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~ Tilde.

 In languages like Spanish and Portuguese, the tilde is a diacritical mark over letters such
as 'ñ' and 'ã' indicating alternate pronunciation of a consonant or vowel.
 Shorten long file names in Microsoft Windows 95 above. For example, changing the
"Program Files" directory to the "Progra~1" directory.
 In regular expressions, the tilde can be used for pattern matching.
 In C programming languages, the ~ represents a bitwise NOT.
 Get to the home directory on a Linux computer (e.g., cd ~).
 Access the console in programs and games such as Quake.
 In mathematics, ~ is used to indicate an approximate number.
 Access to the Tilda GTK+ terminal emulator.

`Acute, back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push.
 Is used in place of the back quote when writing. However, back quote can be used in

! Exclamation mark, exclamation point, or bang.

 In programming and scripting languages, the exclamation mark is used as "not." For
example, "!=" also means not equal.
 Used to help identify a nonexecutable statement.
 A shebang to help scripts, such as Perl scripts, to identify the location of Perl.

@ Ampersat, arobase, asperand, at, or at symbol.

 E-mail address.
 Array in computer programming.
 A short way of saying "at" in chat or a text message.
 In a batch file to not echo to the screen.
 Placing the @ symbol in front of a username on Twitter directs the tweet to that user.

#Octothorpe, number, pound, sharp, or hash.

 Indicates that the number it precedes is an ordinal (e.g., "#1" for "number one," meaning
"first" or "best").
 In hashtags (e.g., #computer)
 In programming to identify a nonexecutable statement.
 In IRC chat an identifier of a channel. For example, #computerhope is the Computer
Hope chat channel.

$Dollar sign or generic currency.

 Delimiting transput format and mathematical regions.
 ASP.NET uses the dollar sign to indicate an expression.
 Users can hide shared folders by adding the dollar sign to the end of the folder's name.
 In Excel and other spreadsheet programs, the dollar sign is used in formulas to denote an
absolute cell reference.
% Percent.
 Represent a percentage (i.e. 60% is 6/10 or 3/5 or .60).
 Wildcard
 Represent matched text. See our %1, \1, and $1 definition for further information.
 In programming languages like Perl, a % is used for a hash.
 In Microsoft Windows, a percent is used for an environment variable.

° Degree.
 Can be used in case if dealing with angles, or when need to operate with temperature and
use Celsius degree.
^ Caret or circumflex.
 Notation or short way of saying Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z.
 To match the first character in a line or string.

& Ampersand, epershand, or and symbol.

 Used as shorthand to mean "and," as in "John & Rob went to the baseball game."
 It is also used in programming languages, including Visual Basic (to combine variables
and literal text), C++ (denoting an address in memory) and Perl (to call a user-defined
 It can also be used in Excel spreadsheet formulas to combine several values (cells) into a
single value (cell) and in HTML for extended HTML characters.
* Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star.
 Used to represent a multiplication (times).
 Represents a wildcard or wild character with computers.
( Open or left parenthesis.
 Used to begin parenthetical text.
 are the most commonly used and are the focus of this article.
) Close or right parenthesis.
 Denotes the end of parenthetical text.
 are the most commonly used and are the focus of this article.
-Hyphen, minus, or dash.
 Is used to represent a subtraction (minus).
 Automatically inserted when a word is cut off by the end of a line.
_ Underscore.
 Used as an alternative to the space key when a space is not allowed.
+ Plus.
 Is used to represent an addition.
 Is a common method used to represent a space, because spaces are not allowed in urls.
 Shows the result of the formula.
 In microsoft excel and other spreadsheet programs, all formulas begin with the equal
 Is used in many programming languages to assign a variable a value
{Open brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
 Used to begin parenthetical text.
 Are often used in prose to designate a list of equal choices.
} Close brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
 Denotes the end of parenthetical text.
 Are often used in prose to designate a list of equal choices.
[Open bracket.
 Used to begin parenthetical text.
 Are most often used to include additional information from an outside source (someone
other than the original author).
] Closed bracket.
 Denotes the end of parenthetical text.
 Are most often used to include additional information from an outside source (someone
other than the original author).
| Pipe, or, or vertical bar.
 Capable of linking two or more computer processors to increase the overall efficiency of
the computer
 Used to redirect a commands output to the input of another.
 Used as a delimiter in a text file because it is not commonly used.
\ Backslash or reverse solidus
 The backslash is used as an escape character.
 A file and directory separator in a file path.
 A networked computer or folder in a network path.
/Forward slash, solidus, virgule, whack, and mathematical division symbol.
 The backslash is used as an escape character.
 A file and directory separator in a file path.
 A networked computer or folder in a network path.
: Colon.
 In a URL, a colon separates the protocol with the address.
 In a spreadsheet formula, a colon specifies a range.
 A colon in front or end of a word (depending on programming language) creates a label
that can be used with a goto.
 The colon may be used, along with a right parenthesis, in text or online messages to
denote a smiley face :). It is also known as an emoticon.
; Semicolon.
 Also be used as a delimiter to separate text. For example, if the windows path has more
than one directory each directory is separated by a semicolon.
 Other programming languages uses a semicolon for non-executable statements.
"Quote, quotation mark, or inverted commas.
 To contain text or other data.
 To recognize files or directories with spaces, they must be surrounded by quotes.
'Apostrophe or single quote.
 single quotes are commonly used to contain commands or literal strings.
 In programming languages, the single quote is treated as a nonexecutable statement.
< Less than or angle brackets.
 Used to begin parenthetical text.
 Are typically used to enclose and illustrate highlighted information.
 Could be use in math.
> Greater than or angle brackets.
 Denotes the end of parenthetical text.
 Are typically used to enclose and illustrate highlighted information.
 Could be use in math.

, Comma.
 Used in programming as an operator or other instructions.
 When dealing with numbers, in a calculator, or in programs like Microsoft
Excel a comma style is setting that groups numbers with a thousand separator.

. Period, dot or full stop.

 With IBM compatible computers and their operating systems, a period is used to separate
the file name from the file extension. For example, with the file "somefile.pdf" the
"somefile" file name is separated from the "pdf" file extension.
 In Linux, when listing files in a directory, a single period represents the current directory
and a ".." (double period or "dot dot") represents the parent directory.
 Two periods can be used with the cd command in the Windows command line and Linux
to move back one directory.
 The period is used to help create a URL and break up important portions of the URL. For
example, with the https is the protocol, and the rest of
the URL is the address accessed using that protocol.
 It is used as or part of a wildcard in programming code.
? Question mark.
 In computing, the question mark can be used as a wildcard character, a substitute for any
one character.
 Internet web addresses or urls can utilize a question mark to allow for query strings to be
added to the URL. Other web pages can then retrieve the values in the query string(s) for
further uses.
 With MS-DOS commands the question mark can be used as a part of a switch to display
the help for any command.

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