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Mathematics 7
(January 24, 2020)
Prepared by: Jocelyn A. Revilla

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts,

uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the
different forms of data representation, measure of central tendency,
measures of variability, and probability.

B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to collect and organize data

systematically and compute accurately measures of central tendency and
variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation
in different fields.

C. Learning Competencies: The learner illustrates the measures of central

tendency (mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.

II. Content/Topic: Measures of Central Tendency

III. Teaching Strategies: 4A’s

IV. Values Integration: Teamwork

V. References:

VI. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Expected


Let us recall our previous lesson about Graphical The students will identify
Representation of Frequency Distribution. the different graphical

So again, what is graph? Graphs are useful for displaying and presenting
information very quickly.

Thank you. For another question, the summaries of Through tabular, graphical or numerical form.
data may be in the form of what?

Very good! It seems that you do understand our

previous lesson about Graphical Representation of
Frequency Distribution,
a. Have you ever experienced to compute the average of Students’ answers may vary.
your grades for you wanted to compare it with your
classmates’ grades? How did you compute it?
b. Have you ever experienced to check the papers of
your classmate in a test, organizing them, and
knowing who will divide the results into two equal
c. Have you ever experienced to determine your grade
that you always encounter in your report card?
d. Do you know that in these everyday experiences at
school, we always encounter the three measures of
central tendency? Why do you say so?

B. Developmental Activity
1. Activity

Model the process of finding the mean, median, and mode of

ungrouped data using the stacks of coin.
 Using the coins, duplicate the 7 stacks given: 7 coins,
11 coins, 6 coins, 11 coins, 8 coins, and 17 coins.
Each stack represents a number in a set of data.
 Arrange the stacks in order of the number of coins in
each stack. Start with the stack cointaining the least
number of coins and end with the stack containing
the greatest number of coins. Record the number of
coins in each stack.
 Locate the middle stack. Record.
 Take note the group pf stacks having the same
number of coins.
 There are seven stacks of coin. Rearrange the coins
so that each of the seven stacks contains the same
number of coins. Describe how you do this.

2. Analysis
1) How many coins are in the middle set? The
Students’ answers may vary.
median is the middle number in an ordered set.
What is the median of this set?
2) To the stacks with the same number, how many
coins are in each of these stacks? The number that
appears most often in a collection of data is called
the mode. What is the mode of this set of data?
3) Describe how you evenly distributed the copins
of the stacks. When the coins are evenly
distributed over the seven stacks, the nu,ber in
each stack is called the mean. The mean is the
most common definition of average. What is the
mean of the data set?
4) How are the numbers for the mean, median, and
mode of this example are alike? How are they
differ from each other?
Mean, Median and Mode
3. Abstraction
Mean is the average of the scores and it is called
the mathematical center of a distribution
Congratulation class! You did great with our activity for
today. The median is the arithmetic mean of the two
middle values or called as the population of
Since you did grear, I have here some exercises for you. central value

Compute for the mean median and mode of the following The mode is the most important frequently
data. occurring score in the ungrouped data
1. 80, 81, 79, 74, 86, 85
2. 24, 27, 23, 19, 18, 26, 18, 24

3. Application
Now class, I will group you into 2 groups I will give
each group a small folder that contain different problem, you
will answer the following question that being asked, after
that the one representative of the group will go in front and
discuss on how they solved the said problems. Understand

4. Generalization
What are the most important measures of central

Good! What is the definition of Mean?

That’s Right! How about the Median?

Very good. What is the Mode?

I. Evaluation
I. Define the ff:
1. Mean 2. Median 3. Mode
II. Find the mean, median and mode and interpret the results
1. Determine the mean of the following set of numbers:
40, 61, 95, 79, 9, 50, 80, 63, 109, 42
2. A student recorded her scores on weekly math quizzes that were marked out
of a possible ten points her scores as follows:
8, 5, 8, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 6, 6, 9, 8, 9, 7, 9, 9, 6, 8, 6, 6, 7
What is the median and mode of her scores on the weekly math quizzes?

II. Assignment
Read and Study the Percentiles, Deciles and Quartiles from page 57-60

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