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「3 級リスニングテスト」 原稿

ただいまから、3 級リスニングテストを行います。これからお話しすることについて質問は受け
このテストには、第第 1 部から第第 3 部まであります。 英文は第
第 1 部では一度、第
第 2 部と第
第 3 部で
は二度ずつ読まれます。第 第 1 部では、例題を一題放送します。放送の間メモをとってもかまいませ

では、 第 1 部のテストから始めます。これは、イラストを参考にしながら対話を聞き、その最
後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを選ぶ形式です。第 第 1 部の例題

★I’m hungry, Annie.

☆Me, too. Let’s make something.
★How about pancakes?
☆1 On the weekend.
☆2 For my friends.
☆3 That’s a good idea.

皆さんは、 今の問題の答えを一つだけ選びます。ここでは 3 が正しい答えですから、解答用紙

例題 3 がマークされています。
問題は No. 1 から No. 10 まで 10 題で、 解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です。
以上、説明が終わりましたので、今から 3 級の No. 1 を開始します。

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 1 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

(★=男性 A ☆=女性 A ☆☆=女性 B)

☆☆No. 1
★Oh, no! It’s my turn next.
☆Are you all right?
★I’m really nervous.
☆1 You’ll do fine.
☆2 It’s my favorite.
☆3 They’re for school.

☆☆No. 2
★Excuse me.
☆Yes, sir. How can I help you?
★Could I see the menu?
☆1 Good evening, sir.
☆2 That’s very cheap.
☆3 I’ll bring it right away.

☆☆No. 3
★I’m glad that school’s over.
☆Me, too.
★What are your plans for the summer vacation?
☆1 I’m going to Los Angeles.
☆2 It’ll be hot.
☆3 I went to the ocean.

☆☆No. 4
★I think it’s going to rain.
☆I’d better go home, then.
★Would you like to use my umbrella?
☆1 It’s time for dinner.
☆2 Our house is green.
☆3 I’ll be OK.

☆☆No. 5
★I had a lot of fun tonight.
☆Me, too.
★Thanks for inviting me to dinner.
☆1 I drove here.
☆2 It was my pleasure.
☆3 Sorry, I missed it.

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 2 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

☆☆No. 6
☆Thanks for taking me fishing, Grandpa.
★No problem.
☆I really enjoyed it.
★1 I brought one with me.
★2 Let’s go again sometime.
★3 I’ll ask your parents.

☆☆No. 7
☆What are you going to do today?
★I’m going shopping.
☆With your friends?
★1 No, I’m going by myself.
★2 No, I’ll buy a dictionary.
★3 No, I had lunch already.

☆☆No. 8
★Are you still drawing a picture?
☆Yes, Dad.
★When can I see it?
☆1 I asked my art teacher.
☆2 I have enough paper.
☆3 After I finish.

☆☆No. 9
★Yuko, is coffee popular in Japan?
☆Yes, it is.
★Do you often drink it?
☆1 No, but my parents do.
☆2 No, I left it at the café.
☆3 No, because it’s too far.

☆☆No. 10
★Did you watch the baseball game on TV last night?
★Why not?
☆1 I have one in my room.
☆2 I watched a movie instead.
☆3 You can’t join the club.

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 3 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

続いて、第 第 2 部です。これは、対話を聞き、その質問に対して最も適切な答えを選ぶ形式です。
対話と質問はそれぞれ二度くり返されます。この問題には例題はありません。問題は No. 11 から
No. 20 まで 10 題で、解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です。

☆☆No. 11
★Why did you buy so much food, Mom?
☆Tomorrow is your grandmother’s birthday party, Jim.
★I thought we were going to a restaurant.
☆No, Grandma wants to have the party at our house.
☆☆Question: Where will the party be?

☆☆No. 12
☆Excuse me. Do you have any chocolate cakes?
★I’m sorry. They’re sold out. But we have some cheesecakes.
☆No, thanks. I’ll come back tomorrow.
★Sure, I’ll keep a chocolate cake for you then.
☆☆Question: What will the woman do tomorrow?

☆☆No. 13
☆Jim, what does your dad do?
★He’s a doctor. How about yours, Becky?
☆He teaches at Weston High School.
★My brother goes to that school.
☆☆Question: Who is a doctor?

☆☆No. 14
☆Dad, there’s a new bakery next to the station.
☆Yes. Can we go there?
★Sure, let’s go now and get some sandwiches for lunch.
☆☆Question: What will they do now?

☆☆No. 15
☆What did you do on Saturday, Ken?
★I practiced with my band, Grandma.
☆How about Sunday?
★I studied with a friend.
☆☆Question: What are they talking about?

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 4 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

☆☆No. 16
★Sorry I couldn’t go to your soccer game last Friday.
☆That’s OK.
★Did your team win?
☆Yes, but I didn’t get any goals.
☆☆Question: What happened last Friday?

☆☆No. 17
★I finished my homework, Ms. Westwood.
☆Already? I just gave it to you this morning.
★I did it at lunchtime because I’ll be busy tonight.
☆That’s great.
☆☆Question: When did the boy do his homework?

☆☆No. 18
☆You look sad, Billy.
★Yeah. I wanted to look at the stars tonight, but it’s too cloudy.
☆Well, the newspaper says it’ll be nice tomorrow.
★I hope so.
☆☆Question: Why is Billy sad?

☆☆No. 19
☆What’s wrong?
★My washing machine broke again.
☆Are you going to buy a new one?
★I want to, but I won’t have enough money until next month.
☆☆Question: What does the man want to do?

☆☆No. 20
☆Did you go running yesterday?
★Yes. I got up at six thirty and ran five kilometers before work.
☆Great. I’m going to run 10 kilometers tonight.
★Good luck.
☆☆Question: How far did the man run yesterday?

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 5 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

続いて、第 第 3 部です。これは、英文を聞き、その質問に対して最も適切な答えを選ぶ形式です。
英文と質問はそれぞれ二度くり返されます。この問題には例題はありません。問題は No. 21 から
No. 30 まで 10 題で、解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です。

☆☆No. 21
★Yuko is going to play tennis this weekend. She’ll meet her friends at the station early on
Saturday morning. They’re going to take the train together to the tennis court.
☆☆Question: Where is Yuko going to meet her friends?

☆☆No. 22
☆Last weekend, my family and I drove to my grandparents’ house. Our dog doesn’t like
cars, so he couldn’t come with us. I asked my friend George to take care of him.
☆☆Question: What did the girl ask George to do?

☆☆No. 23
★Tom was busy yesterday. In the morning he helped his mother with the shopping, and
after lunch, he went to his part-time job in a restaurant. When he got home in the evening,
he had to study.
☆☆Question: What did Tom do after lunch yesterday?

☆☆No. 24
☆Last weekend, I went to the bookstore to buy a birthday present for my brother. He loves
airplanes, and I found a good book about airplanes. But it was too expensive, so I couldn’t
buy it.
☆☆Question: What was the girl’s problem?

☆☆No. 25
★Brian can speak English and Chinese. His mother is from China, and she taught him
Chinese. This summer, he plans to visit his grandparents in China by himself.
☆☆Question: What is Brian going to do this summer?

☆☆No. 26
☆I’m going to my friend’s wedding in March. I already have a dress, and I’ll buy some new
shoes from my favorite store tomorrow. I’m not going to wear a hat.
☆☆Question: What will the woman buy tomorrow?

☆☆No. 27
★Chelsea’s house is a little dirty because she hasn’t cleaned it since last Friday. She’s going
to clean the kitchen on Saturday evening and the living room and bedrooms on Sunday
☆☆Question: When will Chelsea clean the living room?

2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 6 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

☆☆No. 28
☆Hiroko is a university student in England. She studies math, science, and music. She
enjoys music the most because she thinks math and science are difficult.
☆☆Question: Which subject does Hiroko like the best?

☆☆No. 29
★My younger sister loves to write stories. Last weekend, I read one. I was surprised
because it was really good. I think she’s going to be a famous writer someday. (30)
☆☆Question: Why was the boy surprised?

☆☆No. 30
☆Thank you for joining today’s hiking tour. After walking for about two hours, we’ll take a
30-minute break to eat lunch. We’ll arrive back here at about 1:15.
☆☆Question: How long will they stop for lunch?


2019 年度第 1 回検定一次試験(3 級) 7 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会


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