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1. A maximum of two (2) groups may invite a BOD member, CEO, or top management
executive of any medium- or large-sized organization in the Philippines to give a talk on
the application of strategic management in their company.
2. It should be done within class hours on either April 2, Thu or April 14, Tue (for TTh class) /
April 3, Fri or April 15, Wed (for WF class).
3. The talk should not exceed 40 minutes and must allot at least 15 minutes for Q&A.
4. The group inviting the speaker shall be in charge of managing the entire program,
including assigning a host/s to facilitate the program, to introduce the speaker, and to
run the Q&A. The group may also prepare snacks and token for their invited speaker.
5. LCD projector and microphone shall be provided. Other equipment needed during the
talk shall be prepared by the group.


The talk may revolve around a specific topic or a combination of topics below. Students
would appreciate a discussion of how these concepts are applied (or not applied) in your
organization, instead of mere explanation of theories. Please limit the talk to 40 minutes and
allot at least 15 minutes for Q&A.

A. The Board of Directors

i. The company’s BOD members – Qualifications, process of identifying and inviting
members to join the Board, why and when BOD members are replaced,
compensation for BOD members, obligations of BOD members
ii. Board Meetings – how frequent, usual agenda, typical flow of meeting
iii. Strategic Decisions – types of decisions the BOD usually makes (setting of
corporate vision and goals, appointment of officers, mergers/acquisitions,
specific products to sell, etc.?), degree of involvement with top management,
process of approving decisions

B. The Top Management

i. Top Management – qualifications, process of identifying and appointing top
management, why and when officers are replaced
ii. Corporate Issues – types of decisions made by Top Management vs. BOD,
relationship with the BOD, addressing inter-departmental conflicts and

C. Strategy Formulation
i. Does the company use frameworks (BCG Matrix, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s 5 Forces
Framework, Positioning Map, etc.) as tools for strategy formulation?
ii. Who prepares these reports and how regularly are they prepared?
iii. What is the level of centralization/decentralization as regards approval of
strategies in various levels of the organization (corporate-level, business-level,

D. Strategy Implementation and Evaluation

i. What is the organizational structure of the company? Does this current structure
hinder or promote the interest of the entire organization?
ii. How would you describe the culture of the organization? How does
organizational culture affect the implementation of strategies in the company?
iii. What evaluation tools and performance metrics are used in the organization?
How frequent and when is performance evaluation typically done?
iv. How does the organization address underperformance of employees?

E. Ethics and Social Responsibility

i. What are the values of the company? How does the company ensure that people
in the organization adhere to these values?
ii. Does ethics play a role in the decisions of management and/or employees? How?
iii. How does the organization address ethical issues (fraud, bribery, moral/ethical
dilemmas, etc.)
iv. Does the company do CSR (corporate social responsibility) activities? Why or
why not?

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