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Soal kelas 12


1. Widuri : is that todays newspaper ? __________

Ridwan : Sure. Do you want to see today’s headline ?
Widuri : No , I just want to check the movie schedule
a. Have you finished reading it ?
b. Did you borrow it this morning ?
c. Would you lend it to me a minute?
d. Do you mind if I return it to its place ?
e. Would you havefinished read it ?

2. Secretary : May I help you ?

Visitor : Yes, please. May I speak with Mr. Adnan Buyung ?
Secretary : I’m sorry ,______ . he will be free in a few minute
a. He’s busy right now
b. He can’t meet you now
c. Just one moment, please
d. He’s waiting for somebody
e. We can meet a few minute please

3. Bondan : Hi, Adinda _________________

Adinda : Not much . Oh, yeah I’m taking an English speech class
Bonda : that sounds like fun !!!
a. What do you usually do ?
b. What did you do yesterday ?
c. What have you already done ?
d. What are you doing these days?
e. What have you been already done ?

4. Nadia : _____________ its on Friday after work

Rendi : I’d love to. Can I bring something to eat ?
Nadia : No. There’ll be plenty of food and drink there
a. May I help you ?
b. Can you come to my party ?
c. When should I come to your party ?
d. Would you mind if I come to your party ?
e. She sould come to my party ?
5. Students : _____________
Teacher : No, they aren’t. look there’s a sign over there that says no
Students : Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice it. Thanks for telling me
Teacher : You’re welcome
a. Why don’t you swim here ?
b. Are people allowed to swim here ?
c. Would you like to swim here ?
d. Would you mind swimming here ?
e. Would her swim here ?

6. Alice : what’s your brother’s activity during the weekend ?

Elly : _______________ . He’s fond of surfing
a. He likes to stay at home
b. He often hangs out with his friends
c. He usually goes to the beach
d. He spends most of the time in the court
e. He spend more of the timing in the restaurant

7. Ina : Did you know that izhar got an accident ?

Ani : oh, dear ________. Is okay ?and what actually happened ?
Man : A car hit him
a. He should go to the hospital
b. He deserved to get it
c. That’s awful
d. Don’t wory
e. I’m happy to hear that

8. Wisnu : How did you get to Surabaya ?

Ujang : _________ . its really fun and exiting trip
a. I got on a train
b. I look for a bus
c. I stayed in the nearest hotel
d. I drive through the cities
e. I go by bus
9. Sri : what will happen if it rains ?
Denny : well, I think ________ so we must be careful in driving the car
a. The road will be slippery
b. The plants will be wet
c. The sky would be cloudy
d. The rain could be heavy
e. The snow could be cold

10. Stranger : I’ve spent almost half an hour to find the central post office.
Can you show me where it is ?
Martinus : Of course .______________
Stranger : Thank you very much
a. Go along this street. It is next to aman bank
b. Come to the town and I will you show you the post office
c. Go across this street, the clinic is next to the post office
d. Find the post office, and you will see the tall building next to it
e. Go across from here and in front of the market Is clinic

11. Harry : Perhaps we could all go out for dinner __________ ?

Jenny : That’d be lovely . we’ve planned it several times ever since we moved here
a. What about driving around in the village ?
b. Why don’t we eat together at home ?
c. Should we order the food now ?
d. What about going to the office ?
e. How about going to the office

12. Resha : Sales, dena resa speaking

Puji : May I speak to Thomas , please ?
Resa : I’m sorry. His line is busy right now . _________ ?
Puji : All right. Please tell him puji called
a. Would you like to hold on ?
b. Could you wait for him
c. Who’s speaking ?
d. May I take a message ?
e. Can u call later ?
13. Uncle : I didn’t see your mother. Where is she ?
Nephew : she is in the kitchen _____________
a. She is preparing our meal
b. She should have cooked lunch
c. She was busy helping father in the office
d. She used to order some fruits from that place
e. She was preparing for dinner

14. Visitor : Why is this place so messy ?

Host : I’m sorry. _________ but we’ll tidy it up soon as possible
a. Its not a problem right ?
b. Can you help us clean it ?
c. The office boy didn’t come this week
d. The receptionist will inform you later
e. Would I help clean it ?

15. Bambang : I’m having a party on Friday _______________

Sita : Well, thanks for inviting me, but I’m afraid , I’m busy then
Bambang : oh, that’s too bad. Maybe some other time
a. May I ask you about it ?
b. Could you drive me ?
c. Can you come ?
d. Would you invite me ?
e. Should I drive you ?


Question 16-18

Recycling Instructions

Please separate your trans into the following bins

Glass and plastic go in the large blue bin. Paper and cardboard
products go in the yellow bin. Alumunium cans go in the purple bin
, but all other metals go in the red bin. Food waste should be put in
the green bin.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Scherk property management

16. Where should you put cola bottles ?
a. In the blue bin
b. In the yellow bin
c. In the red bin
d. In the green bin
e. In the orange bin
17. Which of the following would you put in the yellow bin ?
a. Old shoes
b. Food
c. Magazines
d. A broken TV
e. Drink
18. Which of the following can NOT be put in the green bin ?
a. Newspaper
b. A leftlover sandwich
c. Drange peel
d. Rice
e. Magazines

1.Freelance , self employed ( apparel and fashion industry)

February 2009 – present ( 3 years 2 month ) handling various kinds of design job which you could
review from my website. Also writing for a blog at my spare time

2. Design Team Leader and Product Development

P.T Eurogate Indonesia : Higson International Group (Apparel and Fashion industry) oktober 2000 (8
years 4 month)

3.Art Director P.T Asiabumi Furukawa (Electrical/ electronics manufacturing industry)

May 1999- September 2000 ( 1 year 5 month)

Question 19 -21

19. What does point 2 mention about ?

a. He is supervising product department
b. He is managing design department
c. he is directing electronic industry
d. he is handling design job
e. he is writing a book
20. what’s his job at the moment ?
a. Experienced employee
b. Freelance worker
c. Team leader
d. Art director
e. Unemployed

21. “……. Writing for a blog at my spare time

The underlined words are closest in meaning to _____________________
a. Free time
b. Busy time
c. Part time
d. Quality time
e. Spare time

Dear jane,

Sorry to send you letter, but you know , I am very sad to see anisa
went out from our tea m. Our friends said that anisa has a conflict with you.
You can solve it, cant you ? then , please persuade her to come back to our
team. She is a good player. I hope you can solve it. Thanks.



22. Who sends the letter ?

a. Jane d. Diva
b. Hanny e. Rani
c. Anisa

23. Why did anisa go out from the team ?

a. Because she has a new team
b. Because she wants to have a new atmosphere
c. Because she was bored
d. Because she has a conflict with jane
e. Because her parents forbid her
24. What’s hanny’s hope ?
a. Jane accompanies anisa to register another team
b. Jane visit anisa to invite her joining in her team
c. Jane apologies anisa and does everything anisa want
d. Jane forget the conflict with anisa and persuade her to join the team again
e. Jane solves her conflict with anisa and persuades her to join the team again

For question 25- 30

If you are about to look for a job , the suggeestions I offer here can help you, whether or not you have a high
school certificate or diploma, whether you are just starting out or changing your job or career. Before you try
to (25)_______ a job , you have to answer the hardest (26)_______ of your working life:” what do I want to

Here’s a good way sit down ______(28) a piece of paper and don’t get up _______(29)you’ve to list all the
things you are proud to ______(30)accomplished. Your list might include being head of a fund – raising
campaign , or juicy role in the senior play.

25. a. find d. search

b. apply e. get
c. have

26. a. statement d. question

b. choice e. answer
c. requirement

27. a. do d. work
b. find e. live
c. get

28. a. by d. upon
b. with e. close
c. on

29. a. when d. as
b.un till e. still
c. since
30. a. be d. become
b. being e. take
c. hold

Question 31- 33

To :

From :

Re : Shopping

I (31) ______ extra money this month because I worked overtime. I’m going to the bank today to
cash my check. Then I’m (32)_________

I know that you hate going to the mall when you don’t have any money. I’d be happy to
(33)________you some money. You could pay me back as soon as you get paid. Call me and tell me
what you think . I need some new clothes, and you know I hate shopping alone.


31. a. added 33. a. lend

b. gained b. borrow
c. earned c. lease
d. won d. rent
e. want e. while
32. a. getting my haircut
b. going shopping
c. going back to work
d. looking for a new job.
e. looking around


34. Rian : Can you tell me where you live ?

Yetty : I live in a dormitory which resident come from many countries
35. Lilian : Excuse me. Would you mind to speak a little more slowly ?
I didn’t catch what you said
Wiwin : I’d be hapy

36. Rina : what do the two new girls like ?


Bayu : they’re very nice . they’re twins and they’re exactly alike
37. Henri : I don’t seem to be able to make any friends.
Mother: it’s your own fault. But if you went out more you will meet a few people
37. Bayu : which do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant ?
Hadi : I prefer to eat in restaurant to eating at home
38. John has waited twenty minutes for janet. It is now ten minutes seven
By Seven o’clock he will wait half an hour

39. It is now eight o’clock. In the last hour I have read thirty pages of this book
By nine o,clock I shall read sixty pages

40. Mr Towsend has been living in New Delhi For sometime

By the end of august he will been living there for three years

41. Ida : Look at the mountain. The cloud covers the top of it beautifully
Sukma : it is really amazing we have to thank the God for this blessing
The synonym of the underlined word is …….
a. Nice d. admirable
b. Interesting e. proud
c. Good
42. Mr. Rahman’s Family has an economical life. They never spend their money for buying
unnecessary things. The synonym of the underlined word is ………..
a. Save d. wasting
b. Frugal e. economic
c. Miser
43. We have to treat other people politely
The antonym of the underlined word is …….
a. Hard d. tough
b. Impolite e. smooth
c. Rudel
44. He has a difficult life but he never gives up and keeps his confidence to continuo his life.
The word that can be best replace the underlined word is ………..
a. Harsh d. light
b. Hard e. heavy
c. Easy
45. Caring someone’s problem is a good means to maintain friendship
The underlined wor is a / an …………..
a. Noun d. adjective
b. Adverd e. verb
c. Proposition
46. Fauzan : what are you going to do after finishing your school ?
Will you continue to the university ?
Farhan : ………. My family needs to be supported
a. I would rather find a job than study
b. I like studying in the college better than working
c. I prefer staying at home to going somewhere
d. I finish my study at the university
e. Yes maybe I’m going to university

47. Wati : what do you do on Sunday morning ?

Santi : …….. seeing blooming flowers make me more relaxed
a. I watch TV program about farming
b. I water the plants in the garden
c. I do some exercise in the gym
d. I go cycling to the beach
e. I go to school
48. Daniel : this plaace in too noisy. I need to find a quiet one to finish my tasks
Sinta : …….. you can also find many references there
a. Why don’t you take a rest?
b. I could meet you in your office
c. You should turn on the library
d. How about the library ?
e. How about if you back to home ?

49. Andrian : there is a problem with this camera . it doesn’t work …… ?

Hadi : I’m not sure I can fix it . let’s find repair shop
a. Do you know how to use it
b. Would you mind checking it out
c. Can you take some pictures for me
d. Will you show me the instruction
e. Do you understand about this camera
50. Hanna : I really want continue my study , but my parents can’t afford it
Saffa : what will you do then ?
Hanna : ………………
a. If I had a good chance , I would try it
b. If I get a scholarship , I will enter the college
c. If my parents permit me, I will enter the university
d. If I studied hard , I could pass the examination
e. If I studied hard , I will pass examination
Soal kelas 11


1. A : _____ does the bus run ?

B : it runs four time an hour
a. Where
b. What
c. How many times
d. How many
e. Why
2. A : ____ do you clean your teeth ?
B : I clean them twice everyday
a. How often
b. Why
c. How much
d. When
e. Where

3. A : _____ does your sister work ?

B : she works in the post office
a. What
b. Why
c. How often
d. Where
e. When

4. A : the students are visiting the national monument today , …….. ?

B : yes , they are
a. Is she
b. Aren’t they
c. Are they
d. Am i
e. Isn’t he
5. A : _____ do you buy this cheese ?
B : I buy this cheese because I want to make some cookies
a. What
b. Where
c. How far
d. Why
e. When
Question 6-10 refer to the following conversation

A : ……. (6) you do your sport ?

B : yes I do

A : what (7) ….. you ….. ?

B : I play football

A : (8) …. Your brother play football ?

B : no , he (9) ……

A : what sport (10) …. He play ?

B : he plays basketball

6. a. does 7. a. does , plays 8.a. do

b. do b. do, play b. does
c. is c. does , play c. did
d. am d. do , plays d. is
e. are e. do, playing e. are

9. a. does 10. A. do
b. do b. did
c. doesn’t c.does
d. don’t d. is
e. isn’t e. am

11. A : when did the workers arrive ?

a. They arrived in London
b. They arrives at 10 o’clock
c. They arrived last night
d. They will arrive tomorrow
e. They arrive next week

12. A : …….. ?
B : yes , she answered the phone
a. When did she answer the phone
b. who did she answer the phone
c. Did she answer the phone
d. Why did she answer the phone
e. Where did she answer the phone

13. A : …….. ?
B : he walked five miles yesterday
a. How much did he walk yesterday
b. Why did he walk yesterday
c. Where did he walk yesterday
d. How far did she walk yesterday
e. Did he walk yesterday

14. A : how did she open the door ?

B : …………
a. She opens the door yesterday
b. She opened the door with a key
c. She opening the door with a key
d. She open the door with a key
e. She open the door in Jakarta

15. A : …….. ?
B: I saw my boss in the meeting
a. When did you see your boss
b. What did you see
c. Where do you see your boss
d. How did you see your boss
e. Who did you see in the meeting

16. A : where did he work ?

B : ……
a. He worked in the hospital
b. He worked last night
c. He work in the hospital
d. He is working now
e. He doesn’t work

17. A : did you go to the library yesterday ?

B : ……
a. No, he did
b. Yes I didn’t
c. No , he doesn’t
d. Yes , I did
e. No, he didn’t

18. A : what time did you see the car accident last night
B : ……..
a. I saw the accident in the new york
b. I see the accident now
c. I see the accident everyday
d. I saw the accident tomorrow
e. I saw the accident at 9 p.m

19. A : where did you go in bandung ?

B : ……..
a. We go to an aircraft industry
b. We went to an aircraft industry
c. We are going to an aircraft industry
d. We have gone to an aircraft industry
e. We will go to an aircraft industry

20. my mother made a chocolate cake yesterday. The negative form for the sentence is …..
a. my mother doesn’t make a chocolate cake yesterday
b. my mother didn’t make a chocolate cake yesterday
c. my mother was’nt make a chocolate cake yesterday
d. my mother doesn’t made a chocolate cake yesterday
e. my mother don’t make a chocolate cake yesterday

21. the students was’nt write some letter last night . the positive form for the sentence is …..
a. the students are writing some letters last night
b. the students write some letters last night
c. the students wrote some letters last night
d. the students have written some letters last night
e. did the students write some letter last night

22. marni ate an apple this morning. The interrogative from for sentence is …..
a. marni didn’t eat an apple this morning
b. marni didn’t ate an apple this morning
c. did marnie eat an apple this morning ?
d. did marni ate an apple this morning ?
e. was marni eat an apple this morning ?

23. they boys didn’t play basketball last week. The positive form for the sentence is …..
a. the boys played basketball last week
b. the boys play basketball last week
c. did the boys play basketball last week ?
d. did the boys played basketball last week ?
e. the boys are playing basketball last week

24. my father drank a cup of coffe last night . the negative form for the sentence is …..
a. did my father drink a cup of coffe last night ?
b. did my father drank a cup of coffe last night ?
c. my father drinking a cup of coffe last night
d. my father wasn’t drink a cup of coffe last night
e. my father didn’t drink a cup of coffe last night

Question 25-29 refer to the following dialogue.

Anida : (25) …. You sleep well last night ?

Bento : no, I (26)…… I was too excited

Anida : oh , why were you exited ?

Bento : I was thinking about the job interview I had yesterday afternoon.

Anida : oh ? (27) ….. you go to an interview yesterday ?

Bento : yes, I (28)………

Anida : were you nervous ?

Bento : no, I weren’t . the interviewer was very nice and she (29) ….. ask me any difficult

Anida : do you get the job

Bento : I don’t know yet . I’ll find out today and tomorrow.

25. a. do 26. a. did 27. a. are

b. did b. didn’t b. does
c. does c. does c. do
d. is d. is d. is
e. am e. am e. did

28. a. didn’t 29.a. didn’t

b. doesn’t b. did
c. done c. does
d. did d.doesnt
e. are e.dont

Question 30- 34 refer to the following text

An accident report by anshory

At about 12:40 yesterday afternoon , it rained heavily when we and our friends were practicing
in the computer room . water came through the roof and the floor became wet.

One of our friends went into the storeroom to get a ladder. He climbed up onto the roof and
began to mend it. Really , this work was up there , the wind blew strongly. Several times he
slipped and almost fell down. The headmaster saw him doing the risky job. He looked very
worried about him and then went out of his room in hurry he asked him to stop mending it.

Our friend climbed down the ladder quickly , but suddenly there was a thunder in the air. He was
very surprised. This made the ladder move to the right. He lost his balance and jumped off the
ladder but it fell downwards and towards the headmaster. The ladder hit him hard on his head
and knocked him down. Oh , what a bad luck our headmaster got !!

30. when did the accident happen ?

a. at 12.00 o’clock this morning
b. at 12.15 this afternoon
c. at 11.00 yesterday
d. at 12.40 yesterday afternoon
e. at 11.40 last night

31. what happened with the room when it rained heavily ?

a. the wind blew strongly
b. water came through the roof and the floor became wet
c. the ladder hit the headmaster hard
d. the headmaster asked my friend to stop mending the roof
e. there was a heavy flood in the room

32. what happened when one of the students was up on the roof ?
a. the wind blew strongly
b. there was a thunder in the air
c. the rain stopped
d. the ladder hit the headmaster
e. the ladder fell down

33. the true statement based on the text is ………

a. the rain started at 12.30 last night
b. the water didn’t come through the roof
c. the ladder hit the headmaster hard and knocked him down
d. there was no strong wind
e. there was no thunder in the air

34. “….. he looked very worried about him ( paragraph 3 line 2 ) the word “he” refer to…..
a. rain
b. The students
c. The room
d. The headmaster
e. The thunder

question 35- 45 refer to the following conversation

George : so, how (35) …… do you clean your apartement ?

William : about (36) …… I (37) …. Clean it on Saturday

George : what about the kitchen ?

William : I clean it (38) ….. ,and I sweep the floor (39) ….. too

George : I should clean more (40)……. I only clean (41)…… how about dinner ? how (42)…..
do you cook in the evening

William : (43) …. I hate to cook . I eat breakfast at home , but I (44)…… go out for dinner
. what about you?

George : I don’t like to go out to eat , so I (45)…. Make dinner at home. I really like to cook. I
just hate to clean.
35 a. always 36 a.always 37. a. always
b. everyday b. everyday b. everyday
c. every week c. every week c. every week
d. once week d. once week d. once week
e. often e. often e. often

38. a. always 39. a. always 40. a. always

b. everyday b. every day b. every day
c. every week c. every week c. every week
d. once week d. once week d. once week
e. often e. often e. often

41. a. always 42. a. always 43. a. always

b. everyday b. everyday b. every day
c. every week c. every week c. every week
d. once week d. once week d. once week
e. often e. often e. often

44 a. always 45.a. always

b. everyday b. everyday
c. every week c. every week
d. once week d. once week
e. often e. often

Question 46-50 refer to this letter

Dear alice

Today is the first day of the college terms. I have just got my new timetable. The first lesson is
English. The lesson begins at nine o’clock and finishes at ten to ten. The next lesson is
geography and then we have a break. The break lasts from twenty to eleven until five to eleven.
The two lessons after break are Japanese and math.

Tomorrow we have physics until the break and then history and English. On Saturday we have
my favorite subjects at ten fifty-five and twelve thirty- five. There are twenty lessons each week
but they all take place in the morning. We are all very tired by lunchtime !
46. What is the first lesson on the first day of college ?
a. Physics
b. Math
c. English
d. History
e. Geograph

47. When does the break happen ?

a. At eight o’clok
b. At nine o’clock
c. At ten o’clock
d. At ten forty o’clock
e. At eleven o’clock

48. On what day does lala have her favorite subject ?

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
e. saturday

49. How many lessons are there each week ?

a. Ten
b. Five
c. Seven
d. Twenty
e. Twentyone

50. The true statement based on the text above is ……

a. There are fifteen lesson each week
b. The first lesson in the first day of college is math
c. The letter lala sends to alice contains information about her new timetable
d. The students are never tired by lunch time
e. The first lessons begins at eight o’ clock everyday
Kelas 1


1. A : hi ! how are you ?

B : ……. And you ?
A : fine , thanks
a. Not good
b. Fine
c. I’m feeling had
d. How are you too
e. I’d like you to meet

2. Mr yusuf : how are you doing nina ?

Nina : I’m very well , thanks mr yusuf . who’s the women beside you
Mr yusuf : oh ,…… ,she my wife. Mrs. Yuni
Nina : nice to know you mrs. Yuni
Mrs yuni : nice to know you
a. How are you
b. Let me introduce you to her
c. All right
d. Nice to meet you
e. What about you


A : hello ….. (3) franco rossi

B : oh , how do you do ? …. (4) harry miller

A : how do you do mr miller ? are you American?

B : yes I am …. (5) new York . how about you ?

A : I’m Italian in rome

B : nice to meet you

A : nice meeting you too

3. A. your name are
B. his name is
C. are you
D. my name is
E. Is he ?

4. A. she is
B. he is
C. you are
D. they are
E. I am

5. A. come from
B. we are from
C. she is from
D. you are from
E. they are from

The tsunami swept a man named rizal and his friend out to sea. Rizal (6)__________ an
uprooted tree and hung on. Unfortunately, he became separated from his (7)________
he floated and ate coconuts for eight days.(8) _______a ship rescued him.

6. a. pulled 7.a. family 8. a. finally

b. pushed b. colleague b.closely
c. reached c. companion c. carefully
d. grabbed d. community d. immediately
e. tsunami e. his friends e.closed

9. A : ….. you english

B : yes , I …….
a. Is , are
b. Is ,am
c. Are , am
d. Are, is
e. Am , is
10. A : is Fatimah a doctor ?
B : no , she …… she is a nurse
a. Aren’t
b. Don’t
c. Am not
d. Isn’t
e. Doesn’t

11. A : what ‘s ….. name ?

B : my name is heri
a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Your
e. My

12. A : are these mother’s things ?

B : no , they are not ……
a. Mine
b. Ours
c. Theirs
d. His
e. Hers

13. A : he’s from mexico , isn’t he ?

B : yes , ______ name is Fernando torres
a. His
b. My
c. Her
d. Our
e. Their

14. A : excuse me . is this your dictionary ?

B : no , it’s not ……
a. Hers
b. His
c. Ours
d. Mine
e. Theirs
15. A : where are you and your wife from ?
B : _____ are from singapore ?
a. She
b. He
c. We
d. I
e. They

16. A : are ______ mary lewis ?

B : yes , I am
a. She
b. You
c. He
d. They
e. We

17. A : what are the students doing in the classroom ?

B : ______ are studying math
a. They
b. She
c. He
d. We
e. You

18. A : is your grandmother over there ?

B : no , _____ isn’t . she is in front of the cashiers
a. He
b. She
c. They
d. You
e. We
Please arrange the word ….

19. Your – hello- what’s -!- name -?

a. Hello , your name whats
b. What’s your name , hello !
c. Hello ! what’s your name ?
d. Your name hello ! what’s
e. Hello !name your please

20. You – where – are – from - ?

a. Are you from where ?
b. From are you where ?
c. Where are you from ?
d. You are where from ?
e. Where from you are ?

21. Your – what’s – last – name -?

a. What’s last name your ?
b. Name last your what’s ?
c. What’s your last name ?
d. Your last name what’s ?
e. Name your what’s last ?

22. Name’s – lawley – last – my

a. Lawley last my name’s
b. Last lawley name’s my
c. My last name’s lawley
d. Name’s lawley my last
e. My lawley last name

23. From – I’m – the – U.S

a. U.S from the I’m
b. From U.S the I’m
c. I’m from the U.S
d. The U.S from I’m
e. U.S I’m from the
Please change simple present to continous

24. My mother cooks in the kitchen

a. My mother is cooking in the kitchen
b. My mother was cooking in the kitchen
c. My mother do cooking in the kitchen
d. My mother were cooing in the kitchen
e. My mother does cooking in the kitchen

25. Sinta and santi buy book in the bookstore

a. Sinta and santi are buying book in the bookstore
b. Sinta and santi is buying book in the bookstore
c. Sinta and santi do buying in the bookstore
d. Sinta and santi does buying in the bookstore
e. Sinta and santi were buying in the bookstore

26. Me and my family eat in the restaurant

a. Me and my family are eating in the restaurant
b. Me and my family were eating in the restaurant
c. Me and my family do eating in the restaurant
d. Me and my family does eating in the restaurant
e. Me and my family was eating in the restaurant

27. My brother writes a letter for my grandmother

a. My brother writing a letter for my grandmother
b. My brother is writing a letter for my grandmother
c. My brother was writing a letter for my grandmother
d. My brother were writing a letter for my grandmother
e. My brother does writing a letter for my grandmother

28. I sit in the park with my friends

a. I am sitting in the park with my friends
b. I was sitting in the park with my friends
c. I were sitting in the park with my friends
d. I does sitting in the park with my friends
e. I do sitting in the park with my friends
29. My mother talks with my father on telephone
a. My mother talking with my father on telephone
b. My mother is talking with my father on the telephone
c. My mother were talking with my father on the telephone
d. My mother was talking with my father on the telephone
e. My mother does talking with my father on the telephone

30. My teacher teach English in the classroom

a. My teacher teaching English in the classroom
b. My teacher are teaching English in the classroom
c. My teacher is teaching English in the classroom
d. My teacher do teaching English in the classroom
e. My teacher does teaching English in the classroom

31. The students study sains in the classroom

a. The students are studying sains in the classroom
b. The students is studying sains in the classroom
c. The students were studying sains in the classroom
d. The students does studying sains in the classroom
e. The students do studying sains in the classroom

32. Heri goes to his office by motorcycle

a. Heri are going to his office by motorcycle
b. Heri was going to his office by motorcycle
c. Heri is going to his office by motorcycle
d. Heri were going to his office by motorcycle
e. Heri does go to his office by motorcycle

33. I watch TV in the living room

a. I’m watching TV in the living room
b. I is watching TV in the living room
c. I are watching TV in the living room
d. I was watching TV in the living room
e. I were watching TV in the living room

Paul : hello …….(34)? I’m your neighbor . my name is paul

Ahmad : hi, I’m ahmad …….. (35)

Paul : nice to meet you too ……. (36)

Ahmad : I’m from Egypt …… (37)?

Paul : I’m from England

34. a. may I introduce my self

b. how about you
c. glad to know you
d. where are you from
e. are you all right

35. a. how are you ?

b. nice meeting you
c. are you all right
d. where do you live
e. what’s your name ?

36. a. may I introduce my self

b. how about you
c. glad to know you
d. where are you from
e. are you all right

37. a. glad to know you

b. let me introduce my self
c. how about you
d. nice meeting you
e. how are you
38. A : Mr. ali is a native of iran . he ….. from Teheran
B : what language does he speak ?
A : he speak Persian
a. Do
b. Does
c. Speaks
d. Lives
e. Comes

39. A : Egypt is their country. They speak Arabic

B : where do they come from ?
A : they …..from cairo
a. Does
b. Speak
c. Do
d. Come
e. Live

Tsunami travel in a group of there or more waves. These waves are called a wave train.
When a tsunami approaches the store, it enters shallow water. It then slows down, but the
height of the waves grows very large. A tsunami is silent as it travels across the ocean, but
it roars like a freight train when it pounds the beach.

40. What is the best title for this reading ?

a. A tsunami wave
b. Tsunamis in motion
c. The danger of a tsunami
d. The height of a tsunami wave
e. A tragedy of tsunami

41. What does “pound” mean in the reading?

a. To pull away
b. To break into pieces
c. To make a sudden attack
d. To strike heavily and repeatedly
e. A and B is true
42. If you friend has got a new job , you say……….
a. Congratulation
b. I’m so sad to hear that
c. Oh … really
d. Its wonderfull
e. Thank you

43. If your friend is going to take exam , you say ……….

a. Good luck
b. I’m so happy to hear that
c. I feel so glad
d. I’m so sad
e. Thank you

44. On or near the twenty fifth of December , we say …….

a. Merry chrismas
b. Happy new year
c. Congratulation
d. Good luck
e. Thank you

45. If someone does something nice for you , you say …….
a. Thank you
b. Nice to meet you
c. Good luck
d. Happy birthday
e. Happy new year

Question number 46- 50 refer to the following text


The customs of one country are often different from those of another, for example , Americans
don’t usually shake hands as much as some other countries do. In introductions, a women
sometimes extends her hand to a man or to another woman, but this not necesry two men ,
however always shake hands . men also stand up , but women rise only to show special respect to
another person because of age or position.

Americans are very friendly. But their greetings and leave takings are short and informal. When
two friends meet or when they say goodbye , they sometimes shake hands and sometimes not .
they don’t embrace. This is different from the customs in some countries, but it doesn’t indicate
that Americans are unfriendly.
46. The main idea of paragraph one is …..
a. The difference of customs in some countries
b. Men also stand up for introductions in America
c. A woman sometimes extends her hand for introductions in America
d. Two men always shake hands
e. Special respect to another person

47. What do Americans do in introduction

a. They embrace each other
b. They don’t usually shake hands as much as some other countries do
c. They extend their hand
d. They also stand up
e. They always rise to introduce each other

48. What do American women do introductions ?

a. They smile each other
b. They always stand up
c. They always shake hand
d. They don’t extend their hands to a man or another woman
e. They sometimes extend their hand to a man or another woman

49. “ Americans are very friendly, but their greetings and leave takings” ( paragraph 2, line
1) the word “ their “ refers to …….
a. The countries
b. Americans
c. American man
d. American woman
e. Indonesian

50. The statements below are “ true” according to the text , EXCEPT …..
a. The customs of one country are often different from those of another
b. American are very friendly
c. Americans greeting and leave takings are short and informal
d. American don’t usually shake hands as much some other countries do
e. Americans always embrace when they introduce themselves to other

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