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People v.

Trigo his wife was already seriously wounded, the appellant would not have left her alone in
Art. 247 Death Under Exceptional Cirsumstances the care of a policeman especially after Buaco had already fled, and there was no
Facts: For the death of his wife, Alicia Dequiña Trigo, the accused-appellant, Bertito more danger that the latter might attack him. Fifthly, after appellant had secured
Trigo, was charged with the crime of PARRICIDE at Roxas City, and under the police protection at the police station, appellant never returned to personally attend to
information which reads: his wife and to ascertain if she received timely medical attention at the provincial
That the above-named accused deliberated to kill his estranged wife ALICIA hospital. All these facts and circumstances were considered by the trial court to
DEQUIÑA TRIGO, with whom he was united in lawful wedlock, assault and stab his bolster one thing-that accused was really estranged from his wife and it was he who
said wife with a knife (sevillana), thereby inflicting stab wounds on the different parts killed her.
of her body which caused her death thereafter. The direct and circumstantial evidence established at the trial sufficiently prove the
The prosecution's version of the killing is based mainly on the testimony of Marcos guilt of accused-appellant. As aforestated, the trial court's findings of fact are
Fuentes. He testified, inter alia, that he knew the spouses Bertito and Alicia Trigo generally given due respect. Appellant has the burden, therefore, to convince this
because he bought from them their house; that at about nine o'clock in the morning, Court that a departure from this rule is justified upon satisfactory showing that the trial
he was at the market of the town of Pontevedra; that he met Alicia Trigo at the said court misapplied some facts of weight and substance as would alter the result of the
market and even greeted her; that he did not notice at the time whether Alicia was proceedings. He failed to do so. The judgment appealed from is affirmed in all other
with a companion or not; that after a while, a commotion took place; that when he respects, with costs.
stood up he saw Bertito Trigo stabbing Alicia; that he saw blood spurting from Alicia's SO ORDERED.
left chest; that Bertito Trigo was at the time in front of Alicia and holding the latter with
one of his arms; that there were no other persons near Alicia when he saw the latter
bleeding; that Alicia later fell on the ground; and that he was about 50 meters from PEOPLE VS TALISIC
where the incident took place.
Upon being arraigned, the court a quo rendered its decision convicting Trigo of the
offense charged. Not satisfied with the decision, Trigo appealed. DOCTRINE: Death under exceptional circumstances
GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF THE CRIME CHARGED BASED ON FACTS: Version of to the Prosecution: The facts as gathered from the testimonies of
THE FF GROUNDS: Prosecution Witnesses Dr. Regino Gaite, Danilo Talisic and Victoria Sapyo Tautho
The prosecution did not prove the motive of the appellant for killing his wife - NO are as follows:
It was not him but a certain Orline Buaco who stabbed his wife - NO
Ruling: Sixteen-year old Danilo Talisic testified that at dawn of May 8, 1988, his mother,
The law is well-settled that motive is relevant only where the Identity of the person Janita Talisic, was stabbed to death with a chisel by his father Jimmy Talisic, who
accused of having committed the crime is in dispute, where there are no afterwards displayed the bloodied weapon before their altar. Realizing that his mother
eyewitnesses, and where suspicion is likely to fall upon a number of persons. In the was already dead, Danilo decided to bring his younger sister to their grandfather's
case at bar, the Identity of the accused was positively proved by the eyewitness. house.They passed by the house of their aunt, Victoria Sapyo Tautho, a sister of the
Hence, motive is irrelevant. deceased, and related to her the bizarre killing. Danilo also related the killing to his
In rejecting this defense, the trial court correctly observed significant paternal grandfather, Simon Talisic, who thereupon proceeded to the house of his
factors/circumstances surrounding the incident which belie appellant's defense that it son, Accused-appellant Jimmy Talisic, and brought the latter to the military camp at
was not he who stabbed and killed Alicia Trigo. Tipanoy, Iligan City. Substantially corroborating Danilo's testimony, Victoria Sagio
Firstly, there is great improbability of Orline Buaco's alleged first attack hitting his wife Tautho stated that she found her sister's lifeless body sprawled on the floor of their
if the said attack were aimed at the accused. Secondly, there is greater improbability living room, as well as the crimson-drenched chisel at the altar.
of the deceased Alicia Trigo sustaining multiple stab wounds if it were the appellant
whom Buaco wanted to stab as then the latter would have aimed all the five other Dr. Regino Gaite who examined the body of the deceased and issued the necropsy
thrusts of the weapon at the accused and not at the deceased Alicia Trigo. Thirdly, report said that the multiple wounds resulted in hemorrhage and shock which
there was failure not only to shield her from the attack but also failure to retaliate ultimately caused the death of the victim.
within the duration of the next five attacks upon the deceased. Fourthly, knowing that
Version of the Defense: Testifying for his defense, accused-appellant declared that caught his wife in flagrante delicto; that he killed her while she was in the very act of
between the hours of 3:00 and 4:00 in the early morning of May 8, 1988, she (sic) voluntary sexual intercourse with another man or immediately thereafter. Sadly for
was requested by his wife to fetch water from a well as they had earlier (planned) to him, he has miserably failed to do so.
go to the city together. As requested, he then fetched water from a well about 200
meters away from their house which took him about 30 minutes to do so. When he After a thorough review of the records of this case, we find no reason — as indeed
came back from the well and while climbing up the stairs, he was surprised to see a appellant has failed to provide any — to overturn the trial court's well-reasoned ruling.
man lying on top of his wife. He tried to draw his bolo and stabbed the man who, Verily, the claim of the accused-appellant is thoroughly unworthy of belief. He was
however, was able to run away. He tried to run after him but did not overtake him. He unable to controvert the finding of the trial court as follows:
came back to their house but only to be met by a stabbing thrust from his wife using a
chisel. He was not hit as he was able to parry the blow, thus prompting him to grab The version of the accused that he caught the victim in flagrante delicto of adultery is
the chisel from his wife. He lost his temper and stabbed her to death. quite difficult to swallow hook, line and sinker. It is very unlikely for a wife in her right
senses to indulge in marital infidelity knowing that her husband is just around the
ISSUE: WON the trial court erred in not finding that accused-appellant had killed his corner and would soon come back because he was just away for a short while to
wife under exceptional circumstances — NO fetch water. If there was tryst, the victim could have chosen to perpetrate the
adulterous act not in the living room of their very own house. The plausible place of
RULING: NO. The Decision of the trial court convicting Jimmy Talisic y Villamor of assignation would have been outside to avoid impending danger of being caught.
parricide is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. One thing more, it is very unlikely that after the victim was caught in flagrante, she
would just stay put, watch her husband run berserk, chasing her paramour with a
The accused-appellant argues that he killed his wife under the exceptional lethal weapon (bolo). The normal reaction of one in this kind of dreadful situation is to
circumstance provided in Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code, which reads: swiftly flee from the scene while there is yet time.

Art. 247. Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional circumstances. Any If the accused was attacked by the victim with a chisel, would he not use his bolo
legally married person who, having surprised his spouse in the act of committing since he was admittedly raging mad due to the victim's infidelity? Why used [sic] a
sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of them or both of them in the chisel when the bolo in hand was more handy?
act or immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury,
shall suffer the penalty of destierro. . . . Moreover, even assuming arguendo that appellant did indeed surprise his wife in
An absolutory cause is present "where the act committed is a crime but for reasons of flagrante delicto, his account of subsequent events is implausible. It is difficult to
public policy and sentiment there is no penalty imposed." Article 247 is an example of believe his story of how, upon catching sight of the infidelity, he immediately drew his
an absolutory cause. bolo and hacked but missed the other man who, amazingly, had sufficient time to pull
up his pants, button up, elude said attack and escape unscathed. Further, his claim
Having admitted the killing, the accused must now bear the burden of showing the that he did not recognize the man or even see his face is irreconcilable with his
applicability of Article 247. Accordingly, the defense must prove the following: insistence that the color of the latter's short pants was yellow. His declarations as to
the location of the alleged paramour's short pants are also conflicting. Worse, the
1. That a legally married person (or a parent) surprises his spouse (or his daughter, defense of appellant is belied by his own incredible and inconsistent testimony.
under 18 years of age and living with him), in the act of committing sexual intercourse
with another person. The foregoing demonstrate that Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code is inapplicable
2. That he or she kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any or both of them any to this case because appellant failed to prove the essential requisite of having caught
serious physical injury in the act or immediately thereafter. his wife and her alleged paramour in flagrante delicto. Indeed, appellant succeeded
3. That he has not promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife (or daughter) or only in demonstrating his utter lack of credibility on the witness stand.
that he or she has not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse. G.R. No. 74433 September 14, 1987
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
We stress that the burden of proof to show the concurrence of all three elements vs.
rests on the defense. Most critically, Appellant Jimmy Talisic must prove that he FRANCISCO ABARCA, accused-appellant.
chancing upon his spouse in the basest act of infidelity. But the killing should have
DOCTRINE/TOPIC: Death Under Exceptional Circumstances been actually motivated by the same blind impulse, and must not have been
influenced by external factors. The killing must be the direct by-product of the
FACTS: accused's rage. Punishment, consequently, is not inflicted upon the accused. He is
Francisco Abarca is found by the RTC Leyte to be guilty of the complex punished with destierro, but that is intended for his protection. The Court rules that
crime of murder with double frustrated murder and is penalized with death. He under Article 247, the crime that the accused committed is not murder. Said Article
committed the crime on July 15, arming himself with an unlicensed firearm (armalite) does not define nor provide for a specific crime, but grants the accused a privilege or
M-16 rifle, with an intent to kill Khingsley Paul Koh whom Francisco’s wife, Jenny, benefit for the killing or inflicting injuries to another under the circumstances
was having an affair with. The affair began when the accused was studying for the mentioned.
1983 Bar examinations in Manila while Jenny was left behind in their Tacloban NO. It shall likewise be noted that inflicting death under exceptional circumstances,
residence. On said day the accused had just arrived home at around 6pm and saw not being a punishable act, cannot be qualified by either aggravating or mitigating or
the two having sex and when he was seen, he ran away and went to the house of PC other qualifying circumstances, we cannot accordingly appreciate treachery in this
Soldier C2C Talbo. He then searched for Koh which he found at a mahjong place and case.
shot him three times. Arnold and Lina Amparado who were occupying a room NO. We cannot therefore hold the appellant liable for frustrated murder for the injuries
adjacent to the room where Koh was playing mahjong were also hit by the shots fired suffered by the Amparados.
by the accused. This does not mean, however, that the accused-appellant is totally free from any
The accused raises his defense that he only acted out of uncontrollable responsibility. Granting the fact that he was not performing an illegal act when he fired
passion as he felt deceived, betrayed and disgraced by his wife’s infidelity which shots at the victim, he cannot be said to be entirely without fault as he performed
disturbed his reasoning faculties and deprived him of the capacity to reflect upon his negligence. Accordingly, we hold him liable under the first part, second paragraph, of
acts. They also negate the qualifying circumstance of treachery which the Court Article 365, that is, less serious physical injuries through simple imprudence or
attached to his crime, and that he should have been convicted under Article 247 of negligence. (The records show that Arnold Amparado was incapacitated for one and
the RPC instead. one-half months; there is no showing, with respect to Lina Amparado, as to the extent
ISSUE: of her injuries. We presume that she was placed in confinement for only ten to
WON the accused should have been convicted under Article 247 of the RPC fourteen days based on the medical certificate estimating her recovery period.)
WON there is treachery present in this case. Thus, the Court modifies the decision, from the inflicted injuries to the Amparados he
WON the accused is guilty of murder for the death of the Amparado couple. shall be sentenced to four months and 21 days to six months of arresto mayor. He is
RULING: furthermore ordered to indemnify Arnold and Lina Amparado in the sum of
YES. The Court rules that the trial court erred in convicting the accused with a P16,000.00 as and for hospitalization expense and the sum of P1,500.00 as and for
complex crime. Given that Article 247 entails the infliction of physical injuries or death Arnold Amparado's loss of earning capacity. No special pronouncement as to costs.
to the victim under exceptional circumstances, it falls under the present case.
There is no question that the accused surprised his wife and her paramour, the victim NOTES: Destierro, or banishment, as the prescribed punishment for committing
in this case, in the act of illicit copulation, as a result of which, he went out to kill the Article 247 is,, as held in a case, intended more for the protection of the accused than
deceased in a fit of passionate outburst. Article 247 prescribes the following a punishment
(1) that a legally married person surprises his spouse in the act of committing sexual People vs Oyanib
intercourse with another person; and
(2) that he kills any of them or both of them in the the act or immediately thereafter. DOCTRINE/TOPIC:Death under exceptional circumstances
These elements are present in this case. FACTS: Accused, Manolito Oyanib y Mendoza was found guilty of parricide for the
The Revised Penal Code, in requiring that the accused "shall kill any of them or both death of his wife Tita T. Oyanib and of Jesus Esquierdo. On September 11, 1995 the
of them . . . immediately" after surprising his spouse in the act of intercourse, does not Iligan City Prosecutor filed with the RTC 2 separate informations charging accused
say that he should commit the killing instantly thereafter. It only requires that the with murder and parricide the first informtion states that On September 4,1995, the
death caused be the proximate result of the outrage overwhelming the accused after accused was armed with a 6 inches hunting knife attacked Jesus which caused his
death. And the other information stated that on the same night with the same knife
attacked his wife Tita, which resulted in her death. The accused voluntarily That he has not promoted or facilitated prostitution of his wife (or daughter) or that he
surrendered himself on Sept. 11, 1995 to the police and was detained. The RTC or she has not consented to the infidelity of the other spouse
arraigned accused on Jan. 17, 1996, accused pleaded not guilty. "The death caused must be the proximate result of the outrage of overwhelming the
Manolito and Tita werer married on Febuary 3 1979, had 2 children and lived accused after chancing upon his spouse in the act of infidelity.Simply put, the killing
in Iligan City. In 1994 the couple separated;Manolito kept the custody of the children. by the husband of his wife must occur with her flagrant adultery."
Tita rented a room on the second floor of Edgardo. At 9:30 of Sept 4, 1995, Edgardo
was watching TV at the sala downstairs, and they heard a commotion from upstairs. "It must be resorted to only with great caution so much that the law requires that it be
When Edgardo and his family checked, they saw Tita wearing a duster lying on the inflicted only during the sexual intercourse or immediately after"
floor with a lot of blood and Manolito stabbing Jesus. Jesus was wearing a pair of According to People vs Wagas The vindication of a Man’s honor is justified because
long pants. When accused left Edgardo called the police of the scandal an unfaithful wife creates; the law is strict on this, authorizing as it
SPO3 Eduard Tubil received information that there was a stabbing incident does, a man to chastise her, even with death. But killing the errant spouse as a
at Llagas residence at Purok 3-A Tambacan Iligan City. When SP03 Eduard Tubil got purification is so severe as that it can only be justified when the unfaithful spouse is
to the scene he saw the lifeless bodies of Jesus who was wearing a t-shirt and pants. caught in flagrante delicto, and it must be resorted to only with great caution so much
He collected a knife as evidence. He checked up of Tita and also saw that she was so that the law requires that it be inflicted only during the sexual intercourse or
dead immediately thereafter.”
On Sept 5, 1995 the Doctor examined the bodies and stated that the cause of death
was due to the multiple stabs they sustained. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. RUBEN TAKBOBO
Manolito's defense was that even if they were separated, he still tried to win Tita’s (ART. 247 – Death under Exceptional Circumstances)
heart but apparently she was uninterested. Then one day Manolito saw Tita with
Jesus who were intimate with each other by the hanging bridge at Brgy Tambacan. FACTS:
Manolito confronted them but they ignored and threatened Manilito. Manolito saw a
letter from his daughter of his son’s failing grade which required a meeting which Ruben Takbobo (“Ruben”), a middle-aged fisherman, was charged with killing his wife
requires the parents to meet with the teacher. Manolito went to Tita’s house to inform before the Cebu City RTC. On or about 11:00 P.M. on Mar. 25, 1991, in Brgy.
her when he climbed the steps of the house he heard “sounds of romance” from the Guiwanon, Ginatilan, Cebu, Ruben, husband of Lucia Takbobo (“Lucia”), hacked and
room so he pried the door with a knife and was shocked to see that Jesus was on top stabbed the latter with a knife and bolo, inflicting multiple fatal hack and stab wounds
of Tita with his pants down. Jesus kicked Manolito but the kick made Jesus fall. So that resulted in her death. Ruben entered a plea of guilty at his arraignment, but,
Manolito stabbed him. Tita went away to grab a bottle of Tanduay and hit Manolito on considering the gravity of the offense, the lower court ordered both the prosecution
the head. In the commotion Manolito stabbed Jesus again many times. Tita stabbed and the defense to submit evidence in order to determine motive and the
Manolito with a broken glass of the Tanduay bottle, so Manolito also stabbed Tita. circumstances surrounding the crime. Record shows that Sps. Ruben and Lucia
Then Edgardo came Takbobo were married in 1969. They had nine children, one of whom is already dead.
ISSUE: WON the accused can use Art 247 “Death of physical injuries inflicted under The couple, together with their youngest daughter, 6-year old Madilyn, and a nephew
exceptional circumstances ” as a defense, but only his penalty was lowered were residing at Brgy. Guiwanon when the fatal incident happened. The other
RULING: Yes Art 247 is applicable in this case because all the elements were Takbobo children were staying with a certain David Manus since, according to the
present. And that he invoked Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code as an absolutory sworn statement of their daughter, Marybel, "they were afraid of their father."
and an exempting cause. “An absolutory cause is present ‘where the act committed is
According to Sps. Takbobo’s daughter, Madilyn, on the night of the incident, at
a crime but for reasons of public policy and sentiment there is no penalty imposed. ’
around 11:00 o'clock in the evening, she woke to the sound of quarreling between her
parents. According to her, the quarrel transpired because Ruben was unable to pay
Elements of Art 247
his debt to a certain Danilo. While they were quarreling, Ruben got a hunting knife
That a legally married person surprises his spouse in the act of committing sexual
and a bolo and hacked Lucia starting at her feet, on the neck, on the hands, armpit,
intercourse with another person
and breasts. 16-year old Irene Takbobo, daughter of Sps. Takbobo, also testified
That he kills any of them or both of them in the act or immediately thereafter
before the trial court and stated that on one occasion before her mother's death, and
apparently for no reason, one of her fingers was cut and the third finger of her older vicinity thereof. The “normal human reaction” would have been to tell that fact to the
sister was split by a bolo wielded by her father. Appellant Ruben “appears to have police right after the stabbing incident when appellant went to the PNP station and/or
had a propensity for inexplicable resort to violence against the members of his during the investigation thereafter.
family”, based from both statements. Shortly thereafter, Ruben went to the police
authorities and told them about the same. Indeed, the last two mitigating circumstances are present herein. The records of the
case confirm the compliance by appellant with the requisites for the appreciation of
On the other hand, Appellant Ruben would like to impress upon the Court that he voluntary surrender and voluntary plea of guilty. However, with respect to the
killed his wife because he caught her sleeping with another man. According to him, mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation, both requisites of such
on the wee hours of March 25, 1991, after a night of sea fishing activity, “he was circumstance is wanting.
surprised when, upon opening their door, he saw his wife sleeping with another man,
who happened to be their neighbor, Cadiz Catulong (“Catulong”). He tried to kill him In the case at bar, the appellant was not able to prove by convincing evidence that he
by stabbing him but his wife pushed the man who then immediately jumped out of the saw his wife sleeping with another man. Hence, as correctly observed by the Solicitor
window. As a result, his wife was hit by his thrust. He then found out that his wife had General, that allegation of the appellant "is an afterthought to lessen his liability," and
no panty. He tried to look for Catulong but failed to find him. He immediately related that what appears is that appellant killed his wife because "he was not in his right
the incident to the police though he was not able to execute his affidavit as he was mind." Therefore, appellant cannot be credited with this mitigating circumstance.
then very confused.”

On October 14, 1991, the trial court rendered judgment finding appellant guilty of NOTES:
Parricide, with the penalty of reclusion perpetua, and ordering him to indemnify the Requisites of the mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation (“Crime of
heirs of the deceased in the amount of P50,000.00, as well as to pay the costs Passion”)
there should be an act both unlawful and sufficient to produce such condition of mind;
WON the appellant can avail of the extenuating circumstance of Article 247. – NO. said act which produced the obfuscation was not far removed from the commission of
WON the court erred in not appreciating the mitigating circumstances of (1) passion the crime by a considerable length of time, during which the perpetrator might recover
and obfuscation; (2) voluntary surrender; and (3) voluntary plea of guilty in the his moral equanimity.
October 1991 judgment.

RULING: In the case at bar, there are two present mitigating circumstances (voluntary
There was failure of the defense to prove the alleged discovery of the sexual act surrender & voluntary plea of guilty). As such, the defense argues, while the Solicitor
between Lucia and Catulong. Appellant’s inconsistencies during his stint on the General recommends, that with the presence of the two mitigating circumstances, the
witness stand (initially stating that he witnessed his wife having carnal relations with penalty should be reduced to reclusion temporal as accorded in par. 5, Art. 64 of the
RPC. However, the court argues that Art. 64 is only applicable to divisible penalties
another man when he arrived, to his statement of seeing his wife’s seducer already
and, since the crime of Parricide imposes the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death,
putting on his pants when he arrived), coupled with his uncorroborated and self-
the penalty imposed herein is is indivisible and should be governed by Art. 63 of the
serving testimony failed to tilt the scales of justice in his favor. Furthermore,
appellant’s statement of (1) "(his) purpose was to kill the man but she pushed the
People v. Manero (1993)
man and my wife was killed”; and (2) that his wife had no panties on, was contrary to Art. 248 Murder
the physical evidence exhibited, as represented by the pictures taken of the latter, Facts: The Manero brothers Norberto Jr., Edilberto and Elpidio, along with Rodrigo
wherein (1) her cause of death was from multiple hack and stab wounds; and (2) that Espia, Severino Lines, Rudy Lines, Efren Pleñago and Roger Bedaño, were inside an
his wife was apparently wearing panties. Finally, the testimony of Pat. Renaldo eatery in Cotabato. They were conferring with Arsenio Villamor, Jr., private secretary
Singco, the police officer to whom Ruben surrendered to, claims that Ruben never to the Municipal Mayor of Tulunan, Cotabato, and his two (2) unidentified bodyguards.
mentioned that he surprised his wife in the act of infidelity or that, on that occasion, Plans to liquidate a number of suspected communist sympathizers were discussed.
Catulong was present or was inside their house or, for that matter, anywhere in the
Arsenio Villamor, Jr. scribbled on a cigarette wrapper the following "NPA v. NPA, co-accused, and that it was only then that they proceeded together to where the
starring Fr. Peter, Domingo Gomez, Bantil, Fred Gapate, Rene alias Tabagac and crime took place
Villaning." "Fr. Peter" is Fr. Peter Geremias, an Italian priest suspected of having links Issues: WON the trial court erred in the ff:
with the communist movement; "Bantil" is Rufino Robles, a Catholic lay leader who is disregarding their respective defenses of alibi which, if properly appreciated, would
the complaining witness in the Attempted Murder; Domingo Gomez is another lay tend to establish that there was no prior agreement to kill; - NO
leader, while the others are simply "messengers". On the same occasion, the that the intended victim was Fr. Peter Geremias, not Fr. Tulio Favali; - NO
conspirators agreed to Edilberto Manero's proposal that should they fail to kill Fr. that there was only one (1) gunman, Edilberto; and, that there was absolutely no
Peter Geremias, another Italian priest would be killed in his stead. showing that appellants cooperated in the shooting of the victim despite their
Elpidio Manero with two (2) unidentified companions nailed a placard on a street-post proximity at the time to Edilberto - NO
beside the eatery. The placard bore the same inscriptions as those found on the Ruling:
cigarette wrapper except for the additional phrase "versus Bucay, Edil and Palo." The consistent ruling of this Court that no physical impossibility exists in instances
Some two (2) hours later, Elpidio also posted a wooden placard bearing the same where it would take the accused only fifteen to twenty minutes by jeep or tricycle, or
message on a street cross-sign close to the eatery. some one-and-a-half hours by foot, to traverse the distance between the place where
Later, the Manero brothers, together with Espia and the four (4) appellants, he allegedly was at the time of commission of the offense and the scene of the crime.
proceeded to the house of "Bantil", their first intended victim. Edilberto drew his It is well-settled that the defense of alibi cannot prevail over the positive identification
revolver and fired at Bantil’s forehead. They grappled for its possession until "Bantil" of the authors of the crime by the prosecution witnesses.
was extricated by his wife from the fray. But, as he was running away, he was again While it may be true that Fr. Favali was not originally the intended victim, as it was Fr.
fired upon by Edilberto. Only his trousers were hit. "Bantil" managed to seek refuge in Peter Geremias whom the group targeted for the kill, nevertheless, Fr. Favali was
the house of a certain Domingo Gomez. Norberto, Jr., ordered his men to surround deemed a good substitute in the murder as he was an Italian priest.
the house and not to allow any one to get out so that "Bantil" would die of It is not essential that all the accused commit together each and every act constitutive
hemorrhage. of the offense. It is enough that an accused participates in an act or deed where there
Fr. Tulio Favali arrived on board his motorcycle. He entered the house of Gomez. is singularity of purpose, and unity in its execution is present. The findings of the court
While inside, Norberto, Jr., and his co-accused Pleñago towed the motorcycle outside a quo unmistakably show that there was indeed a community of design as evidenced
to the center of the highway. Norberto, Jr., opened the gasoline tank, spilled some by the concerted acts of all the accused.
fuel, lit a fire and burned the motorcycle. As the vehicle was ablaze, the felons raved Art. 8 There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement to
and rejoiced. commit a crime and decide to commit it.
Upon seeing his motorcycle on fire, Fr. Favali accosted Norberto, Jr. But the latter From the foregoing narration of the trial court, it is clear that appellants were not
simply stepped backwards and executed a thumbs-down signal. At this point, merely innocent bystanders but were in fact vital cogs in perpetrating the savage
Edilberto asked the priest: "Ano ang gusto mo, padre (What is it you want, Father)? murder of Fr. Favali and the attempted murder of Rufino Robles by the Manero
Gusto mo, Father, bukon ko ang ulo mo (Do you want me, Father, to break your brothers and their militiamen. 1) Appellants all assumed a fighting stance to
head)?" Thereafter, in a flash, Edilberto fired at the head of the priest. As Fr. Favali discourage if not prevent any attempt to provide assistance to the fallen priest. 2)
dropped to the ground, his hands clasped against his chest, Norberto, Jr., taunted They surrounded the house of Domingo Gomez to stop Robles and the other
Edilberto if that was the only way he knew to kill a priest. Slighted over the remark, occupants from leaving so that the wounded Robles may die of hemorrhage.
Edilberto jumped over the prostrate body three (3) times, kicked it twice, and fired Undoubtedly, these were overt acts to ensure success of the commission of the
anew. The burst of gunfire virtually shattered the head of Fr. Favali, causing his brain crimes and in furtherance of the aims of the conspiracy. The appellants acted in
to scatter on the road. As Norberto, Jr., flaunted the brain to the terrified onlookers, concert in the murder of Fr. Favali and in the attempted murder of Rufino Robles.
his brothers danced and sang "Mutya Ka Baleleng" to the delight of their comrades- While accused-appellants may not have delivered the fatal shots themselves, their
in-arms who now took guarded positions to isolate the victim from possible collective action showed a common intent to commit the criminal acts.
assistance. Considering that the brutal slaying of Fr. Tulio Favali was attended with abuse of
On their defense of alibi, all appellants similarly contend that it was only after they superior strength, cruelty and ignominy by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the
heard gunshots that they rushed to the house of Norberto Manero, Sr., Barangay pain and anguish of the victim, outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse,
Captain of La Esperanza, where they were joined by their fellow CHDF members and exemplary damages may be awarded to the lawful heirs, 36 even though not proved
nor expressly pleaded in the complaint.
G.R. No. 111206-08 October 06, 1995 had erred in finding their testimonies as credible and that the prosection has failed to
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, find him guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
CLAUDIO TEEHANKEE, JR., accused-appellant. ISSUE:
WON the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
NO. Appellant was convicted on the strength of the testimonies of three (3)
FACTS: eyewitnesses who positively identified him as the gunman. We have no reason to
Three separate Informations were filed against accused Claudio Teehankee doubt the correctness of appellant's identification by Leino. The scene of the crime
for the shooting of Roland Chapman, Jussi Leino and Maureen Hultman. He is was well-lighted by a Meralco lamp post. Appellant was merely 2-3 meters away
charged with TWO murders (Chapman and Hultman) and ONE frustrated murder when he shot Leino. The incident happened for a full five (5) minutes. Leino had no ill-
(Leino). The three crimes occurred in once continuing incident, on July 12, 1991, motive to falsely testify against appellant. His testimony at the trial was
when the three friends went to a party and drank until past 3am and Maureen straightforward. He was unshaken by the brutal cross-examination of the defense
requested Leino to be walked home as she did not want to let her parents know she counsels. He never wavered in his identification of appellant. When asked how sure
was going home so late. Leino offered to walk with her while Chapman stayed in the he was that appellant was responsible for the crime, he confidently replied: "I'm very
car and listened to the radio. sure. It could not have been somebody else.” Five (5) minutes is not a short time for
As they started walking, a light-colored Mitsubishi box-type Lancer car, Leino to etch in his mind the picture of appellant. Experience shows that precisely
driven by accused Claudio Teehankee, Jr., came up from behind them and stopped because of the unusual acts of bestiality committed before their eyes, eyewitnesses,
on the middle of the road. Accused alighted from his car, approached them, and especially the victims to a crime, can remember with a high degree of reliability the
asked: "Who are you? (Show me your) I.D." Leino thought accused only wanted to identity of criminals.
check their identities. He reached into his pocket, took out his plastic wallet, and We reject appellant's submission. Cadenas' initial reluctance to reveal to the
handed to accused his Asian Development Bank (ADB) I.D. Accused did not bother to authorities what he witnessed was sufficiently explained during the trial. He related
look at his I.D. as he just grabbed Leino's wallet and pocketed it. When Chapman that he feared for his and his family's safety. His fear was not imaginary. He saw with
came and asked the accused why he is bothering them Teehankee shot Chapman his own eyes the senseless violence perpetrated by appellant. He knew appellant
and then afterwards shot the other two. belonged to an influential family. The accused’s claim that Cadenas was only beaten
Leino struggled to his knees and shouted for help. He noticed at least three (3) up by the FBI in order to force him to incriminate the accused is also belied by the fact
people looking on and standing outside their houses along Caballero Street. 20 The that Cadenas ’entire family was allowed to saty with him at the NBI headquarters and
three were: DOMINGO FLORECE, a private security guard hired by Stephen Roxas likewise extended protection.
to secure his residence at #1357 Caballero Street, Dasmariñas Village, Makati; 21 The NBI may have also failed to compare the bullets fired from the fatal gun
VICENTE MANGUBAT, a stay-in driver of Margarita Canto, residing at #1352 with the bullets found at the scene of the crime. The omission, however, cannot
Caballero Street, corner Mahogany Street, Dasmariñas Village; 22 and AGRIPINO exculpate appellant. The omitted comparison cannot nullify the evidentiary value of
CADENAS, a private security guard assigned at the house of Rey Dempsey, located the positive identification of appellant. Appellant's attempt to pin the crimes at bar on
at #1351 Caballero Street, corner Mahogany Street, Dasmariñas Village. The first Anders Hultman, the adoptive father of Maureen Hultman, deserves scant
shot were heard by security guards Florece and Cadenas who were on duty, along consideration. Appellant cites a newspaper item where Maureen was allegedly
with driver Mangubat who was resting in his quarters. Cadenas noticed in full the overheard as saying to the gunman: "Huwag, Daddy. Huwag, Daddy." The evidence
plate number of the getaway car and gave it as PDW 566. He described the car as on record, however, demonstrates that Anders Hultman could not have been the
silver metallic gray. Both Cadenas and Mangubat saw the gunman's face. They had gunman. It was clearly established that Maureen could not have uttered said
a good look at him. statement for two (2) reasons: Maureen did not speak Tagalog, and she addressed
During the police investigation, witnesses of the event, Cadenas, Mangubat, Anders Hultman as "Papa," not "Daddy." Moreover, Leino outrightly dismissed this
and Leino who had survived his gunshot wounds, identified the accused in three suspicion. While still in the hospital and when informed that the Makati police were
different line-ups set by the police to positively confirm Teehankee’s commission of looking into this possibility, Leino flatly stated that Anders Hultman was NOT the
the crime. Nevertheless, the accused pleaded not guilty, claiming that the lower court gunman.
As to the wounding of Jussi Leino and the killing of Maureen Hultman, we PO3 Ricardo Catiil was assigned as driver of the mobile division patrol no. 07 on
hold that treachery clearly attended the commission of the crimes. The evidence September 22, 1991 together with SPO1 Albert Calingasan and Armando Mana.
shows that after shooting Chapman in cold blood, appellant ordered Leino to sit on They parked the mobile car at the other end of the Marcos bridge along C. M. Recto
the pavement. Maureen became hysterical and wandered to the side of appellant's Avenue at about 2:30 in the morning. Shortly thereafter, he saw a car coming from
car. While seated, unarmed and begging for mercy, the two were gunned down by Cagayan de Oro poblacion crossing the bridge running fast with a damage on its right
appellant. Clearly, appellant purposely placed his two victims in a completely portion. He estimated the speed at 80 kph. Observing something unusual they
defenseless position before shooting them. There was an appreciable lapse of time pursued the vehicle, switched on their siren and caught up with the vehicle at Km. 3,
between the killing of Chapman and the shooting of Leino and Hultman — a period 2.6 kilometers from the place of incident. Catiil and the other two policemen alighted
which appellant used to prepare for a mode of attack which ensured the execution of from the car and accosted the driver and brought him to the OKK. He noticed that the
the crime without risk to himself face of the driver was bleeding which he believed may have been caused by the
Thus, the Court MODIFIES the decision, with Teehankee found guilty for splintered windshield. Examining the vehicle, they noticed that in addition to the
HOMICIDE for shooting Roland Chapman, MURDER qualified by Treachery for broken windshield, the right portion of the signal light and the head light were also
shooting Maureen Hultman, and FRUSTRATED MURDER qualified by treachery for damaged. The right front tire was flat. When asked, the driver admitted that he
shooting Jussi Leino. bumped someone at the Marcos bridge.

PEOPLE VS ENGUITO SPO1 Albert Calingasan, supporting the testimony of Ricardo Catiil who was the
driver of the mobile patrol car 07, declared that they were at the middle of the Marcos
DOCTRINE: Murder bridge when they saw a Ceres Kia car running fast and they pursued it until it stopped
at Km. 3. After delivering the accused at the OKK, Calingasan together with his two
FACTS: Felipe Requerme, a motorela driver who while driving his motorela with his companions drove back to the place of incident. They saw blood on the street. There
wife on board, from Lapasan towards Poblacion, Cagayan de Oro City, picked up a were also bits of human flesh found on the cemented road and the right leg was
passenger near the Nazareno church. The passenger was later identified as the completely severed. Calingasan explained that when they followed at the hospital and
deceased, Engr. Wilfredo Achumbre. Achumbre asked him to bring him across the viewed the body of the victim, they saw that the right leg was severed from the body.
Marcos bridge towards his home. After travelling a distance of 300 meters more or
less and near the Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School, Requerme's motorela PO3 Virgilio Maquiling was assigned with mobile patrol 05 of the Cagayan de Oro
was bumped by a white motor vehicle. The vehicle kept pushing the motorela causing Police Station at about 2:00 o'clock dawn of September 22, 1991. They were on
it to run very fast for the next 400 meters until it reached the area in front of Wheels patrol near the Golez residence almost near the foot of the Marcos bridge facing
Marketing. Because of the violent push the motorela turned around facing the Iligan City. Maquiling and his companions saw a Ceres Kia coming from Liceo de
direction from where it came from and fell on its right side. Cagayan and turned right at the bridge and went towards the place where the incident
occurred. Maquiling observed that the way the vehicle was driven, the driver may
Felipe Requerme screamed for help thinking that his wife was pinned underneath. A have been drunk. Twenty minutes later, the same vehicle came back with its right
tamaraw pick-up stopped near them and he immediately informed that they were portion damaged. Suspecting that something untoward may have occurred, he called
intentionally hit by the white vehicle. A short time later a police mobile patrol arrived mobile patrol 101 to intercept the vehicle. Not long after a PU driver informed
and with the assistance of the people around, they pushed the motorela to return it to Maquiling and his companions that a motorela was involved in a traffic accident at the
its natural position. Requerme and his wife were brought to the Operation Kahusay ug other end of the bridge near Licoan Bakery and Restaurant. Proceeding to the place
Kalinaw (OKK), a 24-hour police station where all victims of crimes report in Cagayan of incident, he saw a body of a person at Abellanosa Street which is located
de Oro. At the OKK the driver of the white service pick-up who bumped his motorela immediately below the bridge about 10 feet high. He also saw that the right leg of the
arrived. Requerme identified the driver as Thadeos Enguito whom he pointed inside person was hanging at the Marcos bridge railing about seven meters away from the
the courtroom. Later, Requerme and his wife were brought to the city hospital for body. Maquiling, using his radio, called the paramedic. They immediately brought the
medical check up. They were also brought to the Northern Mindanao Regional body of the victim to the NMRTH.
Training Hospital to identify the deceased.
Dr. Apolinar Vacalares who conducted the autopsy on the body of Achumbre
declared that he suffered massive hemorrhage and, in fact, it was impossible for the
victim to survive even with the most modern medical attendance. There was massive away from the place of the incident that he stopped his vehicle upon seeing the police
accumulation of clot and no amount of surgery could have saved the victim. Death mobile patrol which was following him.
was almost instantaneous.

Georgita Achumbre knows the accused because he used to come to their house and
he and her husband were both employed with G & P Builders and they used to play NOTES:
basketball together. At 5:00 o'clock in the morning of September 22, 1991 she
received news of her husband's death. Together with her brother-in-law she Motorela - The passenger room is built around the motorbike and has two facing
proceeded to the NMRTH and saw the body of her husband lying on a table and benches and a seat on each side of the driver.
covered with white cloth. She was informed that her husband was dead on arrival. People vs Whisenhunt
From the hospital she went to the police station to retrieve the wallet of her husband
which contained P3,000.00. When she confronted the accused at the police station DOCTRINE/TOPIC: Murder
why he killed her husband, Thadeos Enguito answered that he was mauled by her FACTS: On November 19, 1993, accused-appellant was formally charged with the
husband and it was an act of revenge. The accused explained that the victim became murder of Elsa Santos-Castillo.
angry when he was made to pay the bills of Enguito's friend who was seated on the During the trial the following circumstances were successfully proven by the
other table. prosecution without a shadow of doubt that:
Elsa Santos Castillo was brought to accused-appellant’s condominium unit on
The trial court found the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of September 23, 1993;
Homicide with Less Serious Physical Injuries. On appeal, the Court of Appeals found On September 24, 1993, accused-appellant’s housemaid was looking for her kitchen
that since the prosecution's evidence showed that accused killed the victim by means knife and accused-appellant gave it to her, saying that it was in his bedroom;
of motor vehicle, he should be guilty of the crime of murder. Appellant Thadeos On September 25, 1993, accused- appellant and Demetrio Ravelo collected the
Enguito was then found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of MURDER
dismembered body parts of Elsa from the bathroom inside accused-appellant’s
WITH LESS SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES and is sentenced to suffer the penalty
of Reclusion Perpetua.
Accused disposed of the body parts by a roadside somewhere in San Pedro, Laguna;
Accused also disposed of Elsa’s personal belongings along the road going to Bagac,
ISSUE: WON the Court of Appeals correctly convicted the accused-appellant— YES
RULING: YES. The crime committed by accused-appellant is the complex crime of The mutilated body parts of a female cadaver, which was later identified as Elsa,
murder with less serious physical injuries sentencing him to the penalty of Reclusion were found by the police and NBI agents at the spot where Demetrio pointed;
Perpetua. Hair specimens found inside accused-appellant’s bathroom and bedroom showed
similarities with hair taken from Elsa’s head; and
The indictment against accused-appellant is murder attended by the use of motor The bloodstains found on accused-appellant’s bedspread, covers and in the trunk of
vehicle. The use of a motor vehicle qualifies the killing to murder if the same was his car, all matched Elsa’s blood type.
perpetrated by means thereof. Appellant's claim that he merely used the motor The events on Sept 23, 1993 are as follows: (1) 8:30 am Demetrio the driver of
vehicle, Kia Ceres van, to stop the victim from escaping is belied by his actuations. By
Accused reported for work. He was told to fetch Elsa at her parent’s house. (2) 10:30
his own admission, he testified that there was a police mobile patrol near the
am he saw Elsa and brought her to the accused's condo. (3) 2pm he was asked to
crossing. Accused-appellant could have easily sought the assistance of the police
deliver a paper bag to Amy Serrano, the personal manager. Then he was asked to
instead of taking the law into his own hands. Moreover, accused-appellant already
stay until 10pm to send Elsa home. He waited for Elsa but he has not heard from the
noticed the deceased trying to jump out of the motorela but he still continued his
accused. Then he went home
pursuit. He did not stop the vehicle after hitting the deceased who was hit when he
The events on Sept 24, 1993 are as follows: (1) Demetrio reported for work. At 12
(Achumbre) was at the railing of the Marcos bridge. Accused-appellant further used
noon, lucy asked if he saw a knife that was missing, then overheard that the missing
the vehicle in his attempt to escape. He was already more than one (1) kilometer
knife was at the accused’s bedroom. So demetrio got the knife and gave it to lucy. (2)
3:40 pm Demetrio was asked to buy cigarettes and gave it to lucy. (3) At 5pm he was Hence, the attendance of the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength
asked to go home was not adequately proved and cannot be appreciated against accused-appellant.
The events on Sept 25, 1993 are as follows: (1) 8am he reported at the accused’s However, the other circumstance of outraging and scoffing at the corpse of the victim
condo and he followed up with his salary, Amy Serrano was also there so he asked if was correctly appreciated by the trial court. The mere decapitation of the victim’s
Elsa was at the accused’s condo; accused answered yes. Demetrio did not see Elsa. head constitutes outraging or scoffing at the corpse of the victim, thus qualifying the
Amy handed Demetro black plastic bags which he gave to the accused. (2) he was killing to murder. In this case, accused-appellant not only beheaded Elsa, he further
ordered to drive lucy to cubao to get clothes from his home (3) since lucy was going cut up her body like pieces of meat. Then, he strewed the dismembered parts of her
home Demetrio dropped lucy at Farmer’s Market. The next day, the accused body in a deserted road in the countryside, leaving them to rot on the ground. The
confessed that he killed Elsa and mutilated her body, and then helped him to get rid sight of Elsa’s severed body parts on the ground, vividly depicted in the photographs
of the body. Before they reached Bataan they threw the bag where Elsa’s body was offered in evidence, is both revolting and horrifying. At the same time, the viewer
and her clothes into the river. Accused took something from a bag, tore it to pieces cannot help but feel utter
and threw it in the river as well. Demetrio was scared of the accused since then. pity for the sub-human manner of disposing of her remains. In a case with strikingly
Demetrio was told to clean the car so that it won't smell. Accused and Demetrio similar facts, the Court ruled that “Even if treachery was not present in this case, the
started off for Manila. As they passed a place called Kabog-kabog, he saw the crime would still be murder because of the dismemberment of the dead body. One of
accused take out an ATM card, he burned, twisted it and threw it out of the window. the qualifying circumstances of murder under Article 248, par. 6, of the Revised Penal
They arrived at the corner of EDSA and Quezon Avenue Demetrio asked the accused Code is "outraging or scoffing at the person or corpse of the victim.”
if he could get off since he wanted to go home to Fairview. Before Demetrio left, the
accused told him, “Rio, you and your family can go on a vacation. I will give you NOTES: Murder is the unlawful killing of any person which is not parricide or
money.” Accused then gave Demetrio P50.00 for his transportation going to Fairview. infanticide as long as the following circumstances are present:
When Demetrio got home, he immediately told his family what happened. Then he With Treachery, taking advantage of superior strength with the aid of armed men, or
employing means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford
told the police, the police investigated and all of demetrio’s testimony was true.
In consideration of a price, reward or promise
On January 31, 1996, the trial court promulgated the appealed judgment, convicting
By means of inundation fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, standing of. Vessel,
accused-appellant of the crime of murder, sentencing him to suffer the penalty of
derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or
reclusion perpetua, and ordering him to pay the heirs of the deceased actual damage,
with the use of any other means involving great waste or ruin
moral damages, exemplary damages and attorney’s fees.
On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or an
ISSUE: WON Accused is guilty of Murder. earthquake, eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or any other public
RULING: Yes Accused is guilty of murder. calamity
Abuse of superiority is present whenever there is inequality of forces between the With evident premeditation
victim and the aggressor, assuming a situation of superiority of strength notoriously With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or
advantageous for the aggressor and selected or taken advantage of by him in the outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse.
commission of the crime. The fact that the victim was a woman does not, by itself, Elements of Murder
establish that accused-appellant committed That a person was killed
the crime with abuse of superior strength. There ought to be enough proof of the That the accused killed him
relative strength of the aggressor and the victim. Abuse of superior strength must be That the killing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances
shown and clearly established as the crime itself. In this case, nobody witnessed the That the killing is not parricide or infanticide
actual killing. Nowhere in Demetrio’s testimony, and it is not indicated in any of the The rules on evidence and jurisprudence sustain the conviction of an accused
pieces of physical evidence, that accused-appellant deliberately took advantage of his through circumstantial evidence when the following requisites concur: (1) there must
superior strength in overpowering Elsa. On the contrary, this Court observed from be more than one circumstance; (2) the inference must be based on proven facts;
viewing the photograph of accused- appellant that he has a rather small frame. and (3) the combination of all circumstances produces a conviction beyond doubt of
the guilt of the accused.
the multiple gunshot wounds. Dr. Omandac concluded that the shots were fired at
WHEREFORE, the decision of the RTC finding accused-appellant guilty beyond close range, perhaps within twenty-four (24) inches, judging from the powder burns
reasonable doubt of murder, and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion found around some of the wounds in the body of the victim, and that the wound in the
head, which caused the victim's instantaneous death, was inflicted while "the victim
perpetua, is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS on damages and civil indemnity.
was in a lying position.”

The trial court rendered judgment convicting the accused of murder and sentencing
PEOPLE VS ULEP him to death. The means employed by the accused to prevent or repel the
alleged aggression is not reasonable because the victim, Buenaventura Wapili,
FACTS: Buenaventura Wapili was having a high fever and was heard talking was already on the ground, therefore, there was no necessity for the accused to
insensibly to himself in his room. His brother-in-law, Dario Leydan, convinced him pump another shot on the back portion of the victim's head.
to come out of his room and talk to him, but Wapili told Leydan that he could not really
understand himself. After a while, Wapili went back to his room and turned off the ISSUE: WON the crime qualifies to murder — NO
lights. Moments later, the lights went on again and Leydan heard a disturbance inside
the room, as if Wapili was smashing the furniture. Unable to pacify Wapili, Leydan RULING: NO. The accused is guilty only for the crime of homicide for failure of
called Pastor Bonid of the Alliance Church of Kidapawan to help him "pray the prosecution to prove treachery to qualify the killing to murder. This Court
over" Wapili, but they could not enter the latter's room as he became wild and disagrees with the conclusion of the court a quo that the killing of Wapili by
violent. Suddenly, Wapili bolted out of his room naked and chased Leydan. accused-appellant was attended by treachery, thus qualifying the offense to
Thereafter, Leydan with the aid of two (2) of his neighbors attempted to tie Wapili with murder. We discern nothing from the evidence that the assault was so sudden and
a rope but was unsuccessful as Wapili was much bigger in built and stronger than unexpected and that accused-appellant deliberately adopted a mode of attack
anyone of them. Wapili, who appeared to have completely gone crazy, kept on intended to insure the killing of Wapili, without the victim having the opportunity to
running without any particular direction. defend himself. The killing of Wapili was not sought on purpose. Accused-appellant
went to the scene in pursuance of his official duty as a police officer after having been
Thus, Leydan went to the house of policewoman Norma Plando, a neighbor, and summoned for assistance. The situation that the victim, at the time accused-appellant
asked for assistance. As Wapili passed by the house of Plando, he banged Plando's shot him in the head, was prostrate on the ground is of no moment when considering
vehicle parked outside. Using a hand-held radio, Plando then contacted SPO1 the presence of treachery. The decision to kill was made in an instant and the
Ernesto Ulep, SPO1 Edilberto Espadera and SPO2 Crispin Pillo, all members of the victim's helpless position was merely incidental to his having been previously
PNP assigned to secure the premises of the nearby Roman Catholic Church of shot by accused-appellant in the performance of his official duty.
Indeed, to hold him criminally liable for murder and sentence him to death under the
At around four o'clock in the morning of the same day, SPO1 Ulep together with circumstances would certainly have the effect of demoralizing other police officers
SPO1 Espadera and SPO2 Pillo arrived at the scene on board an Anfra police service who may be called upon to discharge official functions under similar or identical
jeep. The three (3) police officers, all armed with M-16 rifles, alighted from the jeep conditions. We would then have a dispirited police force who may be half-
when they saw the naked Wapili approaching them. The kind of weapon Wapili was hearted, if not totally unwilling, to perform their assigned duties for fear that
armed with is disputed. The police claimed that he was armed with a bolo and a they would suffer the same fate as that of accused-appellant.
rattan stool, while Wapili's relatives and neighbors said he had no bolo, but only a
rattan stool. Article 249 of The Revised Penal Code prescribes for the crime of homicide the
penalty of reclusion temporal, the range of which is twelve (12) years and one (1) day
SPO1 Ulep fired a warning shot in the air and told Wapili to put down his to twenty (20) years. There being an incomplete justifying circumstance of
weapons or they would shoot him. But Wapili retorted "pusila!" ("fire!") and fulfillment of a duty, the penalty should be one (1) degree lower, i.e., from
continued advancing towards the police officers. When Wapili was only about two reclusion temporal to prision mayor, pursuant to Art. 69, in relation to Art. 61, par. 2,
(2) to three (3) meters away from them, SPO1 Ulep shot the victim with his M-16 rifle, and Art. 71, of the Code, to be imposed in its minimum period since accused-
hitting him in various parts of his body. As the victim slumped to the ground, SPO1 appellant voluntarily surrendered to the authorities and there was no aggravating
Ulep came closer and pumped another bullet into his head and literally blew his circumstance to offset this mitigating circumstance. Applying the Indeterminate
brains out. Sentence Law, the maximum of the penalty shall be taken from the minimum period
of prision mayor, the range of which is six (6) years and one (1) day to eight (8) years,
The post mortem examination of the body showed that Wapili sustained five (5) while the minimum shall be taken from the penalty next lower in degree which is
gunshot wounds: one (1) on the right portion of the head, one (1) on the right prision correccional, in any of its periods, the range of which is six (6) months and one
cheek, one (1) on the abdomen and two (2) on the right thigh. Wapili died due to (1) day to six (6) years.
While Tuadles lay bloodied and still, no one remembered to call an
The right to kill an offender is not absolute, and may be used only as a last ambulance or check if he was still alive. Instead, and there is no dispute in these
resort, and under circumstances indicating that the offender cannot otherwise succeeding events, Antonio convinced the two (2) security guards, prosecution
be taken without bloodshed. The law does not clothe police officers with
eyewitness SG Bobis included, to accompany him to his home. They remained at
authority to arbitrarily judge the necessity to kill. They must always bear in
mind that although they are dealing with criminal elements against whom Antonio’s residence for several hours, during which time Antonio made phone calls
society must be protected, these criminals are also human beings with human and summoned his lawyer. At around 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Antonio,
rights. accompanied by SPO4 Nieto, placed himself and his gun in the custody of San Juan
Mayor Jinggoy Estrada.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
All the accused pleaded not guilty and continued to rest their arguments on
ALBERTO ANTONIO, SPO4 JUANITO N. NIETO and SPO1 HONORIO CARTALLA, self-defense, and that the court erred in finding credibility in SG Bobis ’testimony
JR., accused-appellants. since he initially stated that he did not see the actual incident when he later negated
this and told that he had indeed seen appellant Antonio pull his gun from behind and
DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ARTICLE 248 MURDER shoot Tuadles in the head pointblank. This complete turnabout in SG Bobis ’
testimony, according to appellant Antonio, is a sure sign of the said witness ’
FACTS: unreliability, incredibility, and unworthiness.
Accused-appellants were found guilty for the crime of Murder qualified by ISSUE:
treachery, with Juanito and Honorio as accessories in killing Arnulfo B. Tuadles. On WON the accused-appellants were guilty for the crime of Murder, with Nieto
November 1, 1996, the appellants along with the victim whom Alberto “Ambet” was and Cartalla as accessories.
friends with, were inside the International Business Club playing cards such as poker RULING:
or “pusoy dos”, ordinary poker, or Russian poker. Their bets always ran into the tens YES. The Court ruled that given the positions of Nieto and Cartalla as
of thousands of pesos. Since one of their friends failed to show, only the two of them security guards, they should have immediately placed Antonio under arrest rather
played and continued playing until morning, pausing only when either of them had to than accompanying him to his house. Bobis ’reasoning that he was initially controlled
visit the restroom. They stopped playing at around 9:00 o’clock in the morning of by fear and confusion ergo his denial at first is accepted by the Court since his fear is
November 2, 1996, to eat breakfast. justified given the accused’s threats towards them. This Court also recognizes that
When it came time to tally their scores and collect the winnings from the loser, an the initial reticence of witnesses to volunteer information about a criminal case and
argument arose. It is at this point where the prosecution and the defense presented their aversion to be involved in criminal investigations due to fear of reprisal is not
two very different scenarios. The prosecution alleged and sought to prove that in the uncommon, and this fact has been judicially declared not to adversely affect the
course of an argument, without warning or cause, Antonio pulled his gun from behind credibility of witnesses.
his back and shot Tuadles at very close range, thus employing treacherous means to There are other reasons why the eyewitness testimony of SG Bobis was
accomplish the nefarious deed. The pivotal evidence presented by the prosecution given full faith and credit. SG Bobis, a mere security guard, realized he was no match
was the testimony of one Jose Jimmy T. Bobis, a security guard who testified as to to appellants Antonio and SPO4 Nieto. Appellant SPO4 Nieto was a member in active
how the shooting of Tuadles occurred. duty of the San Juan Police Force who was close to appellant Antonio. Considering
On the other hand, the defense hinged its opposing arguments on the SG Bobis ’lowly station in life, as compared to that of the said appellants, it is
testimony of accused Antonio himself, who testified that their argument was caused understandable that his initial reaction to the shocking events would be one of
by Tuadles ’refusal to pay Antonio’s winnings. In the middle of a heated altercation intimidation, if not fear.
where they traded expletives, Tuadles suddenly grabbed Antonio’s gun from atop a Furthermore, the accused Antonio fails to provide all the elements necessary
sidetable. Fearing for his life, Antonio claimed that he reached for Tuadles ’hand and to prove that he was acting out of self-defense, as there was no proof of an unlawful
aggression on the part of Tuadles. Having admitted responsibility for the killing of
they grappled for possession of the gun. As they wrestled, a single shot roared,
Tuadles, appellant Antonio claims the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender.
Tuadles fell face down to the floor, and Antonio was left too stunned to recall who had
On this score, we find merit in his claim considering that all the elements in order that
actually pulled the trigger.
voluntary surrender may be appreciated were attendant in his case. First, he had not
been actually arrested; Second, he surrendered himself to a person in authority; and The Mathematics class had just started in Room 15 when Renato suddenly burst into
Third, his surrender was voluntary. the room, shut the door and holding a revolver, shouted "Where is Francis?" Upon
Lastly, the Court rules that there is no treachery present in the case, all sighting Francis seated behind and to the right of student Ruel Ungab, Renato fired at
evidence points out that the incident was an impulse killing and made in the spur of Francis, hitting a notebook, a geometry book and the armrest of Ruel's chair. Francis
the moment. It was Antonio's sudden anger and heated passion which drove him to and Ruel jumped up and with several of their classmates rushed forward towards the
pull his gun and shoot Tuadles. Said passion, however, cannot co-exist with teacher's platform to seek protection from their teacher. Renato fired a second time,
treachery. this time hitting the blackboard in front of the class. Francis and the other students
Thus, the Court finds Antonio guilty of HOMICIDE, Nieto with accessory to rushed back towards the rear of the room. Renato walked towards the center of the
the crime of HOMICIDE and Cartalla ACQUITTED as the prosecution failed to prove classroom and fired a third time at Francis, hitting the concrete wall of the classroom.
that he had profited nor any motive in concealing the crime. Francis and a number of his classmates rushed towards the door, the only door to
*Cartalla is actually the investigating officer in the case and only accused as and from Room 15. Renato proceeded to the teacher's platform nearest the door and
accessory because of his failure to submit the laser sight equipped in the gun used by for the fourth time fired at Francis as the latter was rushing towards the door. This
Antonio. time, Francis was hit on the head. He fell and remained sprawled on the floor
bleeding profusely.
People v. Tac-an(1903) Renato then went out of Room 15, and paced between Rooms 14 and 15. A teacher,
Art. 248 Murder apparently unaware that it was Renato who had gunned down Francis, approached
Facts: Accused Renato Tac-an appeals from the decision of the Regional Trial Court Renato and asked him to help Francis as the latter was still alive inside the room.
of Tagbilaran City, convicting him of qualified illegal possession of a firearm and Renato thereupon re-entered Room 15, closed the door behind him, saying: "So, he
ammunition and of murder, imposing upon him the penalty of death in both cases. is still alive. Where is his chest?" Standing over Francis sprawled face down on the
Appellant Renato Tac-an, then 18-years-old, and the deceased Francis Ernest classroom floor, Renato aimed at the chest of Francis and fired once more.
Escaño III, 15-years-old, were classmates in the 3rd-year of highschool in Tagbilaran Renato then left with two remaining students and locked Francis alone inside Room
City. They were close friends, being not only classmates but also members of the 15. Renato proceeded to the ground floor and entered the faculty room. There, he
same gang, the Bronx gang. Renato had been to the house where Francis and his found some teachers and students and ordered them to lock the door and close the
parents lived and on those occasions, Francis' mother noticed that Renato had a windows, in effect holding them as hostages.
handgun with him. Francis was then advised by his mother to distance himself from After some time, a team of Philippine Constabulary troopers arrived and surrounded
Renato. Francis withdrew from the Bronx gang. The relationship between Renato and the faculty room. With a hand-held public address device, they called upon Renato to
Francis turned sour. surrender himself. Renato did not respond to this call. Renato's father who, by this
The strained relationship between the two was aggravated when Francis learned that time had also arrived, pleaded with Renato to surrender himself. Renato then turned
Renato, together with other members of the Bronx gang, was looking for him, over his gun. The PC soldiers rushed him to the Hospital. Francis died before
apparently with the intention of beating him up. Further deterioration of their reaching the hospital.
relationship occurred when graffiti appeared on the wall of the 3rd-year high school Issues: WON the trial court erred in not adjudging the defendant innocent of murder
classroom and on the armrest of a chair in that classroom, deprecating the Bronx based on the ff:
gang and describing Renato as "bayot" (homosexual). Renato attributed the graffiti to There was no treachery present - NO
Francis. There was no evident premeditation - YES
On December 1984, Renato entered Room 15 of the high school building to attend For B29 discharge of firearms:
his English III class. Renato placed his scrapbook prepared for their Mathematics WON the accused is guilty of Discharge of Firearms - NO
class on his chair, and approached the teacher to raise a question. Upon returning to WON the accused is guilty of Illegal possession of firearms aggravated by the fact
his chair, he found Francis sitting there, on the scrapbook. Renato was angered by that the firearm was used to kill Francis - YES
what he saw and promptly kicked the chair on which Francis was seated. Francis, Ruling:
however, explained that he had not intentionally sat down on Renato's scrapbook. A The trial court made a finding of treachery taking explicit account of the following
fistfight would have ensued but some classmates and two teachers intervened. While factors:
the English III class was still going on, Renato slipped out of the classroom and went The Court pointed out that Renato must have known that Francis while inside Room
home to get a gun. He was back at the classroom approximately 15 minutes later. 15 had no means of escape there being only one (1) door and Room 15 being on the
second floor of the building. Renato in effect blocked the only exit open to Francis as Art. 254. Discharge of firearms. — Any person who shall shoot at another with any
he stood on the teacher's platform closest to the door and fired as Francis and Ruel firearm shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium
sought to dash through the door. periods, unless the facts of the case are such that the act can be held to constitute
Renato's question "where is Francis?" cannot reasonably be regarded as an effort to frustrated or attempted parricide, murder, homicide or any other crime for which a
warn Francis for he shot at Francis the instant he sighted the latter, seated and higher penalty is prescribed by any of the articles of this Code.
talking to Ruel Ungab. Elements of Discharce of firearms (1) That the offender discharges a firearm against
That Renato fired three (3) shots before hitting Francis with the fourth shot, can only or at another person (2) That the offender has no intention to kill that person.
be ascribed to the indifferent markmanship of Renato and to the fact that Francis and Accused was guilty of the illegal possession becase the essential elements
the other students were scurrying from one part of the room to the other in an effort to in the prosecution for the crime of illegal possession of firearms are present. Those
evade the shots fired by Renato. The cumulative effect of the circumstances elements are as follows
underscored by the trial court was that the attack upon Francis had been carried out : (1) the existence of subject firearm; and, (2) the fact that the accused who
in a manner which disabled Francis from defending himself or retaliating against possessed or owned the same does not have the corresponding license for it. The
Renato. unvarying rule is that ownership is not an essential element of illegal possession of
Finally, the circumstance that Renato, having been informed that Francis was still firearms and ammunition. What the law requires is merely possession, which includes
alive, re-entered Room 15 and fired again at Francis who lay on the floor and bathed not only actual physical possession, but also constructive possession or the
with his own blood, manifested Renato's conscious choice of means of execution subjection of the thing to one’s control and management.” And it was aggravated by
which directly and especially ensured the death of his victim without risk to himself. the special circumstance that P.D. No. 1866 authorizes the increase of the imposable
We are compelled to agree with the trial court that treachery was here present and penalty for unlawful possession or manufacture, etc. of the unlicensed firearm where
that, therefore, the killing of Francis Ernest Escaño III was murder. such firearm was used to destroy human life. Although the circumstance that human
The trial court also found the presence of evident premeditation and appreciated the life was destroyed with the use of the unlicensed firearm is not an aggravating
same as a generic aggravating circumstance. circumstance under Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code, it may still be taken into
In order that evident premeditation may be taken into account, there must be proof of account to increase the penalty to death (reclusion perpetua, under the 1987
(a) the time when the offender formed his intent to commit the crime; (b) an action Constitution) because of the explicit provisions of P.D. No. 1866.
manifestly indicating that the offender had clung to his determination to commit the People v. Pugay (1988)
crime; and (c) of the passage of a sufficient interval of time between the determination Art. 248 Murder
of the offender to commit the crime and the actual execution thereof, to allow him to Facts: The deceased Bayani Miranda, a 25-year-old retardate, was at the fiesta fair at
reflect upon the consequences of his act. the town plaza of Cavite where the supposed murder took place. Sometime after
The defense pointed out that barely fifteen (15) minutes had elapsed from the time midnight, a group of inebriated men including accused-appellants Fernando Pugay
Renato left his English III class and the time he returned with a gun. While there was and Benjamin Samson arrived.
testimony to the fact that before that fatal day, anger and resentment had welled up When the group saw Miranda walking nearby, they started making fun of him, making
between Francis and Renato, there was no evidence adequately showing when him dance by tickling him with a piece of wood. It is to be noted that Miranda and the
Renato had formed the intention and determination to take the life of Francis. accused Pugay were friends. Miranda used to run errands for Pugay. Pugay then
Accordingly, we must discard evident premeditation as an aggravating circumstance. took a can of gasoline from under the engine of the ferris wheel and poured its
For B29 discharge of firearms contents on the body of Miranda.
In this case accused Renato has not fulfulled the elements of the violation of Eyewitness Eduardo Gabion, who was seated in the ferris wheel reading a comic
discharge of firearms book at the time, told Pugay not to do so while the latter was already in the process of
(1) That the offender discharges a firearm against or at another person. Although pouring the gasoline. The accused Samson then set Miranda on fire.
has shown that this element was present when he had fired 5 bullets in order to kill Several spectators including the ferris wheel operator rushed to help extinguish the
Francis. But the sedond element (2) That the offender has no intention to kill that flames by pouring water and sand, and wrapping Miranda with rags.
person. was not fullfilled because in order for the accused to be guilty of the Gabion would later testify that the accused Pugay and Samson were stunned when
discharge he should have no intention to kill the victim. The porpose of Renato must they noticed the deceased burning.
have been only to threaten francis
The accused Pugay admitted in his statement to the police hours after the incident, DOCTRINE/TOPIC: Art 248 Murder
that he poured a can of gasoline believing it was merely water, and that Samson set FACTS: At the general election of 1916, accused Jose I. Baluyot lost to Conrado
the deceased on fire. Meanwhile, Samson alleged in his statement that he saw Pugay Lerma who was elected governor of the Province of Bataan. As a result of this
pour gasoline, but did not see the person who set him on fire. The accused-appellants contest, a feeling of personal rancor was developed in the mind of Baluyot that
later repudiated their statements claiming they were extracted by force. Governor Lerma was persecuting him. On August 1918, Baluyot went to Bataan,
Upon being arraigned, both accused pleaded not guilty to the offense charged which taking with him a revolver, and went to the capital to meet with the Governor in his
was the crime of murder with the qualifying circumstance of treachery and the office. After the Governor’s meeting with Anjuarez, Baluyot entered the office. The
aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation and superior strength, and the evidence shows that at the time Baluyot re-entered the governor's office, the latter
means employed to weaken the defense. was sitting behind his desk in an ordinary office chair, unarmed. Baluyot approached
Issues: Whether or not the accused 1) Pugay and 2) Samson should be convicted of the desk and seemed to be asking the governor for his revolver. Immediately upon
murder. asking the governor about his revolver, and discovering that he was unarmed,
Ruling: Baluyot drew his own revolver and fired. The bullet first fired by Baluyot entered the
NO. We agree with the Solicitor General that the accused Pugay is only guilty of frontal region of the right shoulder blade of Governor Lerma. The line of direction
homicide through reckless imprudence defined in Article 365 of the Revised Penal followed by the ball indicates that the accused directed the shot in somewhat
Code, as amended. Having taken the can from under the engine of the ferris wheel downward direction and that Governor Lerma was in all probability reclining
and holding it before pouring its contents on the body of the deceased, this accused backwards in the chair at the instant the shot struck him. The governor immediately
knew that the can contained gasoline. The stinging smell of this flammable liquid arose, desiring to make good his escape, started to run, and Baluyot, raising his
could not have escaped his notice even before pouring the same. Clearly, he failed to revolver, again fired. The ball struck Governor Lerma in the region of the right
exercise all the diligence necessary to avoid every undesirable consequence arising shoulder blade and passed through the body an inch or two from the wound made by
from any act that may be committed by his companions who at the time were making the first shot. The firing of the second shot was seen by Antonino Aranjuez, whose
fun of the deceased. attention had been attracted by the noise of the first shot. Aranjuez was able to see
There is entire absence of proof in the record that the accused Samson had some the scene where Baluyot, with his arm extended, fired the second shot at his fleeing
reason to kill the deceased before the incident. On the contrary, there is adequate victim. The governor at this moment had his right hand raised to his already wounded
evidence showing that his act was merely a part of their fun-making that evening. For shoulder and was running in a direction away from his assailant rather than towards
the circumstance of treachery to exist, the attack must be deliberate and the culprit him. After the second shot was fired, Governor Lerma continued his flight along the
employed means, methods, or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and corridor and, instead of attempting to pass out to the right into the recorder's office,
specially to insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from any defense which which would have exposed him to the danger of another shot while passing through
the offended party might make. the open space, he took refuge in a closet at the end of the corridor. Once within, he
There can be no doubt that the accused Samson knew very well that the liquid shut the door and placed himself in a position to obstruct the entrance of his pursuer,
poured on the body of the deceased was gasoline and a flammable substance for he who vainly attempted to open the door. The governor then began to call aloud for
would not have committed the act of setting the latter on fire if it were otherwise. help, and Baluyot, judging the position of the governor's head from the direction of the
Giving him the benefit of doubt, it can be conceded that as part of their fun-making he sound thus emitted, fired his revolver in the direction indicated. The bullet passed
merely intended to set the deceased's clothes on fire. His act, however, does not through the panel of the door and struck Governor Lerma in the forward part of the
relieve him of criminal responsibility. head near and above the right temple. Death ensued in about two or three hours,
As no sufficient evidence appears in the record establishing any qualifying without recovery of consciousness. Baluyot, immediately after the tragedy, stepped
circumstances, the accused Samson is only guilty of the crime of homicide defined over to a window of the room overlooking the public square and calling to a squad of
and penalized in Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended. We are Constabulary, who were directing themselves to the provincial building, indicated that
disposed to credit in his favor the ordinary mitigating circumstance of no intention to they should come up. At the same time he threw his revolver to the ground, with three
commit so grave a wrong as that committed as there is evidence of a fact from which empty shells and others that had not been discharged. Upon the arrival of the
such conclusion can be drawn. The eyewitness Gabion testified that the accused Constabulary he surrendered without resistance.
Pugay and Samson were stunned when they noticed the deceased burning. ISSUE: WON accused is guilty of murder
US vs Baluyot RULING:
The qualifying circumstance of alevosía (treachery) essential to the crime of murder That the killing is not parricide or infanticide
was found to be present in the case at bar not only because of the sudden and
unexpected manner in which the fatal assault with a deadly weapon was begun G.R. No. 139542 June 21, 2001
against the defenseless victim, but also because of the peculiar conditions under PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
which the offense was finally consummated. Even though a deadly attack may be vs.
begun under conditions not exhibiting the feature of alevosía, yet if the assault is INOCENCIO GONZALES, JR., accused-appellant.
continued and the crime consummated with alevosía, such circumstance may be
taken into consideration as a qualifying factor in the offense of murder. In the herein DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ART 248 MURDER
case, an assault was begun suddenly and unexpectedly by the firing of a pistol by the FACTS:
accused at his victim, who was unarmed. As the latter attempted to flee, he was On October 31, 1998 around 2:30 pm, the families of Noel Andres and
pursued by the accused and driven to take refuge in a closet, where he called aloud Inocencio Gonzales were on their way to the exit of Loyola Memorial Park. The
for help. The accused then tried to force open the door but was unable to do so, appellant was driving a white Isuzu Esteem with his grandson and three housemaids,
owing to the resistance of the deceased from within. The accused, however, judging while the private complainant was driving a maroon Toyota FX with his pregnant wife
the position of the deceased from the cries emitted, fired his pistol in the direction Feliber Andres, his two-year-old son, Kenneth, his nephew Kevin and his sister-in-
thus indicated. The bullet passed through the panel of the door and, entering the law, Francar Valdez. At the intersection near the Garden of Remembrance, while the
head of the deceased, produced death. Hence, the Court ruled that the final attack accused-appellant Gonzalez was turning left towards the exit and the complainant
was characterized by alevosía and the crime perpetrated was murder even though Noel Andres was headed straight along the road to the exit their two vehicles almost
the attack had not been originally begun with alevosía. collided. Noel Andres then got out of his vehicle and knocked on the appellant’s car
NOTES: window.
Alevosía-treachery NOEL’s VERSION: He had calmly told the appellant to be careful with his driving to
Elements of treachery(1) at the time of the attack, the victim was not in a position to
which the accused replied, “Accidents are accidents, what’s your problem.” He saw
defend himself; and (2) the accused consciously and deliberately adopted the
the accused turn red with anger, deciding to turn back, he was then stopped by
particular means, methods, or forms of attack employed by him.
Inocencio’s son, Dino, and said, “Anong problema mo sa erpat ko?” Threatened, he
Murder is the unlawful killing of any person which is not parricide or infanticide as long went back inside his car and partially opened the window to talk to Dino. Suddenly,
as the following circumstances are present: one of his passengers said "Binaril kami". He turned to his wife Feliber Andres and
With Treachery, taking advantage of superior strength with the aid of armed men, or saw her bloodied and unconscious. He turned around and saw his son Kenneth and
employing means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford nephew Kevin were also wounded. Andres admitted in court that he and Dino were
impunity shouting at each other so that he did not hear the shot.
In consideration of a price, reward or promise INOCENCIO’S VERSION: Accused claims that Andres had cut his path leading to
By means of inundation fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, standing of. Vessel, their almost collision. He then claims that Noel got out of his car and repeatedly
derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or cursed at him, "Putang ina mo, ang tanda-tanda mo na hindi ka pa marunong
with the use of any other means involving great waste or ruin magmaneho. Ang bobo-bobo mo." The appellant stayed inside his car and allegedly
On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or an replied, "Pasensiya ka na hindi kita nakita, nasilaw ako. Aksidente lang."
earthquake, eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or any other public Dino, the appellant’s son, who rode in another vehicle decided to go back
calamity when he did not see his father’s car behind him. When Dino arrived at the scene, he
With evident premeditation confronted Andres and the two had an altercation and Andres suddenly reached for
With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or something inside his vehicle. This prompted the accused to get his own gun, an
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse. automatic Glock pistol from his glove compartment and ready to shoot. This is when
Elements of Murder the appellant’s daughter Trisha who was riding in Dino’s car arrived at the scene,
That a person was killed walked past Dino and Andres, and pushed the appellant away. She hugged her father
That the accused killed him and, in the process, held his hand holding the gun. The appellant tried to free his
That the killing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances
hand and with Trisha’s substantial body weight pushing against him the appellant lost physical injuries committed against Kenneth Andres and Kevin Valdez, the appellant
his balance and the gun accidentally fired. is hereby sentenced to 20 days of arresto menor in its medium period.
The Court finds the appellant guilty for the complex crime of Murder, Double
Frustrated Murder and Attempted Murder for shooting Noel but instead hitting Feliber, NOTES: Considering that the offenses committed by the act of the appellant of firing
John and Kevin. The accused contends his testimony and claims he had not intended a single shot are one count of homicide, a grave felony, and two counts of slight
to shoot anyone during the incident and only got his gun from his car when he thought physical injuries, a light felony, the rules on the imposition of penalties for complex
Noel was doing the same. crimes, which requires two or more grave and/or less grave felonies, will not apply.
WON Treachery exists in the crime committed. G.R. No. L-50884
WON the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the complex crime of Murder, March 30, 1988
Double Frustrated Murder, and Attempted Murder. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. SALUFRANIA
RULING: (Unintentional Abortion)
NO. The encounter between Noel Andres and the appellant was a chance encounter.
They were total strangers before their vehicles almost collided at an intersection FACTS:
inside the memorial park. The means employed for the commission of the crime or In an information, dated 7 May 1976, Filomeno Salufrania (“Salufrania”) was charged
the mode of attack must be shown to have been consciously or deliberately adopted before the Court of First Instance of Camarines Norte, with the complex crime of
by the accused to insure the consummation of the crime and at the same time parricide with intentional abortion, with the penalty of death and to indemnify the heirs
eliminate or reduce the risk of retaliation from the intended victim, this was not of the deceased Marciana Abuyo (“Marciana”) P12,000.00 and to pay costs. Upon
present in this case. Thus, the sudden attack made by the accused due to his arraignment, the accused pleaded not guilty to the offenses charged.
infuriation by reason of the victim’s provocation was held to be without treachery. The
fact that the appellant fired his gun from behind the victim does not by itself amount to PROSECUTION
treachery. There is no evidence on record that the appellant deliberately positioned The lone eyewitness of the prosecution is Pedro Salufrania (“Pedro”), 13-year old son
himself behind the victim to gain advantage over him when he fired the shot of herein appellant and of deceased. After determination by the courts that Pedro was
intelligent and capable of receiving correct impressions of facts and of relating them
NO, Court rules that in absence of Treachery, it should only be Homicide. We have truly, as well as not being threatened to testify by anyone against his father-accused,
earlier pointed out that the intent to kill is absent in this case. Considering the nature he testified that at about 6 o'clock in the evening of Dec. 3, 1974, Salufrania and
and location of their injuries and the number of days required for the treatment of the Marciana were quarreling in their small house at a far-away sittio in barrio Tigbinan,
two children, who had metallic fragments in their faces and were already discharged Labo, Camarines Norte; that during said quarrel, Salufrania boxed Marciana, who
after six days, we find that the crime committed for the injuries sustained by the was 7 months pregnant at the time, on the stomach and, once fallen on the floor,
children are two counts of slight physical injuries under Art. 266 of the Revised Penal Salufrania strangled Marciana to death. Pedro further testified that after the incident,
Code Salufrania went out of the house to get a hammock; that his brother Alex and he were
The plea for the appreciation of the mitigating circumstance of incomplete defense of the only ones who witnessed how the accused killed their mother because his sister
a relative is also unmeritorious since the act of Andres in cursing and shouting at the and other brothers were already asleep when the incident happened; that his brothers
appellant and his son do not amount to an unlawful aggression against them, Dino Celedonio, Danilo and sister Merly woke up after the death of their mother and kept
Gonzalez. Finally, the plea for the appreciation of the mitigating circumstance of lack watch at their mothers body while their father was away; that their father arrived early
of intent to commit so grave a wrong is likewise devoid of merit.The appellant’s use of the next morning with the hammock and after placing their dead mother on the
a gun, although not deliberately sought nor employed in the shooting, should have hammock, the accused carried her on his shoulder and brought the cadaver to the
reasonably placed the appellant on guard of the possible consequences of his act. house of his sister Conching, located at a populated section of Tigbinan that from
For the death of Feliber Andres, and in the absence of any mitigating circumstance, Tigbinan the corpse was transferred to Gabon, Talisay, Camarines Norte for burial.
the appellant is hereby sentenced to an indeterminate sentence of 8 years and 1 day Witness states that he is now living with his uncle Eduardo Abuyo in fear of Salufrania
of prision mayor, in its medium period, as minimum to 14 years 8 months and 1 day of because of his threat to kill Pedro should he reveal the true cause of Marciana’s
reclusion temporal in its medium period, as maximum. For each count of the slight
death (deceased’s relatives knowledge of cause of death was stomach ailment and Subsequently, accused-appellant was charged with the crime stated above and
headache). sentenced him to the penalty of death. Therefore, this case is on automatic review
before this Court.
For the defense, the accused Salufrania stood at the witness stand and narrated his
version of the story coupled with three other witness, namely Geronimo Villlan ISSUES:
(“Villan”), Juanita Bragais (“Bragais”), and Liling Angeles Balce (“Balce”), to WON the trial court erred in convicting the accused on the basis of the testimony of
an incompetent witness, and on inconsistent and insufficient evidence of the
corroborate his claims. Salufrania states that at around 9 o’clock in the morning of
prosecution. – NO.
Dec. 3, 1974, Marciana arrived home from Talisay where she had earlier stayed for
WON the trial court erred in discrediting the evidence for the accused – NO.
about a week; that she was hungry upon her arrival, so he allegedly cooked their food
WON the trial court erred in convicting the accused of the complex crime of parricide
and after eating their lunch, he proceeded to his work while his wife rested in their
with intentional abortion. – YES.
house; that when he returned home at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, his wife
complained of stomach pain and he was told to prepare the beddings because she
was already sleepy; that at about 4:00 o'clock in the morning of Dec. 4, 1974, he was
Appellant alleges that Pedro is presumed incompetent under Rule 130 Sec. 19(b) of
awakened by his wife who was still complaining of stomach pain, and that she asked
the Revised Rules of court since he is only thirteen (13) years old when he testified,
for a drink of hot water; that while he was boiling water, Villan arrived and assisted
and only eleven (11) years old when the offense charged occurred, and, therefore, his
him in administering to his wife the native treatments known as "hilot" or massaging
testimony should not have been admitted. Appellant's contention is without merit. The
and "banti" that Villan and Francisco Repuya alternately applied "bantil" to his wife but
trial court's conclusion that Pedro was intelligent and competent is fully supported by
when her condition worsened, he woke up his children, Pedro and Alex to fetch Rico
Pedro's responsiveness to the questions propounded to him when he was already
Villanueva who might be able to ,save the life of their mother; that his children left and
under oath. Even with all the alleged inconsistencies and improbabilities pointed out
returned without Rico Villanueva but the latter arrived a little later.
by Salufrania to discredit Pedro’s testimony, the court found the testimony of Pedro to
Salufrania then sent for Bragais but the latter was not able to cure his wife, since the be very clear, convincing and truthful, with each alleged inconsistency and
latter was already dead when he arrived; that after the death of his wife, he ordered improbability satisfactorily explained by the court. Even if there were discrepancies,
his children to get the hammock of Kaloy Belardo whose house was about two (2) such discrepancies were minor and may be considered as earmarks of verisimilitude.
kilometers away from their house, and upon the arrival of the hammock, he placed This contention is without merit. After closely observing defense witnesses Geronimo
the body of his wife thereon and brought it to the house of his sister Consolacion Villan and Angeles Liling Balce, this Court is convinced that their testimonies and
Salufrania in Tigbinan; that while the corpse of Marciana Abuyo was at Tigbinan he accounts of the incident are fabricated, untruthful and not worth of credence. Their
sent Chiding and his elder son to inform the brothers and sisters of his wife at Talisay exact and uniform declarations, that Marciana died at 6:00 o'clock in the morning of 4
about her death and that Leonila Abuyo and Salvador Abuyo came; that he informed December 1974, in their house at sitio Kapagisahan Tigbinan Labo, Carnarines
the Barangay Captain of Tigbinan of the cause of death of his wife; that upon the Norte, of stomach pain, which seemed to be very fresh and clear in their minds,
suggestion of the brothers and sisters of Marciana Abuyo, especially Salvador Abuyo, despite the lapse of four long years and without sufficient special or uncommon
the body of their sister was brought home to Talisay and thereafter buried at the reason to recall, rendered their testimonies unconvincing.
Talisay Cemetery; that there was no quarrel between him and his wife that preceded
the latter's death, and that they loved each other whilst alive; that after her burial, his Furthermore, two of the defense ’witness has no basis for presentation since both
son Pedro Salufrania was taken by his brother-in-law Narciso Abuyo and since then, Bragais and Balce were not present at the time of death of Marciana, both of whom
he was not able to talk to his son until during the trial; and that at the time of death of allegedly arrived after the victim’s death, with the former being summoned by
his wife, aside from the members of his family, Villan, Francisco Repuya and Balce Salufrania while the latter was allegedly called by one of his sons . Francisco Repuya,
were also present. who was also alleged by Salufrania to be present when Marciana died, did not testify.
Villan who claimed he passed-by the house of Salufrania and saw the latter boiling
water for medicine for Marciana, who was about to give birth was discredited by
Salufrania himself who declared he was merely boiling water for a hot drink for his
wife, who was suffering from her old stomach ailment. In like manner, Villan rather, she was boxed on the stomach and strangled to death by their father; that
discredited the Salufrania, about the presence of Francisco Repuya, who allegedly immediately after learning of the true cause of death of his sister, he brought the
alternated with Villan in applying the native treatments of 'hilot' and 'bantil' to matter to the attention of the police authorities of Talisay, Camarines Norte, who
Marciana, when throughout his testimony he (Villan) never mentioned the presence of investigated Alex and Pedro Salufirania and later, to that of the Office of the
Francisco Repuya. Provincial Fiscal of Camarines Norte.
In this contention, Salufrania is correct. He should not be held guilty of the complex
crime of Parricide with Intentional Abortion but of the complex crime of Parricide with DEFENSE:
Unintentional Abortion. Mere boxing on the stomach, taken together with the GERONIMO VILLAN
immediate strangling of the victim in a fight, is not sufficient proof to show an intent to A neighbor of Sulfrania. He declared that Marciana died at around 6:00 o'clock in the
cause an abortion. In fact, appellant must have merely intended to kill the victim but morning of Dec. 4, 1974 in her house at Sitio Kapagisahan Tigbinan Labo, Camarines
not necessarily to cause an abortion. Norte; that he happened to pass by because his attention was attracted by the bright
light in the fireplace and he saw Salufrania boiling "ikmo" and garlic as medicine for
Wherefore, as modified, the judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED. Accused- his wife who was about to deliver a child; that he helped the accused by applying
appellant is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The "ikmo" to the different parts of the body of Marciana and by administering the native
indemnity of P12,000. 00 awarded to the heirs of the deceased Marciana Abuyo is treatment known as "bantil", that is, by pinching and pulling the skin with two fingers
increased to P30,000.00 in line with the recent decisions of the Court. With costs of his closed fist; that when the condition of Marciana worsened, he told Salufrania to
against the appellant. go and get Bragais who is known as a healer but the latter arrived at about 7:00
o'clock in the morning of 4 December 1974 and that at that time Marciana was
already dead.


PROSECUTION: He testified that he was fetched by Felipe Salufrania, another son of Salufrania at
DR. JUAN L. DYQUIANGCO JR. – Rural Health Officer of Talisay, Camarines Norte about 6:00 o'clock in the morning of Dec. 4, 1974. He further testified that when he
that as a Doctor of Medicine, he had performed about ten (10) post mortem reached the house of the Salufranias, Marciana was already dead so he just helped
examinations; that he was called upon by the Municipal Judge of Talisay to examine Salufrania in transferring the body of his wife to the house of the latter's brother-in-law
the corpse of Marciana Abuyo-Salufrania that was exhumed from its grave in the at Tigbinan, Labo, Camarines Norte.
Municipal Cemetery of Talisay at around 11:00 o'clock in the morning of 11 December
1974. Post-mortem examination yielded results of death b strangulation with the ANGELES LILLING BALCE
victim pregnant with a baby boy about 7-8 months old. Caimed to be a former resident of Kapagisahan Tigbinan, Labo, Camarines Norte and
testified that she arrived in the house of Salufrania at about 6:00 o'clock in the
NARCISO ABUYO – sister of Marciana and resident of Gabon Talisay Camarines morning of Dec. 4, 1974 after being called by one of the latter's sons; that she saw
Norte Marciana still in a coma lying on the lap of her husband who informed her that
He testified that Salufrania and his sister, Marciana, were lawfully wedded husband Marciana was suffering from an old stomach ailment.
and wife; he declared that his sister was more or less seven (7) months pregnant
when she died; that he first came to know about his sister's death on Dec. 4, 1974 NOTES:
thru his nephews Pedro and Alex Salufrania who first informed him that their mother The elements of Unintentional Abortion are as follows:
died of stomach ailment and headache; that he went to Tigbinan to request for the That there is a pregnant woman;
body of his sister so that it may be buried in Talisay, Camarines Norte. That violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending an abortion;
That the violence is intentionally exerted; and
Narciso Abuyo also declared that after the burial of Marciana, the three (3) children of That as a result of the violence the foetus dies, either in the womb or after having
his deceased sister went to his house and refused to go home with their father been expelled therefrom.
Salufrania; that when asked for the reason why, his nephew Alex Salufraña told him
that the real cause of death of their mother was not stomach ailment and headache,
Pedro allegedly testified on direct examination that the corpse was carried to Tigbinan
in the morning of December 4, while on cross-examination, he said it was in the
Pedro merely answered "yes" to a question purportedly mentioning the time when the
victim's body was transferred to Tigbinan. It is to be noted that the question's thrust is
INCONSISTENCIES POINTED OUT BY SALUFRANIA IN PEDRO’S TESTIMONY whether or not the victim's body was brought to Tigbinan. The time it was brought was
AND ITS SUBSEQUENT REBUTTAL BY THE SUPREME COURT merely incidental. Thus, Pedro may not have paid attention to the part of the question
involving time.
INCONSISTENCIES Pedro allegedly testified on direct examination that he, together with his brothers and
REBUTTAL sister, kept vigil beside their mother's dead body that night, while on cross-
Pedro changed his answer from no to yes when he was asked whether he was examination, he testified that they just kept lying down and pretended to sleep.
threatened by his uncle to testify against his father There is nothing inconsistent here. The children could have kept vigil while lying down
Pedro became confused when the trial court ordered that the original question be with their deceased mother.
reformed. Pedro's confusion is apparent from the fact that when asked the third time,
he affirmed his first answer.
Pedro testified on direct examination that his mother died in the evening of December IMPROBABILITIES POINTED OUT BY SALUFRANIA IN PEDRO’S TESTIMONY
3. while on cross-examination he said that she died in the morning of December 4 AND ITS SUBSEQUENT REBUTTAL BY THE SUPREME COURT
It must be noted that he affirmed twice during cross-examination that his mother died
on December 3, just as he had testified during direct examination. IMPROBABILITIES
Pedro merely answered 'yes' to the question "And isn't it that your mother died in the It was improbable for Pedro to have seen the attack on his mother since he testified
early morning on that day (December 4) and not on the evening of December 3?" that the room was dimly lighted, and that, while the attach was going on, he closed
Thus, Pedro's answer could have resulted only from a misapprehension of the a his eyes pretending to sleep.
question, and for no other reason. Even though the room was dimly lighted, Pedro was only two (2) meters away from
Pedro testified on direct examination that he saw appellant leave the house to get a his parents; thus, he could easily see, as he saw, the attack on his mother.
hammock after strangling the victim and then came back the following morning.
However, upon cross-examination, Pedro testified that appellant left at noon or in the Also, although he pretended to be asleep, it was unlikely that he kept his eyes closed
afternoon of December 4. all the while, as he was aware that a fight was going on. Rather, it was to be expected
that he had his eyes open and, thus, he saw the heinous crime unfold and ultimately
Moreover, Pedro allegedly testified on re-direct that he saw appellant sleep beside consummated.
the dead body of his mother. Salufrania does not believe that it was fear of him that caused the delay in Pedro's
Pedro misapprehended the question propounded to him. divulging the real cause of his mother's death until 10 December 1974. According to
appellant, such fear could no longer have influenced Pedro from December 6, the
It must be noted that the question was so worded that it could have misled Pedro to date he started to live separately from him.
think that what was being asked was the time when appellant brought his dead wife to Even though Pedro started to live separately from his father from December 6, it
Tigbinan. In fact, there is nothing inconsistent with Pedro's testimony that he saw his cannot be said that the influence of appellant's threat suddenly ceased from that time.
father leave in the evening of December 3 and again saw him asleep and thus not
noticed appellant's coming back after securing a hammock and sleeping beside the It must be noted that Pedro was young and was still very much under appellant's
deceased. Pedro was therefore telling the truth when he said that, upon waking up, influence and control. The thought and memory of his father's viciousness were still
he saw his father sleeping beside his dead mother. By then, appellant had already too fresh even after three days from his mother's death. The fear that he too could be
returned with the hammock. killed by appellant in like manner must have deterred him from divulging the truth
It was improbable for Pedro to have just watched the killing of his mother. tricycle which they traced to the house of Real whereat they found the black ammo
At that moment, when his mother was being assaulted and strangled, Pedro must pouch. and the camouflage holster with the name of Emelo inscribed and with live
have been so shocked as to be rendered immobile and powerless to do anything. and spent bullets on the back seat and putting together the evidence thus far
This is a normal reaction in such a situation. Besides, it is a fact of life that different gathered, he was able to apprehend the three, namely: Porras, Emelo and Real.
people react differently to the same types of situations. One cannot overlook that Appellants claim that some of the trial court's factual findings are product of
there is no standard form of behaviour when one is confronted by a shocking imagination and gross misrepresentation allegedly due to lack of. evidentiary support.
occurrence. While our examination of the record shows that the assailed factual findings are in
Since the prosecution has failed without satisfactory explanation to present Pedro's some respects inaccurate they, however, did not debilitate the prosecution's case and
brother Alex who is alleged to be also an eyewitness to the killing of the victim, it is neither did they affect the appellant's finding of guilt.
presumed that Alex's testimony would be adverse to the prosecution if presented. Issues: Whether or not The trial court erred in appreciating the qualifying
First, Alex, who is younger than Pedro by 3 years, may not have been competent to circumstance of treachery in the case of Porras. - YES
testify due to his tender age. Second, even assuming that he was competent to Ruling: Treachery must be proved by clear and convincing evidence, or as
testify, his testimony could be merely corroborative. conclusively as the killing itself. And to appreciate it, two conditions must concur, viz:
(a) the employment of means of execution that gives the person attacked no
Corroboration is not necessary in this case because the details of the crime have opportunity to defend himself or to retaliate, and (b) that said means of execution be
already been testified to by Pedro with sufficient clarity. The failure to present all the deliberately and consciously adopted. In this regard, the prosecution failed to
eyewitnesses to an act does not necessarily give rise to an unfavorable presumption, definitively establish the manner in which the initial assault against the deceased
especially when the testimony of the witness sought to be presented is merely victim was committed to justify the appreciation of treachery.
corroborative. This hiatus in the prosecution's evidence cannot be substituted by mere suppositions
as what the trial court apparently did. It is a well settled rule that in order to appreciate
People v. Porras(1996) treachery as a modifying circumstance in a continuous aggression, as in this case,
Art. 249 Homicide the same must be shown present at the inception of the attack. Absent any showing
Facts: The appealed judgment went for the People, found appellants John Jenn therefore, treachery as a qualifying circumstance may not be considered.
Porras and Sergio Emelo guilty of MURDER and appellant Sergio Emelo guilty of With respect to Emelo, we find that the trial court properly discarded the qualifying
FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE John Jenn Porras is hereby acquitted. circumstance of treachery and correctly ruled that the crime committed is Frustrated
Accused John Jenn Porras and Sergio Emelo went to the police Station looking for Homicide and not Frustrated Murder as alleged in the information. The shooting of
Pfc. Roldan Emelo of the Cavite City PNP, a cousin of the latter. They were directed Sgt. Catalino Bermas who was fully aware of the risks in pursuing appellants was, at
by Sgt. Pilapil to where he was. They had some food and drinks at the Banaue best, done in a spur of the moment, an act which can hardly be characterized as
Restaurant and Emelo asked for his black ammo pouch and some .38 caliber treacherous for it was nowhere proved that the same was deliberately adopted to
ammunition; that thereafter, flagged him down along M. Gregorio St. They proceeded deny Sgt. Bermas the opportunity to defend himself.
to the Aroma Beer House where the victim, Rosendo Mortel was tabled and wherein The actual participation of the appellants in the killing of Rosendo Mortel having been
some misunderstanding happened. Mortel went out and was shot at close range by established by the prosecution, they are therefore equally liable pursuant to the rule
either Porras or Emelo as seen by a waitress. Porras, after seeing Mortel sprawled on on conspiracy "that the act of one is the act of all". Conspiracy proved concerns solely
the ground and bloodied, fled into an alley and thereafter returned and shot the victim the killing of Mortel and is not the shooting of Sgt. Catalino Bermas. Thus, appellant
twice and sped away on a tricycle. Sgt. Catalino Bermas was then monitoring the Sergio Emelo alone should be held liable for the crime of Frustrated Homicide.
situation on his motorcycle and gave chase.
During the chase, Bermas was shot by Emelo along the way after having told them PEOPLE VS CASTILLO
(Emelo and Real) to go to the Police Station and Bermas, feeling the effects of his
wounds chanced upon Cpl. Dela Cruz in front of the Beer House and asked for his DOCTRINE: Homicide
assistance. They rode in tandem and pursued the tricycle, but they failed to catch the
assailants. FACTS: The complaining witness, Silvino Belarmino, had been suffering from a
Sgt. Amorico Alvarez, who was then following up unsolved cases in the Station was certain disease, for which Dr. Antonio G. Sison prescribed the following medicine:
apprised of the shooting, went to the place and was informed about the identity of the
Spartein sulphate - 1.00 that he was in a serious condition; and so complainant's family sent for Dr. Ricardo
Phenobarbital - 0.50 Reyes, who advised complainant's wife to rub his body with hot water which produced
Carbromal - 5.00 some relief, after he had urinated; and the following day when Doctor Reyes returned,
Mx. Div. et pone in cap. No. XV complainant explained to him all that had happened and showed him the remaining
Sig.; One capsule, once a day four capsules contained in the cardboard box, marked as Exhibit B, on which the
prescription had not been written, and Doctor Reyes advised the complainant not to
Belarmino presented the prescription to the Universal Drug Store, in the City of take any more of said remaining four capsules.
Manila, where he secured the medicine described therein contained in a bottle on
which the prescription was written, and after taking said medicine his health was That believing that there must have been something wrong with the medicine, the
somewhat improved. When the symptoms of the said disease recurred, following the complaining witness sent two of the four capsules to the Bureau of Science for
instructions given him by Doctor Sison to continue taking said medicine, he copied examination. It was shown that the filling prescription Exhibit 2, defendant and
said prescription (Exhibit 2), and, in the morning of February 18, 1941, presented it to appellant had erroneously used and mixed, instead of spartein sulphate as called for
the Escudero Drug Store, in the City of San Pablo, Laguna, and asked Dr. Leon in the prescription, strychnine sulphate, a highly poisonous substance — 50.5
Castillo, the manager of the said drug store, and a friend of the complainant, whether milligrams in one and 61.75 milligrams in the other.
they could prepare said medicine, after having failed to secure the same in other drug
stores in the locality; and having been answered in the affirmative, the complaining It has also been shown by expert testimony presented in this case that herein
witness requested Doctor Castillo to have prepared for him 1/3 of the formula and complainant had been a victim of strychnine poisoning and that 50.5 milligrams of
Doctor Castillo himself wrote "1/3 f." on Exhibit 2, for P1, as the whole formula cost strychnine sulphate found in one of the capsules examined was sufficient to cause
P3; as there was some doubt as to the figure appearing after the word "carbromal" on the death of herein complainant, if not for the fact that, in compounding said
Exhibit 2, Belarmino requested Doctor Castillo to check it up, and the latter corrected prescription, phenobarbital and carbromal had been mixed therewith, in the quantities
the said figure by writing the figure "5" in ink in the figure "6" appearing after the word specified in the prescription, which two substances diminished the deadly effect of
"carbromal." strychnine sulphate as poison.

As Belarmino himself wanted to be sure about the said figure, he proposed to return The Court of First Instance of Laguna acquitted Dr. Leon Castillo, manager of the
to said drug store in the afternoon with the bottle marked Exhibit C, on which the Escudero Drug Store, on the ground of reasonable doubt, but found herein defendant
prescription was written. Mrs. Raymundo was already a pharmacy graduate, but she and appellant, Nena Tanalega Raymundo, guilty of the crime of frustrated homicide
had not yet taken and passed the government examination conducted by the Board of through reckless imprudence.
Pharmaceutical Examiners; and she had worked as a pharmacy clerk in different drug
stores in the City of Manila, before her employment in the same capacity in the ISSUE: WON the defendant-appellant was correctly convicted for the crime of
Escudero Drug Store in the City of San Pablo. Mrs. Raymundo prepared the balance frustrated homicide through reckless imprudence — NO
and began computing the formula contained in Exhibit 2 to reduce it to 1/3 after which
she proceeded to compound the medicine, using, among others, the substances RULING: NO. The offense of frustrated homicide requires the concurrence of the
contained in said two bottles. The medicine compounded by defendant and appellant essential requisite of intent to kill, which is incompatible with the charge of reckless
was placed in five (5) capsules and was delivered to herein complainant. imprudence; although a charge for physical injuries, serious or less serious, through
reckless imprudence, is legally proper under the law; as in that case the act sought to
At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, the complainant took one of the be punished is the material damage or injury actually done. Defendant and appellant
capsules with a glass of water, and left his house for a walk; and about 20 minutes Nena Tanalega Raymundo is found guilty of having prepared one medicine for
after he had taken said medicine, he became ill. He felt dizzy and had difficulty in another, under a false name, in violation of the provisions of section 751 of the
breathing, and he could hardly stand as his knees became shaky, and for that reason, Revised Administrative Code.
he immediately consulted with physicians, namely, Dr. Felisa Celestino and Dr.
Ricardo Reyes, and the latter advised him to go home and rest. About two hours In the case at bar, the Court of Appeals concluded that the offense committed by the
afterwards, complainant's legs began to stiffen, his stomach to harden, his lips to defendant and appellant was slight physical injuries through reckless imprudence.
draw back, and his tongue to shrink to his throat, and he could not talk and thought Furthermore, counsel for defendant and appellant contends that the offense of slight
physical injuries through reckless imprudence were imputable to herein defendant of Pharmaceutical Examiners. But the offenses penalized under the provisions of
and appellant because the period for corresponding criminal action had already section 751 of the Revised Administrative Code, in connection with the provisions of
prescribed. section 2676 thereof, may be committed not only by licensed druggists and
pharmacists, but also by any other person preparing any drug, chemical, medicine or
The legal question raised by counsel for defendant and appellant appears to be quite poison, under any fraudulent name.
plausible, and defendant and appellant would appear to be entitled to a judgment of G.R. Nos. L-32246-48 June 30, 1988
acquittal, under the Revised Penal Code. ARCADIO CORTEZ y VENGZON, PAULINO SAMPANG y BUNGUE, petitioners,
However, Section 751 of the Revised Administrative Code (1940 ed.) provides as THE COURT OF APPEALS and THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.
SEC. 751. Responsibility for quality of drugs. — Every pharmacist shall be
responsible for the quality of all drugs, chemicals, medicines, and poisons he may sell FACTS:
or keep for sale; and it shall be unlawful for any person whomsoever to manufacture, On October 21, 1961, Santiago Baltazar, his wide, Escolastica Pingol and
prepare, sell, or administer any prescription, drug, chemical, medicine, or poison their four sons Ruben, Pablo, Orlando and Luis were sleeping in their house when
under any fraudulent name, direction, pretense or to adulterate any drug, chemical, Santiago was awakened by the barking of the dogs. Then he heard a voice which he
medicine, or poison so used, sold, or offered for sale. Any drug, chemical, medicine, recognized as that of Arcadio Cortez for he knew him long before the incident, asking
or poison shall be held to be adulterated or deteriorated within the meaning of this "Are the owners of the house in?” He peeped through a hole and there on the ground
section if it differs from the standard of quality or purity given in the United States he saw and recognized, for the moon was very bright, another man, Paulino
Pharmacopoeia.And the violation of any provision contained in said section 751 of the Sampang, also an acquaintance of his. He then went downstairs, and approached
Revised Administrative Code (1940 ed.) is punished in accordance with the Paulino who was armed with a .22 cal. gun. He asked them what they wanted to
provisions of section 2676 thereof, which are as follows: which he answered "If you want to know, you come and see our Commander." When
he said "Commander he was referring to Arcadio Cortez who was under a bullcart.
SEC. 2676. General Violation of Pharmacy Law. — Any person engaging in the When Santiago Baltazar approached Arcadio Cortez, the latter moved away
practice of pharmacy in the (Philippine Islands) Philippines contrary to any provision from him and holding a (G)arand with his two hands over his head, told Baltazar: "Go
of the Pharmacy Law or violating any provision of said law for which no specific back to your wife." Baltazar started moving towards the house and upon reaching the
penalty is provided shall, for each offense, be punished by a fine not to exceed five foot of the stairs, he faced them (Arcadio Cortez and Paulino Sampang). At this
hundred pesos, or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the instance, Cortez and Sampang began shooting at the house and also at him. He lost
discretion of the court. consciousness after getting hit in his right thigh, and upon waking up he felt Pablo
embracing him and saw that his wife and youngest son already dead.
The profession of pharmacy demands care and skill; and druggists must exercise People began coming to the premises. Among them was Vice-Mayor
care of a specially high degree, the highest degree of care known to practical men. In Genaro Dimalanta to whom Santiago Baltazar gave two unfired bullets which he
reality, for the druggist, mistake is negligence and care is no defense. And in Criminal found on the ground. They fell when the Garand held by Arcadio Cortez jammed
Law, run the same rigorous rules. Apothecaries, or apothecary clerks, who are guilty twice. Thus, the Court convicted the petitioners for the crime of homicide and less
of negligence in the sale of medicine when death ensues in consequence, have been physical injuries. The appellants question Baltazar’s testimony, since he initially failed
held guilty of manslaughter. (Tessymond's Case [1828], 1 Lewin, C. C., 169.) United to name them as the culprits, when Major Lim visited him while he was hospitalized
States vs. Pineda, 37 Phil. 456, 458. and he claims that he did not know who it was.
In the instant case, the defendant and appellant Nena Tanalega Raymundo, was only WON the appellants are guilty of Homicide and Less Physical Injuries.
a pharmacy clerk. But it must be borne in mind that, at the time of the commission of RULING:
the alleged offense, defendant and appellant was already a pharmacy graduate, and YES. Since Baltazar reasoned out that he had initially feigned ignorance was
that she had worked as a pharmacy clerk in several drug stores in the City of Manila, out of fear that they might come back, the Court finds that his fear and apprehension
although she had not yet taken and passed the examinations prescribed by the Board
for the safety of his family and his guarded suspicion of the identity of the party, from out of nowhere Amado suddenly appeared and hacked him with a bolo
investigators were reasonable reactions of an ordinary man agitated by a frightful and hitting him on his right elbow. Hernando ran away but Amado chased him. When
shocking occurrence. He had just witnessed the violent deaths of his wife and Hernando stumbled to the ground Amado hacked him again hitting him. He then
youngest son. With the memory of the traumatic experience still fresh in his mind, he clubbed Amado the people around ganged up on the latter.
reasonably entertained the belief that to reveal the identities of the culprits would be ISSUE: WON accused is guilty of murder - YES
tantamount to inviting their retribution. RULING: Accused is guilty of murder becaus there is a presence of a qualifying
Contrary to petitioner's contention, corpus delicti here has also been proven. cirumstance which is treachery
As early as People v. Mones [58 Phil. 5 (1933)], this Court has held that corpus delicti
is the fact of specific loss or injury and that in homicide, the fact of death, whether or The Court in assessing the circumstances of the killing of the deceased Amado
not feloniously caused, is the corpus delicti. This has been sufficiently shown by the Zabalo, Jr. by all the 3 accused who actively helped one another in perpetrating the
death certificates of the victims and the testimony of Santiago Baltazar. With sufficient killing could not but rule that the killing was attended by treachery to qualify the
proof of the corpus delicti, the extrajudicial confessions are thus sufficient to convict offense to murder. The above finding was primarily premised on the fact that at the
Cortez and Sampang of homicide and less serious physical injuries. time the attack was launched at the sea by the 3 accused, the victim was not in a
Lastly, we consider the defense raised by petitioners. Cortez claimed that he position to defend himself. Thus, at the time of attack the victim was in the water with
was in a neighboring sitio guarding his growing crops against wild pigs while a depth up to his armpit. In the situation he found himself, it is quite obvious his
Sampang alleged that he was at home attending to his sick child. Alibi is easily freedom of movement to adequately protect and defend his person was very much
fabricated such that courts must accept it only with great caution. For such defense to restricted taken in conjunction with the 3 aggressors who were riding in a banca and
prosper, it is not enough that the accused were somewhere else but that it must be hitting him all at the same time.
clearly shown that it was physically impossible for them to have been at the place of
the crime or its immediate vicinity at the time of its commission. Alibi also fails due to From the manner of attack employed by the accused, it may reasonably be deduced
the positive identification of Baltazar. He had knowd Cortez and Sampang for a or inferred that accused consciously adopted the mode of attack employed by them to
considerable period of time and there was no showing that he held a grudge nor ill insure its success. When they pursued the victim who run towards the seashore and
towards the two. opted to go to the water, it must be construed when they availed themselves of a
Thus, the Court denies the petition and affirms the decision of the trial court. banca, they did so with a decided advantage on their part without risk to their
personal safety. It can thus be seen that at the time the fatal blows were delivered
People vs Dalabajan treachery can thus be firmly appreciated against them.

DOCTRINE/TOPIC: Murder Treachery may not be present at the inception of the attack, but if the attack is
FACTS: During a dance party, Melencio dela Cruz saw Hernando Dalabajan kick and continuous and treachery existed at the time of the consummation of the killing the
stab one Amado Zabalo, Jr. as the latter was corning out of the barangay hall. Amado crime committed is not homicide but murder. (People vs. Cariño, et al., 58 SCRA
tried to escape but Hernando, Dominador, Fernando and their other 516).
relatives pursued him. The three accused-appellants helped one another in hitting
Amado with bladed instruments, wooden clubs and a boat paddle on different parts of NOTES:
his body, resulting in his death. Thereafter, the three accused left the already Murder is the unlawful killing of any person which is not parricide or infanticide as long
unmoving body of the victim which was face down in the water and proceeded back as the following circumstances are present:
towards the seashore. At this juncture, Melencio dela Cruz, who was hiding behind With Treachery, taking advantage of superior strength with the aid of armed men, or
the bushes by the seashore from where he watched the incident happen, then went to employing means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford
the house of the victim and reported the incident to the latter's relatives. A case of impunity
murder was then instituted. However, after it was submitted for decision but prior to In consideration of a price, reward or promise
the promulgation thereof Amado Zabalo, Sr., the victim's father, executed an Affidavit By means of inundation fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, standing of. Vessel,
of Desistance. Melencio dela Cruz, the sole eyewitness for the prosecution, also derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or
executed an affidavit recanting his testimony and instead stating that he did not with the use of any other means involving great waste or ruin
witness the incident. Meanwhile, Hernando Dalabajan contended that during the
On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or an The prosecution's witnesses were Cesar and Felicitas Abaoag, the brother and the
earthquake, eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or any other public wife of the victim, respectively; Dr. Leopoldo Manalo, San Fabian Municipal Health
calamity Officer; Rosendo Imuslan, Brgy. Captain of Brgy. Binday; and SPO1 Ricardo Abrio.
With evident premeditation On the other hand, the defense presented as its witness appellant Disu; appellant
With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or Sion; Corazon Sion, wife of appellant Sion; and Dr. Leopoldo Manalo.
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse.
Elements of Murder PROSECUTION
That a person was killed On or about 7:00PM of Oct. 16, 1991, Cesar Abaoag was at the brgy. road in front of
That the accused killed him his house situated in Brgy. Binday. He was with his elder brother Carlos and Ricardo
That the killing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances Manuel when all of a sudden, Ronnie Manuel arrived complaining that he was being
That the killing is not parricide or infanticide chased by Sion and Juguilon. On that same occasion, Abaoag also arrived and asked
G.R. No. 109617 Ronnie Manuel why he was making trouble. The latter answered, "I am not making
August 11, 1997 trouble uncle because while I was inside the house of Eling Alcantara, Sion and
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Juguilon were trying to stab me. Seconds later, Sion and Juguilon appeared and
vs. started throwing stones. Abaoag told them to stop throwing stones but before they
FELIPE SION @ "JUNIOR," JOHNNY JUGUILON, EDONG SION, FELIX SION @ left, one of them uttered "even you Andong, you are interfering, you will also have
"ELLET," and FEDERICO DISU @ “MIGUEL” your day, vulva of your mother, you Abaoag[s]". Apparently, the utterance was
(Art. 251- Death in Tumultuous Affray Cases) directed against Abaoag whose nickname is Andong.

FACTS: At about 9 o'clock on that same evening, Cesar Abaoag heard the sound of stone
In a decision dated 20 January 1993, but promulgated on 8 February 1993, Dagupan throwing at the nearby house. He went out to see the commotion. When already near
City Regional Trial Court finds accused Felipe Sion alias "Junior" (“Sion”) and the house of Lolly Galdones, Cesar Abaoag saw his brother Abaoag already outside
his house. He also saw Juguilon hurl a big stone against Abaoag. Upon being hit on
Federico Disu alias Miguel Disu (“Disu”) guilty of the crime of Murder by hurling
the left eyebrow, Fernando turned his back towards Ellet, Edong and Disu who were
stones and stabbing Fernando Abaoag (“Fernando”), with the aggravating
also throwing stones towards Abaoag. On the other hand, appellant Sion, who was
circumstance of cruelty which cannot be offset by any mitigating circumstance. The near the victim, stabbed Abaoag.
two accused are sentenced to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua, and to
indemnify jointly the heirs of the victim the sum of P50,000.00 and to pay the costs of Cesar Abaoag tried to extend help to his brother but Disu hurled a stone which landed
the proceedings. Sion and Disu are ordered to pay jointly the heirs of the victim the on his right side. When he heard Sion shouting, "we will also kill Cesar," Cesar
sum of P11,910.00 as actual damages.
Abaoag ran to his brother's house and informed Felicitas, Abaoag’s wife, about the
her husband. They both went to the place of the incident together. The assailants
On Nov. 19, Sion, Disu, Johnny Juguilon (“Juguilon”), Edong Sion (“Edong”), Felix
were no longer there. She only saw her husband lying prostate on the ground very
Sion alias "Ellet," (“Ellet”) and "four (4) other John Does were issued warrants of weak and dying. When she inquired what happened, Fernando answered "naalaak"
arrest by the MCTC of San Fabian. However, the warrant was served only on which in English means "I was hit". Abaoag told his wife that his assailants were
appellant Disu, while the rest then remained at large. Disu was granted bail for Felipe Sion, Miguel Disu, Edong Sion, Johnny Juguilon and Felix Sion. The victim
P40,000.00. Accused failed to submit required counter-affidavits. On Jan. 21, 1992, was rushed to St. Blaise Hospital in San Fabian but he was pronounced dead on
an Information was filed with the Dagupan City RTC against appellants Sion and Disu arrival.
and Juguilon, Edong, Ellet, and four (4) unidentified persons (designated as John,
Peter, Richard and Paul Doe), accusing them of the crime of murder. On Jun. 2 1992, Brgy. Captain Imuslan testified that he and Kagawad Fernando Gatchalian, on the
Sion was arrested. Then on Jun. 10, 1992, the RTC annulled and voided the bail night of the incident, found a small bolo and a bloodied double-bladed weapon
earlier granted to Disu by the MCTC for luck of proper hearing, denied the motion for (dagger) near the scene of the crime. Cesar Abaoag recognized this weapon as the
bail filed by appellant Sion, and ordered their detention in jail. one used by appellant Sion in stabbing the victim On her part, Felicitas Abaoag
declared that she spent more than P11,000.00 for the wake and burial of her husband was no free-for-all fight between the Sions and the Abaoags; Juguilon and Edong
whose death saddened her, she being left alone to take care of their children. merely threw stones at, but did not stab, Abaoag; and it was only appellant Sion who
stabbed Abaoag.
In his defense, Sion, brother and cousin of accused Edong and Ellet, respectively,
admitted that he participated in a stone-throwing incident and "free-for-all rumble" ISSUES:
between his group the Sions and Johnny Juguilon, and the Abaoags and Manuels. WON the trial court erred in convicting them of murder through the qualifying
However, he professed his innocence, claiming that it was his brother Edong and circumstance of treachery; - YES
Juguilon who stabbed the victim. WON the trial court erred in taking into account the aggravating circumstance of
cruelty; - YES
Sion then summarized his statement as such: on Oct. 16, 1991 at about 7:00 p.m., WON the trial court erred in ruling that conspiracy was established; - NO
he, together with Juguilon went to the house of Eling Alcantara to talk with his son. WON the trial court erred in not appreciating the presence of voluntary surrender; and
Ronnie Manuel was already there when they arrived. While at the place, Juguilon and - YES
Ronnie Manuel started fighting. Ronnie Manuel ran and proceeded to the place of his
cousin. He was pacifying Juguilon and Ronnie Manuel but Juguilon threw stones at
Ronnie Manuel. At this point, victim Abaoag intervened in the quarrel saying, "vulva of RULING:
your mother Juguilon, you are too much, you will also have your day." Juguilon The trial court erred in convicting Sion and Disu of murder through the qualifying
answered "vulva of your mother Andoy, do not interfere because you are not our circumstance of treachery. There is no clear and convincing evidence of treachery. As
enemy." After the verbal exchange, he took Juguilon to their (Sion's) house. At about recounted by Cesar Abaoag, he and the victim were six (6) meters away from
9:00 p.m., that same evening, they (Sions) stoned their (Abaoags) house. He and Juguilon when the latter first hurled a stone at the victim which signaled the other
Idong and Juguilon looked for Cesar Abaoag, Ronnie Manuel, Ricky Manuel, victim accused to the same. Considering the distance between the assailants and the victim
Abaoag and two other companions, who were at Marta Soriano’s. Subsequently, when the attack commenced, and the fact the three were two (2) waves of stoning
there was a free for all rumble between the Manuels and the Abaoags, and the Sions which preceded the stabbing of the victim, these should have sufficiently forewarned
and Juguilon, in front of the house of Loly Galdones. He denied that he stabbed the victim of the greater danger which loomed and prompted him to escape.
Abaoag three times. It was Idong Sion and Juguilon who stabbed Abaoag. After Moreover, in the absence of clear details showing how the victim was stabbed, from
Abaoag was stabbed, everyone dispersed. He went home and rushed towards behind or the victim was entirely helpless when stabbed, it cannot be said that the
Juguilon because he was stabbed. He brought Juguilon to the St. Blaise Clinic and attack was "so sudden and unexpected" as to render the victim entirely defenseless.
Hospital. He did not report the incident to Brgy. Captain Imuslan. On Oct. 17, 1:00 Treachery cannot qualify the killing to murder when the victim was forewarned of the
p.m., he presented himself to Kagawad Lagman who brought him to the Police attack by the assailant, or when the attack was frontal, or the attack was not so
Station. sudden as to have caught the deceased completely unaware.

In his defense, Disu offered denial and alibi. He declared that he had no participation The trial court erred in appreciating against appellants the generic aggravating
in killing Abaoag, and during the whole night of Oct. 16, 1991, while the incidents in circumstance of cruelty, based solely on the fact that the victim was stabbed thrice,
question were taking place, he was resting and sleeping in the house of his employer, with the first stab wound hitting the lower left lung causing severe bleeding and its
Felicidad Gatchalian, after working the entire day. However, before going home, he collapse. Cruelty cannot be appreciated in absence of any showing that appellants,
went to the store of Oping Juguilon to buy cigarettes and dropped by the house of for their pleasure and satisfaction, caused the victim to suffer slowly and painfully and
Sion where he stayed for about five minutes. He only learned about the killing the inflicted on him unnecessary physical and moral pain. The mere fact that wounds in
following morning when he was told that he was one of the suspects. He was arrested excess of what was indispensably necessary to cause death was found on the body
about a month after the incident. of the victim does not necessarily imply that such wounds were inflicted with cruelty
and with the intention of deliberately intensifying the victim's suffering.
On rebuttal, Cesar Abaoag refuted the testimony of appellant Sion. Cesar asserted
that neither his brothers, the Manuels nor himself threw stones at Sion's house; there There is a presence of conspiracy between the appellants. There is conspiracy when
two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony
and decide to commit it. Once conspiracy is established, the act of one is the act of That there be several persons (four or more);
all. The confluence of the appellants acts, from coming together to stone the house of That they did not compose groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting
the victim, to the subsequent throwing of stones after the initial throw of Juguilon, and and attacking each other reciprocally;
the fleeing together, indubitably manifested a community of interest and unity of That these several persons quarreled and assaulted one another in a confused and
purpose and design to take the victim’s life. tumultuous manner;
That someone was killed in the course of the affray;
Appellant Sion is entitled to the benefit of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary That it cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased; and
surrender. Sion surrendered to Kagawad Modesto Lagman who, in turn, escorted and That the person or persons who inflicted serious physical injuries or who used
surrendered him to the police. His admission that he surrendered because he was violence can be identified.
already suspected as one of the perpetrators of the crime does not make his
surrender "forced by circumstances" as ruled by the trial court. At the time of his NOTES:
surrender, no warrant of arrest against him had yet been issued. Whatever the Appellants also, aside from those stated above, also contended that Cesar Abaoag
accused's reason for surrendering — either the fear of reprisal from victim's relatives falsely identified Sion as because:
or, in this case, his knowledge that he was already a suspect — "does not gainsay the if witness Cesar Abaoag actually saw Sion stab the victim, then Cesar should have
spontaneity of the surrender, nor alter the fact that by giving himself up, he saved the immediately informed Felicitas Abaoag, the victim's wife, of this fact. Cesar's failure
State the time and trouble of searching for him until arrested." was then unusual and unnatural.
Victim’s wife’s testimony on the alleged dying declaration was "not specific" as far as
Wherefore, appellants FELIFE SION, alias "JUNIOR" or FELIFE RODRIGUEZ, JR., the assailant's identities were concerned because the victim merely said "naalaak" ("I
and FEDERICO DISU, alias "MIGUEL," are hereby declared GUILTY beyond was hit"), without identifying Sion as the one who stabbed him; and, her claim that her
reasonable doubt, as principals, of the crime of HOMICIDE as defined and penalized husband identified all the five (5) accused as the ones who "stabbed" him was "an
in Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code, with the former entitled to the mitigating impossibility."
circumstance of voluntary surrender, and applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the prosecution witnesses were limited to relatives of the victims; "other vital
they are sentenced, respectively, to suffer an indeterminate penalty ranging from witnesses" — such as Marta Soriano, Loly Galdones, or Eling Alcantara — should
eight (8) years of prison mayor minimum, as minimum, to fourteen (14) years and have been presented to corroborate the "biased" testimonies of Cesar and Felicitas
eight (8) months of reclusion temporal as maximum, and an indeterminate penalty Abaoag.
ranging from ten (10) years and one (1) day of prision mayor maximum, as minimum,
to seventeen (17) years, four (4) months and one (1) day of reclusion temporal On the review of the evidence, the court was convinced that Cesar Abaoag positively
minimum as maximum, with all the accessory penalties therefor, and subject to the identified appellants as he was two meters away during the incident and saw
provision of Article 29 of the Revised Penal Code. Except as so modified, the rest of appellant Sion stab the victim. Witness also saw the rest of the accused, including
the challenged judgment stands. appellant Disu, throwing stones at the victim. Appellant Sion himself admitted
witness ’presence during direct examination.

ON ART. 251 – DEATH IN TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY CASES It is settled that delay in divulging the name of the perpetrator of a crime, if sufficiently
explained, does not impair the credibility of the witness nor destroy its probative
The court belied the claim of appellant Sion that the fatal stabbing of Abaoag was a value. His pressing concern then was to get someone to help his wounded brother.
result of a "free-for-all rumble," which should have lowered liability to that of causing The “dying declaration” made by the victim to his wife is admissible as evidence as an
death in a tumultuous affray under Article 251 of the Revised Penal Code, which exception to the hearsay rule because of necessity and trustworthiness. Necessity,
carries a penalty lower than that for homicide. However, it was ascertained beyond because the declarant's death renders impossible his taking the witness stand, and it
doubt, through the testimony of Cesar Abaoag, that appellant Sion inflicted the fatal often happens that there is no other equally satisfactory proof of the crime; and
stab wounds; hence, this claim must be rejected. trustworthiness, for it is "made in extremity, when the party is at the point of death and
every hope of this world is gone; when every motive to falsehood is silenced, and the
In order to be convicted under Art 251, the following requisites must be present:
mind is induced by the most powerful consideration to speak the truth. Court finds no Miguelito repeatedly stabbed accused-appellant on different parts of his body.
ulterior motive on the part of victim’s wife to fabricate the declarations of her husband. Accused-appellant regained consciousness at the Claveria hospital. There was no
It is well-settled that the decision as whom to present as witnesses for the prosecution way accused-appellant could have resisted Miguelito's attack, much less was he
is addressed to the sound discretion of the prosecutor handling the case and the non- capable of inflicting injury on Miguelito, since the stronger Ricardo was holding
presentation of certain witnesses by the prosecution is not a plausible defense. The accused-appellant's hands and was dragging him away while Miguelito kept lunging a
prosecution is not obliged to present all possible witnesses, especially if their six-inch bladed weapon at him.
testimony will only serve to corroborate that of another eyewitness' testimony, in Dr. Gil that he attended to accused-appellant at the Claveria Hospital. Accused-
which case the former may every well be dispensed with considering that the appellant suffered four (4) penetrating stab wounds on different parts of his body--two
testimony of a single witness, if credible and positive to prove the guilt of the accused on the stomach, one on the left nipple and one on the left arm. Although he was
beyond reasonable doubt, would suffice. accused-appellant's attending physician, Dr. Gil never asked the details of the
stabbing incident nor the identity of assailant, as he was purely concerned with the
Appellee contested that there was no voluntary surrender because Sion surrendered treatment of accused-appellant's injuries.
to a mere barangay "Kagawad" or Sangguniang Barangay member, and not to the The trial court rendered a guilty verdict, hence, this appeal.
police authorities. However, according to Section 388 of the Local Government Code Issues: Whether or not the trial court erred in convicting the accused-appellant of
of 1991 which expressly provides, in part, that "[f]or purposes of the Revised Penal Murder and, at the least, should be held liable only for the death of Miguelito Donato
Code, the punong barangay, sangguniang barangay members, and members of the in a tumultuous affray as defined under Article 251 of the Revised Penal Code.. -NO
lupong tagapamayapa in each barangay shall be deemed as persons in authority in Ruling: There is no merit in accused-appellant's position that he should be held liable
their jurisdictions…”. hus, in addition to the Punong Barangay, the members of the only for death caused in a tumultuous affray under Article 251 of the Revised Penal
Sangguniang Barangay, or Kagawads, and members of the Lupong Tagapayapa are Code. It was in such a situation that the accused came to the scene and joined the
now considered not merely as agents of, but as persons, in authority. fray purportedly to pacify the protagonists when Miguelito attacked him causing four
People v.Maramara(1999) (4) stab wounds in different parts of his body-two on the stomach, one on the left
Art. 251 Death in Tumultuous Affray Cases nipple, and one on the left arm. Then the accused-appellant, with his handgun, shot
Facts: A benefit dance sponsored by the Calpi Elementary School Parents-Teachers Miguelito.
Association of which accused-appellant is the president, was held in the yard of
accused-appellant's house in Masbate. At about 12 midnight, while Ricardo Donato Assuming that a rumble or a free-for-all fight occurred at the benefit dance, Article
was dancing with a certain Rowena del Rosario, one Dante Arce, a friend of accused- 251 of the Revised Penal Code cannot apply because prosecution witnesses Ricardo
appellant, approached Ricardo Donato and boxed him on the chest. Frightened, and Regarder Donato positively identified accused-appellant as Miguelito Donato's
Rowena ran away while Ricardo Donato scampered toward the fence for safety. killer.
Miguelito Donato was about two (2) meters away from where Ricardo Donato stayed We do not subscribe, however, to the trial court's appreciation of treachery. The use
at the fence. Not for long, accused-appellant took his handgun tucked in his waist and of a firearm is not sufficient indication of treachery. The accused-appellant can be
fired at victim Miguelito Donato, hitting the latter on the left breast. Ricardo Donato convicted only of homicide.
tried to help his fallen brother Miguelito but somebody struck Ricardo's head with an G.R. Nos. 108280-83 November 16, 1995
iron bar which knocked him out for about three (3) minutes. When Ricardo regained ROMEO SISON, NILO PACADAR, JOEL TAN, RICHARD DELOS SANTOS, and
consciousness, he hurried home and informed his parents of what happened to their JOSELITO TAMAYO, petitioners,
son Miguelito. vs.
Miguelito died early in the morning of the next day. Before Miguelito expired, his THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and THE COURT OF APPEALS, respondents.
father asked who shot him and Miguelito replied that it was accused-appellant.
The defense had a different story. At about 11:00 in the evening, brothers Ricardo DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ARTICLE 251 Death in Tumultuous Affray
and Miguelito Donato arrived at the benefit dance and approached the dancing pair of
Rowena del Rosario and Dante Arce. Then Ricardo and Miguelito ganged-up on FACTS:
Dante Arce. Accused-appellant, who was about eight (8) meters away, rushed to the Petitioners are identified as Marcos Loyalists, and is found by the trial court
scene to pacify the trio. Ricardo held accused-appellant's hands at his back and then guilty for the murder of which occurred during a rally on July 27, 1986 at Luneta by
Marcos loyalists. Despite denied by the authorities to hold the rally, 3000 loyalists
continued to gather at the Rizal Monument led by Oliver Lozano and Benjamin proven that they received any. Furthermore, evidence shows that Sumilang
Nuega. When Col. Edgar Dula Torres asked them for permit, they were given ten immediately reported the incident two hours after the mauling occurred, which was far
minutes to disperse. Atty. Lozano then shouted “Gulpihin ninyo ang lahat ng Cory earlier than the announcement of reward. Even if the pictures did not record two of
infiltrators.” Which was followed by Nuega’s statement, “Sige, sige gulpihin ninyo!” the accused hitting the victim, they were unequivocally identified by witnesses, their
The police pushed the crowd and used tear gas, the loyalists scampered away while denials and alibis cannot overcome the eyeball identification of Sumilang and
some fought back by throwing stones. They then fled to Maria Orosa street where the Banculo. The Court further clarifies that the photographs did not capture the entirety
situation subsidized. of the sequence leading to Salcedo’s death, but only segments of it.
Renato Banculo, a cigarette vendor, saw the loyalists attacking the persons The court rules that the correctness of the photograph as a faithful representation of
in yellow, the color of “Coryistas,” and saw one man also wearing a yellow shirt being the object portrayed can be proved prima facie, either by testimony of the person who
made it or by other competent witnesses, after which the court can admit it subject to
chased by the group shouting “Iyan, habulin iyan. Cory iyan!” The man being chased
impeachment as to its exactness and accuracy.
was Salcedo, after getting caught he was boxed, kicked and mauled by the group. He
In this care there is no tumultuous affray that occurred. Confusion is present because
tried to extricate himself but the group once again pounced and pummeled him.
of the police dispersal of the rallyists, but this confusion subsided eventually after the
Banculo saw Ranulfo Sumilang, an electrician at Luneta, rush to his aid tyring to
loyalists fled to Maria Orosa Street. It was only a while later after said dispersal that
pacify the maulers, he then showed a Loyalist tag given to him which led for them to
the loyalists have picked on one defenseless individual and attacked him repeatedly,
back off for a while and grab Salcedo but Salcedo was immediately boxed by Raul
taking turns in inflicting punches, kicks, and blows on him. Because of the number of
Bilosos in the head. Accused Richard de los Sanros also boxed Salcedo twice on the
assailants to be as much as fifty, and were armed with stones which they hit the
head and kicked him even after he had fallen. His other co-accused, Tan, Pacadar,
victim with, they took advantage of their superior strength and excessive force and
and Tamayo continued to beat him up even after Salcedo had fled for the second
frustrated any attempt for Salcedo to escape. Their relentless pursuit towards him,
time. The mauling resumed at the Rizal Monument and continued along Roxas
and continuance in beating him even if he had already fallen into the ground and was
Boulevard until Salcedo collapsed and lost consciousness. He was brought to the
begging for mercy shows their deliberate use of their strength and numbers which
Philippine General Hospital where he was dead on arrival.
qualifies the killing to murder.
Salcedo died of “hemorrhage, intracranial traumatic” and was found to have
Treachery is not found in this case since there was no proof that the attack on
multiple bruises and abrasions in his body. The mauling was witnessed by bystanders Salcedo was deliberately and consciously adopted. While they did target him due to
and several press people, both local and foreign. The press took pictures and a video
the fact that he was wearing a yellow shirt and allegedly flashed the “Laban” sign
of the event. A reward of P10k was given to anyone who could give information
against the rallyist, he still had the opportunity to sense their temper and run away
regarding his killers. Several persons including Sumilang and Banculo came and
from them. However, we find the existence of conspiracy since at the time they were
identified the accused.
committing their crime, their actions impliedly show unity of purpose among them, a
Appellants Romeo and Joselito contend that the fact that they are not in the pictures
concerted effort to bring about Salcedo’s demise.
taken by the witness shows their innocence and non-participation in the crime. They
also claimed that they were merely bystanders and viewed the incident from a NOTES:
distance. On the other hand, the three other accused can be seen in the photographs. Tumultuous Affray- takes place when a quarrel occurs between several persons and
Richard de Los Santos claims that he was only on the pictures because he also they engage in a confused and tumultuous affray, in the course of which some person
watched the mauling with the others. Pacadar claimed that he was in the pictures is killed or wounded and the author thereof cannot be ascertained.
because he shouted to the maulers to stop hitting Salcedo, while Tan testified that he Elements of Tumultuous Affray:
tried to pacify the maulers because he pitied Salcedo but was ignored. Lastly, in their That there be several persons
defense they contended that Sumilang and Banculo only identified them out of That they did not compose groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting
interest for the reward. and attacking each other reciprocally
ISSUE: That these several persons quarreled and assaulted one another in a confused and
WON the accused were guilty beyond reasonable doubt. tumultuous manner
RULING: That someone was killed in the course of the affray
YES. The Court finds credibility in the identification of Sumilang and Banculo since It cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased
there is not proof that Banculo or Sumilang testified due to the reward nor was it
That the person or persons who inflicted serious physical injuries or who used magazines on the sofa, one with twenty (20) live ammunition and another with twenty-
violence can be identified. one (21) live ammunition. He likewise saw three (3) M16 rifle magazines in a corner
PEOPLE VS LADJAALAM at the second floor. The records of the Regional Operation and Plans Division of the
PNP Firearm and Explosive Section show that appellant had not applied/filed any
DOCTRINE: Use of Firearms, RA 8294 application for license to possess firearm and ammunition or x x x been given
authority to carry [a] firearm outside of his residence.
FACTS: PO3 Allan Marcos Obut filed an application for the issuance of a search
warrant against appellant, his wife and some John Does. After the search warrant After Lacastesantos and Mirasol entered appellant’s house, Rivera, Dela Peña,
was issued, a briefing was conducted. After the briefing, more than thirty (30) Gregorio and Obut followed and entered the house. After identifying themselves as
policemen headed by Police Superintendent Edwin Soledad proceeded to the house members of the PNP Anti-Vice/Narcotics Unit, Obut presented to the old women a
of appellant and his wife at Rio Hondo on board several police vehicles. Before they copy of the search warrant. Dela Peña and Rivera then searched appellant’s room on
could reach appellant’s house, three (3) persons sitting at a nearby store ran towards the ground floor in the presence of Punong Barangay Elhano (TSN, March 3, 1998,
the house shouting, ‘[P]olice, raid, raid’. When the policemen were about ten (10) pp. 41-43). On top of a table was a pencil case (Exh. J) with fifty (50) folded aluminum
meters from the main gate of the house, they were met by a rapid burst of gunfire foils inside (Exhs. J-1 to J-50), each containing methamphetamine hydrochloride or
coming from the second floor of the house. There was also gunfire at the back of the ‘shabu’. Other items were found during the search, namely, assorted coins in different
house. SPO1 Mirasol, SPO2 Lacastesantos, PO3 Rivera, and PO3 Dela Peña who denominations (Exh. W; TSN, April 28, 1998, pp. 23-25), one (1) homemade .38
were with the first group of policemen saw appellant fire an M14 rifle towards them. caliber revolver (Exh. B-2) with five (5) live [ammunition], one (1) M79 single rifle with
They all knew appellant. [a] pouch containing five (5) empty shells of an M79 rifle (Exh. B-4), and one (1)
empty shell of an M14 rifle (TSN, April 23, 1998, pp. 30-32).
In front of the house was an extension building connected to the concrete fence.
Gaganting, Mirasol, Lacastesantos, Gregorio, and Obut entered the door of the
extension building. Gaganting opened the main (steel) gate of the house. The other ISSUE: WON the trial was correct in convicting him of the crime of illegal possession
members of the team then entered. Lacastesantos and Mirasol entered the house of firearms — NO
through the main door and went inside the sala of the ground floor while other
policemen surrounded the house. Two (2) old women were in the sala together with a RULING: NO. The appealed Decision is hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION
young girl and three (3) children. One of the old women took the children to the that appellant is found guilty only of two offenses: (1) direct assault and multiple
second floor while the young girl remained seated at the corner. attempted homicide with the use of a weapon, for which he is sentenced to 2 years
and 4 months to 6 years of prision correccional; and (2) maintaining a drug den, for
Lacastesantos and Mirasol proceeded to the second floor where they earlier saw which he was correctly sentenced by the trial court to reclusion perpetua.
appellant firing an M14 rifle at them through the window. While they were going
upstairs, appellant noticed their presence. He went inside the bedroom and, after Section 1 of PD1866 as amended by RA 8294, the new law, provides, to wit:
breaking and removing the jalousies, jumped from the window to the roof of a
neighboring house. Seeing this, Mirasol rushed downstairs and asked help from the "SECTION 1. Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended, is hereby
other members of the raiding team to arrest appellant. Lacastesantos went to the further amended to read as follows:
second floor and shouted to the policemen outside not to fire in the direction of the "Section 1. Unlawful Manufacture, Sale, Acquisition, Disposition or Possession of
second floor because there were children. Mirasol and SPO1 Cesar Rabuya arrested Firearms or Ammunition Instruments Used or Intended to be Used in the Manufacture
appellant at the back of his house after a brief chase. of Firearms or Ammunition. -- The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum
period and a fine of not less than Fifteen thousand pesos (₱15,000) shall be imposed
At the second floor, Lacastesantos saw an M14 rifle with magazine on top of the sofa upon any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dispose, or
at the sala on the second floor. The rifle bore Serial No. 1555225. He removed the possess any low powered firearm, such as rimfire handgun, .380 or .32 and other
magazine from the rifle and the bullet inside the chamber of the rifle. He counted firearm of similar firepower, part of firearm, ammunition, or machinery, tool or
seventeen (17) live ammunition inside the magazine. He saw two (2) more M14 rifle
instrument used or intended to be used in the manufacture of any firearm or information from a concerned citizen from Tavera St., Bais City, that one unidentified
ammunition: Provided, That no other crime was committed. person was inside Abueva's Repair Shop located at Tavera St., tucking a handgun on
his waist. Upon arrival at Tavera St., they saw one unidentified person tucking a
The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine of Thirty thousand handgun on his right side waistline. They approached the unidentified person and
pesos (₱30,000) shall be imposed if the firearm is classified as high powered firearm asked him if he had a license to possess said firearm, but the answer was in the
which includes those with bores bigger in diameter than .30 caliber and 9 millimeter negative. At this juncture, they immediately effected the arrest, and confiscated from
such as caliber .40, .41, .44, .45 and also lesser calibered firearms but considered his possession and custody a Caliber 9MM marked "SIGSAUER P299" with 14 live
powerful such as caliber .357 and caliber .22 centerfire magnum and other firearms ammunitions with Serial No. AE 25171. The arrested person was identified as Sayco,
with firing capability of full automatic and by burst of two or three: Provided, however, a resident of Binalbagan, Negros Occidental.
That no other crime was committed by the person arrested.
If homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, such use of Bais City, testified on February 26, 2002 and corroborated the testimony of PO3
an unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance. Labe. SPO2 Zamora further declared that during the incident, they talked to the
accused in Cebuano, but they found out then that the latter is an Ilonggo, so they
A simple reading thereof shows that if an unlicensed firearm is used in the spoke to him in English.
commission of any crime, there can be no separate offense of simple illegal
possession of firearms. Hence, if the "other crime" is murder or homicide, illegal DEFENSE:
possession of firearms becomes merely an aggravating circumstance, not a separate Petitioner does not deny that he was in possession of the subject firearm and
offense. Since direct assault with multiple attempted homicide was committed in this ammunitions when he was apprehended on January 3, 1999 in Bais City, but he
case, appellant can no longer be held liable for illegal possession of firearms. insists that he had the requisite permits to carry the same, specifically:

Moreover, penal laws are construed liberally in favor of the accused.62 In this case, Memorandum Receipt for Equipment (Non-expendable Property) for a Cal 9mm (SIG
the plain meaning of RA 8294’s simple language is most favorable to herein SAUER) with Serial Number: AE 25171, 2 Mags for Cal 9mm pistol, and 24 Ctgs for
appellant. Verily, no other interpretation is justified, for the language of the new law 9mm Ammo;
demonstrates the legislative intent to favor the accused. Accordingly, appellant Mission Order dated January 1, 1999 for the duration of 01 January 1999 to 31 March
cannot be convicted of two separate offenses of illegal possession of firearms and 1999, regarding a CONFIDENTIAL purpose in Negros Island.
direct assault with attempted homicide. Moreover, since the crime committed was
direct assault and not homicide or murder, illegal possession of firearms cannot be Petitioner insists that he is a confidential agent of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
deemed an aggravating circumstance. (AFP), and it was in that capacity that he received the subject firearm and
G.R. No. 159703 ammunitions from the AFP. As said firearm and ammunitions are government
March 3, 2008 property duly licensed to the Intelligence Security Group (ISG) of the AFP, the same
CEDRIC SAYCO vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES could not be licensed under his name; instead, he obtained a Memorandum Receipt
(Art. 254- Discharge of Firearms) and a Mission Order regarding the subject firearm and ammunitions and authorized
(RA 10591 - Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act) him to carry the same around Bacolod City. Petitioner further argues that he merely
acted in good faith when he relied on the Memorandum Receipt and Mission Order
FACTS: for authority to carry said firearm and ammunitions; thus, it would be a grave injustice
Petitioner Cedric Sayco (“Sayco”) was charged before the Municipal Trial Court in if he were to be punished for the deficiency of said documents
Cities (MTCC), Bais City with illegal possession of firearms.
PROSECUTION: WON the trial court erred in convicting the petitioner for violation of P.D. 1866, as
PO3 Mariano Labe testified on January 17, 2002. He declared that on or about 3:35 amended by RA 8294, despite the latter's Memorandum Receipt and Mission Order
in the afternoon of Jan. 3, 1999, while they were at the Police Station, they received as proof of authority to possess the subject firearm
WON the prosecution's evidence proved the petitioner's guilt beyond reasonable is in the regular plantilla of the AFP or that he is receiving regular compensation from
doubt. said agency, he cannot be considered a regular civilian agent but a mere confidential
civilian agent. As such, he was not authorized to receive the subject government-
owned firearm and ammunitions.
It is a settled jurisprudence that a memorandum receipt and mission order cannot Wherefore, the petition is DENIED. The Resolutions dated May 23, 2003 and August
take the place of a duly issued firearms license, and an accused who relies on said 7, 2003 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 27228 together with the Decision
documents cannot invoke good faith as a defense against a prosecution for illegal dated March 14, 2003 of the Regional Trial Court of Bais City are MODIFIED insofar
possession of firearms, as this is a malum prohibitum. The court abandons the ruling only as the penalty of imprisonment is concerned. Petitioner Cedric Sayco y
on Pp v. Macarandang, the case appellant heavily relies on, because the law is clear Villanueva is sentenced to serve an indeterminate penalty of four (4) years, two (2)
and that no provision is made for a secret agent. It is not within the power of this months and one (1) day of prision correccional as minimum, to five (5) years, four (4)
Court to set aside the clear and explicit mandate of a statutory provision. As such, he months and twenty-one (21) days of prision correccional as maximum (FROM four (4)
is not exempt. months of arresto mayor as maximum [sic] to two (2) years, four (4) months and one
(1) day of prision correccional as maximum).
As matters stand, Section 879, and reinforced by paragraph 6, Section 1 of P.D. No.
1866, as amended by R.A. No. 8294, is still the basic law on the issuance, NOTES:
possession and carrying of government-owned firearms. According to such, it is clear The mission order issued to petitioner was illegal, given that he is not a regular
that petitioner is not authorized to possess and carry the subject firearm and civilian agent but a mere confidential civilian agent. Worse, petitioner was not even
ammunition, notwithstanding the memorandum receipt and mission order which were acting as such confidential civilian agent at the time he was carrying the subject
illegally issued to him. firearm and ammunitions. Petitioner testified that at that time, he was not on an official
mission in Bais City but had merely visited the place to attend to a family emergency.
The rules governing memorandum receipts and mission orders covering the issuance G.R. No. 163267 May 05, 2010
to and the possession and/or carrying of government-owned firearms by special or TEOFILO EVANGELISTA, petitioner,
confidential civilian agents may be synthesized as follows: vs.
Special or confidential civilian agents who are not included in the regular plantilla of
any government agency involved in law enforcement or receiving regular DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ART 254 DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS RA 10951
compensation for services rendered are not exempt from obtaining a regular license
to possess firearms and a permit to carry the same outside of residence; FACTS:
Petitioner Evangelista was charged with unlawful possession of firearms
Special or confidential civilian agents are not qualified to receive, obtain and possess after having found 1 9mm Jericho pistol, 1 Mini-Uzi 9mm Israel Submachine gun, and
government-owned firearms. Their ineligibility will not be cured by the issuance of a 19 9mm bullets at the NAIA without a permit. Petitioner originally arrived after a flight
memorandum receipt for equipment covering said government-owned firearms. from Dubai, where he was apprehended by Customs Police Maximo Acierto after
Neither will they qualify for exemption from the requirements of a regular firearms being informed by his superior that a passenger in Flight no. 657 would be arriving
license and a permit to carry firearms by the mere issuance to them of a government- from Dubai bringing with him firearms and ammunitions. During the investigation,
owned firearms covered by a memorandum receipt; and petitioner admitted before Special Agent Apolonio Bustos (Bustos) that he bought the
subject items in Angola but the same were confiscated by the Dubai authorities,
Special or confidential civilian agents do not qualify for mission orders to carry which turned over the same to a PAL personnel in Dubai
firearms (whether private-owned or government-owned) outside of their residence. In his bid for acquittal, petitioner argues that he could not have committed the crime
imputed against him for he was never in custody and possession of any firearm or
The foregoing rules do not apply to special or confidential civilian agents in ammunition when he arrived in the Philippines. The defense uses the testimony of
possession of or bearing private-owned firearms that are duly licensed and covered Capt. Nadurata, who testified that he was approached by the PAL Station Manager in
by permits to carry the same outside of residence. As he offered no evidence that he Dubai where it was explained that Evangelista was being detained as he was found in
possession of forearms and if he would not be allowed to board, then he would be And more than mere possession, the prosecution was able to ascertain that he has
imprisoned in Dubai, and that the Arabs will only release the passenger if he would no license or authority to possess said firearms. It bears to stress that the essence of
accept the custody of petitioner and his firearms, which Nadurata agreed to. Because the crime penalized under PD 1866, as amended, is primarily the accused’s lack of
it was already confiscated from him even before he had boarded the flight, this shows license to possess the firearm. The fact of lack or absence of license constitutes an
that there was no way it was in his possession once he arrived here. essential ingredient of the offense of illegal possession of firearm. Since it has been
ISSUE: shown that petitioner was already in the Philippines when he was found in possession
WON the petitioner is still liable for the offense charged. of the subject firearms and determined to be without any authority to possess them,
WON the Philippines has territorial jurisdiction of the crimes charged, given that he an essential ingredient of the offense, it is beyond reasonable doubt that the crime
was initially detained in Dubai. was perpetrated and completed in no other place except the Philippines.
RULING: Furthermore, there is no record of any criminal case having been filed against
1. YES. Appellant’s signature on the Customs Declaration Form, which petitioner in Dubai in connection with the discovered firearms. Since there is no
contains the entry "2 PISTOL guns SENT SURRENDER TO PHILIPPINE AIRLINE," pending criminal case when he left Dubai, it stands to reason that there was no crime
proves that he was the one who brought the guns to Manila. While appellant claims committed in Dubai.
that he signed the Customs Declaration Form without reading it because of his Thus, the Court denies the petition and affirms the CA decision and finding appellant
excitement, however, he does not claim that he was coerced or persuaded in affixing in violation of Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended
his signature thereon. Even assuming that there was prior accomplishment of the
form which contains incriminating details, petitioner could have easily taken
precautionary measures by not affixing his signature thereto. Or he could have ROBIN CARIÑO PADILLA @ ROBINHOOD PADILLA, petitioner, vs. COURT OF
registered his objection thereto especially when no life threatening acts were being APPEALS and PEOPLE of the PHILIPPINES, respondents.
employed against him upon his arrival in the country. G.R. No. 121917 | 1997-03-12
Art. 254 Discharge of Firearms - RA 10591
Consequently, appellant was in constructive possession of the subject Facts: High-powered firearms with live ammunitions were found in the possession of
firearms. As held in People v. Dela Rosa, the kind of possession punishable under petitioner Robin Padilla @ Robinhood Padilla, i.e.:
PD 1866 is one where the accused possessed a firearm either physically or (1) One .357 Caliber revolver, Smith and Wesson, SN-32919 with six (6) live
constructively with animus possidendi or intention to possess the same. Animus ammunitions;
possidendi is a state of mind. As such, what goes on into the mind of the accused, as (2) One M-16 Baby Armalite rifle, SN-RP 131120 with four (4) long and one (1) short
his real intent, could be determined solely based on his prior and coetaneous acts magazine with ammunitions;
and the surrounding circumstances explaining how the subject firearm came to his (3) One .380 Pietro Beretta, SN-A 35723 Y with clip and eight (8) ammunitions; and
possession. (4) Six additional live double action ammunitions of .38 caliber revolver. 1
Capt. Nadurata’s testimony also reveals that the possession of the firearm Petitioner was correspondingly charged with illegal possession of firearms and
during the flight from Dubai to Manila was for and behalf of appellant. More ammunitions under P.D. 1866. Angeles City RTC Judge David Rosete rendered
importantly, the Court takes note of petitioner’s admission during the clarificatory judgment convicting petitioner of the crime charged.
The People's detailed narration of facts is as follows:
questioning by the trial court, wherein he answered “yes” after the Court asked him of
Enrique Manarang and his compadre Danny Perez were inside the Manukan sa
the condition given by the Dubai police of agreeing to release him provided that he
Highway Restaurant in Angeles City where they took shelter from the heavy
will bring the guns and ammunitions with him to the Philippines. The Court declares
downpour that had interrupted their ride on motorcycles along McArthur Highway.
that this constitutes as judicial admission of his possession of the subject firearms
While inside the restaurant, Manarang noticed a vehicle, a Mitsubishi Pajero, running
and ammunitions.
fast down the highway prompting him to remark that the vehicle might get into an
2. YES. Contrary to the arguments put forward by petitioner, we entertain no doubt
accident considering the inclement weather. True enough, immediately after the
that the crime of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition for which he was
vehicle had passed the restaurant, Manarang and Perez heard a screeching sound
charged was committed in the Philippines. The accomplishment by petitioner of the
produced by the sudden and hard braking of a vehicle running very fast, followed by a
Customs Declaration Form upon his arrival at the NAIA is very clear evidence that he
sickening sound of the vehicle hitting something.
was already in possession of the subject firearms in the Philippines.
Manarang and Cruz went out to investigate and immediately saw the vehicle purported Mission Order and Memorandum Receipt are inferior in the face of the
occupying the edge or shoulder of the highway giving it a slight tilt to its side. more formidable evidence for the prosecution as our meticulous review of the records
Manarang decided to report the incident to the Philippine National Police of Angeles reveals that the Mission Order and Memorandum Receipt were mere afterthoughts
City. By the time Manarang completed the call, the vehicle had started to leave the contrived and issued under suspicious circumstances.
place of the accident taking the general direction to the north. Appellant, when apprehended, could not show any document as proof of his authority
Manarang went to the location of the accident and found out that the vehicle had hit to possess and carry the subject firearms. During the preliminary investigation of the
somebody. He asked Cruz to look after the victim while he went back to the charge against him for illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions he could not,
restaurant, rode on his motorcycle and chased the vehicle. despite the ample time given him, present any proper document showing his
SPO2 Borja and SPO2 Miranda went to the vehicle with plate number and instructed authority. If he had, in actuality, the Memorandum Receipts and Missions Order, he
its driver to alight. The driver rolled down the window and put his head out while could have produced those documents easily, if not at the time of apprehension, at
raising both his hands. They recognized the driver as Robin C. Padilla, appellant in least during the preliminary investigation. But neither appellant nor his counsel inform
this case. There was no one else with him inside the vehicle. Appellant was wearing a the prosecutor that appellant is authorized to possess and carry the subject firearms
short leather jacket such that when he alighted with both his hands raised, a gun under Memorandum Receipt and Mission Order.
tucked on the left side of his waist. SPO2 Borja made the move to confiscate the gun What is even more peculiar is that petitioner's name, as certified to by the Director for
but appellant held the former's hand alleging that the gun was covered by legal Personnel of the PNP, does not even appear in the Plantilla of Non-Uniform
papers. SPO2 Borja, however, insisted that if the gun really was covered by legal Personnel or in the list of Civilian Agents or Employees of the PNP which could justify
papers, it would have to be shown in the office. After disarming appellant, SPO2 Borja the issuance of a Mission Order.
told him about the hit and run incident which was angrily denied by appellant. SPO2 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Court of Appeals sustaining
Borja checked the cylinder of the gun and found six (6) live bullets inside (p. 20, ibid). petitioner's conviction by the lower court of the crime of simple illegal possession of
Because appellant's jacket was short, his gesture exposed a long magazine of an firearms and ammunitions is AFFIRMED
armalite rifle tucked in appellant 's back right pocket. SPO Mercado saw this and so US VS Jeffrey
when appellant turned around as he was talking and proceeding to his vehicle,
Mercado confiscated the magazine from appellant. Suspecting that appellant could DOCTRINE: Art. 257 - Unintentional abortion
also be carrying a rifle inside the vehicle since he had a magazine, SPO2 Mercado
prevented appellant from going back to his vehicle by opening himself the door of FACTS: On the evening of March 1, 1909, while Teodorica Saguinsin was in a
appellant's vehicle. He saw a baby armalite rifle lying horizontally at the front by the Chinese shop situated in Guadalupe, municipality of San Pedro Macati, Rizal
driver 's seat. It had a long magazine filled with live bullets in a semi-automatic mode. Province, a man named D. B. Jeffrey appeared therein, and, without any apparent
He asked the appellant for the papers covering the rifle and the appellant answered reason whatever, struck the woman three times on the hip with a bottle that he was
angrily that they were at his home. SPO Mercado modified the arrest of appellant by carrying, in consequence of which the woman fell to the ground with an abundant
including as its ground illegal possession of firearms. hemorrhage from the womb; she was immediately taken to her home in a carretela,
During the investigation, the appellant admitted possession of the firearms stating that and being three months pregnant she had a miscarriage on the following day. The
he used them for shooting. He was not able to produce any permit to carry or woman was ill and unable to attend to her usual duties for forty-five days.
memorandum receipt to cover the firearms.
Issues: Whether or not petitioner could not be convicted of violating P.D. 1866 Therefore a complaint was filed by the provincial fiscal with the Court of First Instance
because he is an appointed civilian agent authorized to possess and carry the subject of said province on the 5th of June, 1909, charging D. B. Jeffrey with the crime of
firearms and ammunition. - NO lesiones menos graves (less serious injuries). The trial court sentenced the accused,
Ruling: In crimes involving illegal possession of firearms, two requisites must be on the 19th of August, 1909, to the penalty of forty-five days of arresto mayor, to pay
established, viz.: (1) the existence of the subject firearm and, (2) the fact that the a fine of 325 pesetas, to indemnify the injured woman in the sum of P50, and, in case
accused who owned or possessed the firearm does not have the corresponding of insolvency in the payment of the fine and the indemnity, to suffer the corresponding
license or permit to possess. The first element is beyond dispute as the subject subsidiary imprisonment, not, however, to exceed one-third of the main penalty, and
firearms and ammunitions were seized from petitioner's possession via a valid to pay the costs. From this judgment defendant’s counsel has appealed.
warrantless search, identified and offered in evidence during trial. As to the second
element, the same was convincingly proven by the prosecution. Indeed, petitioner's
From the facts above related it is clearly shown that the crime of abortion, defined and
punished by article 411 of the Penal Code, has been committed, inasmuch as, in ISSUE: WON Genoves is guilty of Homicide with unintentional Abortion - YES
consequence of the maltreatment received, on the evening of March 1, 1909, by RULING: Genoves is guilty of homicide with unintentional Abortion but since he has a
Teodorica Saguinsin, a married woman who for three months had been pregnant, she mitigating circumstance of lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong Genosa only
fell to the ground, and had a severe hemorrhage and, being unable to return to her suffered 12 years and and one day to 14 years, 8 months and 1 day of reclusión
home, was taken there in a vehicle, with the assistance of Basilisa Pascual, who temporal.
witnessed the occurrence. On the following day she had a miscarriage, as certified by The abortion in this case is unintentional abortion. It is generally known that a fall is
the president of the municipal board of health of the town of San Pedro Macati who liable to cause premature delivery, and the evidence shows a complete sequel of
made an examination of and attended the victim of the maltreatment. events from the assault to her death. The accused must be held responsible for the
natural consequences of his act.
ISSUE: WON D. B. Jeffrey is liable for the crime of unintentional abortion— YES Abortion = the willful killing of the fetus in the uterus, or the violent expulsion of the
fetus from the maternal womb which results the death of the fetus.
RULING: YES. The crime committed is that of abortion and not that of lesiones, it is
our opinion that the judgment appealed from should be set aside. Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. — The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
and medium period shall be imposed upon any person who shall cause an abortion
Even though it was not the criminal intent of the defendant to cause the abortion, the by violence, but unintentionally.
fact that, without any apparent reason whatever, he maltreated Teodorica Saguinsin,
presumably not knowing that she was pregnant, as author of the abuse which caused Elements of unintentional abortion are as follows : (1) That there is a pregnant
the miscarriage, he is liable not only for such maltreatment but also for the woman, (2) That violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending
consequences thereof, to wit, for the abortion. abortion, (3) That the violence i intentionally exerted ,and (4) That as a result of the
People vs Genoves violence the fetus dies, either in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom.
G.R. No. L-50884 March 30, 1988
FACTS: On May 28, 1934, Crispin Genoves and Soledad Rivera were laborers in vs.
adjoining cane fields. Soledad claimed that the yoke of the plow which Genoves was FILOMENO SALUFRANIA, defendant-appellant.
repairing belonged to her and tried to take it by force. Genoves struck Soledad with
his fist, causing her to fall to the ground. She got up and returned to the fray, then she DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ARTICLE 256-257 INTENTIONAL ABORTION and
received another strike which caused her again to fall to the ground. Immediately after UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION
the incident deceased proceeded to the municipal building, and complained about the
maltreatment. At the time Soledad was heavy with children, and as she complained to FACTS:
the chief of police of pain in the abdomen, she was seen by the president of the Appellant Filomena Salufrania was charged with the crime of Parricide and
sanitary district. According to testimony, the deceased was in good health the day Intentional Abortion, under Articles 246 and 256 of the RPC for the death of his wife,
before. From the time of the incident there was hemorrhage and pain which were Marciana Abuyo-Salufrania and their 8-months old fetus. The crime occurred on
symptoms of premature delivery. Deceased remained in this condition until June 10, December 03, 1974 at about 6pm in their house. Pedro Salufrania, the son of the
1934. On that date the condition culminated in the painful and difficult premature accused and the deceased, testified that on said night the two were quarellling and
delivery of one of the twin babies that she was carrying, but the other baby was never saw his father box his mother on the stomach, and once fallen on the floor, his father
born as Soledad died of hemorrhage before the other baby could be delivered. Both strangled her to death. He also saw blood ooze from the eyes and nose of Marciana
babies were dead. and that she died on the spot where she fell. Pedro Salufrania further testified that
The other defense is that the accused did not strike the deceased, but this fact is after killing his mother, the accused- appellant went out of the house to get a
clearly established by the prosecution. We find the mitigating circumstances of lack of hammock; that his brother Alex and he were the only ones who witnessed how the
intent to commit so grave a wrong as that inflicted and provocation, as the offended accused killed their mother because his sister and other brothers were already asleep
party by force induced the appellant to use force on his part. when the horrible incident happened; that his brothers Celedonio, Danilo and sister
Merly woke up after the death of their mother and kept watch at their mothers body 4. That as a result of the violence the foetus dies, either in the womb or after having
while their father was away; that their father arrived early the next morning with the been expelled therefrom.
hammock and after placing their dead mother on the hammock, the accused carried We find that appellant's intent to cause an abortion has not been sufficiently
her on his shoulder and brought the cadaver to the house of his sister Conching. established. Mere boxing on the stomach, taken together with the immediate
Pedro further testified that Filomena had threatened to kill him and his strangling of the victim in a fight, is not sufficient proof to show an intent to cause an
siblings should he reveal the true cause of his mother’s death. They are currently abortion. In fact, appellant must have merely intended to kill the victim but not
living in the house of their uncle, Marciana’s brother, Narciso Abuyo. Abuyo testified necessarily to cause an abortion. It has also been clearly established (a) that
that the children were afraid of going home with their father after the funeral, and Marciana Abuyo was seven (7) to eight (8) months pregnant when she was killed; (b)
when Alex had told him the reason why, he immediately reported it to the police. The that violence was voluntarily exerted upon her by her husband accused; and (c) that,
accused Filomeno Salufrania admitted that he was that lawful husband of the as a result of said violence, Marciana Abuyo died together with the fetus in her womb.
deceased Marciana Abuyo; that at around 9:00 o'clock in the morning of 3 December Thus, the Court finds the accused GUILTY FOR THE COMPLEX CRIME OF
1974, Marciana arrived home from Talisay where she had earlier stayed for about a PARRICIDE WITH UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION.
week; that she was hungry upon her arrival, so he allegedly cooked their food and G.R. No. 2957
after eating their lunch, he proceeded to his work while his wife rested in their house. January 3, 1907
At 4am he was awakened by his wife because of terrible stomach pain and even after THE UNITED STATES VS. JUAN BOGEL (alias CATALIN) ET AL
(Art. 262- Mutilation)
giving her the native treatments of “hilot” and “banti”, his wife passed away.
Accused contends his innocence, and that he had not been fighting with his
wife prior her death. He also questions the credibility of Pedro’s testimony since he is
The guilt of the accused of the crime of robbery with which they were charged was
only 13 years old when he testified and 11 years old when the crime occurred, falling proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It was further proven that one of the accused, on
under Section 19 Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court, wherein children who the occasion of the robbery, stabbed a woman named Fabiana in one eye, and that
appear to the court to be of such “tender age” cannot be witnesses in the trial. Lastly, as a result of the wound thus inflicted she lost the use of the eye.
appellant alleges that, assuming he indeed killed his wife, there is no evidence to
show that he had the intention to cause an abortion The trial court imposed the penalty for mutilation, with cadena temporal in its medium
ISSUE: degree to cadena perpetua, after classifying the stabbing of an eye as mutilation.
1. WON Pedro’s testimony should be held credible
2. WON the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of Murder and ISSUES:
Intentional Abortion. WON the trial court erred in imposing the penalty of cadena temporal to a maximum
RULING: degree, prescribed in par. 2 of Art. 503 of the Penal Code rather than par. 3 of article
1. YES. Appellant's contention is without merit. The record shows that the 503, in relation to par. 1 and 2 of Art. 416 of the Penal Code – YES.
trial court determined Pedro Salufrania's competency before he was allowed to testify WON lost of an eye should be classified as mutilation – NO.
under oath. They reiterate the trial court’s assessment of Pedro, stating “The
testimony of eye-witness Pedro Salufrania, 13-year old son of the victim Marciana RULING:
Abuyo and her killer-spouse Filomeno Salufrania, appears to be very clear,
convincing and truthful.” Viada, in his commentary on Art. 415 of the Penal Code, which penalizes intentional
2. NO. He should not be held guilty of the complex crime of Parricide with Intentional mutilations, points out that by mutilation (mutilacion) is understood, according to the
Abortion but of the complex crime of Parricide with Unintentional Abortion. Diccionario de la lengua, the lopping or clipping off (cercenamiento) of some part of
The elements of Unintentional Abortion are as follows: the body, and it is evident that the putting out of an eye does not fall under this
1. That there is a pregnant woman. definition. Unless the putting out of an eye by stabbing is a mutilation in the sense in
2. That violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending an abortion. which this word is defined above, it is manifest that the penalty to be imposed in this
3. That the violence is intentionally exerted. case is that prescribed in par. 3 and not paragraph 2 of Art. 503, which only imposes
cadena temporal.
NOTES: Pedro Aguirre; the latter's spouse, Lourdes S. Aguirre (Lourdes Aguirre); and their
four daughters, who included petitioner Gloria Aguirre and respondent Olondriz, came
Paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 503 are as follows: to know Larry, who was then just over a year old. The Aguirres would have Larry
spend a few days at their home and then return him to the orphanage thereafter. In
One guilty of robbery with violence or intimidation to the person will be punished: June 1980, Larry, then two years and nine months of age, formally became the ward
of respondent Pedro Aguirre and his spouse Lourdes Aguirre.
xxx xxx xxx As Larry was growing up, the Aguirre spouses and their children noticed that his
developmental milestones were remarkably delayed. His cognitive and physical
2. With cadena temporal in its medium degree to cadena perpetua when the robbery growth did not appear normal in that "at age 3 to 4 years, Larry could only crawl on
was accompanied by rape or intentional mutilation, or when for the purpose of or on his tummy like a frog x x x;" he did not utter his first word until he was three years of
occasion of the robbery any wounds are inflicted which are penalized in paragraph 1 age; did not speak in sentences until his sixth year; and only learned to stand up and
of article 416 of the Penal Code, or when the person who was robbed was held walk after he turned five years old. At age six, the Aguirre spouses first enrolled Larry
prisoner for ransom or period longer than one day. at the Colegio de San Agustin, but the child experienced significant learning
difficulties there. In 1989, at age eleven, Larry was taken to specialists for
3. With cadena temporal when the purpose of or on occasion of the robbery any of neurological and psychological evaluations. The psychological evaluation done on
the wounds are inflicted which are penalized in paragraph 2 of article 416 of the Penal Larry revealed the latter to be suffering from a mild mental deficiency.
Code. In November of 2001, respondent Dr. Agatep, a urologist/surgeon, was approached
concerning the intention to have Larry, then 24 years of age, vasectomized. Prior to
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 416 of the Penal Code provide that he wounds, strikes, performing the procedure on the intended patient, respondent Dr. Agatep required
or maltreats another will be punished for the crime of grave injuries. that Larry be evaluated by a psychiatrist in order to confirm and validate whether or
not the former could validly give his consent to the medical procedure on account of
1. With prision mayor if as a result of the wounds the offended person became an his mental deficiency.
imbecile, impotent, or blind. Respondent Dr. Pascual made the following recommendation: The responsibility of
decision making may be given to his parent or guardian.
2. With prision correccional in its medium and maximum degrees if as a result of the Considering the above recommendation, respondent Pedro Aguirre's written consent
wounds the offended person lost an eye or some principal member, or has been was deemed sufficient in order to proceed with the conduct of the vasectomy. Hence,
incapacitated or unfitted for the work in which prior thereto he was habitually respondent Dr. Agatep performed a bilateral vasectomy on Larry.
GLORIA PILAR S. AGUIRRE, Petitioner, versus SECRETARY OF THE Petitioner Gloria Aguirre, respondent Pedro Aguirre's eldest child, instituted a criminal
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Respondents. complaint for the violation of the Revised Penal Code, particularly Articles 172 and
G.R. No. 170723 | 2008-03-03 262, both in relation to Republic Act No. 7610 against respondents Pedro Aguirre,
Art. 262. Mutilation. — The penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall Olondriz, Dr. Agatep, Dr. Pascual and several John/Jane Does before the Office of
be imposed upon any person who shall intentionally mutilate another by depriving the City Prosecutor of Quezon City.
him, either totally or partially, or some essential organ of reproduction. Alleging the same statement of facts and defenses, respondent Pedro Aguirre
Any other intentional mutilation shall be punished by prision mayor in its medium and maintains that the vasectomy performed on Larry does not in any way amount to
maximum periods. mutilation, as the latter's reproductive organ is still completely intact. In any case,
Facts:The case stemmed from a complaint filed by petitioner Gloria Aguirre against respondent Pedro Aguirre explains that the procedure performed is reversible through
respondents Pedro B. Aguirre (Pedro Aguirre), Michelina S. Aguirre-Olondriz another procedure called Vasovasostomy.
(Olondriz), Dr. Juvido Agatep (Dr. Agatep), Dr. Marissa B. Pascual (Dr. Pascual) and The Assistant City Prosecutor also held that the facts alleged did not amount to the
several John/Jane Does for falsification, mutilation and child abuse. crime of mutilation as defined and penalized under Article 262 of the Revised Penal
The antecedents of the present petition are: Code, i.e., "the vasectomy operation did not in any way deprived Larry of his
Laureano "Larry" Aguirre used to be in charge of the Heart of Mary Villa, a child reproductive organ, which is still very much part of his physical self." He ratiocinated
caring agency run by the Good Shepherd Sisters. Sometime in 1978, respondent that while the operation renders him the inability to procreate, the operation is
reversible and therefore, cannot be the permanent damage contemplated under Pamoso and wounding (sic) Felipe Noquera. The weapons carrier was driven by
Article 262 of the Revised Penal Code. Paquito Alvarez. Per Medical report the cause of death of Estelita Imarga was "gun
Petitioner Gloria Aguirre appealed the foregoing resolution to the Secretary of the shot wounds, left chest," Elena Pamoso was "gun shot wounds, right chest" (Exhibits
DOJ by means of a Petition for Review. "D" and "D-1") while Felipe Noquera suffered injuries.
The Secretary of the DOJ dismissed the petition.
Issues: Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the DOJ did not Paquito Alvarez, driver of the weapons carrier which was ambushed declared that he
commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when the saw the ambushers with guns and recognized two of them as Beren and Purong, the
latter affirmed the public prosecutor's finding of lack of probable cause for the criminal real name (sic) are Beren Mandong and Purong Bilaan. He recognized these two
complaints of falsification and mutilation in relation to Republic Act No. 7610. - NO. among the ambushers because he is acquainted with them long time (sic) before the
Ruling: A straightforward scrutiny of the above provision shows that the elements] of incident. The others were new to him and hence did not recognize them.
mutilation under the first paragraph of Art. 262 of the Revised Penal Code to be 1)
that there be a castration, that is, mutilation of organs necessary for generation; and When they were shot at, he speed (sic) up his truck until they reached Datal Kangil, a
2) that the mutilation is caused purposely and deliberately, that is, to deprive the place three kilometers, more or less, from the ambush scene where he asked for help
offended party of some essential organ for reproduction. from the Barangay Captain. They went back to retrieve one of the victims Estelita
Mutilation is also known by the name of 'castration', which consists of the amputation Imarga who fell from the weapons carrier and brought her to Datal Kangil.
of whatever organ is necessary for generation. The law could not fail to punish with
the utmost severity such a crime, which, although not destroying life, deprives a Felipe Noquera, the one who sustained gun shot wounds but escaped death, testified
person of the means to transmit it. But bear in mind that in order for 'castration' to that they were ambushed at Sitio Samlang, Datal Batong, Malungon, at around 11:00-
exist, it is indispensable that the 'castration' be made purposely. The law does not 11:30 o'clock A.M., on December 14, 1978, on their way to General Santos City from
look only to the result but also to the intention of the act. Consequently, if by reason of Brgy. Miasong, of said Municipality, riding on a weapons Carrier (sic). He saw the
an injury or attack, a person is deprived of the organs of generation, the act, although ambushers and recognized Angel, Beren, Pral and Lapnayo whose real names are
voluntary, not being intentional to that end, it would not come under the provisions of Angel Pral, Beren Mandong, Ngay Pral, Lapnayo Buka and Purong Bilaan. The
this article. witness was acquainted with these persons long (sic) time before the incident for he
Thus, the question is, does vasectomy deprive a man, totally or partially, of some used to see them in Datal Batong. He (Noquera) being a driver himself of a weapons
essential organ of reproduction? We answer in the negative. carrier. He identified Angel Pral and Beren Mandong in court during his open
Though undeniably, vasectomy denies a man his power of reproduction, such testimony. He saw each of these two ambushers with long firearms. In spite of the
procedure does not deprive him, "either totally or partially, of some essential organ for rigid cross examination on this witness he stood pat on the identity of the two
reproduction." Notably, the ordinary usage of the term "mutilation" is the deprivation of accused, testifying firmly that he saw them (accused) holding long firearm each, but
a limb or essential part (of the body), with the operative expression being he did not know what kind firearms were those. He was investigated by the office of
"deprivation." In the same manner, the word "castration" is defined as the removal of the Provincial Fiscal and he told the same version — re — the identity of these two
the testes or ovaries. Such being the case in this present petition, the bilateral accused.
vasectomy done on Larry could not have amounted to the crime of mutilation as
defined and punished under Article 262, paragraph 1, of the Revised Penal Code. Luis Esconde, one of the persons on board the weapon (sic) carrier at the time of the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit. of the time (sic) of the ambushcade (sic) testified that upon reaching sitio Samlang,
he saw the ambushers more than five, who fired at them and he recognized three of
PEOPLE VS BUKA them, Lapnayo, Beren and Angel, whose real name (sic) are Lapnayo Buka, Beren
Mandong, and Angel Pral. He did not recognized (sic) the others. He readily pointed
DOCTRINE: Arts 262-266 to the accused Angel Pral and Beren Mandong when he was made to identify them in
Court. He is acquainted with said accused because he usually see (sic) them in Datal
FACTS: The victim with some other companions were bound for General Santos City Batong during market days, cockfighting and card games. He saw the victims of the
from Miasong Malungon, South Cotabato, riding on a weapons carrier. Upon reaching ambush Estelita Imarga and Elena Pamoso who died immediately thereafter, while
Sitio Samlang, Brgy Datal Batong, of said Municipality, at around 11:30 A.M. they Felipe Noquera suffered gun shot wounds (TSN, pp. 46-51, Feb. 3, 1982). Upon rigid
were ambushed by the accused resulting to (sic) the death of Estelita Imarga, Elena
cross-examination this witness also stand (sic) pat on the identity of these two (1) the time when the offender determined to commit the crime;
accused whom he saw holding long firearm (sic) each. (2) an act manifestly indicating that he has clung to his determination; and,
(3) sufficient lapse of time between determination and execution to allow him to reflect
Ricardo Salvador, one of the persons on the (sic) board the weapon (sic) carrier at upon the consequences of his act.
the time and date of the ambush, stated that he saw the ambushers, but he only
recognized Beren, whose real name is Beren Mandong, also holding a long firearm. Treachery is present when the offender commits any of the crimes against persons
He saw the victims Estelita Imarga and Elena Pamoso who died immediately employing means, methods or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
thereafter while Felipe Noquera suffered gunshot wounds. (TSN, pp. 61-64, Feb. 3, specially to insure its execution without risk to himself arising from the defense which
1982). On cross (sic), this witness firmly stated that he knew personally Beren the offended party might make. While treachery was duly proven against appellants
Mandong before the incident because he usually saw him in Datal Batong, while the such circumstance is not, however, alleged in the three (3) informations.
rest of the ambushers were not known to him, hence, he could not recognize them
(TSN, pp. 64-65, Feb. 3, 1982). For treachery to qualify the crime of homicide to murder, it must be alleged in the
information, otherwise it will only be considered a generic aggravating circumstance,
In convicting each of the accused for murder as charged in Criminal Cases Nos. 1893 if proven. Therefore, treachery is only a generic aggravating circumstance in these
and 1895 and frustrated murder in Criminal Case No. 1894, the trial court considered cases. The informations allege that the aggravating circumstance of band attended
the qualifying circumstances of treachery and evident premeditation since the the commission of the crimes charged. There is a band whenever more than three (3)
"ambush or shooting was so sudden and unexpected assault (sic) perpetrated by all armed malefactors shall have acted together in the commission of an offense. The
the accused insured the killing of the two defenseless victim Estelita Imarga and accusatory portions of the informations elaborate this circumstance by stating that the
Elena Pamoso and the frustrated death (sic) of Felipe Noquera." five (5) named accused, two (2) of whom are the Appellants, and two (2) other John
Does "armed with assorted high-powered weapons such as Garand rifle, shotgun and
Unable to accept the verdict, accused Angel Pral and Beren Mandong, hereinafter surit and with evidence premeditation and with deliberate intent to kill, did then and
referred to as the Appellants, filed their Notice of Appeal to the then Intermediate there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously ambush, attack, assault and shoot with
Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals). assorted high powered weapons" the weapons carrier of Edon Escobillo thereby
causing the death and injuries described therein. Evidently, the prosecution did not
ISSUE: WON the crimes committed by the accused were the crimes of murder and intend to make the aggravating circumstance of aid of armed men as a qualifying
frustrated murder as charged by the lower court — NO circumstance under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code. Otherwise, it would have
expressly alleged it as such as in the case of the qualifying circumstance of treachery
RULING: NO. The accused are guilty of homicide on two (2) counts and of attempted and evident premeditation. Accordingly, band absorbed aid of armed men.
homicide, with the generic aggravating circumstances of treachery and band.
The aggravating circumstance of disregard of the respect due the offended party on
In Criminal Case No. 1984, the accused cannot be convicted for the crime of murder account of sex alleged in Criminal Cases Nos. 1893 and 1895 cannot be appreciated
because, as testified to by Dr. Casimiro Mansilla, the doctor who examined the victim, against the Appellants, there being no proof that they deliberately intended to offend
Felipe Noquera, the latter would have lived even without medical attendance because the sex of the victims or show manifest disrespect towards them.
the "wound was just a slight physical injury” which description falls under the definition
only of an “attempted murder/homicide.” G.R. Nos. 80399-404 November 13, 1997
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
The trial court, in ruling that murder was committed in the case of Elena Pamaso and vs.
Estelita Imarga and frustrated murder in the case of Felipe Noquera, considered the PERMONETTE JOY FORTICH and RUDY GAID, accused-appellants.
qualifying circumstances of evident premeditation and treachery. We disagree with
the trial court on this score. DOCTRINE/TOPIC: ART 262-266

For evident premeditation to be present, the following requisites must concur: FACTS:
Accused-appellants Permonette Joy Fortich and Rudy Gaid were each charged with prevail over the positive identification of the accused. Aside from being positively
two counts of forcible abduction with rape, one count of robbery with frustrated identified, the different versions presented by appellants are contrary to ordinary
homicide, and one count of robbery. The crimes occurred on March 31, 1983 at about human experience. The court is convinced that Marilou did recognize the physical
8pm sisters Marilou and Maritess Nobleza had just attended mass with their friends features of her tormentors as she was in a supine position when appellants
Rolly Imperio and Luis Tamang. They proceeded to Alta Tierra Hotel in Carmen Hill successively mounted her. She was as close to the appellants as was physically
using an Isuzu pick-up owned by Luis ’mother. Going home, two armed men (Fortich possible, for a man and a woman cannot be physically closer to each other than
and Gaid) suddenly emerged from the rear end of the vehicle and fired a single shot during a sexual act. Marilou had ample opportunity to observe appellants while she
which hit the left side of their care. They introduced themselves as members of the was being terrorized and, subsequently raped. Thus, there is no reason to doubt the
New People's Army (NPA) and ordered the sisters to get inside the vehicle while veracity of her statement where she declared that she recognized appellants as her
Imperio and Tumang were instructed to strip. transgressors.
Gaid thumped Imperio on the head using his gun, which caused him to fall, while The trial court found ample evidence to support a finding of conspiracy. In
Tumang was hit several times by Fortich causing him to momentarily lose the case at bar, the evidence revealed that appellants arrived together at Carmen Hill
consciousness. Tumang was divested of his wallet containing one hundred sixty and, at gunpoint, forcibly took Imperio and Tumang's personal belongings and fled
pesos (P160.00) in cash, five U.S. dollars (P70.00), six Saudi Arabia Riyals P30.42), with the sisters on board the stolen pick-up. After fleeing, appellants successively
one 12K gold wristwatch worth P500.00, pants valued at P140.00, and shoes worth abused Marilou and Maritess inside the vehicle. These acts manifestly disclose their
P125.00. Imperio, on the other hand, was stripped of his pants valued at P135.00, a "joint purpose and design, concerted action and community of interest.”
wallet worth P45.00 containing P85.00 in cash, a pair of shoes, and one t-shirt. With respect to the charge of frustrated homicide in Criminal Case No. 3977,
Leaving the two and stealing their car, the two drove towards Acuna Beach with the the trial court correctly observed that the element of intent to kill was not present. It
two sisters still in the back seat. Appellants detoured and entered a dirt road leading must be stressed that while Fortich was armed with a handgun, he never shot
to Malasag where they parked the vehicle. At his juncture, Gaid had transferred to the Tumang but merely hit him on the head with it. The trial court, however, erred in
backseat with Marilou while Maritess was made to sit up in front with Fortich. Gaid designating the crime committed as robbery with frustrated homicide. There is no
poked his gun at the right side of Marilou's neck and ordered her to remove her pants such crime. There should have been two separate informations: one for robbery and
under pain of death. Gaid then raped Marilou while Fortich raped Maritess. another for frustrated homicide. Notwithstanding the erroneous charge in the
Appellants switched victims twice before divesting them of their watches, a handbag information, the Court finds no reason to overturn the conviction of appellants for the
containing P15.00 in cash, a shirt, toilet tissue and toothbrush, and the pick-up's crime of simple robbery.
stereo and tools. They then drove down the highway and left the sisters at a gasoline Thus, the Court rules appellants Permonette Joy Fortich and Rudy Gaid are
station some three kilometers from the city. hereby convicted of the crime of forcible abduction with rape and, likewise, of three
Prosecution witness Jaime Rivera testified that appellants went to his house at about counts of rape as defined and penalized in Article 342, in relation to Article 335, of the
4:00 o'clock in the morning of April 1, 1983, bringing with them a revolver and a bag Revised Penal Code.
containing a car stereo, watch and wallet. He was apparently asked to sell the
revolver for not less than P300.00, with a promise that he would receive a fifty percent Li vs People
commission. However, both accused pleaded not guilty on all charges. Fortich claims
that during that night he was with other accused Gaid and after going out to dinner DOCTRINE/TOPIC: Slight physical injuries and maltreatment.
and a few drinks, they went to Carmen Hill to relax when suddnely they were attacked FACTS:
by the two men, Imperio and Tumang, causing them to defend themselves and in Two different versions of the incident were presented. According to Ronaldo Tan and
their escape, used their pick-up truck with the two sisters and after conversing, left dela Camara’s version, Li refused to have a drink, and that the reason for the fight
them at Marcos Bridge unharmed while Gaid drove him home in his house in Patag. was an improper bath in public. Arugay was watching the television with his sisters
ISSUE: Cristy and Baby Jane and Tan, boyfriend of Baby Jane, when they heard a noise
WON the two accused were found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. caused by Li and Sangalang who were then bathing naked outside their house.
RULING: Enraged, Arugay yelled, “Pare bastos kayo, ba’t kayo nakahubad?” Li shouted back,
YES. Appellants anchor their defense solely on the denial of the charges “Putang Ina!” and threw something at the Arugays ’house. Sangalang also yelled,
imputed to them. It is an established doctrine that the defense of denial cannot
“Putang Ina mo, lumabas ka, papatayin kita!” Arugay went outside and confronted the
two which eventually ended up with Li striking Arugay with a baseball bat on the head Physical injuries which incapacitated the offended party for lafor from 1 to 9 days, or
and later stabbing him with a knife. Sangalang was also seen stabbing the victim at required medical attendance during the same period
least once with a knife. Tan and dela Camara assisted Arugay and were trying to drag Physical injuries which did not prevent the offended party from engaging in his
him back to his house when Li re-emerged, this time with a knife. Li then stabbed habitual work or which did not require medical attendance
Arugay once. Dela Camara was confronted by Li’s sister, Kristine, who proceeded to Ill- treatment of another by deed without causing injury
pull her hair and slap her around. Kristine also wielded a bolo, with which she hacked
dela Camara in the arm. dela Camara was able to see Sangalang stab Arugay at
least once, so she claimed. Tan saw Arugay run towards the street after he was VILLAREAL VS. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES
stabbed, with Li and Sangalang chasing him. (R.A. 8049- Anti-Hazing Law)
Li’s version states that he encountered Arugay out on the street on the night of 18
April 1993, a few hours before the brawl. Arugay was carrying a bayong containing FACTS:
various liquors. He invited Li to a drinking session which the latter refused as he had In February 1991, seven freshmen law students of the Ateneo de Manila University
work the following day. At 1am Li saw that Arugay and his girlfriend hurled objects School of Law signified their intention to join the Aquila Legis Juris Fraternity (Aquila
and kicked the gate of his house. Upon seeing that Arugay has gotten himself two Fraternity). They were Caesar "Bogs" Asuncion, Samuel "Sam" Belleza, Bienvenido
"Bien" Marquez III, Roberto Francis "Bert" Navera, Geronimo "Randy" Recinto, Felix
kitchen knives, Li armed himself with a baseball bat. Li managed to evade Arugay’s
Sy, Jr., and Leonardo "Lenny" Villa (neophytes).
thrusts and successfully hit him with the bat on the shoulder with which Arugay ran
back to his house and emerged carrying a bolo. Arugay tried to hit Li with the bolo but
On the night of 8 February 1991, the neophytes were met by some members of the
Li raised his right hand to protect himself but Arugay was able to hit him on his right
Aquila Fraternity (Aquilans) at the lobby of the Ateneo Law School. After dinner, they
temple, right wrist, and right shoulder. Li passed out. Sangalang was also present
went to the house of Michael Musngi, also an Aquilan, who briefed the neophytes on
when the incident started. Arugay had multiple stab wounds while Li was brought to
what to expect during the initiation rites. The latter were informed that there would be
the hospital.
physical beatings, and that they could quit at any time. Their initiation rites were
ISSUE: WON Li is guilty for Slight physical injuries and maltreatment
scheduled to last for three days. After their "briefing," they were brought to the
RULING: Yes Li is guilty of Slight physical injuries
Almeda Compound in Caloocan City for the commencement of their initiation.
The only injury attributable to Li is the contusion on the victim’s right arm that resulted
from Li striking Arugay with a baseball bat. In view of the victim’s supervening death As soon as the neophytes alighted from the van, some of the Aquilans delivered
from injuries which cannot be attributed to Li beyond reasonable doubt, the effects of physical blows to them. The neophytes were then subjected to traditional forms of
the contusion caused by Li are not mortal or at least lie entirely in the realm of Aquilan "initiation rites." These rites included:
speculation. When there is no evidence of actual incapacity of the offended party for "Indian Run," – required the neophytes to run a gauntlet of two parallel rows of
labor or of the required medical attendance, the offense is only slight physical injuries, Aquilans, each row delivering blows to the neophytes; the
NOTES: "Bicol Express," – the neophytes would sit on the floor with their backs against the
Art. 266. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment. — The crime of slight physical wall and their legs outstretched while the Aquilans walked, jumped, or ran over their
injuries shall be punished: legs;
By arresto menor when the offender has inflicted physical injuries which shall "Rounds," – the neophytes were held at the back of their pants by the "auxiliaries"
incapacitate the offended party for labor from one to nine days, or shall require (the Aquilans charged with the duty of lending assistance to neophytes during
medical attendance during the same period. initiation rites), while the latter were being hit with fist blows on their arms or with knee
By arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 20 pesos and censure when the offender blows on their thighs by two Aquilans;
has caused physical injuries which do not prevent the offended party from engaging "Auxies’ Privilege Round," – the auxiliaries were given the opportunity to inflict
in his habitual work nor require medical assistance. physical pain on the neophytes.
By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding 50 pesos when the During this time, the neophytes were also indoctrinated with the fraternity principles.
offender shall ill-treat another by deed without causing any injury. They survived their first day of initiation.
Three kinds if slight physical injuries
On the morning of their second day – Feb. 9, 1991 – the neophytes were made to participation. One of the accused had by then passed away, so the following Decision
present comic plays and to play rough basketball. They were also required to applied only to the remaining 25 accused, viz:
memorize and recite the Aquila Fraternity’s principles. Whenever they would give a
wrong answer, they would be hit. Late in the afternoon, the Aquilans revived the 1. Nineteen of the accused-appellants were acquitted,as their individual guilt was not
initiation rites proper and proceeded to torment them physically and psychologically. established by proof beyond reasonable doubt.
The neophytes were subjected to the same manner of hazing as on their first day.
After a few hours, the initiation for the day officially ended. 2. Four of the accused-appellants– Vincent Tecson, Junel Anthony Ama, Antonio
Mariano Almeda, and Renato Bantug, Jr. (Tecson et al.) – were found guilty of the
After a while, accused non-resident/alumni fraternity members Fidelito Dizon (Dizon) crime of slight physical injuries and sentenced to 20 days of arresto menor. They
and Artemio Villareal (Villareal) demanded that the rites be reopened. The head of were also ordered to jointly pay the heirs of the victim the sum of ₱30,000 as
initiation rites, Nelson Victorino (Victorino), initially refused. Upon the insistence of indemnity.
Dizon and Villareal, however, he reopened the initiation rites. The fraternity members,
including Dizon and Villareal, then subjected the neophytes to "paddling" and to 3. Two of the accused-appellants– Fidelito Dizon and Artemio Villareal – were found
additional rounds of physical pain. Lenny received several paddle blows, one of which guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of homicide under Article 249 of the
was so strong it sent him sprawling to the ground. The neophytes heard him Revised Penal Code. Having found no mitigating or aggravating circumstance, the CA
complaining of intense pain and difficulty in breathing. After their last session of sentenced them to an indeterminate sentence of 10 years of prision mayor to 17
physical beatings, Lenny could no longer walk. He had to be carried by the auxiliaries years of reclusion temporal. They were also ordered to indemnify, jointly and
to the carport. Again, the initiation for the day officially ended, and the neophytes severally, the heirs of Lenny Villa in the sum of ₱50,000 and to pay the additional
started eating dinner. They then slept at the carport. amount of ₱1,000,000 by way of moral damages.

After an hour of sleep, the neophytes were suddenly roused by Lenny’s shivering and However, the separate criminal case against the remaining nine accused failed to
incoherent mumblings. Initially, Villareal and Dizon dismissed these rumblings, as commence. So much so in fact that the trial court dismissed the charge against
they thought he was just overacting. When they realized, though, that Lenny was accused Concepcion on the ground of violation of his right to speedy trial. Meanwhile,
really feeling cold, some of the Aquilans started helping him. They removed his on different dates between the years 2003 and 2005, the trial court denied the
clothes and helped him through a sleeping bag to keep him warm. When his condition respective Motions to Dismiss of accused Escalona, Ramos, Saruca, and Adriano.
worsened, the Aquilans rushed him to the hospital. Lenny was pronounced dead on However, on 25 October 2006, the CA reversed the trial court’s Orders and dismissed
arrival. the criminal case against Escalona, Ramos, Saruca, and Adriano on the basis of
violation of their right to speedy trial. Petitioner Gerarda Villa assailed this judgment
Consequently, a criminal case for homicide was filed against the following 35 and filed a Motion for Partial Reconsideration, citing that the CA committed grave
Aquilans. Twenty-six of the accused Aquilans in Criminal Case No. C-38340(91) were abuse of discretion when it dismissed the case.
jointly tried. On the other hand, the trial against the remaining nine accused in
Criminal Case No. C-38340 was held in abeyance due to certain matters that had to On the other hand, after the CA lowered the criminal liability of Tecson et. Al from
be resolved first. Homicide to Slight Physical Injuries, the latter of which carries a probationable
sentence, they immediately applied for probation which was allegedly granted their
On 8 November 1993, the trial court rendered judgment in Criminal Case No. C- respective Applications for Probation on 11 October 2002 by the Caloocan RTC.
38340(91), holding the 26 accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Tecson et. Al now alleges that upon their completion of the terms and conditions
homicide, penalized with reclusion temporal under Article 249 of the Revised Penal under PD No. 968, otherwise known as the Probation Law, discharged them from
Code. A few weeks after the trial court rendered its judgment, or on 29 November probation and criminal liability, and declared the criminal case against them
1993, Criminal Case No. C-38340 against the remaining nine accused commenced terminated on various dates in April 2003. Tecson et. Al has filed Motions for
anew. Clarification or Reconsideration with the SC regarding their judgment of elevating the
penalty to reckless imprudence resulting to Homicide, and the extinguishment of their
On 10 January 2002, the CA set aside the finding of conspiracy by the trial court and criminal liability through probation..
modified the criminal liability of each of the accused according to individual
Under a motion for reconsideration filed by the OSG, it stipulates that although it of an act performed without malice or criminal design. The law requires proof beyond
relents to the findings of the Court that accused Dizon and Tecson et al. had neither reasonable doubt of the existence of malicious intent or dolus malus before an
the felonious intent to kill nor the felonious intent to Lenny Villa, further conceding that accused can be adjudged liable for committing an intentional felony. Accused Dizon
the mode in which the accused committed the crime was through fault (culpa), it and Tecson et al. had neither animus interficendi nor animus iniuriandi in inflicting
contends that the penalty imposed should have been equivalent to that for deceit physical pain on Lenny Villa. Hence, the Court rules that the imposable penalty is
(dolo) pursuant to Article 249 (Homicide) of the Revised Penal Code. It argues that what is applicable to the crime of reckless imprudence resulting in homicide as
the nature and gravity of the imprudence or negligence attributable to the accused defined and penalized under Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code
was so gross that it shattered the fine distinction between dolo and culpaby
considering the act as one committed with malicious intent. It maintains that the On the Motions for Clarification or Reconsideration filed by Tecson et al.:
accused conducted the initiation rites in such a malevolent and merciless manner that The finality of a CA decision will not bar the state from seeking the annulment of the
it clearly endangered the lives of the initiates and was thus equivalent to malice judgment via a Rule 65 petition.
aforethought. Also, the OSG asserts that Victorino et al. should have been similarly Tecson et. al. insist that the previous verdict of the CA finding them guilty of slight
convicted like their other co-accused Dizon, Almeda, Ama, Bantug, and Tecson, since physical injuries has already lapsed into finality as a result of their respective
the former also participated in the hazing of Lenny Villa, and their actions contributed availments of the probation program and their ultimate discharge therefrom. Hence,
to his death. they argue that they can no longer be convicted of the heavier offense of reckless
imprudence resulting in homicide. As per Rule 120 of the Rules of Court, there is
ISSUES: finality of a criminal judgment once the accused applies for probation. Coupled with
WON the CA committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of Section 7 of Rule 117 and Section 1 of Rule 122, it can be ascertained that only the
jurisdiction when it dismissed the case against Escalona, Ramos, Saruca, and accused may appeal the criminal aspect of a criminal case, especially if the relief
Adriano for violation of their right to speedy trial being sought is the correction or review of the judgment therein, to avoid double
WON the penalty imposed on Tecson et al. should have corresponded to that for jeopardy. However, the rule on double jeopardy is not absolute, and that this rule is
intentional felonies. inapplicable to cases in which the state assails the very jurisdiction of the court that
WON the completion by Tecson et al. of the terms and conditions of their probation issued the criminal judgment. As it is, the Court partially annulled the decision of the
discharged them from their criminal liability, and closed and terminated the cases CA, in spite of its finality, as the judgment therein, through a Rule 65 petition, was
against them. issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.

RULING: The orders of Caloocan City RTC Branch 130 have no legal effect, as they were
In light of the finding of violation of the right of Escalona et al. to speedy trial, the CA’s issued without jurisdiction.
dismissal of the criminal case against them amounted to an acquittal, and that any Tecson et. al. filed their Applications for Probation with the wrong court. Branch 130
appeal or reconsideration thereof would result in a violation of their right against of Caloocan City RTC did not have competence to take cognizance of the
double jeopardy. Though the acquittal of the accused may be challenged where there applications, considering that it was not the court of origin of the criminal case, which
has been a grave abuse of discretion, certiorari would lie if it is convincingly was Branch 121 of the Caloocan City RTC. Under Sec. 4 of the Probation Law, the
established that the CA’s Decision dismissing the case was attended by a whimsical law requires that an application for probation be filed withthe trial court that convicted
or capricious exercise of judgment equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. and sentenced the defendant, meaning the court of origin.
However, upon a second look at the court records, the CA Decision, and petitioner’s The records of the casewere still with the CA when Caloocan City RTC Branch 130
arguments, the Court found no basis to rule that the CA gravely abused its discretion granted the probation applications. Records reveals that the CA had not yet
in concluding that the right to speedy trial of the accused was violated. Its findings relinquished its jurisdiction over the case when Caloocan City RTC Branch 130 took
were sufficiently supported by the records of the case and grounded in law. Thus, the cognizance of the Applications for Probation of Tecson et al. It shows that the
Court denies the motion of petitioner Villa with finality. accused filed their respective applications while a motion for reconsideration was still
pending before the CA and the records were still with that court. According to Art. 78
The Court denies with finality the motion filed by the OSG. The court emphasizes that of the Revised Penal Code, the court of origin only reacquires jurisdiction over the
the finding of a felony committed by means of culpa is legally inconsistent with that case for appropriate action after the appellate court submits a certified true copy of
committed by means of dolo. Culpable felonies involve those wrongs done as a result the judgment or final order which shall then be remanded to the clerk of the court from
which the appeal was taken. Since a motion for reconsideration was still pending
before the CA and the records were still with that court, the Court finds that RTC
Branch 130 had no jurisdiction to act on the probation applications of Tecson et al. It
had neither the power nor the authority to suspend their sentence, place them on [G.R. No. 174786]
probation, order their final discharge, and eventually declare the case against them PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PETITIONER, VS. LTSG. DOMINADOR
Section 4 of the Probation Law indicates probation may be granted whether the SANDIGANBAYAN, RESPONDENTS.
sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or a fine only. An application for probation RA 8049 Anti-Hazing Law
shall be filed with the trial court. The filing of the application shall be deemed a waiver Facts:While this Court has recently faced questions on the criminal liability of
of the right to appeal; a defendant cannot avail of probation once they appealed their fraternity members for hazing, this case presents novel questions on the extent of
case in the appellate court. Tecson et. al should not have been eligible to seek liability of schools and school authorities under Republic Act No. 8049, or the Anti-
probation after appealing their homicide conviction by the RTC to the CA. Hazing Law.
Fernando C. Balidoy, Jr. (Balidoy) was admitted as a probationary midshipman at the
The ultimate discharge of Tecson et al. from probation did not totally extinguish their PMMA. In order to reach active status, all new entrants were required to successfully
criminal liability. complete the mandatory “Indoctrination and Orientation Period,” which was set from 2
A void judgment cannot be the source of legal rights; legally speaking, it is as if no May to 1 June 2001. Balidoy died on 3 May 2001.
judgment had been rendered at all. Considering that the orders of Branch 130 of The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) probed the death of Balidoy. After months
Caloocan City RTC were made in grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or of investigation, it forwarded its findings to the provincial prosecutor of Zambales for
excess of jurisdiction, respondents cannot claim benefits that technically do not exist. the preliminary investigation and possible criminal prosecution of those involved in the
orientation and indoctrination of the PMMA Class of 2005, finding probable cause to
However, in light of a recent decision by this Court in Colinares v. People, Tecson et. charge the following as principals to the crime of hazing: Aldwin Alvarez (Alvarez),
al. may now apply for probation regardless of the appeal of their case from judgment Leotharius C. Montez (Montez), Rudence G. Reyes (Reyes), and Jed Nicholas S.
of the RTC that bars Tecson et. al. from applying for probation under Sec. 4 of the Simpas (Simpas) – collectively, Alvarez et al. A criminal case against Alvarez et al.
Probation Law, on the basis that had the RTC done what was right and imposed the was then filed with the Regional Trial Court of Iba, Zambales (RTC–Zambales).
correct penalty in the first place, the right to apply for probation would have been The Assistant Provincial Prosecutor also endorsed to the Deputy Ombudsman for the
available right at the onset. Military the finding of probable cause to charge the school authorities as accomplices
to hazing. The Ombudsman Investigator agreed with the findings of the Assistant
Wherefore, remises considered, the Motion for Partial Reconsideration of petitioner Provincial Prosecutor. The Office of the Special Prosecutor eventually filed with the
Gerarda H. Villa in connection with G.R. Nos. 178057 & 178080 is hereby DENIED. Sandiganbayan a criminal case charging respondents as accomplices to the crime of
The Motion for Reconsideration filed by the Office of the Solicitor General concerning hazing.
G.R. Nos. 155101 and 154954 is also DENIED. The school authorities (collectively, Bayabos et al.) filed a Motion to Quash the
Information. They argued that the Information did not contain all the essential
The respective Motions for Clarification or Reconsideration of Antonio Mariano elements of the offense. They also pointed out that there was no allegation that the
Almeda, Junel Anthony D. Arna, Renato Bantug, Jr., and Vincent Tecson are likewise purported act had been made a prerequisite for admission to the PMMA, especially
DENIED. In light of the finding that Caloocan City Regional Trial Court Branch 130 considering that the victim had already been accepted in the academy. Moreover,
acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction in taking cognizance of the they stressed that there was no averment in the Information that the PMMA was a
aforementioned Applications for Probation, we hereby ANNUL the entire probation fraternity, a sorority, or an organization. Also underscored was the absence in the
proceedings and SET ASIDE all orders, resolutions, or judgments issued in Information of any assertion that the alleged hazing was not part of the “physical,
connection thereto. We, however, CLARIFY that Antonio Mariano Almeda, Junel mental, and psychological testing and training procedure and practices to determine
Anthony D. Arna, Renato Bantug, Jr., Vincent Tecson, and Fidelito Dizon are eligible and enhance the physical, mental and psychological fitness of prospective regular
to apply or reapply for probation in view of our recent ruling in Colinares v. People of members.” Furthermore, they emphasized that there was no allegation that they were
the Philippines,88 without prejudice to their remaining civil liability, if any. given prior written notice of the hazing and that they had permitted the activity.
As a final point, Bayabos et al. argued that the case against the principal accused had person of physical or psychological suffering on another in furtherance of the latter’s
already been dismissed with finality by the RTC. There being no more principals with admission or entry into an organization.
whom they could have cooperated in the execution of the offense, they asserted that In the case of school authorities and faculty members who have had no direct
the case against them must be dismissed. participation in the act, they may nonetheless be charged as accomplices if it is
In view of the dismissal of the case against the principals, the court ruled that the shown that (1) hazing, as established by the above elements, occurred; (2) the
Information charging Bayabos et al. as accomplices could no longer stand on its own. accused are school authorities or faculty members; and (3) they consented to or
Issues: failed to take preventive action against hazing in spite actual knowledge thereof.
Whether the prosecution of respondents for the crime of accomplice to hazing can First, we reject the contention of respondents that PMMA should not be considered
proceed in spite of the dismissal with finality of the case against the principal accused an organization. Under the Anti-Hazing Law, the breadth of the term organization
- YES includes – but is not limited to – groups, teams, fraternities, sororities, citizen army
Whether the Information filed against respondents contains all the material averments training corps, educational institutions, clubs, societies, cooperatives, companies,
for the prosecution of the crime of accomplice to hazing under the Anti-Hazing Law - partnerships, corporations, the PNP, and the AFP. Attached to the Department of
NO Transportation and Communications, the PMMA is a government-owned educational
Ruling: institution established for the primary purpose of producing efficient and well-trained
It is a settled rule that the case against those charged as accomplices is not ipso merchant marine officers. Clearly, it is included in the term organization within the
facto dismissed in the absence of trial of the purported principals; the dismissal of the meaning of the law.
case against the latter; or even the latter’s acquittal, especially when the occurrence Nevertheless, we find – albeit for a different reason – that the Motion to Quash must
of the crime has in fact been established. We note in the present case that Bayabos be granted, as the Information does not include all the material facts constituting the
et al. merely presented the Order of Entry of Judgment dismissing the case against crime of accomplice to hazing. The indictment merely states that psychological pain
Alvarez et al. Nowhere is it mentioned in the order that the case was dismissed and physical injuries were inflicted on the victim. There is no allegation that the
against the alleged principals, because no crime had been committed. In fact, it does purported acts were employed as a prerequisite for admission or entry into the
not cite the trial court’s reason for dismissing the case. Hence, the Sandiganbayan organization. Failure to aver this crucial ingredient would prevent the successful
committed an error when it simply relied on the Order of Entry of Judgment without so prosecution of the criminal responsibility of the accused, either as principal or as
much as scrutinizing the reason for the dismissal of the case against the purported accomplice, for the crime of hazing.
principals. WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari in G.R. No. 171222 is hereby
We quote the pertinent provision of the Anti-Hazing Law as follows: DENIED and the petition for certiorari in G.R. No. 174786, DISMISSED. The
Section 1. Hazing, as used in this Act, is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite dismissal of the case in Sandiganbayan Resolutions dated 27 January 2006 and 3
for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the August 2006 in Criminal Case No. 28339 are thus AFFIRMED.
recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as SO ORDERED.
forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar tasks or activities or otherwise G.R. No. 209464 July 01, 2015
subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury. DANDY L. DUNGO and GREGORIO A. SIBAL, JR., petitioners,
Sec. 4. x x x x. vs.
The school authorities including faculty members who consent to the hazing or who PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES
have actual knowledge thereof, but failed to take any action to prevent the same from
occurring shall be punished as accomplices for the acts of hazing committed by the DOCTRINE/TOPIC: RA 8049 – ANTI-HAZING LAW
perpetrators. (Emphasis supplied)
The crime of hazing is thus committed when the following essential elements are FACTS:
established: (1) a person is placed in some embarrassing or humiliating situation or On January 14, 2006 in Villa Novaliches, Calamba City, Laguna, the Alpha
subjected to physical or psychological suffering or injury; and (2) these acts were Phi Omega Fraternity with more or less than twenty other members and officers
employed as a prerequisite for the person’s admission or entry into an organization. conducted initiation rites for new member Marlon Villanueva y Mejilla.
In the crime of hazing, the crucial ingredient distinguishing it from the crimes against He was brought into the hospital around 3:20 am in the ER of JP Rizal Hospital where
persons defined under Title Eight of the Revised Penal Code is the infliction by a Dr. Masilungan was the attending physician. He observed Villanueva to be already
motionless and had no heartbeat. They tried to revive him for 15-30 minutes but
sadly, Villanueva failed to respond and was pronounced dead. Dr. Masilungan Castillo just before the initiation supposedly occurred. This was also corroborated by
disclosed that Villanueva was brought by two men who had told him they found the Sibal, who accompanied Villanueva and claimed to have later found him seated in
victim motionless on the ground at a store in Brngy. Pansol. From his medico-legal one of the resort’s benches and already unconscious. He then called Dungo for help.
report, he deduced the wounds sustained by the victim to be from hazing due to his After Dungo arrived at the resort, they hailed a tricycle and brought Villanueva to JP
past experience of undergoing hazing and also past patients with hazing injuries. Rizal Hospital. There, he gave a false name to the security guard as he heard that
A medico-legal officer, Dr. Roy Camarillo, examined the body, and found Dungo had done the same.
various external injuries in the head, trunk and extremities. There were thirty-three In this appeal, petitioners contended that the prosecution failed to establish
(33) external injuries, with various severity and nature. He concluded that the cause their guilt beyond reasonable doubt for violating R.A. No. 8049. They also assailed
of death was subdural hemorrhage due to head injury contusion-hematoma. Based the constitutionality of Section 4 of the said law, which stated that mere presence in
on multiple injuries and contusions on the body, and his previous examinations of the hazing was prima facie evidence of participation therein, because it allegedly
hazing injuries, Dr. Camarillo opined that these injuries were hazing-related. violated the constitutional presumption of innocence of the accused.
The policemen then proceeded to Brgy. Pansol at around 9:00 o'clock in the ISSUE:
morning. After finding Villa Novaliches Resort, they knocked on the door and the 1. WON the offense charged by the trial courts were correct, finding the
caretaker, Maricel Capillan (Capillan), opened it. The police asked Capillan if there appellants guilty of violating RA 8049 beyond reasonable doubt.
were University of the Philippines Los Baños (UP Los Baños) students who rented 2. WON Conspiracy was duly proven by the Court
the resort on the evening of January 13, 2006. Capillan said yes and added that RULING:
about twenty (20) persons arrived onboard a jeepney and told her that they would be YES. Section 1 of R.A. No. 8049 defines hazing as an initiation rite or
renting the resort from 9:30 o'clock in the evening up to 7:00 o'clock the following practice as a prerequisite for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or
morning. Another witness, Donato Magat, a tricycle driver plying the route near the organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing or
resort testified that he was approached by a man saying they needed a ride to the humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar
hospital. Afterwards, he saw three (3) men in their 20's carrying another man, who tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or
looked very weak, like a vegetable, towards his tricycle. Magat touched the body of injury. From the said definition, the elements of the crime of hazing can be
the man being carried and sensed it was cold. Magat asked the men what happened determined:
to their companion. They replied that he had too much to drink. 1. That there is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into
Villanueva was 'last seen alive by Joey Atienza at 7:00 in the evening of 13 January membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization;
2006, from whom he borrowed the shoes he wore at the initiation right. Marlon told 2. That there must be a recruit, neophyte or applicant of the fraternity, sorority or
Joey that it was his "finals" night. organization; and
Severino Cuevas, Director of the Students Affairs at UP Los Baños, testified that 3. That the recruit, neophyte or applicant is placed in some embarrassing or
Dungo and Sibal were both members of the APO Fraternity, and that there was no humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar
record of any request for initiation or hazing activity filed by the said fraternity. Atty. tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or
Eleno Peralta and Dina S. Carlos, officers of the Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) injury.
of the UP Los Baños, testified that an administrative disciplinary case was filed on Any person who commits the crime of hazing shall be liable in accordance with
March 31, 2006 against the APO Fraternity regarding the death of Villanueva. Section 4 of the law, which provides different classes of persons who are held liable
On their defense, seven witnesses were presented to prove their innocence. Richard as principals and accomplices. Dungo and Sibal not only induced Villanueva to be
Cornelo, an APO member, said that on the night of the incident he met Dungo at the present at the resort, but they actually brought him there. They fulfilled their roles in
UPLB Graduate School which the latter asked if he would be attending the ceremony the planned hazing rite which eventually led to the death of Villanueva. The hazing
which he answered in the negative. Ana Rivera, Dungo’s girlfriend, testified that she would not have been accomplished were it not for the acts of the petitioners that
and Dungo were together the entire night with Dungo sleeping at her boarding house induced the victim to be present.
and was only woken up by a phone call from Sibal, asking Dungol to go to a resort, 2. YES. Verily, the disputable presumption under R.A. No. 8049 can be
which he did. Dungo corroborated Anna’s testimony, and further relayed that upon related to the conspiracy in the crime of hazing. The common design of offenders is to
arrival at the resort, he saw Rudolfo, fellow APO brother, and Villanueva already haze the victim. Some of the overt acts that could be committed by the offenders
unconscious. Gilbert Gopez, the Grand Chancellor of APO for years 2005-06 testified would be to (1) plan the hazing activity as a requirement of the victim's initiation to the
that he cancelled the final rites after seeing Villanueva’s bruised cheek caused by
fraternity; (2) induce the victim to attend the hazing; and (3) actually participate in the her and poked a knife to her neck. She then recognized appellant who was a
infliction of physical injuries. frequent visitor of another boarder.
Witness Susan Ignacio, testified that she saw more than twenty (20) persons
She pleaded with him to release her, but he ordered her to go upstairs with him. Since
arrive at the Villa Novaliches Resort onboard a jeepney. She estimated the ages of
the door which led to the first floor was locked from the inside, appellant forced
these persons to be between 20 to 30 years old. Ignacio saw about fifteen (15) complainant to use the back door leading to the second floor (p. 77, ibid). With his left
persons gather on top of the terrace at the resort who looked like they were praying. arm wrapped around her neck and his right hand poking a "balisong" to her neck,
Later that evening, at least three (3) of these persons went to her store to buy some appellant dragged complainant up the stairs (p. 14, ibid). When they reached the
items. She did not know their names but could identity [sic] their faces. After she was second floor, he commanded her to look for a room. With the Batangas knife still poked
shown colored photographs, she pointed to the man later identified as Herald to her neck, they entered complainant's room.
Christopher Braseros. She also pointed out the man later identified as Gregorio Sibal,
Upon entering the room, appellant pushed complainant who hit her head on the wall.
With one hand holding the knife, appellant undressed himself. He then ordered
Time and time again, this Court has ruled that denial and alibi are the complainant to take off her clothes. Scared, she took off her T-shirt. Then he pulled off
weakest of all defenses, because they are easy to concoct and fabricate. As properly her bra, pants and panty. He ordered her to lie down on the floor and then mounted
held by the RTC, these defenses cannot prevail over the positive and unequivocal her. He made her hold his penis and insert it in her vagina. She followed his order as
identification of the petitioners by prosecution witnesses Sunga and Ignacio. The he continued to poke the knife to her. At said position, however, appellant could not
testimonies of the defense witnesses also lacked credibility and reliability. The fully penetrate her. Only a portion of his penis entered her as she kept on moving.
corroboration of defense witness Rivera was suspect because she was the girlfriend
Appellant then lay down on his back and commanded her to mount him. In this position,
of Dungo, and it was only logical and emotional that she would stand by the man she
only a small part again of his penis was inserted into her vagina. At this stage,
loved and cared for. The testimonies of their fellow fraternity brothers, likewise, do not appellant had both his hands flat on the floor. Complainant thought of escaping which
hold much weight because they had so much at stake in the outcome of the case. she succeeded in doing. Still naked, she darted to the municipal building, which
Stated differently, the petitioners did not present credible and. disinterested witnesses was about eighteen meters in front of the boarding house, and knocked on the
to substantiate their defenses of denial and alibi. door. When there was no answer, she ran around the building and knocked on
Thus, the Court denies their petition and affirms the resolution of CA finding the back door. When the policemen who were inside the building opened the
door, they found complainant naked sitting on the stairs crying. Pat. Donceras,
the appellants guilty in violation of RA 8049.
the first policeman to see her, took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. When they
NOTES: discovered what happened, Pat. Donceras and two other policemen rushed to the
Hazing can be classified into various categories including, but not limited to, acts of boarding house. They heard a sound at the second floor and saw somebody running
violence, acts of humiliation, sexual-related acts, and alcohol-related acts. The away. Due to darkness, they failed to apprehend appellant.
physical form of hazing may include beating, branding, paddling, excessive exercise,
drinking, and using drugs. Sexual hazing have included simulated sex acts, sodomy Meanwhile, the policemen brought complainant to the Eastern Samar Provincial
and forced kissing. Moreover, hazing does not only result in physical injuries and Hospital where she was physically examined. Dr. Ma. Luisa Abude, the resident
physician who examined complainant, declared that the hymen was still intact; no
hospitalization, but also lead to emotional damage and traumatic stress.
laceration fresh and old noted; examining finger can barely enter and with difficulty;
vaginal canal tight; no discharges noted.
The trial court convicted the accused of frustrated rape.

DOCTRINE: Abolition of “frustrated rape” ISSUE: WON the accused was correctly convicted by the trial court — NO

FACTS: Complainant Cristina S. Abayan was a 19-year old freshman student at the RULING: NO. The decision of the Regional Trial Court is hereby MODIFIED. The
St. Joseph's College at Borongan, Eastern Samar. Appellant was a Philippine accused Ceilito Orita is hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime
Constabulary (PC) soldier. of rape, not frustrated rape as there is no crime of frustrated rape.

In the early morning of March 20, 1983, complainant arrived at her boarding house. Her We believe the subject matter that really calls for discussion, is whether or not the
classmates had just brought her home from a party. Shortly after her classmates had accused's conviction for frustrated rape is proper. The trial court was of the belief
left, she knocked at the door of her boarding house. All of a sudden, somebody held
that there is no conclusive evidence of penetration of the genital organ of the the crime of rape and jurisprudence on the matter, it is hardly conceivable how the
victim and thus convicted the accused of frustrated rape only. frustrated stage in rape can ever be committed.

Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code defines and enumerates the elements of the
crime of rape: NOTES:

Art. 335. When and how rape is committed. — Rape is committed by having People vs Erina where frustrated rape was the crime charged was a stray decision and
carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: is not the controlling doctrine.
1. By using force or intimidation;
2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious and People vs Campuhan
3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even though neither of
the circumstances mentioned in the two next preceding paragraphs
shall be present.
xxx xxx xxx FACTS: The defendant was found guilty of statutory rape for raping the four-year-old daughter
Carnal knowledge is defined as the act of a man in having sexual bodily Ma. Corazon Pamintuan in their house. The defendant, Primo Campuhan, was a helper of the
connections with a woman (Black's Law Dictionary. Fifth Edition, p. 193). brother of the Corazon Pamintuan. Corazon Pamintuan, mother of the victim, while preparing
Milo for her daughters, heard a noise upstairs shouting, “Ayoko, ayoko”. Upon hearing, she
On the other hand, Article 6 of the same Code provides:
rushed upstairs and saw the defendant inside her children's room kneeling before Crysthel
Art. 6. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies. — Consummated whose pajamas or "jogging pants" and panty were already removed, while his short pants were
felonies as well as those which are frustrated and attempted, are punishable. down to his knees. Primo was forcing his penis into Crysthel's vagina. She yelled “POTANG INA
A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution MO ANAK KO YAN” boxed him several times before the defendant was able to pull up his shorts
and accomplishment are present; and it is frustrated when the offender
and run outside of the house. However, he was caught by Corazon’s brother. In convicting the
performs all the acts of execution which would produce the felony as a
consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes accused, the trial court relied quite heavily on the testimony of Corazon that she saw Primo
independent of the will of the perpetrator. with his short pants down to his knees kneeling before Crysthel whose pajamas and panty were
There is an attempt when the offender commences the commission of a supposedly "already removed" and that Primo was "forcing his penis into Crysthel's vagina.
felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution The defendant appealed the decision of the court.
which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other
ISSUE: W/N the statements of Corazon is sufficient enough to prove that the defendant is guilty
than his own spontaneous desistance.
of statutory rape.
Correlating these two provisions, there is no debate that the attempted and RULING: No. The Court ruled, through Justice Bellosillo, statements is insufficient to prove that
consummated stages apply to the crime of rape. Our concern now is whether or a consummated rape was committed. Committing a rape should commence on the defendant
not the frustrated stage applies to the crime of rape. having full carnal knowledge of the victim. It should be consummated rape when there is the
Clearly, in the crime of rape, from the moment the offender has carnal knowledge of touching of the penis on the labia of the women even though no perfect penetration occurred.
his victim he actually attains his purpose and, from that moment also all the essential However, absent of any showing of the slightest penetration of the female organ, there can be
elements of the offense have been accomplished. Nothing more is left to be done by no consummated rape; at most, it can only be attempted rape. In the case at bar, it cannot be
the offender, because he has performed the last act necessary to produce the crime. held that it was consummated rape because the penis of the defendant never touched the
Thus, the felony is consummated. We have set the uniform rule that for the
female organs of the victim on the basis of the testimony of the victim. However, in cases of
consummation of rape, perfect penetration is not essential. Any penetration of the
female organ by the male organ is sufficient. Entry of the labia or lips of the female rape where there is a positive testimony and a medical certificate, both should in all respects
organ, without rupture of the hymen or laceration of the vagina is sufficient to complement each other; otherwise, to rely on the testimonial evidence alone, in utter
warrant conviction. Necessarily, rape is attempted if there is no penetration of the disregard of the manifest variance in the medical certificate, would be productive of
female organ (People v. Tayaba, 62 Phil. 559 People v. Rabadan et al., 53 Phil. unwarranted or even mischievous results. It is necessary to carefully ascertain whether the
694; United States v. Garcia: 9 Phil. 434) because not all acts of execution was
performed. The offender merely commenced the commission of a felony directly penis of the accused in reality entered the labial threshold of the female organ to accurately
by overt acts. Taking into account the nature, elements and manner of execution of conclude that rape was consummated. Failing in this, the thin line that separates attempted
rape from consummated rape will significantly disappear. Under Article 6, rape is attempted
when the offender commences the commission of rape directly by overt acts, and does not Elvira Chan noticed that her daughter, Ma. Victoria, was missing. She last saw her daughter
perform all the acts of execution which should produce the crime of rape by reason of some wearing a pair of white shorts, brown belt, a yellow hair ribbon, printed blue blouse, dirty white
cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance. In the case at bar, all the panty, white lady sando and blue rubber slippers.

elements for attempted rape was present, thus accused should be punished to such. The Court
Isip testified that accused failed to show up for supper that night. On the following day, June
modified the decision of the lower court from Statutory Rape to Attempted Rape.
26, 1995, around 2AM, accused boarded a passenger jeepney driven by Fernando Trinidad at
NOTES: Art. 335. When and how rape is committed. — Rape is committed by having carnal the talipapa. Accused alighted at the top of the bridge of the North Expressway and had
knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances (1)By using force or thereafter disappeared. That same morning, around 7:30AM, a certain Boy found the dead
intimidation. (2) When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; (3)When body of Ma. Victoria inside the septic tank. Boy immediately reported what he saw to the
the woman is under twelve years of age, even though neither of the circumstances mentioned victim's parents, Eduardo and Elvira Chan.
in the two next preceding paragraphs shall be present.
With the help of the Valenzuela Police, the lifeless body of Ma. Victoria was retrieved from the
Elements of Rape: (1)Penetration (2) Force (3) Resistance (4) Non consent (5) Absence of
septic tank. She was wearing a printed blouse without underwear. Her face bore bruises.
spousal relationship Results of the autopsy revealed that the cause of death was asphyxiation due to strangling
with signs of traumatic head injury. Evidence of penetration of the victim’s vagina by an adult
G.R. No. 122485 male organ is also present, with the hymen having complete lacerations at 4:00 and 8:00
February 1, 1999 o'clock position, congested with blood clots. Back in the compound, SPO1 Arsenio Nacis and
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. MAHINAY SPO1 Arnold Alabastro were informed her accused Mahinay, was missing. According to Isip, it
(Art. 266-A - Rape) was unlikely for accused to just disappear from the apartment since whenever he would go
out, he would normally return on the same day or early morning of the following day. At the
FACTS: second floor of the house under construction, they retrieved from one of the rooms a pair of
Accused Larry Mahinay started working as houseboy with Maria Isip on November 20, 1953. dirty white short pants, a brown belt and a yellow hair ribbon, identified by Elvira Chan to
His task was to take care of Isip's house which was under construction adjacent to her old belong to her daughter, Ma. Victoria. They also found inside another room a pair of blue
residence situated inside a compound at No. 4165 Dian Street, Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela, slippers which Isip identified as that of accused. Also found in the yard, near the septic tank
Metro Manila. Mahinay stayed and slept in an apartment also owned by Isip, located 10 meters were an underwear, a leather wallet, a pair of dirty long pants and a pliers positively identified
away from the unfinished house. The victim, Ma. Victoria Chan, 12 years old, was Isip's by Isip as accused's belongings. A police report was subsequently prepared including a referral
neighbor. She used to pass by Isip's house on her way to school and play inside the compound slip addressed to the office of the Valenzuela Prosecutor. The next day, SPO1 Virgilio Villano
yard, catching maya birds together with other children. While they were playing, accused was retrieved the victim's underwear from the septic tank.
always around washing his clothes. Inside the compound yard was a septic tank.
After a series of follow-up operations, accused was finally arrested in Barangay Obario Matala,
PROSECUTION Ibaan, Batangas. He was brought to the Valenzuela Police Station. On July 7, 1995, with the
On June 25, 1995, at 8AM., accused joined Gregorio Rivera in a drinking spree. Around 10AM, assistance of Atty. Restituto Viernes, accused executed an extra-judicial confession wherein he
accused, who was already drunk, left Gregorio Rivera and asked permission from Isip to go out narrated in detail how he raped and killed the victim. Also, when accused came face to face
with his friends. Meanwhile, Isip's sister-in-law, Norgina Rivera, who owned a store fronting with the victim's mother and aunt, he confided to them that he was not alone in raping and
the compound, saw Ma. Victoria on that same day three to four times catching birds inside killing the victim. He pointed to Zaldy and Boyet as his co-conspirators
Isip's unfinished house at around 4PM. The unfinished house was about 8 meters away from
Rivera's store. DEFENSE:
On July 10, 1995, accused Mahinay was sentenced to the crime of rape with homicide with the
On the other hand, Sgt. Roberto Suni, also a resident of Dian Street, went to his in-law's house, penalty of death, to which accused pleaded not guilty to. Accused then offers his version:
which was near Isip’s, between 6-7PM to call his office. On his way to his in-law's house, Sgt.
Suni met accused along Dian Street. That same evening, between 8-9PM, he saw Ma. Victoria On June 25, 1995, around 9:30AM on Dian Street, Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela, he joined
standing in front of the gate of the unfinished house. Later, around 9PM, accused showed up Gregorio Rivera and a certain Totoy in a drinking spree. Gregorio Rivera is the brother of Maria
at Norgina Rivera's store to buy lugaw. Norgina Rivera informed accused that there was none Isip, accused's employer. After consuming three cases of beer, he was summoned by Isip to
left of it. She notice that accused appeared to be uneasy and in deep thought. His hair was clean the jeepney, finishing around 12NN. Then he had lunch and took a bath. Later, he asked
disarrayed; he was drunk and was walking in a dazed manner. She asked why he looked so permission from Isip to go out with his friends to see a movie. He also asked for a cash advance
worried but he did not answer. Then he left and walked back to the compound. Meanwhile, of P300.00.
house on that fateful night. The Court is at a loss how would Zaldy and Boyet knew that the
At 2PM, accused, instead of going out with his friend, opted to rejoin Gregorio Rivera and Totoy accused was in the second floor of the unfinished house on that specific night. Furthermore, it
for another drinking session. They consumed another case of beer. Around 6PM, Zaldy, a co- is strange that the dead body of the child was taken to the room where accused Larry Mahinay
worker, fetched him. They went to Zaldy's house and drank gin around 8 o'clock p.m. At around was sleeping only to force the latter to have sex with the dead body of the child. The accused’s
9PM, they went out and bought another bottle from a nearby store. While they were at the silence was also indicative of his guilt. If the accused did not commit the crime and was only
store, accused and Zaldy met Boyet. After giving the bottle of gin to Zaldy and Boyet, accused forced to dispose of the body in the septic tank, he could have repelled the accusation of the
crime at any point. His failure and omission to reveal the same is unnatural. A person's silence

therefore, particularly when it is persistent will justify an inference that he is not innocent.
On his way home, accused passed by Norgina Rivera's store to buy lugaw. Norgina Rivera
informed him that there was none left of it. He left the store and proceeded to Isip's Finally, the circumstance of flight of the accused strongly indicate his consciousness of guilt.
apartment. But because it was already closed, he decided to sleep at the second floor of Isip's
unfinished house. Around 10PM, Zaldy and Boyet arrived carrying a cadaver. The two placed WHEREFORE, the conviction of appellant is hereby AFFIRMED, finding accused Larry Mahinay
the body inside the room where accused was sleeping. As accused stood up, Zaldy pointed to y Amparado guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged, he is hereby sentenced to
him a knife. Zaldy and Boyet directed him to rape the dead body of the child or they would kill death by electricution (sic). He is likewise condemned to indemnify the heirs of the victim,
him. He, however, refused to follow. Then, he was asked by Zaldy and Boyet to assist them in Ma. Victoria Chan, except for the award of civil indemnity for the heinous rape which is
bringing the dead body downstairs. He obliged and helped dump the body into the septic tank.
INCREASED to P75,000.00, PLUS P50,000.00 moral damages.
Thereupon, Zaldy and Boyet warned him that should they ever see him again, they would kill
him. At 4AM the following morning, he left the compound and proceeded first to Navotas and NOTES:
later to Batangas. A. The three principles in the review of rape cases:
1. An accusation for rape can be made with facility; it is difficult to prove but more
Subsequently, accused was apprehended by the police officers in Ibaan, Batangas. The police difficult for the person accused, though innocent, to disprove;
officers allegedly brought him to a big house somewhere in Manila. There, accused heard the 2. In view of the intrinsic nature of the crime of rape, where only two persons are
police officer's plan to salvage him if he would not admit that he was the one who raped and usually involved, the testimony of the complainant is scrutinized with extreme
killed the victim. Scared, he executed an extra-judicial confession. He claimed that he was caution; and
assisted by Atty. Restituto Viernes only when he was forced to sign the extra-judicial 3. The evidence of the prosecution stands or falls on its own merits and cannot be
confession. allowed to draw strength from the weakness of the defense.

ISSUES: B. At the time of the commission of this heinous act in the case at bar, rape was still
1. WON the accused is guilty of the crime of rape with homicide considered a crime against chastity, although under the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (R.A.

No. 8353), rape has since been re-classified as a crime against persons under Articles
266-A and 266-B, and thus, may be prosecuted even without a complaint filed by the
Circumstantial evidence surrounding the accused is more than enough to prove accused’s guilt
beyond the shadow of reasonable doubt. The four witnesses that the prosecution produced offended party.
should be given full faith and credit as there is absence of any evidence as to the existence of

improper motive and that there was any reason for them to testify falsely against accused. The
belongings of the victim being found where the accused slept on the night of the incident is a C. In proving sexual intercourse, it is not full or deep penetration of the victim's vagina;
clear indication that that the victim was raped and killed in the said premises. rather the slightest penetration of the male organ into the female sex organ is
enough to consummate the sexual intercourse. The mere touching by the male's
On the other hand, the version of the accused was belied by his own extra-judicial confession organ or instrument of sex of the labia of the pudendum of the woman's private
wherein he, after having been informed of his constitutional rights, voluntarily gave his parts is sufficient to consummate rape.
statement admitting the commission of the crime. Said confession is believed to have been
freely and voluntarily given. There was no evidence that the accused was maltreated or coaxed
into confessing the crime, as he so claimed to be. G.R. No. 104954 December 13, 1994

The version given by the accused is in and of itself unbelievable and unnatural. In open court, PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
accused stated that he was staying in the apartment of Isip and only slept at the unfinished
vs. and 2) that coitus was done through the use of force or intimidation. This the prosecution
was able to do in the case at bench.
MARIO FABRO Y ARQUIZA, accused-appellant.
The use of force by appellant on private complainant on the night of May 14, 1989
was set forth clearly in her testimony. She said that he grabbed his hand and dragged her for
DOCTRINE/TOPIC: RAPE about ten (10) meters. When he struggled with him, he held her by the neck, choked her, and
caused her to faint. Even appellant admitted private complainant's unconsciousness in his
direct examination. Also, Reyval Lopez testified that when private complainant arrived home
that night, her hair was in disarray and there were bruises on her arms. Further, her
FACTS: medical examination revealed that she had a linear abrasion on the anterior aspect of her left
On May 14, 1989, Rebecca O, Sequancia was working as a maid for Reyyal Lopez. elbow. All these establish the force and physical violence exerted on private complainant by
Among her co-workers was Janet Fabro, wife of the accused. At around 9pm he was ordered appellant.
by Lopez to buy band-aids and on her way, she passed by an Ihaw-Ihaw restaurant where she Furthermore, the results of private complainant's physical examination does not
saw the accused. Without uttering a word, he started to trail her. She asked him to stop negate the commission of rape. While the doctor found no vaginal or hymenal laceration or
following her, but her words fell on deaf ears. Finding the Alicia store already closed, private spermatozoa in her private parts, appellant's acquittal does not follow. It is settled that
complainant headed back home to Lopez's house. Appellant suggested they go to his cousin 28
neither complete penetration nor ejaculation is necessary to constitute rape. What is
to buy band-aids. She ignored him. Suddenly, he grabbed her left hand and dragged her for essential is that there be penetration of the female organ, no matter how slight.
about eight (8) to ten (10) meters to a dark, deserted area where she tried to escape but
failed. In addition, we note the ranting letter appellant wrote to Reyval Lopez and his
common-law wife showing his guilt. Most telling is that line where he writes, "Wala po
Rebecca lost consciousness amidst the struggle, and woke up after hearing a talaga ako sa sariling pag-iisip o katauhan kung bakit at pa'no ko nagawa 'yon. Sila o siya
gunshot from afar. She then saw accused Mario by her side, zipping up his pants while her pang itinuturing ko na mga kapatid. . ." (I was not in my right mind that I did that to him/her
pants are removed, her back and private parts hurt and found sticky matter on her vagina. or they who I consider siblings.) Clearly, he was writing about the dastardly deed he
She then went back to the house where she told Lopez what had happened and they committed against her. Indeed, he could not offer any other sensible explanation for his
reported to the authorities the incident the following day. letter.
The 21-year-old appellant offered a different version of what transpired on that IN VIEW WHEREOF, the instant appeal is DISMISSED and the Decision, dated April
fateful night, claiming that he was on her way to visit his wife when he was asked by Rebecca 24, 1992, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 11030 convicting appellant MARIO FABRO
to accompany her to the market. Afterwards, accused made amorous advances to her which Y ARGUIZA and sentencing him to reclusion perpetua is AFFIRMED IN TOTO.
the appellant responded to. They did not, however, consummate their love-making. They
merely spent the night kissing each other. On cross-examination, appellant admitted that,
after he was charged with rape, he sent a letter to Lopez and his common-law wife, asking
for their forgiveness. He explained that he wrote the letter to his former employers because PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. LEO ECHEGARAY y PILO, accused-
he was being charged with a crime he did not commit. He also denied any romantic appellant.
relationship between him and private complainant
G.R. No. 117472 | 1996-06-25
Republic Act 8353: The Anti-Rape Law of 1997
WON the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of rape.
Article 266-A. Rape: When And How Committed. - Rape is committed:

YES. To establish rape under Article 335 (1) of the Revised Penal Code, two 1) By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following
elements must be shown: 1) that the accused had carnal knowledge of the offended party; circumstances:
a) Through force, threat, or intimidation; Issues: Whether or not the trial court erred in holding the accused committed the crime
charged, as it overlooked the fact that the healed lacerations could not have been due to the
b) When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; pumping of the penis of the accused to the vagina of the private complainant - NO

c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and Ruling: In the case at bench, the presence of healed lacerations in various parts of the vaginal
wall, though not as extensive as appellant might have expected them to be, indicate
d) When the offended party is under twelve (12) years of age or is demented, even
traumatic injury to the area within the period when the incidents were supposed to have
though none of the circumstances mentioned above be present.
2) By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, shall
In rape cases, a broken hymen is not an essential element thereof. A mere knocking at the
commit an act of sexual assault by inserting his penis into another person's mouth or anal
doors of the pudenda, so to speak, by the accused's penis suffices to constitute the crime
orifice, or any instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.
of rape as full entry into the victim's vagina is not required to sustain a conviction. In the
case, Dr. Freyra, the medico-legal examiner, categorically testified that the healed lacerations
Facts: The defendant, Leo Echagaray, was convicted for the crime of rape and was sentenced
of Rodessa on her vagina were consistent with the date of the commission of the rape as
to suffer the penalty of death.
narrated by the victim to have taken place in April, 1994.
The defendant raped Rodessa Echegaray, a ten-year old girl and the former’s daughter on
The accused-appellant in this case is charged with Statutory Rape on the basis of the
one afternoon. While the victim’s mother was in a gambling session, the defendant ordered
complaint. The gravamen of the said offense, as stated in paragraph 3, Article 335 of the
the victim’s brother to get out of the house. Then, he approached the victim, brought her to
Revised Penal Code, is the carnal knowledge of a woman below twelve years old. Rodessa
a room and did the heinous crime. While the defendant was pumping on her, he even
positively identified his father accused-appellant, as the culprit of Statutory Rape. Her
uttered. "Masarap ba, masarap ba?" and to which the victim answered: "Tama na Papa,
account of how the accused-appellant succeeded in consummating his grievous and odious
masakit". The victim’s plea proved futile as the defendant continued with his act. After
sexual assault on her is free from any substantial self-contradiction. It is highly inconceivable
satisfying his bestial instinct, the defendant threatened to kill her mother if she would
that it is rehearsed and fabricated upon instructions from
divulge what had happened.

The victim kept to herself the ordeal she suffered because she was afraid and the defendant
was always high on drugs. The same sexual assault happened up to the fifth time and this
usually took place when her mother was out of the house. However, after the fifth time, the
victim decided to inform her grandmother, who in turn told the victim’s mother. The victim
and her mother proceeded to the Barangay Captain where the victim confided the sexual DOCTRINE: Elements of the crime of rape
assaults she suffered.
FACTS: Sheryl Silvano is a beautiful mestiza, and already 5'6" tall at her age of sixteen
(16) years, having been born on January 20, 1980. Her height have been inherited from
Rodessa testified that the said sexual assaults happened only during the time when her
her parents as her father is 6'2" tall and her mother is a mestiza. She is the legitimate
mother was pregnant. Rodessa added that at first, her mother was on her side. However, daughter of David Silvano y Hayag, the accused in this case, and Shirley Ann G.
when the appellant was detained, her mother kept on telling her. "Kawawa naman ang Tatay Pedrosa.
mo, nakakulong"
On January 23, 1996 at 10:30 in the evening, while Sheryl was sleeping in her room
In finding the accused-appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape, the at the second floor of their house located at 134-C Scout Rallos Street, Barangay
Sacred Heart, Quezon City, she was awakened by her father. The accused then
lower court dismissed the defense of alibi and lent credence to the straightforward started scolding Sheryl for her coming late. The accused who appeared tipsy,
testimony of the ten-year old victim. The lower court likewise regarded as inconsequential started undressing Sheryl by lifting her T-shirt, as a form of punishment for her
the defense of the accused-appellant that the extraordinary size of his penis could not have coming home late, which punishment she has been experiencing from the
insinuated itself into the victim's vagina. accused since she was 13 years old. After lifting Sheryl's T-shirt, as she was not then
wearing any bra, the accused started holding Sheryl's breast at the same time kissing ISSUE: WON the accused was correctly convicted for the crime of rape by the lower
it. As Sheryl was practically leaning on the bed, the accused dragged Sheryl at the court — YES
edge of the bed of that she would be facing the accused a little bit. The accused then
knelt down on the floor and continued holding the breasts of Sheryl with one hand while RULING: YES. The decision of the lower court is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION
the other hand was holding the private organ of Sheryl. Sheryl tried to prevent the on the penalty. Aware that life once taken, is like virginity which once defiled, can
accused from doing what he was doing but the accused told Sheryl "you did never be restored, a thorough scrutiny of the case is in order. Against the proffered
something wrong and I told you I would do that as a punishment to you.” Despite excuses of appellant, however, and guided by the three principles in the review of rape
the pleas of Sheryl, the accused continued kissing her breasts. Afterwards, the accused cases, to wit:
pulled Sheryl at the side of the bed and the accused removed her pair of short pants
and panty. After removing the pair of short pants and panty of Sheryl, the accused a.) An accusation for rape can be made with facility; it is difficult to prove
grasped the hips and waist of Sheryl and pulled her towards him. Thereafter, when the but more difficult for the person accused, through innocent, to disprove;
accused was already in between the thighs of Sheryl, the accused started kissing the b.) In view of the intrinsic nature of the crime of rape, where only two
private organ of Sheryl, the accused was at the same time inserting his finger into persons are usually involved, the testimony of the complainant is
Sheryl's vagina. Thereafter, the accused stood up a bit, pulled down his short pants scrutinized with extreme caution; and
and knelt down at the side of the bed. The accused then got a hold of Sheryl's two feet c.) The evidence of the prosecution stands or falls on its own merits and
and placed them on top of his shoulders. The accused once again grasped the hips of cannot be allowed to draw strength from the weakness of the defense.
Sheryl and pulled her nearer to him. When Sheryl was pulled nearer to the accused, the fundamental presumption of innocence enjoyed by appellant was
the accused inserted his private organ into Sheryl's private organ. Although Sheryl overcome with the requisite quantum of proof in criminal cases and his
tried to free herself by pushing the shoulders of the accused with her two feet and telling guilt sufficiently established by proof beyond reasonable doubt.
the accused to stop what he was doing to her, the accused, in order to have a full grip,
got hold of the legs of Sheryl and placed them in between the arms of the accused (pp. The qualified rape of an underaged relative for which appellant was charged is
8-9, tsn, ibid). After inserting the accused's private organ into the private organ of classified as a heinous crime and penalized under Section 335 of the Revised Penal
Sheryl, the accused performed a pumping motion. Subsequently, the accused's private Code (RPC), as amended by Section 11, Republic Act (R.A.) 7659, which provides:
organ was removed from the private organ of Sheryl and the accused rubbed his organ
with the private organ of Sheryl. Thereafter, Sheryl felt something cold which was a When and how rape is committed — Rape is committed by having carnal
sticky liquid emitted from the private organ of the accused and which the accused knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances.
scattered in between Sheryl's private organ and on her stomach. Later on, the accused 1.) By using force or intimidation;
got a tissue paper and wiped the liquid-like substance. The accused then put on his 2.) When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and
pair of pants and left the room. The following morning, Sheryl went to school. 3.) When the woman is under twelve years of age or is demented.

On February 12, Sheryl who could no longer bear the punishment in the form of In proving such felony, the prosecution must allege and prove the ordinary
sexual abuse she had been getting from her father as in fact she was first raped elements of 1.) sexual congress 2.) with a woman 3.) by force and without
when she was thirteen (13) years of age, left their house at Scout Rallos, Quezon consent, and in order to warrant the imposition of death penalty, the additional
City, and stayed at her maternal grandmother's house at Scout Lozano, Quezon elements that 4.) the victims is under 18 years of age at the time of the rape and
City. When she was asked to go back to her parents' house and settle her difference 5.) the offender is a parent (whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted) of the
with the accused, Sheryl confided to her mother and grandmother the real reason why victim, should also be alleged and proven. All such elements are undisputedly
she did not like to go back to their house. Thereupon, her mother and grandmother present in this case. The victim herein at the age of sixteen (16) years was subjected
immediately sought the assistance of General Hercules Cataluña, Chief of the Central to forced sexual intercourse by appellant. The victim's claim that she was ravished is
Police District Command, who happens to be married to a cousin of the mother of corroborated by the medical findings of the physician who examined her. It was
Sheryl. declared that subject is in non-virgin state physically.

Consequently, appellant was charged with rape by his own daughter to which he It is settled that carnal knowledge is consummated by the mere touching of the
pleaded not guilty when arraigned. Prior to the presentation of evidence for the woman's labia of the pudendum by the male sex organ. The briefest contact of
prosecution, the complaint was amended without objection from appellant, who when penile invasion is as serious as full penetration and thus, rapture of the hymen
re-arraigned entered the same plea. is not required. In addition, the absence of fresh lacerations does not disprove rape.
The lower court rendered judgment convicting appellant of the crime charged, Appellant could have been held liable for "instrument or object rape" under R.A. 8353
sentenced him to suffer the penalty of death, and ordered him to indemnify the victim. when he inserted his tongue and finger into her daughter's vaginal orifice. Luckily for
him, at the time he committed such act, "instrument or object rape" was not yet
Corollarily, Section 2 (h) of the rules and regulation 43 of R.A. No. 7610 defines “Lascivious
For his defense, appellant claims among others, that the victim offered only a token conduct” as:
resistance when the alleged sexual acts were being done. Be that as it may, the
“The intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin,
failure to shout or offer tenacious resistance cannot be construed as a voluntary
submission to appellant's desires. It is enough if the prosecution had proven that breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, or the introduction of any object into the genitalia, anus or
force or intimidation concurred in the commission of the crime, as in this case. The law mouth, of any person, whether of the same or opposite sex, with an intent to abuse,
does not impose upon a rape victim the burden of proving resistance. The failure humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, bestiality,
of the victim to immediately reveal his father's incestuous acts is not indicative of masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a person.
fabricated charges.
Undeniably, all the aforestated elements are present in the case. Ireno committed
People vs Bonaagua lascivious acts against AAA by touching her breasts and licking her vagina and the lascivious
or lewd acts were committed against AAA, who was 8 years old at the time as established by
DOCTRINE/TOPIC:Acts of lasciviousness her birth certificate.45 Thus, the CA correctly found Ireno guilty of the crime of Acts of
FACTS: In four (4) separate Informations, Ireno was charged by the Office of the City Lasciviousness under Section 5 (b) of R.A. No. 7610. It must be emphasized, however, that
Prosecutor of Las Piñas City with four (4) counts of Rape under Paragraph 2, Article 266A of like in the crime of rape whereby the slightest penetration of the male organ or even its
the RPC, for inserting his tongue and his finger into the genital of his minor daughter, AAA. slightest contact with the outer lip or the labia majora of the vagina already consummates
The prosecution presented its evidence on the incidents when AAA was raped.One Christmas the crime, in like manner, if the tongue, in an act of cunnilingus, touches the outer lip of the
afternoon inside a room while AAA was lying in bed and her brothers were playing outside vagina, the act should also be considered as already consummating the crime of rape
the house. On the evening of the same day. Accused threatened to kill her mother by placing through sexual assault, not the crime of acts of lasciviousness. Notwithstanding, in the
the latter’s body in a drum and have it cemented if she would report the incidents. Twice one present case, such logical interpretation could not be applied. It must be pointed out that the
afternoon inside her father’s room at the carwash station where he removed her shorts and victim testified that Ireno only touched her private part and licked it, but did not insert his
panty then proceeded to touch and insert his finger into her vagina. One afternoon, AAA finger in her vagina. This testimony of the victim, however, is open to various interpretations,
complained of severe abdominal pain where her mother brought her to the hospital. The since it cannot be identified what specific part of the vagina was defiled by Ireno. Thus, in
results revealed that there was a healed superficial laceration at the 9 o’clock position on the conformity with the principle that the guilt of an accused must be proven beyond reasonable
hymen of AAA. This medical finding forced AAA to reveal to her mother all the incidents of doubt, the statement cannot be the basis for convicting Ireno with the crime of rape through
rape committed by accusedappellant. After being discharged from the hospital, AAA’s sexual assault.
mother took her to the Police Headquarters of Sariaya, Quezon to file a complaint for rape
against accused . G.R. No. 187495 April 24, 2014
After the Bonaagua presented his defense, the Regional Trial Court (RTC), convicting Ireno
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
with four (4) counts of Rape. The CA modified the RTC’s decision finding Ireno guilty of Acts
of Lasciviousness under Section 5 (b) of R.A. No. 7610, instead of Rape. . The CA opined that vs.
since the prosecution failed to establish the act of insertion by Ireno of his finger into the
EDGAR JUMAWAN, accused-appellant.
vagina of AAA, Ireno could only be found guilty of Acts of Lasciviousness.
ISSUE: WON accused is guilty of Acts of Lasciviousness – YES
HELD: Acts of Lasciviousness, as defined in Article 336 of the RPC, has the following elements:
(1) That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness or lewdness; (2) That it is done under DOCTRINE/TOPIC: MARITAL RAPE
any of the following circumstances:
a. By using force or intimidation; or
b. When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; or c. When the FACTS:
offended party is under 12 years of age; and
Appellant is married to KKK and has two children, MMM and OOO. Initially they were
(3) That the offended party is another person of either sex. happy and fulfilled in their business ventures, but in 1997 Edgar started being brutal in bed.
He would immediately remove her panties and, sans any foreplay, insert her penis in her
vagina. His abridged method of lovemaking was physically painful for her so she would resist 8353 pertains to: (a) rape, as traditionally known; (b) sexual assault; and (c) marital rape or
his sexual ambush but he would threaten her into submission. that where the victim is the perpetrator's own spouse. The single definition for all three forms
of the crime shows that the law does not distinguish between rape committed in wedlock and
In 1998, KKK and the accused-appellant started quarrelling usually upon his those committed without a marriage. Hence, the law affords protection to women raped by
complaint that she failed to attend to him. She was preoccupied with financial problems in their husband and those raped by any other man alike.
their businesses and a bank loan. He wanted KKK to stay at home because "a woman must stay
in the house and only good in bed (sic) x x x." She disobeyed his wishes and focused on her Contrary to the accused-appellant's asseverations, KKK's consent was wrestled from
goal of providing a good future for the children. her through force and intimidation both of which were established beyond moral certainty by
the prosecution through the pertinent testimony of KKK. Moreover, the Court observed that
On October 16, 1998 accused-appellant forced her to have sex with him despite her KKK and her testimony were both credible and spontaneous. Hailed to the witness stand on
refusal. He initially ordered her to sleep beside him in their conjugal bed by violently throwing six separate occasions, KKK never wavered neither did her statements vacillate between
the cot where she was resting. In order not to aggravate his temper, KKK obeyed. On the bed, uncertainty and certitude
he insinuated for them to have sex. When she rejected his advances due to abdominal pain
and headache, his request for intimacy transformed into a stubborn demand. Unyielding, KKK Moreover, as an element of rape, force or intimidation need not be irresistible; it may be just
held her panties but the accused-appellant forcibly pulled them down. He flexed her two legs enough to bring about the desired result. What is necessary is that the force or intimidation
apart, gripped her hands, mounted her and raped her. The following night, KKK decided to be sufficient to consummate the purpose that the accused had in mind or is of such a degree
sleep in the children’s bedroom, and where the accused-appellant barged into the room and as to impel the defenseless and hapless victim to bow into submission. This is clearly shown as
berated her for refusing to go with him to their conjugal bedroom. When KKK insisted to stay accused-appellant forced his wife when he knowingly overpowered her by gripping her hands,
in the children's bedroom, the accused-appellant got angry and pulled her up. flexing her legs and then resting his own legs thereon in order to facilitate the consummation
of his much-desired non-consensual sexual intercourse. Evidence of overwhelming force and
To demonstrate his role as patriarch, he ordered the children to go out of the room intimidation to consummate rape is extant from KKK's narration as believably corroborated by
and thereafter proceeded to force KKK into sexual intercourse. He forcibly pulled down her the testimonies of MMM and OOO and the physical evidence of KKK's tom panties and short
short pants and panties as KKK begged "Dont do that to me, my body is still aching and also pants.
my abdomen and I cannot do what you wanted me to do. I cannot withstand sex."
Nevertheless, the accused-appellant removed his shorts and briefs, spread KKK's legs apart, Even entertaining the alibi presented that the accused-appellant had indeed
and raped her. Afterwards, he got dressed, left the room as he chuckled: "Its nice, that is what attended a fiesta in Dangcagan, Bukidnon or was hauling com with Equia on the dates of
you deserve because you are [a] flirt or fond of sex." commission of the crime, the same will not easily exonerate him. The accused-appellant failed
to adduce clear and convincing evidence that it was physically impossible for him to be at his
Appellant contends that he did not commit the crime given that they were husband residence in Cagayan de Oro City at the time of the commission of the crime. Dangcagan,
and wife and that it is a duty of the wife to have sex with her husband. Bukidnon can be traversed by about four or five hours from Cagayan de Oro City, and even less
ISSUE: by private vehicle which was available to the accused appellant at any time.

WON the accused is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime of Rape. Thus, the Court affirms the decision of the CA, finding Edgar Jumawan guilty for two
counts of RAPE and is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua for each count,
RULING: without eligibility for parole.

One of such measures is R.A. No 8353, insofar as it eradicated the archaic notion that
marital rape cannot exist because a husband has absolute proprietary rights over his wife's
body and thus her consent to every act of sexual intimacy with him is always obligatory or at
least, presumed. Under said law, he cannot be permitted to violate this dignity by coercing her PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
to engage in a sexual act without her full and free consent.
Moreover, to treat marital rape cases differently from non-marital rape cases in
terms of the elements that constitute the crime and in the rules for their proof, infringes on
the equal protection clause. As above discussed, the definition of rape in Section 1 of R.A. No.
G.R. No. 196435. | 2014-0-29 Issues: Whether or not the trial court gravely erred when it lent full credence to the
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses. - NO
Republic Act 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997) Art. 266- A
Ruling: The RTC, as affirmed by the CA, correctly found appellant guilty of two counts of rape
Facts: On appeal is the October 2010 Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) which affirmed by sexual assault and one count of rape by sexual intercourse.
with modification the Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Antipolo City, finding
appellant Joel Crisostomo y Malliar guilty beyond reasonable doubt of two counts of rape by When the offended party is under 12 years of age, the crime committed is “termed statutory
sexual assault and one count of statutory rape. rape as it departs from the usual modes of committing rape. What the law punishes is carnal
knowledge of a woman below 12 years of age. Thus, the only subject of inquiry is the age of
The facts as summarized by the RTC, are as follows: the woman and whether carnal knowledge took place. The law presumes that the victim
does not and cannot have a will of her own on account of her tender years.”In this case, the
The victim in these cases, “AAA[” testified that she was playing with her playmates
prosecution satisfactorily established all the elements of statutory rape.
whereupon she wandered by the house of accused which was just below their house. “AAA”
clarified during her cross-examination that there was a vulcanizing shop owned by her father Likewise, the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt appellant’s guilt for two counts
located in their house and where the accused was employed. While “AAA” was at the house of rape by sexual assault. We agree with the CA that “AAA’s” “uncertainty” on whether it was
of the accused, she claimed that her genitals and buttocks were burned with a lit cigarette by a match, rod or a cigarette stick that was inserted into her private parts, did not lessen her
the said accused. “AAA” testified further that her clothes were taken off by the same accused credibility. Such “uncertainty” is so inconsequential and does not diminish the fact that an
who also took his clothes off after which he allegedly placed himself on top of her, inserted instrument or object was inserted into her private parts. This is the essence of rape by sexual
his penis and proceeded to have illicit carnal knowledge of the then six (6) year old girl. assault. “The gravamen of the crime of rape by sexual assault is the insertion of the penis
into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or object, into another
Officer who examined “AAA” identified his Medico-Legal Report and testified that the victim
person’s genital or anal orifice.” In any event, “inconsistencies in a rape victim’s testimony
indeed had two (2) third degree burns in the perianal region. Dr. Reyes testified that it was
do not impair her credibility, especially if the inconsistencies refer to trivial matters that do
possible that the said burns were caused by a lit cigarette stick being forced on the victim’s
not alter the essential fact of the commission of rape.”
skin. Moreover, Dr. Reyes confirmed that there was a loss of virginity on the part of the
victim and that the same could have been done 24 hours from the time of his examination. Moreover, appellant’s argument that “AAA” did not manifest any stress or anxiety
considering her traumatic experience is purely speculative and bereft of any legal basis.
On the other hand, accused denied the allegation of rape against him. Accused presented his
Besides, it is settled that people react differently when confronted with a startling
brother-in-law Rogelio Oletin who testified that he was tending the store located at the
experience. There is no standard behavioral response when one is confronted with a
house of accused when the latter supposedly arrived from work at 10:00 a.m. and slept until
traumatic experience.
5:00 p.m. of the same day.
In an effort to explain the burn marks on the delicate parts of “AAA’s” body, the defense
presented a supposed playmate of “AAA” in the person of Mary Pabuayan. According to
Mary, she was then 7 years old when she and two other playmates together with “AAA” and
Joel. The son of accused were burning worms near a santol tree in their neighborhood on a PEOPLE VS GADUYON
Good Friday in the year 1999. This Joel supposedly lighted a straw which inadvertently
burned the anal portion of “AAA’s” body. Mary’s exact words were to the effect that
DOCTRINE: Qualified rape, qualified object rape, sexual abuse
“napatakan ang puwit ni “AAA”.
FACTS: Three Informations were filed against appellant: (1) Criminal Case No. 6572
Appellant argued that “AAA” never showed signs of shock, distress, or anxiety despite her for Qualified Rape; (2) Criminal Case No. 6573 for Sexual Abuse; (3) Criminal Case
alleged traumatic experience. Appellant concluded that these “inconsistencies and No. 6574 for Qualified Object Rape. Appellant pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
contradictions” are enough to set aside the verdict of conviction imposed upon by the RTC. Upon termination of the pre-trial conference, trial ensued.
The RTC gave more weight to "AAA’s" positive testimony as against appellant’s
Version of the Prosecution: Appellant is married to the mother of "AAA" with whom bare denials since her testimony was candid, straightforward and free from
he has three daughters. Their eldest child is "AAA," who at the time material to this material contradictions. Her testimony was complemented by the findings of the
case was only 12 years old. medico-legal officer who examined "AAA." In fact, "AAA" suffered intense psychological
stress and depression as a result of the abuses.
On August 21, 2002, the mother and sisters of "AAA" attended the wake of her auntie
in Caloocan City. "AAA" and her father, the appellant, were thus the only ones left in Accordingly, the RTC found him guilty on ALL the charges. The CA sustained
the family residence in San Mateo, Rizal. At around 9:00 p.m. of the said date, "AAA" appellant’s conviction.
was lying in her bed in the family room located at the upper portion of their house when
appellant fondled her breasts and touched her arms.Appellant threatened "AAA" not to ISSUE: WON the lower courts erred in finding the accused-appellant guilty beyond
tell her mother about the incident or else something bad might happen to the latter. reasonable doubt on the aforementioned charges — NO
At around 11:00 p.m. of the following day, August 22, 2002, and while her mother and RULING: NO. Given the foregoing circumstances, the CA correctly affirmed the
sisters were still in Caloocan City, "AAA" was awakened when appellant lowered her Decision of the RTC finding appellant guilty of the crimes charged. However, the
shorts and panty. Appellant spread her legs and inserted his penis into her vagina. Supreme Court modified the penalties for such charges.
"AAA" felt pain but could do nothing but cry. Appellant pulled out his penis and inserted
it again into "AAA’s" vagina. When he was done, appellant put her shorts and panty The crime of rape under Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code (RPC)
back on and again threatened “AAA."
The enactment of Republic Act (RA) No. 8353, otherwise known as the Anti-Rape Law
After more than a month or on October 9, 2002, at about 10:30 p.m. and while "AAA" of 1997, reclassified the crime of rape as a crime against persons. It also amended
was sleeping in a double-deck bed and her sister was in the lower portion thereof, Article 335 of the RPC and incorporated therein Article 266-A which reads:
"AAA" was suddenly awakened. She noticed that her short pants had been lowered
while appellant was already lying beside her. Appellant then inserted his index finger Art. 266-A. Rape, When and How Committed. – Rape is committed-
into "AAA’s" vagina. "AAA" only cried upon feeling the pain. After his deplorable act, 1. By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of
appellant reiterated his previous threat to “AAA." the following circumstances:
a. Through force, threat or intimidation;
After a few minutes, "AAA’s" mother entered the room where her daughters were b. When the offended party is deprived of reason or is otherwise
sleeping. She noticed that "AAA" was covered with pillows, except for her head and unconscious;
feet. Upon approaching "AAA," she saw that her legs were spread apart and her panty c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; d.
was slightly lowered and inserted at the center of her genitals. The mother then When the offended party is under twelve (12) years of age or is
suspected that her husband did something bad to "AAA" since only she and her demented, even though none of the circumstances mentioned above be
husband were awake at that time. However, she opted to remain silent and just pray. present;
2. By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in
When "AAA" went to school the following day, she was asked by her religion teacher if paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of sexual assault by inserting
her father did something bad to her. "AAA" who was teary-eyed did not answer. Later, his penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument
"AAA’s" class adviser called her. They ate in the canteen and thereafter proceeded to or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.
the adoration chapel to pray. After praying, the teacher asked "AAA" the same
question propounded by the religion teacher. This time, "AAA" replied that her Thus, rape can now be committed either through sexual intercourse or through
father did something bad to her twice but did not reveal the details surrounding sexual assault. In rape under paragraph 1 or rape through sexual intercourse, carnal
the same. "AAA’s" mother then came and asked her daughter if appellant did knowledge is the crucial element which must be proven beyond reasonable
something bad to her. "AAA" answered "Yes. It happened twice." Thus, "AAA" and her doubt. This is also referred to as "organ rape" or "penile rape" and must be attended
mother went to the police station and reported the incidents of her defilement. A by any of the circumstances enumerated in subparagraphs (a) to (d) of paragraph 1.
physical examination done upon "AAA" revealed that she was in a non-virgin There must be evidence to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the perpetrator’s
physical state but that there are no signs of any form of trauma. A psychiatric penis touched the labia of the victim or slid into her female organ, and not merely
evaluation likewise revealed that "AAA" was suffering from Post-traumatic Stress stroked the external surface thereof, to ensure his conviction of rape by sexual
Disorder with Depressed Mood. intercourse.
On the other hand, rape under paragraph 2 of the above-quoted article is commonly
known as rape by sexual assault. The perpetrator, under any of the attendant Appellant is guilty of the two kinds of rape under Art. 266-A of the RPC and of
circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1, commits this kind of rape by inserting his sexual abuse under RA 7610.
penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or object
into the genital or anal orifice of another person. It is also called "instrument or Our examination of the testimony of "AAA" reveals that there was carnal knowledge or
object rape", also "gender-free rape", or the narrower "homosexual rape.” sexual intercourse through force, threat and intimidation on August 22, 2002. Appellant
also committed rape by sexual assault when he inserted his finger into the genitalia of
On the other hand, RA 7610, otherwise known as the "Special Protection of Children "AAA" on October 9, 2002. He also subjected "AAA," a minor at 12 years of age, to
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act", defines and penalizes sexual abuse by means of lascivious conduct through intimidation or influence, when
child prostitution and other sexual abuse. "Sexual abuse includes the employment, he mashed her breasts and stroked her arms on August 21, 2002.
use, persuasion, inducement, enticement or coercion of a child to engage in, or assist
another person to engage in, sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct or the We agree with the observation of the lower courts that the testimony of "AAA" is
molestation, prostitution, or incest with children. Lascivious conduct means the worthy of credence. She positively identified appellant as her abuser. She did not
intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, waver on the material points of her testimony and maintained the same even on cross-
breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, or the introduction of any object into the genitalia, anus examination. Indeed, her statements under oath are sufficient evidence to convict
or mouth, of any person, whether of the same or opposite sex, with an intent to abuse, appellant for the crimes alleged in the Informations. Moreover, "AAA’s" testimony is
humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, corroborated by the result of her medical examination which showed the presence of a
bestiality, masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a person.” deep healed laceration in her private part. This finding is consistent with her declaration
that appellant inserted his penis and finger into her vagina. "Where a victim’s testimony
The Information in Criminal Case No. 6573 against appellant was for violation of is corroborated by the physical findings of penetration, there is sufficient basis for
Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, which pertinently provides: concluding that sexual intercourse did take place.”

SEC. 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. - Children, whether

male or female, who for money, profit, or any other consideration or due G.R. No. 175876 February 20, 2013
to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse.
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion vs.
perpetua shall be imposed upon the following:
xxxx TOMAS TEODORO y ANGELES, accused-appellant.
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other
sexual abuse: Provided, That when the victim is under twelve (12) years
of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph DOCTRINE/TOPIC: STATUTORY RAPE
3, for rape and Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised
Penal Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as the case may be:
Provided, that the penalty for lascivious conduct when the victim is
under twelve (12) years of age shall be reclusion temporal in its medium FACTS:
period; x x x.
Tomas Teodoro was convicted for two counts of rape in which the victim, AAA, was
In paragraph (b), the following requisites must concur: (1) the accused commits the the 8-year old daughter of BBB, his common-law wife. The records show that on December 18,
act of sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct; (2) the act is performed with a 1997 BBB left home on an errand in Surigao, and her children, including AAA, were left under
child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse; and (3) the the care of Teodoro, her common-law husband. He returned home drunk, late that night, and
child, whether male or female is below eighteen (18) years of age. This paragraph his arrival roused the children from their sleep. Soon after dinner, the children went to bed.
"punishes sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a child exploited in AAA was asleep beside her siblings, when he roused AAA, and ordered her to strip naked.
prostitution but also with a child subjected to other sexual abuse. It covers not only a When she refused, he himself undressed her, and had carnal knowledge with her. AAA did not
situation where a child is abused for profit but also one in which a child, through
tell her mother about what Teodoro had done to her.
coercion, intimidation or influence, engages in sexual intercourse or lascivious
On February 8, 1998, BBB was again away from the house, having gone to Manila. 2. NO. The Court rules that the recantation of her testimony shall be disregarded if
Teodoro committed the rape in a fashion similar to that in the first rape. This time, AAA told the records show that it was impelled either by intimidation or by the need for the financial
of the rapes to CCC, the older brother of BBB. CCC immediately reported the crimes to the support of the accused. Moreover, it is shown that AAA cried most of the time during her
Police Station. Hence, Teodoro was arrested. AAA was then taken to the hospital for physical intended recantation. Such demeanor reflected how much she despised what he had done,
and medical examination. Based on the medical certificate of AAA, Teodoro was charged with and that she was only doing this due to the fact the her family still needed the material support
two counts of statutory rape. of Teodoro.

On his defense, Teodoro claimed that he had only caressed or touched AAA’s body This was further revealed by the admission of her mother, BBB, who declared she
on February 08. Said touching was a mistake, thinking the body was BBB’s since he came home wanted Teodoro to be released so he could help financially for their children and how she
drunk and stopped when he realized it was AAA who shouted “Cle, Cle, ayaw! (Uncle, stop prevailed on AAA to withdraw her charges against him.
Thus, the Court affirms the decision of the RTC and the CA and finds the accused
The RTC ruled the accused guilty for two counts of statutory rape. Not long guilty beyond reasonable doubt for two counts of statutory rape.
afterwards, AAA filed a recantation of her testimony which the court denied. The CA also
rejects AAA’s recantation, which the accused argues that the Court erred in rejecting as it
proves his innocence to the crime.
1. WON the accused is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt for statutory rape. People vs Laog
2. Should the recantation by AAA be accepted? TOPIC: RAPE AND MURDER – Special complex crime
FACTS: Appellant Laog was convicted for the murder of one Jennifer and the rape of AAA.
RULING: AAA testified that at around six o’clock in the evening of June 6, 2000, she and her
friend, Jennifer PatawaranRosal, were walking along the rice paddies on their way to apply for
1. YES. The Court already stated in People v. Campuhan that the mere touching of
the external genitalia by a penis capable of consummating the sexual act is sufficient to work at a canteen. Suddenly, appellant, who was holding an ice pick and a lead pipe, waylaid
constitute carnal knowledge. All that is necessary for rape to be consummated is for the penis them and forcibly brought them to a grassy area at the back of a concrete wall. Without
to come in contact with the lips/labias of pudendum of the victim. More importantly, the warning, the appellant struck AAA in the head with the lead pipe. When Jennifer saw this, she
elements of statutory rape are that: 1) the victim is a female under 12 yrs old or is demented, cried out for help but appellant also hit her on the head with the lead pipe, knocking her down.
and 2) the offender has carnal knowledge of the victim. Appellant stabbed Jennifer several times with the ice pick and thereafter covered her body
with thick grass. He turned to AAA and hit her in the head several times more with the lead
Simply put, carnal knowledge does not require full penetration of the vagina and is simply the pipe and stabbed her on the face. While AAA was in such a defenseless position, appellant
act of a man having sexual bodily connections with a woman. Accordingly, the conclusion that
pulled down her jogging pants, removed her panty, and pulled up her blouse and bra. He then
touching the labia majora/minora of the pudendum constitutes consummated rape proceeds
went on top of her, sucked her breasts and inserted his penis into her vagina. After raping AAA,
from the physical fact that the labias are physically situated beneath the mons pubis or vaginal
appellant also covered her with grass. At that point, AAA passed out. The defense denied the
surface, which entails some degree of penetration by the penis in order to touch it. AAA’s
recollections given in court when she was only 8 yrs. Old shows an unbroken and consistent allegations and said that appellant was at home watching TV at the time of the crime.
narration of the incidents and something that no child of her age could have invented. She The RTC found appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of both crimes. On appeal, CA
remained categorical and steadfast throughout her testimony, recalling how she was affirmed with modification the trial court’s judgment.
undressed by Teodoro, who then went on top of her, inserted his male organ to her vagina,
and made push and pull motions causing severe pain to her female organ. ISSUE: Whether the accused-appellant is guilty of the crimes charged despite failure of the
prosecution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt – YES
Dr. Abrenillo’s examination of how AAA’s labia majora and minora were tender and RULING: It must be underscored that the foremost consideration in the prosecution of rape is
gaping also proves that Teodoro’s penis had gone beyond the mons pubis and reached her
the victim’s testimony and not the findings of the medicolegal officer. In fact, a medical
examination of the victim is not indispensable in a prosecution for rape; the victim’s testimony No. 8353, and is accordingly sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua without
alone, if credible, is sufficient to convict.37 Thus we have ruled that a medical examination of eligibility for parole.
the victim, as well as the medical certificate, is merely corroborative in character and is not an
indispensable element for conviction in rape. What is important is that the testimony of private PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND AAA, PETITIONERS, VS. COURT OF APPEALS, 21ST
complainants about the incident is clear, unequivocal and credible,38 as what we find in this DIVISION, MINDANAO STATION, RAYMUND CARAMPATANA, JOEFHEL OPORTO, AND
While we concur with the trial court’s conclusion that appellant indeed was the one
who raped AAA and killed Jennifer, we find that appellant should not have been convicted of G.R. No. 183652 | 2015-02-25
the separate crimes of murder and rape. An appeal in a criminal case opens the entire case for
Republic Act 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997) Art. 266- A
review on any question, including one not raised by the parties.39 The facts alleged and proven
clearly show that the crime committed by appellant is rape with homicide, a special complex
Facts: AAA attended her high school graduation ceremony. At about 7:00 p.m., AAA told her
crime provided under Article 266B, paragraph 5 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by
father that she would be attending a graduation dinner party with her friends. AAA, together
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8353.
with Lim, Oporto, and Carampatana, ate dinner at the house of one Mark Gemeno. After
In People v. Larrañaga,41 this Court explained the concept of a special complex crime, as
eating, Lim invited them to go to Alson’s Palace, which was merely a walking distance away
from Gemeno’s house. Rudinas suggested that they have a drinking session to celebrate
“A discussion on the nature of special complex crime is imperative. Where the law provides a
their graduation, to which the rest agreed.
single penalty for two or more component offenses, the resulting crime is called a special
complex crime. Some of the special complex crimes under the Revised Penal Code are: xxx (5) Two (2) bottles of Emperador Brandy in two (2) glasses were being passed around: one glass
rape with homicide. In a special complex crime, the prosecution must necessarily prove each containing the sweetener (Pepsi) and the other glass containing the liquor. At first, AAA
of the component offenses with the same precision that would be necessary if they were made refused to drink because she had never tried hard liquor before. During the session, AAA
the subject of separate complaints. became emotional and started crying. It was then that she took her first shot. The glasses
were passed around and she consumed more or less five (5) glasses of Emperador Brandy.
Article 266B of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, provides only a single penalty for the
composite acts of rape and the killing committed by reason or on the occasion of the rape. Thereafter, she felt dizzy so she laid her head down on Oporto’s lap. Oporto then started
When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, homicide is committed, the penalty shall be kissing her head and they would remove her baseball cap. This angered her so she told them
death. Considering that the prosecution in this case was able to prove both the rape of AAA to stop, and simply tried to hide her face with the cap. But they just laughed at her. Then,
and the killing of Jennifer both perpetrated by appellant, he is liable for rape with homicide Roda also kissed her. At that time, AAA was already sleepy, but they still forced her to take
under the above provision. There is no doubt that appellant killed Jennifer to prevent her from another shot. They helped her stand up and make her drink. They woke her up and Lim gave
aiding AAA or calling for help once she is able to run away, and also to silence her completely her the Emperador Brandy bottle to drink the remaining liquor inside. She tried to refuse but
so she may not witness the rape of AAA, the original intent of appellant. His carnal desire they insisted, so she drank directly from the bottle. Again, she fell asleep.
having been satiated, appellant purposely covered AAA’s body with grass, as he did earlier with
Jennifer’s body, so that it may not be easily noticed or seen by passersby. Appellant indeed The next thing she knew, Roda and Batoctoy were carrying her down the stairs, and then she
thought that the savage blows he had inflicted on AAA were enough to cause her death as with was asleep again. When she regained consciousness, she saw that she was already at the
Jennifer. But AAA survived and appellant’s barbaric deeds were soon enough discovered. Alquizola Lodging House. She recognized that place because she had been there before. She
The facts established showed that the constitutive elements of rape with homicide were would thereafter fall back asleep and wake up again. And during one of the times that she
consummated, and it is immaterial that the person killed in this case is someone other than was conscious, she saw Oporto on top of her, kissing her on different parts of her body, and
the woman victim of the rape. having intercourse with her. She started crying. She tried to resist when she felt pain in her
Therefore, SC AFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS. Accusedappellant Conrado Laog y Ramin is genitals. She also saw Carampatana and Moises Alquizola inside the room, watching as
hereby found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Rape With Homicide under Article 266B of Oporto abused her. At one point, AAA woke up while Carampatana was inserting his penis
the Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A.
into her private organ. She cried and told him to stop. Alquizola then joined and started to On the other hand, the RTC was not convinced with the explanation of the defense. It must
kiss her. For the last time, she fell unconscious. be emphasized that when the accused in a rape case claims that the sexual intercourse
between him and the complainant was consensual, as in this case, the burden of evidence
When she woke up, it was already 7:00 a.m. the next day. She was all alone. After dressing shifts to him, such that he is now enjoined to adduce sufficient evidence to prove the
up, she hailed a trisikad and went home. When AAA reached their house, she told her relationship.
parents that she was raped. They brought her to the Lala Police Station to make a report.
Thereafter, they proceeded to the district hospital for her medical examination. The CA continued, belaboring on the fact that the examining physician found old hymenal
laceration on AAA’s private organ. It could mean that AAA actually consented to the
The CA found that the prosecution failed to prove private respondents’ guilt beyond fornication. The defense, however, failed to show that AAA was sexually promiscuous and
reasonable doubt. It gave more credence to the version of the defense and ruled that AAA known for organizing or even joining sex orgies. In a similar case, the Court held:
consented to the sexual congress. She was wide awake and aware of what private
respondents were doing before the intercourse. She never showed any physical resistance, And even if she were indeed highly promiscuous at such a young age, the same
never shouted for help, and never fought against her alleged ravishers. The appellate court could still not prove that no rape was actually committed. Even a complainant who
further relied on the medical report which showed the presence of an old hymenal laceration was a woman of loose morals could still be the victim of rape. The victim’s moral
on AAA’s genitalia, giving the impression that she has had some carnal knowledge with a man character in rape is immaterial where, as in this case, it is shown that the victim
before. The CA also stressed that AAA’s mother’s unusual reaction of hitting her when she was deprived of reason or was rendered unconscious through intoxication to enable
discovered what happened to her daughter was more consistent with that of a parent who the private respondents to have sex with her. Moreover, the essence of rape is the
found out that her child just had premarital sex rather than one who was sexually assaulted. carnal knowledge of a woman against her consent. A freshly broken hymen is not
one of its essential elements.
Issues: Whether or not the Court of Appeals acted with grave abuse of discretion in
acquitting the private respondents. - YES Neither does AAA’s mother’s act of hitting her after learning about the rape prove anything.
It is a truism that “the workings of the human mind when placed under emotional stress are
Ruling: First, the appellate court held that AAA was, in fact, conscious during the whole unpredictable, and the people react differently”.
ordeal. The fact that she never showed any physical resistance, bolsters the claim of the
latter that the sexual acts were indeed consensual. But the CA seemed to forget that AAA WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the petition is GRANTED.
was heavily intoxicated at the time of the assault.

Under Art.266-A, the elements of rape are: (1) the offender had carnal knowledge of the
victim; and (2) such act was accomplished through force or intimidation; or when the victim
is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; or when the victim is under twelve years
of age. Here, the accused intentionally made AAA consume more hard liquor than she could
handle. They still forced her to drink even when she was already obviously inebriated. The
CA, however, readily concluded that she agreed to the sexual act simply because she did not
shout or offer any physical resistance, disregarding her testimony that she was rendered
weak and dizzy by intoxication, thereby facilitating the commission of the crime. Also, it has
been established that when a woman declares that she has been raped, she says in effect
all that is necessary to mean that she has been raped, and where her testimony passes the
test of credibility, the accused can be convicted on that basis alone. This is because from
the nature of the offense, the sole evidence that can usually be offered to establish the
guilt of the accused is the complainant’s testimony itself.

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