Quiz g10

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Name: ________________________________ Score: ____________

Section: ________________________________
Directions: Analyze the questions carefully and encircle the best correct answer. Used your time
effectively, remember finishing the examination early does not equate any point. Making sure of your
answer however, may give you a point.
1. Which of the following are the parts of neurons?
a. brain, spinal cord, and vertebral column c. sensory and motor
b. dendrite, axon, and cell body d. sympathetic and parasympathetic
2. What are the main divisions of the nervous system?
a. the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system
b. the dendritic and the axonal systems
c. the sensory system and the motor system
d. the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
3. The human nervous system is capable of a wide range of functions. What is the basic unit of the
nervous system?
a. Glial cell b. Brain c. Neuron d. Nerve
4. How do neurons communicate with one another?
a. Electrically b. Chemically c. Through weak, radio-wave-like impulse d. a and B
5. Which of the following are characteristic of the sympathetic system?
a. sweating c. accelerates the heartbeat
b. dilates of pupil d. All of the above
6. What do you call to the chemical messengers that are produced in one body region and affect a
different body region?
a. Nucleic acids b. Enzymes c. Hormones d. Neurotransmitters
7. Which hormone dramatically affects physical appearance?
a. Steroid b. Growth c. male and female d. gonadotropin
8. What two hormones are produced by the pancreas?
a. insulin and glucagon c. androgen and estrogen
b. ACTH and FSH d. glucagen and insulin
9. What is the disorder caused by too much or too little amount of secreted hormone of thyroid gland?
a. Goiter b. Dwarfism c. Gigantism d. Osteoporosis
10. All of the following are hormones of the anterior pituitary EXCEPT:
a. human growth hormone (GH)
b. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
c. parathyroid hormone(PTH).
d. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
11. Which statement is true about menstruation?
a. The shedding of the lining of the uterus along with some blood once a month.
b. The ovary releases millions of eggs every 28 days.
c. The monthly cycle continues for about 40 months.
d. Menstrual cramps are the result of egg being release from the ovary.
12. Which hormones are responsible in producing breast milk?
a. progesterone and estrogen c. estrogen and androgen
b. prolactin and oxytocin d. prolactin and estrogen
13. What is the function of the uterus in female reproductive system?
a. It is the site of egg implantation. c. It is the area where egg cells are produced.
b. Receives the penis of male during mating d. All of the above
14. Of the following male organs, which one is considered a primary sex organ?
a. ejaculatory ducts b. gonads (testes) c. penis d. Seminal vesicles
15. What are the responsible organ that carry sperm filled semen from the male to the female's vagina?
a. prostate gland b. gonads c. seminal vesicles d. penis and urethra
16. It protects the testes and maintain the temperature to 2 degrees lower than body temperature.
a. scrotum c. urethra
b. prostate gland d. Cowper’s gland
17. What is the process of copying information from DNA strand to mRNA?
a. Transcribe b. Replication c. Transcription d. Duplication
18. What enzyme binds and opens DNA molecule?
a. DNA primase b. DNA polymerase c. RNA primase d. RNA polymerase
19. What are the nitrogenous bases found in RNA?
a. Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, Guanine c. Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine
b. Adenine, Uracil, Thymine, Guanine d. Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Uracil
20. What is the building block of protein molecule?
a. Sugar b. amino acid c. mRna d. carbohydrate
21. Which RNA molecules supplies amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled as protein?
a. tRNA b. mRNA c. rRNA d. pRNA

22. It is a change in the base sequence of DNA.

a. Intervention b. Deletion c. Insertion d. Mutation
23. What is the second most common trisomy after Down’s syndrome?
a. Cri du chat c. Jacobsen syndrome
b. Edwards syndrome d. Turner’s syndrome
24. If this strand TGGTGACCGAA is replicated, which of the following is the complementary strand that
is produced?
25. Using the same DNA base sequence in item number 24, transcribed it into mRNA, what would be
the resulting strand?
26. What does it form when two or more different genetic material is combined?
a. Recombinant DNA b. Duplicated DNA c. DNA Replication d. Duplicated RNA
27. Female sexual characteristics are present but underdeveloped. They often have a short stature,
low hairline, and a “caved- in” appearance. Which disorder has this condition with a single X chromosome
instead of XX or XY?
a. Klinefelter’s syndrome b. Jacobsen Syndrome c. Turner’s Syndrome d.Down Syndrome
28. In DNA replication, this enzyme breaks the bond between nitrogenous bases causes the two
strands of DNA split, what is this enzyme?
a. primase b. DNA polymerase c. helicase d. RNA primase
29. A strand of DNA with the sequence A A C T T G will have a complimentary strand with the following
30. RNA contains which of these nucleotides?
a. Deoxyribose+ phosphate group+ uracil b. Ribose+ phosphate group+ thymine
c. Ribose+ phosphate group+ uracil d. Deoxyribose+ phosphate group+ thymine
31. How many types of RNA are needed to make a protein?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
32. __________ takes the information that’s being stored in DNA and send it out to the cell.
a. RNA b. DNA c. amino acid d. ribosomes
33. In replication, the end result is two daughter strands of DNA, while in transcription, the end result is a __
a. strand of chromatin b. carbohydrate molecule c. protein molecule d. amino acids
34.Which RNA molecules carry genetic information copied from DNA?
a. pRNA b. rRNA c. tRNA d. mRNA
35.A nucleotide is formed of which of the following units?
a. nitrogen base and phosphate b. nitrogen base, sugar and phosphate
c. nitrogen base and sugar d. sugar and phosphate
II. Sequence the following steps in protein synthesis from first to last (35-40).
_______ 35. Transcription
_______ 36. tRNA-amino acid units link to mRNA
_______ 37. Amino acid separate from tRNA
_______ 38. Polypeptide chain assembled
_______ 39. mRNA links to ribosome
_______ 40. Stop codon encountered in mRNA

III. True or False. If the answer is False, change the underlined word(s) to make the statement true.
_________41. The sugar found in RNA is called deoxyribose.
_________42. The DNA molecule is double stranded and the RNA molecule is single stranded.
_________43. The process of translationoccurs at the ribosome.
_________44. The job of mRNA is to pick up amino acids and transport them to the ribosomes.
_________45. Transcription must occur beforetranslationmay occur.
_________46. The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and the spinal cord.
_________47. Somatic motor neurons are responsible for both reflex and voluntary control of skeletal
_________48. Vas deferens carries sperm from testes to urethra.
_________49. Pituitary gland enables the body to produce certain antibodies.
_________50. Thyroxin hormones is released by the adrenal gland.

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