Addiction of Internet Safety To Filipino People

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"The Social Factors that Cause Social Networking

Addiction to Selected Students Particularly in

Cogon National High School"

Cogon National High School

Cogon, City of Naga, Cebu

S.Y. 2018-2019

In Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements

for English Subject

A Research Paper

Presented to

Mrs. Miraflore Agunod


Submitted by:

Nelsa Pardillo L.

Grade- 10 Phoenix



Rationale of the Study

Internet is the greatest gift of technology which has made life easier. It is not the only
fastest mode of providing information but today it is serving us in various ways. One of the
biggest benefits that internet users enjoy is communication; people living in different parts of the
world can communicate with each other through the internet. Equipped with most modern
interactive tools like emails, chats, SMS, voice SMS, internet provides fastest and most hassle-
free communication. Unlike post offices and telephone connections, internet is accessible from
all corners of the world and being a 24x7 service, it keeps on providing its service to people all
the time. Without the internet prosperity of most businesses in today‘s world would have been a
great challenge.

Nowadays, social networking has made an enormous impact on the lifestyle of

individual around the globe. It has already been a huge contribution to the daily social routine in
various types of communities. High and middle class society is now into social networking sites
like facebook, twitter, Instagram and etc. Even low-class people are into these social networking
sites as well. Actually, these social networking sites have played a big part to the global
community in terms of communication purposes.

Some use these sites in order to communicate to their love ones across the globe, in
different countries as possible. Companies and business profile use it for selling and advertising
products and for gaining customers. Some also use it as a media for gaining friends and for
engaging in relationships and others use these internet sites for gaming purposes. But what is
bothersome today is the way student use these networking sites.

Social Networking is helpful among students in way such as communicating about

projects and tasks in school but some students cross the boundaries of using such sites. They use
it for sexual and intimacy purposes. Some use it for gambling purposes. Misuse of such sites are
what makes the social networking world hazardous to all people in it especially to students of
minor ages. What's some more harmful is that seldom leads to the destruction of the student's
foundation for their future which is education.
Background of the Study

The researcher conducted this study because she is also part and exposed in such
addiction and misuse. The researcher is also curious and interest to know if this study can help
her to avoid this so- called addiction, or if already involved in this addiction- help her find ways
to get out of this addiction and gain back her interest in her studies and school activities.

Objective of the study

This study aims to know the social factors that affect the high school students of Cogon
National High School to become addicted to social networking sites like facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and etc. This study also aims to know how this addiction affects the lack interest of
students in school works and activities.

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the social factors that cause the Cogon National High School
students to get addicted to social networking the result to habitual absenteeism and poor class

Specifically, answers to the following are sought:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Religion

2. What re the social factors that are cause the Cogon National High School students to get
addicted to social networking that result to habitual absenteeism and poor class performance in
terms of:

a. Attitude towards study

b. Family involvement and concern

c. Peer pressure

Significance of the Study

This study wants to identify the social factors that cause the Cogon National High School
students in getting addicted to social networking that result to poor class performance.

This study is for:

The students of Cogon National High School, that they may read and find out the good
and bad side of this kind of problem in their education and their future. Moreover, this research
or study will provide them enough information so they can avoid being addicted to social
networking sites and so they can improve their education.

The Teachers, and to all faculty members of Cogon National High School, that they
may read and be aware of the changes of the students and even the effects of social networking
to their students, so that they can educate their students about the limitations of using the social
networking sites. This may help them in planning their own tactics in making their students
avoid social networking addiction.

The School Principal, that she/he may use this data to be able to reach out to students
and inform them about the factors that can cause such problems and how these problems can be

The future students of Cogon National School, that they can avoid it and realize that
this computer gaming may lead them to computer addiction and might lead them to an
unproductive future.

The community possessing the same kind of case, that they can read about the study
and make it as a guide on understanding how this problem emerged and how would they deal
with the problem itself.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study focus on the selected students of Cogon National High School and is only
limited within the female and male between ages 14-15 years old including all sections. The
researcher did not include other ages to this study because of their self control in terms of social
networking. This study aims to identify the students who are addicted in social networking
resulting in poor class performance. The researcher did not intended to include all kinds of
factors that may affect student's poor class performance, but it is only focused on the social
factors the factors that affect our direct or daily lifestyle.

Definition Of terms

Internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via
various types of media. The internet is a network of global exchanges – including private, public,
business, academic and government networks – connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic
Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or
social contacts by making connections through individuals, often through social media sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.

Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation without good

reason. Generally, absenteeism is unplanned absences. Absenteeism has been viewed as an
indicator of poor individual performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between
employee and employer. It is seen as a management problem, and framed in economic or quasi-
economic terms. More recent scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of
psychological, medical, or social adjustment to work.

Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive

substance use despite harmful consequence.

Community a group of people living in the same place or having a particular

characteristic in common.

Works Cited



Curriculum Vitae

Provincial Address: Cabangkalan, Cogon,City of Naga, Cebu
Age: 17 years Old
Date Of Birth: June 24, 2001
Place of Birth: Lanas, City of Naga, Cebu
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino


Secondary: Cogon National High School

Cogon, City of Naga, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2019

Primary: Cogon Elementary School

Cogon, City of Naga, Cebu
S.Y. 2014-2015

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