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Hal 74,75,77

Sales manager

multinational company sells manager for office product division. ten years experience in sales
development and management in the field and the ability to motivate and train incoming sales
staff.Good salrary and benefits package.

Qualified candidates should send their resumes to: The Daily News,Box 88552,1627 Elm

1.Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager

a. the office product division

b.the multinational company

c.the personnel division

d.the overseas staff

e. the research and development Division

answer :B

2.What type of experience is required for the job?

a. Product development

b. Expanding sales

c. Ten years in office management

d. Research in the field

e. Packaging

answer :A
3.What should applicants send their resumes?

a. To the company

b. To the division manager

c. To the vice-president of sales

d. To the newspapee

e. To the sales manager

answer :A.

Data entry/clerk insurance firm seeks reliable,detail-oriented person for operations division.
responsibilities include data entry,filing and word processing.good salary and benefits. pleasant
atmosphere room to advance

4.what is one responsibility of this job?

a.answering the phone entry

c.selling insurance

d.operating a division

e.preparing rooms

answer :B

5.what is one benefit of the position?

a.they'II give you your own office later can work toward promotions

c.benefits apply to dependents can earn commission

e.they give you a large office

answer :D

Get a great job now!

National Air

is hiring full-time representatives for Sales & Reservations. Talk to our employees and discover why we're
the best thing in he air.Interviews on the spot! Bring your resume


national Air Headquartes

southeast Regional Airpot

Thursday, June 15 7:30 p.m

6 what this purpose of the text?

a. To meet a new people

b. To sell tickets

c. To recruit potential employees

d. To show off the new headquartes

e. To open a house

answer :C

7. Where will the event be held?

a. At their headquartes

b. At the owner's house

c. On the Plane

d. At the regional office

e. At the applicant's place

answer : D
8.What is available at the open house?

a. New planes for viewing

b. Jobs for a pilot and co-pilot

c. Positions in reservations and sales

d. A tour the offices

e. Applicants resumes

answer: C

Each summer claybourne university school of business administration offers special courses for
experienced managers who want to sharpen their existing business skills of learn new ones. You will
study with your peers in a week-long intensive session that simulates the world of international
commerce. You will learn new theories and study the way business is conducted around the world.
Students in previous session have reported that what they learned was immediately applicable to their
own work situations. Only one person from a company is accepted into this spesial program. All
applications require three letters of recommendation and proof of employment.

For more informasion, call the summer education center school of bussines administration claybourne

904-477-6768 fax: 903-477-6777

9. What does this at suggest they you do this summer?

A. Take a vacation

B. Go to school

C. Get a new job

D. Consider a career in a bussines

E. Have a great time

answer : D

10. Who attends this center?

A. Professional managers
B. College professors changing careers

C. Undergraduate students in bussines

D. Office staff

E. Letters of application

answer : C

11. What is required for admission?

A. The name of your manager

B. A copy of your grades

C. Your job title and duties

D. Letters of recommendation

E. Your boss's permit

answer : C

12. How long is the course?

A. All summer long

B. One week

C. Three evenings a month

D. Two years

E. Two weeks

answer : B

Hal 93-97

A Trip to Mars
By now, a rocket will have set off on its 35 million mile trip to Mars

and scientists must be waiting anxiously for the results. The rocket will be

travelling for six months before it reaches the planet. It contains a number

of scientific instruments including a television camera. Any pictures that are

taken will have to travel for three minutes before they reach the earth. If the

pictures are successful, they may solve a number of problems about Mars

and provide information about the markings on its surface which nearly 100

years ago, the astronomer Schiaparell thought to be canals .

It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted

This will only possible when scientists have learnt a lot more about the

atmosphere that surrounds the planet. If a satellite can one day be put

into orbit around Mars, scientists will be able to find out a great deal An

interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been

put forward.A rubber ball containing a radio transmitter could be dropped from

the satellite so that it would fall towards the surface of the planet. The radio

would signal the rate at which the ball was slowed down and scientists

would be able to calculate how dense the atmosphere is. It may even be

possible to drop a capsule containing scientific instruments on the planet's

surface. Only when a great deal more information has been obtained will it

be possible to plan a manned trip to Mars.

1.What must scientific learn about mars before anyone attemphes to go there

A The atmosphere that surrounds the planet.

B. The radio signal to transmit any information

C.a satellite which is strong enough to reach the planet

D.a rubber ball containing radio transmitter to enable communication

E.a capsule that can carry oxygen,scientific instruments,and scientists

answer : A

2.what could be dropped f rom a satellite?

a.A radio transmitter

b.A rubber ball

c.A capsule

d.scientific instruments

e.Atmosphere canals

answer : B

3.what would the ball contain?

a. A rubber

b. A radio transmitter

c. A television camera

d. A capsule

e. A dense atmosphere

answer : B would scientists be able yo calculate the density of the atmosphere?

a.They would measure the rate at which the ball was slowed down

b.they would signale the radio through a transmitter

c.They would plan to land a manned trip

d.They would use satellite around the orbit

e.They would learn the markings on its surface.

answer : A what other way could information about mars be obtained? sending a manned trip to mars

b. by putting a satellite into orbiy around mars using scientists instruments calculating the atmosphere on mars dropping balls on the surface of mars.

answer :A

What will man be like in the future in 5000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess,
of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing
all the time Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundreds years ago, was shorter than he is
today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short
period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we
use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still use of only about 20% of the brain capacity As time goes on,
however, we shall have to use our brains more and more-and eventually we shall need larger ones! This
is likely to bring about a physical change too, the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.
Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that they often become weaker
and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow
stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These as a result, are likely
to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used
to a great deal in modern life. But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body
altogether in the course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future,
then, both sexes are likely to be bald. Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a
very attractive creature to look at This may well be true. All the same, inspite of these changes, future
man will still have a lot of common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions
similar to our own.
6.The writer's main intention in writing the above text is to explain to the reader man has changed over the centuries uncertain the world will be in the future

C.why people's life will change in the future

D.when man's physical evolution started in the past

E.what he thinks the future man will look like.

answer : A

7. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE about the man

A. Within a decade, man has become three inches taller

B. Modern people are using the full capacity of their brains .

C. It takes several decades for man to be taller.

D. It can be expected that future man will be taller.

E.The development of man's brain does not affect his physical development

answer : D

8.The phrase 'on the other hand in line 14 shows a


B. result


D reason


answer : A
9. The writer imagines that futute man will be entirely bald because

A.there will be no difference in sex

B the human body has no use for hair

C. being bald will be the fashion a future

D. evolution makes the appearance of man and woman more similar

E.future man will not be interested in having hair

answer : A

10. From the description of the future man, it can be concluded that he

A. is an entirely different creature

B. is still human being but behaves differently physically much stronger than today man

D.has thought and emotion comparable to ours physically similar to earlier human being.

answer : A

Computer's are relatively new inventions The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only in
the last thirty years that their influence has affected our everyday lite. Personal computers were
introduced recently and in this short time they have made a tremendous impact on our lives. We are
now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without
them. You have only got to go into a bank when they play computer is broken to understand the chaos
that occurs if computers were suddenly removed world-wide In the future, the computer will be used to
create bigger and even more sophisticated computers. The prospects for this are quite alarming They
will be complex that no individuals could hope to understand how they work. They will bring a lot of
benefits but they will also increase the potential for unimaginable chaos. They will be, for example, able
to fly plans and they will be able to coordinate the movements of several plans around the airport.
Providing all the computers is working correctly nothing can go wrong: but if one program fails there will
be a disaster. There is no doubt that technology will progress and become increasingly complex. We
should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology. It will be
all too easy to suddenly discover that technology is controlling us. By then it might be too late. believe
that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that
we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

11. From the text we may conclude that the author

A.tries to be too dependent on computers.

B.emphasizes the importance of developing future computers

C believes computers will make people's lives more comfortable

D. reminds us about the threat of computers in the past

E persuades us to use of computers in our jobs.

answer : A

12. People are current dependence on computers is exemplified by

A. the influence of computers on our lives for the last thirty years

B the introduction of computers in the nineteen-fifteens

C the chaos which took place when the computers were removed

D. the disorder at home when the main computer is broken

E.the unimaginable things that might occur on an airport

answer : C

13. Future computers are predicted to so complex that their prospects will be quite promising

B. bring great benefits as well as unexpected harm to people's lives

C. bring great benefits to the transportation industry

D. make many small programs cause big disasters

E. be able to coordinate the traffic of planets all over the world.

answer : B
14. Although computers will become more sophisticated

A. human beings will be entirely dependent on them is difficult for individuals to understand them

C. technology tends to control human beings

D. there is no doubt that they bring a lot of benefits

E. human beings should have control over them

answer :E

15. A suitable title for the text is

A.The Historical Background of Future Computers

B. The Unimaginable Chaos Caused by Computers

C. The Potentials of Future Computers D. The Control over Advanced Technology

E. The Rapid Progress in Technology

answer : D

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