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MODULE 19 – Meaning and Types of Motivation


Studying is a hard task. However, it ceases to be a task if you have the right kind and the
right amount of motivation.


Motivation is “a process whereby goal-oriented activity is instigated and sustained.”

(Schunk, Pintrich & Meece, 2008)


- An inner drive that causes you to do something and persevere at something and
energizes you to do something.
- Refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior.
- A force that energizes a learner to do what s/he is expected to do. It is activation to
action. A learner’s level of motivation is reflected in his choice of action,, and in the
intensity and persistence of his/her effort.

Learner’s motivation is the primary factor influencing both performance and success in school,
(Ryan, et al, 2007).

Indicators of a High Level of Motivation

Motivated students have following characteristic traits:

 Have positive attitude toward school and describe school as satisfying persist on difficult
tasks and cause few management problems.
 Process information in depth and excel in classroom learning expertise. (Stipek, 1996,
2002 cited by Wooltok, 2013)
 A highly motivated learner accomplishes and performs well in contrast to an unmotivated
one who seems not to have desire to accomplish things or perform well. That force can be
intensified by factors outside a learner (extrinsic) or factors inside him/her or by the
activity itself (intrinsic).

1. EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION have factors include rewards, incentives, praises or words

of encouragements, approval of significant others like teachers, parents, peer group or
their opposites- fear of punishments, withdrawal of privileges, censure, and abstracism.
Example: The student studies to please his/her teacher, parents or to get a good grade.

2. INTRINSIC MOTIVATION is shown in the enjoyment of the activity itself and the
inner conviction of the learner that such things are the right things to do in order to
realize a personal goal or a life dream.

Example: The student studies for the joy of studying.

The Role of Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation plays an indispensable function of when a learner is not yet

intrinsically motivated to learn. For optimum learning, this extrinsic motivation, however, must
gradually take the back seat as intrinsic motivation comes to the fore.

Obviously, intrinsic motivation is more beneficial than extrinsic motivation because

intrinsic motivation from within the person himself/herself.

Research indicates that intrinsic motivation is preferable because of its focus on learning
and understanding (Brophy, 2004).

“Potential performance is a product of ability and motivation”

Presented To:

Ms. Norhanifa Gandarosa

CPE104 Instructor Presented By:

Mayflor T. Belando
Raifa C. Asgar

How motivated are you? Here is a test. Score yourself by checking the appropriate column.


1 - Never
2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes
4 - Often
5 - Always

BEHAVIOUR 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. I study even when there is no
2. I enjoy working on homework.
3. I look forward to school days.
4. I read for learning, not only for
5. In every school task I do, I always do
my best.
6. I give/do more than what is required.
7. I listen intently to my teacher’s lecture
and instruction.
8. I participate actively in class.
9. I like homework.
10. When something is not clear, I ask
questions to clarify.
11. I do not allow myself to be
discouraged by my classmates’
unfavorable remarks.
12. My teacher’s unfavorable remarks do
not turn me off, rather they challenge
me to do my best.
13. I believe that success can be reached
by anyone who works hard.
14. I always feel excited about learning.
15. I submit course requirements not only
for the sake of compliance.
16. I study not only for grades but more
for learning.
17. I believe that nothing is difficult if we
spend hours learning it.
18. I believe that how much I learn from
class depends ultimately on me.
19. I believe I can cope with my teacher’s
20. I am always eager to learn new things.
21. I am very much interested to improve
22. I read outside my assignments and
lessons because it helps me improve
23. I love to be in the company of people
who inspire me to keep on growing.
24. I avoid people who have no desire to
improve themselves.
25. I see the relevance of my lessons to
the realization of my dream in life.
26. I am willing to give up satisfaction of
an immediate goal for the sake of a
more important remote goal. E.g give
up watching tv in order to study.
Total per column

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