The Mastermind Curriculum Finished

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An Introductory Course to Self-Actualization
By John Nipp

Some of the stuff being presented in this curriculum is out there, just follow it the best you can
and make your own sense of it.

I suggest you have a rudimentary understanding of MBTI, I should have printed you the one I
typed out in the back of this curriculum. Take the test, review it. If you have a friend who can
type you, get them to do it. That might come in handy in tailoring the advice to who you are.

I also suggest you have a rudimentary understanding of what the 7 chakras are. You can look
up “chakras” on google and find information. The best thing I’d suggest is watching Avatar the
Last Airbender (kids show) on how to open the 7 chakras, here’s the title and the link:

How To Open Your 7 Chakras - As Explained In a Children's Show

Furthermore: I put very little edits into this, it is mostly stream of

thought. This is far from perfect.

I challenge you to take everything I say as a pointer to what you believe.

It’s your duty to make your own ideological structure of how this all
integrates, I just gave you my own guidelines.

All of these videos can be found on YouTube. Search them up to find


Make sure to read the pretext and objectives before you watch the
videos. Look over the annotations as you go through as well for my
thoughts on what they are saying. These people are all very “out there”.
Get your own notebook/pieces of paper to answer the questions with.

Objective: Create a strong individualistic understanding of the world,

create a strong relationship with yourself, and know how these two relate
so that you can live the life you desire.

Videos 1 and 2 are about why you are joining this group or school of thought.

Videos 3 – 7 are about taking diagnosing the faulty belief systems introduced to you buy our
culture. These videos also give you recourse on how to think more for yourself.

Videos 8 – 10 are about succeeding in today’s world and sidestepping unnecessary phases.

Videos 11 – 13 are about understanding emotions and understanding a higher level of how to
engage with them.

Video 14 had no better place in the Curriculum, it is about the grind and hustle of a modern
day, young entrepreneur.

Video 15 explores the power and reason for having strong boundaries around what influences

Videos 16 and 17 gives a new understanding of how to see how every micro behavior plays into
the big picture of your life.

Videos 18 – 20 give a blueprint of how to socially engage with the world as a high status

Video 21 introduces a different set of tools that explores the body on the road to being a high
status presence.

Video 22 explores the importance of how to solidify the character you are becoming.

Video 23 gives you the tools to help reinstate and/or strengthen a connection with a higher

Video 24 – 25 are going to give you recourse of where to go next upon completion of this

Go through the program in any way you like. This is

just the format I felt best about presenting.

Video 1: Are you living YOUR life?

Objective: To insight an initial motivation to follow through with this curriculum.

Video Only?: Yes. A big part of the motivational aspect is that you see the video itself.

What to watch: All of it. – It’s a short motivational video by Sasha from, a Pickup

Length: 3:27

There were many motivational videos I had to choose from, but I decided I’d pick one that’d
have the deepest impact and this felt like it was it. I like the overall presentation a lot.

The point of this particular video is to inspire you to realize that you have no other choice. This
group will set you up so that you can make sure to avoid regret #1.

Video 2: Max, Tyler, Brad - HAWAII INFIELD! - Get the Coolest

Friends: Master PUAs and Highly Successful Guys

This is some of Max’s earlier content, so he is still insecure out to prove himself to his viewers.
That’s why the weird vibe with the “in-fields” (out picking up girls)

The intro does an injustice to the rest of the content so be sure not to watch it. Skip straight to

Objective: Gain an understanding around the importance of how friends influence each other.
The truth is that your friend group has a lot more potential than just to be a group of people to
have fun with. If you take your life seriously, your friends will not only be a group of people
you like and relate with, but a very important tool in aiding your development. When you want
to do something crazy, you need a group of people beside you who are willing to take the time
to understand you, and to give you support when it is needed. One person vs. the world is too
much. You need friends you can talk intimately with. As a personal comment, I have to say
that if it wasn’t for some of the friends I’ve had in the past couple of years, this process would
have taken a lot longer. It’s one of the legs up I have on most people.

Video Only?: Yes. I think his video gives a better context to what he’s teaching.

What to watch: 1:55 – 10:08, 18:08 – 20:25

10:08 he goes into how it all relates to picking up girls. Watch it if you are interested but I’m not
going to relate his thoughts in this particular part of his video.

Length: 21:49

Annotations: 2:10 – “Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one
person can enlist the aid and support of others, in the accomplishment of a common task.”

2:34 – You are the combination of the five people you surround yourself most with. This is a
common saying in the self-development community. People are like sponges in how they take
the influence around them. Be careful who you hang around with. The mastermind is an aid for

4:00 – Quick note: It’s important that you understand a little bit of everything, but above all else
have a specific skillset that you are able to bring to the table in every environment. This makes
you very valuable. The more you embrace yourself, the more unique your skillset becomes, the
more irreplaceable you will be.

5:30 Introverted intuition (Ni) concept (Myers briggs, don’t worry about it if you are not yet
familiar with it). You can overlay success principles from one field to another and tend to find
that they tend to match up. If someone studies the principles of success, they can use this as a
foundation to relate to other people from different fields. This can create a personal intellectual
powerhouse because you will be able to salvage value out of every person and conversation
you have.

8:15 – Spectator culture means a culture full of people who aren’t doing anything but live
vicariously through other people, movies, sports, etc.

18:08 – Take the best away from each person you know. Something Noah talks about is that if
you have a friend who isn’t stepping it up overall, just spend time with him in an environment
where he killing it (or gearing up to kill it in).

Questions: 1. What are some things you bring to the table in a group of friends?

2. What’s the underlying element of all of these things you bring to a group, tangible and

3. How can you deliver this more effectively to others in your social circle?

Video 3: Tyler's Top Secret For Self Development: F#$K

The "Yes Man Society" And Walk "The Narrow Road"

Tyler (Owen) puts off a pretty weird vibe in his videos. He’s a closet sweet-heart so he often
overcompensates for his sweet side by being loud and obnoxious. Forgive him for it.

There is a lot of resentment within this video. It’s not because he is resentful towards the viewer
who openly understands his concepts, he’s resentful towards the world at large and really
wants to change it.

Objective: Get an understanding on how society has developed into being a big distraction and
how to get around it.

Video Only?: Yes. The energy of the video is very important to follow his ideas.

What to watch: All of it. The first 19 minutes he goes into the content itself, the last three
minutes are more focused around understanding him as a speaker and a philosopher. I’d highly
suggest it.

Length: 22:00.

Annotations: 0:18 – The narrow road – The idea that to be successful you must be focused and
stay on track. He makes it sound more profound in the video.

0:30 Present energy – Even-keeled focus. Examples of things that cause present energy include
reading a book, meditation, running, etc.

0:31 Unconciousness – Distraction based in depressing stimulus. Examples of things that could
be rooted in unconsciousness include drinking, watching mindless TV, being lazy with no end.
These examples are not always rooted in unconsciousness, they just tend to be.

0:34 Overstimulation – Distraction based in reaction provoking stimulus. Examples could

include Facebook, social media, celebrity gossip, drinking soda or eating candy, etc. These
examples are not always rooted in overstimulation, they just tend to be.

1:40 – At least had the opportunity to try.

2:58 – The examples of this are everywhere.

4:30 – It doesn’t have to be this way. If you are clever, you can provide a complex service or
product to others in a way they can relate with it. Most leaps forward come from a great
product that isn’t too hard to understand with great marketing.

5:23 – You better be ready to do these ridiculous exercises, they provide even more context for
what he’s talking about. It gets you in touch with the types of energy each state has.

10:00 – Very important point. As I’ve grown, I’ve observed how different people get illnesses
based on the way they are living their life. The symptoms are not the cause.

11:45 – “Pushing you around like a leaf in the wind.”

13:25 – You might like the book “Salt, Sugar, Fat” by Michael Moss. It talks about how the
industry works and how the food we are eating affects us.

14:32 – This is why I eat so healthy without a second thought. You get used to it and learn to
appreciate it as your taste buds change back.

16:20 – I put off that energy instinctively around other people. A lot can’t handle it.

18:30 – You are majorly missing out if you are not constructing a lifestyle around present
energy, you have no idea.

Feel free to follow this video to the end. I think it’s good to understand Tyler as a person.

Questions: 1. How are you surrounding yourself with yes-men in the form of people, things or

2. How can you aggressively create the time to create more present focus in your life? What are
things you really want to do with your time and/or feel will put your life in the direction you
want it to go?
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Video 4: Secrets Of Social Conditioning

& Becoming Who You Really Are!

Tyler is an original member of the pickup subculture of the seduction community. Learning
how to get girls at a technical level is something that tends to misunderstood in today’s society.
In his passion for teaching men how to be successful with women, he began to be drawn in the
direction of understanding how social conditioning influences men to be unsuccessful. As Tyler
has become a more well-put together man, he has seen more and more issues within society that
put both men and women in the wrong direction. This video is one of his best works on the

As you may guess, the byproduct of both being a teacher of pickup, and being socially off the
beaten path has resulted in him being bitter and resentful towards the mainstream media, who
tends to put him in the bad guy role.

Objective: To get a real understanding around the fact that mainstream information does not
include nuanced concepts, and how this affects you negatively. This video is not only meant to
deconstruct the social narratives that are oversimplified, but to inspire you to begin thinking for
yourself more than you allow yourself too. In my personal experience, the further I’ve detached
myself from objective thinking, the more successful I’ve become in different areas of my life.

Video Only?: No. Tyler is just sitting there the entire time, you don’t have to watch if you are
interested in doing something else simultaneously.
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What to watch: All of it.

Length: 1:27:05

Annotations: 1:40 Nuanced point – a subtle point that without critical thinking, seems to
contradict the larger point. Steven A Smith example is great.

8:30 Steven A Smith was humiliated for making a nuanced point.

8:51 He made a good point, but if you communicate your ideas effectively and you understand
the entire emotional context of a given situation or topic, that doesn’t automatically mean you
can’t explain a complex idea, that’s bias of Tyler.

9:58 - he does get a little bit hurt by it.

11:30 - Important point, the premise of the mainstream media, narrative etc is that “The
dummies are going to hear it.”

12:00 - Opening physically in a club, dance floor environment. A lot of men suck shit at it but I
assure you when it’s done right it’s great.

14:30 – 27:15 - Pure gold.

23:20 – “Nobody in the media cared… Passive consumption for people who aren’t even
thinking.” A really cool video that expounds on this is “Shocking Confessions Of A Clickbait
King - Media Secrets Revealed!” on the RSDTyler channel.

25:58 – People do not want their belief systems challenged. – Not completely true, you just have
to be REALLY good at challenging their belief system and give them an effective next direction.

28:00 – Groupthink is default common sense and cultural beliefs.

28:52 – “Wolves are people are paid to not be mentally lazy.” Tyler has a video called “Be The
Wolf Not The Sheep. Everyone Is Tired And Scared. Embrace That You Will Never Be
Complete!” that expands on this further.

29:30 – Parroting back the narrative without really understanding it, you see this
EVERYWHERE. People are constantly trying to reinforce collective beliefs, especially the ones
that are faulty.

32:53 – Adds to the point in my annotation for 29:30.

37:48 – It holds most people in complacency.

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37:55 – “People feed you a mental prison, get you to agree with it, and then you preserve the
mental prison.” You get traumatized for being a certain way, submit to the trauma, and then
hold subconsciously and actively defend the barrier so that you don’t have to experience the
trauma again. We’ll get into how this works way later.

39:00 – 40:30 – lots of resentment. Keep in mind his biases.

40:45 – You can read a book called “The Red Queen” by Matt Ridley to explore the evolutionary
psychology around sexuality. Very provocative read that explores this point.

42:20 – Penalty for not acknowledging the over simplicity within the social narrative: “Your
freedom and happiness has been restricted by a story that you never double checked.”

43:25 – The nuance point Tyler didn’t state is that when you find love within yourself you’ll find
others that will surround you with love.

44:50 – Keep things simple, but never simpler than they actually are.

46:30 – Mass cultural hypnosis. Think about that concept.

49:35 – You are a sponge. You are your influences.

1:02:00 – If you go down this rabbit hole, you will become more and more effective at setting
boundaries effectively.

1:06:30 – A later video in this curriculum is all about this.

1:07:00 – “Don’t try to create personal boundaries by sheer willpower. What you have to do is
create a bigger purpose, a bigger motivation or goal that is compelling to you, so that the
personal boundaries naturally come up.” – I vouch for this.

1:08:20 – 1:09:00 – Pure gold.

1:11:00 – Explore the chain of events that cause a conflict/problem before anything. This is a
very crucial tool for your development.

1:11:40 – You will lose energy.

1:13:20 – Myers Briggs is one good tool for this. Try to be really good at a couple things and
leave the rest to a team.

1:15:00 – “It’ll be awesome when you make it awesome.”

1:19:20 – If you don’t have problems, you will create them.

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1:23:00 – Self-actualization becomes the goal. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

1:25:10 – You have the power to make a difference in the world, but the world is still a lot larger
than you.

Question: What mental prisons have you been afraid to check? What could alternate
conclusions about reality look like away from the common narrative?

Exercise: Spend some time browsing through the media, and pay attention to how opinionated
it really is. Have a conversation with someone about all of this.
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Video 5: Illusion Of Group Think - How

Perceived Status Hypnotizes You Into
Seeing Value That Doesn't Exist

This video was made at an earlier stage of Tylers career. A lot angrier. He’s going to use highly
attractive girls as the main focus for what people put on a pedestal within our society. Again,
because that is the main thing he is teaching. The idea is that consumer culture glorifies a lot of
things that represent higher status. This can include expensive cars, nice clothes, good
credentials and a lot more.

Objective: Deconstruct the notion that things glorified by social conditioning will provide you
with happiness. This not meant to destroy the fantasy and magic of life, just to reframe it into
something that can exist within reality.

Video Only?: No. There isn’t a lot of excitement in the video production so that isn’t necessary.

What to watch: 0:00 – 0:30, 2:05 – 31:25

Length: 33:40

Annotations: 0:10 – A lot of people associate the idea of the privileged life with instant
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3:15 – If you want to explore the idea of how evolutionary pressure is meant to put provoke
people to evolve, you can watch Tyler’s video: “Difference Between "Would And Could" -- In A
Comfy World, Put Evolutionary Pressure On Yourself!”

7:02 – Shows how presentation can create an illusion of status around something. He’s
comparing the two watches, one with status and one without, and showing how similar they
really are.

9:00 – If you wear something that looks good on you that has a personality that matches up,
people will assume it’s expensive anyway – insightful point. Extenuating who you are is key to

10:40 – Be your own tastemaker.

11:40 – The point is not to look down on women. It’s to see the character behind them,
evaluated with an even-keeled judgement. The even-keeled judgment is something earned with
healing the emotional body which will be explored in later videos.

12:40 – We appreciate the fact women do this, but he’s speaking to a group of men who put
women on a very high pedestal, he wants to bring everyone back down to earth in their
perception. This is best for the woman because that way she can be appreciated for who she is,
not who she projects herself as alone.

14:50 – “The dumbest people I met were from Harvard.”

21:40 – Dissolving the image around the McDonalds. Giving yet another example of something
that is put on a pedestal but isn’t that good in reality.

23:25 – You can also read about this in a book called “Omnivore’s dilemma” by Michael Pollan.

26:40 – “Groupthink has a tinge of mediocrity to it. What corporations have figured out is that
as long as you can get groupthink to accept that something is the shit, people will buy it up
because they like a brand name.”

30:55 – “You know that harmless little guy that seems nice? When the people pump him up, like
‘we are going to war’ he’s like FUCK YEAH!... They don’t even know why they are doing it!”

31:25 – Stop. To wrap up for Tyler, unplugging from groupthink allows you to see the world for
what it actually is. Giving yourself the opportunity to see the world as it really is gives you a
realistic perspective to evaluate what you really want. It helps you from all kinds of trouble.

Questions: 1. What do you put on a pedestal in terms of granting you happiness?

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2. How are you afraid of being your own tastemaker? What are you afraid of acknowledging
you like? The next video will go over this.
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Video 6: Take the Leash Off - Teal Swan-

Teal Swan is some smart girl that thinks she has to play a role in order to have her content make
an impact, ignore the crappy background etc.

Objective: Understand that it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, you have certain desires
that you crave and if you don’t go for them, you’ll just end up hurting those around you.

Video Only?: Yes. Her presence is important to back up her thoughts.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 13:19

Annotations: 0:45 – What is okay to want is reliant on social conditioning based on your culture,
community, upbringing and other influences throughout your life.

1:05 – It’s interesting that Tyler talks from the point of view why the best things aren’t as good
as they look, but Teal relates to an entirely different group of people who are ashamed to go for
things that are deemed as not humble.

1:08 – 2:50 - pure gold.

2:50 – “We still make decisions because of these desires but we take detours to meet them.”
Think of a parent who has the need to set boundaries, but feels it’s not socially acceptable to do
in every day situations. However, that desire still exists when they come home, so instead, they
set obnoxious ssets of rules and boundaries on their children. Their desire got displaced and
met in a completely impractical way.

4:05 – “It is in fact quite damaging to not admit to what you want and to not go directly for
what you want. Our lives will run so far off course if we do that.”
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5:10 – If this idea is too out there for you, you have the right to put it on hold.

7:15 – “If a person wants to be a millionaire, and is willing to put relationships second to money,
he’s more likely to put people first AFTER he makes his millions. If we try to get him to put
relationships first when his true desire is money, we will spend years with a resentful person
who never makes relationships his #1 priority.” This goes for setting boundaries in general. If
you need to do something, do that first, then spend time with others. Here’s a good video by
Teal on the topic if you are interested: “How To Say No - Teal Swan”

11:54 – “If we are willing to admit to what we want, and go straight for it. And give other
people permission to straight for what they want. The result is a much healthier society that’s
also a lot happier. The result is, our wounds are healed much more quicker, our expansion
happens much quicker, we are living from a space of authenticity instead of pretense.”

“So do yourself a favor and let yourself off that leash. I promise you, you will never look
back. And if you do look back, it will only be to admire or reminisce on what a good idea
it was.”

Questions: 1. What do you really want? Write a list.

(remember, at this point in time, it’s not important you go get these things necessarily, I just
want you to get your brain chugging in this direction)

2. Why do you want these particular things?

3. Why is it wrong to like that particular things? Why might have someone told you it was
wrong to want these particular things?

4. How am I currently trying to get these things in round about ways?

5. What would you do differently to meet this need in more direct ways?

This entire exercise is not meant for you to use immediately if you don’t feel inspired to, the
point is to start admitting to who you really are.
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Video 7: Beliefs = Brain + Lane - Your Mind Autodetects

Power Of Brain And A Lane, Rationalizes Beliefs!

Tyler is crude in this video, suck it up. He’s a sweet nerd trying to talk like the bros, what else
do you think he’d sound like?

Objective: To understand how belief systems are merely vehicles, so that way we can change
belief systems when we are ready to think at a higher mental paradigm, and in doing so, live a
much better life. If I did not let go of a lot of the mental paradigms I had latched onto by age
16, I would not be the person I am today.

Video Only?: No. He’s just sitting there.

What to watch: Skip the intro, unnecessary.

Start at 25:45, this is where he starts talking about the shift in beliefs you can have upon seeing
new opportunities.

Length: 1:11:57 total, 47 minutes after 25 minutes 1:00:00 - end is most important part

Annotations: 27:45 – He has a lot of bitterness towards people looking down on him for his

27:54 – “Same thing with seeing people who are successful. I would have not attributed that to
hard work, discipline, going through a lot of turmoil, having to evolve through different mental
paradigms… yes there are some people who make it easy,… if people think the way they did it
is whack that could be a fair assessment… But there is also a lot of people who are first
generation entrepreneurs, that had to hustle their fucking ass off, to get to a certain point.” – He
is introducing the concept of the video that different people have different perspectives on the
integrity, value, or process of being a very successful person.
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28:30 – Good example of someone using a belief structure to rationalize the way they are
currently living their life.

29:15 – I’m going to paraphrase what he says:

You will adopt a belief system that is congruent to whatever level of

status that you see opportunities to have.

Brain is what your mind is capable of.

Lane is an opportunity to capitalize on what the brain has to offer.

31:35 – All beliefs are a vehicle. “The belief system you have, is a vehicle to bring you from point
A to point B, and then eventually if you are smart about it, you can change vehicles to get from
point B to point C, and then you can change vehicles to get from point C to point D.”

36:45 – “If you take away that belief about the super awesome party, but you don’t give them
something else that they can comprehend, what’s going to happen to them? Their brain will
fry.” This is why people will hold on to outdated belief systems. They need a confidence
preservation mechanism. This is also why it’s important that if you want to help someone, make
sure to give them a new belief system to start latching onto right after you completely
deconstruct the old one.

37:27 – It doesn’t necessarily “auto-detect”, it gravitates towards and reinforces a belief

structure that best suits it in it’s current state.

38:00 – 40:40 – Pure gold.

45:10 – Eating better food helps… A LOT.

49:40 – “Look, the beliefs that you have are outdated. They served you at one point (by
preserving confidence), they helped you at the paradigm level you were at. But at a certain
point, as good as those were, you’ve got to start to believe that there is a lane and that you are
smart enough now that you can see things in a different way,” and live a happier, more well-
put together life than before.

53:15 – Important point: “You can evolve in whatever way you want. But make no mistake, you
are always changing, and you are always evolving.”

59:35 – 1:01: - Pure gold.

1:02:20 – “A cockroach can’t come to a seminar and be like ‘why did I evolve into a cockroach,
this fucking sucks! I want to be a lion’ Human beings can embody the characteristics of the
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proud lion, or they can embody that creepy little hyena thing. The cool thing is that unlike the
cockroach, you can actually choose as a guy who is an adult to examine the choices that you
made growing up. You can ask, “where did these beliefs come from?” And you know what else
you can do? You can proactively do things to build your brain up.”

1:04:11 – “Because I’ve worked in self-development for so many years, I’ve seen so many people
with fucked up beliefs that are hurting them. Belief vehicles, that were helping them at one
point, but they failed to change up and upgrade. I’ll watch as people RUIN THEIR F**K**G
lives to hang onto a false belief.

1:05:10 – Don’t be afraid to feel naked in your understanding of the world, you can always
rebuild it.

Every time you see somebody rationalize a false belief, think of how you are holding
yourself back.

Additional understandings: Think about how your current belief system is holding you

1:09:40 – “You can, in your life, identify all of the reactive ways you’ve built your personality,
all the reactive ways you respond to environmental stimulus that built your belief system, and
you can slowly spend time unwiring it,… and you can change.”

1:10:54 – “There’s many beliefs you can recognize as a Toyota, and there is a Ferrari sitting right

Questions: 1. What belief systems have you been afraid of letting go of?

2. What will releasing these belief systems give room for in your life?
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Video 8: Why Most Guys Fear Gigantic

Success and How To Solve This

Objective: To gain a deeper understanding of the world and yourself so that you can not only
stop inhibiting yourself, but make massive leaps forward. I have not yet used this to my
advantage but plan on doing so in the next 6-9 months.

Video Only?: No. He’s mainly just standing there, is voice gets the job done for this particular

What to watch: All of it.

Length: 15:52

Annotations: 0:18 – “The game” – Picking up girls.

0:25 – Approach anxiety – Concept from the seduction community, when you are too paralyzed
with fear/anxiety to approach a beautiful woman in a setting that doesn’t provide a direct
structure to talking with her.

0:27 – “Not stepping up the hottest girls” – He really means going up to the women that peak
your interest. Hot is relative and the premise of the video is not to necessarily promote climbing
a social ladder, but to become comfortable enough with yourself to be able to handle a beautiful
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0:40 – Project Hollywood – Essentially a mastermind house of men who were building the sub-
culture of the seduction community called “Pickup” – aka picking up girls. Pickup is a technical
model for men to meet women.

1:40 – The way you think about money in relation to you is where you see your opportunities,
we are going to get into this in the questions later.

3:05 – “The self needs to grow into this perception” – This is an emotional concept. Essentially,
we have a sense of how the world works, and whether we are conscious of it or not, we tend to
defend our view as long as it is serving us. If we jump straight into massive success, it can
disorient the entire process and result in a worldview that has lost its grounds in reality because
the foundation was not set effectively.

4:15 – You can find ways to shortcut if you create a worldview of how society works that is
condusive to your personality type.

4:52 – figment of self-hate. There is no reason that you have to punish yourself to deserve

7:25 – A lot of adjusting the needle for opportunities comes by taking the time to recognize what
inherent talents and attributes you do have. This can be hard in a world that states that what
everyone wants is objective. The easiest way I can conceive of around this is by surrounding
yourself with a group of individuals that are willing and excited to openly acknowledge the
best parts of you, and tell you why those things are unique and why they should be cherished
by all people in all types of endeavors.

9:25 – One of the best ways to dismantle the narrative of your life is to put yourself around
different types of energies and points of view. This can be in the form of seminars, books
(biographies and self-help especially), experiences etc.

10:10 – Todd is a great example of someone who has a lot to give, but does not have all the tools
to make it happen.

11:15 – Leap-frog theory – You don’t have to go through all of the intermediate steps to get from
A to B. If you are ready, you can jump straight from A to B if you are fully prepared (full
preparation is subjective based on the person and what they are trying to jump ahead on). This
packet is a tool for leapfrogging.

12:10 – Allow big thoughts into your world. Don’t worry about them being smashed down and
being emotionally destroyed, the tools to deal with this will be later presented.

15:13 – Having to “work hard” is also a figment of self-perception. Be open to ways around this.
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Questions: 1. What are the emotional (facts tied to fear, anger etc) and logical (more structural,
objective) blocks on you looking for opportunities that are of high value? Really think about
this. What is holding you back in your heart and mind?

2. How will you expand your circle of influences to better see what is possible for yourself?
How can you better allow big thinking into your life?

3. How can you use your personality type as a blueprint to understand everything that’s going
on around you, instead of using groupthink as a crutch?

Example: I am an INFJ. I see the subtleties of emotional and people based concepts. The way I
see the world is a whole bunch of people playing particular roles. The higher they want to be in
society, the more clear they have to be on their particular role and what they have to offer to the
table. They can temporarily boost their role with faking it, but it is a stool to leveling up, not a
staircase. It will have to be shed at some point or another. I have an innate ability to see
potential in people and deconstruct people that are engaging in social behaviors that are
inhibiting them from getting what they want. I also can see right through people’s fake

Normal jobs will give me a lot of problems because the people above me play their roles
ineffectively and I will dissolve their entire way of being just by my presence. To try to shut this
off is destroying a gift. It will take someone with a serious level of humility to hire me for an
entry level job. What I can do, is jump up to where people aren’t full of shit. I can get
somewhere based on my self-confidence alone.

I can be someone who spreads ideas by cutting through people’s shields against intimacy. I can
coach top executives because I’m able to see them as people rather than a particular role. I can
be put into a position to dissolve someone’s behaviors that are being acted through to gain a
certain social outcome (I could be someone helping venture capitalists evaluate the potential
within a person). I can evaluate the entirety of a social entity, project possible conflicts, and
resolve them far before they arise. I already do this like a pro in my personal life.

If I relied on groupthink alone ex: I have to work my way up a ladder to get to a high position,
I’d have a lot harder time getting where I want to go. Some people that judge things objective
logic could probably see all of the subtleties of how this works, good for them. If I went into
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career with a lot of jobs without first evaluating who I am, I’d end up in place that didn’t
appreciate my talents and end up wasting a part of my life coming to a realization I already
know inherently. I suggest you do the same.
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Video 9: Break All the Rules! -- Pull by

Destroying Social Conditioning

Todd is a bit self-righteous in this video. It’s okay to feel self-righteous, angry and resentful
when you start challenging the rules, but remember that it isn’t going to help you in the long
run. In the long run you will have to use the emotional tools I will discuss later to move past
this resentment.

Objective: Understand that rules have a context for them, and if you are clever, you can push
the rules in places where the context is more fragile. This’ll create a lane for you to take a
shortcut that most people will not. I haven’t pushed the rules a lot in a structural situation, but
I do it all the time in general social situations. It’s a great tool to have in your back pocket so
that you don’t follow rules that are meant for people who operate as effectively as you do.

For example, I might tell someone directly what I don’t like about the way they are acting. This
has a tendency to be viewed as impolite. The thing is that I understand that there is emotional
context as to why they might not like hearing that and might revolt. I know how to identify
their behavior impartially and tell them why it’s not helping others around them, and say it
firmly enough to pull out the emotion that is driving the insecurity. I use this tool
constructively. I have a talent for this and am currently honing it. If I didn’t do this, it would
hinder a lot of social situations on all sides. Therefore this rule is not one I believe is going to
help me.
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Video Only?: Yes, the anger in his eyes gives a strong context for what he is going over.

What to watch: All of it.

4:13 – 6:08 is a bit lame. He probably felt insecure saying the original content.

Length: 7:20

Annotations: 3:35 – A lot of rules are arbitrary.

7:00 – Don’t be afraid to question the blueprint your parents and society have given you on how
to live your life.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not liable on how you use these questions. They are meant to provoke you to
steal, hurt others, etc. They are meant to help you question rules that are within the system
itself, not destroying society.

Questions: 1. What rules do you put on your life’s direction that you do not currently question?

2. What could have been the original intention of these rules?

3. When do you follow these rules without making the decision to follow them first?
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Video 10: How To Win -- At Games, Game,

And LIFE -- Even Luck Is A Skill

Todd still has to make this content relevant to his career as an executive dating coach. Be aware
of that. Keep in mind that a lot of this is bro talk.

Objective: Gain an independent perspective on how to think about winning and getting what
you want in comparison to the way people actually act. This way you can identify behaviors
that are flashy vs. actually getting where you want to go. In my personal experience, identifying
behaviors, habits etc. that sound good but don’t actually help very much has helped me release
a lot of stress and gotten me more focused.

Video Only?: Yes, the visual component of the video gives a lot of light to what he’s saying and
makes it more engaging.

What to watch: All of it. I feel that Todd nails the head on the hammer the entire video.

If the middle portion becomes too intense for you between 5:00 and 12:30, you can feel free to
skip it. But I would suggest coming back and watching the video later once emotional tools are
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introduced so that you can experience your emotional reactions, move past them, and receive
his insight.

Length: 20:08

Annotations: 2:20 – Winning ugly – Understand that what looks like is going to breed success
based on a short-term observation is not always indicative of long-term potential. You see this
often in the start-up world where people get going making an app and bringing it to market.
Output of energy and creating external structures does not lead to success if there is not an
intellectual foundation and direction to what they are doing and providing for others. Strategy
is just as important as execution. Given the current model of how people do things in today’s
world (aka, just take actions that bring the external result), strategy is actually more important
then execution. Action-taking is important, but sustainability and direction are far more
important in the long-term. When you try to run things too quickly, unless you are an EXTJ, be
careful of trying to create a result instantaneously.

2:27 – Decide to win – “Most people go into a competitive situation more concerned about how
they look, what their image is, if they look like they played well, making interesting s**t
happen, they aren’t concerned about winning.”

3:15 – Developing your emotional intelligence and presence will be key to not falling into social
pressure. We’ll get into that later.

3:40 – Don’t beat yourself. Developing an even-keel will be key to this. Emotional intelligence
will aid in this later.

4:28 – I think everyone in this group can definitely relate to this.

5:16 – “Get results” – he talks objectively not because he thinks of girls as objects, but because
he’s not sure of how they audience will take him talking about this more intimately.

6:00 – Did the right thing – Did you make take an action that was based in your best judgment?

6:18 – Know the game – This expands into life in general. You have to have an effective
framework for what the fuck is going on around you. Question three of the last video should
have helped you get more in touch with this.

7:10 – If you go into life without creating a subjective lens for yourself, you are going to get the
shit knocked out of you because you won’t know how you relate with the world effectively. Not
knowing this will make you not know what actions to get what you want. You’ll end up using a
shotgun at long-range where you need a sniper rifle.
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8:30 – Take healthy risks.

9:01 – This relates to life in general. Don’t focus on getting one big thing right to solve
everything, just get all of the little things right and let the big thing unfold and take care of

9:20 – “Crazy Emotional Spikes” – Pickup jargon for saying emotionally intense things. It’s a bit
like the manufactured version of someone being unapologetic about who they are and not being
afraid of stepping on other people’s toes.

10:20 – Don’t take your eye off the ball right before you win.

11:10 – This relates to life in general. It’s important that you structure and are well prepared for
key moments.

11:40 – This relates to life in general. You don’t have to be a God to live your dreams, you just
have to do what’s good enough. If you look around, you’d be shocked how unfocused most of
the people you are competing with really are.

13:17 – Make you feel good about yourself in the context of invalidating your failures. You can
acknowledge your failures and feel good about yourself, but first you must be present with
your shame so to get passed it. Again, something that will make sense later with the emotional

13:52 – Making an ass out of yourself isn’t as scary as you might think. The people really
making an ass of themselves are those holding their own shitty worldview together by running
around telling other people that what they are doing is wrong. You’ll get the last laugh, and
once you get passed the emotional blocks that will be discussed later, you will be psyched about

14:30 – A lattice work of models is wonderful, but is especially important for NJs.

15:55 – Most of the biggest discoveries in the world come from people combining different
models. Getting a global understanding of yourself is what this packet is about.

19:10 – Bring in other people you trust who know what’s going on. You don’t have time to be

Questions: 1. Where do you fail to get what you want by not taking the time to provide
structure or sustainability to what you are doing (aka, how are you making it fun, are you
providing a stick/carrot, how are you going to accommodate around issues, how are you
dealing with conflicts/problems as they arise etc.)?
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2. What key decisions (peer group, career, relationships etc) do you feel you need to reevaluate?
What key moments are coming up in the near future and how are you looking to prepare for
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Video 11: Emotional Wake Up Call - Teal Swan-

Teal comes across as a bit robotic in her videos, it’s because she feels uncomfortable explaining
her content while being herself completely. Forgive her.

She gets woo-woo here and there, it’s all part of this subject though. Follow it all the best you

Spirituality is subjective, don’t forget that. It’s important you take from others to create your
own experience.

Teal’s content is very intense, if you have to distract yourself a little bit in order to receive her
message, it’s better than not receiving it at all.
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Objective: To gain an understanding on how emotions affect us and our relationships. This is
very key for this program, because if you do not know how to engage your emotions, they will
keep you in place, destroy relationships, make you depressed etc.

Video Only?: Yes. The video is full of visuals. Furthermore, her intense presence is just as
important as her ideas.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 33:11

Annotation: 1:00 – 1:26 – I have a hard time following it too.

1:40 – The idea is who you really are never goes away, it just gets obstructed with emotional

1:40 – Emotional blockages – previously suppressed emotions that come up that stop you from
taking a certain action or doing something internally.

2:05 – Emotion is the language of the soul. You need personal experience with this to
understand it.

4:15 – Massive leap forward.

7:00 – Much more then emotional parenting, engaging with our emotions period.

8:30 – Goes further than correcting misbehavior in children, we try to correct behavior in
ourselves without first acknowledging the inner emotional component of why we do certain
things. We’ll get into how this works later.

9:05 – A good LIFE requires emotion.

11:10 – 11:35 – Pure gold.

14:05 – You should feel exactly how you feel. You have plenty of reason to feel the way you feel
in any situation, you need to explore why instead of denying it.

15:15 – The picture on the screen perfectly exemplifies Berkeley.

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15:45 – 16:35 – Pure gold.

16:40 – Platonic or romantic, “Feelings and emotions are the heart, are the core, of that
particular relationship, if it’s meant to be a meaningful one, instead of a “surfacey” one.”

16:52 – “Without an emotional connection, an emotional feeling relationship, that relationship is

not in fact a relationship, but a social arrangement.”

17:15 – You can share intimacy with anyone who is open to it. “In-to-me-see.” The most
important part about intimacy is that you see into one another, that you see into one’s truth, and
one’s truth is represented in feelings/emotions. Feelings/emotions are the absolute core of your
experience and so it’s the very most important part of intimacy.”

18:34 – “Statements of acknowledgment and understanding should always precede advice. If

you tell someone how they should feel, you are teaching them to distrust themselves. You are
teaching them that there I something wrong with them.”

19:20 –

1. To become aware of the other person’s emotion

2. To care about the other person’s emotion by seeing it as valid and important
3. To listen empathetically to the other person’s emotion in an attempt to understand the
way they feel.
4. To acknowledge and validate their feelings.
5. Allow the person to feel how they feel and to experience their emotion fully before
moving towards any kind of improvement in the way that they feel.
6. After and only after their feelings have been validated and acknowledged and fully felt,
help the other person to strategize ways to manage the reactions they might be having to
their emotions.
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22:00 – “You are in a relationship with yourself. That means you have to validate your own
emotions. You have to stop dismissing your emotions. You have to stop disapproving of your
emotions. You have to stop expecting yourself to feel differently than you actually feel.”

22:16 – You can try the 6 steps above, however we’ll get into a simpler technique in the next

25:25 – “Communication is a big part of connection. Do not try to suppress your emotions, and
try to avoid, deny, dismiss or numb them away.

26:12 – “Not communicating how you are feeling, creates a canyon between you and your
partner. They can feel when you are emotionally upset. If you are not talking or if you are
denying the way you feel, when they can feel that you’re emotionally upset, it makes the other
person feel crazy and confused.”

26:50 – Might be worth trying out.

27:24 – “Admit to mistakes and commit to changing the behavior. Apologizing again and again,
without really changing the behavior, sends the message that you don’t actually care about how
another person feels as much as you care about getting them off your back. This also,
systematically destroys trust within a relationship.”

31:55 – Your emotions are important, next video we are going to get into how to actually engage
with them.

32:05 – “Don’t let anyone tell you how you should or should not feel. You deserve to have a
relationship where feelings matter. And the best way to get into that relationship is to decide
that your emotions matter to you.”

Questions: 1. What are some times that you did not openly acknowledge how you felt and you
made a bad decision?

2. What are some times that you did not openly acknowledge how you felt to someone else and
it led to a large conflict?

3. What are some times that you did not acknowledge and validate how someone else felt, and
it led to a large conflict?
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4. How do you feel your emotions have betrayed you? Situations that made you feel bad.
Braindump this and save it for next video.
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Video 12: How To Heal The Emotional Body - Teal Swan

Objective: Create a healthy relationship between you and your emotions. This alone is a leg up
on almost everybody, because while they are fighting their emotions, you’ll know how to move
with the tides of them. In my personal experiences, improving my relationship with my
emotions has been the cornerstone in my own personal growth over the past three years since I
learned about it.

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 34:13

Annotations: 0:50 – 5:00 – Just try your best to follow this part. It’s not crucially important.

5:30 – Think fake-confident guys.

5:55 – She is saying that all parts of you in all parts of life must be integrated, as in they must all
be openly embraced. In openly embracing all parts of you, you are free to do what you really
want to do because you have totality of your own perspective guiding you, instead of being
guided by single parts. For example, one part of you might want to exercise, and the other part
might want you to do homework. A typical person might deny and suppress one part of their
expression (the desire to exercise). Someone who is more “integrated” can allow both parts of
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their inner desires to come up and make an educated decision that accommodates all parts of
themselves. I. E.: study flashcards while running on a treadmill.

6:34 – Your emotional trauma is contained within the feeling body.

6:34 – 7:49 – Pure gold.

8:20 – this is resolved with practice.

9:00 – This is what we are getting into: Embracing all emotions no matter how painful or
uncomfortable they might be. “The alternative is to be completely be present with, and to sit
with, your emotions. It’s to learn from them, to hear what they want you to hear, to see what
they want you to see, it’s to be fully present with them without asking them to change. We call
this the process of Integration.”

9:29 – If there is ONE insight I want you to take away from all of Teal Swan’s content, what I’m
about to highlight, alone, will easily provide you with 40% of the growth you need to get where
you want to go:

Every day for 20 minutes at least, and any time you have a particularly intense
emotional reaction to something, find a quiet and comfortable place to completely
be with how you feel. Observe the sensations and feelings and emotions in your
body. They will intensify as you focus on them. Breath continuously without
unnecessary pauses between breaths. Breathing in and out the nose. Notice the way
you feel. Your entire goal is to be with your feelings, which is to fully be yourself. If
you like, you can repeat one sentence to your emotions like a mantra: “I am
completely hear with you now.”

13:55 – When you do inner emotional work: “You are affecting the blueprint of your entire
reality.” I attest to this through my own personal experience, and anyone who has really got on
board with this does too.

14:12 – You are going to leading yourself through this very same process after you have sat with
and been with your emotion completely. You want to do this whenever you experience a strong
emotional reaction to something.

15:32 – DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE IN THIS PROCESS. That’s your body releasing tension
but you reinstating it. If you feel your face start to flush at any level of intensity, this is a good
thing. This is what will lead you to having a much prettier, more glowing look.
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17:00 - The most important part is that you are with the emotion. Asking the emotion questions
is a good thing, as long as it does not distract you from experiencing the emotion itself.

17:45 – “We do not want to take our thinking mind into the emotions, we want the emotions to
come up and meet the thinking mind. IF it wants to…”

18:15 – Relax. Be present with yourself above all else.

20:45 – 25:00 – Follow as best as you can.

21:08 – “Right now it’s so intense that you want to escape from the emotion… But that’s what
we do when we smoke cigarettes, that’s what we do when we try to exercise, that’s what we do
when we get other people to act in a way that makes us feel better (in the context of
manipulation).” When you feel intense emotions come up, have the courage to sit with them
and experience them. If you don’t, these emotions will manifest themselves in a different
experience until you fully go into them.

24:30 – This guy is so full of shit. This experience isn’t just meant for idiots, it can affect anyone

26:50 – If you get angry about how long this process takes, explore the anger that is coming up
in that moment!

32:55 – “The reason we are so *reactive*, we get upset, we blame the person who is coming
towards us, and ‘causing’ us to feel that way – is because we are unwilling to fully be with our
Emotional Body, to be with our feeling-impressions (feelings), and to reintegrate them
(experience them until they dissolve).”

Exercises: 1. Spend as much time as you possible considering every thing that makes you feel
bad, write it down. Trigger each emotion individually and fully explore it until you no longer
feel that way.

2. Take question 1 from video 8, and explore all of the emotions that are caused by the
emotional blocks.
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Video 13: Meet Your Needs! - Teal Swan –

Objective: Get an understanding around how to make yourself happy on a daily basis. You
need to make sure to prioritize your own happiness, otherwise you’ll just carry around a whole
bunch of negative energy and spew onto everyone else. Meeting your needs is crucial to
thinking clearly, presenting yourself well, and much more. Meeting your needs will make you
feel even-keeled in all kinds of circumstances you were previously anxious in. In my personal
experience, learning how to meet my own needs has given me a lot more confidence, since I’m no
longer running around trying to fill a gaping hole by pleasing others.

Video Only?: No, it’s not relevant.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 16:13

Annotations: 0:49 – for the sake of this video, Teal defines a need as “something that is required
in order to live, be successful or/and be happy”

1:59 – 3:10 – All good examples.

4:55 – A lot of these self-destructive behaviors come from an underlying desire to get help from

6:40 – List of emotional needs is great. I have a list of processes I do to meet my emotional needs
and just pick the one that I feel most like doing.
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9:00 – Be careful of how you deny your own needs. Take the Leash off is a good video to

12:20 – This is all subjective, remember that!

Questions: 1. How do I manipulate to get others to meet my emotional needs?

2. What kinds of processes can I create to meet this emotional need myself?
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Video 14: The 21 Golden Rules of Entrepreneurship -

A Real Life Fable by Jason Nazar

Jason Nazar has his own introduction.

Objective: This video goes beyond entrepreneurship. It’s an entrepreneur’s perspective on how
to live a good life. I can’t pinpoint a particular objective, it’s just a worthwhile video to watch to
get you thinking an outcome-oriented way.

Video Only?: Yes, there is a PowerPoint that highlights the key points. He’s also very
charismatic, get infused with his energy.

What to watch: Entire thing.

Length: 1:28:31

Annotations: 2:44 – You have the tools to be one of those 5 or 10 people.

6:30 – This is because today’s scientific paradigm is completely rooted in empiricism. It’s an
issue I do not have the skills to explain, nor the time.

23:57 – 5 step sales process:

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1. Gain interest.
2. Establish credibility.
3. Establish need.
4. Offer a solution.
5. Have a system for an easy transaction.

30:05 – “The same raw effort it takes to start a college club, or to plan a party for your
friends/fraternity, is the same raw effort it’ll take you to start a billion-dollar business or change
the world.”

30:40 – “The same effort it’s going to take to get all A’s at UCSB (college) is the same effort it’s
going to take to do the most amazing and incredible, big thing you ever imagined doing in your
life ever, and if you got that sense of urgency like me, you are going to want to do it now.”

47:15 – “If you don’t have a big why, if you are not connected to it, if its not the thing driving
you and pushing you forward, your always going to be using the what and the how as an
excuse for not doing the thing you said you were going to do.”

1:20:27 – “If you have that level of certainty within yourself, you’ll be able to have the life of
your dreams and get everything you deserve.”

Take whatever you want in particular out of this video. There is a lot of deep insight.

1. I’ll see it, when I believe it.

2. Perpetual sense of urgency.
3. The only variable you can control is work ethic.
4. All effort is equal.  This is key because we all have to recognize that time and
energy are limited and that the use of them are equivalen across everything. Spend
your time and energy on things that matter.
5. You don’t have to have a product, to sell a product.
6. 10 Questions to consider when starting a business
7. Court Mentors
8. What’s your why?
9. Entreprenuers sell Ether. (ability to sell a dream)
10. Ideas don’t matter, execution does.
11. Speed and Momentum are key.  Keep it up. Otherwise you will lose your place.
12. The Entrepenueral delimna. Stay attached to the problem you are trying to solve, but be
flexible in finding the solution.
13. Make your product different or better.
14. Keep it lean.
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15. First, sell yourself.

16. Be sincere and exceed expectations.
17. The one most important thing.  It’s this mastermind.
18. Certainty – You’ll see it when you believe it.

Questions: 1. Where are you wasting your efforts?

2. What’s your one thing that most of your effort should go into?

3. Why do you want to live a great life? What’s the real why?
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Video 15: Be An "Entity" With "Structural Integrity" -

Principles, Purpose, Positivity, Personal Boundaries!

Tyler gets straight into it this video. Very direct, very intense.

Objective: Understanding the importance of setting boundaries and being someone on their

Video Only?: No. You don’t need to see him run around on stage but I’d recommend it.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 1:16:05

Annotations: 0:30 – Hollywood club analogy – lots of cool stuff going on inside it, but there
strong boundaries of what is let in.

2:40 – Following your purpose so to speak is a big source of masculinity. Compromising your
purpose means compromising your masculinity.

5:11 – Women can relate to this too. Create a great life with strong boundaries.

8:00 – Find a clear articulation of a vision for your life or for humanity. Visionquesting might be
a good option.

16:00 – “People in general get in this autopilot rut where they are doing the same shit again and

23:30 – These are all people who didn’t get their shit together, don’t have boundaries.
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27:30 – Failure is the default baby.

28:55 – Build yourself like a country:

1. Who are you?

2. What are you trying to get out of life?
3. Where are you going in life?

32:20 – Example of how passion and work ethic beats out talent.

35:25 – My boy Elon!!

39:25 – “If you stop trying to chase the people who don’t get what your vision is or what you
are trying to do, here’s what will happen: people who do get the vision will see it and want to
join up with you. Women, men, whatever it is. ” – It’s funny that me and my friend were just
talking about that today.

43:40 – “God is not conspiring for you to be lazy and not to be challenged. You will continue to
be challenged. If you rise to that challenge, amazing things will come out of it. If you fail to rise
to that challenge, shitty things will come out of it.”

46:10 – “Stop focusing on attachment to any particular situation. Focus on building the
ecosystem.” You might like this video by Tyler, it’s the equivalent version of Teal’s “Meet your
own needs” but Tyler style: “Design Life To Meet Your Needs! Nurture Yourself & Fill Your
Own Cup For Sustained Positive Emotions”

48:00 – That’s filtered through Tyler’s bias for Pickup.

49:45 – There is no right decision.

50:00 – 1:08:50 – Thought experiment.

Exercise: Take whatever steps necessary to go figure out what you really want to do with your
life. Follow that up with evaluating how your life should be structured to accommodate that.
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Video 16: Power Of "Success & Failure

Spirals" - Sex Stunners, Make Millions,
Become Brilliant At Your Craft

Tyler’s in the midst of improving his content at this point. He’s not as succinct and powerful as
some of the previous videos but these ideas have helped me a crap load.

Objective: Gain a deeper understanding of how every small choice you make can impact your
life positively or negatively.

Video Only?: No

What to watch: Entire Thing

Length: 34:45

Annotations: 1:57 – 2:39 - Example of how a negative spiral is caused.

2:32 – Fragility – easily breakable (just in case you didn’t know  )

2:42 – 3:07 - Example of how a positive spiral is caused.

8:54 – There are a lot of badass dudes who are fans of RSD, its just the overall mass of people
who flock to it are retarded.

8:54 – 15:48 – This interlude of examples is important to set context for the later parts of the

15:10 – The rich get richer, the poor get poorer…

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17:03 – Eat clean food you fucker! “When you have low willpower, you are less likely to have
the willpower to eat the less good-tasting foods that would GIVE you will power.”

17:40 – “If you have low willpower, the last thing you want to do is sit down for 20 minutes and

19:40 – “The more willpower you have, the more positive reference experiences you get that
will actually produce a result, the more you buy in, the more you are willing to go all out to
push for a long-term goal.”

24:40 – For those of you who feel you are in a downward spiral: “You want to place yourself
under a state of massive action to reverse the course of the ship.”

Additional understandings: Rich get richer, poor get poorer explained. Think about how to
course correct any part of your life starting to go down.

Question: How does each little action in your life lead to a spiral? Take some time and think
down to the nitty gritty. Don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time on this, the next video will take
advantage of the time you spend here.
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Video 17: Tyler's #1 Secret To Emanate

Energy, Potency & Vitality - Eliminate
"Poison Drips" That Pimp Yo

Objective: To adjust the lens on every mini-relationship on your life to see whether it’s adding
or subtracting from your life. In my personal experience, seeing every little thing in my life as
fruitful or detrimental has brought an entire new level of detail to my personal growth.

Video Only?: Yes. I want you to pay full attention for this video.

What to watch: Entire thing.

Length: 29:43

Annotations: 0:43 “Emotions you are feeling” – he does not mean to mean suppressing bad
emotions, he means which ones are you directly trying to engage.

1:00 – “Do these give me more than they take, or do they take me from me, more than they

3:00 – “What are things that subtly take from you because the timeline is much longer?”

Poison drip – Something that subtly takes from your energy and vitality over time in a
way that doesn’t immediately meet the eye.
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7:34 – “Are there any foods you eat, habits you maintain, that literally provide you a crutch, and
that crutch has eroded your ability to handle your own s**t?”

8:17 – “By choosing to intertwine yourself with this person or external influence or whatever it
is, you actually end up losing your ability to remove yourself from this person because you
have become dependent.”

10:47 – “You get that little validation ping or adrenaline ping, and you can sit there staring at
your phone all day. You don’t have to engage with friends anymore. You see a friend looking at
their smartphone, you’re looking at your smartphone. You barely say hi to each other anymore.
It’s a Steve Jobs world baby!” – hahaahahahahaha

11:04 – You have to think how these things are pimping you.

11:34 – You are a permeable membrane. Everything around you is influencing you at all times
whether you are consciously aware or not.

12:03 – “Should you partner with food that makes you dumb? Or should you partner with
healthy food? Should you partner with friends who bring you up? Or friends who drag you
down? Should you partner with emotional patterns that become emotional addictions in your
body which are positive? Or should you partner with negative ones because they’re self-
soothing and you get to make an excuse or blame or other people? Which ideas should you
partner with? We call these memes, mind viruses. Your partnering with many of them up in
your own mind. Most importantly of all, what kind of girl(guy) are you going to partner with?
Because remember, if you get a girlfriend or get married, that is your better half.”

12:52 – “The phenomenon of poison dripping is not a girl at a guy thing, it is an evolutionary
thing, it is a biological thing! Men do it to women, women do it to men!”

13:20 – “You have to understand how you’re doing it to her as well, so that she doesn’t feel like
she has to do it to you.”

13:36 - End - pure gold.

15:03 – “Men will generally just cut women off from their support circle in tons of different
ways or say tons of little undermining things to the woman so that she doesn’t feel beautiful
anymore, and as a result her self-esteem goes down, she loses everything that supported her,
and she puts all of her support needs onto the man. How funny is this?

The girl starts off not as needy, not as clingy, and fairly self-sufficient, and after several months
of being in a relationship with this guy she thinks she’s in love with, she becomes completely
needy, and clingy, and codependent on the man. Then the best part of this if you are a girl is
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when your man turns around and says: ‘you’re f**k*** needy, you’re f**k*** clingy, get a life!’
and girl is like ‘dude I had a life before I met you, I felt great about myself, but since I’ve been
with you I just feel like shit’.

The man does this because he’s insecure. He gets insecure when she’s doing other fun things.
He gets insecure when she has friends. He gets insecure when she has different things
supporting her and he alienates her from that so that he gets all of the attention. But then as a
result of that, he loses attraction and complains.”

18:39 – Not just women, people in general.

22:50 – Putz shaming – women putting men into a submissive role

23:45 – In referral to allowing your partner to poison drip you. “The problem is all these great
things that allow you to step up in life, that confidence that you had that allowed you to step it
up in life, has been eroded. “

25:00 – Show your partner that you will grow together, if your partner isn’t down, you are
going to split apart.

26:00 – “Crutches meet needs: diversion, entertainment, make you not have to think, satisfy
chemical addictions in your mind and your body, any time you give up a crutch, it does suck.”

28:00 – When you lose a crutch, take it as an opportunity to step it up again.

“Remember: Do not allow yourself to be pimped (poisondripped), it’s not cool. Take
whatever pain that you have to in order to take back control of your life. Your energy is
going to be out of control, you are going to love it, you are going to be very happy that
you did.”

Additional understandings: Think about this down to the nitty gritty. Communication, sleep,
food, habits, media, books, friends, environment, work, community, where you go for fun,
where you buy your food, traffic, music, significant others, exercise, technology. This all adds
up. Your energy not being drained means it can be all inside yourself. I’m fascinated with this

Exercise: Spend an entire day evaluating everything around you through the lens, “does this
take from me more than it give, or does it give more than it takes?” Have a conversation about it
with someone. Think as far outside the box as you want for this one because not all of these
subtle poisondrips are obvious.
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Video 18: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It

Jeffy is an RSD instructor. Pretty angry person overall. This video is still good though hahaha

Objective: Gain an understanding around how the quality of an interaction with someone is
more around the overall energy you are putting off. This information was really helpful for me
because it is a technical breakdown of what a social conversation really is.

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: 0:00 – 4:23, The ending portion is unnecessary.

Length: 5:45

Annotations: Remember: he’s teaching this from the perspective of someone who wants to learn
how to pick up a girl on the street, but all of the principles apply across all social interactions,
just the bounds of the interactions can change.

0:08 – “This isn’t a process of adding, it’s a process of letting go.”

0:15 – Needing it to work – impress someone else (a girl in this case).

0:23 – Vibing – a non-goal-oriented conversation that is designed to make one another feel good.

1:15 – Have fun above all else

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1:40 – You might not like his style of “game”, furthermore way he communicates in general, but
these rules/ideas he’s in the midst of introducing apply to all personality types. I’ve seen
enough evidence for myself, just pay attention more when you are around social people.

2:02 – It’s the energy behind it. (here’s how to have that energy)

1. I believe it’s valuable because it comes from me (personally, it’s not fake).
2. I have faith that people will find it interesting out of curiosity.
3. I lower the bar for how good it has to be.
4. Be in the moment, don’t think ahead.
5. It’s not what you say, it’s the energy behind it.

2:42 – 3:45 – Great example. Stupid story, oddly compelling based on the virtue of the
enthusiasm behind it.

4:23 – Stop here, it doesn’t really go anywhere else very well.

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Video 19: Screwing With Social Conditioning: Being

The Center Of Attention IS "The Polite Thing To Do"

Julien is an RSD instructor, a complete closet-sweetheart. Pay close attention the annotations
on this video, because in his own insecurity he puts a narcissistic twist on the entire thing.
Don’t get lost in the details.

Objective: As you become more charismatic, the cultural blueprint for how to interact with
other people will begin to falter. At this point, you need a new blueprint for how to treat the
conversation. This video is here to give you the blueprint.

Video Only?: No.

What to watch: All of it.

Length: 14:27

Annotations: Again, this is not just for men trying to get laid. All the principles apply across all
social situations.

0:06 – He’s just being melodramatic for comedic value.

0:30 – The game – Picking up girls.

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1:38 – This is for the guy who overwhelms the environment with his presence.

1:42 – “What this really boils down to, is being able to fully express yourself. Put your full
personality on the line, do not hold back.”

2:05 – “They express their thoughts, their ideas, their opinions, just whats on their mind, how
they feel.”

2:19 – He’s putting a narcissistic twist on the whole idea, ignore that part.

3:14 – Especially if you are a charismatic person who intimidates other people: “Being polite is
actually taking control of the interaction. It’s leading the conversation and ultimately: taking the
responsibility off the other person.” Charismatic people are intimidating, taking the lead on the
conversation gives other people room to relax more. “They don’t want to have to worry about
what to say next or what topics to bring to the table.”

3:45 – Most people can’t talk for more than five minutes on a first introduction.

4:10 – Putting yourself out there gives others a nice ride to enjoy, at least when you are free of
emotional blockages blocking you from being yourself completely.

4:40 – This is how you take the pressure off of other people if you are charismatic.

6:00 – If you have a very unique demeanor, people will be intrigued with any authentic
expression of it.

6:20 – If you don’t authentically feel this way, the problem might need to be solved in other
areas of life.

6:25 – “People are bored as fuck” – give them something interesting to experience.

8:00 – Symptom of emotional blockages. Use what you learned from “Healing the Emotional

9:20 – Other people in an environment are always thinking that they are the center of the
universe, an unhealthy low-level narcissism. Even if you do fuck up, it isn’t as big of a deal as
you think it is.

10:40 - Disacknowledge the reference to narcissism

11:50 – This is a great exercise to open up and let people know who you are so that they will feel
comfortable letting their own guard down.
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13:30 – People will have easy time relating with you, because you are giving them something to
relate with you on.

Exercise; Try taking more control and direction of the conversations you are in. Do this in at
least 3 conversations you wouldn’t normally do this in. Use what you learned from the
previous video as well.
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Video 20: DAYGAME The Natural Way: Infield + Guide.

How To Approach Beautiful Girls In Everyday Situations

Objective: Gain an understanding of how to engage in unusual social situations where there is
no cultural blueprint. The specific social situation that Max will go into in this video is about
approaching women on the street. In my personal experience, having the tools to initiate and
navigate all kinds of unusual social situations has given me very unique opportunities socially
and spiritually. Good vibes, maybe good conversation, maybe they have something to share
with me.

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: All of it.

Length: 17:51

Annotations: 0:07 – See these principles as how to approach a stranger, or how to approach
someone of high-status who is normally busy. O

1:15 – An ENTJ giving policies hahahaahaha.

1:42 – All of the previous videos should give you the tools to have a “full vessel” when
initiating an unusual social situation, in this case approaching someone.
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2:15 – If you don’t feel like you actually want to get to know the girl, don’t approach her. Pickup
guys need to hear that.

3:20 – How to give compliments in general. Only give them if you genuinely want to make the
other person feel good.

5:52 – People enjoy sincerity in any circumstance.

7:30 – When you catch people off guard on your approach or on the initiation of an unusual
situation, let them know what the situation is that they are dealing with.

8:20 – Letting people know how you feel is better than making them have to guess. People
appreciate it if you contextualize your behavior, especially in an unusual social situation.

10:30 – In an unusual situation, get to know if they have plans you are interrupting. In the case
of approaching someone on the street, where are they going?

12:20 – In the case of meeting someone for the first time in an unusual situation.

Very Genuine video.

Exercise: Start becoming aware of social situations that you want to engage, but don’t feel are
within your power. Take steps to start engaging these situations, starting with the easiest ones.
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Video 21: Truth About Deep Breathing

Elliot Hulse is a badass. I suggest you check out his channel to explore his badassery.

Objective: Gain an understanding around how to release emotional tension through the body

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: All of it.

Length: 17:46

Annotations: 1:20 - “According to somatic therapists and body psychologists, as we develop

psychologically as human beings, we develop defenses against our environment. Most of those
defenses are against our parents when we first start growing up. You create a defense that is not
only psychological, shutting out or pushing away, but it’s also physical.”

4:00 – my understanding is that the releasing the restricted muscular patterns gives you a
deeper voice, more relaxed body language, and fuller expression overall. This becomes a
massive status que. All of these things that I’ve been introducing you are creating honest signals
of status, this method is by going directly through the body.

6:10 – Sacral is a chakra.

8:50 – Make one of those, I have one and it’s very useful.
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14:40 – “All of the muscles that are tight in most people are now soft and supple and open, to
allow you to breathe deeply.”

Exercise: Watch Daily “Bio-Energizer Warm Up Routine” and go through all of the exercises,
full throttle. If you have to wait until no one is home or put yourself in a place you don’t feel
embarrassed, do it. At the very least, do the bow.
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Video 22: Building Self Confidence Made Easy!

Noah is unsure in his presentation of this content, not because of the content, but his ability to
articulate it effectively to others.

The salesy vibe of this video comes because Noah wants to make a living, and furthermore a
difference through his content. He doesn’t realize that if he exclude that element, he’d probably
make 10x the impact. Ignore this.

Objective: To gain an understanding on what affirmations are, and to provide context on why
they are important, and how to create them. You are going to find out that affirmations are
about getting clear on your character. Affirmations can help you get in the right headspace on
how to live your life to its fullest potential, because often times character is the underlying
attribute of someone who is massively successful in all areas of life. This is because your
character determines what drives you. Your character is the most important thing to unlocking
your drive completely. In my personal experience, whether in the creation process or in the
process of saying them to myself, they have served as a critical tool in getting clear on who I

Video Only?: Yes. Noah’s energy and presence is important for the presentation of the video.

What to watch: Entire thing.

Length: 9:57
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Annotations: 0:30 – That video is actually very interesting. It’s not a gimmick, it’s a lot more
genuine then it sounds. It’s just that he feels like he gain intrigue with a more marketable title.

2:00 – Being reactionary goes beyond meeting women. You don’t want to have the basis of your
confidence in any subject to be solely standing on the shoulders of what you’ve done before and
what is currently happening.

2:30 – You’d be surprised that when you clear away all of the blockages, the person you are (as
in the values you stand for) takes much more precedence then anything else. You realize that
that is where your power is as a person.

4:15 – Make sure to state affirmations that resonate with you. Don’t be afraid to stick to making
affirmations that are still within reach (as in, plausible for you to believe you could be) of your
current understanding of who you are.

4:50 – This goes to any situation that breeches your values. You don’t want those experiences to
stay a part of your life.

5:55 – The clearer you get on who you really are emotionally, the more psyched you will be to
be yourself. If you aren’t psyched to be you right now, don’t worry about it.

Questions: Time to do a braindump. Get out another piece of paper.

1. What parts of you do you appreciate the most?

2. What parts of you do you like seeing develop?

3. What do you need to take the time to understand about yourself?

Take the building blocks of these ideas and create them into affirmations.

State these in present tense, positive focus, personal statements:

Present tense is important because it draws what you are doing into the self directly. It’s not
something you are distancing yourself from.
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Present tense: I am, I do, I am currently, I stay aware etc.

Not Present tense: I will, I used to, I like when I, I’m on the way to

Positive focus is important, because the subconscious mind does not hear “NOT”, it only
responds to what you are directly focusing on. If you are focused on NOT doing something, this
is inherently rooted in resistance and will sabotage the process of becoming who you want to

Positive focus: I spend time exercising, I run a mile every day, I eat greens on the daily.

Not positive focus: I don’t spend time on the couch. I don’t run a mile every day. I don’t eat
cocoa puffs every day.

Making them personal is also important. It’s important to make these affirmations emotionally
compelling as well, for example:

The way I articulate myself is the source of my own credibility.


People believe me because I speak clearly.

You say your affirmations in your own voice, in a way that excites you.

Make affirmations like he did and try it out as an exercise. I’d suggest doing them twice a day.
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Video 23: I Can't Trust The Universe (I Feel

Like God is Against Me) - Teal Swan-

Objective: Create a clean slate so that you can connect with God/Universe/Subconcious. In my
opinion, if you do not take the time to nurture your relationship with some higher force, you
will miss out on a lot of experiences that can only be explored through a concept such as God.

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: Entire Thing.

Length: 25:28

Annotations: 5:45 – By the way, even if you deny your acknowledgment of God, you are still
doing this. You are still overlaying your understanding of an authority figure over the world
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7:26 – “And one day, it doesn’t matter if some missionaries show up on your doorstep and tell
you God loves you, it doesn’t matter what spiritual teacher professes to you the benevolence of
the universe, you may want to believe it, but you don’t. And there is one glaring mystery left
ricocheting throughout your mind nagging you incessantly: If God is benevolent, loves me and
is on my side, then why the hell did those things happen to me?”

9:00 – Involve other people to help you shoot holes in the evidence if it isn’t your forte.

9:30 – I’d suggest watching her video “Letters to God”, that’s my favorite journal for connecting
with God. But this journal might also be a good idea.

11:30 – Play with these thoughts for yourself.

14:30 – “Much of what any of us (spiritual teachers) tell you is hypothetical for one reason: you
haven’t had direct experience with it yet. I think it’s fairly cruel for us to expect as spiritual
teachers, for anyone to just believe us because we say so. Meditation allows you to have that
direct experience so that it becomes your truth instead of truth you’d like to believe.”

14:55 – Try out all kinds of meditation techniques to find which one works best for you.

16:35 – These are all good videos, watch them if you feel called to.

18:00 – Visual gets me laughing hysterically.

18:05 –

“In these low vibrational places, struggling to feel better is like struggling to escape a
spiders web. The more we struggle, the more stuck you get. We need to instead see that
these dark nights of the soul might be necessary. They might be a springboard to a much
better place in life. When we are struggling, what is usually happening is that we are in
phase of deep healing. Things are coming up to be faced and cleared. These are phases of
metamorphosis. Think of it as a purification process. Can you know 100% that you
shouldn’t be feeling the way that you are feeling? Perhaps this is the universe clearing the
blocks you have between you and bliss.”

20:45 – You’ve got to prove to yourself that mind creates reality.

22:40 – “These things would not happen if there was no purpose for them happening. And
when we judge all negative feeling things as bad, we mentally acknowledge that they shouldn’t
be happening, and that there is no purpose for them. We miss the gift inherent in the
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Questions: 1. Make a list of what you like and don’t like about your parents, and then make a
list of what you like and don’t like about the universe. Compare and contrast.

2. When do you make the universe adversarial?

3. Write down all of the proof of why you think God or the universe is against you. Shoot
holes in the evidence, involve other subjective perspectives (other people) if necessary.
What choices did you make to create these circumstances?

4. How am I against me?

5. What mistakes could you correct?

Optional: Try visualizing one thing that you have no attachment to (in example: dolphins,
pandas, bronze etc), 15 minutes, every day for a week. Pay attention to how it shows up.
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Video 24: The law of 33% | Tai Lopez |


Tai suppresses his enthusiasm for knowledge, that’s why his vibe is a bit off.

Objective: Gain an understanding of walking the path and finding people ahead of you to study
or be taught by. This way you can continue to build your own personal understanding of the

Video Only?: Yes.

What to watch: Whole thing.

Length: 18:26

Annotations: 5:30 – “The modern world is too complicated. You will never find all of the
answers from just one person. If you’re lucky, a handful of people along the way will point the
way out.”

9:25 – He’s saying that it’s important to model other people. Not lose yourself in copying them,
just checking up to let you know.

9:34 – “Did you know Albert Einstein had a mentor? Every Thursday he’d have lunch with a
mentor growing up. Jay-Z the rapper had a mentor. Oprah Winfrey said she had 2 mentors.
Gandhi had a mentor. Alexander the Great had Aristotle. Bill Gates had Paul Allen. Warren
Buffett had Benjamin Graham.”

10:11 – The law of 33% - Spend 33% of the time with people “below” you, spend 33% of the time
with people “at your level” and spend 33% of the time with people “above” you.

11:00 – “Don’t be afraid to go to the top.”

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12:30 – “Everyone wants the good life, but not everyone is willing to be humble like Sam
Walton was. You have to be humble.”

12:37 – Good reference to media bias. We tend to over glorify success and ignore all the key

14:00 – Can you hear the pure enthusiasm behind the word “books” when he says it?

14:59 – Rewiring the way you think about books:

1. Stop seeing books like a one time event. See a book like a friend.
2. There’s no rule on how fast you have to read them.
3. Gold mine the book for the best parts.

16:03 – Nations are born stoic, and die epicurean.

Questions: Do you have a group of people you are going to take words advice from that are far
beyond where you are at? Find them.
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Video 25: Personal Development Plan

- How to Find the Right One

Objective: To gain an understanding on how to continue your development as an individual.

You can continue to refer to this packet if you would like. What I have found in my personal
experience is that once I finish one thing, the next thing soon becomes clear.

Video Only?: Yes. Noah’s energy is nice to take in while you watch his content.

What to watch: Entire thing. It’s a short video so you might as well see what all it has to offer.

Length: 6:34

Annotations: 1:30 – Ask the right person the right question. Don’t ask the fitness guy about
business. Don’t throw these questions around too much because that can put a lot of
unnecessary pressure on you. I know this from personal experience.

3:37 – Be careful at looking at highly reviewed products. A lot of times, the best books are not
the highest selling. If you are buying into this ideology being presented to you, you are going to
find a lot of books don’t go deep enough to relate directly with it.

4:10 – Being excited is very important. Find something you are passionate about.

4:58 – Important point. A lot of times there can be things in front of you that you will eventually
need, but you just aren’t ready for yet.

Questions: What is it you’d like to dive straight into learning all about next?

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