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Since I am coming from the field of physical education I can say that I deeply

acknowledge the significance of a healthy diet. A balanced diet is important because

your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without
good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor
performance, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. The link
between good nutrition and healthy weight, reduced chronic disease risk, and overall
health is too important to ignore. By making smart food choices, you can help protect
yourself from the health problems I have already mentioned..

Therefore, I pay attention to my nutrition not only because I want to achieve high
performance when I exercise, but also because I want to maintain a healthy life style
and a healthy weight. Otherwise, I run the risk of becoming obese with low levels of
energy and prone to various diseases. As I am fully aware of the negative effects of
poor eating habits, I offer advice to my friends and family and I encourage them to
adopt better eating habits. By taking steps to eat healthy, you'll be on your way to
getting the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, active, and strong. As with
physical activity, making small changes in your diet can go a long way, and it's easier
than you think!

A dietician (an expert on diet and nutrition) could help anyone to understand the
basics of nutrition, to follow a well balanced diet and to ensure a healthy weight, a
good appearance, a healthy lifestyle and maximum energy levels as well.


Calculate the amount of calories you need.

If your intake exceeds the amount of calorie you need , then you should reduce it.

Cut down fats (especially saturated fats).

Cut down sugary foods.

Be careful with carbohydrate consumption.

Eat vegetables, fruit and lean protein.

Prefer fish to meat.

Prefer organic foods.

Avoid salty foods.

Eat five small meals per day.

Drink plenty of water.


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