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Sample Question Paper

1. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in an atom in

which the
highest principal quantum number is 4? [1]
2. How is bond order related to the stability of a molecule ? [1]
3. What is the binding force between molecules if a substance is a gas under
conditions of temperature and pressure ? [1]
4. In the reaction;
Mn02 + 4HC1 — MnC12 + C12 + 2H20, which species is oxidized ?
5. How many hydrogen bonded water molecule(s) are present in CuSO4.5H20 ? [1]
6. A sample of NaNO3 weighing 0.83 g is placed in a 50 ml volumetric flask.
The flask is
then filled with water to the mark on the neck. What is the molarity of the
solution ? [2]
7. Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of iron which has 69.9% iron
and 30.1%
dioxygen by mass. [2]
8. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration in the following biological
fluids whose pH
are given : [2]
(a) Human muscle-fluid, 6.83
(b) Human stomach fluid, 1.2
9. Write four major water pollutants. [2]
10. Draw the structures of cis- and trans-isomers of the following compounds
name ; [2]
(ii) C2H5C(CH3) = C(CH3)C2H5
Suggest the name of two Lewis acid other than anhydrous aluminium chloride
which can be
used during ethylation of benzene. [2]
11. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 242 nm is just sufficient to
ionize the sodium
atom. Calculate the ionization energy of sodium in kJ mol-1.
12. Write the electronic configurations of the following ions : [3]
(a) H+,
(b) Na+.
(c) 02-.
13. Define octet rule. Write its significance and limitations. [3]
14. Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the
following species :
(a) Ca02,
(b) NaBH4,
(c) H2S2O7.
15. Anhydrous A1C13 is covalent but A1C13.6H20 is ionic in nature. How would
you account
for this ? [31
16. (a) Write chemical reaction to show the amphoteric nature of water.
(b) How does H202 behave as a bleaching agent ? [3]
17. (i) A sample of pure PC15 was stored in an evacuated vessels at 473K.
equilibrium was attained, concentration of PC15 was found to be 0.5 x 10-1
mol L-1. If
value of Kc. is
8.3 x 10-3, what are the concentration of PC13 and C12 at equilibrium ?
(ii) Give relation between Kp and IQ for above equation. Â [3]
18. What will be the pressure of the gas mixture when 0.5 L of H2 at 0.8 bar
and 2.0 L of
oxygen at 0.7 bar are introduced in a 1 L vessel at 27°C? [3]
19. Explain tropospheric pollution in 100 words. [3]
20. Carry out the following conversions : [3]
(I ) Ethyl alcohol to ethane.
(2) Sodium acetanilide to benzene.
(3) Benzene to nitrobenzene.
21. State the principle of the following techniques taking an example : [3]
(i) Steam Distillation.
(ii) Chromatography.
22. Write chemical equation only for preparation of : [3]
(i) Plaster of Paris,
(ii) Quick lime,
(ii) Slaked lime.
Compare the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals with respect-toionization
enthalpy (i)
basicity of oxides, and (ii) solubility of hydroxides. [3]
23. The removal of an electron from an atom results in the formation of a
cation, whereas
gain of an electron leads to an anion. The ionic radii can be estimated by
measuring the
distances between cations and anions in ionic crystals. A cation is smaller
than its
parent atom because it has fewer electrons while its nuclear change remains
the same. The
size of an anion will be larger than that of the parent atom because the
addition of one
or more electrons would result in increased repulsion among the electrons and
a decrease
in effective nuclear charge. When we find some atoms and ions which contain
the same
number of electrons, we call them isoelectronic species.
Now answer the following questions :
(i) Arrange the following ions in the order to increasing size
Be2+, Cl–, Na+, Mg2+
(ii) In which of the following pairs, which species has a larger size †̃?
[Value Based
Question] [4]
(i) Br or Br–, (ii) O2- or F– (iii) Li+ or Na+ (iv) P or As.
24. Show that in the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, AU = 0 and AU = 0.
Air contain 99% N2 and O2 gases. Then why do not they combine to form NO
under the
standard conditions ? Give that the standard free energy of formation of
NO(g) is 86.7 kj
mol-1. Â [5]
25. What is the difference between distillation, distillation under reduced
pressure and
steam distillation? [5]
Explain the terms inductive and electromeric effects. Which electron
displacement effect
explains the
following correct orders of acidity of the carboxylic acids ? [51
26. (a) Write reactions to justify amphoteric nature of aluminium. [2]
(b) What are electron deficient compounds ? Are BC13 and SiC14 electron
deficient species
? Explain. [3] OR
(a) Consider the compounds BC13 and CC14. How will they behave with water ?
Justify. [2]
(b) Is boric acid a protic acid ? Explain.

Sample Question Paper

1. The 4f subshell of an atom contains 10 electrons. What is the maximum
number of
electrons having spin in the same direction ? [1]
2. How is bond order related to bond length of a molecule ? Â [1]
3. What is the equation of state of an ideal gas for n moles ? [1]
4. Name a compound each in which the oxidation state of 0 is (i) + 2, and
(ii) – 2. [1]
5. What happens when heavy water is added to calcium carbide ? [1]
6. How many grams of oxygen is required for complete combustion of 29 g of
butane as per
the equation :
C4H10 + 4.502 = 2CO2 + 5H2O [2]
7. Calculate the atomic mass (average) of chlorine using the following data :
% Natural Abundance Molar Mass
35C1 75.77 34.9689
37C1 24.23 36.9659
8. One mole of H2O and one mole of CO are taken in a 10 litre vessel and
heated at 725K.
At equilibrium 40% of water (by mass) reacts with CO according to the
equation :
H2O(g) + CO(g) → H2(g) + CO2(g)
Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction. [2]
9. What are pesticides ? Write any two pesticides. [2]
10. Which of the following compounds will show cis-trans isomerism ? [2]
(i) (H3C)2C = CH–C2H5
(ii) H2C = CBr2
(iii) C6H5CH = CHCH3
(iv) H3C—CH = CC1(CH3)
Why is Wurtz reaction not preferred for preparation of alkanes containing odd
number of
carbon atoms ?
Illustrate your answer by taking one example. [2]
11. A photon of wavelength 4 x 10-7 m strikes on metal surface, the work
function of the
metal being 2.13 eV. Calculate : (i) the energy of the photon (eV), (ii) the
energy of the emission, and (Ai) the velocity of the photoelectron (1 eV =
1.602 x 10-19
J). [3]
12. In Rutherford’s experiment, generally thin-foils of heavy atoms like
gold, platinum
etc. have been used to be bombarded by the α-particles. If the thin foil of
light atoms
like aluminium etc. is used, what difference would be observed from the
above results ?
13. Discuss the shapes of the following molecules using the VSEPR model : [3]
BeC12, BC13, SiC14, AsF5 H2S, PH3
14. Complete and balance the following equation : [3]
Mn04– + H2S → Mn2+ + S (acidic medium)
15. Arrange the following : [3]
(i) CaH2, BeH2 and TiH2 in order of increasing electrical conductance.
LiH, NaH and CsH in order of increasing ionic character.
H—H, D—D and F—F in order of increasing bond dissociation enthalpy.
16. Cu+ and Na+ are of the same size but CuCl is insoluble in water while
NaCl is soluble
in water. Explain. [3]
17. What is the minimum volume of water required to dissolve 1 g of calcium
sulphate at
298K? (for calcium sulphate, Ksp is 9.1 x 10-16) Â [3]
18. Pay load is defined as the difference between the mass of displaced air
and the mass
of the balloon. Calculate the pay load when a balloon of radius 10 m, mass
100 kg is
filled with helium at 1.66 bar at 27°C. [Density of air = 1.2 kgm-3, R =
0.083 bar dm3K-1
mo1-1]. [3]
19. Have you ever observed any water pollution in your area ? What measures
would you
suggest to control it ? [3]
20. Complete the following reactions : [3]
21. (1) What do you mean by functional isomerism ?
(2) What is heterolytic cleavage ?
(3) What is inductive effect ? Give an example. [3]
22. State as to why : [3]
(a) a solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline ?
(b) alkali metals are prepared by electrolysis of their fused chlorides ?
(c) sodium is found to be more useful than potassium ?
Write balanced equations for the reactions between : [3]
(a) Na202 and water
(b) KO2 and water
(c) Na20 and CO2
23. A qualitative measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to
shared electrons to itself is called electronegativity. Unlike ionization
enthalpy and
electron gain enthalpy, it is not a measurable quantity. The
electronegativity of any
given, element is not constant; it varies depending on the element to which
it is bound.
Though it is not a measurable quantity, it does provide a means of predicting
the nature
of force that holds a pair of atoms together.
Now answer the following questions :
(i) What is the basic difference between the terms electron gain enthalpy and
electronegativity ?
(ii) How would you react to the statement that the electronegativity of N on
Pauling scale
is 3.0 in all the nitrogen compounds ? Â [4]
24. Write expression for the work done by 1 mole of the gas in each of the
following cases
: Â [5]
(i) For irreversible expansion of the gas from volume V1 to V2.
(ii) For reversible isothermal expansion of the gas from volume V1 to V2.
(iii) For expansion of the gas into an evaluated vessel.
(iv) For reversible isothermal compression of the gas from pressure P1 to P2.
(v) For adiabatic expansion resulting into change of temperature from T1 to
Justify the following statements : [5]
(a) Reactions with ΔG° < 0 always have an equilibrium constant greater than
(b) Many thermodynamically feasible reactions do not occur under ordinary
(c) At low temperatures, enthalpy change dominates the AG expression and at
temperatures it is the entropy which dominates the value of ΔG
25. Discuss the chemistry of Lassaigne’s test. [5]
Describe the principle of estimation of phosphorus and oxygen in an organic
compound. [5]
26. (a) Suggest a reason as to why CO is poisonous. [2]
(b) What do you understand by :
(a) inert pair effect, (b) allotropy, (c) catenation ? [3]
(a) In some of the reactions, thallium resembles aluminium, whereas in others
it resembles
with group I metals. Support this statement by giving some evidences. [2]
(b) When metal X is treated with sodium hydroxide, a white precipitate (A) is
which is soluble in excess of NaOH to give soluble complex (B). Compound (A)
is soluble in
dilute HC1 to form compound (C). The compound (A) when heated strongly gives
(D), which is
used to extract metal. Identify (X), (A), (B), (C) and (D). Write suitable
equations to
support their identities. [3]

Sample Question Paper

1. Write de-Broglie expression for wavelength of matter wave. [1]
2. Draw the Lewis dot structure of CO32– ion. [HOTS] [1]
3. What is the value of the gas constant in S.I. units ? [1]
4. Name the type of reactions that occur at cathode in an electrochemical
cell. [HOTS] [1]
5. Write the structures of two complex metal hydrides which are used as
reducing agent is
organic synthesis. [1]
6. What is the S.I. unit of mass ? How is it defined ? [2]
7. An compound on analysis gave the following percentage composition :
K = 31.84%, Cl = 28.98%, 0 = 39.18%
Calculate the empirical formula of the compound. [2]
8. Does the number of moles of reaction products increase, decrease or remain
same when
each of the following quilibria is subjected to a decrease in pressure by
volume ? [2]
(a) PC15(g) ⇔ PC13(g) + C12(g)
(b) Ca0(s) + CO2(g) ⇔ CaCO3(s)
9. What are herbicides ? Give two examples of herbicides. [2]
10. Write IUPAC names of the following compounds : [2]
(a) CH3CH = C(CH3)2 (b) CH2 = CH—C = C—CH3
Explain why the following systems are not aromatic ?
11. Write s, p, d and f electronic configuration of phosphorus (15), chromium
(24) and
copper (29). [3]
12. In Millikan’s experiment, static electric charge on the oil drops has
been obtained
by shining X-rays. If the static electric charge in the oil drop is – 1.282
x 10-18 C,
calculate the number of electrons present in it. [3]
13. Write the resonance structures for S03, NO2 and NO3–. [3]
14. Consider the reaction :
2S2O32-(aq) + I2(s) -> S4O62-(aq) + 2I–(aq)
S2O32-(aq) + 2Br2(/) + 5H2O(l) -> 2SO42-(aq) + 4Br–(aq) + 10 H+(aq)
Why does the same reductant, thiosulphate react differerently with iodine and
bromine ?
15. Explain the following : [3]
(a) A solution of H2O2 cannot be stored for a long period.
(b) Anhydrous BaO2 cannot be used to prepare H2O2 by reacting with acid.
(c) Liquid hydrogen cannot be used easily as a fuel.
16. Which is expected to have highest boiling point : [3]
NH3, (CH3)3N or PH3 ? Explain why ?
17. If 35.0 cm3 of 0.050 M Ba(NO3)2 are mixed with 25.0 cm3 of 0.020 M NaF,
will any BaF2
precipitate ? Ksp of BaF2 is 1.7 x 10-6 at 298K. [HOTS] [3]
18. (a) Which type of intermolecular forces exist between NaCl and H20. [1]
(b) What will be the pressure of the gaseous mixture when 0.5 L of 112 at 0.8
bar and 2.0
L of O2 at 0.7 bar are introduced in a 1 L vessel at 27°C? [2]
19. A large number of fish are suddenly found floating dead on a lake. There
is no
evidence of toxic dumping but you find an abundance of phytoplankton. Suggest
a reason for
the fish kill.
20. What happens when : [Give chemical equations] [3]
(1) Propene undergoes ozonolysis.
(2) Ethanol is heated with conc. H2SO4.
(3) Phenol is treated with Zn dust.
21. (1) Write IUPAC name of C6H5CH2CHO and (CH3)2—CH(NH2)–CH2.[1]
(2) Write an example of geometrical isomerism. [1]
(3) What do you mean by resonance energy ? [1]
22. What happens when calcium nitrate is heated ?
Beryllium and magnesium do not give colour to flame whereas other alkaline
earth metals do
so. Why ? [3]
Describe the importance of the following : [3]
(i) Limestone (ii) Cement
(iii) Plaster of paris.
23. A quantitative measure of the tendency of an element to lose electron is
given by its
ionization enthalpy. It represents the energy required to remove an electron
from an
isolated gaseous atom in its ground state. Energy is always required to
remove electrons
from an atom and hence ionization enthalpies are always positive. The second
enthalpy will be higher than the first ionization enthalphy because it is
more difficult
to remove an electron from a positively charged ion than from a neutral atom.
Now answer the following questions :
(i) Which of the following pairs of elements would you expect to have lower
enthalpy : [2]
(i) Cl or F (ii) Cl or S (iii) K or Ar (iv) Kr or Xe
(ii) The first ionization enthalpy values (in kJ mol-1) of group 13 elements
are :
B Al Ga In T1
801 577 579 558 589
How would you explain this deviation from the general trend ? [Value Based
Question] [2]
24. (i) What is meant by entropy driven reaction ? How can the reaction with
change of enthalpy and entropy be made entropy driven ?
(ii) When an ideal gas expands into vacuum, there is neither absorption nor
evolution of
heat. Why ? [HOTS] [5]
(i) Justify the following statements :
(a) An exothermic reaction is always thermodynamically spontaneous.
(b) The entropy of a substance increases on going from liquid to vapour state
at any
(ii) Why standard entropy of an elementary substance is not zero whereas
standard enthalpy
of formation is taken as zero ? [HOTS] [5]
25. Indicate the a-and n-bonds in the following molecules : [5]
C6H6, C6H12, C6H12, CH2 = C = CH2, CH3NO3.
Give the IUPAC name of the following compounds :
26. (a) If the starting material for the manufacture of silicones is RSiC13,
write the
structure of the product formed. [2]
(b) How is excessive content of CO2 responsible for global warming ? [3]
(a) Suggest reasons why the B-F bond lengths in BF3 (130 pm) and BE4– (143
pm) differ.
(b) Explain structures of diborane and boric acid. [
Sample Question Paper
1. How many quantum numbers are required to specify an orbital ? [1]
2. What is the shape of SF6 ? [HOTS] [1]
3. What is compressibility factor ? [1]
4. What is the oxidation number of S in the reactants and the products :
[HOTS] [1]
2Na2S2O3 + 12 —> Na2S4O6 + 2Nal
5. What do you mean by 15 volume H2O2 solution ? [1]
6. A hydrocarbon has 92.3% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen. The molecular mass of
the compound is
26. Calculate the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon. [2]
7. If the density of methanol is 0.793 kg L-1, what is its volume needed for
making 2.5 L
of its 0.25 M solution ? [2]
8. Which of the following reactions will get affected by increasing the
pressure ? Also
mention whether change will cause the reaction to go into forward or backward
direction ?
(a) COC12(g) ⇔CO(g) + C12(g)
(b) CH4(g) + 2S2(g) ⇔ CS2(g) + 2H2S(g)
9. How is green chemistry useful for dry cleaning of clothes ? [2]
10. Explain why the following systems are not aromatic ?
Write bond line structural formula for : [2]
(a) Heptan-4-one
(b) 2, 2, 4-Trimethylpentane
11. Write the complete symbol for the atom with the given atomic number (Z)
and atomic
mass (A). [3]
(i) Z = 17, A = 35,
(ii) Z = 92, A = 233,
(iii) Z = 4, A = 9
12. The ejection of the photoelectron from the silver metal in the
photoelectric effect
experiment can be stopped by applying a voltage of 0.35 V when the radiation
256.7 nm is
used. Calculate the work function for silver metal. [3]
13. Although both CO3 and H2O are triatomic molecules, the shape of H2O
molecule is bent
while that of CO2Â is linear. Explain these on the basis of dipole moment.
14. Try all possible approaches to justify that the following reactions are
reactions. [3]
(a) CuO(s) + H2(g) → CU(S) + H30(g)
(b) Fe2O3(s) + 3C0(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
(c) 4BC13(s) + 3LiA1H4(s) → 2B2H6(g) + 3LiC1(s) + 3A1C13(s)
15. Why is anhydrous barium peroxide not used in the preparation of H2O2 ?
How does
hydrogen peroxide react with : [3]
(i) Chlorine
(ii) Moist silver oxide.
16. BeF2 molecule is linear while SF2 is angular though both are triatomic.
Explain. [3]
17. Equilibrium constant K, for the reaction : [HOTS] [3]
N2(g) + 3H2(g) —> 2NH3(g) at 500K is 0.061.
At particular time analysis shows that composition of the reaction mixture is
3.0 mo/L N2
2.0 mol/L NH3. Is the reaction at equilibrium ? If not in which direction
does the
reaction tend to proceed to equilibrium and why ?
18. (i) Density of gas is found to be 5.461dm3 at 27°C at 2 bar pressure.
What will be
its density at STP ?
(ii) Critical temperature for CO2 and CH4 are 31.1°C and – 81.9°C
respectively. Which
of these has stronger intermolecular forces and why ? [2 + 1]
19. What would have happened if the green house gases were totally missing in
earth’s atmosphere ?
Discuss. [3]
20. How would you convert benzene into : [3]
(i) BHC,
(iii) Ethyl benzene.
21. Differentiate between the principle of estimation of nitrogen by Duma’s
method and
Kjeldahl’s method. [3]
22. Describe one important use of each of the following : [3]
(i) caustic soda,
(ii) sodium carbonate,
(iii) quick lime.
Explain significance of sodium, potassium and calcium in biological fluids.
23. When an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom to convert it into a
negative ion,
the enthalpy change accompanying the process is defined electron gain
enthalpy. Electron
gain enthalpy provides a measure of the ease with which an atom adds an
electron to form
anion. Depending on the element, the process of adding an electron to the
atom can be
either endothermic or exothermic. For many elements energy is released when
an electron is
added to the atom and the electron gain enthalpy is negative.
Now answer the following questions :
(i) Which of the following pairs of elements would you have a more negative
electron gain
enthalpy. (i) 0 or F F or Cl. [Value Based Question] [2]
(ii) Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of 0 as positive,
more negative or
less negative than the first ? Justify your answer. [Value Based Question]
24. (i) Given : N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) ; Δr H° = – 92.4 kJ mo1-1.
What is the
standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 gas ?
(ii) Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH3OH(1) from the
following data :
(a) CH3OH(l) + 3/2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ; ΔrH° = – 726 kJ mol-1
(b) C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) ; ΔcH° = – 393 10 mo1-1
(c) H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) → H2O(/) ; ΔfH° = – 286 kJ mo1-1. [HOTS] [5]
For an isolated system, ΔU = 0, what will be ΔS?
Calculate the enthalpy change for the process
CC14(g) → C(g) + 4C1(g)
and calculate bond enthalpy of C—Cl in CC14(g)
Given :Δvap H° (CC14) = 30.5 kJ mo1-1, ΔfH° (CC14) = – 135.5 kJ mol-1
Δa H° (C) = 715.0 kJ mo1-1 where Δa H° is enthalpy of atomisation.
Δa H° (C12) = 242 kJ mo1-1. [HOTS] [5]
25. A welding fuel gas contains C and H only. Burning a small sample of it in
oxygen gives
3.38 gm CO2, 0.690 gm H2O and no other product. A volume of 10 L at S.T.P. of
this gas is
found to weigh 11.6 gm. Calculate :
(i) Empirical formula,
(ii) Molar mass of gas,
(iii) Molecular formula. [5]
(a) What is chromatography and Rf value ? [2]
(b) A sample of 0.50 gm of organic compound was treated according to Kjeldahl
method. The
ammonia evolved was absorbed in 50 ml of 0.5 M. The residual acid required 60
ml of 0.5 M
solution of NaOH for neutralisation. Find the percentage composition of
nitrogen in the
compound. [3]
26. (a) Explain what happens when boric acid is heated. [1]
(b) How can you explain higher stability of BC13 as compared to T1C13 ? .[2]
(c) Why does boron trifluoride behave as a Lewis acid ? [2]
(a) If B—Cl bond has a dipole moment, explain why BCI3 molecule has zero
dipole moment.
(b) Aluminium trifluride is insoluble in anhydrous HF but dissolves on
addition of NaF.
Alluminium trifluoride precipitates out of the resulting solution when
gaseous BF3 is
bubbled through. Give reasons. [

Sample Question Paper

1. How many spherical nodes do you expect in a 4s-orbital ? [1]
2. Write resonance structure of sulphur dioxide molecule. [HOTS] [1]
3. What are the units of coefficient of viscosity ? [1]
4. Assign the oxidation number to S in H2S2O7. [HOTS] [1]
5. Name two compounds which retard the decomposition of H2O2 solution. [1]
6. Express the following in scientific notation : [2]
(i) 0.0048,
(ii) 234000,
(iii) 8008,
(iv) 500.0
7. Dinitrogen and dihydrogen react with each other to produce ammonia
according to the
chemical equation :
N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)
(i) Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if 2.00 x 103 g dinitrogen reacts
with 1.00 x
103 g dihydrogen.
(ii) Will any of the two reactants remain tutreacted ? [2]
8. Which of the following are Lewis acids ? [2]
H2O, BF3, H+, NH4+
9. Name the disease caused by lead and nitrate contamination in drinking
water. [2]
10. Explain why the following systems are not aromatic ? [2]
An alkene `A’ contains three C—C, eight C—H, σ-bond and one C—C π-
bond. †̃A’
on ozonolysis give two moles of an aldehyde of molar mass 44 u write the
IUPAC name of
†̃A’. [2]
11. (1) State Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. [1]
(2) Write electronic configuration of Cu metal (Z = 29) and Cr3+ ion. [1]
(3) Which orbital is represented by n = 4 and 1 = 3? [1]
12. What are the atomic numbers of elements whose outermost electrons are
represented by :
(a) 3s1, (b) 3p3, and (c) 3d6†̃? [3]
13. Which out of NH3 and NF3 has higher dipole moment ? Write molecular
orbital diagram
for o22-. [3]
14. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur, chromium and nitrogen in
H2SO4, CrO5 and
NO3–. [3]
15. Comment upon the reactions of dihydrogen with (i) chlorine, (ii) sodium,
and (iii)
copper(H)oxide. [3]
16. Which is hybridisation ? Write the hybridisation present in PC15 and SF6.
17. For the reaction PC15 +-> PC13 + C12 at 473K the value of equilibrium
constant Kc is
8.3 x 10-3
(1) Write an expression for Kc.
(2) What is the value of Kc for reverse reaction at same temperature ?
(3) What would be effect on Kc if pressure is increased ? [HOTS] [3]
18. (i) How much time would it take to distribute one Avogadro number of
wheat grains if
1010 grains are distributed each second ?
(ii) At constant temperature if the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is
doubled what
happens to its volume ? Which law governs this behaviour of gases ? [31
19. Do you observe any soil pollution in your neighbourhood ? What efforts
will you make
for controlling the soil pollution ? [3]
20. Accounts the following : [3]
(i) Benzene is extra-ordinarily stable though it contains three double bonds.
(ii) Branching of alkane chain decreases boiling point.
Alkynes show acidic character.
21. Give condensed and bond line structural formulas for :
(a) 2, 2, 4-Trimethylpentane,
(b) 2-Hydroxy-1, 2, 3-propanetricarboxylic acid,
(c) Hexanedial. [3]
22. Comment on each of the following observations : [3]
(a) The mobilities of the alkali metal ions in aqueous solution are Li + <Na+
<K+ <Rb+
(b) Lithium is the only alkali metal which forms nitride directly.
(c) E° for M2+ (aq) + 2e– –> M (s) (where M = Ca, Sr or Ba) is nearly
What happens when : (i) magnesium is burnt in air,
(ii) quick lime is heated with silica,
(iii) chlorine reacts with slaked lime ? [3]
23. d-block elements are the elements of group 3 to 12 in the centre of the
table. These are characterised by the filling of inner d-orbitals by
electrons and are
therefore referred to as d-block elements. These elements have the general
electronic configuration (n – 1) d1-10 ns0-2. They are all metals. They
generally form
coloured ions, exhibit variable valence, paramagnetism and often used as
Now answer the following questions :
(i) Explain why d-block elements have higher density than alkaline earth
metals. [2]
(ii) Transition metals are less electropositive than alkaline earth metals.
[Value Based
Question] [2]
24. Using the data (all values are in kilocalories per mole at 25°C) given
calculate the bond energy of C—C and C—H bonds.
ΔH°combustion (ethane) = – 372.0
Delta;H°combustion (Propane) = – 530.0
ΔH° for C (graphite) —> C(g) = 172.0
Bond energy of H—H = 104.0
Δ,f H° of H2O(l) = -68.0
Delta;,f H° for CO2(g) = – 94.0 [HOTS] [5]
(i) Calculate the work of expansion when 100 g of water is electrolysed at a
pressure of 1 atn and temperature of 25°C.
(ii) An athlete is given 100 g of glucose (C6H12O6) of energy equivalent to
1560 U. He
utilizes 50 percen of this gained energy in the event. In order to avoid
storage of
energy in the body, calculate the weigh of water he would need to perspire.
The enthalpy
of evaporation of water is 44 kJ/mol. [HOTS] [5]
25. (i)Identify the most stable species in the following set of ions giving
reasons : [2]
(ii) Give three points of difference between inductive-heat and resonance
effects. [3]
(a) Give one example each for benzenoid aromatic compound and non-benzenoid
compound. [2]
(b) Explain chain, position and functional group isomerism with examples. [3]
26. Give reasons for :
(1) [SiF62]– is known whereas [SiCl6]-2 is not known. [1]
(2) Diamond is a covalent solid, yet it has highest Melting Point. [1]
(3) Boric acid is considered a weak base. [1]
(4) BF3 behaves as Levis acid. [1]
(5) CO2 is a gas while SiO2 is a solid at room temperature. [1]
(1) What are fullerenes ? [1]
(2) Why is boric acid monobasic ? [1]
(3) What is inert pair effect ? [1]
(4) Why is PbCl2 is a good oxidizing reagent ? [1]
(5) Write the formula of inorganic benzene

Define empirical formula of a compound :
Why can 2P sub-shell accommodate more electron than 2S-subshell ?
Which out of Nitrogen and oxygen has lesser electron gain enthalpy Why ?
Why is lithium iodide more covalent than lithium fluoride ?
What would have happened to the molecular motion in a gas if the molecular
collisions were not elastic ?
Name the two factors which influence the spontaneity of a process.
What is the effect of the addition of CH
OH on the following equilibrium.
(g) + CO(g) CH
Calculate the oxi no. of underlined element in following compounds
With the help of gas laws, deduce an expression for the gas equation. What is the
utility of gas equation.
Calculate the heat of formation of KOH (s) from the following data :
K(s) + H
O(l) + aq

KOH (aq) + H
(g) ;
H=-200.8 KJ
(g) + O

H=-286.0 KJ
KOH (s) + aq

KOH (aq);
H=-58.60 KJ
Define and illustrate enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporisation. How are they
related to the enthalpy of sublimation of a substance ?
Water is rather neutral but becomes a strong base when HCl is dissolued in water.
The compound AgF
is unstable compound. However if formed, the compound acts
as very strong oxidising agent. Why ?
Is it possible to remove completely the temporary hardness due to Mg (HCO
boiling? Explain.
Complete the following :


KI + H


Boron doesn't form (BF
Whereas aluminium forms (AlF
why ?
Dissociation constants of benzoic acid; p-nitro benzoicacid and p-hydroxy benzoic
acid are 6.3×10
, 36×10
and 2.5×10
respectively. Explain.
How will you test the presence of double bond in an alkene ? Give chemical
What are smogs ? How are classical & photochemical smog different ?
What are the reaction involved for the ozone layer depletion in stratosphere.
Why is an organic compound fused with sodium for testing nitrogen, halogens
& sulphur ?
An alkene 'A' upon ozonolysis gives a mixture of ethanol and pentan-3-one.
Write the structure and IUPAC name of 'A'.
How will you convert ethyne in to benzene ?
What are the silicones ? How are they prepared ? Give their important application.
Page 2
State as to why.
A solution of Na
is alkaline.
is soluble in water while BaSO
is almost in soluble.
Give a method for the commercial preparation of H
& explain. What happens
when H
is passed through acidified KI solution.
The degree of ionization of 0.1M bromoacetic acid solution is 0.132 . Calculate the
pH of solution and pKa of bromoacetic acid.
(log 1.74 = 0.2405)
(log 1.32 = 0.1206)
State first law of thermodynamics & derive mathematical expression for it.
Derive the relationship between
H and
Discuss the orbital structures of the C
molecule on the basis of hybridisation.
Why does the dipole moment of CCl
is less than that of CHCl
Why is
value of an element more than its
value ?
Chlorine can be converted into chloride ion more easily as compared to fluoride
ion from fluorine. Explain.
Calculate the density in (gL
) of 3.60 M sulphuric acid solution that is 29% H
by mass (Molar mass = 98 gmol
List the four quantum numbers for 19
electron of chromium (Z=24)
Explain what is meant by dual nature of particle in motion. Show that the
wavelength of a moving particle is related to its kinetic energy (E) as
Enlist the differences between real gases & ideal gases
State & explain Dalton's law of partial pressure.
34.05 ml of phosphorus vapours weight 0.0625 g at 546ºC and 1.0 bar pressure.
What is the molarmass of phosphorus ?
(R=0.083 bar LK

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