Assignment 1 Tutor Marking Guidelines

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Assignment 1
Tutor marking guidelines

Below in the table I have tried to provide some guidelines for you to use when
marking assignment 1. As a general approach, I adopt the ‘deducting marks’
approach for most of what we mark in written assignments – in other words
we deduct marks when an error or omission occurs. To give you some
understanding of the standards I use to deduct marks, at the top end I have
no problem with giving full marks for a technique where it is all correct.
Similarly at the other end if students do not submit a technique, submit the
wrong technique or submit the correct technique but show no correct
application of it at all, they should be awarded zero marks. A mark of 50%
therefore should reflect the standard of a pass in this unit, which is to say that
they have demonstrated some knowledge or skill in a technique but there are
however some deficiencies though not so critical as to make their attempt of
no value to a reader. So I deduct marks on the basis of the above ‘standard’.

Deliverable Week % of assignment mark

Executive summary 3 5
• at least 5 lines expected
• Is in interesting?
• Is it selective in terms of not
necessarily covering all aspects of
the submission?
Background to the report 3 5
• Does it talk about being a team of
consultants working for the client?
• At least 4 lines expected
Scope 3 10
• I’m just expecting the responsibility
table to be submitted here, nothing
• Most items should be under the ISs
• I’ve allowed my students to use the
UNDECIDED box at this stage
Business process workflows for new 4 20
• Should be for new system and not
• Should identify workflows as
discrete events e.g. a cancellation of
an appointment is independent of
making an appointment and so
should be drawn as a separate
• Should be as complete as possible
given the early stage of
• Should be consistent with scope
Use case diagram for new system 5 10
• Should be consistent with business
process workflows
• Should use diagramming rules well
e.g. identify actors properly, use the
numeric notation for identify which
actors use which use case
4 Elaborated use cases 5 10
• English or structured English
variant (e.g. use of if – then – else)
is acceptable
• Should include adequate
identification of error situations and
how to correct
4 web pages including home page 6 10
• Page design needs to be presented
clearly enough for you to mark but
doesn’t need to be in FrontPage,
Dreamweaver or whatever
• Look for evidence of site map or
other means of telling user where
they are
• Page design between pages should
be consistent
• Should apply design criteria from
lecture e.g. max 4 colours per page
Navigation map 6 10
• Is navigation map consistent with 4
• Proper use of symbols such as pop-
up symbol?
• Use of inheritance?
At least a 20 Elementary data dictionary of 7 10
all data items
• Have they applied the rules? Used
the proper column headings?
• Have they populated a reasonable
number of rows under the
constraint column?
• Do they understand that a code of
1234 for a product code for
instance is to be coded as XXXX
since it is used by the system as an
identifier and not as a number?
Composite data dictionary definitions of 4 7 10
web pages above
• Do they understand how to apply
sequence, selection and repetition?
• Any proper use of nesting is
• Have they identified upper and
lower limits on repetition where
this is reasonably known?

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