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The “Bizmatigation” project is a project wherein the student who does the project goes out in the
local community, looking for professionals who are willing and who have the ability to share experiences
and information about their jobs. By doing the said project, the student gains some benefits that are
important and essential to the formation of the student as a future professional. In the process of making
the project, the student is encouraged to interact with people who are professionals. Encountering such
people can sometimes be intimidating but it helps the student to be exposed in communication to people
and will be beneficial to the student’s future studies (research project), future job-hunting endeavor
(interviews for job applications) and in the student’s future job (negotiating with other professionals).
Moreover, the project gives the student a bird’s eye view of how it is to be working in such jobs and, in
some ways, will help the student decide on what career to embark upon.

The article Job Dissatisfaction: Causes, Reasons and Employee Responses by John Wengrzyn
cited several reasons as to why an employee would feel dissatisfaction in his/her own job. These reasons
include: 1) being underpaid, 2) Limited career growth, 3) Lack of Interest, and 4) Poor Management. There
is a level of job satisfaction for each person and each job performed. Problems occur when people are not
happy with their jobs. ( Wengrzyn)

1) Being underpaid means not getting the salary that you deserve. According to the article, this is
the problem that causes most distress to someone due to the fact that an employee who
experiences this may feel some kind of maltreatment from his/her employer and the employee
might think that he/she is being targeted. I can relate this to real life because I have heard
some stories from my older friends who do have jobs and they complain about their salaries
that they don’t think they deserve. One of my sisters even experienced this when she used to
work at a call center and she didn’t feel good about what she was receiving from her job. As a
result, she decided to try and transfer to another call center that would not just offer little more
salary but also better benefits.

If a person does not think they are being paid enough to do their job, then they perceive
themselves to be underpaid - even if the wages they make are in line with that position. If
they research the wages for that job (either on the Internet or by talking to others) and find
they are indeed being underpaid, then their dissatisfaction is warranted. ( Wengrzyn)

2) Not having the opportunity to develop as a person in what you do as a job is another problem
that one may face that could impose dissatisfaction. This occurs when a company is not being
efficient enough to provide highways for those employees who want to get to the next level of
their proficiency. The effect of this is that if an employee feels that he/she is not being provided
with enough opportunities, there is a great possibility that the employee will decide to leave his
current job and go to other jobs that they think will open doors for their growth as workers or

3) A lack of interest is having a position that does not interest you. This is a very straightforward
concept, but you might be wondering why anyone would take a job they were not interested in.
Well, the first answer to that is typically money. People need to work and need jobs, so they
might indeed take a position that does not interest them so they can pay the bills. ( Wengrzyn)

This is a true scenario that is being experienced by one of the interviewees in this
Bizmatigation. It is not necessarily stated that he chose this job because of the salary but it is
clear in his interview that he is not that much interested in his position right now as a private
school teacher; he preferred teaching in a public educational institution. As an effect I have
observed that since he was my teacher before, I first-handedly saw how much being in this
position changed him. This is not what he likes to do. He admitted that himself.

4) Working in a company run by incompetent leaders is another headache that contributes to the
dissatisfaction of an employee. As employees, it is important to be surrounded by good role
models that will ignite the flame within them to work hard and do well in their jobs.

Without those people, an employee can feel as if the company is just drifting through
space, waiting to run into something. If an employee is structured and focused type of person, not
having leadership is a killer and will certainly make them believe the company is not very serious.

This is once again true for the same interviewee in this project who in one part of the interview said
that the administrations not so good leadership bothers him that when he makes suggestions, they
just ignore them.

Here is a local article that demonstrates how the fulfillment of an employee’s needs can satisfy them
and encourage them to do well and better in their jobs.

Gov’t workers happiest, says online report by Amy R. Remo

In these times of “endo” and a weak global job market, working in government is
something to hold on to and to be happy about for many civil servants in the Philippines.
Despite their modest pay, government workers were found to be the “happiest” compared
with employees in other sectors in the Philippines, according to, a job site for
professionals looking for work in Asia.
Results of the 2016 Happiness Index Report showed that civil servants in the country gave
their jobs the highest rating of 6.6, using a scale of 0 to 10 in which 10 meant extremely happy; 5,
neutral; and 0, extremely unhappy, according to
Among employees in general polled in the region in July, Filipinos had the highest average
satisfaction rating of 6.25 in terms of job happiness, followed by Indonesians (6.16) and Thais
(5.74). Singaporeans were found to have the lowest satisfaction rating (5.09).

Security of tenure
“We think that the high rating from government employees may be due to security of
tenure and the fact that this survey was recently done in July. So you have a lot of factors affecting
that including optimism in the new administration,” Philip A. Gioca, country manager for Philippines, said in a briefing yesterday.

The job security enjoyed by civil servants who took part in the survey is in sharp contrast to
the job insecurity of many workers, who are victims of the endo (end-of-contract) scheme in which
they are terminated just before their sixth month on the job so they won’t be regularized and be
given benefits. President Duterte has vowed to end the endo scheme.
Optimistic under new admin

“We actually have a handful of job seekers working in government who said ‘they are
happy.’ One of the insights we got when we looked at the results of the survey was that there was
a lot of optimism in the administration,” Gioca said.
“The stress levels (faced by government employees) were probably not that high and
productivity was likely another factor,” he said.
There were 1.53 million government workers in the country in 2015, or 3.4 percent of the
total labor force. About half of the government personnel or around 700,000 are teachers.

Gioca did not disclose the number of government employees who were polled out of the
12,796 Filipinos who participated in the survey.
The Happiness Index Report was aimed at determining the satisfaction level among
employees in their jobs and the factors that influence their happiness.
The report used an 11-point scale rating with 5 being the neutral point. The index rating
was based on the total weighted average scores.
Apart from the Philippines, the survey was conducted in six other Asian countries—
Indonesia, which had 23,844 respondents; Singapore (2,696); Vietnam (4,452); Thailand (1,407);
Malaysia (4,446); and Hong Kong (1,045). said 73 out of every 100 Filipinos were found to be happy with their jobs,
just two points ahead of Indonesia at 71. Malaysia has the lowest happiness index at 41.
In terms of job optimism, however, the Philippines ranked third with a rating of 6.15, next to
Indonesia’s 6.58 and Vietnam’s 6.30.
New employees happiest
Filipinos who have just started to work (six months to one year) were the happiest
employees, while in terms of position level, fresh graduates gave the highest satisfaction rating of
6.52, said.
By specialization, employees engaged in the hospitality, building and construction, and
education sectors were deemed happiest. In terms of location, those working in Bicol, Caraga and
Western Visayas were the happiest.
Those working in the education sector gave a happiness rating of 6.53 while those
engaged in the oil and gas businesses posted a rating of 6.49.

Filipinos also put a high premium on great rapport with colleagues, convenient work
location and the company’s reputation.
These factors can easily be attributed to the relational nature of Filipinos, the worsening
traffic congestion that results in unproductive hours for employees and the need for stability in the
companies they work for.
Other reasons for employee happiness are salary, benefits, leadership, career
development, job security, culture, corporate values, training, work schedule and immediate
superior, according to
The top factors that make employees leave a company were found to be uninspiring
leadership, insufficient salary, lack of benefits and lack of training. said these factors were not necessarily what made employees happy
should they be addressed competently, but could be hugely influential in employees’ decisions to
stay or find better opportunities.
To increase job happiness, Filipino respondents mentioned the need for a higher salary
(34 percent), followed by getting a new job (21 percent) and getting a promotion (8 percent).

First Interviewee

Mr. Nathaniel Budikey is a permanent faculty member at

Saint Louis High School- Philex Inc. He teaches Computer
Hardware Servicing and is currently single. He graduated from
San Pablo Seminary, Crystal Cave in the city of Baguio. He
works at least 8 hours a day. He receives his salary every 15
days (semi-monthly).

He first worked as an Orientation Seminary at the San

Pablo Seminary from June 2008 until June 2009. He then
worked as an Admission Assistant at AMA from June 2009 to March 2010. After that he worked as the
secretary to the principal of Saint Louis High School-Philex, Inc. for a year from June 22, 2013 until the first
of June 2014. He was then transferred from being a secretary to being a teaching member of the faculty.

According to Mr. Budikey, working as a teacher was not his choice. He originally planned to be a
priest so he was in the seminary for 11 years. But due to some unavoidable circumstances, he was forced
to enter the job. The reason he shared was that he did not like the nature of his previous job and the school
needed a new teacher so he tried to be a teacher. Aside from the usual requirements like being a passer of
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), application letter, résumé, and diploma among others, he
had to have Computer Programming Skills, and since he applied for a catholic school, they asked him to
submit his Baptismal Certificate.

When asked to describe his job, he said that it was difficult because of all the work he does like,
computation of students’ grades, making and submission of lesson plan, teaching, and making of year-long

Unfortunately, when asked if he finds contentment in his present job, he said “no.” He further
explained that since this was not his choice and this is not what he wants to do, he doesn’t find
contentment. So naturally, he said that if given the chance, he would really like to transfer from his present
job to another one. He said that he prefers working in a public school over a private school. He also said
that he might go for a change of career if he could.

Despite this discontentment he feels about his job, he said that he is still very grateful for all the
benefits that is given to him. These benefits include, free housing at the school’s teachers’ quarters, free
electricity and water services, fifty kilograms of rice that is given every forty-five days, 13th –month pay,
Social Security System benefits, PAG-IBIG plan and PhilHealth.

When asked to share difficulties that he encounters his job and how he copes with them he said that he
would get angry to student when misbehaving and evaluate their conduct and give them what they really
deserve. He said that if there are too much requirements and even some of them are unnecessary, he has
nothing to do but to comply. He also encounters problems with his co-workers who only seem to approach
him when they need something but he said he just does what he can to help. He also said that the
administration of the school where he works does not display good leadership and does not run the school
in a good system and when they give suggestions to the Administration; their suggestions are just being
ignored so he said that he can’t do anything but to follow what they say. On the other hand, he said that
“Happiness” in his job is when he finishes all the requirements. He said that sometimes, it is enough for him
to see the students change even just a little for the better. According to Mr. Budikey, his past jobs helped
him to relate to his coworkers and also mastery of the job.

From this interviewee, I learned a great lesson which is not to do what you don’t want to do. Do
what makes you happy. Although at times, we have to do things even if they are against our will. Who
knows, maybe someday we’ll thanks ourselves for doing such things.

Second Interviewee

The next interviewee is Mr. Joven Maxion who is 57

years of age. He currently works as the manager of Philex
Mining Corporation- Padcal’s Integrated Management System
and Related Services Department. He works every day for at
least eight hours. He has a monthly salary scale. He graduated
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the Baguio Colleges
Foundation and is now happily married.

From October 1997 to August 1999, Mr. Maxion worked

as a Section Head of Philex Mining Corporation’s Productivity
Improvement, Career Development and Enhancement Services.
He then worked as the Senior Executive Assistant to the Vice
President of Operations of the same company from August 1999 to July 2003. After that, he became the
assistant to the Senior Vice President of Operations until October 16, 2008. He was then transferred to a
different department and he worked as the Superintendent of the Safety and Loss Control Department of
the same company from October 2008 until the recent January 15, 2017. And at the present he is the
manager of the IMSRS department.

According to Mr. Maxion, his current job offers a good pay and it is also challenging that’s why he
chose to do it. When asked to describe the company where he works, he said,

Philex Mining Corporation is a company that develops and processes mineral resources
for the use of society. The main products of Philex Mining Corporation are gold, copper, and silver
that are shipped abroad.

When he was asked if he finds contentment in his present job, he again responded saying,

Yes, I am contented with my present job. The work is as challenging as ever. The
challenges vary each day which keeps one on the go and alert. It gives me the opportunity to keep on
learning on how to deal with the various problems of the job.

He further explained, “I don’t see any reason to transfer to another job…”

According to him, the benefits he gain from his company are the following: good pay, free housing,
free water and electricity services, free primary education and subsidies for secondary education for the
kids in the company’s competent schools, bonuses during productive periods and other more.

Mr. Maxion shared that one difficulty that he encounters in his job is meeting deadlines. To cope
with this difficulty, he said that he and his staff have to sacrifice their own schedules and even some of the
department’s activities just have time to focus on more important works.

“I being assigned to various technical

working groups especially to more critical groups
gives me the feeling that management gives me
full trust and confidence. To me, this is my best
achievement.” Mr. Maxion said.

According to him again, his past working

experiences prepared him for his present job. He
said that the exposures he had from his previous
jobs were the ones that gave him good
background that is why they were important. “I
value my experiences.” He further explained.
When asked to define “Happiness” in his present
job, he said that he feels happy whenever a
member of his staff asks for help and advisory
when doing their job. He likes to help. He said that
“Patience and understanding others are the
values one needs to perform any job” He further added, “Good interpersonal skills can help much if one
wants to apply for a job.” And finally, when asked if he already have plans upon retiring, he said that he
would continue looking after his children and his grandchildren. He finally added, “I will be apostolic to my

From this interviewee, I learned the importance of patience and understanding others for one to
perform any job. I saw how helpful it is to have at least some job experiences in order to do well in one’s
present job. I learned that I should always value my experiences because they are very helpful.

Third Interviewee

The third interviewee is Atty. Eduardo Aratas who is 46 years old. He is currently married. He
Graduated Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and finished College of Law at Saint Louis University,
Baguio City. He is currently the Division head at Philex
Mining Corporation and has been working there for 21
years for at least eight hours a day. He has a monthly
salary scale.

Atty. Aratas worked before as Supervisor at the

year 1996. He then worked as the Section Head at the
year 19998. After that he was the Assistant Department
Head of the Legal Department at the year 1999. He
became the department head at the same year, 1999. He
is now the Division head ans ahs been in that position
since 2002.

According to Atty. Aratas, the reason why he

chose this kind of job was because it is related to his
educational attainment. He said that the requirements when he applied for his job were being a graduate of
social science and a board examination passer.

He described Philex Mining Corporation, the company he works in as one of the largest and
responsible mining companies.

When asked if he finds contentment in his present job, he answered, “Yes, because it always
hones my leaning.” He then answered, “No.” when asked if he would ever want to transfer from his present
job to another job.

According to him, good pay and benefits like free housing, free water and electrical services, and
other more are the benefits he gets from his company. When asked if he could share any difficulties that he
encounters in his job, Atty. Aratas just said, “Difficulty drives one to excel.” He further said that whenever he
faces difficulty, he copes by asking for help.

He said that just being a part of a great company was already the greatest achievement for him.
His past occupations have somehow helped him too.

When he was asked to define “Happiness” in his present job he defined the word as, “loving your
work.” He also said that the values and skills that young people need for future employment are adaptivity,
perseverance, belief in one’s self, and fear of the Lord.

When he was finally asked about any plans upon retirement, he said, “None at the moment;
retirement is still far.”

From this interviewee, I saw that to become a lawyer, it is important that one should do well in
his/her academic performances. It is quite impossible to be a lawyer if one cannot commit to his/her
studies. Being a lawyer requires a lot of patience and diligence to read and learn about laws and other
things that could be very beneficial to the practice of your profession. I also saw how much this interviewee
is contented with his job which is an essential factor for a good work performance.

Fourth Interviewee

The fourth interviewee is a woman of forty-six years old. She is currently one of the managers of
Philex Mines Consumers’ Cooperative and she’s been
working there for 21 years. She graduated college at Saint
Louis University, Baguio City and is now married. She works
at least eight hours a day and has a salary scale of thirty
thousand pesos (P 30,000.00) per month. She is Mrs. Sheila
C. Bravo, CPA.

Mrs. Bravo first worked as a bookkeeper from 1990

until 1991. After that, she worked as a Project Staff from 1994
to 1995. Then she worked as an Accountant 1995 to 2009.

According to Mrs. Bravo, she chose her present job

because of the reason that it is an avenue for her growth and
she can apply her learning in this job. When she applied for
her present job, she was required to submit a CV or a Curriculum Vita, OTR (Official Transcript of Records)
and other usual requirements for job application. She described her job as being in a managerial position.

When she was asked if she finds contentment in her present job, she said, “Yes, I enjoy it.” And
she said that as of now, she would not want to transfer from her present job to another job. The benefits
that she is receiving from her job include free housing, free electricity
and water services, medical benefits, bonuses, and fringe benefits.
She shared that the problem she usually encounters in her job is
stress. She copes with stress by going to relaxation activities like
going to a spa.

According to her, personal growth is the greatest

achievement that she is receiving from her current job. When asked
to define “Happiness” in her job she said, “Paycheck.”

When she was asked to share what should be the values and

skills that young people need to maintain and prepare for future employment, she enumerated maximum
tolerance and maturity as the ones needed. Upon retiring she plans to go for travel around the world.

From this interviewee, I saw that being an accountant is really not that easy. It is a kind of job that
inevitably causes stress. Just like what the interviewee does, it is important to go for relaxation times even if
the work is heavy. Having a sound mind and body really helps someone to have a good performance in
his/her job.

Fifth Interviewee

The fifth interviewee is another woman who is 52 years of age and chose not to disclose her name.
She graduated Commerce, major in Marketing at Saint Louis University and is now married. She currently
works as an Assistant Manager- Resource/Database Head at Philex Mining Corporation’s Resource and
Geological Department. She has been in this company for 20 years and she works for at least eight hours a

Before being in her current job, she worked as a Programmer/Encoder from June 1989 to February
1994. After that, she worked as a Computer In-Charge from March 1994 to August 1996. She then worked
as a Computer Applications Head from September 1996 until May 2007. From that, she worked as
Geological Database head from May 2007 to June 2011. Now she works at her present job as
Resource/Database Head.

According to her the reason why she chose this job is because it is a challenging job. She said that
proficiency in manipulating computers, and mining, geology and database programs was the requirement
she had to comply with when she applied for this job aside from the usual requirements like résumé,
applications letter and others. When asked to describe the company that she’s working with,
she said, “My Company is a responsible mining corporation- to its employees, host communities, and
other stakeholders.”

She said that she is very contented with her present job. This job of hers taught her so much about
geology and mining. That’s why she answered “No.” when asked if she would want to transfer from her
present job to another job. The benefits she receives from the job and the company that she works with
include: free housing, free education of his two sons (elementary and highly subsidized schooling in High
School) free medicines, etc.

She shared that pressure on the job especially doing special projects that need to be rushed-
beating deadlines; travelling to other project sites outside Philex Camp were difficulties that she encounter
in her job. In order for her to cope with these difficulties all she does is time management and setting her
priorities. According to her, the greatest achievement she had received from her job so far was being
promoted to Assistant Manager of her department.

She said that her past working experiences helped her to be diligent and confident in everything
that is being assigned to her. When asked to define “Happiness” in her job, she said that it is when “I can
work well with my peers in the department in achieving our objectives.”

“One should be patient, diligent, respectful and resilient.” These were her words when asked what
should be the values and skills that young people need to maintain and prepare for future employment.

Finally, she shared that upon retiring from her job, she plans to do some travelling.

For my insights from this interviewee, being in a job that requires proficiency in manipulating
computer requires the values of patience, diligence, respect, and resiliency. Working with computers is not
easy. It is technology, and technology always develops and changes that’s why it is important for someone
who plans to be in this field of work to be industrious and diligent in order to perform well in the job.

SWOT Analysis of the Project

Strengths Weaknesses
Doing this project gives a lot of benefits: Doing the project:
-enhances the student’s -requires allocation of a little big
interpersonal skills through the amount of time
interviews -requires utilization of one’s
-helps gain more useful knowledge interpersonal skills in dealing with the
about the job of the people who the interviewees which can be challenging
student interviewed -requires good skill in sentence and
-gives the student better things to do paragraph structuring for the output
than playing
-prepares the student for higher
education’s more challenging
Opportunities Threats
The fulfillment of this project will: Unsuccessfulness of the project can be
-definitely increase the student’s caused by:
competency for related projects -the student’s laziness and tendency for
-definitely enhance the student’s creativity in procrastination
creating his/her projects -the student’s inability to manage time
-definitely teach the student on what to do between different requirements in
and what not to do when faced with another school
project like similar to this -student’s lack of initiative,interest,
-provide great learning experience to dedication, and commitment to finishing
everyone the project

The fulfillment and completion of this project taught me lot. From the process of making this
project, I was awakened from the illusion that it is okay to cram in doing my project. I realized that
sometimes it may work for me to work under pressure but in doing projects like this, it needs enough time
and attention to deal with the interviewees and to transcribe their responses. Commitment and dedication
to finish a project like this is important for one to have good output. It also requires a lot patience to read
and understand materials that are needed for the projects aside from understanding what the interviewees
have to say.

According to my fifth interviewee, “One should be patient, diligent, respectful and resilient.” This is
absolutely true and not just for the success of someone in his/her chosen career but also in life itself. As the
old saying goes, “All good things come to those who wait.” Patience is one value that I, myself, do not
practice as often as I should be. Many times I rush into things which I should not do. Waiting teaches us
that achievement of something great is not done overnight, that success is not something that just shows
up and presents itself at our doorstep. It takes time to be masters of our own chosen fields. Laziness won’t
take anyone anywhere but failure. Being diligent, hardworking, and industrious is very important. It took
hardworking scientists to discover the many inventions and other things that we are enjoying right now. It
took diligent scholars to study theories before that are now proven to be facts. It took an industrious Luca
Pacioli to publish a work on the double-entry system of book-keeping that, until now, is being used as a
standard for accounting. Respect is another value that should be integrated in one’s principles in order to
succeed in life. The way we treat other people is undeniably a very important factor to success. What’s the
sense of being on top if other people can’t relate to you because of your rudeness and unkind behavior?
Respect should not only be serviced to other people; it should also be practiced to one’s own self. Respect
for one’s self will prevent anyone to do something bad that will ruin his/her own reputation. Respect for
one’s self will lead to respect for others as well.

To state the obvious, this project is not easy for someone like me who is afraid to go for interviews.
As an interviewer, one should have the proper skills to communicate and keep the conversation going with
the interviewee until all the needed information are gathered. That process alone was not easy for me but I
know I had no other choice. I know that doing such will also help me grow and prepare me for my future
endeavors. Another problem I encountered while doing this project was the distractions from my external
environment. Whenever I had the opportunity to work on this project, I always end up doing other things like

internet surfing and going out with friends. I dealt with this problem by deleting the applications in my phone
that I know distract me from working on my project and I had to gather some courage to say no to my
friends whenever they ask me to go out with them.

My first interviewee was one of my teachers back in Junior High School. When he was still my
teacher, I never saw in him that being in this job is something that he dislikes. And now that I know that
about him, I feel a little bad for him. It must feel awful to be stuck in a job that you don’t like. What I learned
from the interview I had with him was that, sometimes we have to do things even if we don’t want to but
there are also limits for this. If we feel imprisoned in our job, maybe it’s time to leave and look for another
job that will not only provide us our daily needs but also give us happiness. Happiness is a very important
feeling that everyone should feel from their job- it is not just about the salary and the benefits.



Name: (Optional) Age:

Status: Single ___ Married ___ Others _______________
Highest Educational Attainment:
School or University Graduated:
Present Work/ Job: Years at Present Work:
Status in Work: Probationary ___ Permanent___ Part-time ___ Others _______
Position: Number of Working Hours:
Salary Scale: per month? _____ per day? _____ per hour? _____

Work Experiences:
Possible guide questions: (Depending on what is applicable)
1. Why did you choose this kind of job?
2. What were the requirements when you applied in your present job?
3. Please describe the processing of such requirements and why is it important?
4. Kindly describe your company or your present job.
5. Do you find contentment with your job at present? Why or why not?
6. If not, and given a chance, do you want to transfer from your present job to another one?
7. What are the benefits that you receive from you company or from your employer?
8. May you share any difficulties (experiences) that you encounter with your job?
9. How do you cope up with difficulties that you encounter? (One is to one basis)
10. May you share any awkward moments in your job?
11. What is the greatest achievement that you think you had received because of your job or work? 12.
How does your past working experience/s help you in your present job?
13. How do you define “Happiness” at your present work?
14. If you please share, what should be the values and skills that we need as young ones to maintain and
prepare in order to be hired if we will apply in our prospect job or work?
15. May you share your plan upon retiring?


Job Dissatisfaction: Causes, Reasons and Employee Responses - Video & Lesson Transcript

Gov’t workers happiest, says online report


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