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TABLE OF CONTAINS........................................................................................1

CHAPTER I PROCEDURE TEXT ..............................................................3

1.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................3

1.2 Generic Structure.................................................................................. 3

1.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................3

1.4 Example ................................................................................................3

CHAPTER II REPORT TEXT..........................................................................4

2.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................4

2.2 Generic Structure.................................................................................. 4

2.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................4

2.4 Example ................................................................................................5

CHAPTER III ANNOUNCEMENT TEXT ......................................................5

3.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................5

3.2 Generic Structure.................................................................................. 6

3.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................6

3.4 Example ................................................................................................6

CHAPTER IV INVITATION LETTER ............................................................6

4.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................6

4.2 Generic Structure.................................................................................. 6

4.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................6

4.4 Example ................................................................................................7

CHAPTER V RECOUNT TEXT .......................................................................7

5.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................7

5.2 Generic Structure.................................................................................. 7

5.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................8

5.4 Example ................................................................................................8

CHAPTER VI NEWS ITEM .............................................................................9

6.1 Definition and Social Function.............................................................9

6.2 Generic Structure...................................................................................9

6.3 Linguistic Element ...............................................................................9

6.4 Example ................................................................................................9

CHAPTER VII ANALYTICS EXPOSITION ................................................10

7.1 Definition and Social Function...........................................................10

7.2 Generic Structure................................................................................ 10

7.3 Linguistic Element .............................................................................10

7.4 Example ..............................................................................................10

EXAMPLE QUESTION......................................................................................11

1.1 Definition and Social Function
Procedure Text is a type of text that describes how something can be created or used
through a series of steps.
The Procedure Text it aims self to provide instruction on the steps / methods / ways in
making, operating, or doing something.

1.2 Generic Structure

Procedure Text Generally have the following text structure :
 Goals / Aim : Contains the purpose of the activity or things to be done or made
 Materials / Tools : Contains materials and sometimes the tools needed to make an
item / do a thing. In Procedure Text, materials are optional or not always available.
 Steps : A series of steps or tips that must be carried out.
 Conclusion / Result: contains the final results of what has been done in accordance with
the steps taken.

1.3 Linguistic Element

Text Procedure usually have the following Linguistic Elements:
 Imperative: Command sentences such as cut the vegetables, pour the water,
 Simple Present Tense : Use the first form of verbs (present), such as serve, pour, place,
and others.
 Action Verbs : Verbs that indicate physical activities, such as mix, put, turn, etc.
 Connective of Sequence : Connecting words that connect one step to another, such as
then, while, next, after that, and so on.
 Numbering : Numbers that indicate the sequence of activities, for example first, second,
third, and others.

1.4 Example
How to Make Meatballs


 1 kilo of very fine minced meat.

 2 eggs.

 300 grams of tapioca-flour.

 4-8 cloves of garlic.

 1 red onion.

 1 teaspoon of white pepper.

 2 teaspoons of salt.

The steps:

1. First of all, mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.

2. Second, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced

3. After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the
mixture feels soft and smooth.

4. Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.

5. Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.

6. Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the
surface, the meatballs are ready to serve.

2.1 Definition and Social Function
Report text is a type of text that examines the results of observations,
studies, observations, or studies of objects, animals, people, or a place.
As for the function or purpose of the report text itself is to describe the object as it is.

2.2 Generic Structure

Text reports generally have the following text structure:
 Geometrical Calcification: contains general statements describing the object of
the report, its description and classification. For example, sharks are predators in the
 Description: contains information or a description of the object described

2.3 Linguistic Element
Report text usually has the following linguistic elements:
 General noun: a word that refers to something in general. For example, lions are wild.
In that sentence, the lion in question is any lion in general, not specific to one particular
 Verbs: use verbs that can describe the state of the object, and or imply ownership. For
example, birds have wings (describe ownership) or an elephant is a big animal (describe
 Simple present tense: to state a truth or scientific fact.

2.4 Example
Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragon is the largest lizard. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few
Indonesian islands. Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or
more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and
weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of the Komodo dragon in the wild is about
8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg).
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They
use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away.
They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic. The
Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums
bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo
dragon's saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its
prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard species is threatened
by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

3.1 Definition and Social Function
Announcement text is the text of a statement or official writing that informs the general
public about something or information.
Some types of announcement texts include :

 Missing persons announcements
 Obituary
 News of weddings, birthdays, inaugurations and births
 Announcement of the winner of a competition
 Job vacancy
 Advertisement
 Activity / event report
 Notification / appeal from the government, etc.
The Function of the Anouncement Text it self is to inform information about things such
as an event, job vacancies, admissions of new student and so on. The information conveyed
is in the form of formal forms and is addressed to the general public or specifically to certain
circles. (to give a formal written notice of certain events)
3.2 Generic Structure
 Title : This section is the most important part because it represents the overall
contents of the anoncement/ information provided in an Announcement text. Even so,
sometimes it is not clearly stated.
 Explanation : In this section, contains more information about an announcement.
Usually consists of basic information that includes: type of event (type of event), date and
time (date and time), place (place), participants (participants), and people / addresses that
can be contacted (contact person / address).
3.3 Linguistic Element
Linguistic Elements In writing Announcement text, the types of tenses used are simple
present tense and simple future tense.

3.4 Example
Annoncement !!!
Our school will have a Singing Competition that will be held on 12 May 2017
Registration will be held on 6th-9th at OSIS room. Free registration and full of prize!
Contact person : Octa (0838 1234 5678)

4.1 Definition and Social Function
Invitation text is a text that contains a request in the form of speech or writing aimed at
someone to do something or go to a place / event. In accordance with this definition, the
purpose of invitation text is to invite or invite someone to attend a certain event.
The following expressions:
• I invite you to come to ...

• I invite you to join my ...

• Would you like to come to ...

• Would you like to join us ...

• I would like to invite you to ...

• Request the present of ...

4.2 Generic Structure

In general, the structure of invitation text is as follows:
1. Receiver / To: contains the name of the person being addressed / invited.
2. Body of invitation. The contents of the invitation are usually in the form of the following:
• Subject / occasion: contains the name of the event to be held / the purpose of the invite.
• day and date: the day and date the event was held.
• time: the time specified to be present at the event being held.
• place: the place where the event is held
3. Sender / from: the person who sent the invitation.

4.3 Linguistic Element

For Informal Invitation Text is use Simple Present Text, and Simple Perfect tense

4.4 Example

5.1 Definition and Social Function
Recount text is a type of text whose content recounts a real event or activity that
happened to someone in the past. The purpose of this text is to retell the true story of the
past as well as to entertain the reader.
5.2 Generic Structure
Recount text generally has the following text structure:
• Orientation: introduction of information about the character, place, and when the event or
activity occurred in the past.
• Events: a series of events or activities that occur. Usually told in sequence, for example "On
the first day, ... The second day, ..." (On the first day, ... On the second day, ...).
• Reorientation: end of story and optional.

5.3 Linguistic Element

Recount text usually has certain linguistic elements, for example as follows:
• Noun: certain nouns as people's pronouns, such as people's names.
• Past tense: use past tenses, such as went, visited, worked, etc.
• Time connective: a time connector to sort events, for example after, before, then, after that,
• Action verbs: verbs that indicate events or activities, for example stayed, climbed, wrote,
• Adverbs: adverbs / phrases to indicate time, place, and method, for example yesterday, last
year, at home, slowly, carefully, etc.

5.4 Example
A Trip to Borobudur Temple
Last year, my classmates and I visited Borobudur Temple. We went there by bus. We
left our school at nine o'clock in the morning. It took us 24 hours to arrive there and we
arrived at nine oclock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses,
prominent buildings, and some other tourists. After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one
of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited for him for a moment, we entered into
the Borobudur temple area. Then, we went up to the top of the temple. Borobudur temple
was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Central Java by Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur
Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1,400 reliefs. From the top
of the temple we can see such a beautiful scenery. My friends and I went around the temple
together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue our
study tour the next day. We feel tired that day but we feel so happy to visit Borobudur
temple which is well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope
the temple can be loved by all of the visitors and the government.
6.1 Definition and Social Function
News item text is a text that informs the reader about daily events that are newsworthy
or important. So, the function of news items is to provide information about daily events or
6.2 Generic Structure
Text Structure / Generic Structure News Item
 Main Event / Newsworthy Event: this section is the part that tells or contains news
about an event or core event that is usually written in summary form.
 Event Background / Elaboration: this section tells in detail the background of an event
or an event that occurred, the people involved, where and how an event occurred.
 Source: is the last part of the structure of news item text, tells about comments,
witnesses to events, opinions of experts / resource persons, and so on about events or
events reported.

6.3 Linguistic Element

• Focus on an event
• Using saying verbs, as reported, said, preached, and so on.
• Generally use action verb, which is a verb that indicates activity
• Frequently use auxiliary verbs that indicate time and place
• Using process material

6.4 Example

Earthquake aftershock hits Nepal and India, magnitude 6.7

A strong earthquake aftershock struck India and Nepal on Sunday, shaking buildings in
New Delhi and triggering an avalanche in the Himalayas.
The United States Geological Survey said the tremor was 6.7 magnitude, less than the 7.9
quake that struck the region on Saturday killing at least 1,900 people.

“Another one, we have an aftershock right now,” Indian mountaineer Arjun Vajpai told
Reuters by telephone from base camp on Mount Makalu, 20 km (12 miles) from Everest.

Screams and the sound of an avalanche could be heard over the phone line Vajpai was
speaking on. At Everest base camp, Romanian climber Alex Gavan tweeted that the
aftershock had set off three avalanches.

7.1 Definition and Social Function
Analytical exposition is a type of exposition text that begins with a statement that
shows the attitudes, opinions, statements or position of the author of the theme discussed
then supported by various arguments and closed with affirmation or re-statement about the
opinion stated at the beginning.
The function of exposition text is to convince the reader or listener that the theme
raised is interesting to discuss through the opinions or arguments presented.

7.2 Generic Structure

 Thesis : in analytical exposition this section will contain the position, opinion or
attitude of the author.
 Argument: contains opinions / arguments that began to be presented by the author.
Analytical exposition have the same explanation in this section.
 Reiteration: this section will contain a re-statement of the author

7.3 Linguistic Element

• Using simple present tense
• Many use conjunction (conjunctions) such as because of, so, therefore, the reason, and
• Contains arguments.
• Many use words that contain cause and effect
• Use vocabulary that can arouse the reader’s emotions such as: amused, concern, innocent,
monster, unreasonable etc.

7.4 Example
Cars and Accidents

Car is the most popular transportation. However, there are many different causes of car
accidents in streets.Sometimes accidents are caused by bad weather. Ice or snow can make
toads very dangerous. Accidents also can result from problems with the car.
Even a small problem like a flat tire can be serious. Bad roads are another cause of
accidents.Some accidents are caused by drinking too much alcohol.Knowing some factor
causing accident is extremely important to prevent accident while driving.


 Procedure Text


 1 pack or 12 burger buns

 1/3 pound chuck roast, rinsed and dried

 2 medium onions, chopped

 1 tbsp olive oil

 2 tomato

 barbecue sauce

 salt

 freshly ground black pepper


1. Put olive oil in a pot. Then heat it on medium heat.

2. Cook the onions for about 5 minutes. Then, add the tomato and barbecue sauce while
increasing the heat to medium high and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Next, add the chuck roast and cook until the meat is very tender, for about 3 hours. Stir
4. Transfer the meat from the pot to a plate. Then, shred the roast into small pieces with a
knife and a fork.

5. Set the heat on medium-high until the liquid becomes thicker. Uncover the pot. Don’t
forget to stir it to prevent burning.

6. Put the meat back into the pan. Warm it throughly. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve on

The text above tells you about . . .

A. How to eat braised beef burger.
B. How to make braised beef burger.
C. Description of braised beef burger.
D. Ingredients to make braised beef burger.
E. Equipment needed to make braised beef burger.

 Report Text

Komodo dragon is the largest lizard. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few
Indonesian islands. Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds
or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and
weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet
(2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg).

Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail.
They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles
away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes
cannibalistic. The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums.
When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria
that live in the Komodo dragon’s saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its
victims. A dragon will bite its prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.
This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

These are the features of a Komodo Dragon, except . .

A. Gray-scaled skin.

B. Pointed snout.

C. Sharp big teeth.

D. Muscular tail.
E. Powerful limbs.

 Announcement Text

Missing Child
Her name is Anna Williams, she is 8 years old and 125 cm tall.
Last seen in front of her house at Jalan Gunung Soputan 1 No. 16A wearing a red shirt
with elmo face printed in front of it and black and white checkered shirt. If you happen to
see her, please contact the nearest police station or her parents at the number below :
Robin (0321) 4141322
Nina (0321) 4445454
There will be proper reward for those who can help us to find her.

Who is missing?

A. Elmo.

B. Anna Williams.

C. Nina Williams.

D. Robin Williams.

 Invitation Text

What is the topic of the text above?

A. Farewell Party.

B. Funeral Ceremony.

C. Graduation Celebration.

D. Restaurant Grand Opening.

E. Team Lunch.

 Recount Text

The Unforgettable Memories

Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two
of my friends and I had been chosen to take a part in the final round at the district level. I
was very happy and eager to win the competition.
For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well. My teacher
guided and taught me pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before
performing, my friends and I were busy to prepare the props and costumes for the
competition. Thing that made me sad was my teacher rented the props and costumes for
my friends but not for me.
My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I just wore
the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition. The competition started. I
got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my best
performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me.
Finally, anxiety was gone after I had finished performing. And then, the
announcement came which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was chosen as the
first winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague,
trophy, and money. I was very happy.

What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To tell his achievement

B. To win the competition.

C. To describe his feeling to the teacher.

D. To show his disappointment to teacher.

E. To tell his expectation to be the winner.

 News Item

Karl Lagerfeld was born in 1933, and he worked for Chanel as the creative
director for 36 years. He was a fashion icon. He always wore similar clothing – a white
shirt, black suit,black tie and black glasses. This became his typical look. Last month, he
missed Chanel’s culture show. He was not well and recently he died. He was 85.

What statements is incorrect based on the news above?

A. Karl worked for chanel for more than 36 years.

B. Karl likes to wear black glasses.

C. Karl has an unique looks.

D. Karl is known as fashion icon.

E. Karl passed away last month.

 Analytical Exposition

Topeng Monyet

Thousands of macaques are bred or captured from the wild to be used as street
performers, or known as “topeng monyet”. The macaques are used to perform street
shows; wearing funny masks, riding bicycles, performing acrobatic moves and doing
amusing things. However, such shows should be banned for few reasons.
First, topeng monyet is a kind of exploitation of monkeys for money. The
monkeys are hung from chains for long periods to train them to walk on their hind legs
like humans. Their teeth are extracted so they can’t bite and they are tortured to remain
obedient. The monkeys are often outfitted in dresses and cowboy hats and forced to carry
parasols or ride tiny bikes. This animal abuse will definitely hurt the monkeys.
Second, the ban of masked monkey show can help improve public order. Topeng
monyet is often performed when traffic is backed up at notoriously congested
intersections. This will disturb the sight and create traffic jams for many motorists or
pedestrians will slow down to watch the shows.

Third, banning the dancing monkeys is a necessary public health measure. It is
important to rescue the monkeys from street performances and help prevent diseases
carried by the monkeys.
The monkeys used in topeng monyet may not be healthy and may have potential
to some diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis.
Considering the reasons stated above, topeng monyet should be banned for it exploits the
monkeys, causes traffic jams and spreads illnesses such as tuberculosis and hepatitis.

What is the text above?

A. Macaques exploitation for money.

B. Training macaques for acrobatic shows.

C. Efforts to stop masked monkeys performances.

D. Reasons why it is necessary to ban topeng monyet.

E. Rescuing monkeys from extinction and exploitation.

-Practice Makes Perfect-


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