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It is important that all students receive the same level of education.

designs provide a basis for decisions regarding the selection, structuring and
sequencing of the educational experiences. There are several aspects and it may
differs from one model to another but the goal may be same which to cater the
differences of the students in school regardless of their background, language
proficiencies, religions and so on in order to give them quality and equity of

Tyler’s and Wheeler’s are two different models that we are going to look into. Tyler’s
is a straight line, deductive model which focusing on curriculum as a means of
aiming toward an educational object whereas Wheeler’s is a cyclical, inductive model
which is a continuous responding to the changes within education where any
information or practice will bring changes. Deductive often uses facts, rules,
definitions or properties to arrive at a conclusion. On the other hand, inductive is
more likely uses patterns to arrive at a conclusion.
The brilliance of Tyler’s model is that it was one of the first models and it was and
still is a highly simple model consisting of four steps.

1. Determine the school’s purposes ( objectives)

2. Identify educational experiences related to purpose
3. Organize the experiences
4. Evaluate the purposes

Step one is determining the objectives of the school or class. It is important to

foresee the objectives that is going to obtain.

Step two is developing learning experiences that help us to achieve step one.
Developing learning experiences can be made from experimental learning, on task
learning and many other ways where we can directly deal with it personally to expect
the come out of the purposes we have mentioned about.

Step three is organizing the experiences. Let us take an example of a learning

situation in a classroom. Should the teacher demonstrate first or should the students
learn by writing immediately? Either way could work and preference is determined by
the philosophy of the teacher and the needs of the students.

Lastly, step four is evaluation of the objectives. Now the teacher assesses the
students’ ability to write an essay. For example, the teacher could have the students
write an essay without assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the students
have achieve the objective of the lesson.

Strength of Tyler’s Model

As we can see, Tyler’s model is an easy and has a clear direction of what a teacher
would want to achieve at the end of the day. Central to Tyler’s Model is effectively
organizing the learning activities. Teachers have to think of the objectives to obtain,
simply planning out the activities, execute and see the results.
Next, the content can be explored through both theory and practice. Students need
concrete experiences to which the readings are meaningfully connected. So, using
practical and on task activities, students are able to engage what they have read
with the real life situation.

Three major criteria are required in building organized learning experiences:

continuity, sequence and integration. Hence, the Tyler’s model is a suitable and
applicable to be used because teachers have to plan, back up plan, think of the
steps to be taken upon executing the plan and integrate it with other elements of
entertainment, play and most importantly it can inculcate students in achieving the
objective. When students are engaging in the activities, involves the active
participation of the learner (Prideaux,2003).

Weakness of Tyler’s

Even though Tyler’s straight line model has been developed explicitly, it has several
criticisms as followings (Huang & Yang, 2004). In case evaluation is not ideal; this
model does not have a feedback mechanism to tell people how to correct it; it seems
lack a procedure between evaluation and organization, and this procedure is
execution. Also, the objective under Tyler’s straight line model has a behavioral
orientation. Behavioral objectives have many advantages if applied to curriculum
design, but they have some limitations on execution. For example, they do not apply
to all subjects or the design of a subject’s content.

Besides, as the model only targeting the result upon the first the plan executed, it
has limitation of narrowly interpreted objectives. For example, if at the end of the
lesson there were some students, who did not achieve the objectives, it can be
considered as a failed plan. It is opposite with the Wheeler’s model where teacher
has the chance to review the plan, search for the factors that contribute to the failing
of objectives achievement and plan to overcome the problem.
Wheeler’s model

Wheeler suggested five inter-related phases in the curriculum process which

logically would produce an effective curriculum.

Strengths of Wheeler’s model

Wheeler or Cyclic model present the curriculum design process as

 Continuing activity.
 Incorporates new information into the curriculum.
 Views curriculum elements as interrelated and interdependent.
 Has feedback mechanism.
 Emphasize on the situational analysis.
 Evaluate at a stage where its findings are feedback into the objectives.

Weakness of Wheeler model

A fundamental problem in utilizing the model is the amount of time required to

undertake an effective situational analysis. Since it has a cyclical phase in which
teachers have to review and reflect on the results collected to plan for the steps
to improve the results, it is time consuming.
Besides, it is difficult to locate which area to be selected in order to make the plan
work. Is it the aim or the selection of experiences or content? It really can confuse
the teacher in managing the plan to overcome the problems if found.

It seems to lack of procedure between organizing and integrating learning

experiences, content and evaluation.

The model I prefer

I would choose Wheeler’s because it undertakes situational analysis whereby the

context or situation which curriculum decisions are to be taken is thoroughly
studies. This help curriculum teachers to take correct decision thus encouraging
active participation of staffs in school based curriculum

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