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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 1SECS6: CBESISCHEN E | Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ wx fT] I “Time: 3 brs. Max. Marks ‘Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONF. full question from each module. Modute-t 1a What is C++? How is it dtferom foum C7 Marks) 1b List and explain the various datatypes in C=? Marks) Write a note on i} Enumerated Data Type ii) Const and Volat Marks) oR 2 a. Discuss the types of operators supported in C+. (06 tar bb tlhustrate the diference between pointers and relerence vals in == (08 Starks Explain loops in C++? Give example oa) Modute-2 3. Design a funetion call eal Slt 9, that has three pastes, Bitciple, tenure. rate. Provide default argument to rate. Write a Co progam i ile nierest using the above Function. (06 san b What are staie ct (04 Marks What are local classes in Ne je program, (oe Sar 4. a. Define friend fonction, Demonsira@0Eh an gPimple program, (06 Marks b. With an example, ment icggg@cumstances in which, the scope resolution operators are used Writea C=+ program 10 cig toinction to find arca ofa cielo and square. (04 Marks) ‘Module-3 Sa the need of costtuctor in a class, 0 Marks) cine? lstily (4 sek e pck with data members as hour, minute and member functions Write a Cor program 1 input two clock odie and a wsing (08 Marks) oR 6 a Whale desler? Mention the destructor rues. (08 Marks oN unary operator and binary operator overloading. (08 Marks) © ing of member Functions? (04 Marks Modules ids tase clas and derived class wit utale example (04 Mary 1 Uybrid Inhertance? Explain the diamond problem of inheritance in Co with able example dos Mark) Uist he rules fr vital fet i += ‘04 Marks of? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT wea on 83. Give the significance of tis pointer witha program. ofaris 1 Wi sansa ln? Wie he adage whan sample progam, My © Diffrentiate viral and pure views fanetons @ Module 9 Lsplain the stream clas hitatehy with «neat die Jy. Deserbe the follow ing unformatted 10 funtions sya and example to ere (0s Marks) gram to cay the en (07 Marks isnessary to detect the LOP? (08 Marks Zor? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS. A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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