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Delineating The Horoscope

The predisposition to thoughts, behavior and events at-

tracted relative to any one of the twelve departments of life may
be appraised from the house of the birth-chart ruling that
department. The house maps the thought cells within the finer
body that have been built by experiences with this department
of life, and that therefore strive to express through influencing
it. Conditioning—experiences after human birth—may have
modified both the activity and the desires of these thought-
cells; but the degree of their activity and the harmony or discord
of their desires at birth are mapped by the birth-chart.
Those thought-cells that are more powerful and active are
able more greatly to influence the life than those thought-cells
that are weak and less active. This means that the department
of life mapped by the house of the birth-chart showing greatest
activity is predisposed to be the most important department of
the life, and each department of life is predisposed to have a
relative importance which is measured by the activity of the
house ruling it in relation to the activity of the other houses.
A house containing a planet usually is active, because in
addition to common thought-cells it contains dynamic
thought-cells. And a house containing several planets usually
is still more active, because it contains several groups of dy-
namic thought-cells . However, to gauge the activity of a house
it is not enough to observe whether or not there is a planet in
it; for the prominence of the planet ruling a house may make a
vacant house more active than some other house which con-
tains several non-prominent planets. Thus to ascertain the
activity of a house the prominence of the planet ruling its
cusp, and the prominence of any planet that may be in it,
must be appraised. The appraisal of planetary prominence is
explained in Chapter Four.

90 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

If the eleventh house is active, for instance, it indicates a

predisposition for friends to play an important part in the life,
if the seventh house is active it indicates a predisposition for
partnerships to play an important part in the life, if the eighth
house is active it indicates a predisposition for death and
inheritance to play an important part, and thus with each of
the other houses.
Which one of the matters ruled by a given house becomes
more important is largely a matter of conditioning and envi-
ronment. An individual with an active third house, and Mer-
cury prominent, if conditioned that way may take to writing,
but if conditioned another way may not write, but take many
short journeys. If in addition to third house activity Mercury
is not prominent, his relatives may greatly influence his life
and he may travel and write little.
Furthermore, this matter of conditioning after birth may
make one department of life of two whose houses are equally
active and ruled by the same planet far more important than
the other. In reference not merely to the specific events
attracted, or the specific conditions, but also to the depart-
ments of life given importance by the activities of thought-
cells ruled by the same planet, conditioning (education by
experience) and environment usually are the determining
factors 7.
The predisposition toward the type, or types, of events
that will affect any one of the 12 departments of life is indi-
cated by the planet, or planets, ruling its house in the birth
chart. The conditions and events relative to a house ruled by
Mars will be characteristic in that there will be haste, strife
and undue expenditure of energy where they are concerned.
And thus also the characteristics of each planet will be dis-
cerned in reference to the conditions and events belonging
to the department of life whose houses are ruled by the
planet; for the thought-cells thus mapped have been built by
experiences typical of the planet.
The predisposition toward fortune or misfortune relative
to the events and conditions affecting any department of life
is shown by the aspects of the planets ruling the house of the
birth-chart mapping it. If there are only harmonious aspects
Delineating the Horoscope 91

to the planet or planets, the thought-cells desire and work for

thoughts, behavior and events relative to this department of life
that are fortunate. If there are only discordant aspects to the
planet, or planets, the thought-cells desire and work for thoughts,
behavior and events relative to this department of life that are
unfortunate. If there are both discordant and harmonious aspects,
the discordant aspect shows by the house occupied by the afflict-
ing planet from whence misfortune is apt to come, and the
afflicting planet the characteristics of the misfortune. The harmo-
nious aspect shows by the house occupied by the beneficial planet
from whence the good fortune is apt to come, and the beneficial
planet the characteristics of the good fortune. The predisposition
is to have misfortune in some respects and good fortune in other
respects relative to the department of life.
Yet it has been pointed out in Chapter Three that the
easiest thing to change is the desire of the thought cells for a
specific event; and that it is not too difficult to change the
desires of the thought-cells so that they will want and strive
to bring to pass, more beneficial thoughts, behavior and
events. Therefore these predispositions toward fortune or
misfortune relative to any given department of life, or rela-
tive to any specific condition affecting it, should not be con-
sidered as indicating inevitable conditions. They merely
indicate whether or not the thought-cells influencing a de-
partment of life have been correctly or badly educated before
human birth; and point out which thought-cells should have
special and persistent reeducation so that they also will work
for those conditions which the individual desires.
Some factors in the life, such as short journeys and children,
belong to but one department of existence, and their predis-
positions can be judged from a single house. Others, such as
marriage, involve two departments and several factors, while
health involves two departments—mapped by the first and
sixth houses —and every planet in the chart. Little further
explanation need be given relative to single-house affairs; for
the prominence, characteristics and aspects of the planet or
planets ruling the house is all that is required. But we do need
to understand about those more complex phases of existence
in which various factors are involved.
92 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

Judging Personal Appearance

The thought-cells of the soul in influencing physical results of

any kind can only bring about the fulfillment of their desires in
so far as factors in the physical environment will permit without
offering too great resistance. This applies to the stature and
appearance of the physical body, which may be altered during
its growth by food and climate, and is always influenced by the
heredity genes which form the physical link by which race and
family characteristics, stored up in their astral counterparts, are
transmitted to the astral body of the child.
This means that a chart indicating light complexion signi-
fies light only in comparison to other members of the same
race. No planetary positions are likely to give a hooked nose
to one belonging to a straight-nose race, nor are they likely to
give curly hair to one belonging to a straight-haired race. Tall
is a relative term, not only where race is concerned, but also
family. A person may be the tallest member of his family, and
yet be short by ordinary standards. Race characteristics are
much more pronounced in the physical appearance of people
than in their temperament, disposition, mental abilities and
characters. And thus, in judging the physical appearance, race
and family heredity must always be considered as offering
great physical resistance to any desires of the thought-cells to
depart radically from this physical pattern.
The general trend of the personal description given by
each sign and planet is as follows:
ARIES: Middle stature, spare, strong body, bushy eye-
brows, dark hair, rather swarthy.
TAURUS: Short, thickset, dull complexion, large mouth,
dark hair and eyes.
GEMINI: Tall, long arms, light complexion, brown hair,
quick in action.
CANCER: Middle height, upper parts larger, small mouth
and face, pale, milky eyes.
LEO: Breadth and size to stature, large head, light hair,
ruddy complexion.
VIRGO: Average, compact body, brownish or fresh com-
plexion , dark hair.
Delineating the Horoscope 93

LIBRA: Tall and well-formed, clear complexion, sparkling

eyes, hair brown or black.
SCORPIO: Middle height, thick-set, corpulent, hooked
nose, dark hair, ruddy or swarthy complexion.
SAGITTARIUS: Above middle height, high forehead, long
nose, sanguine complexion, hair brown.
CAPRICORN: Slender rather than stout, thin face, black
hair, dark complexion.
AQUARIUS: Stout, well set, fair hair, sanguine complexion,
PISCES: Tending to shortness, fleshy, pale face, brown or
dark hair, fishy eyes.
SUN: A strong vital body, above average size, light complex-
ion, very dignified.
MOON: Tending to shortness and weight, pale complexion
wide forehead, listless.
MERCURY: Lean, nervous, sharp features, small eyes and
cars, hair brown.
VENUS: Plump and handsome, tending to light complex-
ion mirthful, affable.
MARS: Wiry, robust body, strong muscles, ruddy complex-
ion, hair with reddish tinge.
JUPITER: Large and ample body, sanguine or fair complex-
ion, jovial with much self-esteem.
SATURN: Large bones, looks raw-boned even when not
tall, dark, serious, grave.
URANUS: Tall, slender, angular, brilliant eyes, erratic, argu-
NEPTUNE: Tendency to eight, oval features, large, dreamy
eyes, pleasant appearing.
PLUTO: Medium height, solidly built, ruddy or dark, dynamic.
Every position in the chart seems to have some influence
over the size and appearance, but the following four factors,
which are here given in the order of their importance as affect-
ing the physique, have more influence than do the others:
1. Primarily, consider the sign on the cusp of the Ascendant,
and any planet in the first house. Precedence, as a rule, should
be given to the planet nearest the Ascendant, but any planet
94 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

within fifteen degrees above the Ascendant should be consid-

ered as in conjunction with, and influencing it. Commonly a
planet near the Ascendant impresses its description on the
person even more strongly than the sign on the Ascendant, yet
the influence of both sign and planets should be combined.
The planet nearest the Ascendant, when there are several
planets in the first house, marks the appearance more strongly.
The more numerous the planets in the first house, as a rule, the
smaller, more compact, and dynamic the body indicated.
2. Next to the first house, as an index to the personal
appearance, is the sign in which the planet ruling the sign on
the cusp of the Ascendant is found. Any planet in the first
house usually has more influence over the personality than
does the planet merely ruling the sign on the Ascendant. But
this planet ruling the cusp of the Ascendant is always co-ruler
of the personality, and if there is no planet in the first house,
is ruler of the personality. And when it is in a long sign, it tends
to heighten the stature, but when it is in a short sign, it tends
to shorten the stature below what would have been expected
from the first house alone. Thus the sign it is in may be
considered to have a secondary influence over the personal
3. Third, and of much less importance in reference to the
personal appearance, is the sign the Sun is in. Its influence is
more apparent in those who change markedly in weight and
general contour at different ages in life. A plump child often
is thin at maturity, and people who are slight or heavy at
maturity may acquire the opposite appearance with more
advanced age. In these cases it usually will be found that the
body at one period of life is indicated by the rising sign and
planets, and at the other, and usually shorter period, by the
4. So far as the weight and contour is concerned the fourth
factor, which is the dominant planet, has little significance.
The dominant, or ruling planet—not to be confused with the
ruler of the personality (Ascendant)—usually stamps its im-
press on the countenance in such a manner that one familiar
with the appearance given by the planets at once notices its
influence. This dominant, or ruling planet, is the one which
has the most prominence in the chart.
Delineating the Horoscope 95

Judging Temperament and Disposition

As influencing the trend of the temperament and disposition,

there are also four different factors that need to be considered
in the following order of importance:

1. First of all the dominant, or ruling planet, indicates that

group of thought-cells which has greatest activity, and therefore
most powerfully influences the thoughts and behavior, as well
as the events attracted into the life. It is more important than any
other single factor in indicating temperament and disposition.
2. Next in importance is the personality, indicated by the
rising sign and any planet, or planets, in the first house. Any
planet in the first house, or within 15 degrees above the cusp
of the first house, has more influence in this respect than the
sign on the Ascendant. But, in addition to the general tenden-
cies thus revealed, each aspect to the planet which is shown
to be chief ruler of the personality (first house), and each
aspect to the degree on the Ascendant, indicates a tendency of
the disposition.
3. Of third importance is the mentality as indicated by the
sign occupied by the Moon. Each aspect to the Moon indicates
a definite trend of the mentality. This is not the same as the
facility for expression, which is ruled by Mercury. It is a
deeper quality of the mind.
4. Finally, the sign occupied by the Sun shows those deep-
seated traits of character that are most permanent, even
though they may be obscured much of the time by the more
superficial traits of the personality. Each aspect to the Sun
indicates a definite trend to the character.

Judging Character

Character, as distinct from those traits which are most obvious

to others, embraces the whole organization of thought-cells
which constitutes the soul. The most deepseated of these, and
those which can be counted on to resist change, are indicated
by the same four factors that reveal temperament and dispo-
sition, but in a different order of importance, thus :
96 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

1. Not because it maps as deep-seated and persistent

thought-cells as those mapped by the Sun, but because it maps
the most active and powerful thought-cells within the finer
form, the dominant, or ruling, planet must be given first place
in appraising character.
2. Then comes the Sun as mapping the thought-cells whose
qualities are most deep-seated and permanent of all, even
though they may be less active than various others.
3. Of third importance in appraising the character, because
it indicates the type of impressions most readily received and
therefore the mental viewpoint, is the sign occupied by the
4. Finally, because to express through the personality the
character must express through the first house and reach the
outside world through the ground-wire of the Ascendant, the
rising sign and rising planet should receive some consideration.

The aspects to the planets involved in each of these four

factors are of significance in showing fortunate and unfortu-
nate events, and as giving trends to the character indicated by
the aspecting planets. But such matters as honesty and dishon-
esty, social conduct and anti social conduct, and criminal trends
are chiefly due to the conditioning of the individual by his
environment after birth. As explained in detail in Chapter Two
of When And What Events Will Happen,3 no child is born a liar or
a criminal. Whatever his birth-chart, he only becomes a criminal
when his environment is such as to channel tendencies in that
direction which with a different environment might have been
led to find expression in socially acceptable behavior.

Judging Length of Life

In Body Disease And Its Stellar Treatment3 will be found the

analysis of 150 birth-charts of people whose time of birth is
accurately known, who each lived beyond 70 years. Of these,
80 were charts of men, and 70 were charts of women. And there
it is pointed out that health is not the same thing as vitality. An
individual may be quite healthy as long as he lives, but die at
Delineating the Horoscope 97

an early age because he does not develop sufficient vitality to

keep the body machine going and able to resist the impacts it
receives. Thus the first time he is seriously attacked by a disease,
he succumbs to it. But there are many people who have lived
even to ninety years of age who have never had robust health,
who have had most of the diseases as they came along, and yet
have had vitality enough to overcome them and continue with
a considerable degree of usefulness. These people have not had
a particularly strong CONSTITUTION, but they have had a
powerful VITALITY. And the degree of vitality is mapped in
the birth-chart by the Sun.
Analysis of the charts of those who have lived long lives
shows that the thought-cell condition mapped by every har-
monious aspect the Sun receives in the birth-chart, or by
progression, tends to benefit the vitality; provided a pro-
gressed aspect does not stir into activity thought-cells basi-
cally discordant. A beneficial aspect from Saturn, however,
apparently indicates no increase in vital power, but a
thought-cell condition that enables the individual to con-
serve and use to best advantage such vitality as he has. Nor
does a harmonious aspect from Neptune show a condition
directly contributing to the vitality. Instead it indicates bene-
fits indirectly through suggestion and imagination.
When, however, Mars, the planet of physical energy, is in
any aspect to the Sun—provided it is not inimical enough to
attract violent death, or a virulent infection leading to quick
death, such as smallpox or blood poisoning—it shows a ten-
dency toward length of life, because it increases vitality. And
the deaths attracted by thought-cells mapped by Mars afflic-
tions of the Sun are not due to low vitality, but to impacts or
invasions that are powerful enough to end life in spite of
vigorous vitality and recuperative power.
Next in importance to an aspect of Mars to the Sun, as
indicating recuperative power and length of life, the analysis
indicates, is a harmonious aspect from Jupiter to the Sun.
Afflictions of Jupiter to the Sun show no benefit to the vitality,
as do those from Mars to the Sun.
The more powerful the Sun thought-cells are within the
finer form, the more vitality is at the disposal of the individual;
that is, the more electrical energy of proper frequency and
98 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

voltage is generated. This is indicated by 44 percent of the

women and 48 percent of the men who lived beyond 70 having
the Sun prominent by being in an angle of their birth-charts.
Of the women beyond 70 years, 77 percent had some aspect of
Mars to the Sun in their birth-charts; and of the men beyond
70 years, 74 percent had some aspect of Mars to the Sun in their
birth-charts. Of the 70 women past 70 years, 39 percent had a
harmonious aspect of Jupiter to the Sun at birth; and of the 80
men past 70 years, 51 percent had a harmonious aspect of
Jupiter to the Sun in their charts of birth.
Every planet in the chart of birth maps its own strength or
weakness of constitution. The most active and discordant
thought-cells , as mapped by the most heavily afflicted promi-
nent planet, show the weakest point in the constitution. But
the Moon, because it rules the Constitutional Magnetism, is
always important in indicating strength of constitution. Thus
40 percent of the women and 38 percent of the men who lived
beyond 70 years, had the Moon in an angle. This prominence
of the Moon signifies more than usual activity of the Moon
thought-cells, with a correspondingly strong generation by the
nervous system of Constitutional Magnetism.
The physical body is a replica of the thought cell body in
so far as physical materials are at hand for making it so. It
follows, therefore, that each planet in the chart maps groups
of thought-cells which determine the strength or weak-
ness—that is, harmony or discord of some particular part of
the physical body. Planets aspecting Sun, Moon or Mercury
are more important as indicating particular strengths or weak-
nesses because the thought-cells they map have direct access
to the electromagnetic energies, through which alone plane-
tary or other astral energies can reach the physical, or physical
forces influence the astral. But each other planet also maps a
tendency to strength or weakness in a given part of the physi-
cal body.
It will now be seen that the length of life is determined by
the relative power between the weaknesses mapped by the ten
planets—for even the Sun may map a structural weak-
ness—and the vitality, mapped in the birth-chart and by pro-
gression by the Sun. So long as the Sun forces are the stronger,
the individual lives. When they become insufficiently power-
Delineating the Horoscope 99

ful—either through discords such as inharmonious aspects to

the Sun indicate, or through lack of volume of energy—to carry
the organism on in spite of its diseases and injuries, the physical
life is at an end.

Judging the Health

The sixth house indicates association with illness. Doctors,

nurses and dentists have very active sixth houses. But while the
sixth house denotes the various conditions, such as the services
rendered by others, and the general environment, during ill-
ness, it commonly does not indicate the type of illness to which
the person is most predisposed.
If a malefic is in the sixth, however, or if the ruler of the sixth
is severely afflicted, such affliction, because directly associated
with the compartment of the finer form which governs illness,
has greater power to attract illness, and to predispose toward
the kind of illness thus indicated, than if the afflicted planet
were in, or ruled, any other house.
The most powerful affliction in the birth-chart indicates the
type of illness toward which the individual is most predis-
posed. And if the first house (health) and the sixth house
(illness) are heavily afflicted, the tendency toward illness is
greatly increased.
For each disease there are a few well defined factors which
are constantly present in the charts of all who have that disease.
These are called the Birth-chart Constants of the disease.
Likewise it is found that at the time the disease manifests there
are equally well defined and constant major progressed aspects.
These are called the Progressed Constants of the disease.
These constants are ascertained by analyzing the birth-
charts of 100 persons who have had a given disease, and by
analyzing the major progressed aspects at the time disease
became noticeable.
Such analyses have been completed relative to some of the
more common of the serious diseases, and are set forth in tables,
together with comprehensive information relative to the astro-
logical factors involved in ill health, in the book, Body Disease
And Its Stellar Treatment. 3
100 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

Judging Mental Ability

The mental attitude, and the general trend of the mental

processes as influenced by the unconscious mind and the
impressions received are shown by the sign position and
aspects of the Moon. The thought-cells mapped by the Moon
indicate the most open avenue by which impressions and
information from the outside world find access to the uncon-
scious mind, and by which the unconscious mind influences
the objective mind. Every planet aspecting the Moon thus
indicates a capacity for understanding things of the nature of
that planet.
The general trends of the cerebral processes in which
reasoning, classified observation and the formulation of
words and sentences are employed, which are so essential to
get information across to others, are shown by the sign posi-
tion and aspects of Mercury. Every aspect Mercury receives
indicates ability to think about and express ideas of the nature
of the aspecting planet. It indicates a certain facility for learn-
ing about the matters which the aspecting planet rules. Every
aspect to the Moon and Mercury, either harmonious or discor-
dant, increases mental capacity or mental ability. Every planet
aspecting the Moon shows unconscious trains of thought
concerning the things denoted in the chart by the planet. Every
aspect to Mercury increases the facility for expressing the
characteristics indicated by the planet making the aspect. If
the aspect is harmonious the thoughts, unconscious or ex-
pressed, are pleasant, but if discordant they have disagreeable
Should there be too many powerfully discordant aspects
to these two planets, the mentality may crack under the strain.
Those who suffer mental derangements have either Moon or
Mercury, and usually both, heavily afflicted at birth, and
when they break they have a progressed aspect to one or both
of these planets, and heavy progressed afflictions. But how-
ever badly afflicted the Moon and Mercury are at birth, or by
progressed aspect, mental derangement does not follow if the
chart is otherwise strong and well balanced. Those who do
become psychopathic have other weaknesses in their charts
which make it difficult to withstand strain.
Delineating the Horoscope 101

For mental activity the Moon and Mercury should have

strong aspects. And best of all for mental expression are those
between Mercury and the Moon; for then the unconscious
mind, ready access to which is indicated by the Moon, finds
immediate access to trains of thought in the objective mind. The
more prominent Mercury is in the chart, other things being
equal, the more ability is shown for hard study, and for express-
ing the thoughts in speech or writing.
While the Moon maps the most open avenue to the uncon-
scious mind from the physical world, and Mercury maps the
facility of cerebral expression, we must not overlook that the
soul itself is thought-built, and that every planet in the birth-
chart maps a group of thought-built thought-cells. The map-
ping of the whole mentality, therefore, must include every
planet and aspect in the chart. The mental processes can only
express what the character contains, and it does express with
different degrees of facility, all that the character, or soul,
possesses. Thus the Moon and Mercury alone do not indicate
the mental ability; merely those phases of the whole mentality,
soul, or character which impress the attitude and the ability to
express with most facility.
Therefore, for a fuller appraisal of mental ability it is
necessary in addition to the Moon and Mercury, to consider
the Sun-sign as indicating deep-seated trends which influence
methods of thinking and expression, the Ascendant and its
chief ruler as indicating the personality through which expres-
sion must take place, and the ruling, or dominant planet, as
mapping the most active group of thought-cells which because
of their activity are sure to influence the thinking and method
of expression. These five are most important; but of course, to
gauge the mental ability completely every planet and aspect
in the chart must receive scrutiny.

Judging the Vocation

Deciding what vocation an individual is best fitted to follow is so

important that a complete book, How To Select A Vocation, 3 has
been devoted it. To make this book as reliable as statistics can
make such a volume, and to present a textbook completely
102 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

covering the subject of vocational selection, during 18 years the

timed birth-charts of 100 persons who followed each of 30
different representative vocations were collected and analyzed.
Both the tables resulting, and the findings that followed this
long and intensive study, are presented in this book.
Such knowledge is important not merely because it pre-
vents those of maturity from continuing as round pegs in
square holes, but because it can be applied to a child before its
schooling is begun. The aptitudes which later in life it will be
called on to use, if it is to become most successful, can thus be
given special opportunity for early training.
Instead of training the child in such a general manner that
it is fitted for no special calling, or training it for some vocation
that it will spend several adult years learning it is unsuited to
follow before turning to something else, the child, in addition
to its general education, can early be given opportunity to
develop those talents which it will find most useful later in life.
Here only the general principles of such vocational selection
can be pointed out.
Each planet in the birth-chart maps its own kind of natural
aptitude, and each house indicates the power to attract certain
activities. The more prominent a planet, irrespective of whether
Its aspects are harmonious or discordant, the more natural
aptitude of that particular type the individual possesses. And
the more active a house, the greater power the individual has
of attracting the association ruled by that house.
But for success, ability, which arises from training a natural
aptitude, is only one-half of the requisites. The other half is
what is called The Luck Factor. This arises from the tendency of
the thought-cells to find facilities for attracting good fortune
amid some associations and for attracting misfortune amid
other associations. However much ability an individual may
have, he may meet disaster through no fault of his own. Those
associations represented. by powerful and discordantly as-
pected planets in the chart of birth give opportunity for the
thought-cells thus mapped to bring difficulties into the life.
Those associations represented by powerful and harmoniously
aspected planets in the chart of birth give opportunity for the
thought-cells thus mapped to bring good fortune into the life.
Careful analysis of the birth-charts and lives of a great many
Delineating the Horoscope 103

people indicates that the associations are as important for suc-

cess as are the abilities.

Judging Finances

In reference to the power to gain money, the harmony and

activity of the second house thought-cells are of chief impor-
tance. In judging this the influence of any planet in the second
house, and the planet ruling its cusp, as well as the aspects of
this planet, should be considered. That is, as pointed out in
Chapter Eight, Uranus in this house indicates sudden gains and
sudden losses, and that original ideas may be made to pay
financial dividends; Neptune in this house indicates either that
money comes with little effort or not at all, and that there is
need for developing practical ideas about financial matters; etc.
Jupiter and Saturn are the financial planets. Jupiter, when
prominent and well aspected, shows power to attract wealth,
and Saturn when prominent and well aspected shows power
to keep it. If one or both of these two planets is afflicted, it
decreases the business ability; but even so, most successful
business men have some afflictions to one or both of these
planets, often very heavy afflictions to one of them. They
succeed not because they never lose, but because their gains
are, on an average, greater than their various losses.
Third in importance relative to making money is the condi-
tion of the thought-cells mapped by the tenth house. This house
has directly to do with business and credit.
And finally it is found that the Sun and Moon should be
considered in the power to attract money. The Sun thought-
cells show the power to attract gold, or its equivalent, and the;
good will of those in authority. The Moon thought-cells show
the power to attract silver and the good will of the common
people. Therefore, if the Sun is well aspected and prominent
and the Moon is afflicted, it is a waste of energy to try to
promote small sales to many people. The efforts instead should
be turned to important ventures in which, if they are successful,
the returns on each will be large. On the other hand, if the Moon
isprominent and well aspected, and the Sun is heavily afflicted,
more success will follow making numerous small transactions,
104 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

depending on the volume of such transactions to bring in

adequate returns. The five-and-ten stores are an excellent ex-
ample of utilizing a good Moon, together with harmonious
Jupiter and Saturn to give business sense.
When the three factors of business success—-the tenth
house, the Sun, and the business planets, Jupiter and Sat-
urn—are weak and much afflicted, it is better for the individual
not to go into business for himself, but to be content to work in
the employ of others. Business success and ability to gain
money are not the same. Some people who work for salaries
make far more money than those who in a business of their own
are considered quite successful. Others acquire money through
gifts, marriage, or inheritance.
A harmonious tenth house is a favorable indication an
individual can make a success of a business of his own. If he is
to boss others successfully in the enterprise, he should have a
prominent Sun. Discordant aspects to the Sun indicate difficul-
ties arising from the exercise of authority. A Sun lacking in
prominence indicates lack of ability to exercise authority.
Jupiter indicates the ability to sell to advantage, and to
attract business opportunities. Saturn indicates bargaining abil-
ity shrewdness, and foresight. They do not directly indicate the
reputation, or credit, which is so essential to business success,
for this is indicated by the tenth house, but the activity and
harmony of the thought-cells they map are largely responsible
for business judgment and luck in business.

Judging Legal Matters

The seventh house thought-cells indicate the general relations

with other people. If the seventh house is heavily afflicted the
relations with others may bring conflict, and conflict may result
in recourse to the law. The; more afflicted the seventh house
the more damage the adversary is able to bring about. People
with harmonious planets in the seventh seldom have law suits.
But an afflicted Saturn there shows difficulties that may take
the individual into court; an afflicted Mars there indicates a
tendency to strife with others that may end in the courts; and
an afflicted Uranus there shows controversies or separations
Delineating the Horoscope 105

that the court may be called upon to settle. The luck where the
law itself is concerned, that is, the attitude of the judge and jury,
is indicated by the planet ruling the ninth house and its aspects.
The appearance of the individual, or other circumstances, may
cause the judge and jury to feel kindly disposed, or less kindly
disposed. Saturn in the ninth, for instance, if well aspected,
indicates a court that is severe and just and not swayed by
appeal to emotions. But a well aspected Jupiter in the ninth
indicates a court inclined to give the individual every benefit of
a doubt.

Judging Love

The affectional relations in general depend upon the activity

and the harmony of the thought cells mapped by Venus These
affectional relations embrace the satisfactory and unsatisfactory
emotions arising from contacts with the husband or wife, the
children, the parents, the brothers and sisters, and the friends.
This satisfaction of the emotions in general, or their lack of
satisfaction, must be judged from the prominence and aspects
of Venus alone.
But in reference to the satisfactory emotional relations with
a person or persons belonging to any one of these categories,
this general indication shown by Venus must be combined with
the influence of the planet ruling the house representing the
particular person or persons. Arid this planet plays the leading
role. Thus the success of the affections where friends are con-
cerned is not to be judged by Venus alone, but chiefly by the
ruler of the eleventh house; and the success of the affections
where brethren are concerned is shown chiefly by the ruler of
the third house, with Venus playing a minor part.
The success of affectional relations both where children and
love affairs are concerned is to be judged chiefly from the fifth
house. Venus may play an important part in love making, but
some love making has very little of the Venus quality of affec-
tion in it. If Mars is the ruler of the fifth, love-making will attract
strife; if Saturn is the ruler of the fifth, either loss or responsi-
bility is attracted through love-making; if Uranus is the ruler of
the fifth, unusual conditions arise in relation to love-making.
106 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

However, if at the same time Venus is well-aspected, the

indications shown by the fifth house are somewhat modified
favorably, but if Venus is badly afflicted, the indications shown
by the fifth house are somewhat modified discordantly.

Judging Marriage

Marriage is more than a partnership. Therefore it must be

judged by other factors in addition to the seventh house. The
seventh house merely indicates the tendency relative to part-
nerships in general. If the Sun is in the seventh it indicates a
partner of prominence, if Mercury is there, a partner of intel-
lectual interests, etc., as indicated in Chapter Four. Thus from
the planet in the seventh, or less precisely from the planet ruling
the cusp of the seventh, can be judged the type of partners in
general that will be attracted.
How the partner thus indicated tends to affect the life is
shown by the aspects of the planet thus indicating the partner. If
this planet is in aspect to the planet ruling money, the partner will
tend to affect finances, if it is in aspect to the planet ruling friends,
the partner will influence the friends. The nature of the influence
is shown by the key-word of the aspect as given in Chapter Three.
Marriage, however, is a partnership involving the opposite
sex. Therefore, the planet ruling the opposite sex must also be
given consideration. The Sun is the ruler of the male sex, and
the Moon is the ruler of the female sex. If the Sun is well
aspected in a woman’s chart, it indicates harmony and good
fortune through associating with men. If the Sun is afflicted,
men in general tend to attract trouble. Furthermore, as a general
rule, the aspects to which the Sun applies in a woman’s chart
indicate the men who come into her life prominently enough
that there is thought about and probably opportunity for mar-
riage. If the first aspect made by the Sun after birth is to a square
of Saturn, it indicates a man who is old, selfish, or ill, through
whom if marriage takes place there is apt to be loss. If the second
aspect made by the Sun after birth is a trine to Mercury, let us
say, this indicates an intellectual man with whom there would
be much less difficulty than with the Saturn man indicated by
the first aspect.
Delineating the Horoscope 107

In a man’s chart, the affect of women in general upon his

life is indicated by the Moon and its aspects. If the Moon is much
afflicted, women in general tend to cause him trouble. But if the
Moon is well aspected association with women will tend to
bring good luck.
The first aspect the Moon completes after birth as a general
rule indicates the first opportunity of a man to marry. If the
aspect is weak, it may merely bring thoughts of marriage. But
the planet thus aspected indicates the outstanding charac-
teristics of the woman. If the first aspect made by the Moon is
harmonious and the second one is discordant, the man will be
more fortunate in marriage if he marries his first love. However,
the characteristics of the woman will show whether she is the
one indicated by the harmonious aspect. She will show the
Jupiter characteristics if she is indicated by Jupiter, and the
characteristics of any other planet that thus indicates her.
In so far as the affectional relations are expressed in mar-
riage, the prominence and aspects of Venus must be consid-
ered. The house positions of the planets aspected by Venus, and
the harmony or discord of the aspects, indicate what things
conduce to and detract from the harmony of the affectional
The success and nature of the love relations, which are
one factor of marriage, must largely be determined from the
fifth house.
A great deal of nonsense has been written about the astro-
logical rules for selecting a marriage partner. Certainly such
suitability cannot be determined from Sun-signs alone, or from
any other one factor alone. There should be, primarily, electro-
magnetic harmony. To determine the electromagnetic har-
mony, however, is a very tricky thing to judge, and while it can
be done, it requires much experience.
In addition to physical harmony, there should be kindred
interests—mental harmony—and kindred ideals—spiritual
The appraisal of the natural harmonies and discords be-
tween people before their affections become so involved that
they are determined to marry is a valuable function of astrol-
ogy, but not one that can be taught in a few pages. It is a
profound and complex study. Furthermore, there are things
108 Beginner's Horoscope Reader

not directly revealed by astrology which may disrupt the union

of people astrologically harmonious.
Discords that under some early environmental conditions
develop into nothing too serious, under other early environ-
mental conditions may develop into a complex, or unreason-
able and uncontrolled emotional reactions that are sure to
disrupt any marriage. In other words, there are people who
have developed traits of character, or mental and emotional
quirks, that make it impossible for them to live in harmony with
any matrimonial partner. And the fact that the chart of this
person is ever so harmonious to that of the person married will
not prevent the marriage from going on the rocks. Thus only a
rather comprehensive knowledge of the charts and lives of the
two people can indicate how suitable they may be for marriage;
and snap-judgment advice on this important subject should
never be made.11


The birth-chart is not a map of what the individual inevitably

will think, will do, or of the events that; will come into his life.
Instead, it is a map of his soul showing him the strength and
desires of the thought-cells which comprise his soul as they
exist at birth. Its chief value is not in indicating what he prob-
ably will think, probably will do, and what events probably will
come into his life as the result of the activity and desires of these
thought-cells. On the contrary, its chief value lies in indicating
how he should change the degree of activity and the desires of
these thought-cells which comprise his soul so that they will
enable him to have a life of far greater success, spirituality and
happiness than had he been ignorant of astrology.13

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