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 Introduction
Recruitment is the process of identifying, screening, short listing and
hiring of the potential human resource for the purpose of filling up the
possible with the organization. It is the central function management.
Recruitment is the process of selecting the right person for right time.
The educational qualification, experience, abilities and skills of the
individual needs to be taken into consideration selecting and opinting
potential candidate to meet the needs and requirement of the

 Meaning
Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, short listing,
selecting and appointing the suitable candidate for jobs within an

Recruitment process
1. Recruitment planning :-
Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process,
where the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes
job specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications and
skills required for the job, etc..

2. Strategy development :-
Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process,
where a strategy is prepared for hiring the resources. After
completing the preparation of job descriptions and job
specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt
for recruiting the potential candidates for the organization.
a) Make or buy employee – which means the firm either decide to
select less skilled employee and invest training and education

b) Methods of recruitment – The firm decide on the method used

for recruiting the individual. Such as the torrent provides detailed
about the prospective candidate.

c) Geographical Area – The next decision is related to the area

from where candidate shall be searched.

d) Source of recruitment – there are two source of recruitment:

Internal source (within organization), External source (with
organization).The from where the candidate are hired.

3. Searching :-
One the strategy is prepaid the search for the candidate can be

4. Screening :-
Screening means to shortlist the application of candidate for
further selection process. Although the candidate is consider as the
strategy point of evaluation but is integral to the recruitment

5. Evaluation And Control :-

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of
recruitment. In this process, the effectiveness and the validity of
the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly
process, hence it is important that the performance of the
recruitment process is thoroughly evaluated
Recruitment Policy

A recruitment policy is a statement on how you hire. It

outlines your company’s preferred hiring practices and promotes
consistency within your employee recruiting process.

Some Recruitment Policies are as Under

Complies with government policy
Provide employment security
Provide job security
Detailed recruitment process to guide
Advertising the position
Screening/Interviewing candidate
Offering the position
Recruitment cost and functional cost
Provide employee development
Reflect the social commitment
Cost effective for the organization.

Advantages of Recruitment
Fast response
Broad customer in private and public sector
Improved attraction and recruitment strategy
Identifies prepaid poetical job application who will be appropriate
Higher succession rate of selection process by reducing thenumber
of visibility under-qualified or overqualified job applicants.
 Its rapid changing environment and must have a well defined
recruitment policy
 Don’t live the right person, Don’t select the wrong person
 Recruitment is the life blood process of Human Resource which
needs to purified and simulated by the He(art) Of Human


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