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Y: A very good day to everyone.

We are here to present our research study entitled:

All: The Blood Pressure and Perceived Stress Level of Senior High School teacher froms Saint
Mary’s University
Y: Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of the blood exerted against the arterial walls as it circulates
through the body. It is the result of two sets of forces- the force of the heart and the resistance of
the vessel walls. These are called systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
S: Systolic blood pressure is when the heart contracts and diastolic blood pressure is when the
heart relaxes. The systolic is recorded at the top while diastolic at the bottom. Moreover, the blood
pressure has a unit of mmHg meaning millimetres per mercury.
G: When getting the blood pressure of a person, the systolic blood pressure is the first resounding
beat and it can be heard using a stethoscope. Once the beating stops, it indicates now the diastolic
blood pressure.
K: Perceived stress level is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised
as stressful. Stress is considered to be a part of every person's life, especially of adults in the
corporate world. Studies see stress as a threat to teachers due to work such as teaching lessons,
managing students’ behaviour, and everything else that they do.
H: According to the Heart Foundation (2017), stress have been known to significantly contribute
to high blood pressure. A person’s body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol when
it is in a stressful situation. These hormones temporarily increase the blood pressure by causing
the heart to beat faster and the blood vessels to narrow. It is for this reason that we aim to find if
there is a significant relationship between the blood pressure and perceived stress level of the
Senior High School teachers.
S: (read ppt statement of the problem)
K: (SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY). It will benefit the teachers for them to be aware and to
have a better understanding about the relationship between their blood pressure and their perceived
stress level. It will also give them knowledge about the health related factors due to the different
stress variables. It will also benefit future researchers. This study will be good for future references.
G: The study used a mixed method because it contains both qualitative and quantitative research.
It will also use a descriptive-correlational method in determining the relationship between
variables. The study was conducted at Saint Mary’s University with the Senior High School
teachers as the respondents. 30 teachers were chosen because we wanted to focus first on a small
scale. The number of 30 was acquired using the Central Limit Theorem. The research tools include
survey-questionnaires which contains the profile of the respondents, the perceived stress level
questionnaire, and one qualitative question. We also used sphygmomanometer and stethoscope for
the gathering of blood pressure for 5 consecutive days.
(read the flowchart)
K: Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of sex. It is clear that females are greater in number
than in males with a percentage of 56.70%. The sex variables are not equally distributed and the
majority of the respondents are female.
S: The second table shows the frequency and percentage of age. We can see that ages 20 to 24
have the highest frequency 14 with an average of 46.70%
Y: …
K: Table 4 shows the mean, standard deviation, and implication of each questions as well as the
overall. As observed, the most varied standard deviation is the first question (1.16) and the least
varied is the last question (0.57).
S: Also, the thirteenth question gained the highest mean of 3.20, implying that they experience a
moderate stress on how they felt that things were going their way. On the other hand, the first
question got the lowest mean of 1.57, showing that the respondents have mild stresses when they
have been upset because of problems at work that happened unexpectedly.
Y: …
Hannah: …
G: For the teachers, since they have a normal blood pressure, it is recommended for them to
maintain their normal blood pressure by exercising daily, maintaining a proper diet, and acquiring
enough sleep. In terms of their perceived stress, the researchers urge the teacher to manage their
stress by identifying their stress situations and practice stress-reduction techniques to live by.
When one faces a stressful situation, try to make a change of mood in the environment, think
positively, and move on from it.
For future researchers, we to include more respondents and equalize them in terms of sex
and age. Furthermore, bridge the research gaps of the study: Record the blood pressure with the
same interval of a day and wrap the sphygmomanometer on the left arm because it is closest to the
heart. It is also advised to use only one sphygmomanometer, most preferably the manual as it
shows a greater accuracy of the blood pressure reading compared to the digital. Moreover, the
researchers encourage future researchers to add more independent variables in the study such as
economic-status, level of professionalism, and others.

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