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Lesson Plan in TLE VI – Industrial Arts

Demonstrates and understanding of and skills in recycling waste materials.

Recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”

1. Discuss the identified products of waste materials into functional items.
2. Recycles the identified waste materials into functional items
3. Patronize and appreciate the use of recycled products.

II. CONTENT Recycling of Waste Materials


A. References:
1. Curriculum Guide page: K-12,4.4 TLE6IA 0j- 14 page 41
2. Textbook pages: Technology and Livelihood Education:
3. Additional Materials from learning Resource (LR) portal
4. Other materials: pictures, real objects, powerpoint presentation
B. Values: Caring for oneself

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
What are the three processes in recycling waste materials?
What are the importance of the three processes?
Identify the process used in recycling waste materials in each picture.

1. 2. 3.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

What can we do to lessen the garbage at home, in school, and in the community?

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new lesson

Name the common waste materials that you see in the picture. What can you do
to make these materials profitable?

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

1. Constructivist – (Thinking Skills)
RMFD Activity
Present pictures of finished products of common waste materials.

Complete the table with waste materials and finished product.

Waste Materials Finished Products

What products are made up of plastic, metal, glass, paper and wood?
Choose one from the plastic products that you want to do. Why?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2

Have the pupils discuss the importance of recycling things which are
still valuable and useful.

D. Developing Mastery (leads to Formative Assessment)

Constructivist (Activity-Based)
Group Activity: Making of pencil case out of plastic bottle. (3 A’s Activity)
a. Show a to the pupils how to make a pencil case out of plastic
b. Ask: What are the materials used?
How many plastic bottles are used?
What are the tools used in this project?
What are the steps in making this project?
What are the safety precautions to remember while
c. Making of pencil case out of plastic bottles (Group Work )

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Do you think recycling materials can provide some basic needs of the
family? In what way?
How will you promote the use of recycled materials?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the benefits of waste materials in our daily living?
I. Evaluating Learning (Using the Rubrics)
Direction: Present all the finished products. Write 5 for the highest score
and 1 for the lowest score.

Making of Plastic Bottles into Pencil Case

Criteria Score

25- 100 %
23-24 – 95%
20-22 – 90%
17-19 – 85%
12-16 – 80%
1-11 – 75%

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Choose from recycle waste materials found at home and create another



a. Number of Learners who earned

80%in the evaluation.
b. Numbers of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
c. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me?
g.What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Group III

Direction: Present the finished products. Write 5 for the

highest score and 1 for the lowest score.

Making of Plastic Bottles into Pencil Case

Criteria Score






25- 100 %
23-24 – 95%
20-22 – 90%
17-19 – 85%
12-16 – 80%
1-11 – 75%
Learning Competency

Recycles the identified products/waste material into functional items

Strategy 1: 3 A’s Activity (Act, Analyze, Apply)

A. Show a video on how to make a product out of plastic bottle. (pencil case)

B. Ask: What are the materials needed?

How many plastic bottles do we need?
What are the tools needed in this project?
What are the steps in making this project?
What are the safety precautions to remember while working?

C. Making of pencil case out of plastic bottles

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