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District Designer: David N. Ross
Project Creator/Developer: Christen N. Sowards
Editor: Robert N. Emerson
Cover Art: Oksana Kharitonova
Interior Art: Vincent Coviello, Kii Weatherton
Graphic Design: Liz Courts
Playtesters: Aaryn Gulledge, Donald J. Decker, James Durchenwald, Matt Groen, Michael Lefavor, Orion Peterson, Vanessa Moon
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The Orchard District
Many who set foot upon the City of Seven Seraphs (called features are Miridia’s Shield, a low volcano on the western
Hyraeatan by the indigenous fade) stand in awe when they edge of the Orchard District whose flank touches the wall
cross beneath the feet of the Seraph of the Plumes—Not of the Irons (the heat feeding many Iron District forges),
for the grandeur of the monolithic guardian above, but and Lake Zephuon, which laps against the wall of the
rather to catch breath at the strange vistas of the Orchard Crowns District and features lodges belonging to many of
District’s splendor. Stretching from the Behemoth the city’s notables.
Fastnesses left by the Lightbringers’ Incursion to the
shimmering trees of the Glarewood, the district’s confines
hold the court of Mithral Throne and the bubbling caldera
The Glarewood
of Miridia’s Shield. The Mists of Mourn, a lingering Lying at the most tattered edge of the stability of the
remnant of the Incursion, diffract the light of Radia, and Seraph’s influence is the Glarewood, This eerie, luminous
are said to resemble the sunsets of the Prime Worlds, so wilderness is flooded with the magic of the Lightbringers’
many recruited Wardens and other non-natives visit the traverse from the Realm of the Fey. Power from this
Orchard District to be reminded of home. artificial breach drew heavily on the flows of the Radia
and even with the Crossing’s fading after their defeat the
District Summary magic lingers in twists of witchlight and wisps that trace
the boughs of trees luminous and strange.
The Orchard District is broken into three recognized
areas: the Forts, the hubs of settlement around the gates
into the Nearing; the Verge, the central wilderness where
Governance & L aw
most of Hyraeatan’s food is collected from the forest; and
the Glarewood, the luminescent far wilderness infused Enforcement
with fey magic and stalked by primordial magical beasts,
tunches, sards, jabberwocks, linnorms, tarantula trees, The Forts operate much like the rest of Hyraeatan. Circles
and fey who favor firing spells and arrows before asking of Wardens move between the harvest and processing
questions. communes situated in tight formations around the great
namesake fortresses. The beginnings of roads are slowly
The Forts sketching back in between the structures as the seeds of
new neighborhoods take root.
The Forts are a series of cold iron-bound castles and other The Verge is patrolled equally by militia from
fortifications as well as a sprawl of buildings around them. Seedhollow (guided by specialized rangers) and Wardens,
The architecture is half grown from sculpted trees, carved but justice is as often as not handled privately due to
from shards of volcanic glass used in fey war weapons, the supernaturally vast distances that must be patrolled.
or molded around titanic petrified remains of great Triumvirs and councils are rarely called unless a promise of
behemoths slain during the Lightbringers’ Incursion. This, restitution is involved.
the greatest war in City of Seven Seraphs’ history, brought The Glarewood is left entirely to the whimsical
waves of fey, treants, and allied armies against the gates guardianship of Maelwyn of the Mithral Throne and his
to the Nearing and destroyed most older structures in the lieutenants, except in times of war. They are free to do as
district. The Forts are dominated by merchants who trade they wish with anyone who trespasses there in exchange
in food, herbs, magical components, spices, and fey crafts. for assurances that the Flowered Queen, her agents, and
They also host the administrative centers for the district any other potential threats to the city cannot pass through
and the famous Grand Hospice. from the fey realms.
The district council must include one representative
The Verge of Maelwyn and has traditionally had at least two
representatives from the most influential Parities (Ashborn
The Verge is where most of the population of the district and Covenant), with other seats changing hands according
resides, living off the land and selling what extra they to votes among the town councils in the Verge and Forts.
gather to the Forts. Their harvests require cleverness and
care to avoid the supernatural hazards that sometimes
appear in the Orchard District, where the protection
History & Current Events
of the Seraphs is not so complete. Perhaps due to the The dark earth of the Orchard District has long bathed
influence of fey magic, distances within the Verge can be in the life-charged etherwinds of the Radia. The ancient
even less reliable than normal for the Shadow Plane, and fade who watched over the holy site of the then primitive
the stabilizing influence of the Seraphs only prevent the Church of Parity came to know that any seed cultivated in
district from coming unbound. The district is thus much the Orchard would bloom in a shadow-reality abundance
larger than its walls might seem to allow. Its two major

with speed and yield sufficient for more than could hope Locations of Interest
to eat.
As a powerful source of reliable food, the Orchard Aiwyth’s Vigil (The Verge): After a gathering
District was a site of intense tension from early in accident cost the life of a young fade girl, the fey-touched
Hyraeatan’s history. The Lightbringers laid claim to the House of Heights member Aiwyth Shiftmantle held a
area but were challenged for having too great an influence vigil at the edge where the Verge faces the Glarewood.
under the Law of Parity. The now-absent Parity fought She had visited the kivas of the Colleges District and set
the Council for years resisting and supporting outright flyers about the Pacts and Irons. Despite promises and
insurgency in some parts. Only after the Ashborn and assurances to the contrary, no one else came. She was
Chrysalis Covenant proved themselves to be trustworthy desolate and lost. It was there that her Eternal essence
stewards did the politicking and spying around it subside. catalyzed, turning her and the nearby woods to a stone
The Lightbringers settled into their stewardship of the of brightest alabaster, shot through by laces of onyx. Her
Crowns District uneasily, having vied for the control of sorrow hangs on the site with a strength said to make the
the Orchard District for so long. Lingering fey allies and vampires of the Sovereignty weep tears of blood. Rumor
dissidents didn’t surrender their claims despite the Council persists that one day she will once more turn her eyes back
of Parity’s recognitions and rulings. to the City. None can say what judgment those eyes will
This legacy of near-sedition has long shaped the events hold.
and populace of the Orchard District. Refugees from Chapel of the Bloodless Wings (The Verge): This
the Faith of Parity hid in the Orchard during the Grand towering temple resembles a smaller, jet-black peer to the
Consumption. None are known to have escaped. Radiants Nearing’s famous seraphs, with winding stairs leading
fleeing Hyandil’s tutelage formed secret schools in depths between every room of the vertical structure. One of the
of the Glarewood. Escaped prisoners from the Blackblades few places untouched by invading fey, the Chapel is one of
work-camps and Prisons formed bandits in the Verge and the oldest places of worship in Hyraeatan, a place where
danced with fairies in the light of a thousand night-skies. ritual has changed only superficially since before the
After her son was vampirized by the Sanguine Sanguine Sovereignty consumed the Faith of Parity.
Sovereignty and the other Parities could not be moved to The Crusttown (The Forts): Before the
deliver justice, the Flowered Queen of the Lightbringers Lightbringers’ Incursion, the Orchard District was
withdrew with many of her supporters from Hyraeatan affordable safe housing for workers from harvest crews and
through the Glarewood into the fey realms. The miners from the Iron District. Generations of working-
Lightbringers abdicated their role in the city, leaving the class families built communities in the Nearing of the
Chrysalis Covenant to take over many of their holdings in Orchard and soon, vertical housing crept up the walls of
the Orchard. the District. When the fey-charmed Behemoths came,
The Ashborn subdued the district, but only officially. this urbanized area was all but destroyed. Only the vertical
The mark of the fey would never fade completely, and dwellings remained mostly unharmed. Propped up by
monsters of fey design still rampage across the landscape massive lengths of bone these neighborhoods are still the
at times. However, as the fey settled in, some came to see center of working-class society in the Orchard.
the strange beauty of the city and formed relationships Gateway of Roaming Stars (The Verge): The
with those who depended upon the district’s bounty. The Foreseen maintain a circle of standing stones used to
Chrysalis Covenant has since become very close to some track the movement of stars on various worlds and local
of these fey, sparking whispers of seditious liaisons. ley lines in effort to reconstruct long-forgotten divinatory
After centuries of absence, the Lightbringers’ self-exiled techniques. These researchers are largely wizards and
leader, the Flowered Queen, led her mother’s army in an destined sorcerers who have come to a tense understanding
attack on the city here, where there were already ley lines with a vishap who has demanded they build a series of
linked to the fey realm and allies of the Lightbringers vishapakars for it in several other districts of Hyraeatan
remained hidden from the other Parities. The invasion without disclosing their function. They suspect it has
took a terrible toll and the entire district was overrun, allies among the Descendents of Dream manipulating the
but eventually the Ashborn and Warden heroes from the populace for some larger purpose, but divinations suggest
other Parities united to hold the line against the invaders, it will kill them if they find proof.
banishing the armies and exiling the Flowered Queen for Godsblood Grotto (The Verge): Lake Zephuon’s
good. The decisive moment came when the Descendents waters are said to originally spring from blood shed by
of Dream bribed one of her chief fey supporters, now a god of secrets and shadows who fled Hyraeatan rather
known as Maelwyn of the Mithral Throne, into betraying than be slain for killing Miridia, an Eternal of the House
her. Although he was exiled from the fey realm for his of Heights, and demanding tribute from the Council.
treachery, he has claimed the Glarewood and the Verge as The lake grew precipitously when more Eternals and the
his recompense. armies they led bled on its shores. In a cavern known as
the Godsblood Grotto, the normally inky water turns a

shimmering red and fleetingly demonstrate properties
of Detria, the divine essence collected by godhunters.
Yalendra, a fey being known as the Drowned Queen, is
worshiped here as the spirit of the lake. Here, Bookbinders
give her offerings in exchange for cryptic divine memories
and fey oral tales. All manner of would-be Eternals also
come, but those judged unworthy by Yalendra’s servitor
nereids and rusalkas are turned away.
Grand Hospice (The Forts): The Chrysalis
Covenant’s greatest holding outside the Tower of Changes,
the Grand Hospice is a many-terraced structure with
soaring promenades and countless windows looking
out from the highest hill in the central towns over the
unnaturally-hued but eerily beautiful forests of the Verge
to the north and the Mithralmarket to the east.
Lifemount (The Verge): One of the Ashborn’s major
power centers is the Lifemount, a series of clearings in the
forest’s densest patches near the peak of Miridia’s Shield
laced with geyser-sourced rivers and fed by volcanic ash.
Here, Ashborn high druids carry out their reincarnation
rituals and rear magical beasts to fight alongside their
armies. Many of the Ashborn’s beasts are the products of
fey magic infusing the District, including carefully trained
bandersnatches and loyal thrasfyrs and even a sard kept
in reserve as a great siege weapon. Attempts to capture a
meandering jabberwock have thus far led only to tragedy.
The druids under archdruid Grandmother Fireheart (LN
female dwarf druid 17/hierophant 8) frequently haggle
with the Steamwalkers and Thunderchildren over access to
the mountain’s cosmic fires. The positive energy infusing it
makes it especially useful for crafting.
The Meandering Mill (The Verge): One of the great
masterworks of the Steamwalkers, now maintained and
occasionally improved by apprentices, is a mobile mill Morningtide’s Requiem (Variable): The fey court
for turning quasi-real and primordial seeds and fruits of Morningtide's Requiem appears and disappears with
into enough meal and other foods to feed the whole of no discernable pattern throughout the Verge and the
Hyraeatan. It gathers power by striding between the Glarewood. It is ruled by the exiled seilenos Maelwyn,
geysers and volcanic spray of Miridia’s Shield and then Prince of Revels and lord of the Mithral Throne. His court
patrols the current harvest sites in the Verge where it can is constantly showered with gifts from the Descendents
be best used. It was used as a mobile castle during the of Dream, who appreciate his teachings in the weaving
Lightbringer Incursion and is still guarded in case an of shadow magic and hire his shadow stealers, svartalfar,
enemy of the city seeks to sabotage its food supply or steal muses, and even ankou as tutors in their colleges. Visitors
the magical meal which can be turned into a facsimile of are well advised not to trust any of their senses and to
almost any animal or plant good. eat nothing—fey food offers no nourishment and can
Mithralmarket (The Forts): The heart of the eventually transform visitors into fey themselves.
Forts is the vast marketplace run by the harvester’s guild, Necropolis of the Forgotten (The Forts): Before
which manages most of the trade for food in the city the Icegrave Enclave began its handling of the dead,
(aside from basic rations from Seedhollow). The guild and among a few groups since, the dead were buried in
ostensibly represents the harvesters themselves—simple a carefully maintained graveyard in the east end of what
foresters, trappers, pickers, and their guides, skilled rangers is now the Forts. During the Lightbringer Incursion, fey
who can navigate the supernaturally vibrant quasi-real and Lightbringer armies ruined the markers and left many
wilderness of the Verge. The Mithralmarket takes its name dead to be forgotten. Now, the Necropolis is lost to dark
from its requirement that all metal inside its bounds be wilderness plagued by undead shadows, greater shadows,
mithral, one of the few kinds that don’t make fey traders and worse.
uncomfortable. Fey, in turn, must disavow any loyalty to Seedhollow (The Verge): The largest of all Ashborn
the Flowered Queen. compounds, Seedhollow is a training facility the size of a

small city for the Parity’s numerous militia recruits. They Knight-Eater, a mythic vildravn, and corrupt those who
are sent out with experienced instructors to fight back will go unnoticed for a time into lycanthropes or other
encroachment by fey and plant monsters within the accursed monsters.
Verge. When not needed, they split their time Silver Heights (The Verge): The House of Heights
between martial training and harvesting vital maintains these sprawling estates, vineyards, and villas
food for themselves and the city’s poor. in the treetops of the Verge that have leaves of silver and
General Anaelu Firekeeper (Ashborn LG life-extending golden apples with pearls for seeds. Of elven
female tiefling ranger 14) struggles to get and fey design, they do no harm to the trees from which
the resources she needs from her Parity, they grow, ensuring an uneasy peace with the hamadryad
as her work is unprestigious despite its who considers the region her kingdom. Those who have
logistical importance. failed to achieve immortality come here in a last-ditch
Silk Manor (The Forts): Built effort to ease their demise and make peace with their
by the Chrysalis Covenant with the failures, leading to many of the estates changing hands
aid of araneas, phase spiders, and often. They are eagerly snapped up even by the young,
driders, Silk Manor serves as an however, because of rumors that a lost Annexi lies hidden
touchstone for those members in one of the elaborate, magically-secured, and ever-
seeking transformation in the changing estates. Stories say it was stolen by Hyandil when
embrace of the wilderness, she first fled Hyraeatan and she lost it when the Ashborn
including aspirational burned the magical grove during the war.
werebears, fey, and Thunderbolt Monastery (The Verge): Built
druids. Some overlooking a roaring waterfall on the flank of Miridia’s
secretly worship Shield, Thunderbolt Monastery trains monks who defend
the fey lord and maintain tunnels deep underneath that fuel the
Olenzo furnaces of the Iron District on the far side of the wall.
The monks have invited adventurers to help them secure
it when they have found themselves holding off foes they
were ill-equipped for, such as elusive gremlins, and once
a terrible nightcrawler, but they are quick to usher out
anyone who notes the way the Steamwalker mechanisms
down below seem to be modified so that they could be
readily reversed to cause a district-spanning explosion or
The Trackless Estates (The Verge): When a
powerful citizen is too esteemed to turn over to the
Blackblades but too dangerous to be left free or exiled, they
are banished to the Trackless Estates. Here, a potent curse
laid and maintained by the Sanguine Sovereignty ensures
that the damned never leave, although the lavishness of the
estates inspires a few to stop trying.
The Unsleeping Apothecary (The Glarewood):
The Hand of Onus maintains a vast alchemical facility
on the fringe of the Glarewood to study the otherworldly
flora and fauna in hopes of discovering new cures for
their sanitarium patients. Their most successful elixir to
date relies upon primal sunlight captured by sunflowers
retrieved from the Glarewood’s heart. The light fills the
buildings and facilitates work at all hours, but attracts sun-
hungry plant monsters as well as inspiring the alchemists
to experiment with dangerous means to get by without
sleep. A few of their more desperate patients are brought
here in hopes that the primal life bleeding off from the
fey world into the district can counterbalance the negative
energy of the shadow. These efforts have met with mixed
results, as often as not giving the target a fey template or
the shadowbound corruption.

Wyrmspine Ridge (The Verge): Overlooking Lake Personae of the District
Zephuon is a ridge formed from the petrified carcasses
of linnorms slain by Hyraeatan’s heroes during the Eilidiana the Seventh-Born (Chrysalis Covenant
Lightbringer Incursion, after they were lured to Hyraeatan N female fetchling druid 20/trickster 10): The Eternal
by the Flowered Queen’s tales of the city’s vast wealth. mistress of Silk Manor teaches others to become more
Now the site is controlled by half-dragon dryads, orruols, than they are, especially those interested in disguises.
and twigjacks who grow an herb called greyroot, watered She expertly disproves any rumors of Lightbringer
by the blood of slain Eternals, that they sell to buyers in sympathizers in Silk Manor, even when she has to change
the Archives District through anonymous intermediaries. the truth to do it. She readily abandons allies for the
Unusually greedy and power-hungry Chrysalis Covenant greater good (she hopes to see the corrupting Sanguine
members come here to seek the way of the dragon disciple, Sovereignty brought low) if they become liabilities.
and some are said to emerge as true linnorms. Maelwyn, Prince of Revels (CN male mythic
Writhing Labyrinth (The Verge): Near the center of seilenos): An inveterate trickster and maker of monsters
the Verge lies a stronghold of the Lightbringers formerly bound to the city by curiosity as well as strategic value,
called Rosethorn Castle, once a living palace used by Maelwyn has free run of the Glarewood and the Verge in
the Flowered Queen as a capital and then as a siege exchange for guarding against fey threats. Before coming
castle in her incursion against Hyraeatan. Even mythic to Hyraeatan, Maelwyn was an ally of the Flowered
spells have thus far proven ineffective in removing its Queen, but as he studied the city in order to overcome it,
self-renewing mass, so the Blackblades send their most he fell in love with its endless new passions and creations
reckless recruits here, the most cancerous growth of deadly and betrayed her to the Council. He enjoys the endless
plants, to destroy where they will cause the least trouble novelties of the city presented to him by the Descendents
for the Parity. They are turned loose when called upon by of Dream, but resents his exile and constantly seeks agents
Ashborn in need reinforcements. and proxies to send against fey rivals for his power in the
Orchard District, as well as those in the fey realm who
exiled him.
Rahzemon (Ashborn LG male aasimar ranger 8):
The Guild Grandmaster of the Harvester Guides served
temporarily in the Ashborn militia before leaving to bring
organization and discipline to the civilian harvester guides.
He is always looking to recruit adventurers for risky
excursions to find rare herbs or extraplanar gaps to pay
the guild’s debts, exacerbated by Temple of Coin double-
dealing and his own secret addiction to gambling in fey
pleasure dens. Those who earn his esteem might be asked
to send a message to his lenders or pulled aside by his
husband to find out where he spends his nights.

Game Mechanics Preview
Deity AL Portfolio Domains/Blessings Mysteries/Spirits
Hyandil the Flowered Queen NG Flowers, rebirth, Good, Healing, Plant, Bones, Life, Wood
sacrifice Repose
Maelwyn, Prince of Revels CN Art, lust, trickery Chaos, Charm, Heavens, Life, Lore,
Protection, Trickery Wood
Olenzo Knight-Eater NE Hunting, lycanthropes, Animal, Destruction, —
strategy Evil, Strength
Yalendra the Drowned Queen LN Blood, fate, water Glory, Knowledge, Law, —

Friendly Terrain (Su): At 7th level, the path clears

Fey Rulers and itself and shortens for the shadow guide, allowing her
to reach her destination more quickly and easily. Her
Divine Spellcasters movement ignores all difficult terrain other than that
produced by magic. On the Shadow Plane, the fey realm,
Druids who choose domains can choose from these and any magically morphic or highly morphic plane, she
domains if they serve the appropriate fey ruler. A rare also ignores magical difficult terrain. When she travels
few clerics, warpriests, and inquisitors, mostly harvesters with shadow walk or similar effects, she moves half-again
who interact with fey more often than mortals, also draw (+50%) as fast as the effect normally allows. This ability
domains or blessings from these creatures. The fey rulers’ replaces woodland stride.
power can also be the source of an oracle’s magic and curse Convenient Hazard (Su): At 8th level, once per day
via one of the indicated mysteries. In addition, each is with 10 minutes of concentration, the shadow guide can
allied to certain shaman spirits of similar sorts. impose her will upon the terrain to create or bypass a
hazard or mechanical trap she can see on the Shadow
Plane, the fey realm, or any magical morphic or highly
Shadow Guide morphic plane. A bypassed hazard becomes harmless
for 1 hour if its CR is no higher than her character level.
(Ranger Archetype) For example, she might cause a bridge to appear across
a sinkhole. A created hazard must have a CR lower than
Shadow guides master the subtle distortions of the her character level and remains dangerous for 1 hour or
Shadow Plane, the fey realms, and other morphic planes until she creates another hazard. Due to the quasi-reality
whose essences infuse the Orchard District. Once honed, of the Shadow Plane, anything she creates with this ability
their skills allow them to travel quickly and draw forth cannot be repurposed for any other use. At 18th level, the
useful resources from raw quasi-reality. shadow guide can use this ability at will as a full-round
Sift from Shadow (Su): At 3rd level, the shadow guide action. This ability replaces the favored terrain gained at
must choose the Shadow Plane as her favored terrain. She 18th level.
can always choose to treat Survival checks to avoid getting
lost and to provide food and water as if she had rolled a 15
instead of rolling, or 20, if she is on the Shadow Plane or
Sample Monster: Feastslayer
fey realm. This ability alters the favored terrain gained at Although the Orchard District was ostensibly reclaimed
3rd level. from the vengeful Hyandil long ago, it remains rife
Spellcasting: The shadow guide adds the following with dangers she planted. One of the most commonly
spells to the ranger spell list: 1st—continual flame; 2nd—see encountered is the feastlayer, also called “vernal seraphs”
invisibility; 3rd—shadow conjuration; 4th—true seeing. In for the ominously wing-like shapes their luminescent
addition, the shadow guide gains a bonus equal to her class tendrils take when at rest. They grow from the soil of
level on concentration checks to cast spells with the light the Glarewood and isolated patches of the Verge stained
descriptor where they are impeded (such as the Plane of by the blood of intelligent creatures slain during the
Shadow). This replaces the favored terrain gained at 8th Lightbringer Incursion.
level and 13th level. Whereas they once stormed the city in vast ranks
alongside treants and the trees they herded as siege

engines toward the city, now feastslayers usually congregate
in small groups or hide alone in hopes that they can
capture loners or isolated groups that they can transform
into more fey. They sometimes place their diseased food
where it might be consumed by unwary mortals (who
must succeed at a DC 20 Survival or Knowledge [nature]
check to notice the threat). Their food is far more delicious
than it is possible for mundane food to be; those who eat
it have been known to starve to death, unable to stomach
anything less perfect ever again. Some steal a group’s food
until the only option will eventually turn them into fey.
Hyraeatan’s parents tell tales of these creatures to their
children to discourage them from wandering off or eating
strange things.
Most feastlayers awaken with slavish love for their
Flowered Queen and righteous fury at the crimes of city of
that has birthed them, but since the essence of the blood
that spawned them is a part of their very being, some have
very different personalities. Some even fought to defend
Hyraeatan from their fellow fey. They often have templates
to make them more similar to the creature they are
“rebirthed” from, such as advanced, giant, young, or class
templates (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex)
or mythic templates (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic
Adventures) in the case of creatures with many class levels
or mythic tiers.

XP 1,600
Lightbringer +13, Stealth +13, Survival +13
N Medium fey Languages Common, Sylvan
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light SQ death curse, restful death, tree jump,
vision, greensight; Perception +13 woodland stride
Defenses Ecology
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +7 Environment any forest
natural) Organization solitary, pair, or grove (3–6)
hp 36 (8d6+8); fast healing 10 Treasure standard
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 Special Abilities
DR 5/cold iron Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a
Offense feastlayer, the slayer is affected by the curse of
Speed 30 ft.; climb 30 ft. fertile ground.
Melee shining staff +9 (1d6+6 plus disease), 3 Curse of Fertile Ground: save Will DC 15; effect
slams +6 (1d4+2 plus grab) or creature is impeded by any plant it comes near
4 slams +8 (1d4+4 plus grab) (treat all squares within reach of animate and
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. inanimate plant as difficult terrain). It must
Special Attacks constrict (2d4+6 plus disease) succeed at a Reflex save whenever it makes
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +9) an initiative check or be entangled and unable
At will—entangle (DC 12), faerie fire to move for 1 minute. When the target is
1/day—daylight, goodberry (plus disease) dying or dead for at least 2 rounds, it instantly
Statistics transforms into a new fey of equal CR with only
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 12 fragmented memories of its former life. The
Base Atk +4; CMB +8 (+12 grapple); CMD 20 original creature is effectively dead and can be
Feats Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, restored to life normally.
Improved Great Fortitude, MultiattackB Disease (Su) Fey Hunger—ingested or injury:
Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +12, Knowledge save Fort DC 15; onset 1 hour; frequency
(nature) +11, Perception +13, Sleight of Hand 1/8 hours; effect 1 Con and 1d2 Wis, target

becomes nauseated for 1 round whenever it the feastlayer creates is supernaturally delicious
consumes food or liquids, and if reduced to 0 but diseased.
Wisdom the target dies and transforms into a Tree Jump (Su) A feastlayer can travel short
new fey of equal CR; cure 2 consecutive saves. distances between trees as if via dimension
The save DC is Charisma-based. door as part of a move action. The feastlayer
Shining Staff (Ex) The feastslayer’s shining staff must begin and end this movement while
is like a masterwork quarterstaff that it can adjacent to a tree trunk (alive or dead). The
wield with a single limb. The staff is required feastlayer can travel in this manner up to 120
for it to use its spell-like abilities. If lost or feet per day. This movement must be used
destroyed, the feastlayer can grow a new staff in 10-foot increments and does not provoke
in 1 week. Four feastlayers working together attacks of opportunity.
can cast heroes’ feast once per day. Any food

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, The Genius Guide To: Feats of Psionic Might. The Unholy Warrior’s Handbook, © 2003,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Copyright 2011, Super Genius Games. Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Robert
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Author: Owen K.C. Stephens J. Schwalb.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony. Skull & Bones © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing,
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on Copyright 2010, Paizo Inc; Author: JD Wiker. LLC; Authors Ian Sturrock, T.S. Luikart, and
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material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Dreamscarred Press. Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the
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Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo and Player’s Guide Copyright 2003 Monte J. Noonan, Rich Redman.
Inc; Author: Jason Bulmahn. Cook. All rights reserved. Advanced Player’s Manual, © 2005, Green
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © The Diamond Throne Copyright 2003 Monte J. Ronin Publishing: Author Skip Williams.
2011, Paizo Inc; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Cook. All rights reserved. The Freeport Trilogy, © 2005, Green Ronin
Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed Copyright 2003 Publishing, LLC; Authors Chris Pramas,
Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. William Simoni, and Robert J. Toth.
Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright d20 Freeport Companion, © 2007, Green Ronin
Russ Taylor. 2005–2007 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Publishing, LLC; Author Robert J. Schwalb.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Inc; Freeport Companion: Pathfinder Roleplaying
© 2011, Paizo Inc; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material Game Edition, © 2008, Green Ronin
Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Publishing, LLC; Authors Robert J. Schwalb,
McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney- Williams. Adam Daigle, Brandon Hodge, John E. Ling,
MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Death in Freeport Revised, © 2000-2004, Green Jr., Greg A. Vaughan
Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Chris Pramas. The Secrets of Divine Channeling Copyright
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright Fading Suns: d20, © 2001, Holistic Design, Inc. 2010 Steven D. Russell Author Jonathan
2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Falthar’s Curios, © 2000, Green Ronin McAnulty
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Publishing, LLC; Author Chris Pramas. The Genius Guide to: The Dragonrider.
Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Focus on Freeport #7: The Jade Serpent of Yig, © Copyright 2009, Super Genius Games.
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, 2001, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.
Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, William Simoni. Paths of Power. Copyright 2009, 4 Winds Fantasy
Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Legions of Hell, © 2001, Green Ronin Gaming; Authors Sean O’Connor and Patricia
Webb; Based on original content from TSR. Publishing, LLC; Author Chris Pramas. Willenborg, with Connie J. Thomson and
Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of Madness in Freeport Revised, © 2001-2004, Robert W. Thomson.
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Andy Collins, Jesse Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author The Genius Guide to: The Godling. Copyright
Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman William Simoni. 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy Terror in Freeport Revised, © 2001-2004, Green K.C. Stephens.
Copyright 2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Robert J. The Great City Player’s Guide © by Øone
Marmell Toth. Roleplaying Games
Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics Seas of Blood, © © 2001, Mongoose Publishing. The Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Copyright 2004 Bruce R Cordell. All rights Assassin’s Handbook, © 2002, Green Ronin Copyright 2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights
reserved. Publishing, LLC; Authors David “Zeb” Cook reserved.
If Thoughts Could Kill Copyright 2001–2004 and Wolfgang Baur. Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright 2005
Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved. Armies of the Abyss, © 2002, Green Ronin Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Mindscapes Copyright 2003–2004 Bruce R. Publishing, LLC; Authors Erik Mona and The Book of Roguish Luck Copyright 2005
Cordell. All rights reserved. Chris Pramas. Wolfgang Baur. All rights reserved.
Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004 Wizards of Book of the Righteous, © 2002, Aaron Loeb. The Secrets of the Luckbringer Copyright 2011,
the Coast. Freeport: The City of Adventure, © 2002, Steven D Russell; Author Steven D. Russell
Mutants & Masterminds Copyright 2002, Green Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Authors Matt Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed DM’s Screen
Ronin Publishing. Forbeck and Chris Pramas. and Player’s Guide Copyright 2003 Monte J.
Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Mutants & Masterminds, © 2002, Green Ronin Cook. All rights reserved.
Game Mechanics. Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson. The Diamond Throne Copyright 2003 Monte J.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright Salon du Masque, © 2002, Green Ronin Cook. All rights reserved.
2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Publishing, LLC; Author Chris Pramas. Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed Copyright 2003
Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Secret College of Necromancy, © 2002, Green Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Ronin Publishing, LLC; Authors David “Zeb” Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Cook and Wolfgang Baur. 2005–2007 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Baker,Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Avatar’s Handbook, © 2003, Green Ronin Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Inc;
Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker Publishing, LLC; Author Jesse Decker. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material
The Grand OGL Wiki, http://grandwiki. Book of Fiends, © 2003, Green Ronin by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Copyright 2008-2011 Purple Publishing, LLC; Authors Aaron Loeb, Erik Williams.
Duck Games; Authors: Mark Gedak, Alex Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb. The Secrets of the Taskshaper, Copyright 2010,
Schroeder, Joel Arellano, George Fields, Yair Cry Havoc, ©2003 Skip Williams. All rights Steven D. Russell; Author: Steven D. Russell
Rezek, Mike Whalen, Shane O’Connor, reserved. The Genius Guide to: The Time Thief Copyright
Mike Rickard, John Whamond, Bill Browne, Tales of Freeport, © 2003, Green Ronin 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen
Eric Williamson, Slatz Grubnik, Charles R. Publishing, LLC; Author Graeme Davis. K.C. Stephens
Wenzler Jr, John Fraser, Jonathon Thompson, The Noble’s Handbook, © 2003, Green Ronin The Genius Guide to: The Vanguard. Copyright
Thomas Boxall. Publishing, LLC; Author Rodney Thompson. 2010, Super Genius Games. Authors: Marc
Legendary VI: Legendary Armor © 2012, Purple Swords of Our Fathers, © 2003, The Game Radle, Owen K.C. Stephens.
Duck Games; Author: Marc Radle. Mechanics. The Genius Guide to: The War Master
Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games.
Author: Owen K.C. Stephens

The Genius Guide to: The Witch Hunter Blake Davis, Jess Door, Jeffrey Erwin, J. Transcendent 10--Psionics of Conflict – Zones
Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Russell Estes, Charles Evans, Dawn Fischer, of Power. © 2013, Lost Spheres Publishing.
Author: Owen K.C. Stephens Christoph Gimmler, Robert Gresham, Jesper Author: Christen N. Sowards
Classic Monsters Revisited. Copyright 2008, Haglund, Eric Hindley, Michael Kelley, Classes of the Lost Spheres - Echo. © 2013,
Paizo Inc; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Jason Michael Kortes, Michael Lane, Thomas Lost Spheres Publishing. Author: Christen N.
Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Nicolas LeBlanc, Jeffrey Lee, Tom McQueen, Sowards
Logue, Mike McArtor, James L. Sutter, Greg Kevin Andrew Murphy, Tom Phillips, Dane Transcendent 10 – Feats of Synergy –
A. Vaughan, Jeremy Walker. Pitchford, Marc Radle, John C. Rock, Carl Heartbound Heroes. © 2012, Lost Spheres
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Rossi, Joseph Scott, K. Neil Shackleton, Publishing. Author: Christen N. Sowards
Paizo Inc; Author: Jason Bulmahn (based on Justin Sluder, Neil Spicer, David Schwartz, Transcendent 10 – Feats of the Lost – Figures
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Ian Turner, Brandon Waldenberg, and Mike Forlorn. © 2013, Lost Spheres Publishing.
Skip Williams. Welham. Author: Christen N. Sowards
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, © 2010, 101 Renegade Class Feats Copyright 2011 Steven Pact Magic Unbound Vol. 1. Copyright 2012,
Paizo Inc; Author: Cam Banks, Wolfgang D. Russell; Author Steven D. Russell Radiance House
Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, 10 Luckbringer Feats Copyright Steven D. Pact Magic Unbound Vol. 2. Copyright 2013,
Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, Russell; Authors: Steven D. Russell Radiance House
James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Kenson, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. Pacts & Pawns. Copyright 2014,
Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal © 2011, Paizo Inc; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Publishing; Author: Michael Massey.
Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class
David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney- Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis
Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah
Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Broadway, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves,
Stevens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H.
Williams, Skip Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. 2011, Paizo Inc; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Keith, Will McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr.,
Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Inc; Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Author: Jason Bulmahn. Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork
Fang & Fury: A Guidebook to Vampires. © 2003, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Green Ronin Publishing; Author: Jim Bishop. Russ Taylor. Path of War, © 2014, Dreamscarred Press.
The Assassin’s Handbook Copyright 2002 Green Genius Options: Masters of Time. Copyright Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures
Ronin Publishing. All rights reserved. 2012, Super Genius Games, LLC; Author: © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
The Book of Roguish Luck Copyright 2005 Owen K.C. Stephens Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Wolfgang Baur. All rights reserved The Genius Guide To: The Time Thief. Sean K Reynolds, Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner,
The Secrets of Divine Channeling Copyright Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Ben Bruck, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy
2010 Steven D. Russell Author Jonathan Author: Owen K.C. Stephens Hurley, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom
McAnulty The Secrets of the Taskshaper, Copyright 2010, Phillips, Ryan Macklin, F. Wesley Schneider,
The Secrets of the Luckbringer Copyright 2011, Steven D. Russell; Author: Steven D. Russell Amber Scott, Tork Shaw, Russ Taylor, and Ray
Steven D. Russell; Author Steven D. Russell Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Vallese.
The Secrets of the Magus Copyright 2011, Devils. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, Mythic Paths of the Lost Spheres. © 2014, Lost
Steven D Russell; Author Steven D. Russell LLC; Authors: Jonathan H. Keith, Colin Spheres Publishing. Author: Christen N.
The Secrets of the Taskshaper, Copyright 2010, McComb, Steven E. Schend, Leandra Sowards
Steven D. Russell; Author: Steven D. Russell Christine Schneider, and Amber E. Scott. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures
The Secrets of the Gunslinger Copyright 2011, The Genius Guide to the Archon. Copyright © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett,
Steven D Russell; Author Steven D. Russell 2010, Super Genius Games, LLC; Author: Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason
The Secrets of the Inquisitor Copyright 2012, Owen K.C. Stephens Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton, Adam
Steven D Russell; Author Steven D. Russell The Genius Guide to the Riven Mage. Copyright Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman, Eric
The Secrets of the Magus Copyright 2011, 2012, Super Genius Games, LLC; Author: Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland,
Steven D Russell; Author Steven D. Russell Carl Gilchrist and Owen K.C. Stephens Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips,
The Secrets of the Oracle Copyright 2011 Steven Genius Guide to the Mosaic Mage. Copyright Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M.
D. Russell; Author David Mallon 2011, Super Genius Games, LLC; Author: Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark
The Secrets of Martial Mastery Copyright 2010 Ryan Costello, Jr. Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend.
Steven D. Russell Author Steve D. Russell Transcendent 10 – Systems of Skill – Expanded Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017,
The Secrets of Adventuring Copyright 2013 Skill Checks. © 2012, Lost Spheres Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin
Steven D. Russell, David Mallon, Jonathan Publishing. Author: Christen N. Sowards Bruck, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam
McAnulty, Will McCardell, Benjamin Transcendent 10 – Feats of Offense – Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston
Rombeaut Spellcasting & Metamagic. © 2012, Lost Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge,
Monster Encyclopedia I. © 2004, Mongoose Spheres Publishing. Author: Christen N. Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Tim
Publishing Ltd. Sowards Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, David
Wayfinder #5. © 2011, Paizo Fans United; Transcendent 10--Spells of Synergy – Multiclass Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh
Authors: Ryan Costello, Jr., Liz Courts, Paris & Melee. © 2013, Lost Spheres Publishing. Vogt, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Crenshaw, Darrick Dahl, Adam Daigle, Author: Christen N. Sowards


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