Freedom of The Human Person IPHP

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Human freedom - is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of individuals and is defined here as

negative liberty or the coercive constraint.

FREEDOM is a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act and pursue happiness
without unnecessary external restrictions.

⚫all of us have the ability to question, hesitate, to achieve a distance from immediate necessity.

Abraham Maslow , on the other hand, seems to offer a compromise position. On the one hand, he
agfrees that man has historicity which colours his identity and action. On the other hand, he denies that
this historicity impedes man's freedom.


⚫ A woman regaining her independence after controlling marriage is over.

⚫ A prisoner being let out of prison after serving their time.

B.F. Skinner, an extreme influintial behavioral phychological from Harvard, is one of those who
questioned the very existence of human freedom. He seems to affirm that man is not free because all
present behavior is controlled by prevous behavior has motivational us behavior and all cause which are
necessitating cause.

The Power Of Choice

The greatest power that a person possesses is the power to choose. – J. Martin Kohe

There is great power in being able to make choices in our life. We have the choice of what kind of life
we’ll live, and what type of person we want to be. We aren’t just a result of how our parents treated us
or a product of our environment. We are a result of the choices we make every day.

There are so many choices that we can make.

We can choose if we’ll reflect our environment, or if we affect our environment.

We can choose to be happy, or not.

We can choose how we react to hard times in our life, with positivity or negativity.

We can choose to take responsibility for our actions, or blame others for our failures.

We can choose to be a victor or take on the role of a victim.

(Choice and consequences of choices)

Change Your Life By Being Responsible

By being responsible for our own lives, and being accountable for the decisions we’ve made we can
change our lives for the better. We can make the choice to be happy, and make a decision to react
positively to all of life’s situations. We can take control and be a victor and not a victim.

Intersubjectivity relates to the coordination of individual contributions during a discussion and is

essentially a representation of the knowledge construction achieved through a synergistic progression
from individual contributions to sequences of interdependent contributions within the discourse. This
definition can be deconstructed for a better understanding of its components. The emphasis on
contribution is a useful place to start. Contributions are those utterances, either verbal or written,
offered by the individuals engaged in the discussion. Participation is important to the construct of
intersubjectivity because successful knowledge construction requires active and broad participation
through individual contributions. These contributions must then be coordinated into a conversation in
which there is continuity through the joint activity of discourse that is synergistic in the progression of
the knowledge construction. These synergistic, continuous, and coordinated contributions to the
discourse are distinguished from a more linear process in which additional contributions to the
discussion fail to build on the ideas already


Intersubjectivity within the field of education builds on a strong, multi-disciplinary

heritage from the fields of philosophy, psychology, and sociology. From a philosophical
perspective, people or their personal experiences were considered independent subjectivities. The

inclusion of personal experiences suggests the phenomenological strand from which the

construct emerged. Intersubjectivity, from this perspective, is the interactional engagement

between these independent subjectivities. This idea of an interactional accomplishment became

seen as a theory of relationship as the construct of intersubjectivity expanded from

phenomenological philosophy toward psychology. The independent subjectivities within the

psychological perspective were identified as the psychoanalyst and the client. This more static

conception of intersubjectivity from the field of psychology progressed within the field of

sociology as a dynamic intersection between two participatory yet independent systems.

In sociology, intersubjectivity is recognized less as a static intersection of the personal

experiences of individuals and more as a dynamic intersection between two independent,

participating, subjective systems. It is this sociological interpretation of intersubjectivity that

most closely reflects the application of the construct within the field of education.
Distinction from Interaction

These descriptions of the definition and development of intersubjectivity begin to

separate the construct within education from the more commonly known term, interaction.

Intersubjective Purposes

Note that purpose was mentioned within the puzzle metaphor in describing both interaction and

intersubjectivity. The goals, outcomes, objectives, etc. of the learning should determine whether

knowledge construction is an appropriate target

Measuring Intersubjectivity

Understanding intersubjectivity, how it occurs, and how to design for it leads to a discussion of

knowing when the construct has been achieved. Since construction of new and shared

understandings is an inherent part of intersubjectivity, there is no one right answer or moment

when intersubjectivity occurs.

Learning analytics is a rapidly growing field focused on the retrieval and analysis of data

gathered from learning technologies, particularly learning management systems. User activity

reports are a common example.

Freedom of the human person - topic

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