker or Studies have demonstrated that the treatment of
the calcium channel blocker may be the preferred initial dyslipidemia, particularly LDL-C lowering, has favorable
therapy in patients with underlying hyperlipidemia.[46] effects on both coronary and cerebrovascular event rates,
over and above the benefits of blood pressure lowering
L ipitension and C oronary A rtery itself.[39,41] Similarly blood pressure control has favorable
Disease effects both on the coronary and cerebrovascular event
rates. Even as the cholesterol-lowering drugs may favorably
Lipitension, as a combination, is an important risk factor affect blood pressure, some blood pressure–lowering drugs,
for the progression of atherosclerosis in CAD patients. A such as RAAS blockers and CCBs have a neutral or some
study by Adnan et al., looked at the impact of the optimal beneficial effect on serum lipid levels.[53]
control of LDL-C and Systolic BP on the progression of
atheroma in the coronary arteries by using the Intravascular The management of these disorders, particularly in high-
Ultrasound (IVUS). The study concluded that patients with risk patients, requires multiple interventions, including
very low LDL-C (< 70 mg / dl) and normal SBP (≤ 120 dietary and pharmacological. The need for a different
mmHg) had the least progression of percentage atheroma treatment approach in CV medicine has emerged, due
(P < 0.001) and more frequent plaque regression (P < 0.01). to combined problems of an aging population and poor
These findings suggest the need for the intensive control adherence to complex drug regimens. This has led to a
of lipitension as a component of global risk factors in reconsideration of combination pills. This approach can be
patients with CAD.[47] related to the treatment of hypertension and dyslipidemia
On the other hand trials like the ß-Blocker Cholesterol-
There is a need to increase the awareness, both in the
Lowering Asymptomatic Plaque study (BCAP) and ELVA
medical and patient communities, for early detection
have shown that beta blocker therapy has beneficial effects
and treatment of these two conditions. Few proposed
on reducing early atherosclerosis progression and intima-
approaches are always screening for another risk factor,
media thickness (IMT) thickening, in asymptomatic carotid
when one risk factor is found, as also family screening of
plaque patients, along with BP reduction. This in turn also
patients with these disorders. These approaches may have
results in reducing CVD mortality.[48,49]
a rich yield of additional patients requiring treatment.
Discussion Our hope is that the information discussed here and the
concept of the term lipitension will expand the knowledge
Dyslipidemia and Hypertension are well-established
in this area, and help to proactively identify individuals who
risk factors for CVD, and the coexistence of both these may benefit from further investigations or treatments, and
conditions have proved to have adverse outcomes (1) refer complex cases for specialized care.
Prevalence of coexistence is variable across the globe.
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