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Dada Assalamulaikum,

At first I beg of your cordial pardon to let you read this longer important massage about our problem in
severe danger situation. Please Dada read the whole massage patiently. My mother also requested you
to have attention to read the whole massage vary urgently .

I had told you earlier that manager is very cunning fox , over-smart and freaky person . He directly and
indirectly told me that he can’t, will not is not bound to do any financial payment favor for me, my mother
& my family anything for better favor, he has no power in his hands , he will not care anyone, can’t receive
any phone calls [ two days ago when I was trying to call with him he told me that he can’t listen anything
–network issues but I was easily listening him, alternatively that manager [ Abdur Razzaq] at every
months he has been paying others regular customers [ who are closed related with him] , paying branch
office rent , paying salaries of staffs/officers and others expenditures , but whenever I use to request him
, he becomes dishonestly as like as freakish liar ready to refuse anyhow not to pay me , he sympathizes
me and my mother that he has great feeling over us , but nothing on his mind and being treated like a bad
devil .

Dada, last 6/7 months and during these days/times I had gone and visited several times in head office of
“ Aziz Co-operative Bank , 45, bijoy nagar [ saiham vhaban, 4th floor] , but the directors [ Miajee & Bayozid
as I had referred their names earlier to you Dada--- who misbehaved me very rudely that I would not dare
to go there anymore and not to argue for demanding any more payments --------- all these incidents
preplanned by that devil manager , not only against me, they also are misbehaving other innocents
customers as like as me , even they raise their hands over us and also threaten not to come to them

Dada, I had told you that our relatives “ Fakhor vhai [ husband of Lucky apa ] who has been trying his best
to convince the Chairman [ Tazul Islam is related with friendly relationship with Fakhor vhai] about our
payment to fix the accurate date & real payment but, so far still can’t negotiate . That Chairman has also
been blamed as bad character personnel for his bad commitment promises which made Fakhor vhai angry
over him and along other officials of Aziz.

In the name of the Almighty Allah, now my final hope is only you Dada who can handle that devil manager
and his other uncivilized directors by taking help of very cautiously to apply very stronger powerful
persons as any officials of Aziz would not dare to make any rude misbehave, false commitment payment
date others.

Dada, please help me, my mother and our family not to fall in street path , because they [ officials of Aziz
– chairman , mamger, director [ miajee and bayozid] are really clever, and announcing always that they
can manage any powerful person at any cost whoever he or she is , it does not matter to them.

Please Dada do and take realistic powerful steps whatever is essentially required to withdraw money from
them [ must be in complete cash payment , must not be at cheque payment ---- they have so many
fraudulence activities about this type of transactions. To make this cash payments to settle in the safer
place, must not be place in their head office – because they are well conspired and jealous to do any kind
of harm to us what Amma [ my mother ] is really anxious about that and kindly requested you to do that
and it would be highly recommend better place at our own house as I personally honestly, dedicatedly
and honorably requested you Dada to make this kind of all payments.
At first , please Dada tell enforce manager to pay us at least 3,00,000/= [ three lacs which is very essentially
required for us] taka out of 13,10,000/= taka . And the rest of amounted money 10,10,000/= should be
paid at installment basis in every one and half month or maximum two months interval to complete the
whole amount fully. That’s it me , my mother and my ordinary family are highly deserving the best
consideration from you Dada over us . Convey the best regards & salam to respectful Fufuamma and along
with honorable vhabi and greetings, best wishes , doa , adore to my nephew and niece . May the Almighty
Allah help your exclusive gorgeous family forever.

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