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iMovie Video Assessment task

Year level 6
Learning area Science
Subject Earth and Space Sciences
Title of task Experts on Natural Disasters iMovie Video Assessment

Task Details
Description of task Students are to create a short 2-4 minute iMovie video – involving the green
screen function – showcasing what they have learnt about the causes and
effects of their allocated natural disaster.
Type of Summative
Purpose of Test the students’ knowledge of the causes and effects of their allocated natural
assessment disaster.
Assessment Project
strategy Group Work
Suggested time One lesson
Content Description
Content from the Science understanding
Western ACSSU096: Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface
Curriculum Science as a human endeavour
ACSHE100: Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community

Science inquiry skills

ACSIS110: Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a
variety of ways, including multi-modal texts.

Key Concepts Causes and effects of natural disasters (in particular; earthquakes, volcanoes &
Task preparation
Prior learning • Students have been learning how sudden geological changes and extreme
weather events can affect the Earth’s surface.
• Students have been learning about the different natural disasters that occur
on Earth.
• Students are familiar with the stop motion app.

Year 6 Earth Science. Natural Disasters. iMovie Video Assessment Task. 1

Experts on Natural Disasters iMovie Video Assessment

To create a short 2-4 minute iMovie – involving the green screen function – showcasing what you
have learnt over the last two lessons (causes and effects of natural disasters).

Requirements: The video must…

1. Be 2-4 minutes in length.

2. Incorporate the green screen function to create a background for your video using an image that your
group feels showcases your allocated natural disaster.
3. Define your allocated natural disaster.
4. Identify and explain the causes of your natural disaster.
5. Identify and explain the effects of your natural disaster.
6. Identify how these effects might be prevented or managed.
7. Describe your chosen real life example of your natural disaster and the effects it had on the surrounding
communities, the surrounding environment and the rest of the world.

Due Date: 3pm, Thursday 26th March.

Submission: Uploaded onto the class padlet.

Year 6 Earth Science. Natural Disasters. iMovie Video Assessment Marking Rubric. 2
Marking Rubric:


Year 6 Earth Science. Natural Disasters. iMovie Video Assessment Marking Rubric. 3

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