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Everyone is aware that Information Technology (IT) plays a very significant role

in taking businesses and educational institutions to new heights. Before the advent of

computers and relevant technology, business and information management were totally

done using manual resources. As a result, the time taken to complete a task was more,

quality of work was not up to the mark, and the procedures also tended to be more

complicated (Rampur,2010).But in the present time, almost all transaction in schools use

windows based computerized system to provide faster service to the students.

The founders of Norzagaray College were Hon. Mayor Matilde A. Legaspi, M.D.

and Dr. Ermelito V. Dela Merced who aim to develop man’s potentialities both as an

individual and as the member of society. Likewise, it is established to help the rural under

privileged and marginalized members of the community. The main concern of the college

is to develop the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social and physical aspects of the

student. Confronted with the growing health needs of the community, the rapid advances

in allied medical sciences and the universal need for health workers.

On the fifth progressing year and growing population, Norzagaray College is

incessant of yielding additional infrastructures, facilities, computers and others to meet

the student needs. Keeping faith in St. Andrew the Apostle, patron saint of Norzagaray,

Bulacan, the college upholds its vision and deals to uplift national literacy and values for

a more comprehensive and flexible system that can meet the needs of the needs of a

dynamic local and international community.


The concept of integration of examination system at the university level to bring

integrateable, scalable, transparent and robust e-governance solutions as that examination

system can be put under single portal system. By integrating and placing student’s

database from different branches of examination at centralized computer server

interconnected on LAN or Internet, the data inconsistencies can be almost minimized and

data can be made available anywhere anytime through Internet. Some of the common

tangible benefits by switching over to the alternate approach based upon automation and

integrating the examination systems, which we known as Automated Integrated

Examination System (AIES). (Bhardwaj and Singh, 2008)

It has changed the very nature of administration in higher education institutions,

the way information is transferred, stored, retrieved, and processed results in increase in

managerial effectiveness and efficiency through usage of Information and

Communication technologies.( Zainally, 2008 ) The need to share resources is still one of

the primary reasons for using network. A network may contain variety of resources such

as disk drives, printers, data application programs and scanners. A properly secured LAN

requires all users to identify and authenticate themselves. Authentication is commonly

done via passwords for individual user. (Stamper, 2005)

. In the field of education, implementation of computerized based system that

stores, process, allows a user to manipulate data easily and its speed of performance

incomparable that affected the way of working is seldom applied by school in the

Philippines. (Flordeliza, 2005).It is for this reason that Local Area Network Based

Entrance Examination System has developed to facilitate easier administration of

entrance examination at Norzagaray College


Figure 1 The Current Process of Entrance Examination in Norzagaray College

As shown in Figure 1, Norzagaray College adopts the following processes of

Entrance Examination: (1) The students proceed to the Municipal Treasurer to pay for

the examination form and application form and get their receipt, (2) The students

show the receipt to the guidance counselor and ask for the application and

examination form, (3) The students fill up the necessary information in the

application form and answer the examination form, (4) The examination form

proceed to the guidance counselor and check the exam manually, (5) The students

wait for the results after a week, (6) The students return to get the results.

Theoretical / Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study made used of the descriptive developmental design. The study

primarily focused in the development of Local Area Network Based Entrance

Examination System for the college. Descriptive developmental design involves

gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes

the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1999). This method allows the researcher to

carefully understand the situation as well as the necessities of the institution.

Since the study is developmental in nature, it attempted to determine the

acceptability of the developed LAN based entrance examination system for the College

students of Norzagaray College. And so, the researcher used this method to gather data

which is necessary for creating the developed system.

The researcher carried out the development of LAN Based Entrance Examination

System using specific processes supported by the waterfall model which is the first

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method and it describes the various phases

involved in development, to wit:

The Waterfall Model Larman (2003) was applied in developing the LAN

Based Entrance Examination System. The waterfall model is a sequential software

development model in which development was seen as flowing steadily downwards (like

a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing

(validation), integration and maintenance. The concept of waterfall was developed by

Winston Royce in 1970.

The Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET or VB .NET) is a version of Microsoft's Visual

Basic that was designed, as part of the company's .NET product group, to make Web

services and window-based applications easier to develop. According to Microsoft,


VB .NET was reengineered, rather than released as VB 6.0 with added features, to

facilitate making fundamental changes to the language. VB.NET is the first fully object-

oriented programming (OOP) version of Visual Basic, and as such, supports OOP

concepts such as abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and aggregation. .NET is both a

business strategy from Microsoft and its collection of programming support for what are

known as Web services, the ability to use the Web rather than your own computer for

various services. Microsoft’s goal is to provide individual and business users with a

seamlessly interoperable and Web-enabled interface for applications and computing

devices and to make computing activities increasingly Web browser-oriented. The .NET

platform includes servers; building-block services, such as Web-based data storage; and

device software. It also includes Passport, Microsoft's fill-in-the-form-only-once identity

verification service. ( Zak, 2004)







Figure 2 Conceptual Model of the Study


. Figure 2 presents the conceptual model that was used in developing a

LAN Based Entrance Examination System for Norzagaray College.

Planning and Analysis include all possible requirements of the system to

be developed are captured in this phase. Requirements are a set of functions and

constraints that the end user (who will be using the system) expects from the

system. The requirements are gathered from the end user at the start of the

software development phase. These requirements are analyzed for their validity,

and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be

developed is also studied. Finally, a requirement specification document is created

which serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model.

System and Software Design comprise the requirement specifications

from the first phase that are studied. In this phase a system design is prepared.

System design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also

helps in defining the overall system architecture. The system design specifications

serve as an input for the next phase of the model.

Development processes the work that is divided in modules/units and

actual coding is started. The system is first developed in small programs called

units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for

its functionality; this is referred to as unit testing.

Implementation and System Testing consist of the system that is first

divided into units which are developed and tested for their functions. These units

are integrated into a complete system during integration phase and tested to check

if all modules/units coordinate with each other, and the system as a whole behaves

as per the specifications. After successfully testing the software, it is delivered to

the customer. Unit testing mainly verifies if the modules/units meet their


Maintenance involve problems with the system developed (which are not

found during the development life cycle) come up after its practical use starts, so

the issues related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. Not all

the problems come into picture directly but they arise from time to time and need

to be solved; hence this process is referred to as maintenance.

Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to develop a LAN Based Entrance Examination

System that will facilitate easier administration of entrance examination among students

at Norzagaray College.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study is the development of LAN Based Entrance

Examination System for Norzagaray College that will speed up the result of the existing

system, Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the current Entrance Examination System in Norzagaray College?

2. What are the operational requirements of the system in terms of hardware and

software requirements?

3. What application development model shall be used for the LAN Based

Entrance Examination System for Norzagaray College?


4. How may the quality of LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College be described after testing and integration be described in

terms of its accuracy, speed, security, reliability, and convenience?

Methodology of the Study

The study made used of the descriptive developmental design.

Developmental research attempts to answer the question: How can researcher build a

‘thing’ to address the problem? It is especially applicable when there is no adequate

solution to even test for efficacy in addressing the problem and presupposes that

researcher do not even know how to go about building a solution that can be tested. The

developmental of a LAN Based Entrance Examination System entail three major

elements namely: establishing and validating criteria the product must meet, following a

formalized, accepted process for developing the product, and subjecting the product to a


The researcher carried out the development of LAN Based Entrance

Examination System using the specific processes espoused by the waterfall model, to wit;

Planning and Analysis. The proponent use this to determine the feasibility

of the project proceeding and to manage the time in creating the system. This phase is

done to produce a high level overview document of the proposed project. It is

information relatively to the project requirement and will enable the formulation and

definition of the scope of the project. In planning, the problem in the existing system is

identified to understand the operation of the present. The objectives are once again

considered in planning to develop a system that will enhance the existing system. The

researcher conducted an interview with the guidance counselor and students and asks

questions on the existing system. System requirements include the following:

Hardware requirement is consists of Core 2 or Core i3 processor, 4 GB of

memory, 4 GB of hard disk available space, 2 GB of video card memory and 16 ports


Software requirement is consists of Windows 7 as operating system, MS

Access 2007 as database, and VB.Net as programming language.

Design. The researcher accurately designs the data entry procedures so that

data going into the information system are correct. In addition, the researcher provides

effective input to the information system by using techniques in user interface. Input and

output records are prepared, forms are laid out and file specifications were written. Major

aspect on design phase includes structuring the kind of interface used for the software

Coding. This phase includes coding of the entire system architecture. The

proponent used Microsoft Visual Basic.Net as the programming language in coding the

proposed system and MS Access 2007 for designing files or database that will store data

generated by the system.

Testing. Unit testing involves verification that each unit meets its

specification. In this phase, the proponent undergo several testing of the proposed system

in order to eliminate bugs or errors before the end-users eventually try to manipulate it

and test if there are some enhancements still need to make the proposed system effective

and efficient to use. This phase covers the process of testing the efficiency, accuracy,

reliability, speed and security of the system. After the facilities have been installed,

programs, software and hardware will be tested to ensure design specifications are met.

The system was evaluated by three experts: two Information Technology

Developer with three years of experience with system development and one Computer

Engineer with two years of experience in the IT related work. The researcher devised an

evaluation instrument based on the Software Quality Model following a five-point Likert


Scale Range Descriptive Rating

5 4.50 – 5.00 Excellent

4 3.50 – 4.49 Very Good

3 2.50 – 3.49 Good

2 1.50 – 2.49 Fair

1 1.00 – 1.49 Poor

To determine if the proposed software is operationally feasible, accuracy,

speed, reliability, security, and convenience were assessed by the end-users.. Data were

computed with their respective weighted mean. End-users who assessed the system were

3 IT experts and 80 students. The end-users assessments were processed and analyzed

using weighted mean and frequency counts.


Development. During this phase the researcher also works with the users to

develop effective documentation for software. Documentation tells users how to use

software and what to do if software problems occur.

Implementation. This includes converting files from old format to new

ones or building databases, installing equipment and bringing the new system into

production. The system is implemented with minimum requirements, and fully utilized

by the user. All users are trained on how to use and implement the system

Maintenance. Software will undergo change after it is delivered to the

respondent. Change will occur because errors have been encountered because the

software must be adapted to accommodate changes in its external environment or because

the costumer requires functional. Software maintenance reapplies each of the preceding

phases to an existing program rather than a new one. Final changes and modifications are

incorporated in the new system at this stage. The system authorized personnel or system

administrator with a password protected and ID authorization.

Results and Discussion

The findings of the study were presented according to the specific problems.

The Current State of the System.

The procedure of entrance examination in Norzagaray College is stipulated

in the students’ manual of the school. It includes the following:


 The examinee must pay P50.00 for the entrance examination in the registrar’s


 The official receipt is presented to the assigned Guidance Counselor, for the

administration of the entrance examination.

 The examinee is given his date of exam based on the annual schedule.

 The examinee is given two hours in the date of the exam.

 Results are posted two weeks after.

 If passed, the examinee may now provide the needed documents.such as Form

137/138, authenticated birth certificate from civil registrar or NSO (Municipal

Form 102) and two 2x2 photos.

Operational Requirements of the System

The LAN Based Entrance Examination System for Norzagaray College needs

hardware and software requirements to be implemented. The list of hardware and

software required for the system in order to work properly are stated in Tables 1 and 2. .

Table 1

Hardware Requirements
Hardware Minimum Recommended
Processor Core 2 Core i3
Memory 2 GB 4 GB or higher
Hard Disk 2 GB available space 8 GB available space
Video Card 1 GB 2 GB
Switch 16 ports 24-36 ports

Table 1 shows the hardware requirements of LAN Based Entrance Examination

System. The minimum requirement for the processor is Pentium 4 or higher version. The

minimum requirement for memory is at least 512 MB or higher. In the hard drive

category, the minimum requirement specification at least 500MB available space or

higher. With the video card , a minimum requirement of 512 MB or higher is required.

For the disk drive the minimum requirement is a CD ROM or A DVD ROM as

recommended. Lastly, for the switch the minimum requirement is 16 ports or higher.

(Piad, 2011)

Table 2

Software Requirements

Software Minimum Recommended

Operating System Windows XP Windows 7

MS Office Office 2003 Office 2007

Programming Language Visual Basic 2008 Visual Basic 2010

Table 2 shows the minimum software requirements for the developed LAN Based

Entrance Examination. The minimum software requirement for the operating system is

Windows XP or higher version. For the programming language is Visual Basic.Net 2008

or higher version. Finally, the minimum software requirement for the database is MS

Access 2003. (Piad, 2011)


Application Development Model of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System

The application development model used by the LAN Based Entrance

Examination System is a waterfall model. An alternative approach to software

development involves the use of incremental builds. With this approach, software

development begins with the design of certain core functions to meet critical

requirements, and each successive software “build” provides additional functions or

enhances performance. Once system requirements are defined and preliminary system

design is complete, each build may follow the waterfall pattern for subsequent

development phases. Each successive build will usually have to be integrated with prior








Figure 3 Waterfall Model


The researcher utilized the Waterfall Development Model. This is the primary and

commonly used system development model that involves the following steps:

Planning and Analysis. The proponent used this to determine the feasibility of

the project proceeding and to manage the time in creating the system. This phase was

done to produce a high level overview document of the proposed project. It is

information relatively to the project requirement and will enable the formulation and

definition of the scope of the project. In planning, the problem in the existing system was

identified to understand the operation of the present. The objectives were once again

considered in planning to develop a system that will enhance the existing system. The

proponent conducted an interview and asked questions with the guidance counselor and

students. The researcher identified the problems for the new software system was

supposed to solve its operational capabilities, its desired performance characteristics, and

the resources needed such as the software and hardware needed to support system

operation and maintenance. The system required the following: (1) Hardware

Requirements such as Core 2 or Core i3 processor. 4 GB of memory, 4 GB of hard disk

space, 2 GB video card and 16 ports switch. (2) Software Requirements such as Windows

7 as operating system, MS Access 2007 as database and the programming language is

VB.Net 2010.

System Design. The researcher defined the procedural methods through which

data resources within the modules of a component were transformed from required

inputs into provided outputs. All inputs, interfaces and processes were clearly defined

Development. During this phase the proponent also works with the users to

develop effective documentation for software. Documentation tells users how to use

software and what to do if software problems occur.

.System Testing. In this phase, the researcher asked the help of the end user such

as the secretary, technicians, faculties to do actual testing. Carrying out the tests in this

phase often proves to be beneficial, as the problems in the system were identified early

into the software development phase.

System Implementation. The researcher coded the preceding specifications into

operational source code implementations and validates their basic operation. In this phase

the actual software was developed and ready for installation

System Maintenance. Often there were problems, which arise after the end user

starts using the system. When the problems arose, the problems had to be rectified.

Sometimes, the problems in the system were seen after substantial amount of time. In

some cases, additional features may also have to be added to the system in this stage.

Quality of a LAN Based Entrance Examination System for Norzagaray College.

The LAN Based Entrance Examination System was developed using Microsoft

Visual Studio 2010 using Visual Basic .NET and MS Access 2007 for database

management System. With the use of VS 2010 applies the Object –Oriented

Programming and Object-oriented design. Microsoft Visual Studio is a powerful IDE that

ensures quality code throughout the entire application lifecycle, from design to


The developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System features the following

access guide namely the Administration Login, Main Menu, New Student Record. The

Admin Login must enter the correct username and password to enter to the main menu.

The main menu was consists of the following: 1) setup question for categorized subjects

2) register student for them to be registered and can take the examination 3) view test

result to view the examination result of the examinees 4) view audit log to monitor

the entire activities of the examinee and the administrator.

Figure 4 The Developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System

The quality of a LAN Based Entrance Examination System was assessed by

experts and students based on the five important features namely: a) accuracy; b) speed;

c) reliability; d) security; and f) convenience.


Accuracy. The LAN Based Entrance Examination System can give accurate

results if the students passed or failed. This will depend on the set of questions given to

the students.

Assessment on the Quality of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System for
Norzagaray College

Table 3

Accuracy of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System

Indicators Experts' Response Students’ Response

Mean Verbal Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

1.The record inserted on 4.33 Very Good 4.01 Very Good

the database is correct.

2. Content is organized in a 4.00 Very Good 4.33 Very Good

logical manner.

3. The system is up to date. 4.33 Very Good 4.01 Very Good

Gen. Weighted Mean 4.17 Very Good 4.11 Very Good

It may be gleaned from the data in Table 3 that both the experts and students were

in agreement that the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System was “very

good”. This is manifested by the correctness of inserted records in the database, logical

organization of contents and up to date system.

The proposed quasi-analytical BER method is demonstrated on measurements of

an asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) modem driver and on system-level


simulations of an OFDM wireless local area network (WLAN) system. The results show

that the technique achieves similar accuracies with almost two orders of magnitude.

(Vandersteen, 2009)

Speed. The system showed the results of the exam quickly. After a minute or two

minutes, the result is being printed.

Table 4

Speed of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System

Experts' Response Students’ Response

Mean Verbal Mean Verbal
Interpretation Interpretation

1. The application run 4.33 Very Good 4.21 Very Good

and immediately
response properly
2. The data presented was 4.33 Very Good 4.10 Very Good
updated upon
submission of
transaction and can
give the print out of
the result quickly.
Gen. Weighted Mean 4.33 Very Good 4.15 Very Good

It may be garnered from the data in Table 4 that the experts agreed that the

developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System was “very good” and the students

approved was “very good”. This is shown by immediate response on the application and

the updated transaction can give the print out of the result quickly

Generally, the faster the rate of error-free transmission, the better. It should be

noted here, that the raw transmission speed which may be quoted in advertising material,

may not be the only factor to consider when trying to assess the speed of a network. The

time taken to access the network, the time taken to analyze information packets and the

time to detect and recover from data collisions may reduce the real data transmission

speed considerably. (White, 2006)

In addition, the use of computers enabled users to manage, find, retrieve, and

compose the information at a faster rate which in turn would enable management to make

more accurate planning, decision making, and resource allocation. (Zarowin, 1998)

Reliability. The system could track down records easily. It could determine

registered, and examined students. It could update records such as set of questions added.

Also, all applications in the computer were disabled once the examination is started.

Table 5

Reliability of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System

Indicators Experts' Response Students’ Response

Mean Verbal Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

1. The components of 4.00 Very Good 4.10 Very Good

the system are running
2. Consistency of 4.33 Very Good 4.33 Very Good
interface and data.
Gen. Weighted Mean 4.16 Very Good 4.21 Very Good

It may be gleaned from the data in Table 5 that experts and students both rated

the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System as “very good” as shown by

independent running components of the system and consistency of the interface and data.

In recent years, the refinement of two databases for ADR reporting has increased

VA’s capability to systematically monitor, track, and report ADRs across its national

network of health care facilities. Linking the two databases has further strengthened those

capabilities, enhancing medication safety practices and aiding in pharmacovigilance.

(Cunningham et al., 2011)

Security. The System defined user password and user ID protected applications

on the front-ends. Both user ID and passwords were stored in the database. This means

that only authorized user/s can access the correct applications and front-ends. Losing of

files and records were avoided.

Table 6

Security of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System

Indicators Experts' Response Students’ Response

Mean Verbal Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

1. The application is 4.66 Excellent 4.00 Very Good

password protected.

2. Only authorized 4.33 Very Good 4.01 Very Good

personnel or system
administrator can
access administrative


3. The database is ID 4.66 Excellent 4.10 Very Good

authorization and
password protected.

Gen. Weighted Mean 4.50 Excellent 4.07 Very Good

It may be gleaned from the data in Table 6 that experts rated the security of the LAN

Based Entrance Examination System was “excellent” and the students rated was “very

good” This is manifested by the following indicators: on application password protected,

only authorized personnel can access administrative applications, and the database is ID

authorization and password protected.

Resource sharing brings with it the risk that sensitive files maybe accessed or at

worst corrupted or destroyed by other users. To protect against such occurrences, the

network operating system must incorporate some form of security system. This should

require the identifications of users by name or ID code and require that some unique

password be entered before access to the system is obtained. The network operating

system should be bale to restrict access to other users. (Bilkey, 2008)

Convenience. The system was user friendly and it’s comfortable to use. The

system is visually designed especially the front-end.

Table 7

Convenience of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System


Indicators Experts' Response Students’ Response

Mean Verbal Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

1. The data entry client 4.33 Very Good 4.21 Very Good
application shows correct
labeling and guide tags.
2. The color themes of the 4.33 Very Good 4.33 Very Good
applications are pleasant
and chromatically non-
3. There are friendly 4.33 Very Good 4.01 Very Good
notifications for
procedural data entry.
Gen. Weighted Mean 4.33 Very Good 4.18 Very Good

It may be gleaned from the data in Table 7 experts and students both rated the

convenience of the LAN Based Entrance Examination System were “very good”. This is

based on the data entry application showing correct labeling and guide tags; the color

theme of the applications are pleasant and non-disturbing; and the friendly notifications

for procedural data entry.

The acceptance of information technology and its ultimate use are influenced in

part how easy the technology is to use. This implies that factors that affect a system’s

ease of use may be particularly important in determining its long-term success, especially

since many individuals use systems on a discretionary basis. Given that external factors,

such as the computer interface, can affect a system’s perceived ease of use, introducing

systems that use icons and mice may be one way to enhance this perception. (Davis et al.,


Computerized forms can help guide the user throughout the documentation

process. They may consist of fill-in boxes or pick lists. Some forms may indicate what

information is optional and what is mandatory. If the forms are built into the framework

of the system, it may be easy to recycle portions of the metadata for different uses.

Forms can be used to collect contextual and some structural metadata needed to describe

the record. (Mackenzie,1997)

It may be concluded from the data in Table 8 that the developed LAN Based

Entrance Examination System‘s overall weighted mean was rated “very good”. This is

manifested in terms of: accuracy; speed; reliability; security and convenience. As a

whole, it was recommended for utilize at Norzagaray College.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were developed.
1. The current entrance examination at Norzagaray College may still be improved by

utilizing LAN Based Entrance Examination System.

2. The use of LAN Based Entrance Examination System needs an upgraded high-

end hardware and software.

3. Waterfall model is an effective method in the development of LAN Based

Entrance Examination System.

4. The newly developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System can advance the

school procedures on students’ entrance examination.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations submitted:

1. That Norzagaray top management consider deploying and utilizing the developed

LAN Based Entrance Examination System in the Guidance Office.

2. That the management may consider acquiring a high-end computer server for

database storage with the following specifications:

Hardware Specifications:

 Core i3 processor

 8 GB available hard disk space

 4 GB memory

 2 GB video card memory


 24-36 switch ports

Software Specifications:

 Windows 7 (Operating System)

 MS Access 2007

 Visual Basic 2010


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Appendix A

Evaluation Form

Santiago City

Name:______________________ Date: _________________________

Position: ____________________ Gender: _______________________


Please assess the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System based on the
following criteria: (Cross out the number that corresponds to your assessment)
Scale: 1-5 (5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest).

A. Accuracy of the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College.

Indicators Scale

1. The record inserted on the 1 2 3 4 5

database is correct.

2. Content is organized in a logical 1 2 3 4 5


B. Speed of the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College.

Indicators Scale

1. The application run and immediately 1 2 3 4 5

response properly

2. The data presented was updated upon 1 2 3 4 5

submission of transaction. and can give
the print out of the result quickly.


C. Reliability of the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College.

Indicators Scale

1. The components of the system are 1 2 3 4 5

running independently.

2. Consistency of interface and data. 1 2 3 4 5


D. Security of the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College.

Indicators Scale

1. The applications are password 1 2 3 4 5


2. Only authorized personnel or system 1 2 3 4 5

administrator can access administrative

3. The database is ID authorization and 1 2 3 4 5

password protected.

E. Convenience of the developed LAN Based Entrance Examination System for

Norzagaray College.

Indicators Scale

1. The data entry client application 1 2 3 4 5

shows correct labeling and guide tags.

2. The color theme of the applications 1 2 3 4 5

are pleasant and chromatically non-

3. There are friendly notifications for 1 2 3 4 5

procedural data entry.

Appendix B

Administrator Window

(Setup Connection Form)

(Admin Login Form)


1. Server IP Address Textbox – Input the server data source address.

2. Password Textbox – Input the password.

3. Save Button – Click to save the password.

4. Username Textbox – Create your username.

5. Password Textbox – Create your password.

6. Login Button – Click to save your new account and enter to the admin main


2 3

(Admin Main Menu Form)


1. Setup Question Button – Click to edit question, answers, number of items and
time management.

2. Register Student Button – Click to register student’s profile and entrance

examination receipt number. Also, check the status of the examinee.

3. View Test Result Button – Click to view the examination result of the examinees.

4. View Audit Log Button – Click to monitor the entire activities of the examinee
and the administrator.

5 8

1 3
(1. Setup Question Form) 7

4 6

1. Items and Time Textbox – Input the number of items per subject and time.
2. Save Button – Click to save the number of items per subject and time.
3. Subject Combo Box – Click to choose subject.
4. Save Button – Click to save the modified questions, choices and answers.
5. Grid View – Displays the questions, choices and answers.
6. Clear Button – Click to clear question, answers and textboxes.
7. Question Textbox – Input and edit question.
8. Answer Textbox – Input and edit answers.

(2. Register Student Form) 1

2 8 9 0

1 3 4 5 6

1. Last School Textbox – Input the Examinee’s last school attended.

2. Last Name Textbox – Input the Examinee’s last name.

3. Registered Date – (Automatically filled by the system once registered.)

4. First Name Textbox – Input the Examinee’s first name.

5. Status Textbox – (Automatically filled by the system.) Checks either the account
is registered or examined.

6. Middle Name Textbox – Input the Examinee’s middle name.

7. Save Button – Click to save the information.

8. Receipt Number Textbox – Input the Examinee’s examination receipt number.

9. Search Button – Click to search the information of the receipt number.

10. Clear Button – Click to clear all textboxes.

1 (3. Audit Log Form) 2

4 5
1. Export Button – Click to export information to Microsoft Office Excel.
2. Clear Button – Click to clear all displayed description log.
3. Examination Date – Click to choose which date results to be viewed.
4. Search Button – Click to search the logs of the described date.
5. View Log – Displays the description audit log.

(4. Test Result Form)

4 5

1 2 3

1. Search Button – Click to search the results of the described date.

2. Export Button – Click to export data into an excel file.
3. View Results – Displays the described results.
4. Sort Combo Box – Click to sort which results to be viewed.
5. Result Date - Click to choose which date results to be viewed.

Examinee Window

(Setup Connection Form)


(Login Form)

1. Server IP Address Textbox – Input the server data source address.

2. Password Textbox – input the password

3. Save Button – Click to save the password

4. Receipt Number Textbox – Input Examinee’s receipt number.

5. Login Button – Click to login.

(LAN-based Entrance Examination Form)

1 2 3

1. Subject Tab – Click to view questions categorically.

2. Remaining Time – Displays remaining time.
3. Warning Message – Explains the function of the submit button.
4. Submit Button – Click to terminate and saves all answers in the entire tabs.

Appendix C

Validation Letters

May 22, 2012

Mark Louie Cruz

IT Developer
Banco De Oro
Makati City

Dear Sir:


The undersigned is presently conducting a research entitled “LAN Based Entrance

Examination System for Norzagaray College” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree in Master in Information Technology.

Considering your professional competence and valued experience as an IT

developer, the undersigned would like to requests your suggestions on the validity
of the hereto attached questionnaires.

I am anticipating for your kind attention and favorable action on this matter.
Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Gerald R. Albano
Master in Information Technology

Contents Noted:

Approved Disapproved


Validated by:_______________

June 27, 2012

Francisco Sarmiento
Computer Engr.
MIS Department

Municipality of Norzagaray
Norzagaray, Bulacan

Dear Sir:


The undersigned is presently conducting a research entitled “LAN Based Entrance

Examination System for Norzagaray College” in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree in Master in Information Technology.

Considering your professional competence and valued experience as a Computer

Engineer , the undersigned would like to requests your suggestions on the validity
of the hereto attached questionnaires.

I am anticipating for your kind attention and favorable action on this matter.
Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Gerald R. Albano
Master in Information Technology

Contents Noted:

Approved Disapproved


Validated by:_______________

Curriculum Vitae

Gerald R. Albano
Address: Martin Perez St. Lawasan, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Contact Number: 09327211687

Email Address:

OBJECTIVE: Willing to obtain a responsible role, which utilizes each bit of the functional and practical
knowledge and expertise that could become the significant contribution in the progress of the organization.


2007- 2012 In Consortium with University of La Salette

University Of Regina Carmeli City of Malolos,Bulacan
Master in Information Technology
Candidate for Graduation October 2012

1995 - 2000 AMA Computer University Quezon City

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


Instructor (December 2007 – present)

Norzagaray College
College of Computer Science
Norzagaray, Bulacan

Computer Teacher (Jun. 2006 – May 2007)

North Hills Village High School
Bitungol, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Computer Teacher (Jun. 2004 – Apr. 2005)

Flos Carmeli Institution of Quezon City
Fairview Subdivision, Quezon City


Primary Skills: Object Oriented Programming, MS Office Application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)

Technical Skills and Knowledge:

ASSEMBLY, BASIC NETWORK INSTALLATION, spoken and written proficiency in English and

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