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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation

Mathematical Reasoning
Data Interpretation


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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation

You will find a list of Practice Questions, at the end of each chapter. There are two
objectives of these questions:

1. To assess your understanding of the topic.

2. To understand the various types of questions which can be asked from this topic.

Please note that, we also provide a bigger question bank on our Online Test Platform.
Each question on the online test platform includes the answer as well as detailed
explanation. ALL previous years’ questions are covered. ln addition, there are new
questions as well.

After covering the syllabus from booklets, it is EQUALLY IMPORTANT to go through

the questions on the Online Test Platform. This will give you confidence of absolute
coverage and ability to face any possible question on the exam day.

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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation


1. Data Interpretation ........................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Percentage ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 30
3. Ratio and Proportion...................................................................................................................................... 33
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 37
4. Profit, Loss and Discount .............................................................................................................................. 42
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 47
5. Time Speed and Distance .............................................................................................................................. 52
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 52
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 53
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 56
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 58
6. Simple and Compound Interest ..................................................................................................................... 61
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 61
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 61
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 63
7. Decimal and Fractions ................................................................................................................................... 66
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 66
Solved questions ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 70
8. Averages ........................................................................................................................................................ 72
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 72
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 72
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 74
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 75
9. Alphabetical Series ........................................................................................................................................ 78
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 78
Solves Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 78
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 82
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 84
10. Number Series ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 87
Solved Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 87
Practice Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 92
Answers and Explanations ............................................................................................................................ 95
11. Coding-Decoding ...................................................................................................................................... 104
Letter Coding ............................................................................................................................................... 104
Other Coding types ...................................................................................................................................... 106
Practice Questions ....................................................................................................................................... 107
Answers and Explanations .......................................................................................................................... 109
12. Relationships ............................................................................................................................................. 112
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 112

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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation

Practice Questions with Answers ................................................................................................................ 114

13. Directions .................................................................................................................................................. 118
Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 118
Solved Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 119
Practice Questions ....................................................................................................................................... 120
Answers and Explanations .......................................................................................................................... 122

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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation

1. Data Interpretation
Let us understand some of tricks so solve questions of Data Interpretation (DI). We will attempt few
questions, to understand these tricks, while analyzing explanations.

Students are advised to note the detailed explanation and method of solving questions. These small tips will be
helpful in solving questions, not only in DI but also in other topics of quantitative aptitude.

QUESTION: The table below embodies data on the sales revenue (Rs in lakh) generated by a publishing
house during the years 2012-15 while selling books, magazines and journals as three categories of items.
Answer questions 1 – 3 based on the data contained in the table.

Sales Revenue (Rs in lakh)

Year→ 2012 2013 2014 2015
Journals 46 47 45 44
Magazines 31 39 46 51
Books 73 77 78 78

1. In 2015, approximately what percent of total revenue came from books?

(A) 45%
(B) 55%
(C) 35%
(D) 25%

Ans. A
Exp. In 2015, total revenue is Journals (44) + Magazines (51) + Books (78) = 173. The percentage share of Books
will be × 100= 45%.
While solving questions of percentages, we should look for 10%, 20% etc for approximations. For example, in
this question, 10% of 173 will be approx. 17, 20% will be approx. 34 (two times 17), 30% will be approx. 51 (three
times 17), 40% will be approx. 68 (four times 17), 50% will be approx. 85 (five times 17). Our value is 78, which
lies somewhere between 68 and 85. Thus we can see that 78 will be somewhere between 40% and 50%. There is
only One Option (45%), which lies between 40% and 50%.

2. The number of years in which there was an increase in revenue from at least two categories of items, is
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

Ans. C
Exp. For the year 2012, there is no baseline.
In year 2013, there is increase in all 3 items in comparison to 2012 (Journals increased from 46 to 47, Magazines
increased from 31 to 39 and Books increased from 73 to 77).
In year 2014, there is increase in magazine and books in comparison to 2013 (Journals decreased from 47 to 45,
Magazines increased from 39 to 46 and Books increased from 77 to 78).
In year 2015, there is increase in only magazine in comparison to 2014 (Journals decreased from 45 to 44,
Magazines increased from 46 to 51 and Books no change at 78).
Thus only in years 2013 and 2014, there is increase in at least 2 items.

3. If the year 2016 were to show the same growth in terms of total sales revenue as the year 2015 over the year
2014, then the revenue in the year 2016 must be approximately:
(A) Rs 194 lakh
(B) Rs 187 lakh

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(C) Rs 172 lakh

(D) Rs 177 lakh

Ans. D
Exp. Revenue in 2014= 45+46+78= 169
Revenue in 2015= 44+51+78= 173
Revenue increase from 2014 to 2015= 173-169= 4
Revenue in 2016= Almost same increase, because base is almost same (to justify same percentage increase, there
will be absolute increase of little more than 4).
Thus revenue in 2016= 173+4= 177

QUESTION: Read the table below and based on this table answer questions from 1 to 6:

Year Fruits Vegetables Flowers Total

2005-06 53 72 1 187
2006-07 56 75 1 194
2007-08 58 78 2 202
2008-09 61 79 2 207
2009-10 63 79 2 209

1. Which of the following two years have recorded the highest rate of increase in area under the total horticulture?
(A) 2005–06 & 2006–07
(B) 2006–07 & 2008–09
(C) 2007–08 & 2008–09
(D) 2006–07 & 2007–08

Ans. D
Exp. Let us attempt to solve this by visual inspection and approximations.
Year 2005-06 > There is no base year.
Year 2006-07 > Area increased from 187 to 194 (increase of 7 over base 187)
Year 2007-08 > Area increased from 194 to 202 (increase of 8 over base 194)
Year 2008-09 > Area increased from 202 to 207 (increase of 5 over base 202)
Year 2005–06 is eliminated, as there is no base year for calculation.
Both Year 2006-07 and Year 2007-08 have higher rate of growth in comparison to Year 2008-09. This is so,
because both these years have greater numerator in comparison with 2008-09 and both also have lower
denominator, in comparison with 2008-09 .
Thus Answer is 2006–07 & 2007–08.
𝒂 𝒄
IMPORTANT: If a > c and b < d, then 𝒃 will always be larger than 𝒅.

2. Shares of the area under flowers, vegetables and fruits in the area under total horticulture are respectively:
(A) 1, 38 and 30 percent
(B) 30, 38 and 1 percent
(C) 38, 30 and 1 percent
(D) 35, 36 and 2 percent

Ans. A
Exp. Let us take data for Year 2009-10.
Total Area under Horticulture = 209
Area under Flowers = = which is close to 1% and 1% of 209 is 2.09.
Area under Vegetables =

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Mathematical Reasoning, Aptitude & Data Interpretation

10% of 209 is 20, thus 40% of 209 will be approx. 80. Our value is 79. Thus it will be close to 40%.
Area under Fruits =
10% of 209 is 20, thus 30% of 209 will be approx. 60. Our value is 63. Thus it will be little above 30%.
Thus our Answer will be close to 1%, 40% and 30%. The Matching Answer is , 38 and 30 percent.

3. Which of the following has recorded the highest rate of increase in area during 2005-06 to 2009-10?
(A) Fruits
(B) Vegetables
(C) Flowers
(D) Total horticulture

Ans. C
Exp. The increase in Fruits from 2005-06 to 2009-10 =
The increase in Vegetables from 2005-06 to 2009-10 =
The increase in Flowers from 2005-06 to 2009-10 =
The increase in Total Horticulture from 2005-06 to 2009-10 =
We can clearly see (without any calculations), that there is increase of 100% in case of Flowers, which is highest
among all other options.

4. Find out the horticultural crop that has recorded an increase of area by around 10 percent from 2005-06 to 2009-
(A) Fruits
(B) Vegetables
(C) Flowers
(D) Total horticulture

Ans. B
Exp. The increase in Fruits from 2005-06 to 2009-10 = = , which is increase of close to 20% (As 10% of
53 is 5 and 20% of 53 is 10)
The increase in Vegetables from 2005-06 to 2009-10 = = which is increase of close to 10% (As 10% of
72 is 7.2)
The increase in Flowers from 2005-06 to 2009-10 = = which is increase of 100%
The increase in Total Horticulture from 2005-06 to 2009-10 = = which is close to little more than 12%
(As 10% of 187 is 18.7, 1% of 187 is 1.87, 2% of 18.7 is 3.7)
Thus, we see that Total Horticulture also has increase of close to 10% (12%) but Vegetables has more closer to
Hence Answer is Vegetables.

5. What has been the share of area under fruits, vegetables and flowers in the area under total horticulture in 2007-
(A) 53 percent
(B) 68 percent
(C) 79 percent
(D) 100 percent

Ans. B
Exp. Total Horticulture Area in 2007-08 = 202
The combined area under fruits, vegetables and flowers = 58 + 78 + 2 = 138
We have to find percentage of

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Let us use method of approximations, as the choices are not close to each other.
10% of 202 is 20, 20% of 202 is 40 and so on…
Thus 70% of 202 will be 140, which is closer to our value 138. Hence the Answer will be closer to 70%. The
Answer is 68%.

6. In which year, area under fruits has recorded the highest rate of increase?
(A) 2006-07
(B) 2007-08
(C) 2008-09
(D) 2009-10

Ans. A
Exp. Increase in fruits in 2006-07 = =
Increase in fruits in 2007-08 = =
Increase in fruits in 2008-09 = =
Increase in fruits in 2009-10 = =

We can see that in the Year 2006-07, the numerator is highest among all other options and the denominator is
lowest, thus is the highest value. The Answer is 2006-07.
𝒂 𝒄
IMPORTANT: If a > c and b < d, then 𝒃 will always be larger than 𝒅.
𝒂 𝒄
Even if a=c and b < d, then 𝒃 will always be larger than 𝒅.

QUESTION: Consider the following two tables (I and II) that show the percentage of students in each faculty
at University and the number of foreign students in the Science faculty. These percentages have been rounded
to the nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the science faculty. Study these tables I and
II and answer the questions that follow (Questions 1 – 3):

I: Students Faculty wise

Name of Faculty % of Students
Computing 22
Business 14
Science 23
Engineering 9
Arts 21
Medicine 5
Law 6

II: Foreign Students in Science Faculty

Foreign Number of Science
Students Students
American 79
Australian 4
African 2
Chinese 6
European 21

1. Approximately, what percentage of students in the Science faculty is that of foreign students?
(A) 14%
(B) 9%
(C) 30%

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2. Percentage
Before understanding the Percentage, we will look at the smallest unit of percentage i.e. percent. A percent is one
part in every 100. So, for example 25 percent (%) would mean, 25 parts per 100 or more commonly written as 25/100.

Percent Change = × 100

Although, for this topic, there are many formulas given in Quants books. But, there is no need to remember any
formula. We advise you to remember only following points for faster calculation.

1. If there is increase of 20% in any data, just multiply it by 1.20, to find final data. Similarly, if there is increase of
35%, you multiply by 1.35. For increase of 170%, you multiply by 2.70 and so on.
2. If there is decrease of 20% in any data, just multiply it by 0.80, to find final data. Similarly, if there is decrease of
35%, you multiply by 0.65. For decrease of 5%, you multiply by 0.95 and so on.
3. If first, there is increase of 20% in any data, and then again increase of 5 %, you can multiple it by 1.20 × 1.05, to
get final data.
4. If first, there is increase of 30% in any data, and then decrease of 15 %, you can multiple it by 1.30 × 0.85, to get
find final data.
Let us do some practice questions now. We will learn important tricks while doing questions.

Solved Questions
1. Find the total number of girl students in a class of 500 students if there are 35 percentage girls in the class.
ANS. Total number of students = 500
Percentage of girl students = 35%
Therefore, total number of girl students would be = 35% of 500 = 35/100 × 500 = 175

2. If Nikhil’s Earnings is 70% of Rahul’s. Rahul’s earnings are 50% of Rohit’s. If Rohit’s earnings are Rs
100000, what was Nikhil’s Earnings?
ANS. Rohit’s Earnings = Rs 100000 (Given)
Rahul’s Earnings = 50% of Rs 100000 = 50/100 × 100000 = Rs 50000
Also, Nikhil’s earnings are 70% of Rahul’s Earnings.
Therefore, Nikhil’s Earnings = 70% of Rs 50000 = 70/100 × 50000 = Rs 35000

3. In an exam, Mayuresh scored 40% of the maximum marks in a mathematics exam and yet failed by 20
marks. If Mayuresh would have scored 10% more than what he has right now, he would have just managed
to get the required amount of marks to pass the test. What was the maximum marks in the paper?
ANS. Let the maximum number of marks in the test be x.
Then, Marks scored by Mayuresh = 40% of x = 0.40x
Thus, passing marks according to the given statements = 0.40x + 20
Also, given that if Mayuresh would have scored 10% more than what he did right now, he would have managed
passing marks. Therefore, passing marks are also equal to 40+10= 50%, which is = 0.50x

Equating both equations, 0.40x + 20 = 0.50x

Thus, 0.10x = 20
x = 200

4. What is the value of 10% of 20% of 30% of 1000?

ANS. The value of 10% of 20% of 30% of 1000 can be calculated as = 0.10 × 0.20 × 0.30 × 1000 = 6

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5. In a basket full of vegetables, 80% of them are potatoes and rest 20% are tomatoes. 50% of the potatoes are
green and rest 50% are yellow. Of the tomatoes, 80% are green and rest 20% are yellow. What percentage of
green fruits are potatoes.
ANS. Again, we will start approaching the problem by assuming total number of fruits in the basket be x.
Thus, total number of potatoes would be 0.80x and number of tomatoes would be 0.20x.
Now, since 50% of the potatoes are green and rest 50% are yellow. Therefore, total number of green potatoes would
be 0.50 × 0.80x = 0.40x and the number of yellow potatoes would also be 0.40x.
Similarly, the number of green tomatoes would be 0.80 × 0.20x = 0.16x and the number of yellow tomatoes would
be 0.20 × 0.20x = 0.04x
Thus, total number of green fruits = 0.40x + 0.16x = 0.56x
And number of yellow fruits would be = 0.40x + 0.04x = 0.44x
Percentage of green fruits that are potatoes = .
× 100 = 71.4%

6. Arun leaves home on his car at a speed which is 33.33% more than his usual speed. Find the percentage
reduction in the travel time for the same distance?
ANS. Let initial speed by S, then revised speed will be 33.33% higher, which is S
Given, that the distance travelled is same.
Let’s assume the initial time T and final time is T .
Given that, T × S = T × S
Percentage decrease in time = × 100 = × 100 = 25%

7. Salary of Ramesh and Suresh are 70% and 19% more than that of Mayank’s. What percentage is the salary
of Suresh of the salary of Ramesh?
ANS. As always, we follow the same approach of assuming the salary of Mr. Mayank as Rs. x. But sometimes, we
can also do such questions by assuming it to be 100.
Let Mayank Salary is Rs 100.
Since Salary of Ramesh is 70% higher, we can find Ramesh’s salary by multiplying it by 1.70
Salary of Ramesh = 100 × 1.70 = 170
Since Salary of Suresh is 19% higher, we can find Suresh’s salary by multiplying it by 1.19
Salary of Suresh = 100 × 1.19 = 119
We have to find, what percentage is the salary of Suresh of the salary of Ramesh.
= × 100 = 70%

8. The price of diesel in India increases by 30% and 20% in two successive months. What is the net change in
percentage terms?
ANS. Suppose the price before increase is x.
Two successive increase of 30% and 20% means, final price will be x ×1.30 × 1.20 = 1.56x.
So price increased from x to 1.56x, which is visible increase of 56%.

9. If the side of a square is increased by 20% and then decreased by 25%. What is the net change in Area of
the square?
ANS. Let the initial side of the square be a, then the Area of the square would be = a
Now first there is increase of 20% and then decrease by 25%
Net change in side = a ×1.20 × 0.75 = 0.90a
Area after change of side = 0.90a × 0.90a = 0.81a
Thus, the area changed from a to 0.81a , which is visible decrease of 19%.

10. In a new budget, the price of petrol rose by 25%. By how much percent must a person reduce his
consumption so that his expenditure on it does not increase?
ANS. Let initial price of petrol is P. Then price increased by 25%. The Final Price will be 1.25 P.

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Let Initial Consumption is C1 and final consumption is C2

The total expenditure remains same in both cases.
P × C1 = 1.25 P × C2

The percent change (it will decrease) in consumption will be

× 100 = × 100 = 20%

11. If 60% of (a-b) = 40% of (a+b), then what percent of a is b?

ANS. 60% of (a-b) = 40% of (a+b)
0.60 × (a-b) = 0.40 × (a+b)
0.60a – 0.60b = 0.40a + 0.40b
0.20a = 1.00b

We have to find ×100 = ×100= 20%

12. During one year, the population of a town increased by 5% and during the next year, the population
decreased by 5%. If the total population is 29925 at the end of the second year, then what was the population
size in the beginning of the first year?
ANS. Let initial population is P. The population first increased by 5%, then decreased by 5%.
So final population will be P × 1.05 × 0.95, which is equal to 29925
Thus P × 1.05 × 0.95 = 29925
P = 30000

Practice Questions
1.) The price of a ticket of an IPL match increases by 4.) Mr. Kumar is very fond of travelling. He spends
12%. The number of seats in the ground also increases 20% if his money on travel. If the total amount
by 25%. What is the net effect on revenue collected? available with him is Rs 15000. How many rupees are
(A) 20% left with him after his travel?
(B) 40% (A) 2000
(C) 25% (B) 3000
(D) 50% (C) 12000
(D) 10000
2.) Salaries of Ramesh, Suresh and Mukesh are in the
ratio of 1:2:3. Salary of Suresh and Mukesh together 5.) Age of Manas is 20 years. If Mayuresh’s age is
is Rs 8000. By what percentage is Mukesh’s salary 25% more than that of Manas. Then how much
more than Ramesh’s? percentage Manas’s age is less than Mayuresh’s age?
(A) 80% (A) 25%
(B) 150% (B) 30%
(C) 100% (C) 20%
(D) 200% (D) 40%

3.) Indian hockey team won a total 50% of their 6.) In an election between two parties, the candidate
matches they played during a year. If it lost 40% of the who got a 60% of the total valid votes won by a
matches and a total of 20 matches were drawn, then difference of 400 votes. Find the total number of valid
the total number of matches played during a year was? voted polled in the election?
(A) 160 (A) 2000
(B) 120 (B) 3000
(C) 100 (C) 2500
(D) 200 (D) 4000

7.) Find which of the following number is greatest

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(A) salary was again revised to his original salary. What is

the percentage increase in the salary of Veenu?
(B) (A) 15%
(C) (B) 20%
(C) 25%
(D) 30%

8.) A person purchased a lot of electronic items for his 14.) Due to 100% increase in the price of Maggi, Akhil
shop. Of the total electronic items, he purchased 60% purchased 5 packets less with the same amount of Rs
Microwave ovens. From the total microwave ovens, 60. What is the new price of Maggi?
5% were found to be defective. The percentage of (A) 6
defective electronic items in total are? (B) 8
(A) 4% (C) 10
(B) 5% (D) 12
(C) 6.2%
(D) 3% 15.) Kishore scores 70% marks in physics and 75%
marks in chemistry and the maximum marks in both
9.) The difference of two numbers is 20% of the larger subjects are 100. Also, he appears in another
number. If the smaller number is 20, then the larger examination of Maths, whose maximum marks are
number is: 200. If he scores 80% marks in all the three subjects,
(A) 25 find his score in mathematics?
(B) 45 (A) 150
(C) 50 (B) 160
(D) 80 (C) 175
(D) 185
10.) Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of
5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of 16.) The population of a country is 10000 and it
A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B. increases at the rate of 5% per year. After 3 years, the
(A) 2 : 3 population will be?
(B) 1 : 1 (A) 15000
(C) 3 : 4 (B) 11576
(D) 4 : 3 (C) 11500
(D) 11000
11.) The price of a house firstly depreciates in the first
year by 25%. Depreciates by 20% in the second year 17.) Viraj, being at his ignorant best, mistakenly
and again depreciates by 10% in the third year. If the multiplied a number by 10 instead of dividing it by 10.
initial cost of the house was Rs 1000000, what is the What is the percentage error in the result?
value of the house at the end of the 3 years? (A) 10000%
(A) 540000 (B) 9900%
(B) 560000 (C) 99%
(C) 450000 (D) 100%
(D) 600000
18.) In Vegan private limited, of the total number of
12.) Age of Kunal is 28 years. If Shrinkhal’s age is employees in the firm 60% are men. 50% of the
25% more than Kunal’s age. Then how much percent employees are engineer and 70% of these are men.
Kunal’s age is less than Shrinkhal’s age? The percentage of women who are not engineers are?
(A) 15% (A) 50%
(B) 20% (B) 62.5%
(C) 25% (C) 75%
(D) 30% (D) 40%

13.) Due to poor work ethics, the salary of Veenu was 19.) The cost of an Apple mobile phone is 400%
decreased by 20% but after months of hard work, his greater than that of an Oppo mobile phone. If there is
an increase in the cost of an Apple mobile phone by

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10% and that of an Oppo mobile phone by 20%. Then (B) 11.50%
the total cost of 5 apple phones and 10 oppo phones (C) 12.85%
would increase by? (D) 14.58%
(A) 15.00%

Answers and Explanations

1. ANS. B
EXP. Let initial price be P1 & Number of seats in the ground be Y1.
New price, P2 = 1.12 P1
New number of seats Y2 = 1.25 Y1
Initial Revenue = P1 × Y1
Final Revenue = P2 × Y2 = 1.12P1 × 1.25 Y1 = 1.40 P1×Y1
Therefore, Net change in revenue
. .
Therefore, Percent Change = × 100 = × 100 = 40%

2. ANS. D
EXP. Let the salary of Ramesh be x, the Salary of Suresh would be 2x and Salary of Mukesh would be 3x
Salary of Suresh + Salary of Mukesh = 8000
2x + 3x = 8000
5x = 8000
x = 1600
Therefore, Ramesh’s Salary = 1600, Suresh’s Salary = 3200, Mukesh’s Salary = 4800
Percentage difference = × 100 = × 100 = 200%
Alternative approach
Since, we know that Mukesh’s salary is 3x and Ramesh’s salary is 1x. We need not calculate the exact salaries.
Percentage difference = × 100 = × 100 = 200%

3. ANS. D
EXP. Let’s assume that the total number of matches played by Indian hockey team in a year be x.
Total matches won by Indian Team = 0.50x
Total number of matches lost by Indian Team = 0.40x
Therefore, the number of matches drawn by Indian team would be = 0.10x (which is 10% calculated from 100-50-
Given, that 0.10x = 20
Therefore, x = 200
Hence, the number of matches played by Indian Hockey team in a year is 200.

4. ANS. C
EXP. Total money available with Kumar is Rs 15000.
Amount spent on travel = 20% of 15000 = 0.20 × 15000 = Rs. 3000
Remember, we have to find the amount left after travel = Total amount – Amount spent = Rs (15000 – 3000) = Rs.
Alternative approach
Since, we know that 20% money is spent on travel, the remaining money is 100-20= 80%.
So 80% of total money is = 0.80 × 15000 = Rs 12000

5. ANS. C
EXP. Manas’ age = 20 years
Mayuresh’s age = 25% more than Manash’s age = 1.25 × 20 = 25 years
Now, we have to find how much Manas’s age is less than Mayuresh’s age.
Percentage difference = × 100 = 20%

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6. ANS. A
EXP. Let the total number of valid votes polled be x.
Total number of valid votes obtained by the winning candidate = 0.60x
Total number of valid votes obtained by the other candidate = 0.40x
Difference between votes obtained by both candidates = 0.60x – 0.40x = 0.20x
Given that, 0.20x = 400, X = 2000
Therefore, total number of valid votes are 2000.

7. ANS. C
EXP. To deal with such questions, we preferably convert them into percentages. So here,
× 100 = 66.67%
× 100 = 75.00%
× 100 = 84.21%
× 100 = 80.00%
So, 16/19 is the greatest fraction as it yields the highest value in percentage terms.

8. ANS. D
EXP. We will assume that the total number of electronic items purchased be x.
Thus, total number of microwave ovens purchased would be 0.60x
Total number of defective microwave ovens = 0.6x × 0.05 = 0.03x
Percentage of defective electronic items out of total items would be = × 100 = 3%

9. ANS. A
EXP. Let the larger number be x, then the difference will be 0.20x.
Thus, the smaller number will be = x - 0.20x = 0.80x
It is given that smaller number is 20
Thus 0.80x = 20
x= 25
Thus, larger number is 25

10. ANS. D
EXP. It is given that 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B.
0.05 A + 0.04 B = (0.06 A + 0.08 B)
0.15 A + 0.12 B = 0.12 A + 0.16 B
0.03 A = 0.04 B

11. ANS. A
EXP. Given, the value of the house initially = Rs 1000000
The given case of depreciation can be considered as a case of three consecutive depreciations.
So, value of the house after three years would be = 1000000 × 0.75 × 0.80 × 0.90 = 540000

12. ANS. B
EXP. Age of Kunal = 28 years
Shrinkhal’s age = 25% more than Kunal’s age
Therefore, Kunal’s age would be 1.25 × 28 = 35 years.
Percent Kunal’s age less than Shrinkhal’s age = × 100 = - 20% i.e. 20% less.

13. ANS. C
EXP. Let us assume that the salary of Veenu be Rs x.

Human Peritus 31 |

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