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Main Objectives of the Consultative Committee

(i) Open interaction with the business community

(ii) Sharing of statistics from both Mine and the business community
(iii) Share procurement, Enterprise Development / Supplier Development and Security
vetting processes and procedures and other mandatory requirements
(iv) Support, development and assistance in gaining entry into opportunities offered by
Mine (assessments, trainings, financial assistance, mentoring and on-going support)
(v) Discuss available opportunities at Mine
(vi) Discuss opportunities at other institutions (municipalities, Government Departments,
(vii) Provide and obtain feedback from the business community
(viii) Share challenges from Mine and the business community
(ix) Develop proposals to Mine management to improve on local procurement with the aim
to maintain / improve relationships with local businesses
(x) Facilitate proper communication between Mine and the business communities on
matters pertaining to Local Economic Development and Growth in and around the
greater Mine’s are of operation.

2. The parties

The two (02) independent consultative bodies ( Consultative Committee) shall each comprise
of the following representative bodies:

Additional members can be invited on an ad hoc basis should the need arise, this will be for
information sharing purposes only and such members will not have any voting rights.

4.1 The representatives from Mine shall be:

(i) Enterprise Development Coordinator,
(ii) Community Development Coordinator,
(iii) Procurement Coordinator,

Nominated alternatives to be appointed by the Company should any of the above not be

4.2 Only applicable to recognized Emerging Enterprises Business Forums

(i) Three (03) seats

4.3 Only applicable to recognized Established Supplier Business Forums

(i) Three (03) seats [Date]

4.4 Representation from City of Tshwane:
(i) One (1) official from the Department of Economic Development

3. Frequency of meetings

The respective Consultative Committee will have meetings as follows:

(i) Once a month

(ii) Should there be a need for a special or emergency meeting and 75% of all members are
in favor of such a meeting, the Secretary will arrange accordingly.P


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