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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. Issue 37 Dec.

2, 2010

2-8 improves key warrior skills cataloging and bagging dangerous materials.
Team leaders drew out a sketch of the room
and indicated on it where things were
Story and photo by Capt. Christopher Green On the range teams conducted a stretcher found. Pictures were taken of the room and
2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment carry, maneuvered their way through a the incriminating items with the secured
Soldiers in Company A, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. vehicle and then dragged a simulated casualty individual.
Reg. conducted a two part training event on a SKEDCO while high crawling. Soldiers Search teams were observed by
aimed at improving key warrior tasks. then sprinted to the firing line, were issued Soldiers from the 2nd STB Military Police
Early morning Nov. 17 they moved out ammunition, and proceeded to engage targets Detachment who then critiqued search
by fire team along an eight mile course called out by the range safetys acting as squad methodology and thoroughness. Teams
carrying their personal weapons and wearing leaders. finally conducted a search debrief with the
full combat load. Soldiers first reacted to Soldiers demonstrated their ability to COIST. Teams demonstrated their proficiency
indirect fire then they demonstrated their shoot from cover and also to shoot on the with SSE and improved their ability to report
ability to assess and provide first responder move. This range increased the Soldiers’ any and all collected material up to the
aid to a casualty, including calling up a 9 line confidence in their ability to shoot accurately company.
MEDEVAC report. Once the casualty was when in a heightened state of stress leading
declared “evacuated” teams resumed their to an increase in their controlled lethality.
patrol until they encountered an improvised Once finished with the range Soldiers moved
explosive device. to the motor pool for tactical site exploitation
Soldiers confirmed the threat, cordoned training.
the area and called a 9 line unexploded Soldiers stacked outside an office, ready
ordinance report. They then demonstrated to breach and secure the room. An unarmed
their ability to call and adjust indirect fire civilian was secured, searched and then
using a map, protractor and compass. Teams handed off to a security team. Search teams
then moved on to range 7A. then moved through the office identifying,

Commander’s Column company CALFEX, mounted

maneuver training and Warhorse
Rampage all as mounted war-
assault force, which is moving
north through a wadi and will
end up walking into a dead-
The Dealers were one of the riors, but and recently reconfig- space that the machineguns
first units to execute Warhorse ure their companies to resemble can’t see.
Rampage, the brigade’s capstone a light formations. The transformation of
phase II homestation event. I looked at my battalion two Death Dealers and the bri-
During our training, platoons months ago and saw tankers gade is evident. Soldiers are
were asked to execute a myriad and infantry. Now I look at my motivated, esprit-de-corps is
of tasks on a handful of missions formation and see units of action; growing, and proficiency is
in several training areas. The all Soldiers training as infantry increasing.
emphasis on dismounted tactics Soldiers. I look forward to our JRTC
and integrating enablers paid The tankers argued with the in February, where we will test
dividends to our Soldiers. infantrymen about getting out of ourselves again and certify
The Soldiers of this brigade the way so they could engage tar- our readiness.
have been training on their ar- gets at long range; now they are I am confident that the
mored vehicles for the past nine arguing about why their planned Death Dealers are ready for
Lt. Col. Michael Simmering, commander months. They have completed support by fire position needs to any mission asked of us.
1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment gunnery skills training, gunnery, be relocated in order to cover the Death Dealers!
page 2 Warhorse Pride Issue 37 Dec. 2, 2010

204th medics validate their skills at MSTC

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Melinda Braithwaite cation. Tactical Field Care phase allows the medic
204th Brigade Support Battalion Charlie Med completed eight hours of to focus more on the injuries to stabilize them
Company C, 204th BSB, 4th ID Medics difficult training at the Medical Simulation so that the casualties can be evacuated to a
certified their Table VIII Validation on 18 Training Center, Oct 18. MEDIC stands for higher level of care.
October 2010. Medical Education and Demonstration OF In- CASEVAC is the method used to evacuate
Medics have to recertify their medical skills dividual Competence. This training prepares the casualty to higher level of medical care.
every two years by completing several medical medics for injuries and situations they may This can be accomplished by air or ground.
tables, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) encounter once deployed. Medics must react to an attack, focus on
and Continuing Education Unit’s (CEUs). The The senior leadership set up a situational patient care, and remove the casualty from
culminating event is Table VIII. exercise where medics must react to combat the scene. All of this is done simultaneously.
Table VIII is the validation of all the train- along with treating casualties. Medics call The casualty “dummies” during the training
ing the medics go through in order to main- this Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3). exercise are in Full Battle Rattle and at times
tain the Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) This consised of three phases: Care Under can weigh up to 250 pounds. This training can
competency. Fire, Tactical Field Care and Casualty Evacua- be very physically and mentally demanding.
Most Army MOS’s have to only complete tion (CASEVAC). Our medics received some of the most re-
their Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in Care Under Fire phase is intended to sup- alistic training the Army has to offer in order
order to become that MOS. If we do not meet press the enemy and treat casualties and move prepare them to be better and more efficient
requirements, we may be subject to reclassifi- them to safety as quick as possible. combat medics.

204th Soldiers put new PT program to the test

Story by 2nd Lt. Christine Breckenridge wondered if, without constant concentration goal of the program which is provide a foun-
204th Brigade Support Battalion on long distance running, pushups , and sit- dation for combat readiness.
Change is never easy, however Company A ups our PT scores drop? But Alpha Company When transportation platoon sergeant,
has recently learned that change can be a good quickly found an answer to that question; the Staff Sgt. Leonmunoz, was asked why he liked
thing. The change in reference is the new programs use of sprint and agility exercises the new program he responded “It’s working
Army PT program, APRT, which Company A helped with run times and seemed to be easier well because it cuts back on injuries and is a
started implementing in early October. on the legs. Not to mention the benefit that change of pace. Also, most of our Soldiers
The Army first began modifying the old was gained from 30:60s running drills. have learned the program in Advanced Indi-
PT program in 2003 and today a totally new Alpha Company also began to really enjoy vidual Training which makes it easy to adapt
exercise regimen has been instilled across our the new conditioning drills which break up to.”
Brigade. the monotony of the old PT program. APRT Seemingly so, this new change has been
At first, Company A Soldiers seemed wary is a winner among Company A Soldiers who positive for Soldiers of Company A as they get
of the effectiveness of the new program. We have gained APFT points as well as the actual fit to fight with APRT.

Warhorse Pride The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the fairs Office.
Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commen-
Division. The Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded news- tary, and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride
letter authorized under provision of AR 360-1. reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the
Col. John S. Kolasheski..................2nd BCT Commander Contents of The Warhorse Pride are publication.
Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa............2nd BCT CSM not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by the, U.S. All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be viewed
Maj. Kevin Toner...............................................2nd BCT PAO government, Department of Defense, Department of the online from your home computer at www.facebook.
Spc. April York........................................Layout and Design Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content com/2bct4id
Sgt. Seth Barham............................................................Editor of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and Submissions should be emailed to the
Sgt. Ruth Pagan...............................................................Editor approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Af- editor:

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