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CAVITE MUTINY (put everything here before the ppt)
Picture of Jose Montero y Vidal’s book (???) its in spanish cant read head empty;rgn=full+text;size=100;

Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera​ - Filipino perspective. A Filipino physician, historian and politician
of Spanish and Portuguese descent.
DATE HAPPENED: ​In the night of 20 January 1872
1. Harsh policy of the despotic governor and captain general Rafael de Izquierdo
abolishing their privilege of exemption from paying annual​ tribute (a.) ​and
rendering forced labor or polo.
Further input: ​Tribute/ tributo - shows Filipino’s loyalty to the King of
Spain, something akin to taxes but you don’t have to pay with money,
Filipinos were exempted to pay tribute to the colonial government, but the
new governor general, Gen. Rafael Izquierdo, changed that.
*was later changed into ​cedula (​ personal identification paper) in
Also the abolition of privileges of the workers and native army members of
the arsenal and the prohibition of the founding of school of arts and trades
for the Filipinos, which the general believed as a cover-up for the
organization of a political club.
The two accounts thought that the mutiny was long planned
Jose Montero y Vidal (spanish historian)
DATE HAPPENED: ​In the night of 20 January 1872, 9:30 pm
1. Revolt to overthrow the Spanish rule to gain independence from monarchical
2. Abolition of the privileges enjoyed by the native soldiers and laborers of the
Cavite arsenal such as exemption from paying annual tribute and forced labor
3. “Illustrados” teaching the commoners of the liberal ideals from Europe
Further input: ​Was also the time when the Suez canal opened (artificial
sea-level waterways in the world, paved the way for the Philippines' direct
commercial relations with Spain instead of via Mexico.) At that time, rich
people were able to send their children to study abroad.
Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo (spanish military officer)
Said that the Filipinos were trying to overthrow the Spanish government, that the
Filipinos were crowing a new king in the form of the GomBurZa priests.
The general even added that the native clergy enticed other participants
by giving them charismatic assurance that their fight will not fail because
God is with them coupled with handsome promises of rewards such as
employment, wealth, and ranks in the army. Izquierdo, in his report
lambasted the Indios as gullible and possessed an innate propensity for
Fernando La Madrid (

Cavite Mutiny:
● Took place in the night of 20th of January, 1872
● A brief uprising consisting around 200 Filipino troops and laborers
● The Spanish authorities took this as an excuse to repress the Philippine Nationalist

Causes of Cavite Mutiny:

The execution of Gomburza:

● On February 15, 1872, three martyr Fathers ​Jose Burgos​, ​Mariano Gómez​ and ​Jacinto
Zamora​ were sentenced to death by garrote at Bagumbayan, Philippines
● The three were charged with treason, sedition, subversion and complicity with the
● Governor Rafael de Izquierdo believed that the Filipinos were to create its own
government and elected the three priests as their representatives/leaders to overthrow
the Spanish government
● After a brief 2 days, they were then executed

The battle:


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